The galaxy is in turmoil, the newly found REPUBLIC is trying to fill the void left behind by the fall of the EMPIRE while the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from its ashes. While an uneasy treaty is keeping the peace the RESISTANCE under GENERAL LEIA ORGANA is determined to face the threat of the First Order. The association of many worlds with either party is in question and a plethora of cartels, organizations and corporations try and expand their assets on disputed or unaffiliated worlds. Amongst the profiteers is a small group of individuals manning the Milano providing rare goods and services to a galaxy that has been without for too long. Their methods have attracted the ire of the First Order and a notorious bounty hunter in their employ…
The Milano:

Now it’s all open to discussion and rewriting as you chose the background of the group, and the ‘notorious bounty hunter’ spot is open as well.
The choice in type of ship is yours, the type of services/goods provided is yours and the make- up of the crew is of course, yours.
Feel free to make changes in the opening crawl, where for instance you can be a passenger that is being hunted, or that a member of the crew has a (hidden) past that would render a bounty hunter on their tail.
You have a free choice of characters though I would like you to avoid full-trained Jedi shenanigans.
The Character Sheet will look as follows:
Backstory up until flying on the the Milano:
Propositions for shared backstory: (this needn’t be expansive but just so we know what kind of services/ goods you are providing/ shipping etc.)
Please Post your application here first and await approval for posting it in the character tab.