Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

Member Seen 10 days ago

Looks like a large part of this group is about to run into each other all at once x) This oughta be interesting!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

@DarthSeverus394 I'd like it how the show is.

I'd rather not. But then again that could be my flaming hatred of a lot of what's in the show.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

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<Snipped quote by TheIrishJJ>

I'd rather not. But then again that could be my flaming hatred of a lot of what's in the show.

What don't you like about the show? That they don't have a specific set number of moves?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Pokemon arent carnivores in this RP and any resources from animals will come from the actual animals. You get milk from a cow, not a Miltank. Pokemon dont replace animals, they just exist as well. @Ganelon

This is an answer that spawns some more questions from me. For example, if there are animals and pokemon, what's the distinction between the two? How do pokemon exist if they can't be handwaved away by saying 'different evolutionary path'. Is it ok to eat normal animals and not ok to eat pokemon? why would this be? a lot of pokemon are just animals with implicitly supernatural powers.

<Snipped quote by Natsucooldude>

What don't you like about the show? That they don't have a specific set number of moves?

1. It keeps running the same plotlines, inexplicably resetting everything ash achieves in the previous region (including his pokemon knowledge, what, does he ritually beat himself into amnesia before moving into a new region?). This makes anything that happens in the show meaningless because you know it'll all be reset when the next generation rolls around. The mangas were much better about this, electing to have a new protagonist every generation, sometimes returning the protagonists of earlier generations to show how they've grown in the meantime.

2. It's just so sickeningly light-hearted any conflict is rendered rather meaningless. This was less of an issue in the beginning of the show, but the later seasons just have such light tones that any conflict that goes on and isn't a gym battle feels rather forced and contrived. The manga, thought still somewhat light hearted, had this mildly treathening undertone to it that granted meaning to conflicts that happened between the character.

so basically, go manga! scew the anime.

on a sidenote, the pokemon in the manga jsut make normal animal sounds... And I think the original japanese dub had that as well. the english dub just has pokemon speak their names due to translators at the times thinking children were slack-faced morons that wouln't be able to remember which pokemon is which otherwise. this entire paragraph is IIRC.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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<Snipped quote by DarthSeverus394>

This is an answer that spawns some more questions from me. For example, if there are animals and pokemon, what's the distinction between the two? How do pokemon exist if they can't be handwaved away by saying 'different evolutionary path'. Is it ok to eat normal animals and not ok to eat pokemon? why would this be? a lot of pokemon are just animals with implicitly supernatural powers.

I've always thought that pokemon was a post-apocalyptic version of our world with pokemon being genetically engineered beings.

There's a fan theory that pokemon are an invading alien lifeform, though. That would explain the "egg groups" and how dittos can breed with anything, as they are the original form or something very close. The other pokemon are stuck mimicking things or animals in our world, maybe as a defense mechanism which lets them blend in.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I made a post with a good beginning in the city proper. I didn't feel like there was any realistic way in which Jethro could be situate out of city bounds at night while he's under watch. I'll leave NPC action following the end of my post up to the GM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Whimsley@TheUnknowable and anyone else:

Since ive edited out statistics of pokemon, I gave the RP what I think is a cool aspect. Youre pokemon is not restricted to 4 moves. It may use any move it would have been able to in the games, including from previous evolutions as well as egg moves. For example, Raichu can learn Agility (usually learned only as Pikachu). This gives you all a huge move list. AS WELL, any TM/HM that they would have been able to learn in the games, they may also use at will in the RP. If they can use it in the game in any way, its fair game here. No matter if its TM or HM, egg or pre evolved move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Natsucooldude Youre not the first to bring up the animal issue. We can make pokemon an alien race or genetically engineered if thats what everyone wants. I essentially dont want to deal with them being carnivores because im not willing to determine a food chain chart for hundreds of pokemon.

To all: I like the eagerness and questions but for much of this youll have to use common sense. I am not in the business of mapping out an entire lore system at this stage. Many seem to be asking questions that realistically are not going to pertain to you in the RP whatsoever. Who cares if you can milk your Miltank...? Is that a crucial detail needed in a pivotal plot changing moment? Or is it just something you thought of to hopefully make one sentence out of it. "I milked Miltank. I drank the milk. It was good." I encourage the curiosity but know that I am fully admitting that I have not developed a lore for this universe outside of the things required for a good RP. Too many wanted this RP up soon so I chose not to map out hours worth of lore. It is what it is. Sorry if you expecting an answer for every little possibly detail, truthfully some things havent been brought up before now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So far there are 3 votes against the communication device between us and the pokemon. I personally dont mind either way, so unless more votes come in for it, we will forgo the device. Pokemon to human communication will be like the show. Enough time spent around your pokemon added in with a strong bond will allow you understand them easier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SnowLeopard
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I don't mind either way. Though having an actual conversation with a Pokemon would be interesting.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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In all honesty with regards as to why pokemon repeat their names as sounds to which how they can seemingly interact with each other intelligibly cross-species is rather perplexing. On one hand, if you follow the compilation of pokemon lore, there are at least 3 different origins of pokemon, pokemon are either natural beings which were created with the rest of the world/universe from which follow pseudo-evolutionary lines with a core common genome which manifest itself as Ditto and found within the ancestral Mew. There are also artificial man-made/resurrected beings such as porygon, kabuto, and grimers. And there are spiritual pokemon which are said to be spirits of the dead sentients or inanimate objects ie Banette/drifloon/spiritomb/yamask/shedinja. Thus curiously, the idea of egg groups makes some sense with regards to having a certain percentage of DNA to interbreed cross 'species' as the degrees of differences may actually be considered 'minor' relative to the core genome in itself. However since it is maternal true-breeding, there must be some sort of differentiate in the genomics that lead to heavy maternal imprinting or so to determine the offspring 'species' thus all pokemon are actually all related to each other and that the differences in pokemon core genome in itself to explain the genetics are actually minor in comparison.

As a really bad example, Wailord and Skitty are capable of breeding, and Skitty is compatible with Shroomish but Wailord cannot breed with Shroomish. Wailord however can breed with magikarp, and magikarp can breed with treecko, and treecko can breed with bulbasaur, and bulbasaur can breed with shroomish which then can breed with skitty. Hence, given that most pokemon are in at least 2 egg groups, there must exist a core of genomic similarities that allow pokemon to breed in this manner despite gross anatomic variations. Don't even get me started on Nidoran Reproduction.

Thus begs the question what about ditto? Well ditto can breed with almost anything. Perhaps by being a genetic donor, which supports the theory that all things, even man-made pokemon and 'spirit' pokemon share the same genomic activity with relatively small variations. Thus rises the question if pokemon and humans could be technically related to each other via this theory? Which is to say that since pokemon such as deoxys form from space DNA, is it possible that everything in the universe shares a common genomic DNA exploited by pokemon egg groups? And as such, pokemon are actually just another branch point in the evolutionary line wherein humans are just another type of pokemon who communicate with each other and have lost the ability to specifically communicate with pokemon by no longer saying our names, but instead say other things dependent upon the names of other pokemon?

"Magma" is called magma because "magmar" live in it. Gravel is called gravel because "Graveler" look like it. A snore is called a snore because "Snorlax" make them. And so forth, filling the gaps with inventive words when necessary.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Grey Dust You make guud wurds. Yo sentences is purdy. lol thats a lot to think about. I am open to whatever the group decides is the best origin for pokemon in this particular universe.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DarthSeverus394
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DarthSeverus394 The Rogue Ranger

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Natsucooldude Thats probably the best entry so far. Good stuff. Do you plan for your doctor to turn on the Regime fully down the road?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

@Natsucooldude Thats probably the best entry so far. Good stuff. Do you plan for your doctor to turn on the Regime fully down the road?

Probably. I'm coöperating with ganelon on it. He'll be coming around with his side before long I'm sure.

Edit:also, you seem to have forgotten to write a response from the NPC rebel in Jethro's house. I left the man's reasons intentionally vague to give you an oppurtuniy to advance the plot. A wounded stranger is a pretty good plot device for such things.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SnowLeopard
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SnowLeopard Ubiquitous

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have an idea for an opening, but I'm not sure if she will run into anyone else.. Not sure where she will go. >.<
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I have an idea for an opening, but I'm not sure if she will run into anyone else.. Not sure where she will go. >.<

Well, the current intro going on in the forest hinges on the coincidence of everyone participating in that part to conveniently run into each other... maybe tell us roughly waht you want to do so the GM can give his opinion about it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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<Snipped quote by SnowLeopard>

Well, the current intro going on in the forest hinges on the coincidence of everyone participating in that part to conveniently run into each other... maybe tell us roughly waht you want to do so the GM can give his opinion about it?

Well, he did launch a noisy attack which would draw people in the area to him, so not that big of a coincidence.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SnowLeopard
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SnowLeopard Ubiquitous

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm split between fleeing the city and meeting up with everyone and already being with the rebels because of my character's history. I don't want her to end up as one of the "professors" like in the game.. even though she practically is already. Urg.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

@A Tattooed Girl May I ask why you write in first person? It's a bit of a tonal clash with the third-person writing style everyone else is using. I'm asking because the clash of styles is affecting your posts for the worse, at least in my opinion.

@SnowLeopard Maybe you can join in on the B plot I'm forming with ganelon?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathei Mathos
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Pathei Mathos Πάθει μάθος

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Personally don't write well in third person. I do better if I can set myself in my characters shoes and write it as, "What would I do in the situation". No one on this site has seen me write in 3rd person, so I can't see how you can assume I'm selling myself short. It's just how I write. I'm not exactly an advanced writer. Sorry that I can't write half a novel for a post like some, including yourself. I mean, I could. I have before. I've been going through a lot of stressful stuff lately in life and it's really been messing with my train of thought. Nothing about writing in first person has anything to do with the fact that, yes, I am selling myself short. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things, here. Plus, I really don't have much to do with my character at the moment. We already have three characters interacting and I'm hesitant on joining in on 'the fun' because so much interaction all at once is a bit much, in my opinion. So, I'm keeping my character at bay.. I'm sorry you seem to think it's clashing with other's posts. That's just how I write. I recently was declined from a RP because I write in the first person. Been on this site for 4, almost 5 years and this is the first couple roleplay out of a few dozen that have ever said something about it either being unacceptable or that, in one's opinion, is clashing with others writing styles. .___. I do apologize if my post sounds hostile, because I don't mean it in the slightest! I just.. am passionate about my writing style because it fits me well.. usually, anyway. I need to get back into my groove, and you'll see it yourself.
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