Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


| NAME: |
Alexis Calleigh Grimm


| ALIAS(ES): |

STAGE ONE: Upon receiving her initial abilities, Alexis' senses will be increased to the point where she can smell the blood flowing beneath a person's skin. Her eyes are able to see in perfect darkness and her ears are able to isolate a sound over a mile away. Additionally Alexis' metabolism is increased meaning her body not only processes food much quicker but also requires more of it on a more regular basis. Lastly Alexis will be able to walk up walls and along ceilings. At first she'll do this on all fours but as she gets a hang of her abilities, Alexis will be able to simply walk or run along the surface as though it was the ground. Lastly, Alexis develops retractable fangs, which emerge whenever she is enraged, hungry or horny.

STAGE TWO: Upon entering Stage Two of her abilities' development, Alexis will be able to levitate several feet above the ground allowing her to glide short distances, as well as stop a descent from causing her any harm. Furthermore, her balance has increased to superhuman levels, with Alexis being able to involuntarily right herself if falling upside down or otherwise turned. Alexis' abilities will further develop as she finds her strength, speed and reflexes all increasing to superhuman levels.

STAGE THREE: Continuing to develop, Alexis' strength, speed and reflexes will continue to enhance with her becoming both stronger and faster. Furthermore, Alexis will develop psychometry, an extra-sensory perception characterized by the ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. This allows Alexis to quickly learn about her surroundings in a way that very few others ever could.

STAGE FOUR: Entering into the final stage of her development, Alexis gains the ability to transform into mist under the shadow of night. This intangible mist form, grants Alexis the ability to enter spaces through small cracks and crevices in the wall that would have made entry otherwise impossible. Additionally it allows her to avoid harm. Alexis will also find her levitation has upgraded to full fledged flight, allowing her to soar through the night sky with total disregard for gravity. Lastly her senses have been further enhanced, granting her eyes almost a telescopic view as well as the ability to see through infrared, tracking foes by their heat signature. Her hearing, taste and sense are further upgraded with better range and perception.

LIMITATIONS: Alexis' limitations depend greatly on the last time she ate and more specifically, the last time she ingested blood. Thankfully all blood is equal and a rare steak counts just as much as biting someone in the neck, the only difference being the volume of blood in the meat. At worst, Alexis can lift five hundred pounds over her head, but she's easily able to lift a ton at her maximum abilities in stage two, and up to three when her abilities further develop. Likewise her speed ranges from moving at thirty miles per hour to at first a maximum of fifty miles per hour and later a maximum of eighty. Alexis' reflexes at worst are five times faster than a human's, and originally at best are twenty five times better. This later develops to being nearly fifty times better allowing Alexis to even side step a bullet. Her levitation allows her to hover indefinitely but only up to five feet above the ground, it should be noted however that were she to descend from a higher height, her levitation still allows her to slow the fall and the five feet limit acts as a cushion to stop her from hurting herself. In terms of flight, Alexis can fly as high as she can handle the cold, thereby meaning if had the proper equipment she could fly as high as she pleased.

WEAKNESSES: Alexis has numerous notable weaknesses, the first of which is her need to include blood in her diet. This blood however does not need to be human blood, but human blood often tastes the sweetest to her. Sunlight causes irritation to Alexis' skin but is not fatal in limited exposure. Alexis simply burns much quicker than an average human, gaining a tan in record time if left unchecked. However were she left out in the sun without protection for an extended period of time, it would result in an escalating scale of burns which would eventually kill Alexis. Likewise, fire is also extremely harmful towards her and as such she has a fear of it.

Silver burns upon contact with Alexis' skin and a weapon made with silver would cause burning wounds of extreme agony. Likewise wooden weapons are very harmful to Alexis, especially those made from oak. It would be redundant however to state that staking Alexis through the heart is lethal as Alexis is not a member of the 'undead' and as such does still have mortal limits. She has two rather minor weaknesses that were developed from her abilities including allergic reactions to garlic and a rather severe case of arithmomania. As such, Alexis has a rather compulsive need to count either her actions, her surroundings or both which at times can lead to her being quite distracted.

The pub was particularly packed this Friday evening as the live music echoed through the small establishment while the waitresses in their tight black tops ran around bringing drinks and towering plates of wings to the many awaiting tables. Normally Alexis would have been working behind the bar but with the 'Stein and Cauldron' overcrowded, Serena had asked Alexis to take to the floor. The smell of alcohol permeated the room while various wing sauces added accents ranging from sweet to tangy to the thick smoke smell of barbeque. Walking up to a table with her notepad drawn, Alexis looked down only now realizing that perhaps the pleated skirt she had worn tonight wasn't the best choice as even the mandatory server apron was longer than it.

"What'll it be boys?" Alexis said as she clicked a pen and put it down on the pad while looking at the four men before her. Looking at each of the men they appeared to meet the standard 'frat boy' stereotypes. 'V-Necked' Shirt on one, popped collar polo on another, one was still wearing his sunglasses indoors and had enough grease in his hair to a make a McDonald's grill blush. Alexis looked up as she heard of them obnoxiously clear his throat as the man in the polo began to speak.

"Another round of MGD, bottles for each of us Sweet Cheeks. And a platter of the suicide wings. I only like things that are smokin' hot." He said as he leaned back, looking Alexis up and down, his tongue sliding across his lips nearly causing Alexis to gag in her mouth. Despite sitting in the middle, his arms still had tremendous reach as he stretched his hand out, the man with the popped collar winked at his friends while nodding towards their waitress and her short skirt. Turning to walk away, Alexis felt a smack as her skirt was briefly lifted. Biting down on her lip, she felt her face go red as she paused before speaking.

"You Sir, get a sandwich on the house!" Alexis said in a 'valley girl' like tone, forcing herself to release the death glare from her face, replacing it with a freshly painted and much forced smile while turning to the man who had slapped her behind. He looked up at her smugly, a look of pure amusement in his eyes as he sat surrounding by his snickering 'brothers'. It took all of Alexis' restraint to not take his beer and beat him over the head before shanking him with it till he bled out on the floor.

"Oh yeah, well why don't you hurry and make it for me Sweet Cheeks?" The man said as he swigged his beer, nearly falling off his chair laughing while his gathered friends all joined in on the mirth. Alexis' grin grew from forced to genuine as she realized just how much she was about to enjoy administering her own brand of justice on this depraved excuse for a man. She had lived among rough men before but none of them would have dared touched her. Placing her tray down on the table beside her, she nodded to the table nearby as she excused her actions in advanced.

"Oh but I already have it right here for you." Alexis' tone was sweet and innocent only to be broken as she suddenly pulled her arm back and swung hard. The echoing of knuckles colliding with a hollow skull echoed through the 'Cauldron as the man hit the floor, his beer shattering as glass and alcohol spread across the floor. "I hope you like 'knuckle'." Alexis quipped as she turned her back and headed for the bar amidst the cheers and hollers of the other patrons. "I still expect a tip." Alexis called back to the frat boys which only served to elicit more laughter from the 'Cauldron's patrons.

| NOTES: |
Parents are Katherine and Patrick Grimm
Is dating Zebulun Michaels, son of Charles and Drew Michaels.
Cherry Coke!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| Name: |
Tucker 'Tuck' Taylor Napier

| Alias: |
None at the present, looking to pick one up in the IC.

| Age: |

| Appearance: |
Tucker has the appearance of a young man who has lived a hard life. Standing about 5'-11" and coming in at a weight of approximately 180lbs, he possesses a lean but toned body from years of physical labour in the pits of Pandaemonium. Numerous scars line his back and torso from beatings and whips alike from both the wardens and other prisoners. Dirty blonde hair adorns the top of Tucker's head, although he keeps it shaved while a rough five o'clock shadows clings to to his face. His body is often dirt stained and dirty bandages are wrapped around his hands and wrists. A tattered tank top hangs loosely from his shoulder while torn pants are held in place by a belt of scrap fabric which hangs to his knees. Tucker's feet are calloused and bare, not having shoes since before he was imprisoned five years ago. Often he has a makeshift hooded poncho he wears while working in the windy desert.

| Abilities/Skills: |
Tucker possesses the ability to manipulate and shape fibrous and textile materials otherwise recognized as cloth. This most notably includes those materials made out of fiber plants such as cotton, plastics such as polyester, or animal skin and hair such as wool, and other forms of threaded fiber. Although not particularly skilled with his abilities, Tucker will have numerous applications upon further developing his abilities. These applications can include shaping, compressing, liquefying or otherwise manipulating the various aspects of a fabric. This can extend to the hardness and even sharpness of a material.

Once this portion of Tucker's abilities has been mastered, he will be able to create constructs out of fabric including weapons and armor. This can also extend to other defensive constructs as well including cocoons or even walls to defend teammates. Further mastering would even allow Tucker to fly either by using his abilities to create a flying carpet or manipulate a cape to glide or even fly by animating it like wings. It should be noted that a rope falls under the jurisdiction of Tucker's abilities and can be used as an efficient weapon.

At full mastery of his abilities, Tucker may even be able to create cloth and other fabrics allowing him to instantly repair his clothing or create layers in order to enhance durability. Furthermore, Tucker will be able to transform his body into cloth allowing him to seemingly disappear in front of a foe or conceal himself as an ally or foe's garment. Numerous techniques and tactics will become open to Tucker as he advances in strength and confidence with his abilities.

| Backstory: |
(Who are you? Where did you come from and how did you get thrown in prison.)

| Sample Post: |
(Be sure to show off your character's personality here and maybe some of their abilities. If you need an idea for this post, why not cover the day you were imprisoned.)

| Notes: |
(Anything else you wish to add. *wink wink*)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


| Name |
Caleb Richard Fitzroy

| Nickname(s) |
Cal, Fitz

| Alias |

| Gender |

| Birthday |
August 8,

| Height |
5'-10”, [Closer to 6' in costume]

| Weight |
164 lbs

| Hair Colour |
Deep Brown with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and darkly lit places, Cal's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways.

| Eye Colour |
Deep Blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, he is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Caleb's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul.

| Appearance |

Cal has a slender muscular build. While he's not 'ripped' by any means, his muscles are fairly well toned from years of exercising with both his Dad and Bryce. Cal's build is comparable to that of a swimmer or a gymnast as opposed to a fighter like a martial artist or boxer. Though as Cal becomes more involved in vigilantism, his body will grow and adapt to support the appropriate muscle mass and shape.

| Abilities |

| Skills and Talents |

| Equipment |
-Olympus OM-D E-M1: Cal carries a top of the line digital with a variety of interchangeable lenses that provide Cal various effects, distances and ranges in his photography.

-Custom Tablet Device: Cal carries around a customized tablet computer which easily dwarfs the processing power of most top of the line laptop. Cal uploaded his own custom Operating System, Glitch, into the tablet. Cal also carries a variety of portable hardware such as a disk drive which he plug into the tablet.

-Wrist Glitch Device: Cal's trademark piece of equipment. The 'Glitch Device' combines the best features of a superphone and a tablet, allowing it to be used as either. Like Cal's customized tablet, the Glitch Device runs on the Glitch Operating Systems and is home to the Glitch Artificial Intelligence prototype. Due to its size, Cal wears the Glitch Device strapped to the underside of his left forearm. In his IllAdvised costume, he adds some armor to it but still wears the device on the underside of his left forearm.

Cal's Volvo was originally his father's before he was put away in the care of the Murdoch Mental Hospital. Now Cal gets to enjoy the privilege of having his own fairly luxurious car.

Cal's father was something of a motorcycle enthusiast, his son however did not inherit the ability. Despite that, Cal still realized that when being a vigilante, a small quick vehicle is best and as such dug into his savings to invest in the Spyder. Modifying the engine, stability and a couple other features of the vehicle, Cal maximized it's abilities so that even the Spyder can leave a Ducati choking on its dust.

| Biography |
Born and raised in Kilbride, Washington in the United States of America, Caleb Richard Fitzroy lived a fairly normal if not somewhat spoiled childhood. Son of a successful inventor and detective, Cal was made sure that he would be well educated throughout his childhood. Early in his life, his mother, Rebecca Fitzroy was part of the Kilbride Police Force. Rebecca was the daughter of successful business man Robert Faulkner, one of the richest men in all of Kilbride and also a direct descendent of one of Kilbride's original founders and his namesake. Rebecca was on the force for nearly five years before becoming disenchanted with the precinct and its ever growing corruption. During her time away from the force, Rebecca gave birth to Cal, his young life bringing back a spark to her life and when he grew to the age of two, she decided to open her own private investigation service.


On the night of his sixteenth birthday, Rebecca was out on a case, staking out the Roman Colossus in hopes of finally being able to nail Roman Locke with inadmissible evidence and bring down his criminal empire. Locke had always managed to either make evidence disappear or find a fall guy to take his place but Rebecca was determined not to let that happen this time. Unfortunately she must have got too close as her body was found later that night in critical condition and horribly mutilated. She died in the hospital as the clock struck midnight, the grief at her loss overwhelming both Richard and Cal. However in Cal's case, the overwhelming emotion activated Cal's metagene and when Richard tried to comfort his son, Cal's body accidentally completely absorbed Richard's own metahuman abilities and most of his psyche causing Richard to fall into a coma. He awoke forty eight hours later, his mind shattered, the doctors figured the death of his wife caused him to a psychological break and Cal's grandparents reluctantly both buried their daughter and had their son in law put in the care of the Murdoch Mental Hospital.

With his parents gone, Caleb went to live with Landon Baxter. Since Landon was closer to both Cal and his parents than his grandparents ever were, he was made Cal's godfather and legal guardian in the event of the worst. Naturally, in Kilbride the city ruled by crime, when you go rattling the cages, the animals get angry and the worst isn't far behind. Moving into Landon's downtown condo was a big change for Caleb compared to living in the Heights, the rich district surrounding the valley. Landon however kept Caleb enrolled in Kilbride College Academy in an attempt to ensure some stability remained in the boy's life. While it was rough at first, Caleb's friends helped him through his sophomore year and he was able to look past his mother's murder and his father's admittance into the Murdoch Mental Hospital.

| Additional Notes |

Cal's Playlist:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| NAME(S): |

| ALIAS(ES): |
Nicknames by team as opposed to actual aliases

| AGE: |
Krolotean Equivalent of Late Teens, Early Twenties. Approximately 5 Earth years.

Obsessive, Neurotic, Eccentric

| POWER(S): |
Due to the Krolotean's alien biology Hob's three pupiled eyes grant him a full 360 degree field of vision as well as microscopic and macroscopic viewing. Furthermore, he can see in a manner similar to infrared allowing him to see through walls if the heat signature on the otherside is strong enough to be viewed through the wall.

Krolotean's are very intelligent and as such possess numerous advanced technologies and are able to quickly comprehend and adapt to foreign technologies. Despite only possessing four digits, including an opposable thumb, Krolotean's are highly dexterous. Combined with their eyesight and intelligence this makes Krolotean's skilled engineers, pilots and even marksmen. Hob is no exception to this building himself a cybernetic arm as well as outfitting his body with several cybernetic augmentations in order to better interface himself with a exo-suit. This exo-suit allows Hob to fit on even ground with most aliens save for those who possess tremendous strength such as Kryptonians, Draximites, and other such beings. This exo-suit is capable of travelling through space for short periods of time, being able to withstand a vacuum. It enables flight in gravity filled environments as well as containing cloaking, holographic camouflage and several weapons including both lethal and non-lethal which Hob often modifies and swaps depending on the situation at hand.

Among Hob's augmentations are intergalactic translators implanted behind his ears and in his throat. These translators help Hob understand languages outside of Krollish, English and Interlac which translating his own spoken Krollish to a language the other speaker would understand. It should be noted that if his translated ever malfunctioned, Hob would be unable to communicate with any language outside of Krollish as his vocal chords are simply unable to make the appropriate sounds for Interlac, let alone English. Krollish is a combination of screams, shrieks and words which sound suspiciously similar to the Earth language of German. Hob's bio-mechanical arm contains a 'Swiss Army Knife' or tools however is primary tool is a welding laser which can be modified for defensive and offensive purposes.

While far from physically intimidating, Hob and other Kroloteans, are quite agile and rather quick. As such they're capable of climbing and adhering to many different surfaces including the hull and walls of most ships. This makes them ideal mechanics since they can literally crawl inside engines to do repair work and often aren't hampered in services spaces like larger lifeforms.

Hob's greatest weakness is his lack of size and physical prowess. Without his Exo-Suit, he hardly puts up a fight if physically confronted. While a genius, if Hob is caught unprepared he can simply be tossed aside even by a human child due to his small size. Likewise almost any weapon will do physical harm to Hob as his natural biology doesn't grant him any sort of defenses outside of eyesight and agility. While his small size does make him a harder target at times, he also goes down fairly easy.


As a Krolotean, Hob is a small gremlin like creature with large 'bat-like' ears and horn like ridges emerging from the top of his head. He has two eyes, each with a black scalea and a red iris. Each iris has a gold trim around the edge and three black pupils within them. Each eye has three sets of eyelids, one which actually protects the eye when closed, one that allows Hob to use his macrovision and one that allows him to use his microvision. The outmost eyelid actually closes horizontally as opposed to both his micro and macro eyelids or the human eyelid which closes vertically. Hob has a bio-mechanical right arm that contains several different tools while his body is mechanically augmented. Hob has pale green skin. In battle he wears an Exo-Suit which connects and interfaces with his cybernetic augmentations and further enhances his strength and agility. This suit is built to survive in the vacuum of space and primarily uses a repulsor system in order for Hob to be at eye level with the majority of his teammates. Being a Krolotean, Hob is of a small stature only standing 2'-6" if he were to straighten his back, however he generally is hunched over thus making his average height closer to 2'. Although most Kroloteans do not as a general rule wear clothes, Hob wears a small backpack with a single wide leather strap over his upper body and a ragged pair of shorts on his lower torso to appease human modesty.

A pariah among his people, Hob was born on Krolotea in Sector 2812. Like all Kroloteans, he was placed in and a pod of others his age and expected to grow, work, mate and die with his podmates. However Hob rejected this ideal, far outpacing his podmates in his studies and becoming a loner. Eventually he was considered a security risk and was arrested and sent to trial. Fortunately for Hob, this trial was interrupted by an attack on Krolotea by the hands of the Reach who were looking to aggressively expand their territories. Injured in the attack, Hob was forced to perform an amputation on his arm. Despite this, he managed to survive the attack, hiding out in the underbelly of Krolotea while he healed and built himself a prototype arm from whatever scrap he could manage to find. Locating a black market doctor, Hob was able to convince the doctor to follow Hob's plans for cybernetic augmentations which would make the use of the arm possible as well as ensure Hob could survive off world without a pod for protection. When the operation was complete, Hob stole offworld with a cargo shipment, travelling from planet to planet until he managed to win the Jumper in a rather fortunous game of chance.

Eventually finding himself hard up for money, Hob took a job with the United Planets hoping to simply just taxi a couple of 'Heroes' from planet to planet in order to make himself a few simple credits.

| NOTES: |
-The Jumper (Proposed Team Ship)
-The cockpit of the Jumper is heavily modified to accommodate Hob's size as the ship is not a Krolotean make.
-Concept Art of a Krolotean from Young Justice
-Despises the Reach due to their attack being the cause of his lost arm.
-Has an addiction to gambling.
-Despite his translator implant, his English doesn't always translate perfectly and is often broken. If he goes into a fit of rage or cursing the translator may not be able to properly vocalize his thoughts and often spit out random words. Likewise if he goes into a rant and is speaking too fast, the translator simply won't work and only native Krollish will be heard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| NAME: |
Valetine Macbeth Irving

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |
25 (Upon Death)

A man with the weight of redemption on his shoulders, Thorn strives to the best he can but is often very harsh on himself. Despite realizing that his abilities are a blessing, he also views them as a curse and fears they prevent him from ever getting close to anyone. As such, he is often reserved in his thoughts and views, keeping to himself in group settings. That said, he's not a 'lone wolf' and is very much a team supporter, always working to ensure the team stays safe in their missions.

| POWER(S): |
There's very little 'humanity' left to Thorn. When the Starheart took possession of Valetine's corpse, it merged his body with the mystical force known as the 'Green' which all but turned him into a houseplant. As such, Thorn's skin has a pale green colour to it, darker green veins visible beneath the smooth shiny surface. Vine likes tendrils adorn his head, and spill down over his shoulder, scattered jagged ivy like leaves hanging off of the long thin strands while eyes that look more like fruit shine out from his skull and his ears have all but disappeared instead looking like long pointed leaves. His mouth is filled with rows of seeds where there ought to be teeth and Thorn's tongue is more like a soft fruit or vegetable (and possibly edible). His body is made up of countless tendrils, wrapped and bonded together but capable of splitting apart. As Thorn is in control of his appearance, he often chooses to model himself on what his past 'human' self looked like. While like this, he is often anatomically correct and some of the more colourful euphemisms referring to the male anatomy are more or less accurate in this case. Due to his new nature, Thorn doesn't require sleep or food in the traditional sense but requires a steady stream of nutrients, water and sunlight. Thorn also breathes in carbon dioxide from the air and expels oxygen, just like a plant. In this regard he can be considered self-sustaining.

Thorn's unique construction also allows him to regenerate lost body parts provided he has the time and access to the required nutrients. He able of breaking his form apart to retreat into the ground and if destroyed can grow back provided there's at least one seed left over (these seeds of course are carried within his mouth and 'fruit'). Thorn can also use his seeds to create other plants and is capable of growing both hybrid new plants or existing plants whether to provide aid to his team mates or assistance in combat.

Thorn's body is composed entirely of homogenous matter, without any part of his form being more important than the other as such wounds such as decapitation don't matter as Thorn's consciousness is contained within even the tiniest piece of his body. Furthermore, this means that Thorn is both able to increase and decrease his size provided he has the proper nutrients available or stored within his body.

Thorn is capable of growing additional layers on his body that hardens to a bark like texture. The process is almost immediate but can be interrupted or slowed by repeated attacks or continued onslaught. This dermal armor is capable of withstanding blunt trauma and bladed weapons, but is highly vulnerable to fire and other forms of heat which can potentially dry Thorn out, cracking his armor and leaving him vulnerable. Further exposure to heat would have serious ramifications (See Weaknesses). Thorn's dermal armor can withstand gunfire and as such allows him to act as a shield to his 'meatier' teammates. Conventional weapons don't harm Thorn in the same way as they do other humans due to his genetic makeup, that said Thorn does experience equal amounts of pain from wounds anywhere on his body.

Thorn's body is able to produce a great deal of natural defenses. For melee combat, thorn like protrusions can appear from anywhere on his body, these protrusions can also be launched in a projectile manner. Likewise, Thorn is able to create and fire seeds in a manner similar to gunfire however with less precision and impact force. His body is also able to create poisons and toxins which can achieve a variety of effects which range from either killing a target to simply rendering them unconscious, paralyzed or ill. These toxins can be combined with the thorny protrusions for an increase in combat proficiency. Thorn can also produce medicinal toxins which can ease pain or speed healing, injecting them into teammates if no first aid is available. Additionally, Thorn can produce sap with enough adhesivity to hold a man in place. Alternatively, this sap can be used to seal wounds and injuries of his teammates.

Due to Thorn's connection with the 'Green', he has complete control over all plantlife and as such can manipulate and control any nearby plants. Thorn can use these plants to ensnare foes, support falling structures and numerous other applications depending on the situations that arise.

Due to the nature of his revived biology, Thorn has several various weaknesses. The greatest and most common of these are temperature extremes as both heat and cold with harm him. Heat can cause Thorn to rapidly lose his stored moisture, causing him to wither where as cold starves him of moisture and also eventually causes him to wither and die. Fire, ice and frost likewise all cause Thorn immense pain and harm. Electricity on the other has a variable effect depending on his moisture content at the time. The higher his moisture content, the more likely an electrical charge will cause Thorn to conduct and ignite. Further more, deprivation of the basic nutrients, water and/or sunlight that all plants including Thorn thrive on will slowly weaken and eventually kill him.

Before the Starheart merged Valentine's body with the 'Green', Valentine possessed green eyes and sandy brown hair. His skin was of a fair complexion and at the time he stood roughly 5'-2". After however Val or rather Thorn as he prefers to go by now was revived, his body was completely changed. Despite the changes to his body, Thorn was blessed with a malleable appearance and has complete control how he appears to others. Thorn is able to change his body to look anything from monstrous to simply look like a humanoid plant, he instead tries to retain some of his humanity and create a rather humanoid appearance. In this appearance, Thorn has pale green skin and ruddy vine like hair. His skin takes on a leaf like texture though some of his body such as forearms and shins have almost a bark-like texture to them. This is due to the original concentration of bone beneath the surface.

Valentine Macbeth Irving was born to a pair of loving parents in Gotham City. Growing up, Val fell into the wrong crowd and found himself swept into a life of crime. Running with the Golden Dragons, Val become something of an accomplished thief with a particular interest in antiques. Eventually he became too big for his britches when he decided to try and steal a piece of the mythical stone known only as the Starheart from Gotham's Museum of Antiquities. Although the heist went well at first, a mole within the Dragons had tipped off the police and as soon as Val laid his hands upon the shard of the Starheart, blue and red beams of light filled the building. Surrounding, Val and his team tried to sneak back out but soon found themselves in combat. Caught in a shootout with the GCPD, Val was mortally injured by numerous bullet wounds. Worse of all, a stray shot caught struck the Starheart, shattering the shard into tiny fragments, slivers of which pierced Val's skin and entered his body. Despite his injuries though, Val managed to escape the building and reunite with the gang. His reunion was short lived as his failed heist had come at too high of a cost and with Val unlikely to live, the Dragons dumped his body. Dropped off the wharf, Val's body eventually washed up inland before sinking into a bog on the outside of town.

It was inside this swamp that the Starheart showed its true power. A vessel of the mysterious entity known as the 'Green', 'it reached out sustaining both the young man and infused his body with its power both revitalizing and reanimating Val. Absorbing the plantlife in the swamp, the body mutated as it slowly came back to life and the young man known as Valentine was left behind. Emerging from the swamp was Thorn. Despite being horrified by his appearance, Thorn eventually learned to control it enough to hide beneath a trenchcoat and ballcap. Realizing how much he had wasted his life the first time around, Thorn vowed to redeem himself working in the shadows on his own at first before being approached to join the Outsiders. Realizing he could make more of a difference as part of a team, Thorn joined decided to join up.

Thorn brings several advantages to the team. As a self-sustaining plantman, Thorn can produce fruit and vegetables to help sustain his teammates, as well as medicinal toxins if the team is away from their home or otherwise find themselves trapped in a hostile environment. His abilities allow him to play both assualt and support roles and Thorn can act as a shield for his teammates or the strong arm of the team. Of course most of his abilities depend on his current state of wellbeing or the environment around them.

| NOTES: |
-The Starheart/'Green' within Valentine does have a consciousness often causing Thorn to refer to himself as 'We'.
-This entity however has not provided Val with a name thus he refers to it as the Starheart, nor has it tried to take control of their shared body. It seems to be almost parasitic or symbiotic in nature as it provides Valentine the ability to adapt and sustain his new body and both would die without the other.
-While Valentine is a user of the 'Green', he is not a chosen avatar and as such can have his control over both plants and his own body overpowered by the true avatar of the 'Green'.
-Val keeps a pet squirrel by the name of Russell who is often seen riding atop his shoulders especially while at the home base.

~Possibly More To Be Added As I Think Of It~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

"I am not a nice girl."


| NAME |
Addison Winter Caspian

Winter (She prefers to be called Winter over her given name), Addi (Her father calls her this though she loathes anyone else who does so.)

Lady Wisp, (Or just simply 'Wisp')


December 21, (Currently 20)

5' 7"


Brunette with Auburn and Blonde Highlights (A ghostly, translucent white in 'Wisp Form')

Brown (Pure white in 'Wisp Form')


Winter is a short girl, standing only about 5'-1", despite that however her body is toned from hours of working out and performing strenuous work during her tenure with the Highway Men under her father. Her tone physique grants her a slender body with accented feminine curves which would have attracted the eyes of many men without the added bonus of her 'Attractive Aura'. Winter's usual fashion includes, jeans, a tank top and a leather jacket. Naturally this is adapted to suit the colder or warmer weather depending on the season. She has an attraction towards purple and black in her wardrobe as well, though she's no stranger to wearing other colours as well. Winter has a scar on her left elbow from a bad motorcycle accident when she was first learning to ride, though it has faded over the years, it's still notable up close. She also has the tattoo of a raven in flight on the inside of her right forearm as well as a black rose on her front left hip.

  • Half Fairy: Unbeknownst to Winter, her body is half fairy. As such, Winter has a natural aptitude and connection to magic unlike most humans who have to be taught or have to channel magical energies through words, runes or an object. Her 'Fair' half is in fact the source of all of her supernatural abilities and without it she wouldn't be anything more than a mortal. That said, Winter's magical energies are finite and can be drained temporarily through over use or by an outside source. Once fully drained, Winter's power take eight hours of rest to fully recharge which is best accomplished through sleep. Sleeping recharges Winter's abilities two times fast than they would recharge if she were awake, in a conscious state Winter's powers would take sixteen hours to recharge.[/*]
  • Wisp Form:

    While Winter appears human, she's fifty percent Fair Folk and fifty percent human. Winter can manipulate the magical energies within her body to change that ratio allowing her to increase the concentration of Fairy within her allowing her to take on a Wisp like form akin to that of her father. In this form, Winter becomes ninety percent Fairy, while remaining ten percent human. Additionally, her power level drastically increases in this form by roughly two hundred percent, however due to the higher power level and the drain on her magical energies to sustain the Wisp form, Winter's power depletes at twice the rate it normally would. While in her 'human' form, Winter can last about four hours using her powers moderately, in Wisp form however Winter is lucky to last two hours with moderate use and combat will easily drain her magical energies in under an hour. Winter's Wisp Form substantially changes her appearance as she takes a ghostly appearance, her hair, skin and eyes all take on a luminescent and translucent white colour while donning a hooded white robe. Winter's body is cloaked in a skin tight white body suit, though due to the nature of the Wisp Form it's hard to tell if she's wearing anything at all despite her body remaining void of any biological identifiers outside of her feminine shape. This form also grants Winter the ability to shrink in size while transforming into an orb of light not unlike that of her 'Wisp Fire'. This is the truest form of the 'Will O'The Wisp', and the one which is most often sighted in the legends surrounding the Fae.[/*]
  • Decelerated Ageing: Due to Winter's Fairy half, her life expectancy is much longer than that of a human's. As such, once she reaches her full maturity, Winter will start to slow in aging to the point that by her 100th birthday, she'll barely look a day over thirty. Winter will likely live to between three to four hundred years.[/*]
  • Attractive Aura: Another side effect of Winter's Fairy half is that she's more desirable to mortals. As such her body releases subliminal hormones which makes everyone around her attracted to her. Winter sees no upside to this ability in the least, though she enjoyed the benefits of it briefly while dating Jack Cobb. Despite the fact that people are attracted to Winter, this does not mean they are immediately smitten with her, merely that express a sexual desire towards her. As such, it's impossible for a mortal to find her unattractive, those with supernatural attributes however can find themselves with an overwhelming desire towards her.[/*]
  • Invisibility: Winter possesses the ability to turn her body invisible, though her scent, weight and presence still remain. Her body is merely invisible to visual detection and even then those with supernatural ocular abilities may still be able to see her. This is done through merging her body partially with another dimension making her appearance vanish from the current realm. [/*]
  • Intangibility:Winter is able to pass through solid objects as she's able to ignore most physical effects in her way. The exact means as to how this is done occurs by slipping into another dimension. Winter is able to ignore most attacks, physical dangers with concentration, though loss of her train of thought can cause her to become solid again. Likewise, Winter has to constantly be alert to the effects of gravity and if she isn't careful could end up falling to the planet's core. Electricity can also harm her even when she's intangible. For this reason she can not pass through any electrically charged panel, wall or surface. Electric attacks like will wise cause her great agony even if she's not intangible. Other magicks can also cancel out Winter's intangibility leaving her vulnerable or even partially phased through an object.[/*]
  • Flight/Levitation: Winter can hover/float and fly through the air unassisted, allowing her to carelessly float in the air and prevent herself from making contact with the ground below. Though she can only reach a top speed of a hundred miles per hour doing this. Her top speed can only be reached in her Wisp Form and she can only maintain it for about thirty minutes before becoming drained.[/*]
  • Siren's Song: Winter's 'Siren's Song' is one of her most potent abilities. With a loud piercing screech, Winter unleashes a devastating wave of sonic energy which can push her opponents back at low levels but with increased volume and pitch can cause ear drums to burst and other devastating injuries even leading to death if left unchecked. The 'Song' is one of Winter's most draining abilities and also features the unique disadvantage of being able to destabilize her from her 'Wisp Form' if held too long. A prolonged 'Wail' can easily use to fifty percent of Winter's magical energies.[/*]
  • Wisp Fire: Winter's Wisp Fire can be used for a variety of purposes. Once summoned to her, Winter can use the Fire as an aura surrounding herself in it, as a projectile firing it from her hands or even breath the fire out of her mouth. If the Fire is being used offensively, it's glows an eerie blue, however Winter can also use her Wisp Fire to heal herself and others. If this is the case, the fire becomes a luminous golden ray. When being used offensively, the Wisp Fire doesn't crackle or sizzle like normal fire but rather it wails like screams of torment. However, when being used to heal, the Fire gives off a light chime like sound, healing also is more draining on Winter's magical energies than attacking with the Fire. A mortal wound would require all of Winter's magical energies while a paper cut would barely affect it. Likewise the energy a fireball would drain replenishes in about five minutes but a steady stream of Fire would rapidly drain Winter.[/*]
  • Magical Affinity: Due to Winter's nature of being a Half-Fae, she has a natural affinity towards magic and can thus learn new magicks very easily given the proper resources and time. Her Fairy nature in particular grants her an affinity towards nature magical such as the control and manipulation of plant life, an affinity towards fire, light and shadow. However all of this remains unknown to Winter who's more than happy to slug someone with a wrench than hurl a fireball.[/*]
  • Telekinesis: Though not with her mind but through magic, Winter can lift objects without touching through concentration. In a human form, Winter can only lift as much as she could physically but transformed into her Wisp Form, Winter can lift three times as much. This ability has a minimal drain on her magical energies as long as she's not pushing her maximum weight. The power drains much quicker under strenuous circumstances.[/*]

While Winter will develop a great scale of powers and abilities she has numerous weaknesses as well. Firstly, Any 'light' based attacks also have double the effectiveness on Winter, and other supernatural users could even banish her to another dimension. This effectiveness further increases when Winter is in Wisp Form due to being less mortal. Magick also has double the effectiveness on Winter and can cause her great harm as well. In terms of Magick, Winter can't just randomly manifest new spells or attacks without first learning them from the proper people or resources, both of which are hard to come by. To a degree this applies to her own abilities as well as they'll develop with her. Lastly, Winter's greatest weakness is her own mortality as it makes her magical energies finite as well as making her much easier to kill than a full Fae.

  • Mechanic: Raised by her father and having lived most of her life surrounded by chop shops, Winter picked up the skills of the 'trade'. She knows a car inside and out and is completely capable of simple repairing one or building it from the ground up. This knowledge also extends to motorcycles, Winter's and the Highway Men's choice mode of transportation.[/*]
  • Grand Theft Auto: Since the Highway Men deal with carjacking, Winter knows all the tricks of breaking into a car and hot-wiring it. Not to mention knowing the value of various makes and models, additionally Winter can identify a wide variety of details about a car including whether it's been in an accident, what trim level it's equipped with and if it has an armed alarm, all through a simple walk around. the vehicle in question.[/*]
  • Motorcyclist: Winter has been on a bike most of her life, as such she's very skilled at handling large, powerful and fast motorcycles. That said, she's not a stunt rider, though she can handle taking the bike through some of the more 'professional' maneuvers.[/*]
  • Brawling: Roy wanted to make sure his baby girl was more than capable of giving anyone who wanted to harm her a run for their money. In order to accomplish this, he made sure his daughter was taught to fight. Roy taught Winter everything he remembered from boxing but more importantly he taught Winter to be a pragmatic fighter, using whatever she can to turn the fight to her advantage. Essentially, Winter's not afraid to fight dirty and is quite good at it.[/*]

  • Motorola RAZR2: A five year old cellphone, it can call, text, take pictures and even play music. This older flip phone is all Winter needs in a phone and she simply can't be bothered to upgrade to a modern phone. Partially because she doesn't care about technology and partially because she doesn't want to look like an idiot trying to learn to use a touchscreen.[/*]
  • Tools: Winter's best friend is a socket wrench, and it shows as she keeps several tool kits in her university dorm room. Kept in top condition, Winter ensures her tools are as well kept as her bike and if you have to ask, that means pristine.[/*]
  • HP Laptop: A basic off the shelf HP Pavilion laptop, Winter occasionally carries it with her but its primary use is for school. She can use a computer as well as any other person who uses them casually but she's not about to sit down and hang out on the internet for hours especially if she could be out riding. [/*]
  • Harley Davidson Breakout:

    Winter's brand new top of the line 2014 Harley Davidson Breakout is her pride and joy. Her previous bike was lost to her during the raid on the Highway Men hideout after Jack Cobb's betrayal and take over. Having saved her money from bartender at the Stein and Cauldron over the last two years, Winter bought the bike brand new two months ago and has barely let it out of her sight since. Though in the off chance her bike were stolen, Winter made sure she installed a remote engine immobilizer, she'd rather her bike wrecked than in someone else's hands.


Just over twenty years ago, Roy Caspian met the beautiful Jewel Quenet on the dance floor of the Midsommer nightclub

The pub was particularly packed this Friday evening as the live music echoed through the small establishment while the waitresses in their tight black tops ran around bringing drinks and towering plates of wings to the many awaiting tables. Normally Winter would have been working behind the bar but with the 'Stein and Cauldron' overcrowded, Serena had asked Winter to take to the floor. The smell of alcohol permeated the room while various wing sauces added accents ranging from sweet to tangy to the thick smoke smell of barbeque. Walking up to a table with her notepad drawn, Winter looked down only now realizing that perhaps the pleated skirt she had worn tonight wasn't the best choice as even the mandatory server apron was longer than it.

"What'll it be boys?" Winter said as she clicked a pen and put it down on the pad while looking at the four men before her. Looking at each of the men they appeared to meet the standard 'frat boy' stereotypes. 'V-Necked' Shirt on one, popped collar polo on another, one was still wearing his sunglasses indoors and had enough grease in his hair to a make a McDonald's grill blush. Winter looked up as she heard of them obnoxiously clear his throat as the man in the polo began to speak.

"Another round of MGD, bottles for each of us Sweet Cheeks. And a platter of the suicide wings. I only like things that are smokin' hot." He said as he leaned back, looking Winter up and down, his tongue sliding across his lips nearly causing Winter to gag in her mouth. Despite sitting in the middle, his arms still had tremendous reach as he stretched his hand out, the man with the popped collar winked at his friends while nodding towards their waitress and her short skirt. Turning to walk away, Winter felt a smack as her skirt was briefly lifted. Biting down on her lip, she felt her face go red as she paused before speaking.

"You Sir, get a sandwich on the house!" Winter said in a 'valley girl' like tone, forcing herself to release the death glare from her face, replacing it with a freshly painted and much forced smile while turning to the man who had slapped her behind. He looked up at her smugly, a look of pure amusement in his eyes as he sat surrounding by his snickering 'brothers'. It took all of Winter's restraint to not take his beer and beat him over the head before shanking him with it till he bled out on the floor.

"Oh yeah, well why don't you hurry and make it for me Sweet Cheeks?" The man said as he swigged his beer, nearly falling off his chair laughing while his gathered friends all joined in on the mirth. Winter's grin grew from forced to genuine as she realized just how much she was about to enjoy administering her own brand of justice on this depraved excuse for a man. She had lived among rough men before but none of them would have dared touched her. Placing her tray down on the table beside her, she nodded to the table nearby as she excused her actions in advanced.

"Oh but I already have it right here for you." Winter's tone was sweet and innocent only to be broken as she suddenly pulled her arm back and swung hard. The echoing of knuckles colliding with a hollow skull echoed through the 'Cauldron as the man hit the floor, his beer shattering as glass and alcohol spread across the floor. "I hope you like 'knuckle'." Winter snarled as she turned her back and headed for the bar amidst the cheers and hollers of the other patrons. "I still expect a tip." Winter called back to the frat boys which only served to elicit more laughter from the 'Cauldron's patrons.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

T H E U N C A N N Y X - M E N:

| GMs: Lord Wraith & Hillan | Genre: Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy | Type: Sandbox with Linear Elements |

In 1972, a man by the name Charles Xavier brought together a group of gifted individuals in order to share a dream with the world. This group would become known to the general populace as the X-Men. While their gifts are varied, the one thing that ties the X-Men together is that they are all mutants. A subspecies of humans who are born with superhuman abilities, the X-Men fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants in a world where antimutant bigotry is fierce and widespread.

Realizing his dream would take years to accomplish, Xavier or Professor X founded the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. Located in Westchester County, New York, the Institute or as its commonly referred to, the X-Mansion is the home and training site of the X-Men. The X-Men are recruited from around the world and any mutant in need of asylum is welcomed through its doors. Dozens of mutants from various countries and diverse backgrounds have held membership as X-Men through the years since Xavier's founding with the original five.

In recent years the X-Men have fell upon hard times, losing numerous members and being involved in near world wide cataclysmic events. Among these losses was Charles Xavier himself, the vision and guiding light of the school. However, the Institute still continues to operate as Xavier's students have stepped up to continue their mentor's dream, rescuing and recruiting new mutants such as yourself as often as they can.

B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N :

The world of the X-Men has fallen apart in the last couple decades. With both Apocalypse and the Dark Phoenix keeping mutants fresh in the minds of the public, the X-Men and mutants as a whole have a very negative press image. Even among the superhuman community, the X-Men are regarded as pariahs having no contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers or even the Fantastic Four. As such, the X-Men are forced to work covertly in their day to day operations. Any rescue mission or removal of rogue mutant has to happen under the radar or else they could end up in direct conflict with Captain America himself.

In order to accomplish their goals, the X-Men have two active teams. The X-Force is the covert strike team used to take out rogue mutants or oppose the numerous Brotherhood sects that have popped up in the wake of Magneto's death. Led by Alexander Summers (Havok), the team consists of Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire), Arthur Centino (Longshot) and Laura Kinney (X-23). The other team is simply known as the X-Men, the official representation for the school. This team is sent out to recruit newly emerging mutants and rescue those who are oppressed in their lives because of their mutation. Led by Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), the current X-Men team is made up of Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball), Jean-Paul Beaubier (Northstar), Roberto Da Costa (Sunspot), Hope Spalding (Hope), Clarice Ferguson (Blink), Theresa Rourke Cassidy (Siryn) and James Proudstar (Warpath).

Once rescued by the X-Men, new recruits and students are delivered to the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning. Since the passing of Charles Xavier, the school has elected a new headmaster. Robert Drake (Iceman), one of Charles' first students has taken over as Headmaster of the Institute. Like Drake himself, the faculty is made of former X-Men who have all dedicated their lives to teaching and guiding new students. This faculty consists of the following:

Alison Blaire (Dazzler) | Music, Art, Life Sciences, and Drama
Sean Cassidy (Banshee) | Mathematics, Finance, and Accounting.
Emma Frost (White Queen) | Recruiter/Admissions, English, Business, and Ethics
Anne Marie LeBeau (Rogue) | English, Linguistics, Business, and Psychic Defense
Rémy LeBeau (Gambit) | Training/Danger Room Monitor, Target Practice/Projectile Practice, Sex-Ed
Hank McCoy (Beast) | Guidance Counselor, Science, Mathematics, Philosophy
Katherine Pryde (Shadowcat) | Computer Science Classes, Ethics, Student Advisor
Piotr Rasputin (Colossus) | Close Quarter Combat, Elective Leadership and Tactics
Warren Worthington (Archangel) | Recruiter, Business, Consumer Law Classes, as well as a flying class for those students with flight powers.

Aside from those still active, there are several other former X-Men still alive and scattered around the world. The most notable of these is Ororo Munroe T'Challa, formerly Storm of the X-Men and currently queen of Wakanda, living in Africa with her husband T'Challa, the former Avenger, Black Panther. Both James Howlett, or Logan the Wolverine and Scott Summers left the Institute after the death of Jean Grey. Logan began to suffer a mental break down and fled to the Canadian North West Territories, reverting to his feral state. Scott on the other hand began to sink into depression, finding solace in the bottom of a bottle. While he returns to the Institute every now and then, Scott is a shell of the man he used to be, seldom sober and often losing most of his money to sleazy shapeshifters.

Elsewhere, Raven Darkhölme and Pietro Maximoff have decided to continue what they believe is Magneto's Legacy and unite the Brotherhood sects. While most of the Brotherhood's associates are unknown to the X-Men, several notable foes still the ranks. These known associates include Victor Creed (Sabertooth), Angel Salvatore (Angel) and Akhiro (Daken). One notably missing member however is the daughter of Magneto, the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff who is currently missing. Wanda disappeared after the Apocalypse crisis and hadn't been seen since her time as a horseman.

T I M E L I N E:

1939 | A twelve year old Erik Eisenhardt discovers his mutant abilities during the German Invasion of Poland. He is delivered into the hands of eager Nazi scientists.
1941 | A young boy by the name of Charles Xavier discovers his mutant abilities.
1944 | During the last year of WWII, Steven Rogers volunteers for the Super Soldier Experiment which leads to him becoming Captain America.
1945 | During his final battle, Captain America is lost somewhere over the North Sea.
1953 | Completing his Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, and Anthropology with a two-year residence at Pembroke College, Oxford University.
1955 | Xavier goes on to also receive an M.D. in Psychiatry while spending several years in London.
1956 | Travelling to South America, Xavier volunteers at a local hostel where he provides aid for an injured man by the name of Erik Lehnsherr. Unfortunately for Xavier, Erik turns out to be a Nazi Hunter on the run. The hostel is eventually attacked as Erik's pursuers catch up to him forcing both Erik and Xavier to reveal their mutant abilities to one another. In the aftermath of the event, Xavier and Erik form a strong friendship and join together in an idealistic pursuit to unite the world's mutant population.
1969 | After over a decade of friendship, Erik and Xavier have a falling out due to a growing difference in opinions regarding mutant and human-relationships. Xavier beliefs fell firmly in promoting unity between man and mutant, while Erik believed in Mutant Supremacy. Their difference of opinion eventually escalated to a confrontation that ends with Xavier being paralyzed from the waist down.
1970 | Xavier finishes construction on a device originally conceived by Erik and himself. Dubbed 'Cerebro', the machine allowed Xavier to boost his abilities in order to find and locate mutants across the globe. The first of these is the mutant born Hank McCoy but better known as Beast.
1972 | The X-Men are founded by Dr. Charles Xavier. The founding five members of the X-Men are Warren Worthington (Archangel), Hank McCoy (Beast), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Bobby Drake (Iceman), and Jean Grey.
1976 | With awareness of mutants growing, several private military contracts are developed in order to combat the perceived 'Mutant Threat'. William Stryker is put in front of a government funded operation known as 'Weapon X' which was aimed to resurrect the Super Soldier Project. The program bears three successful candidates, among them the man known only as the Wolverine.
1979 | Erik Lehnsherr, now going by the name 'Magneto', founds a Brotherhood of Mutants in response to Xavier's growing X-Men. Among his recruits are a shapeshifter by the name of Mystique, Toad, Sabertooth, the Vanisher, Astra and the man known as the Wolverine.
1980 | Following an attack on the Whitehouse, the Brotherhood and X-Men come to blows for the first time. Realizing the X-Men are better trained and prepared than his Brotherhood, Magneto forces the X-Men onto the defensive by endangering bystanders allowing the Brotherhood to escape capture.
1982 | A man by the name of Bolivar Trask is contracted by the U.S. Government in the creation of Anti-Mutant weapons. This 'Anti-Mutant Initiative', begins with prototypes for the weapon that would become known as the Sentinel.
1983 | Realizing that the Wolverine's mind is a shattered mess due to the experiments performed on him by the 'Weapon X Program', Magneto sends Wolverine to infiltrate the X-Men. While originally treated with distrust, Wolverine, or Logan as he introduces himself. Training with the X-Men, Logan becomes infatuated with Jean Grey.
1987 | The government agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. is given charge of the 'Sentinel Program'. Focusing assets into development, S.H.I.E.L.D. designed a towering humanoid assault unit. Programmed to seek out and destroy mutants, the Sentinels were mounted on S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers for mobile deployment.
1993 | The Sentinel program is discontinued due to drastic collateral damage in the war against mutants. After a very public battle in downtown New York, the public opinion of the Sentinel Program drastically dropped with most people feeling more afraid of the Sentinels than the mutant next door.
1998 | Captain America's body is found off the North-East Coast of Newfoundland. Retrieved by S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America is thawed out in a controlled space before being rehabilitated to the modern world.
2000 | The Fantastic Four are promoted as New York's first superhero family.
2002 | The 'Avengers Initiative' is unveiled to the world as a replacement for the Sentinel program. In order to win the public's approval, Captain America is unveiled as the leader of the team. Unlike the Sentinel program which was focused on hunting and destroying mutants, the new Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Colonel Nicholas Fury promises that the Avengers are sworn to protect the public from threats against them. While mutants are still regarded with a degree of prejudice and fear, their acceptance in society moves forward.
2004 | The first mutant, Apocalypse unleashes his wrath upon the world. Nearly enslaving mankind and mutants alike. Numerous X-Men are killed in the struggle against Apocalypse with the Avengers abandoning them after Apocalypse turned several of their allies into his horsemen. Managing to defeat Apocalypse, the X-Men suffer great losses including teammate Elixir who gives his life reverting Apocalypse's changes.
2006 | A sixteen year old Spider-Man is first spotted swinging through Queens in New York City.
2008 | Bringing a massive meteor to Earth, Magneto sought to display mutant supremacy once again over mankind. An uneasy alliance between the X-Men and the Avengers leads to Magneto's defeat and unfortunately his death.
2009 | The covert strike team known as the X-Force is developed by the former X-Men Havok as a retaliation to numerous mutant sects popping up around the world to continue Magneto's work.
2012 | Jean Grey finds herself transformed as the sleeping Phoenix Force within her wakes up causing Jean to turn on her former allies and lovers. After a long hard battle, the X-Men manage to defeat the Dark Phoenix when Cyclops unleashes the full power of his optic blast on Jean while Logan manages to stab her from behind. The event takes a toll on both men, causing them to leave the X-Men soon after.
2014 | At the age of 85, Dr. Charles Xavier passes away in his sleep. His loss is felt throughout the superhuman community but especially by his mourning X-Men.
2015 | After the events of the Dark Phoenix led to mass destruction that even the Avengers failed to stop, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to reboot he Sentinel Program. Pardoning Boliver Trask for his previous crimes, Director Fury sets Trask up with all the necessary assets he needs to create a better Sentinel.
2016 | The present year, the Xavier Institute has suffered a loss in enrollment due to the events of both Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix still present in the minds of man and mutant alike. Further contributing to the decline in recruitment is the loss of Xavier two years prior.

T H E X A V I E R I N S T I T U T E F O R H I G H E R L E A R N I N G:

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S :

C H A R A C T E R S K E L E T O N:

[INDENT]The name given to you by your parents that appears on your birth certificate.[/INDENT]
[B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B]
[INDENT]Any name you commonly go by or are called by your friends.[/INDENT]
[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]The name corresponding with your abilities, used in the Danger Room.[/INDENT]
[B]| SEX: |[/B]
[INDENT]Are you male, female, transgender etc?[/INDENT]
[B]| AGE: |[/B]
[INDENT]How old are you? (Please don't go any lower than 14 or any higher than 19.)[/INDENT]
[INDENT]What do you look like? This can be described or you can use a visual reference. Please do not use 'Anime/Manga' images. Photorealistic images are preferred but we understand they don't always work depending on the character's mutation.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]What can your character do? Please remember to make these abilities specific and limited. Do not under any circumstance make a well-rounded character. This is the X-Men, not the Avengers.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]A short biography describing where you came from, how your life has been and how long you've been at the school. There's no need to write a novel here as we're all students barely into adulthood. [/INDENT]
[B]| MISC. NOTES: |[/B]
[INDENT]Anything else you want to add or note for yourself.[/INDENT]

R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T T E M P L A T E:

[SUB][B][I]// [color=0072bc]Friend[/color] // [color=00a99d]Acquaintance[/color] // [color=f26522]Frenemy[/color] // [color=fff200]Rival[/color] // [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color] // [color=ed145b]Crush[/color] //[/I][/B][/SUB][/CENTER]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT][/LIST][/INDENT]

F . A . Q . :

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


~Elias Longo~

| B I R T H N A M E: |
Elias Theodore Longo

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Elastic Eli
The Long Arm of the Law

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Looks like a person

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Malleable Physiology | Eli's X-Gene presents him with the unique ability to be extremely malleable appearing to be elastic as if made of rubber. This ability allows Eli to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract his whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. Furthermore Eli can control how elastic/flexible he or parts of him are, allowing Eli to change his body into various shapes, tools or other constructs. This ability also makes Eli highly durable and essentially invulnerable to most blunt or physical attacks. Eli's bones, organs and entire physical make up all share this trait making him able to survive conditions that would rip most people apart.

Size Alteration | Eli has complete control over the size of him, from as short as three to nearly ten feet tall while retaining his physical proportions. Eli is also capable of specifically expanding his limbs (arms, legs, neck, etc.) to great sizes and lengths separate of his body, allowing for increased reach and range. This also allows Eli to strike opponents at a distance and defeat long-range attackers.

Density Control | Eli can manipulate the density of his skin to improve its durability. However this is directly related to his size, the smaller he is, the more dense he can make his skin but the larger he becomes the less dense he's able to become making him more durable to attacks. Eli can also focus his density changes into specific parts of his body such as his fists to make them stone hard for improved striking abilities.

Regeneration | Eli can rapidly regenerate from any damage to his body. In other words, Eli is able to recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs. The rate and amount of healing varies widely depending on the nature of the wounds inflicted. Furthermore, in order for Eli to regrow missing limbs, he must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. Eli's regeneration doesn't allow him increased stamina or endurance however he is highly resistant to energy attacks and nearly invulnerable to electricity due to his near rubber composition.

Temperature | Sudden changes in high and low temperatures is extremely limiting and harmful to Eli almost completely nullifying his ability and causing his extreme amounts of pain. High temperatures can cause Eli to drop into a liquid like state while freezing temperatures can reduce him to an almost solid like state inhibiting his ability to move.

Injury | While Eli is durable to physical and blunt attacks including most forms of ballistics, bladed weapons, needles and other fine points are still able to cut through his skin and puncture him in a lethal manner. Furthermore his skin is not resistant to toxins, poisons, acids or other corrosives.

Over Exertion | As malleable as Eli is, over exertion or stress can be extremely uncomfortable or even agonizing for him. If Eli is stretched against his will, it will cause him a severe degree of discomfort to the point of pain depending on the force and how far he's stretched.

'Slinging' | Eli is able to extend his arms and use them to sling himself from point to point. His elasticity furthermore allows him to sling shot himself from one point to another.

Gliding | Eli is able to flatten his body, expanding it and reducing his density to allow him to glide from point to point provided he has enough velocity and altitude before attempting the action. When used in combination with slinging, Eli is capable of travelling vast distances at a relatively fast speed.

Combat | Using all of his abilities, Eli can prove to be a rather formative combatant, capable of using a combination of density shifting, momentum and elasticity to provide devastating blows to his foes.

Pick Pocket | Due to his past in Detroit, Eli has collected several less than desirable skills, among these is the ability to pick pockets, capable of swiping wallets, keys and jewelry without the owner noticing. His mutant abilities as only further enhanced his skills due to being able to flatten and other shape his hands for the job at hand.

Lockpick | As with pick pocketing, Eli developed his skill for lock picking on the streets of Detroit. Where before he would have needed tools, Eli can now shape his hands to simulate his former tools allowing him to reach into the locks and pick them. Furthermore, he can reach under doors and unlock them from the otherside so long as they are not water tight.

B&E Specialist | On the note of being able to reach under doors, Eli can flatten his entire body to slide under a door, window or through a crack allowing him to infiltrate a building. While before his X-Gene, Eli had to rely on picking the lock now he's able to side step the process. Eli is able to be stealthy enough to break into and enter an occupied building and escape without being caught in most circumstances.

Street Fighter | Having done most of his growing up on the streets, Eli got into numerous fights eventually learning how to brawl. Lacking any formal training, Eli is very pragmatic in combat and more than willing to fight dirty in order to gain an upper hand.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Born in South Detroit, Elias Theodore Longo grew up in the rough end of town. Coming from a poor family with an even poorer education, he wasn't instilled with many morals at a young age and grew up barely knowing the difference between right and wrong. In order to bring in extra money for the family, Eli's mother would often work paper routes in the neighborhood, delivering both local papers and national ones such as the Daily Bugle. It was here on the cover of the Daily Bugle that Eli fell in love with Spider-Man.

Unfortunately for the neighborhood in which Eli lived, it was the media representation of Spider-Man that Eli fell in love with. Becoming a local menace, Eli learned the skills of the street becoming a thief, pickpocket and began to break and enter into homes and business after hours. As soon as the local law enforcement could, they had Eli thrown into juevie where he spent several years going in and out of as the system permitted him.

However, everything changed when Eli's X-Gene activated. Finding himself now able to stretch and shift his body, Eli became even more of a menace to his neighborhood. No locked door could keep Eli out and no pocket was safe from his fingers. Using his abilities to swing from building to building, Eli stole himself a Spider-Man costume and became known as the Spider-Menace of Detroit.

As word of the Spider-Menace spread, the media attention brought the Avengers to Detroit and they quickly apprehended and unmasked the young mutant. While Eli could have been imprisoned in the Raft or other superhuman prison, Captain America decided it would be better to give the boy a chance at rehabilitation and as a favour to the late Charles Xavier, delivered Eli into the custody of the X-Mansion. Now on a sort of probation, Eli reluctantly attends the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
■ Eli enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding and surfing.
■ As such, Eli is rarely seen without his skateboard on his back.
■ As a fan of Spider-Man, Eli is often seen wearing various Spider-Man related memorabilia such as t-shirts or beanies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

In 193_, a battalion of Allied Soldiers were exposed to an experimental weapon by an A is-allied Group known only as the ___. While this attack caused numerous casualties among the battalion, the majority lived through the event and the war. Returning home to their loved ones and former lives, these men eventually had children. However it was through these children the former soldiers learned that they had not been unaffected by the weapon.

Their cells had been irradiated, causing them to mutate. This mutation was passed along in their DNA, maturing in the womb of their significant others and fully emerging in the genes of their children.

The descendants of these soldiers all possess the same potential for extraordinary abilities. Born with the ability to sense and manipulate Earth's electromagnetic spectrum, these 'Hyperhumans' are able to bend these fields to their benefit, emulating and imitating a great number of feats associated with comic book and movie heroes. They draw upon Earth's EM Spectrum virtually allowing them to manipulate the world around them to the point of seemingly being able to alter reality, folding space together.

The more of these 'Hyperhumans' that are in close proximity, the weaker they become as they fight to draw from the same EM spheres. Many of these 'Hyperhumans' live their lives without knowing about their abilities, a few odd occurrences happening in times of heightened adrenaline. But there are the few who learn to embrace their nature and use their abilities to accomplish extraordinary feats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

W . I . P .

The Gun Toting Teleporter (Teleportation/Portal Creation)

The Vengeful Rockstar (Sonic Manipulation)

The Delinquent Elastic (Elasticity/Stretching/Density Shifting/Size Alteration)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


~Ewan Maddox~

| B I R T H N A M E: |
Eugene Richard Maddox

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Ewan is generally consider to be an attractive man by many of his adoring fans. Standing 5'-10" tall, he has dark brown hair often highlighted with blue or green streaks. His face is lit up by bluish-green eyes which stand out with his chisled jaw and million dollar smile. He weighs 182lbs, with a well toned body from years of keeping it in shape in order to be able to perform on stage for extended periods of times. Ewan's variety of clothes varies from day to day but he generally perfers jeans and a hooded sleeveless garment. He generally has a thick leather bracelet on either wrist and numerous rings on his hands. Around his neck is a silver chain from which hangs Drew's engagement ring.​

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Sonic Manipulation:
■ Ewan is a Hyperhuman that possess the ability to manipulate shape or create soundwaves. He has control over both soundwaves he creates or soundwaves from another source. Soundwaves are a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.

Ewan can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and for high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult.

In order for his body to be able to handle his abilities, Ewan has superhumanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords that can produce a sonic scream. He also has selective hearing, enabling him to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shields him from the deafening sound of his own sonic attakcs, and makes him a superhumanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations.​

■ Ewan is limited by anything that can nullify sound. Materials which absorb sound can also limit if not downright block the desired effects. Furthermore Ewan is limited by his own physical condition as while he does have immunity to his abilities he can overstrain his system and temporarily cut off his own powers. He can also damage his throat or vocal chords from overabusing them.

Aside from physical limitations, Ewan doesn't have many skills in the way of combat and thus relies on his abilities and gadgets. If disarmed and exhausted he essentially has no method of defense left.​

■ While Ewan does have enhanced healing through sonokinetic healing, he's still essentially vulnerable to guns and knives. He has no enhanced strength or durability and is currently untrained in using his ability to boost his speed.​

Omni-Tone | Ewan always speaks in perfect pitch, this is another attribute that lent itself to Ewan's success in the music industry. This ability allows Ewan a very broad range of vocal manipulation leading to his ability to mimic other people and create sonic waves with frequencies above and below the human range.

Enhanced Hearing | Ewan has hearing above and beyond the human range both in terms of physical distance and frequencies. Currently his hearing isn't refined but once he has trained his ears he'll be able to do even more simply by listening.

Sound Immunity | Ewan is immune to not only his own sonic manipulation but also to an external sonic manipulation. His body is especially adapted to completely resist sonic attacks into to allow him to fully maximize his own abilities.

Static | Ewan's mind is protected by a layer or static soundwaves which blocks out mental attacks and keeps all but the most powerful telepaths out of his head. As such most Minerva types are blocked by Ewan's static although this static can be disturbed by another Sound Manipulator leaving Ewan open to a mental assault.

Create Soundwaves | Ewan can create soundwaves using his vocal chords or by slapping his body against a hard surface. Clapping will create soundwaves just not with the same starting volume as his vocal chords could produce. Ewan can manipulate the loudness, pitch, tone and overall shape of the soundwave.

Manipulate Soundwaves | Ewan can manipulate any soundwave generated from another source whether this is an instrument or a car crash. Ewan has made a living manipulating soundwaves as this is how he achieved his band's signature sounds and continues to do so especially when DJing at Nevermind. Ewan can do everything to an externally generated soundwave as he can do to one of his own.

Sonic Amplification/Absorption | Ewan can increase or decrease the volume of any soundwave. Furthermore he can make sounds completely inaudible including himself. Ewan can throw out soundwaves that can counteract unanticipated sounds by muting or nullifying the sounds.

Sonic Attacks | Ewan can manipulate soundwaves into a direct attack shaping them into a concussive blast or keeping them wide to affect a radius around him. Using his enhanced vocal chords, Ewan can produce a sonic scream or overwhelm opponents with deafening or disorienting noise. Low frequency sonic blast can stun opponents temporarily.

Voice Manipulation | Due to Ewan's abilities he's able to mimic any voice he has heard. That said, the more he's heard a person speak the more he's able to mimic their voice and verbal tics. A conversation at length with a person will lead to an almost infallible impression but a fleeting sentence here and there will lead to simply a good impression. Ewan is able to project his voice over much further than even the best town criers and manipulate his voice to sound like more than one person is speaking.

Sonokinetic Healing | While this ability has manifested itself involuntarily, Ewan has not yet learned to control it and it will only manifest if he's on the verge of dying. By stimulating the cells in his body with vibrations produced at the correct pitch, Ewan can speed up his metabolism thus increases his body's ability to heal. Once Ewan gains mastery over this, he'll be able to relax to his favourite music while changing the pitch to heal his body. Though it should be noted any source of sound will do so long as it's prolonged or sustained enough for the healing. As soon as the sound is gone the effect is lost. This healing isn't instant but is still notably faster than the regular human body.

Speed Boosts | Ewan will eventually be able to learn to manipulate soundwaves in such a way that he will be able to ride on them and channel them around his body to boost him forward or slow his descent towards the ground.

Flight | Further building upon the boosting his speed through soundwaves, Ewan will be able to use soundwaves at first to glide and eventually surround himself with them and propel himself freely through the air enabling him to fly. At his absolute best, Ewan will be able to propel himself at the speed of sound through the air creating a sonic boom as he reaches Mach speed.

Soundwave Conversion | One of the most advanced sound manipulations Ewan can learn. Soundwave conversion allows Ewan to convert sound into other forms of energy, most prominently 'hard sound' and light. By converting soundwaves to 'hard sound', Ewan is able to create sonokinetic constructs of a simple nature such as a weapon or shield. Alternately he can turn sound to light to create a quick flash or a distraction. Used in combination with the Advanced Voice Manipulation technique of Beacon Emission, Ewan could create a pillar of light into the sky with the proper soundwaves.

Vibration Emission | Manipulating soundwaves in the correct way, Ewan can create vibrations which could topple whole buildings if he had the proper supply of soundwaves. These vibrations can be used to counter other movement and potentially deflect projectiles or shrapnel. If timed correctly these 'Counter Vibrations' could at the least minimize the kinetic energy in an attack and at best completely neutralize it.

Advanced Voice Manipulation | Tapping into his Omni-Tone, Ewan is able to make his voice have a persuasion effect over those he speaks to. He could also even hypnotize an open mind with his voice or lull them into a state of slumber. Further more he can empower his sonic scream with numerous effects such as causing fear, vertigo, or even kill. Ewan can directly his sonic scream into a beacon sending out over an incredibly wide range to rally allies or attract enemies to his location.

Advanced Enhanced Hearing | If Ewan refined his ability to listen he could use his hearing in combination with his voice for the effects of echolocation or sonar. Furthermore he can listen close enough to a person's heartbeat and detect if they're lying. At the absolute best, Ewan will be able to literally see soundwaves in front of him and watch as they're manipulated by his abilities.​

■ Ewan is a skilled musician and performer capable of playing numerous instruments and thanks to his abilities faking those he can't actually play. In addition to this he's a skilled music producer and mixer. Ewan was taught how to handle an automobile by his father and as such can hold his own in a street race as well as how to handle a motorcycle.

Ewan has never been in a fight in his life however and only understands the theory of fighting with his fists. If it wasn't for his abilities he wouldn't likely be able to hold his own.​

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
A former rockstar turned club owner, Ewan Maddox was born and raised in the Kilbride area of Crescent City. Born as Eugene Richard Maddox, Ewan was raised primarily by his retired grandfather due to his parents being too involved in their own lives to make much time for the boy. While not millionaires, Ewan’s family were always well off living in one of the better neighborhoods within Kilbride’s North City. Ewan’s mother Guinevere worked as defense lawyer, however most of her clients are generally criminals who Guinevere enables to literally and figuratively get away with murder. His father on the hand was once a top semi-professional racer until unsportsmanlike behavior got him permanently banned from the track. After this set back in his career, Richard began street racing in order to have money to contribute towards the family. During these times Ewan was left in the care of his grandfather Caleb Maddox. A retired electronics and robotics engineer, Caleb took great joy in sharing his skills and knowledge with Ewan who bonded to his grandfather as though he was his actual father. Each summer when Caleb travelled to Wales to visit his brother’s family, Ewan would travel along with him much to his own parent’s relief with their ‘babysitter’ out of the country.

Going through elementary school, Ewan found himself a victim of bullying mainly due to his name. This came to a head at the time Ewan was enrolled in high school and after months of begging finally got his parents to agree to enroll him under the name of Ewan, a name he chose for himself both because it sounded more Welsh and in part to pay tribute to the actor of one of his favourite character’s at the time, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Around the time that Ewan turned fourteen his father came home and announced that he was going to make it up to his son all the years they hadn’t been able to spend time together because of his odd jobs. He explained to his wife and child that he had landed the job of a lifetime, one that would make them enough money to move out of North City and into Paradise Hills if they so wanted. When pressured to reveal what this mystery job was, Richard wouldn’t spill but for almost two years he stayed true to his promise. Recruiting Ewan to help tune and modify his car, Richard would also go on to teach Ewan how to drive both motorcycles and cars. In doing so, he made sure that not only would Ewan be able to ace any driver’s examination but that his son would have the fundamental skills to impress should he get roped into street racing himself one day. The mystery job that Richard had been hiding from his family was in reality a heist planned for the New Lilith Historical Mint. The job however was botched and Richard abandoned his position as getaway driver in order to avoid being killed in the crossfire or arrested in the aftermath. What Richard didn’t realize was that he had been hired by the Famiglia De Vitis Crime Syndicate, and one does not simply fail Raul De Vitis. On the eve of Ewan’s sixteenth birthday, Richard didn’t return home after he was abducted and disposed of by some hired thugs. Despite Guinevere pushing the Crescent City Police Force to repeatedly search for her husband, no body was ever discovered meaning that Richard was somewhere underneath Dead Man’s Bog.

The family was devastated by the loss of Richard and even more so as the media was leaked information linking Richard and his numerous odd jobs to various crimes around Crescent City. Guinevere’s reputation was put on the line and Ewan retreated into himself, angry and upset that after all the years of his father ignoring him, he was so quickly taken from when things had begun to improve between them. Worried about his grandson, Caleb tried to get Ewan back out and involved in the world. Despite numerous efforts nothing seemed to work and Ewan’s health was taking a toll because of it. As a last resort, Caleb showed up at the house with a gift for Ewan, a guitar. When Ewan looked at him in confusion, Caleb simply smiled and explained that if the boy was going to be sick with the blues he may as well sing about them. Initially he ignored his grandfather’s advice but curiosity got the better of Ewan as he began to play with the guitar. It didn’t take long before he was using the internet to search up how to properly play the instrument and the chords for his favourite songs. Ewan eventually discovered his Hyperhuman abilities on day in a fit of frustration having been unable to properly play a riff from a song. Slamming down hard on the strings, the teen found himself thrown across the room as the riff blared out of the nearby amplifier. Trying to replicate the effects, Ewan had no luck until once again he grew frustrated. Over the next few months, Ewan learned how to focus on a sound and manipulate it, changing its pitch, tone, intensity and all of its attributes. With this new found ability, Ewan’s prowess on the guitar began to skyrocket. His abilities made it easy to compensate his skill and soon he began to play other instruments. After winning a talent show at the end of his sophomore year of high school, Ewan decided to record various videos over the summer and post them on social media. By the time the start of his junior year rolled around, Ewan had become something of a local celebrity with teacher’s urging him to his focus into music. Taking their advice, Ewan wrote his first song dedicating it to both his grandfather and his deceased father. Taking musical inspiration from the likes of Kurt Cobain, Ewan’s first song had a distinctive haunting sound as he sung about how quickly a life could be extinguished. This of course ignited Ewan’s musical career as the song ended up getting him international attention through YouTube. Picked up by a Banana Phonorecords, a music label in Los Paraíso, the label put together a band for Ewan creating Extinguish/Ignite.

While the band’s first studio album has dismal results, Ewan decided to get involved with local charities to get the band’s name out there. While he himself was known as a solo artist online and locally, the band’s name meant nothing to his followers. Performing at local charity functions, sports games and other events, by the time the band’s second album came out it skyrocketed to the top of the charts. Extinguish/Ignite had a national tour lined up by the time Ewan finished high school and already had three number one singles nationally and one international number one under his belt. The tour ended up lasting for the better part of the next year and went through almost thirty different states. Ewan began to bond with the band members, enjoying backstage meet and greets together and partying with fans in dive bars after concerts. It was through these events that Ewan eventually met Drew Penelope Scott. A struggling amateur model, Drew had become something of a groupie and had planned out her modelling gigs with the band’s tour schedule. Hitting it off with Ewan, he began to look for her after every show and the two became quite close. Waking up in a hotel room with Drew after the pair had snuck away from the after party one night, Ewan discovered that their connection was not only based in music but on another level as well. Drew was also a Hyperhuman as Ewan was ‘coldly’ informed when he surprised her in the shower. Revealing his secret to her as well, the two became an exclusive item and eventually fell in love with Drew returning to Crescent City with Ewan upon the tour’s completion.

Drew ended up finding very little work in Crescent City and set out to expand her resume. Trying her hand at acting in addition to modelling, she eventually relented to working as a waitress until Ewan heard her sing. Finding out that in addition to a naturally beautiful singing voice, Drew had been classically trained in violin, Ewan convinced the band to give her a chance. The sales of third studio element permanently cemented Drew’s place among Extinguish/Ignite as reviewers praised the chemistry and harmonics between her voice and Ewan’s along with the eerie vibe that the violin added to the band’s post-grunge sound. Realizing he was in love with Drew, Ewan eventually worked up the nerve to propose to her. Making her believe he had arranged a private gig at a five star restaurant, Ewan had the rest of the band set up ahead of Drew’s arrival and then begin playing as she arrived. As Ewan kneeled down to extend his proposal, Drew cried out yes as she became overwhelmed with emotions, tears of happiness spilling down her face. The two continued to write music together and plan a wedding date only for Drew to ask if they could postpone it as she announced to Ewan that she was pregnant. At the age of twenty one, Ewan became father to a beautiful baby boy named Zebulun Andrew Maddox. Swearing never to become his father, Ewan refused to take the band on any extended tours and bought out a club in the Paradise Strip to make it into their permanent venue. This met criticism from many of their fans but in the end the majority supported Ewan and Drew’s decision once Ewan assured fans that the band would tour nationally again but only once his family was stable enough to do so. In the meantime, their club ‘Nevermind’ became a hit and was lined out the door almost every night. Enjoying their success and the joy of raising their son together, Drew and Ewan eventually decided to try and plan their wedding again but as fate would have it, Drew became pregnant leading to the wedding being postponed once more. Unlike before however, the night Drew went into labour didn’t end with Ewan holding his newborn child.

E D I T:
Having sent Zebulun off to his great-grandfather’s for the week, Ewan took Drew in his own car to the hospital. On route to the hospital however the pair were forced off the road by a high speed police chase as the criminal came onto the wrong side of the road. Despite all his father had taught, Ewan lost control of the car and went through a guardrail completely totalling the vehicle and in the process losing his fiancé and unborn daughter. Ewan himself barely survived, his Hype gene only saving him through a sonokinetic healing coma. As Ewan healed he began to take more of an interest in local politics wanting to ensure his grandchildren would never have to worry about living in a world where they might lose their mother. Despite the money donated and his attempt to run a legitimate business, Ewan witness Crescent City’s crime rates begin to climb. With the recent spike in crime due to the natural disaster raining down on the city, Ewan has reached his breaking point realizing he can no longer use his abilities simply for his own gain or to put on a show. In order to protect his son, avenge his fiancé and father and make a better future Ewan has embraced the idea of using his abilities to become a vigilante and bring justice to the drowning city.​

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Club Nevermind | A large modern nightclub found on the Paradise Strip, Nevermind has a full kitchen and a full recording studio within it plus a rooftop patio and massive dancefloor. Ewan made sure it had all the bells and whistles when Drew and him originally renovated the building. It attracts a younger crowd but some theme nights will get the more middle aged group out. Made up of three floors, the third floor is primarily private rooms while the second floor is almost more akin to a balcony over looking the first floor. The second floor is made up of booths to give people more privacy than the tables on the first floor that surround the dance floor. The DJ and bands have a stage on the first floor from which they perform and every floor is equipped with a bar. Nevermind is available for rental for private events as well and if you have the money you can hire Extinguish/Ignite to perform.​

■ Due in part to the amount of time Ewan has spent with his grandfather, and because of his ability he speaks with a slight Welsh accent.

■ While Ewan employs many different instruments, he has two in particular he prefers. While touring with Extinguish/Ignite, Ewan uses a custom double necked guitar with one six string neck and one five string bass neck. While working at Nevermind, Ewan employs the use of a personalized keytar since he often acts as a more of a DJ unless performing with the whole band.

■ The band has allowed Ewan time to grieve for Drew however they are getting antsy about finding a replacement member since Drew became part of their sound. Ewan has thus far shot down all ideas of finding another female to fill Drew's spot in the band and has recently been playing the violin parts himself in the studio sessions.​
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Advanced Inventing:


■ ​

■ ​

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
■ Character uses a life model decoy/robot to fight crime.​
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| ᗷ I ᖇ T ᕼ ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ: |
Eugene Richard Maddox

| ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ): |

| ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): |

| ᔕ ᕮ ᙭: |

| ᗩ G ᕮ: |

| ᗩ ᑭ ᑭ ᕮ ᗩ ᖇ ᗩ ᑎ ᑕ ᕮ: |
Ewan has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of training and toning his body. He torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competition while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Ewan prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such as kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Ewan is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep Blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Ewan's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Ewan has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Ewan's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways.

Ewan's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with loose or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Ewan prefers to wear semi-loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Ewan may wear just a t-shirt, or just a long sleeved mock tee. Often his outfit is complimented with a leather jacket.​

| ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ: |

| ᕮ ᑫ ᑌ I ᑭ ᗰ ᕮ ᑎ T: |
CUSTOM FIRE ARMS ('The Negotiators'): Originally built using pieces from a nail gun and a handgun, Ewan designed a series of darts which administer an electrical charge that stimulates the nerves to create the sensation of pain from a gun shot without doing any lasting damage to the victim. The gun adheres to Ewan's thigh armor using magnetism, he uses the same technology in his gloves allowing him to maintain a firm grip on his weapon as well as easily retrieve it from his hip or pull it back to him if he were to loose his grip on it.

| ᗷ I O G ᖇ ᗩ ᑭ ᕼ Y: |

| ᗰ I ᔕ ᑕ. ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ: |
■ Ewan drives a 1955 Chevrolet Cameo, however he often spends more time fixing the vehicle than he does driving it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


| C H Δ Γ Δ C Ƭ Σ Γ Ψ Θ Ʊ H Δ Ʋ Σ C Γ Σ Δ Ƭ Σ D: |
Elijah Amadeus 'Eli' Dunn

| Δ L I Δ Ѕ: |

| Ѕ Ƥ Σ Σ C H C Θ L Θ Ʊ Γ: |
As Eli: Lightsteelblue
As Ga'ap: Firebrick Bold

| C H Δ Γ Δ C Ƭ Σ Γ Δ L I G ∏ Μ Σ ∏ Ƭ: |
Eli himself is just a regular man living in a world inhabited by supers but Ga'ap is a full blown villain.

| I D Σ ∏ Ƭ I Ƭ Ψ: |

| C H Δ Γ Δ C Ƭ Σ Γ Ƥ Σ Γ Ѕ Θ ∏ Δ L I Ƭ Ψ: |
Eli is an unassuming average individual. Before the events of D-Day he was a recent graduate pursing a career in teaching. As such he's personable while being something of an introvert. Ga'ap on the other hand is a cruel, sadistic being. He takes pleasure in causing pain and inciting chaos making him something of a menace.

| Ʊ ∏ I F Θ Γ Μ / C Θ Ѕ Ƭ Ʊ Μ Σ: |
Eli doesn't don a costume or uniform when Ga'ap takes over his body. Although Ga'ap's degree of possession varies between partial and total. In partial possession, the only real tell is Eli's eyes become red with the veins surrounding them becoming engorged. His incisors lengthen often causing those around him to mistake him for a vampire. His ears also extend to points as his skin becomes pale. In total possession, the transformation is much more drastic. Eli's entire body undergoes a transformation the lower half of his legs become Satyr-like, and large bat-like wings emerge from his back. His skin becomes sickly pale as his eyes burn with the fires of Hell. His hands become clawed and his teeth are changed to rows of razor sharp fangs. In this form, Eli is nothing more than a repressed thought with Ga'ap being completely in control.

| Θ Γ I G I ∏: |

| H Σ Γ Θ Ƭ Ψ Ƥ Σ: |

| Ƥ Θ Ш Σ Γ L Σ Ʋ Σ L: |
City Level

| Ƥ Θ Ш Σ Γ Ѕ: |
Demonic Possession:

| Δ Ƭ Ƭ Γ I Ɓ Ʊ Ƭ Σ Ѕ: |
Strength Level:
40 Tonnes

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
30 mph

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
3 Hours

20x Human Level


Fighting Skill:

| Γ Σ Ѕ Θ Ʊ Γ C Σ Ѕ: |

| Ш Σ Δ Ƙ ∏ Σ Ѕ Ѕ Σ Ѕ: |

Holy Symbols:

| Ѕ Ʊ Ƥ Ƥ Θ Γ Ƭ I ∏ G C H Δ Γ Δ C Ƭ Σ Γ Ѕ: |

| I Μ Δ G Σ Ƭ Σ Ѕ Ƭ: |

| Ѕ Δ Μ Ƥ L Σ Ƥ Θ Ѕ Ƭ: |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| ᗷ I ᖇ T ᕼ ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ: |
Charlize Regina Maddox

| ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ): |

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| ᗷ I O G ᖇ ᗩ ᑭ ᕼ Y: |

| ᗰ I ᔕ ᑕ. ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ: |
■ Charlize drives a 1962 Ford Thunderbird.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

~ W . I . P . ~

| ᗷ I ᖇ T ᕼ ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ: |

| ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ): |

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| ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ: |
-Skeletal frame augmented with a lightweight semi-organic 'living metal'.
-Both legs are heavily mechanically augmented allowing for jumps leading to nearly thirty feet from a standing position.
-Weaponized right arm, stronger and more durable. Retractable thrusters below the elbow allow for boosted punch capable of shattering through most walls.
-Skin is completely artificial on right arm and from the knees down.
-Skin everywhere else is semi-organic or bionic.
-Skull and spine are reinforced.
-Eyes are artificial allowing for infrared vision as well as macro and microscopic zoom.
-Enhanced hearing.
-Sense of touch is dulled due to augmentations.
-All internal organs are real.
-Body is anatomically correct.
-Still requires food and sleep.

| ᕮ ᑫ ᑌ I ᑭ ᗰ ᕮ ᑎ T: |

| ᗷ I O G ᖇ ᗩ ᑭ ᕼ Y: |

| ᗰ I ᔕ ᑕ. ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ: |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago


| ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : |
Charles Richard Maddox

| ᑎ I ᑕ K ᑎ ᗩ ᗰ ᕮ ( ᔕ ) : |

| ᗩ ᒪ I ᗩ ᔕ ( ᕮ ᔕ ): |

| ᗪ . O . ᗷ . : |

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| ᗩ ᗷ I ᒪ I T I ᕮ ᔕ / ᔕ K I ᒪ ᒪ ᔕ : |
Ability Replication: Chuck has the ability to replicate the abilities of other superhumans. This is done through prolonged physical contact although once an ability has been imprinted on Chuck it might activate within a certain proximity of the original host.

Ability Imprinting: Once Chuck has replicated an ability it is imprinted into him. However he can't summon these abilities whenever he wants. These imprinted abilities are linked to several other factors. Proximity to the original host and empathetic connection. As such if he replicates a power of an enemy super, he may only be able to call upon it in a state of heightened adrenaline similar to when he first absorbed it.

-Can only replicate one power at a time.
-Doesn't possess any intuitive aptitude and has to figure the replicated abilities out on his own.
-Requires physical contact to initiate primary replication.
-Can't summon imprinted abilities on a whim.


| ᗷ ᗩ ᑕ K ᔕ T O ᖇ Y : |

| ᗰ O T I ᐯ ᗩ T I O ᑎ / O ᗷ ᒍ ᕮ ᑕ T I ᐯ ᕮ : |
What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.

| ᔕ ᑌ ᑭ ᑭ O ᖇ T I ᑎ G ᑕ ᗩ ᔕ T : |

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| ᑎ O T ᕮ ᔕ : |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| | T E M P L A T E | |

"Witty Quote #1

|_B I R T H N A M E:_____________|

|_N I C K N A M E ( S ):___________|

|_A L I A S ( E S ):_______________|

|_D A T E O F B I R T H:__________|

|_A G E:_____________________|

|_S E X:_____________________|

|_S E X U A L I T Y:______________|

|_A P P E A R A N C E:____________|

"Witty Quote #2

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|_A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:_______|

"Witty Quote #3

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test
|_B I O G R A P H Y:______________|

"Witty Quote #4

|_M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:_|

"Witty Quote #5

|_S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:________|

■ TBD | Test
|_R E F E R E N C E P O S T ( S ):______|

■ TBD | Test
|_N O T E S:____________________|

■ TBD | Test
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| | T E M P L A T E | |

"Witty Quote #1

|_A R C H E T Y P E:______________|


|_N A M E:________________________|


|_A L I A S:_______________________|


|_A G E:___________________________|


|_A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:_|

"Witty Quote #3

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test

■ TBD | Test

|_A L I G N M E N T:_______________|


|_P E R S O N A L I T Y:___________|


|_A P P E A R A N C E:_____________|

"Witty Quote #2

■ TBD | Test


|_B I O G R A P H Y:________________|

"Witty Quote #4


|_S T O R Y L I N E S:______________|


|_N O T E S:________________________|

■ TBD | Test
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 min ago

| | A D R E N A L Y N | |

"Witty Quote #1

|_N A M E:_|

Adalynd Rose Nightingale

|_A L I A S:_|


|_A G E:_|


|_A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:_|

"Witty Quote #3

■ ENHANCED PHYSIOLOGY | When under the influence of the 'Thrill' drug, Adalynd's body is physically enhanced to near metahuman levels. These enhancements take the form of increased strength, speed and apparent durability. The latter however is misleading as Adalynd's increased adrenaline levels lead to a higher pain threshold, allowing her to ignore injuries and attacks which would normally slow her down.

■ ACCELERATED PERCEPTION | When the 'Thrill' drug enters Adalynd's system, it not only boosts her body but also stimulates her cognitive abilities. This allows her mind to work at a much faster rate which allows Adalynd's reflexes to respond at near metahuman levels. Adalynd is able to think faster and clearer, seemingly staying one step ahead of her foes in combat.

■ CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | Adalynd graduated from both her highschool and Gotham University at the top of her class. Majoring in Chemical Engineering and having studied under Johnathan Crane, Adalynd was already familiar with the Scarecrow's fear toxin before reverse engineering it into 'Thrill'.

■ MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | Performing a double major through University, Adalynd chose Mechanical Engineering as her second major. With these skills, she developed several types of boomerangs which she uses to fight crime as Adrenalyn. Furthermore, Adalynd has a keen understanding of most standard automobiles and is able to both repair and upgrade them.

■ ATHLETIC | Through her childhood, Adalynd was enrolled in both ballet and gymnastics, switching from ballet to taekwondo as soon as she was old enough to convince her parents to allow her to study martial arts.


■ OVER DOSE | Test

|_A L I G N M E N T:_|


|_P E R S O N A L I T Y:_|

Brash, Plucky, Pragmatic, Optimistic, Tenacious

|_A P P E A R A N C E:_|

"Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha."

HEIGHT | 5'-8"
WEIGHT | 118 lbs

Standing at roughly five feet and eight inches tall (5'-8"), Adalynd is a woman slightly above average height for her sex. That said, she doesn't cut an overly intimidating figure unless she locks eyes with you. It's Adalynd's eyes which cause many would be suitors to second guess approaching the otherwise stunning woman. Her fierce green eyes give away the fact there's something wild and untamed behind them. Piercing and keen, it's almost as though her eyes can't stop moving as they swish from side to side, taking in their surroundings constantly.

Ellara has a scar above her collarbone on her right shoulder from her first night as a vigilante. Her skin is naturally tanned, having a soft 'mocha' like tone to it due to the mixed heritage of her parents. Having roots in Catalan, Navajo and Mesoamerican cultures, Adalynd's bloodline has a rich history within it. During the summer months, her skin tends to darken due to the sun's rays but even in the winter it retains its tan complexion. Preferring to keep her hair just past shoulder length, Adalynd rarely ties her raven haired locks back in day to day activities but will tie it into a tight bun on the back of her head during vigilante activities.

|_B I O G R A P H Y:_|

"Witty Quote #4

Born in Central City, Adalynd Nightingale grew up watching the Flash save Central City over and over again from the likes of the Rogues. Inspired by the Scarlet Speedster, Adalynd devoted her life to helping people, volunteering wherever she could across the city and devoting herself heavily to the sciences throughout school. Graduating top of her class, Adalynd was honoured to be requested as her class's valedictorian. Giving a heartfelt speech on

|_S T O R Y L I N E S:_|


|_N O T E S:_|

■ TBD | Test
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