We're outlaws. It's just the life we've been born into. It's all we know. We were outlaws when Howling Coyote led us to liberation. We were outlaws when we fought the white man for freedom. We were outlaws when we rejected the NAN government, ordering us to force people out of their homes. White people, sure, but still people. And not just white people, but Latin, black, Arab, anyone who wasn't Native. We realized that we had become just like the white man hundreds of years ago, so we left and became outlaws. It's just in our nature. We're born outlaws, we live outlaws, we die outlaws. And it's up to us, this generation of outlaws, to keep this MC alive. And that's exactly what I intend to do.
This role-play is set in the Sixth World, the Shadowrun universe. We will be playing as the Pathfinders Motorcycle Club, a club of outlaw native bikers that are trying to make their mark on the world. The year is 2058. Before we go any further, I want to establish some ground rules.
1. All characters must be native or of mixed native descent, PM me or a Co-GM (If I pick one) For any exceptions.
2. All Elven or Dwarven characters must be born in 2012 onward, anything before 2012 is considered a spike baby and is rare. Same goes for Orks or Trolls, while they can be born before 2021, they'd be Human until 2021. Again, PM me or a Co-GM for exceptions.
3. All classes are encouraged in this role-play. Hell, even come up with your own.
4. Pathfinders are a mixed tribal MC and I ask that you research what tribe your character will come from. Cultures, beliefs, languages. It'll help you in the long run.
5. Females are allowed in the MC.
Some Information about the MC and their area of influence.
Map Of North America

The Pathfinders was founded in Pocatello, Idaho in 2028. Their area of influence extends as far as the entirety of the Idaho Region (Which is now a combination of the Salish-Shidhe and Sioux Nations). They have a charter in Cheyenne, Wyoming (Sioux Nation) and at the beginning of this roleplay, will be patching over a friendly MC in Billings, Montana. (Which is also in Sioux Nation). The Pathfinders label their cuts at the bottom with the nation their influence is in, but also with the former state. So a member of the Sioux charter in the former Wyoming would have a label of Wyoming, Sioux Nation.
So comments, questions, concerns, suggestions?