Avatar of SnowLeopard
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    1. SnowLeopard 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current I'm starting to get tired of all the liars I've let into my life. I think it's time to clean it up.
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7 yrs ago
@1Charak2 I hate her. So much.
8 yrs ago
The hell happened to this place?
8 yrs ago
I've finally finished my map! Now for... oh boy, the hard part.
8 yrs ago
I'm going to the prerelease of Eldritch Moon tonight. Gonna be fun. I hope.


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Albert Fallon

Too quiet.
Why was it always too quiet when something was about to happen? The calm before the storm.. nervous energy. It was spread all across the city despite the revelry brought by the meteor shower. Albert wondered if his partner could feel it, too. The wyvern was more fine tuned to these things, she must feel it. She did seem uneasy.

Albert placed his hand on Meru's blue scaled head, trying to reassure her. Her amber eyes shimmered in the fire light as she looked at him. He smiled slightly and was about to speak, but was interrupted.
"The King wishes to speak with you."

Summons from the king? What an honor! Still, Albert didn't like the stillness in the air. It became more apparent the closer he got to the castle. That being said, at least he got to ride along beside one of the more... interesting senior riders. Morrigan was no nonsense. She always wore a serious expression whenever he saw her. Oh, but she was beautiful. Especially under the pale moonlight that seemed to make her glow. It caught on every strand of her raven black hair as it flowed in the wind. Her usually hard eyes were softened in the iridescence and she was simply luminescent. It was difficult for him to take his eyes off her.

Meru, on the other hand, had other ideas. She jerked suddenly, causing Albert to have to refocus himself. He decided it would probably be best to keep himself from drifting off again. They alighted on the king's balcony, and he was there to greet them.

"Y-yes! Your magesty, I am Albert. How may I serve you?"
Albert Fallon

Gender: Male

Age/Birthdate: 28, October 22, 453

Appearance/Description: Albert has short, wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He stands at 5'11" and usually wears dark colored leather armor over a green tunic. He has an athletic build and a healthy tan.
The choice weapon of this young man is the lance.

Background/Personality Blurb: Since he was a boy, Albert had always dreamed of riding a wyvern in service of the crown. He joined the army when he was 16 and, to his disappointment, he wasn't allowed to ride a wyvern. It wasn't until he was 18 that he got his chance. By then, he had all but given up on ever even touching one. The day had been particularly hot. Many were lazing about, not wanting to exhaust themselves in the heat. Someone came up to his group. He was wearing riding armor. He had a mischevious glint in his eye as he asked them if they wanted to try riding. The boy recognized him as commander of the wyvern forces.
According to him, they had lost a few riders in recent scuffles and they needed some replacements. They followed him into the aviary and a large red wyvern landed before them to greet its rider. It was truly awe inspiring. He had motioned to a long line of cages, each housing a wyvern, young and old. There was a particular wyvern that caught Albert's eye. They have been together since.

Albert is stalwart, never fliching in the face of danger. He is, however, very excitable. He is extremely loyal to Iris and her royal line, doing whatever it takes to keep both safe.

Meru, a large wyvern that likes to cause trouble. She has dull blue-grey scales and bright green colored eyes.

Class: Wyvern Rider
Kirta Lazurys


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Cocoon, Palumpolum.

Brand location: Chest. Over heart.

Description: Kirta looks young for his age. He has black hair, green eyes. He wears a clean, white, sleeveless, button up shirt. Black slacks.
If you've ever seen Blue Exorcist and Magi: take Rin Okumura's clothes and put them on Ren Kouha and that's pretty much what he looks like.

Personality: Kirta is a highly intelligent individual, but rather than spend time hitting the books, he'd rather hit the enemy with the sharp side of his blade. He is generally amiable, but once he gets into one of his "moods" you best watch out.
In combat, he can get a little... crazy. He loves the sight of blood and relishes hurting others and killing.
He his incredibly independent and keeps to himself. He cares little for others and would use them to get what he wants.

Background: Kirta is only participating in this op to get closer to the action. All he wants is to kill.
He doesn't remember his parents. They weren't really around, always out. He was an after thought to most. A nuisance. No one really paid any mind to him growing up. As such, he watches out for himself and trusts no one. He joined the Guardian Corps after the attack to try and find his purpose. Despite the incident, he found himself a place within their ranks and never looked back.

HP / STR / MAG: - HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 1

Weapon: One handed sword

Squad Role: Vanguard. Likes to be out in the thick of battle and provides the initial front.

Answers 1-2: 1. Noel Kreiss. 2. 30.
I am interested in this. :)
In ... 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I promise my character will be done soon. o.o
I find this interesting.
Sorry I haven't said anything in a while, my training is taking up ALL my free time. Its mostly sleep.

I have Friday off, so I will try and get a post up then or on Saturday.
Yes, yes it has.

You... You better check in. >:| If you don't, we shall have words! Angry, angry words!

It was one of the best for me too. It really got me out of my shell of writing, but it wasn't Balloon that killed it, everyone had life come up suddenly.. all at once. It was tragic.

Maybe I will reboot it. Just to spite you. :P

Kest looked back at Veragwen and raised an eyebrow at her musings. A full suit of armor was ugly? Who decided this? He smiled after a moment, knowing she was just being silly. She would probably look bad ass in full armor. He kind of wanted to see it now. Though he wanted to make sure Richard was safe too.

"We follow, that way we can see if someone else is following him. Didn't he say that someone killed his father? They might return to finish him off. Kest had to agree that the boy did look rather cheerful. Considering the situation, it was probably safer for him to stay indoors.

After a short walk, the pair witnessed Richard enter the weapon shop. Perhaps something about the other night had told him he needed to learn to defend himself. Kest opened the door and held it for Veragwen. He watched her enter and smiled softly as he himself walked in.
"Hey kid, is this really the place you want to be?"

Just how am I suppose to feel about this?!
What if the RP DOES get rebooted? We won't have a Frostbite!

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