Well, I'm not sure if Gentlemanvaultboy has ever played Dungeons and Dragons before, so he might be a little confused, guys. I'm not convinced rolling init is the best method
I think the monster should be free to react to anyone and not have to be a part of the initiative. That way we get an organic response as opposed to the monster standing there and letting 8 people beat the shit out of it before responding. Anyway I have an 11.
1. Sarrai'a's going first because she literally has no chill. 2. Cliver cause he has a grudge 3. Drevken because he's a show off 4. Clover because she mad 5. Lilith because she's all "nooo people are gonna diiieee" 6. Caelus because I say so 7. Elras because he has something up his sleeve 8. Sky because this is none of her buisness 9. other dude
The monster will be responding organically according to what happens to it, so it will not be a part of the order
You may respond if the wolf merely flings you back, but you must keep your response brief, and you may not attack again until your turn, to make things clear