
Personality: What makes them tick? Dumb blonde? Mr. Exposition? Pointless skeptic who gets killed in the middle of denying the monster?
Alynna is the kind of flirty girl that was more than willing to take what she wants. But she isnt a dumb blonde, she is quite intelligent in the way she executes these "forceful" endeavors. She has a hate for males. [There is a part two to this. Just I feel it would be more appropriate for those to be developed over the span of the rp]
History: We need a bit about your character!
Alynna was born into a tribe of which doesn't take kindly to outsiders. She was known to be a loose cannon when it came into being flirty towards others even from a young age. At the age of 4 she had to go through a tribal ritual. To further mark her as a lustful female. As she grew older she was denied by others one after another, till she had tried with all the other tribal people. She moved out and continued her quest to for fill her lust. After many more male declines she started to grow a hatred for ALL males. Find herself a job at a large company as a shelf stocker.
Same sex
Retail- Works by stocking shelves.
Reason for road trip:
Took the chance to get out of work.
Relation to others:
Currently no relations
Likeliness to die: