Kal Jaso
Don't keep telling me you're trying when I know you're lying
Age: 43
Mutation: Sees capabilities
Occupation: Card sharp, trucker
Face claim: Adrien Brody
Kal can see the present capabilities of people. He’s able, with a glance and surprisingly accurate intuition, to figure out what a person might accomplish at that particular moment. It works on any sentient thing, really, but he mostly uses it on humans or mutants. As long as he can see the being he wants to know about, it doesn’t matter how far away or close they are, he can learn something about them. It works mainly via a simplified Q&A routine, wherein he looks at the person, asks what he wants to know, and comes up with the answer. It’s something of a sixth sense, and can be done entirely internally and takes less time than it would were he to ask the question out loud. He already knows his own mind.
He can find out quite a lot, from rudimentary survival skills to languages known to something like mutual acquaintances or what movies they’ve seen, provided he can come up with the right questions. There’s no list of facts readymade that jumps into his head as soon as he’s spotted someone, which is nice, because it doesn’t overload his brain. However, it does mean there’s a slight delay between seeing someone and knowing what they can do. As well, he receives no prompting other than through curiousity or circumstance as to what questions to ask and no more information back than a simple yes or no, and while he doesn’t necessarily need to know specifics to gain answers, he does need them if he wants to know the specifics. For instance, he can readily pick out the one person in a crowd who could accomplish whatever it is he wants of them. Say... Fixing his motorcycle. He doesn’t need to know what’s wrong with the bike or who they are, or how they’d do it. But if he wants to find someone who can get him a new Mikuni carburetor with a 28mm bore size and a 35mm spigot mount so he can fix the bike himself, he needs to know that’s what he’s looking for.
And if he wants to know that someone can speak Tshiluba, he’d have to know the language exists, unless all he’s looking for is someone who can translate for the lady he can’t understand. So, if he doesn’t know something’s possible, the likelihood of his realising that someone can manage it is much smaller than if it’s an obvious skill anyone might have.
Visibility is the main limit to his intuition, as if he can’t see you, there’s no one to ask about. He can’t direct his focus otherwise. The individual in question does not, however, have to be physically present. He could use a reflection of them, or a video, he can ask about people on TV. Visual clarity is not a concern, but still pictures don’t work. The thing he has to remember, though, is that while he might find out that a person is capable of doing something they didn’t even know about themselves, he cannot know what they might be able to do in the future, or what they could do but can’t anymore. People and their abilities change over time, and his intuition does not account for that, so his answers can and will change if the person learns something new or forgets what they used to know. And answering a question on the subject is different from being physically capable of an action. But if he doesn’t ask again, he won’t find out. And if he’s using a video of a person, then the abilities he knows about are from the time of filming, and might not be current. Or at all relevant, if the person in the film is dead...
Even more importantly, whether or not someone can do something has absolutely no bearing on whether or not they will. The nature of his intuition gives him both a better knowledge of what others are inherently capable of, no training necessary, and therefore what they don’t do that they could, which gives him a more cynical outlook on humanity as a whole, but it has also inspired him, and allowed him to inspire others by having faith where someone else might have doubted.
Beyond his intuition, Kal is a relatively average man who’s picked up a few extra tips and tricks from living life. He knows a few languages, though he’s only fluent in English, he has a working knowledge of French, Euskara and Spanish. He’s learned how to protect himself in a fight, though he’s by no means trained in any martial arts. He’s developed rather good interpersonal skills, learning how to read people and intentions and how defuse tense situations, or say just the right thing to catch attention or build up confidence. He’s not above mistakes, of course, but with plenty of practise under his belt, he’s become something of a fast talker, hard to pin down and easy to get along with.
He can find out quite a lot, from rudimentary survival skills to languages known to something like mutual acquaintances or what movies they’ve seen, provided he can come up with the right questions. There’s no list of facts readymade that jumps into his head as soon as he’s spotted someone, which is nice, because it doesn’t overload his brain. However, it does mean there’s a slight delay between seeing someone and knowing what they can do. As well, he receives no prompting other than through curiousity or circumstance as to what questions to ask and no more information back than a simple yes or no, and while he doesn’t necessarily need to know specifics to gain answers, he does need them if he wants to know the specifics. For instance, he can readily pick out the one person in a crowd who could accomplish whatever it is he wants of them. Say... Fixing his motorcycle. He doesn’t need to know what’s wrong with the bike or who they are, or how they’d do it. But if he wants to find someone who can get him a new Mikuni carburetor with a 28mm bore size and a 35mm spigot mount so he can fix the bike himself, he needs to know that’s what he’s looking for.
And if he wants to know that someone can speak Tshiluba, he’d have to know the language exists, unless all he’s looking for is someone who can translate for the lady he can’t understand. So, if he doesn’t know something’s possible, the likelihood of his realising that someone can manage it is much smaller than if it’s an obvious skill anyone might have.
Visibility is the main limit to his intuition, as if he can’t see you, there’s no one to ask about. He can’t direct his focus otherwise. The individual in question does not, however, have to be physically present. He could use a reflection of them, or a video, he can ask about people on TV. Visual clarity is not a concern, but still pictures don’t work. The thing he has to remember, though, is that while he might find out that a person is capable of doing something they didn’t even know about themselves, he cannot know what they might be able to do in the future, or what they could do but can’t anymore. People and their abilities change over time, and his intuition does not account for that, so his answers can and will change if the person learns something new or forgets what they used to know. And answering a question on the subject is different from being physically capable of an action. But if he doesn’t ask again, he won’t find out. And if he’s using a video of a person, then the abilities he knows about are from the time of filming, and might not be current. Or at all relevant, if the person in the film is dead...
Even more importantly, whether or not someone can do something has absolutely no bearing on whether or not they will. The nature of his intuition gives him both a better knowledge of what others are inherently capable of, no training necessary, and therefore what they don’t do that they could, which gives him a more cynical outlook on humanity as a whole, but it has also inspired him, and allowed him to inspire others by having faith where someone else might have doubted.
Beyond his intuition, Kal is a relatively average man who’s picked up a few extra tips and tricks from living life. He knows a few languages, though he’s only fluent in English, he has a working knowledge of French, Euskara and Spanish. He’s learned how to protect himself in a fight, though he’s by no means trained in any martial arts. He’s developed rather good interpersonal skills, learning how to read people and intentions and how defuse tense situations, or say just the right thing to catch attention or build up confidence. He’s not above mistakes, of course, but with plenty of practise under his belt, he’s become something of a fast talker, hard to pin down and easy to get along with.
Tell us about when your powers or abilities manifested. How did you accept them? And how did the public react to them?
Manifested, huh? Pulling out the fancy words there and all wasted on little old me. I don’t remember ever not knowing. ‘Course, a baby’s most like t’want someone t’feed it, right, so I don’t figure I had much reason to want to toss my head out and buy me a new one when I was that little. Though, might explain why I never cared for Dad all that much, ha! Nah, see, might give me the odd blazing headache, but it makes it up to me better’n I ever figured sometimes. So, I done myself a favour and didn’t never tell no one, and the times I’ve had folks accusing me’a cheatin’... Hell, I coulda paid my way through college fleecing them poor sheep.
Is there anything, abilities aside, that you are particularly good at?
Talking. You grow up next a brother like mine and you’d be wasting words left, right and centre same’s me. Even know a few different languages, enough t’get by, anyhow. Got a good memory, too, I suppose, names and faces and the things you might get up to, good stuff to keep in mind, yeah.
What is your relationship with your family? Do you have brothers or sisters? Any other known relatives?
Dad’s gone, heart troubles, you know? Crashed the car. Bugger if he didn’t do it so’s to get the last laugh. Mum’s moved back home to the Pyrenees, we don’t keep up with her much. Check in some though, always good t’know she’s still alive, though she don’t want a thing to do with Prhy. Yeah, he’s my brother. Half-brother, if you want technicals, but I don’t much care for making the distinction. Live in the same trailer, it’s his, you don’t care, he does, had to be said with him glaring over there... We’re close enough had folks asking if we’re close, you get my meaning? Ha!
What are your vices or guilty pleasures?
I do like my card games, winning’s a guilty pleasure, and that sugar cereal, whatsit? Toast something... Cinnamon Toast Crunch, that’s it! And Prhy’s cooking, I tell you, if there’s ever you need a reason for me keeping him around, and I know it’s your trailer, quit looking so constipated, you just try one of his samosas, or a bowl a’his baked beans and chips. Good stuff. Speaking of, you staying for dinner? It’s getting on t’that time.
What are you afraid of? Why?
Heh, Prhy there’s a good man to fear in the early hours if you leave your alarm on with him around. I tell you, it’s a sight to wake to, it is. Nightmare worthy. But you want to know what’s real frightening then? Laugh and I swear, Prhy... I’ll give that kid my whistle, just you see I don’t. Alright, I’m not the sort likes thinking hisself a fearful man, y’know, but there’s bits of being lonely give me the willies. It’s a scary thing when you know isn’t no one got your back. My line of work, going it all alone isn’t smart. Never liked being centre stage neither. Somehow it’s a world of difference once the pressure’s on to perform. Stage fright, I guess. And I don’t trust a compliment neither. Dangerous things, go right to your head.
Is there anything you’re particularly proud of?
Anything I’m particularly proud of? Now what sort of a question is that t’ask a man just said what I said? Pride’s self complimenting, isn’t it just! Ain’t interested in tooting my own horn. Next question.
If the choice was presented to you between rescuing someone from a burning building or saving a big bag of money, which would you decide on?
Alright now, first off, I’d like to be knowing what I’m doing in a burning building with the time to be making any sort of choice like that. And ‘less that bag’s got itself one of those fancy money signs just t’be all transparent ‘bout its stuffing, don’t see why I’d be stuck with that sort of decision t’all.
If there was anything you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Well, it wouldn’t be my rugged good looks... What? You don’t think I’ve got a manly enough chin? Ahaha, shoulda seen your face there. Brilliant. ... Oh, alright, straight up, I dunno. Boring ass answer, isn’t it?
Last chance. Is there anything we missed that you would like to talk about?
Are you staying for dinner? Honest to goodness now, Prhy’s been glaring that question at your back this whole time. A simple yes or no afore he explodes’d be nice.
Manifested, huh? Pulling out the fancy words there and all wasted on little old me. I don’t remember ever not knowing. ‘Course, a baby’s most like t’want someone t’feed it, right, so I don’t figure I had much reason to want to toss my head out and buy me a new one when I was that little. Though, might explain why I never cared for Dad all that much, ha! Nah, see, might give me the odd blazing headache, but it makes it up to me better’n I ever figured sometimes. So, I done myself a favour and didn’t never tell no one, and the times I’ve had folks accusing me’a cheatin’... Hell, I coulda paid my way through college fleecing them poor sheep.
Is there anything, abilities aside, that you are particularly good at?
Talking. You grow up next a brother like mine and you’d be wasting words left, right and centre same’s me. Even know a few different languages, enough t’get by, anyhow. Got a good memory, too, I suppose, names and faces and the things you might get up to, good stuff to keep in mind, yeah.
What is your relationship with your family? Do you have brothers or sisters? Any other known relatives?
Dad’s gone, heart troubles, you know? Crashed the car. Bugger if he didn’t do it so’s to get the last laugh. Mum’s moved back home to the Pyrenees, we don’t keep up with her much. Check in some though, always good t’know she’s still alive, though she don’t want a thing to do with Prhy. Yeah, he’s my brother. Half-brother, if you want technicals, but I don’t much care for making the distinction. Live in the same trailer, it’s his, you don’t care, he does, had to be said with him glaring over there... We’re close enough had folks asking if we’re close, you get my meaning? Ha!
What are your vices or guilty pleasures?
I do like my card games, winning’s a guilty pleasure, and that sugar cereal, whatsit? Toast something... Cinnamon Toast Crunch, that’s it! And Prhy’s cooking, I tell you, if there’s ever you need a reason for me keeping him around, and I know it’s your trailer, quit looking so constipated, you just try one of his samosas, or a bowl a’his baked beans and chips. Good stuff. Speaking of, you staying for dinner? It’s getting on t’that time.
What are you afraid of? Why?
Heh, Prhy there’s a good man to fear in the early hours if you leave your alarm on with him around. I tell you, it’s a sight to wake to, it is. Nightmare worthy. But you want to know what’s real frightening then? Laugh and I swear, Prhy... I’ll give that kid my whistle, just you see I don’t. Alright, I’m not the sort likes thinking hisself a fearful man, y’know, but there’s bits of being lonely give me the willies. It’s a scary thing when you know isn’t no one got your back. My line of work, going it all alone isn’t smart. Never liked being centre stage neither. Somehow it’s a world of difference once the pressure’s on to perform. Stage fright, I guess. And I don’t trust a compliment neither. Dangerous things, go right to your head.
Is there anything you’re particularly proud of?
Anything I’m particularly proud of? Now what sort of a question is that t’ask a man just said what I said? Pride’s self complimenting, isn’t it just! Ain’t interested in tooting my own horn. Next question.
If the choice was presented to you between rescuing someone from a burning building or saving a big bag of money, which would you decide on?
Alright now, first off, I’d like to be knowing what I’m doing in a burning building with the time to be making any sort of choice like that. And ‘less that bag’s got itself one of those fancy money signs just t’be all transparent ‘bout its stuffing, don’t see why I’d be stuck with that sort of decision t’all.
If there was anything you could change about yourself, what would it be?
Well, it wouldn’t be my rugged good looks... What? You don’t think I’ve got a manly enough chin? Ahaha, shoulda seen your face there. Brilliant. ... Oh, alright, straight up, I dunno. Boring ass answer, isn’t it?
Last chance. Is there anything we missed that you would like to talk about?
Are you staying for dinner? Honest to goodness now, Prhy’s been glaring that question at your back this whole time. A simple yes or no afore he explodes’d be nice.