A rp based off of a surprisingly decent anime. Well I want to jump into this.
Name: Mavick Sword Storm
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Personality: Mavick is a self proclaimed hero. He enjoys fighting evil and helping people. He enjoys it so much there is almost no way to possibly imagine himself doing something other than adventuring. However, if Mavick did try another profession the young hero you see now would become a short old hermit who likes to speak in riddles within a week. Fighting for justice and peace is more of an obsession for this young man.
This trait however doesn't make him a very friendly guy, but simply a very focused and determined man. The lengths Mavick will go to in order to help someone can range from comical to quite disturbing, but this makes him a rather valuable temporary party member. Eventually his own recklessness can and will get others in trouble.
Master Swordsman- Capable of duel wielding swords effectively and outfighting most warriors in single combat. Mavick has trained almost his entire life and can impress even the strongest of swordsman in skill.
Inhuman Reflexes and Agility- Mavick seems almost naturally capable of reacting extremely quickly to any possible threat. It allows him to survive most situations when he's outnumbered or simply facing a stronger opponent.
Magical Knowledge and Detection- Mavick comes from a family that is expected to fight any enemy which forces them to be very knowledgeable. This is especially the case when it comes to magic. Being able to identify and sometimes neutralize magical items or traps has saved Mavick countless times. The only magic he was able to learn was the ability to detect it properly.
Notable Equipment, Traits, etc;:
In another world Mavick could use his skills to become a powerful Hero rivaling some of the Demon King's strongest Lords. However, in this one he is cursed with equipment made to test heroes like himself.
Sword of Destiny- This weapon takes the shape of a dark black longsword. Its aura is strong enough to turn away some of the most daring adventurers, but when wielded it will bring doom. The doom it brings is terrible luck to its wielder which often ends in their death. Mavick however is from a long line of heroes who's own destiny keeps them alive when they should've perished. In this case the sword simply makes every single fight Mavick enters a struggle. Mavick could try and kill a rat and the rodent could potentially escape while giving him a wound.
Lorick's Dagger- Another Longsword that shines a bright emerald green was said to be a weapon wielded by an old god known as Lorick. This god was a trickster that brought down an almost forgotten civilization and its weapon was always given to would be heroes. Whenever this weapon comes into contact with another weapon, or armor it shatters. Its cursed forcing the one who uses it to keep using it until they die. Mavick is capable of wielding it with some minor effectiveness by being able to parry attacks just before it shatters. The curse forces him to be unable to use other weapons, but if this weapon is a very powerful magical weapon it will simply break like Lorick's Dagger. Both will reform in seconds.
Both weapons are essentially curses that Mavick is unable to get rid of and severely hampers his fighting ability, but this to him is just another challenge for a hero.
Adventurer's Journal- Mavick has done almost nothing but travel for over 5 years. He's met many new people, discovered ruins and killed a lot of dangerous creatures. It would only make sense for Mavick to document these experiences in his journal. This journal contains information on different cities, races, monsters etc. This along with other books detailing the history of the land he traverses has made Mavick somewhat of a wondering scholar. When facing new dangerous monsters or seemingly unknown territory Mavick usually has some knowledge of it.
History: Mavick SwordStorm is from a large family of heroes. Most of them were adopted and trained to become the best of the best. He was brought into the family as a infant and essentially was raised with greatness in mind. His whole life was a mix of training how to fight for others and learning enough about the world to learn why he should. To be raised in a environment where he needed to be a fighter and in some ways a philosopher was a struggle. This was a struggle he endured for years in order to become the warrior he is now.
At the age of 15 Mavick took on a quest that would change his life. The quest was a mission to destroy a cult that were kidnapping children from farms. He found their hideout and defeated the group. When they surrendered he was offered two weapons. These weapons were something there new god was meant to wield, but his own power impressed them so they saw fit for him to use them. Mavick took them as general loot for his trouble, but didn't realize the curse behind them. Every battle after that nearly saw him killed or sometimes humiliated. He went from a top hero to a skilled but rather weak adventurer. This was something he couldn't abide but luckily he trained his whole life for something like this. He would keep fighting in order to overcome this curse and defeat the greatest evil despite a almost divine handicap.
Other: Sometimes Mavick talks to his swords and occasionally he thinks they talk back to him.
If you haven't noticed Mavick would be pretty powerful in most situations, but his equipment severely hampers him. That and his general obsession with being a hero also brings him down a bit. Not sure if he's still too powerful or not.