[RP Update]
So here we are a new update on the upcoming RP. Myself and
@Fantasy Shadows have finished the Backstory and have begun on the introduction post to the RP. I'd like to thank
@shylarah for the Banner, which will displayed on the front page of the OOC as well as the first IC post.
I'd like to mention that anyone that wants to help with the world building, whether it be through art, music or even just the general word description. please PM me or Mention me in a post and ill add you to a group pm. With that being said
@ClocktowerEchos we could still do with some help in the world building if your still interested.
[BKS News update]
So as the majority of you have probably noticed, our efforts have been recognised by Hank, one of the Moderators of the site. if you havent seen it here it is,
Oh, I didn't notice this thread until now.
For posterity, Mahz and I ended up using the Users list to root out the bots and nuke them more than anything else. They were so distinctive, by virtue of their enormous post counts and random names, that I don't think either of us looked at your reports.
It turns out that bot reports are much more useful when it comes to the good old single-post UK furniture bots we all know and (secretly) love, as they don't stand out in the Users list at all.
That said, thanks for your effort. 
Id like to say to Hank that it was an honour for us to help out and the final victory lies not only with us here a BKS but with youselves at RPGuild HQ, our group wouldnt be here if it wasnt for yours and every other moderators and Mahz's commitment to keeping the site up and running and for that I personally thank you as it is probably the only thing i look forward to in an evening.
Thats all from this update, I will probably try to get a news update up once a month, but the rp one will probably come about every time we get a part of the RP ready.
- Your Commander, Kurai Assassin
BKS 2k16