- Oliver Jonas Queen
- Green Arrow
Neutral Good
Team Arrow
Oliver Queen was born into privilege in the year of 1981 to billionaire philanthropist Robert Queen and his wife, Moira, in Star City, California. The scion of Queen Industries, his father’s multi-billion dollar conglomerate, Oliver grew up enjoying much of the perks afforded to him by his family’s considerable wealth.
He took up an interest in archery at an early age, spurred on by a delighted Robert, who began teaching Oliver whenever he could, also hiring the best teacher money could buy. Oliver attended Brentwood Academy alongside his best friend, Thomas Merlyn. As he entered high school his parents enrolled him at Excelsior Academy, one of the top boarding schools in the United States, where he attended classes alongside the likes of Tommy, Bruce Wayne and Anthony Stark. However, by the age of fifteen he was no longer as academically inclined as his peers, deserting archery for girls, partying and irresponsibility, much to his parents’ dismay, and to Tommy’s joy. It was around this time that he began seeing more of Simon Lacroix, one of his father’s employees a few years his senior.
In the year of 2000, Oliver broke up with his then girlfriend, Sandra Hawke, after finding out that she was pregnant. Unready to be a father, he sent two million dollars to her new home in San Francisco.
Four years later, Robert had enough. Having witnessed his son’s shameful behaviour as a young adult, he sent Oliver to a Queen Industries oil rig in the North China Sea, assigning him to clerical work. Oliver, always the wild socialite, was quick to turn the rig into a party site. Such a party saw his fall from grace as oil-thieving terrorists attacked the rig, intending to take it over. Armed with a bow he’d used to entertain partygoers, Oliver resolved to confront the terrorist leader, believing himself capable enough to defuse the situation. However, a shot that managed to knock a detonator from the terrorist’s hands also managed to detonate the explosives they’d set, blowing up half of the rig and killing most of its inhabitants, including Tommy. Flung into the cold seawater with nothing but his bow, Oliver washes up on the shore of Lian Yu, a deserted island with seemingly no other occupants.
Oliver arrived at his purgatory. The four years he spent there would transform him from an irresponsible playboy into someone else… They would transform him into something else.
They would transform him into… the Green Arrow.
He took up an interest in archery at an early age, spurred on by a delighted Robert, who began teaching Oliver whenever he could, also hiring the best teacher money could buy. Oliver attended Brentwood Academy alongside his best friend, Thomas Merlyn. As he entered high school his parents enrolled him at Excelsior Academy, one of the top boarding schools in the United States, where he attended classes alongside the likes of Tommy, Bruce Wayne and Anthony Stark. However, by the age of fifteen he was no longer as academically inclined as his peers, deserting archery for girls, partying and irresponsibility, much to his parents’ dismay, and to Tommy’s joy. It was around this time that he began seeing more of Simon Lacroix, one of his father’s employees a few years his senior.
In the year of 2000, Oliver broke up with his then girlfriend, Sandra Hawke, after finding out that she was pregnant. Unready to be a father, he sent two million dollars to her new home in San Francisco.
Four years later, Robert had enough. Having witnessed his son’s shameful behaviour as a young adult, he sent Oliver to a Queen Industries oil rig in the North China Sea, assigning him to clerical work. Oliver, always the wild socialite, was quick to turn the rig into a party site. Such a party saw his fall from grace as oil-thieving terrorists attacked the rig, intending to take it over. Armed with a bow he’d used to entertain partygoers, Oliver resolved to confront the terrorist leader, believing himself capable enough to defuse the situation. However, a shot that managed to knock a detonator from the terrorist’s hands also managed to detonate the explosives they’d set, blowing up half of the rig and killing most of its inhabitants, including Tommy. Flung into the cold seawater with nothing but his bow, Oliver washes up on the shore of Lian Yu, a deserted island with seemingly no other occupants.
Oliver arrived at his purgatory. The four years he spent there would transform him from an irresponsible playboy into someone else… They would transform him into something else.
They would transform him into… the Green Arrow.
Team Arrow
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern | An honorary member of Team Arrow, Hal and Ollie met while chasing leads on a possible alien weapons trade in Star City. They have since become close friends, the best of friends, even, and maintain contact even given the demanding particulars of their jobs.
John Diggle | Formerly of the Green Berets, Diggle is a retired police sergeant and Oliver’s right-hand man. Having started out as Ollie’s informant within the SCPD, Diggle left the police force in order to play a larger part in his crusade. He now works as Oliver’s “bodyguard” and “security advisor”, both well-paying covers for his real occupation.
Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary | A fellow vigilante and Ollie’s ex-girlfriend, Dinah is widely regarded as one of the world’s best martial artists. The two met during a night spent fighting crime, and have since been deeply in love. However, it perhaps wasn’t as strong as they thought, as Ollie cheated on her two years into their relationship with Felicity Smoak. That said, it’s a miracle that she didn’t kick Oliver’s ass when she found out. She currently resides in Gotham.
Roy Harper/Arsenal | Oliver’s first ward, Roy was an archery aficionado long before he met his mentor. Living on the tough streets of the Glades, when he heard of the Moira Queen Home for Homeless Youths he was quick to make his way there (once he made sure his pride wasn’t hurt). He’s proven to be a valuable member of Team Arrow, and currently spends his days juggling his time between fatherhood and Team Arrow. Formerly under the alias of Speedy.
Connor Hawke/Red Arrow | Oliver’s son, he met his father for the first time at the age of thirteen while residing at an ashram monastery in Napa Valley. His mother, Sandra, sent him there at his request, thinking that he wanted to find himself when he really just wanted to get away from his stepfather, Milo Armitage. He worked with his father as Red Arrow for a short amount of time before the assassin, Onomatopoeia, nearly killed him. Banned from vigilantism in order to protect him, Connor reluctantly conforms to Ollie’s wishes, wanting to help but unwilling to disobey him. He grudgingly accepts his father’s reasoning for allowing Mia to go out into the field, but is nonetheless bitter about it.
Mia Dearden/Speedy | Oliver’s adopted daughter, Mia was forced into prostitution by her father before she ran away from home. She lived on the streets before being taken in by a young man by the name of Richard, who, in exchange for clothing, food and shelter, found ways to exploit her for his own gain, often acting as her pimp. After being rescued by Green Arrow from a particularly eager councilman, Mia started to see Richard from who he really is and left, searching for the Moira Queen Home for Homeless Youth, where she was taken in by Oliver Queen himself, and adopted as his daughter once they heard of her father’s death. After being diagnosed as HIV positive, she convinced Oliver to let her help him as Speedy, much to Connor’s chagrin.
Felicity Smoak | Formerly of the Q-Core IT department, Felicity became a part of Team Arrow when Oliver sought her help to track down the supplier of Vertigo. She proved to be invaluable to the team until the night both she and Ollie regret, after which she left the team, ashamed and seeking a more familiar environment. She currently works at Kord Industries.
Henry Fyff | Felicity’s replacement and employee at Q-Core, Henry also happened to have had a massive crush on her prior to her transferral to Kord. His awkward advances mistaken for stalker-like tendencies, Ollie fired him personally, concerned about Felicity’s safety but also sad to have to let such a brilliant mind go. Instead of finding another job, Henry settled for working at his mother’s Chinese takeout restaurant until Oliver came and rehired him, with a bonus: he gets to work with the Green Arrow. During his time on Team Arrow, he’s proven to be just as skilled, and invaluable, as Felicity was.
George the Arrowhound | Part huskie, part wolf, George was forced into the dogfighting underworld, made to fight and kill dogs born and bred for only one thing: senseless slaughter. Rescued by Oliver, his new owner nursed him back to health, and George soon became Team Arrow’s fearsome yet loveable mascot.
John Diggle | Formerly of the Green Berets, Diggle is a retired police sergeant and Oliver’s right-hand man. Having started out as Ollie’s informant within the SCPD, Diggle left the police force in order to play a larger part in his crusade. He now works as Oliver’s “bodyguard” and “security advisor”, both well-paying covers for his real occupation.
Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary | A fellow vigilante and Ollie’s ex-girlfriend, Dinah is widely regarded as one of the world’s best martial artists. The two met during a night spent fighting crime, and have since been deeply in love. However, it perhaps wasn’t as strong as they thought, as Ollie cheated on her two years into their relationship with Felicity Smoak. That said, it’s a miracle that she didn’t kick Oliver’s ass when she found out. She currently resides in Gotham.
Roy Harper/Arsenal | Oliver’s first ward, Roy was an archery aficionado long before he met his mentor. Living on the tough streets of the Glades, when he heard of the Moira Queen Home for Homeless Youths he was quick to make his way there (once he made sure his pride wasn’t hurt). He’s proven to be a valuable member of Team Arrow, and currently spends his days juggling his time between fatherhood and Team Arrow. Formerly under the alias of Speedy.
Connor Hawke/Red Arrow | Oliver’s son, he met his father for the first time at the age of thirteen while residing at an ashram monastery in Napa Valley. His mother, Sandra, sent him there at his request, thinking that he wanted to find himself when he really just wanted to get away from his stepfather, Milo Armitage. He worked with his father as Red Arrow for a short amount of time before the assassin, Onomatopoeia, nearly killed him. Banned from vigilantism in order to protect him, Connor reluctantly conforms to Ollie’s wishes, wanting to help but unwilling to disobey him. He grudgingly accepts his father’s reasoning for allowing Mia to go out into the field, but is nonetheless bitter about it.
Mia Dearden/Speedy | Oliver’s adopted daughter, Mia was forced into prostitution by her father before she ran away from home. She lived on the streets before being taken in by a young man by the name of Richard, who, in exchange for clothing, food and shelter, found ways to exploit her for his own gain, often acting as her pimp. After being rescued by Green Arrow from a particularly eager councilman, Mia started to see Richard from who he really is and left, searching for the Moira Queen Home for Homeless Youth, where she was taken in by Oliver Queen himself, and adopted as his daughter once they heard of her father’s death. After being diagnosed as HIV positive, she convinced Oliver to let her help him as Speedy, much to Connor’s chagrin.
Felicity Smoak | Formerly of the Q-Core IT department, Felicity became a part of Team Arrow when Oliver sought her help to track down the supplier of Vertigo. She proved to be invaluable to the team until the night both she and Ollie regret, after which she left the team, ashamed and seeking a more familiar environment. She currently works at Kord Industries.
Henry Fyff | Felicity’s replacement and employee at Q-Core, Henry also happened to have had a massive crush on her prior to her transferral to Kord. His awkward advances mistaken for stalker-like tendencies, Ollie fired him personally, concerned about Felicity’s safety but also sad to have to let such a brilliant mind go. Instead of finding another job, Henry settled for working at his mother’s Chinese takeout restaurant until Oliver came and rehired him, with a bonus: he gets to work with the Green Arrow. During his time on Team Arrow, he’s proven to be just as skilled, and invaluable, as Felicity was.
George the Arrowhound | Part huskie, part wolf, George was forced into the dogfighting underworld, made to fight and kill dogs born and bred for only one thing: senseless slaughter. Rescued by Oliver, his new owner nursed him back to health, and George soon became Team Arrow’s fearsome yet loveable mascot.
Robert Queen | The founder of Queen Industries, Robert was a ruthless businessman, a quality which insured his company’s success. Despite this he was a loving father, only wanting the best for Oliver. When he found out that his son shared his love for archery, he was ecstatic, eager to have Ollie learn from only the best. But when Oliver started to drift away from the bow and quiver, opting instead to take up recreational drug use and relentless partying, Robert found himself incredibly disappointed with both his son and himself. And while he only wanted the best for Ollie, the same could not be said about his behaviour towards his wife. While yes, he loved Moira, he often let lust and desire overcome him, and so he had many affairs to his name – affairs that his wife chose to remain ignorant of.
In 2005, the media went insane with coverage of Robert’s death, reporting of a helicopter crash that took his life in the Himalayas.
Moira Queen | Oliver’s mother and wife to Robert, Moira was a loving parent and devoted wife. Unlike her husband, who was known in the corporate world for his ruthlessness, Moira was a kind, nurturing soul, using her wealth to help those in need in whichever way she could. Her charity work earned her love and respect not just in Star City, but in many cities throughout the States, even going as far as Gotham, where her work in the Narrows made her name synonymous with that of the Waynes.
Moira passed away from cancer in 2010, her son at her bedside.
Walter Steele | Robert’s best friend and former CFO of Queen Industries, Walter now runs the company following his friend’s death. Frustrated at Oliver’s continued irresponsibility, he gave him control over Queen Industries’ subsidiary, Q-Core, hoping that having to run it will prepare him for taking over the company. But this didn’t seem to remedy Ollie’s continuous absences, and Walter is at a loss of what to do.
Master Jansen | A monk residing in the ashram monastery in Napa Valley, Master Jansen was the one who taught Oliver and Connor the way of the Buddha, and the latter the art of aikido and Kyudo archery.
In 2005, the media went insane with coverage of Robert’s death, reporting of a helicopter crash that took his life in the Himalayas.
Moira Queen | Oliver’s mother and wife to Robert, Moira was a loving parent and devoted wife. Unlike her husband, who was known in the corporate world for his ruthlessness, Moira was a kind, nurturing soul, using her wealth to help those in need in whichever way she could. Her charity work earned her love and respect not just in Star City, but in many cities throughout the States, even going as far as Gotham, where her work in the Narrows made her name synonymous with that of the Waynes.
Moira passed away from cancer in 2010, her son at her bedside.
Walter Steele | Robert’s best friend and former CFO of Queen Industries, Walter now runs the company following his friend’s death. Frustrated at Oliver’s continued irresponsibility, he gave him control over Queen Industries’ subsidiary, Q-Core, hoping that having to run it will prepare him for taking over the company. But this didn’t seem to remedy Ollie’s continuous absences, and Walter is at a loss of what to do.
Master Jansen | A monk residing in the ashram monastery in Napa Valley, Master Jansen was the one who taught Oliver and Connor the way of the Buddha, and the latter the art of aikido and Kyudo archery.
James MacGowan | Head of Star City’s Irish mob, Jimmy MacGowan has control over the entirety of Downtown, content with the territory he owns, not bothered to make a play against any of his competitors. In the past he was involved in a deal between himself and Brick, something that would have guaranteed his place in the new criminal hierarchy. He only made such a deal to save his own behind, however – so when Green Arrow took down Brick and his empire, MacGowan didn’t see an enemy – he saw a potential asset. As long as the Emerald Archer keeps out of his hair and takes care of the other criminal organisations, then MacGowan has no quarrel with him. He is currently the most powerful of mob bosses in Star City.
Daniel “Brick” Brickwell | Born and raised in the Glades, Danny Brickwell always had big ambitions. Starting his criminal career as a mere gangbanger, Brick saw his chance when Ricardo Diaz’s empire came tumbling down, leaving a massive power vacuum where it once was. Uniting numerous street gangs, his syndicate became an overnight criminal superpower, feared by crooks and authorities alike. The only one who dared to challenge him was Green Arrow – and when Brick found out that he and Oliver Queen were one and the same, he was determined to make him pay. Kidnapping Moira Queen, Brick planned to kill her as Oliver watched, but the ensuing fight didn’t seem to favour him. Brick is now presumed dead.
Malcolm Merlyn/The Dark Archer | Malcolm Merlyn was once the CEO of Merlyn Global Group, an international corporation that was considered Queen Industries’ toughest competitor. He was also one of Robert Queen’s closest friends, a stark contrast to their companies’ hostile natures. Following Robert’s death in 2005, Malcolm left Star City for four years, leaving his company in the hands of fellow businessman, Jakob Whorrsman. He resurfaced as the assassin, the Dark Archer, clashing with Green Arrow multiple times. His identity is known to Oliver.
Carrie Cutter/Cupid | A former police officer for the SCPD, Carrie was discharged after developing an obsession for her partner. Her sick brand of love going unsated, she visited her ex-partner’s home, aiming to kill him, and Green Arrow, mistaking the scene for a husband abusing his wife, shot an arrow at the man, “rescuing” Carrie. From then onwards, her fixation shifted to the Emerald Archer, leading to a murderous rampage in which she tried to show her devotion to her new love. After murdering Triad leader Jin Fang, along with many other high profile figures in Star City’s underworld, her killing spree was finally put to an end by Green Arrow. She is currently incarcerated in Belle Reve Penitentiary.
Werner Zytle/Count Vertigo | The king of a small Eastern European country, Vlatava, Zytle travelled a long and bloody road on his way to leadership. Funded by an international drug smuggling operation, trading Vertigo, a drug he developed, Zytle maintained Vlatava as a relatively wealthy European nation – but his empire came crumbling down when Green Arrow caught wind of his operation in Star City. Mounting a raid on Zytle’s Vlatavan compound, Team Arrow brought an end to the Count’s drug trade. Three years later, Zytle got his revenge on Green Arrow, managing to capture him – only to be defeated by his partner, Red Arrow.
Red Dart | A serial bank robber employing trick darts instead of arrows, her brief stint in Star City was brought to an end by Speedy. She’s recently expanded her repertoire into mercenary work.
Constantine Drakon | An international assassin, it is said that Drakon is second to only Deathstroke the Terminator in their line of work.
Onomatopoeia | An assassin targeting non-powered vigilantes, Onomatopoeia clashed with Green and Red Arrow, hospitalising the latter after shooting him through the subscapular artery. Bringing forth the Emerald Archer’s rage, he barely escaped, vanishing into the night.
Simon Lacroix | Born into poverty and growing up on the streets, Simon Lacroix is effectively the anti-Ollie Queen. Fighting to keep himself afloat since an early age, his hard work earnt him the attention of Robert Queen at the age of eighteen. Made Robert’s protégé, he was taught everything his mentor knew about the business world; everything he needed to kick-start his own international conglomerate: Stellmoor International.
Isabel Rochev/The Queen | Native to a mountainside village in Siberia, Isabel Rochev became enamoured with Robert Queen after he visited her home, where she worked laboriously in a diamond mine; the village’s primary source of income. An attractive young woman at half Robert’s age, she managed to land a job as his assistant, and quickly began an extramarital affair with her idol. After her job was terminated without notice, she didn’t blame Robert, who fired her, but the wider Queen family: his wife, Moira, and his son, Oliver, believing them to be a stain on his mind, skewing his judgement. She now works at Stellmoor International alongside Simon Lacroix.
Big Game | A mercenary hailing from Africa, Big Game hunted Green Arrow for his own personal enjoyment. Defeated by both the former and his partner, Speedy, he hasn’t set foot in Star City since.
Edward Fyers | The leader of a large mercenary group, Eddie Fyers ran into Green Arrow when he was hired by Count Vertigo to lure him into a trap. When Zytle’s plan backfired, Fyers and his team were quick to leave Star City, leaving no trace for the Emerald Archer to follow.
Ricardo Diaz Jr./Richard Dragon | The son of former mob boss, Ricardo Diaz, Diaz Jr. was witness to the fall of his father’s criminal empire at the hands of Green Arrow. Disbelieving that such a powerful man could be dethroned by a guy with a gimmick, Ricardo left Star City, travelling the world to train under some of the greatest martial artists ever known. He vowed to return to Star City, and remake his father’s empire into the most powerful one in the States.
Natas | An international assassin, Natas was originally hired by the deceased crime lord China White to kill Oliver during his third year on Lian Yu. Admiring Ollie’s resolve, he instead chose to teach him martial arts, honing the billionaire’s body into a weapon. However, when Oliver refused to deal China the killing blow in a skirmish, nearly all respect Natas had for him faded. Leaving him broken and bloodied on the island, Natas left for civilisation, returning to the profession he was so good at. He entered into Oliver’s life once more in 2011, but this time in the shadows. Paid a sum he couldn’t refuse, Natas revealed Green Arrow’s identity to Brick, effectively endangering the lives of all Oliver held dear. To his credit, he refused to assassinate his former student, leaving Star City nearly as soon as he got there. His whereabouts are unknown.
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke | Once a soldier, Slade Wilson took part in a biological augmentation program that allowed him to surpass human limits. He is now feared as one of the deadliest assassins in the world. REQUIRES PERMISSION FROM @FacePunch
Prometheus | ???
Daniel “Brick” Brickwell | Born and raised in the Glades, Danny Brickwell always had big ambitions. Starting his criminal career as a mere gangbanger, Brick saw his chance when Ricardo Diaz’s empire came tumbling down, leaving a massive power vacuum where it once was. Uniting numerous street gangs, his syndicate became an overnight criminal superpower, feared by crooks and authorities alike. The only one who dared to challenge him was Green Arrow – and when Brick found out that he and Oliver Queen were one and the same, he was determined to make him pay. Kidnapping Moira Queen, Brick planned to kill her as Oliver watched, but the ensuing fight didn’t seem to favour him. Brick is now presumed dead.
Malcolm Merlyn/The Dark Archer | Malcolm Merlyn was once the CEO of Merlyn Global Group, an international corporation that was considered Queen Industries’ toughest competitor. He was also one of Robert Queen’s closest friends, a stark contrast to their companies’ hostile natures. Following Robert’s death in 2005, Malcolm left Star City for four years, leaving his company in the hands of fellow businessman, Jakob Whorrsman. He resurfaced as the assassin, the Dark Archer, clashing with Green Arrow multiple times. His identity is known to Oliver.
Carrie Cutter/Cupid | A former police officer for the SCPD, Carrie was discharged after developing an obsession for her partner. Her sick brand of love going unsated, she visited her ex-partner’s home, aiming to kill him, and Green Arrow, mistaking the scene for a husband abusing his wife, shot an arrow at the man, “rescuing” Carrie. From then onwards, her fixation shifted to the Emerald Archer, leading to a murderous rampage in which she tried to show her devotion to her new love. After murdering Triad leader Jin Fang, along with many other high profile figures in Star City’s underworld, her killing spree was finally put to an end by Green Arrow. She is currently incarcerated in Belle Reve Penitentiary.
Werner Zytle/Count Vertigo | The king of a small Eastern European country, Vlatava, Zytle travelled a long and bloody road on his way to leadership. Funded by an international drug smuggling operation, trading Vertigo, a drug he developed, Zytle maintained Vlatava as a relatively wealthy European nation – but his empire came crumbling down when Green Arrow caught wind of his operation in Star City. Mounting a raid on Zytle’s Vlatavan compound, Team Arrow brought an end to the Count’s drug trade. Three years later, Zytle got his revenge on Green Arrow, managing to capture him – only to be defeated by his partner, Red Arrow.
Red Dart | A serial bank robber employing trick darts instead of arrows, her brief stint in Star City was brought to an end by Speedy. She’s recently expanded her repertoire into mercenary work.
Constantine Drakon | An international assassin, it is said that Drakon is second to only Deathstroke the Terminator in their line of work.
Onomatopoeia | An assassin targeting non-powered vigilantes, Onomatopoeia clashed with Green and Red Arrow, hospitalising the latter after shooting him through the subscapular artery. Bringing forth the Emerald Archer’s rage, he barely escaped, vanishing into the night.
Simon Lacroix | Born into poverty and growing up on the streets, Simon Lacroix is effectively the anti-Ollie Queen. Fighting to keep himself afloat since an early age, his hard work earnt him the attention of Robert Queen at the age of eighteen. Made Robert’s protégé, he was taught everything his mentor knew about the business world; everything he needed to kick-start his own international conglomerate: Stellmoor International.
Isabel Rochev/The Queen | Native to a mountainside village in Siberia, Isabel Rochev became enamoured with Robert Queen after he visited her home, where she worked laboriously in a diamond mine; the village’s primary source of income. An attractive young woman at half Robert’s age, she managed to land a job as his assistant, and quickly began an extramarital affair with her idol. After her job was terminated without notice, she didn’t blame Robert, who fired her, but the wider Queen family: his wife, Moira, and his son, Oliver, believing them to be a stain on his mind, skewing his judgement. She now works at Stellmoor International alongside Simon Lacroix.
Big Game | A mercenary hailing from Africa, Big Game hunted Green Arrow for his own personal enjoyment. Defeated by both the former and his partner, Speedy, he hasn’t set foot in Star City since.
Edward Fyers | The leader of a large mercenary group, Eddie Fyers ran into Green Arrow when he was hired by Count Vertigo to lure him into a trap. When Zytle’s plan backfired, Fyers and his team were quick to leave Star City, leaving no trace for the Emerald Archer to follow.
Ricardo Diaz Jr./Richard Dragon | The son of former mob boss, Ricardo Diaz, Diaz Jr. was witness to the fall of his father’s criminal empire at the hands of Green Arrow. Disbelieving that such a powerful man could be dethroned by a guy with a gimmick, Ricardo left Star City, travelling the world to train under some of the greatest martial artists ever known. He vowed to return to Star City, and remake his father’s empire into the most powerful one in the States.
Natas | An international assassin, Natas was originally hired by the deceased crime lord China White to kill Oliver during his third year on Lian Yu. Admiring Ollie’s resolve, he instead chose to teach him martial arts, honing the billionaire’s body into a weapon. However, when Oliver refused to deal China the killing blow in a skirmish, nearly all respect Natas had for him faded. Leaving him broken and bloodied on the island, Natas left for civilisation, returning to the profession he was so good at. He entered into Oliver’s life once more in 2011, but this time in the shadows. Paid a sum he couldn’t refuse, Natas revealed Green Arrow’s identity to Brick, effectively endangering the lives of all Oliver held dear. To his credit, he refused to assassinate his former student, leaving Star City nearly as soon as he got there. His whereabouts are unknown.
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke | Once a soldier, Slade Wilson took part in a biological augmentation program that allowed him to surpass human limits. He is now feared as one of the deadliest assassins in the world. REQUIRES PERMISSION FROM @FacePunch
Prometheus | ???
I’ve mixed and merged elements of Ollie’s Pre-Flashpoint, New 52 and Arrow incarnations according to my whims, constructing a much more in-depth backstory that I’ve decided to spare everyone from. Other than that, this is largely the Green Arrow we all knew back in his van-dyking days, albeit with a New 52-ish twist.
#1: Green Arrow: Hawke, part one.
#2: Green Arrow: Hawke, part two.
#3: Green Arrow: Hawke, part three.
#4: The Flash... cooks some breakfast?
#2: Green Arrow: Hawke, part two.
#3: Green Arrow: Hawke, part three.
#4: The Flash... cooks some breakfast?