Name: Micky Young
Gender: Male
Age: 16

I don't want you to look at his body, but rather his face. His face being the only thing I want out of this pic . His face being slightly more plump. Micky stands at about 5'4, and weighs slightly over 200 lbs. Most of his weight comes from the excess fat he has around his gut and legs. He usually wears thick hoodies that cover up his body, but recently he's been wearing a few sweater vests that make him look slightly thinner. Micky had poor posture and usually slouches when he's sitting or walking, leaving him with a sore back most days.
Personality: There really isn't one word that can describe Micky. At times and in certain situations, Micky can be very lazy or very productive with his day. Micky could also be very shy, or when he goes to formal places with his family, very outspoken. The only thing that really sets Micky aside when it come to standing out in a crowed, is that he is a quick learner. Not in the traditional sense, like learning about school and stuff, but more of a practical sense.
Micky can pick up on little things quickly, social hints, peoples feelings through their expressions or words. He's very keen on things like that. Micky is also and avid reader, his favorite books being about true crime, usually about the Mob or righteous groups. This interest usually spills over to his real life, making him interested in the weird and brutal. Yet, he still gets a bit standoffish when the time of trouble comes by. It's much like how he is with people, at first he's interested in beings friend with someone, but if
their interest gets to high to quickly, it'll freak Micky out and usually drive him away.
If Micky manages to ease himself into a friendship it almost always lasts a long time, resulting in a friend that you can trust with your life if need be. Micky is a reliable friend, when you do become friends with him, that is.
Background: Micky lived a troubled life ever since he started to attend school. At a very young age, Micky had fallen victim to bullies. The would tease him about his weight, and poke fun at him, calling him names and the like. When Micky was in grades 1-5, the bullying didn't really bother him,they just annoyed him, for the most part the bullies weren't that good at bullying. But as grades 6, 7 and 8 rolled around, Micky noticed the boys, and sometimes girls, started to get more vicious with their words and actions. The girls, taking it as far as making earthquake jokes when he walked in class, and the boys adopting a more physical approach.
Those last three years before high school were seriously hard on Micky, nearly everyday Micky would be left crying in the bathroom waiting out the day, or sent home early because the bullies had been particularly rough that day. Luckily, Micky's parents were the kindest souls in his life, and at the end of the day Micky would always have a place and people to come back to who would make thing better.
There was a change in Micky's life when they decided to move away from the city that they have been living in for years. They were moving just before the start of Micky's first year of high school. This was both a blessing and a scare for Micky as he knew what could come of it. Micky hated the idea of moving cities, leaving everything behind. But, on the positive side, Micky would be free from the chains of his bullies that tortured him everyday at school. This may be the opportunity to change and start a better school life. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because Micky knew exactly how harsh bullies at high school can be and his mom had just saved him from that agony.
Micky is now in a new city, with site and sounds. This being the perfect way for Micky to change the things he dislikes about himself and be a person that people want to hang out with. After the move, Micky started exercising and he started to be a little more outgoing, but everything is still a work in progress.
Relations: Open