Avatar of YourDarkPriest
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.02 / day)
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    1. YourDarkPriest 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I have the internet back, many of my old plans may go back online. Ill have to a little intrest checking.
7 yrs ago
Internet is down at the house, might be a few weeks till I can turn it back on. Ill check messages when I can.
7 yrs ago
Humid nights suck when your outside all night.
7 yrs ago
Problem solved. For now. Also, you guys are pretty great.
7 yrs ago
No Wi-Fi or Data at work. I'll be temporary inactive during my normal times. So, yeah.
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For now, just PM me if you want to know me. I'm bad at this sorta stuff.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, after a long fight I have the internet back. Woo!

So bumping for interest.

So after my 4 month hiatus from lack of reliable internet its time for my grand rebirth.

After viewing the surveys most of you guys seem to...

1. Be so so with Discord for OOC. This idea won't be scraped unless by popular vote of my cast. The campaign itself will also potentiality sway this.

2. Fantasy seems to be the overarching way to go for this community. Ill work on refining this after getting together a cast.

3. Heavy role playing. Seeing as this is on a role playing site I'm shocked. Really. I expected nothing but per number guys. XD

Combat, exploration, power gaming, and nation/world building came in as the next most important stuff. This is fine.

4. NPCs will be minor charters for the most part, but able to hold their own if required as required by plot. So legendary heroes can kick ass, noble prince/ss to rescued can't.

NPCs can join the party at the cast discretion and be helpful, but should never over shadow them as much as support them.

5. Really mixes reviews here. But I'm feeling a smaller group. 3 - 5 people.

6. Homebrew is a go. Trust nothing. Muhahahaha.
I Homebrew more or less 70% of my campaigns. I've gotten damn good at balancing stuff. So no worries.

If people want to play a homebrewed race and/or class I'm willing to work with you. But anything Homebrew is subject to DM discretion and changes. If it came from Dandiwiki expect me to nerf it with the fist of an angry god.

RWBY won't be happening.

That all said Im now going to start crafting a campaign for you guys. All still interested feel free to sign up. Id like for you to at the very least be able to post once a week. Even if its just a few lines to let us know your character has gone to sleep or is standing back to watch things unfold.

Once I have a few people we'll talk details about characters you might like to play, or settings you might like to explore.

I have plenty of ideas, but well get there.
You have my interest. Ideally a darker RP, Id be willing to talk demon summoned and demon.

Message me and we can talk details.
Leutnant Jäger Schrodinger & Rider. Team White.

Three months. That had been all the time allotted to prepare for a Grail War. At first he hadn't believed it, who in their right man would have? And yet, if real, it was to good a chance to pass up. As such, he had attempted to summon his Servant. A feat that should have been impossible, and yet it happened. He was blessed with a Servant for a Holy Grail War.

Those months had passed quickly, preparing war funds, equipment, magicial items, and making sure Rider was ready to play his part. That last part had taken a bit of doing, but well worth the effort. Now all that was left was claiming the Grail, and moving forward with the war. This would be a good year for Germany.

Or perhaps it could be that simple in a idealistic dream, instead he would be working with a group of six other to conquer a group of seven more. Once that was complete he and the remainder of his 'Team' would turn on one anouther for the right to use the Grail. A terrible plan, honestly.

Jager sighed dejectivly, before him stood a beer hall, inside he would meet these six other Mages and formulate battle plans. Perhaps with luck they would be willing to serve the greater good of Germany as well, and agree to use the Grail for her after this mess was cleaned up. It was never that simple. But one could hope.

Fixing his smile, adjusting his hat and jacket, Jäger stepped into the hall, followed close behind by a starting tall Mage. They both wore the German uniform, a officers uniform made of black leather tailored to perfection for himself, and a handsomly crafted soliders uniform for his subordinate.

A elderly woman and young man we're already present, with a beaming smile he pulled off his hand and gave a small but respectable bow, "Greetings! I am Leutnant Jäger Schrodinger, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintances.", his posture came back to perfection as he made his way to a empty seat, looking eager to start meeting his new unit.

Thank you. I'm going to be blending a few themes most likely. Although with this level of interest I might break down and run more than one idea. Will depend on how much time I have.


Part of me loves this. I dont see it happening, but I love it.
@Denduris@Sewer Rat@UltraCraftGames

Thank you for feedback guys.

Ideas for a campaign are in the works.

A new interest threat will be put up soon once I have few more ideas tacked together. At which point I'll notify you all to take a look so we can play what fits our group best. This will also be were see who is still interested, will have the time, and ability to keep up.

Being new is wonderful, my only requirements are that your willing to learn, willing to put in personal effort, and can keep up with a Cuasual level of role-playing.

I won't lie, by the end I'll probably have my cast down to five or six people.

Genghis Khan, beautiful.

About 1 in 200 men have confirmed genetic markers leading back to Genghis Khan. World wide.
Hm, for Servants just roll a random number and stick them in the place.

Masters should work themselves out. I know we already have 2 spots on team Nazi filled.

Might just be best to let one side fill up and only restrict after that. With 14 spots though, should be fine.
Well, looks like teams right now. But it's close.

This has been your terrible Poll announcement, by your Dark Priest.

@YourDarkPriest And you are accepted. I may request a change to the stats later if it ends up being too powerful. But I trust your judgement, so go ahead.

Woo. And that's cool. The only reason Lycaon has such high stats is because he has nothing else going for him. No weapon, no combat feats, he's a beastly heroic spirit. They normally have as high as hell stats, but that's it. There is also no hiding hid identity if he fights for real. So even a half baked Master should be able to realize, "It's a fucking werewolf. Silver. Done."

He only gets ones fight where hes super deadly. After that he'll have to depend on surprise strikes like an assassin and a good Master for support.

As any Master that sees his fight should prepare counter measures within 24 hours. Or damn well try.

For Jäger, I can balance him lower if no one else plays a more dedicated Mage. He is supposed to come off as the High Born Mage, long as the flavor remains it should work out.
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