Rogue Inc.

"Come Join Us in making this world a better one for Rogues all around"
In this universe good and evil are represented in the rawest of forms: Agents (Heroes) and Rogue (Villains). The agents are doing their best to protect this little blue world while the rouges are doing their best to exploit it. Your story takes place in the city of Lochwell City. The premier city of the United States and the crown jewel of the west coast. Sitting off the Northern coast of California and bordering Oregon. The city has been around for a long time and has attracted the eyes of many, good and evil. Now you have been captured by the ARGO (Anit-Rogue Global Orgainization) and sent to Illwood Correctional Facility. Here at ICF they have a cell with your name on it and you cannot get out. Or can you? You need to get out and back on your grind and there are others like you as well determined to get out. Its time for the Rogue to come back to the world with a vengeance, and you and your new found "allies" will bring it, or the "Rogue" name will die in your own personal hell.
Ummm...Hi I spoke to the original GM of this rp and asked for permission to reboot this and see if I could make it better, so if anyone is interested and wants to contribute something and then lets have some fun.
OOC link