Will gradually add more. These characters are subject to edits at any time as I deem fit, or so as to conform to a roleplay I wish to use them in.
Home District:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Innate & Outward Personality:
Power Class:

Abraham is also a long-time favorite of many, a veteran in the roleplaying scene. What did others have to say about Abe? Well, to start:
Appearance & Attire:
Brief Backstory:
Power Class:

▼ | B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N : |
▼ | A P P E A R A N C E: |
▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : |
▼ | R E L A T I O N S H I P S: |
▼ | A B I L I T I E S: |
Basic Information
Reyna Baker
“Big Buff Cheeto Puff”, “Rain”, “Rey (or Ray)”, “Sweaty”
135 lbs.
Home District:
From outta town
Hair Color:
Natural red head
Eye Color:
Irish, French, Norwegian
Physical Appearance:
The worst mistake you could ever make about Miss Baker is that she would fit the modern expectation of the “ladylike” stereotype. While she still appears to fit the part of a young lady, there's an underlying layer of tomboyishness. Reyna is athletic, and it shows in her body. Her arms and legs are toned well, and she's even got a trace of abs outlined on her torso. She isn't super tall, standing at the modest height of 5'6”, 28F, and she weighs in at just over 130 lbs. While she might be heavier than some girls her age, which clearly attributed to her fit condition, she still is no heavyweight. Her body has as just pinches of fat which adds minimal padding over her body. She has a sturdy frame, just a few curves around her waist and back, but by no means should anybody see her feminine features and exclude the possibility of her punching you out. She packs a lot of strength in her figure, and you can see her confidence and pride in her poised posture.
If a person made the mistake in misjudging her, it was likely due in large part to her face. Button nose, thin eyebrows, and very faint hard-to-tell-they're-there freckles on top of her pale skin (a result of genetics as opposed to being sickly or house-locked). Her soft facial features are sometimes tarnished by a scowl – which is not her standard go-to disposition like her enthusiastic and full of life demeanor, but is often the product of circumstances which urban environments typically put her in. When you do get to see her when she is excited, you witness the emboldening her green eyes and the stretching of her lips to form a toothy grin that shows well taken care of teeth. Her natural bright red hair (or ginger, if you insist) is fashioned into a curly faux hawk, and is well groomed. There is little oil that naturally accumulates in her hair, so it often remains lightweight.
She has scars over her knuckles from the various fights she has gotten herself in, on her fingertips from climbing on rock, bricks, and concrete, but overall, doesn't have too many. She tends to recover well.
If a person made the mistake in misjudging her, it was likely due in large part to her face. Button nose, thin eyebrows, and very faint hard-to-tell-they're-there freckles on top of her pale skin (a result of genetics as opposed to being sickly or house-locked). Her soft facial features are sometimes tarnished by a scowl – which is not her standard go-to disposition like her enthusiastic and full of life demeanor, but is often the product of circumstances which urban environments typically put her in. When you do get to see her when she is excited, you witness the emboldening her green eyes and the stretching of her lips to form a toothy grin that shows well taken care of teeth. Her natural bright red hair (or ginger, if you insist) is fashioned into a curly faux hawk, and is well groomed. There is little oil that naturally accumulates in her hair, so it often remains lightweight.
She has scars over her knuckles from the various fights she has gotten herself in, on her fingertips from climbing on rock, bricks, and concrete, but overall, doesn't have too many. She tends to recover well.
Most of her clothes look like they come from the boys' section. Her favorite set of apparel goes as such: she wears a slim-fit, red unisex tank top made from the same material used by thermal shirts, which goes down to her hips, where it meets her baggy camouflage pants (providing immense comfort and rustic charm), which is fastened by a black fabric belt to her hips. These pants seem rather faded from use, but is still strong and can withstand many more months of use. The ends of the pant legs are either lazily tucked in or lazily sleeved over, or caught into her black combat boots that crawl up over her ankles. They are, of course, steel toed Naturally, not feeling the impact of such a kick is pretty neat. The shoe laces on her boots are always tied tight so that the boots are firm and comfy on her feet. Over her tank top is a black leather jacket. The bottom half of the torso appears to have been torn and goes down to just her waist, although the sleeves and rest of the jacket are fine. The apparent damage seems to be more for the style of it than some horrific scissor accident.
She has a couple of accessories, which compose mostly of piercings.. She has two piercings on her left outer brow, one tongue piercing, and half-ring nipple piercings (but nobody knows about them and nobody is ever going to have the opportunity to see them while she still draws breath). On her right shoulder blade is a simple tattoo of a compass, which she got without her mother's knowledge when she was 14 (she still does not know to this day). It's somewhat special for her. It has part to do with her love of adventure and part to do with, despite its simplicity, loving the design. She has a military-style backpack; good for hiking and carrying necessities and whatnot. She has stored quite a bit of dried fruit in it, and a number of other camping equipment in it, lugging stuff around with her that you would normally think is a bad idea (a gas lantern, utility hand ax, skinning knives, live .22 rounds and shotgun shells [curiously without owning any guns, likely for collection purposes] – the works). She has three hemp necklaces which are hopelessly tangled together, and on each one, is a thin silver-colored steel heart. On one, it says Merry, on another, it says Mia, and the third depicts a raised fist symbolizing empowerment.
She has a couple of accessories, which compose mostly of piercings.. She has two piercings on her left outer brow, one tongue piercing, and half-ring nipple piercings (but nobody knows about them and nobody is ever going to have the opportunity to see them while she still draws breath). On her right shoulder blade is a simple tattoo of a compass, which she got without her mother's knowledge when she was 14 (she still does not know to this day). It's somewhat special for her. It has part to do with her love of adventure and part to do with, despite its simplicity, loving the design. She has a military-style backpack; good for hiking and carrying necessities and whatnot. She has stored quite a bit of dried fruit in it, and a number of other camping equipment in it, lugging stuff around with her that you would normally think is a bad idea (a gas lantern, utility hand ax, skinning knives, live .22 rounds and shotgun shells [curiously without owning any guns, likely for collection purposes] – the works). She has three hemp necklaces which are hopelessly tangled together, and on each one, is a thin silver-colored steel heart. On one, it says Merry, on another, it says Mia, and the third depicts a raised fist symbolizing empowerment.
Innate & Outward Personality:
She is as sharp and unwieldy as as you'd expect from a double-sided meat cleaver, and much like using one, will have as much of a detriment to herself as it can be to others. She's the real firebrand among firebrands, and doesn't really have a winning personality when it comes to handling other people; she doesn't really make friends easy with ordinary people. She's loud and boisterous to the extent it can simply repel others from wanting to be near her. She's snarky, sarcastic, abrasive, and at times, insensitive. On the contrary, she is nothing if not known for her virtues: naturally a determined, valiant woman, she has set her nose to the grindstone through all of her labors and has built herself a sturdy foundation on which she has built her character, and so her heart has been thusly hardened by various trials. Her standoffish disposition earns her enemies, and while carrying the appearance of being unapproachable, she also carries a curious energy: she naturally gives the impression of synchronous intimidation and reverence. She earns her trait of intimidation through tongue and scowl, and her trait of reverence through action and expression.
This is not to imply Reyna isn't a happy individual, but rather she finds her peace outside the contact of the common folk. This is also not to say she dislikes people as a whole. She is very confident in social situations, and her attitude stems mostly from her expectations of people and how their words or actions can easily rub her the wrong way or be taken as a slight, and at the same time, her boisterous disposition, bluntness, and view on others being too sensitive can similarly end conversations before they begin. Much of this stems from growing up in inner cities where being tough meant survival. When appealed to her interests however, she reacts in what many would consider almost an exaggeration of her excitement. For example, she is an explorer at heart. She loves discovery and – surprisingly enough for a city girl – enjoys nature, especially at sites of caves or cliff faces or rivers and streams, or a remote location untouched by mankind.
There also exists a fascination for bugs, fossils, artifacts, and bones. When these interests are appealed to, she shows a complete change in character: her eyes light up, a toothy grin from ear to ear, and her stern voice is replaced with what turns out to really be a talkative, excitable girl who still looks to be a child. This child-like giddiness often offsets anyone who is not wholly familiar with her and has only met with her abrasive side. This side of her is not often displayed in front of strangers.
Further, as one would expect from not just a young woman, but from also her personality, Reyna is very proud and competitive. She is proud of herself and of her accomplishments, and minimizing that, disregarding that, or invalidating that can wound that pride, and it also happens to be a one-way ticket to making her your enemy. Her pursuit in remedying that damage is unrelenting and unquenchable until she has reached an achievement or milestone that can satisfy that gap which often involves the conquering of her roadblock. This is not to say this is the end of her aggression, as a lasting disdain would lead her to brag over that victory in order to validate herself and her accomplishment. This often puts her at odds with her extended cousin, Mia.
Her decision-making leaves much to be desired, and habitually fails to think ahead of time. Her apparently inability to plan ahead is exemplified by her decision to purchase a motorcycle as her first vehicle in contrast to a car, which makes groceries, passengers, and so on more difficult to travel with. She might pack some interesting wilderness books in her backpack in lieu of a toothbrush out of forgetfulness. The only thing that might keep her from getting trapped in the woods with nothing to survive with might be the years of reading the damn booklets over and over again.
As it may have already been suggested, it takes a stubborn, tenacious, and headstrong personality in order to meet her goals. Repeated failure to meet them warrants breakdown and the destruction of her spirit... but instead of relenting or hesitating, she meets her fear of failure with determination as her method of avoidance, as opposed to passive idling. Unsurprisingly, the only celebrity of any kind whom she idealizes is the MMA fighter, Ronda Rousey, because of her fierce determination, take-no-prisoners attitude, and her ability to arm bar into submission every bitch who ever walked into the same octagon as her. So for another person to earn her respect, they would have to display similar traits such as a strong sense of individuality, determination, strength of character, pride, optimism, and so forth. Behaving like a victim to garner her sympathy is not how you'd attract such a person.
Taking all this into consideration, know still that Reyna does possess a soft spot for her family and for the vulnerable. While by no means a vigilante, seeing crime and strife as of no concern to her for the most part, she is very close to her relatives and and threatening them can bring out the nastiest possible side of her. In conjunction with this, while it may be hard to garner her sympathy, it is easier for her to freely lend it out to the weak and vulnerable on their last legs and without the means to defend themselves. This includes children, the sick elderly, the malnourished homeless – she might not actively search them out to help them, but if she does come across any of these folks during her travels, she finds it difficult to say no.
This is not to imply Reyna isn't a happy individual, but rather she finds her peace outside the contact of the common folk. This is also not to say she dislikes people as a whole. She is very confident in social situations, and her attitude stems mostly from her expectations of people and how their words or actions can easily rub her the wrong way or be taken as a slight, and at the same time, her boisterous disposition, bluntness, and view on others being too sensitive can similarly end conversations before they begin. Much of this stems from growing up in inner cities where being tough meant survival. When appealed to her interests however, she reacts in what many would consider almost an exaggeration of her excitement. For example, she is an explorer at heart. She loves discovery and – surprisingly enough for a city girl – enjoys nature, especially at sites of caves or cliff faces or rivers and streams, or a remote location untouched by mankind.
There also exists a fascination for bugs, fossils, artifacts, and bones. When these interests are appealed to, she shows a complete change in character: her eyes light up, a toothy grin from ear to ear, and her stern voice is replaced with what turns out to really be a talkative, excitable girl who still looks to be a child. This child-like giddiness often offsets anyone who is not wholly familiar with her and has only met with her abrasive side. This side of her is not often displayed in front of strangers.
Further, as one would expect from not just a young woman, but from also her personality, Reyna is very proud and competitive. She is proud of herself and of her accomplishments, and minimizing that, disregarding that, or invalidating that can wound that pride, and it also happens to be a one-way ticket to making her your enemy. Her pursuit in remedying that damage is unrelenting and unquenchable until she has reached an achievement or milestone that can satisfy that gap which often involves the conquering of her roadblock. This is not to say this is the end of her aggression, as a lasting disdain would lead her to brag over that victory in order to validate herself and her accomplishment. This often puts her at odds with her extended cousin, Mia.
Her decision-making leaves much to be desired, and habitually fails to think ahead of time. Her apparently inability to plan ahead is exemplified by her decision to purchase a motorcycle as her first vehicle in contrast to a car, which makes groceries, passengers, and so on more difficult to travel with. She might pack some interesting wilderness books in her backpack in lieu of a toothbrush out of forgetfulness. The only thing that might keep her from getting trapped in the woods with nothing to survive with might be the years of reading the damn booklets over and over again.
As it may have already been suggested, it takes a stubborn, tenacious, and headstrong personality in order to meet her goals. Repeated failure to meet them warrants breakdown and the destruction of her spirit... but instead of relenting or hesitating, she meets her fear of failure with determination as her method of avoidance, as opposed to passive idling. Unsurprisingly, the only celebrity of any kind whom she idealizes is the MMA fighter, Ronda Rousey, because of her fierce determination, take-no-prisoners attitude, and her ability to arm bar into submission every bitch who ever walked into the same octagon as her. So for another person to earn her respect, they would have to display similar traits such as a strong sense of individuality, determination, strength of character, pride, optimism, and so forth. Behaving like a victim to garner her sympathy is not how you'd attract such a person.
Taking all this into consideration, know still that Reyna does possess a soft spot for her family and for the vulnerable. While by no means a vigilante, seeing crime and strife as of no concern to her for the most part, she is very close to her relatives and and threatening them can bring out the nastiest possible side of her. In conjunction with this, while it may be hard to garner her sympathy, it is easier for her to freely lend it out to the weak and vulnerable on their last legs and without the means to defend themselves. This includes children, the sick elderly, the malnourished homeless – she might not actively search them out to help them, but if she does come across any of these folks during her travels, she finds it difficult to say no.
Adventures, exploring, nature, and competition are all things that Reyna finds interest in. Like mentioned previously, letting her loose in the wilds is the best way to see her in her best condition. A wide-eyed, child-like curiosity overtakes the reigns and shows you an entirely different girl than when you met her. It is also a reckless curiosity. Take that curiosity and combine it with her natural determination and athleticism, and you get a girl who would try to scale up a sheer twenty-five foot cliff face without rock-climbing gear or cables, or even a helmet (although that alone probably won't save her life if she were to fall). Most of the time though, she miraculously conquers such daunting tasks and relishes in the thrill of it.
Competition is another of Reyna's weaknesses. Everything is a race or contest, and it all gets her blood flowing when winning is on the line. In many circumstances, she can take a defeat in stride as long as she recognizes it was something she wasn't particular strong or talented in. However, in the subjects and areas she does excel in, she competes rigorously, and it is in those events that if she were to lose, she does not take the defeat well. A lot of it comes from pride in her talents.
Competition is another of Reyna's weaknesses. Everything is a race or contest, and it all gets her blood flowing when winning is on the line. In many circumstances, she can take a defeat in stride as long as she recognizes it was something she wasn't particular strong or talented in. However, in the subjects and areas she does excel in, she competes rigorously, and it is in those events that if she were to lose, she does not take the defeat well. A lot of it comes from pride in her talents.
Okay, so there are a couple of things that she is obviously good at, so let's get out of the way so I don't act like it is a big surprise later: Reyna brings on the pugilism. She has a thing for boxing and kickboxing. As long as it has an octagon and she can wear big gloves and is allowed to punch people, she gets excited. This should not come as such a huge surprise; for an active and competitive girl like her, this comes naturally. Fighting is essentially the epitome of competition, and whoever comes out on top is the true victor, standing over the defeated – the experience of such a defeat being inescapable – and proclaiming dominance. Western martial arts is obviously a much more aggressive style than defensive eastern martial arts, which suits Reyna perfectly. Over time, her style has come to more closely resemble MMA.
Now, more alarmingly, her other skills are a lot gentler. Her knowledge of reading survival books as a kid, and fascination with nature and exploration, she could get lost in the woods for a month and come back alright - she knows her shit. She is also an artist. At least, to some degree. She has talent in it, and she is confident, but not so confident that she'd consider herself as a professional or would be ready to make a career out of it. But her work is good, there's no doubt about it. She wants to be good enough so that she can give tattoos to people, and to be a reliable artist to do so. Though there is some hesitation in using her own body as a practice canvas, obviously. Otherwise, she can draw, paint, sketch, both traditionally and on a digital format.
While not terribly gifted in the music and whimsy department, she does have a terrific singing voice from the years of practice of singing her sister to sleep – if only she could seriously partake in that activity in public and not shut down if put on the spotlight. This is the only area where she isn't confident and suffers from stage-fright, and she'll fake or pretend terrible singing otherwise as though it were a joke. If it is only her, her sister, and her cousin, then she feels comfortable to sing her heart out.
In order to purchase her motorcycle, she got a job back in Maine at a fireworks store. Long story short, she knows how to make a couple of different kinds of fireworks, knows some trivia about fireworks, she loves it, and she can easily tell what kind of explosion one is when she hears it. Reyna also had the bad habit of forgetting her keys, so she was forced into the position of learning how to pick her own front door's lock way late at night.
Now, more alarmingly, her other skills are a lot gentler. Her knowledge of reading survival books as a kid, and fascination with nature and exploration, she could get lost in the woods for a month and come back alright - she knows her shit. She is also an artist. At least, to some degree. She has talent in it, and she is confident, but not so confident that she'd consider herself as a professional or would be ready to make a career out of it. But her work is good, there's no doubt about it. She wants to be good enough so that she can give tattoos to people, and to be a reliable artist to do so. Though there is some hesitation in using her own body as a practice canvas, obviously. Otherwise, she can draw, paint, sketch, both traditionally and on a digital format.
While not terribly gifted in the music and whimsy department, she does have a terrific singing voice from the years of practice of singing her sister to sleep – if only she could seriously partake in that activity in public and not shut down if put on the spotlight. This is the only area where she isn't confident and suffers from stage-fright, and she'll fake or pretend terrible singing otherwise as though it were a joke. If it is only her, her sister, and her cousin, then she feels comfortable to sing her heart out.
In order to purchase her motorcycle, she got a job back in Maine at a fireworks store. Long story short, she knows how to make a couple of different kinds of fireworks, knows some trivia about fireworks, she loves it, and she can easily tell what kind of explosion one is when she hears it. Reyna also had the bad habit of forgetting her keys, so she was forced into the position of learning how to pick her own front door's lock way late at night.
Reyna would never admit this to anyone, but she is something of a lost soul who doesn't know what she wants out of life. She travels around looking for thrills, but doesn't think ahead to her later years in life and think "what do I want when I'm older". Part of her just wants to get what she can out of life and spend it having fun and not being bored, but acknowledges she can't get far in current society with a life of only that. The other part of her languishes for some drive to be something more accomplished, despite not understanding what it might be. Despite her acknowledgement of this issue, she rarely does anything to address it, and would be happier sooner ignoring it in lieu of going bungee jumping. In addition to her thrill and experience seeking, she is fiercely protective of her little sister, but since she won't be in Baybridge, that aspect of her will not likely come into play.
Reyna was born to an unmarried family in Maine, a product of an accident to be honest, but they agree to birth her in the end. It was a typical babyhood at first, but with the dynamics in the family being rather conflicted, the relationship wasn't able to work and her mother left the house when she was young. Despite the disagreement between her parents, they never tried to separate her from either of them or alienate her. They mutually encouraged respect for both parents. Though being a single parent was a little rough on her father, they managed to truck right through the hardships, even though the father was never really certain on how to raise a girl the traditional way. So he rose her as he would any child, or what would be typically considered befitting of a boy. Being raised this way, she was never told to shy away from what was considered to be boys' toys or clothes or whatnot, and through all that, still maintained her “femininity” as typical people would call it.
During that time, her mother found another man, married, and had another child two years after her own birth. Her new half-sister was named Merry, and her surname, Bennet, took after her father's. Naturally, having already visited her mother every weekend, Reyna got to meet Merry at a very young age and got to spend much of her time growing up with her. Her young life went this pattern for a very long time. Every night she got to spend with her sister, she'd spend it singing lullabies until Merry fell asleep. It was a typical pattern. The next biggest change in her life was the year Reyna turned 13 years old and her powers developed. It was noticed when she was able to perform physical activities for a long period of time without wearing out, and that she'd easily dehydrate but perform greater feats of strength. She decided to take up boxing as a way to help cope with the energy she had and to better control herself and her power – though another large part of it was that Reyna thought it would be fun, which explains why she didn't choose any eastern martial arts which were less aggressive and would have made more sense.
That same year, Reyna's father introduced her to her extended cousin – their closest related family member being their great grand-mother – Mia, after convincing them to come into town. Her father knowing that Mia came from a town that was highly populated with meta-humans thought it would be good for his daughter to make friends with her. A crucial difference was that Mia came from Mendel, Louisiana, which meant a much dirtier and more crime-ridden city, which had an influence on Mia and her disposition, despite her kind demeanor. The relationship was a little tense at first due to their conflicting personalities, but they managed to befriend each other in due time. Mia made it a point to visit Maine often, for about a week or two every two or so months, even as cold as it was compared to the southern heat. She fortunately had the money to do so since both of her parents owned their respective tourist traps. They eventually grew to be inseparable. When all three could get together, they sung and played music together, fought together (or with each other), ate, slept, the works. When Mia missed one of her visits, and came by the next round blind in one eye, Reyna shared her rage – though it didn't seem to do much to hold Mia back when Reyna tries to instigate sparring matches with her.
With the coming season, all three decided to go on vacation via a cross-country road trip in Mia's pickup truck. The plan was to start taking I-95 down to New Jersey then riding on I-80 all the way to California. You know, a crazy long trip with several mishaps, a couple break downs, dozens of near accidents, and many stories to tell. Unfortunately, the plan has since shattered due to Merry's family not agreeing to the trip and Mia thinking that it wouldn't be the same without her. Reyna, in a fit of disappointment, wanted to get away from her hometown and spend a little while on an escape. One of her first stops in California was the condemned city of Verthaven. She did a little bit of exploring, but it eventually started feeling a little too creepy and she high tailed it out of there. Word is, there was another meta-city up north, where many of the Verthaven refugees had gone after the Devil incident. Wanting to check it out, she made adjustments to the original plan, and rode her bike north to the city of Baybridge in Washington.
During that time, her mother found another man, married, and had another child two years after her own birth. Her new half-sister was named Merry, and her surname, Bennet, took after her father's. Naturally, having already visited her mother every weekend, Reyna got to meet Merry at a very young age and got to spend much of her time growing up with her. Her young life went this pattern for a very long time. Every night she got to spend with her sister, she'd spend it singing lullabies until Merry fell asleep. It was a typical pattern. The next biggest change in her life was the year Reyna turned 13 years old and her powers developed. It was noticed when she was able to perform physical activities for a long period of time without wearing out, and that she'd easily dehydrate but perform greater feats of strength. She decided to take up boxing as a way to help cope with the energy she had and to better control herself and her power – though another large part of it was that Reyna thought it would be fun, which explains why she didn't choose any eastern martial arts which were less aggressive and would have made more sense.
That same year, Reyna's father introduced her to her extended cousin – their closest related family member being their great grand-mother – Mia, after convincing them to come into town. Her father knowing that Mia came from a town that was highly populated with meta-humans thought it would be good for his daughter to make friends with her. A crucial difference was that Mia came from Mendel, Louisiana, which meant a much dirtier and more crime-ridden city, which had an influence on Mia and her disposition, despite her kind demeanor. The relationship was a little tense at first due to their conflicting personalities, but they managed to befriend each other in due time. Mia made it a point to visit Maine often, for about a week or two every two or so months, even as cold as it was compared to the southern heat. She fortunately had the money to do so since both of her parents owned their respective tourist traps. They eventually grew to be inseparable. When all three could get together, they sung and played music together, fought together (or with each other), ate, slept, the works. When Mia missed one of her visits, and came by the next round blind in one eye, Reyna shared her rage – though it didn't seem to do much to hold Mia back when Reyna tries to instigate sparring matches with her.
With the coming season, all three decided to go on vacation via a cross-country road trip in Mia's pickup truck. The plan was to start taking I-95 down to New Jersey then riding on I-80 all the way to California. You know, a crazy long trip with several mishaps, a couple break downs, dozens of near accidents, and many stories to tell. Unfortunately, the plan has since shattered due to Merry's family not agreeing to the trip and Mia thinking that it wouldn't be the same without her. Reyna, in a fit of disappointment, wanted to get away from her hometown and spend a little while on an escape. One of her first stops in California was the condemned city of Verthaven. She did a little bit of exploring, but it eventually started feeling a little too creepy and she high tailed it out of there. Word is, there was another meta-city up north, where many of the Verthaven refugees had gone after the Devil incident. Wanting to check it out, she made adjustments to the original plan, and rode her bike north to the city of Baybridge in Washington.
Father: Connor Baker / Alive
Mother: Vivian Bennet / Alive
Half-sister: Merry Bennet / Alive
Extended cousin: Mia Jones / Alive
Mother: Vivian Bennet / Alive
Half-sister: Merry Bennet / Alive
Extended cousin: Mia Jones / Alive
Power Class:
Super System (Biological)
Reyna possesses minor enhancements to her physical performance, such as strength, endurance, speed and so forth – as expected from someone with a power under the super system power class. They are only minor, however, and these factors do not appear to affect her appearance as they exist in a supernatural medium as her metahuman energy. These are just simple modifications as a result of her energy and does not constitute as her power. They serve to supplement Reyna's actual strength.
Reversed Effects of Lactic Acid (Passive): Build up of lactic acid in normal people produces fatigue, but in Reyna, it is like a caffeinated steroid. Essentially, the mutated lactic acid in her body is a corticosteroid that energizes her muscles, dampen immune responses, and reduces swelling. The longer you're active, the more lactic acid build up there is, and Reyna has the potential to have her strength and stamina snowball.
Augmented Adrenal System (Passive): Reyna's adrenal glands are swollen to greater sizes than regular people. This means the glands are able to produce more adrenaline in a shorter amount of time. But the power is not so simplistic as this – the adrenaline itself is more potent than usual – by about five times. Regularly, adrenaline can increase an adult's strength by about 30%. This means that at Reyna's peak, she is 150% stronger than usual. Which means if she can bench 220 pounds under regular circumstances, she can bench 550 pounds at her peak. This doesn't necessarily put her on the same playing field as dedicated strength-based powers, but adrenaline serves to do more than simply make her stronger.
Adrenaline also allows Reyna to run faster, have sharper reaction times, ignore pain, and the ability to make split-second decisions in intense, high-pressure situations. This means she can race with a greyhound, shrug off an assailant stabbing her arm with a pocket knife, and keep her ground, dancing toe-to-toe with three different guys at a time provided that her glands keep pumping her with those delicious hormones. Adrenaline also helps to stave off other ailments that may effect your body, such as hunger or exhaustion. Summed up: her adrenal glands are turbo-charged and all bodily inhibitors are turned off. When in conjunction with her lactic acid, it would serve her enemies well to avoid any long-duration encounters with her.
Body Furnace (Passive): Adrenaline affects her body in many different ways, but there is one part of her system that seems particularly affected by it. When in an adrenaline rush, her body temperature spikes. The temperature doesn't seem to stop, though, and will keep on rising and rising until it begins to plateau at a certain point – 525 F, where her skin is as hot as a cast iron skillet kept on a gas stove set on high. At this point, she can deliver burns on touch, whether or not it was intentional. As one can discern, reaching this temperature requires Reyna to possess a good deal of heat resistance for her to even function properly. To her, it feels as though she's just working out on a hot summer's day. In addition to her immense heat resistance, she can go out for a jog comfortably on a snowy day, since all of that internal heat keeps her toasty.
This high body heat does mean that her body is going to try to cool itself down however it can. When her adrenaline rushes persist, she begins sweating like crazy. Drips of sweats beads all over her skin, and as hot as her skin gets, it is going to evaporate pretty quickly. So when she begins to peak, she is also surrounded by steam as a result of her own sweat being instantly vaporized. This sweat also soaks her clothes, which honestly is the only thing keeping them from going up in flames. Speaking of flames... it is best that you don't try to fight her in the forest or any dry area with foliage or combustible material. Her heat radiates off her body, and if around dry grass or dead leaves, she can actually begin to burn the ground around her, as well as anything flammable that might be nearby.
Her high body heat also does wonders for killing off bacterial infections and viruses and whatnot. Her whole body is resistant to heat, but any bacterium or virus that decides to trespass is in for a big surprise. What this does mean, however, is that her immune system is a little weaker than average given its lack of exercise, and any virus that can infiltrate her cells can cause damage.
Reversed Effects of Lactic Acid (Passive): Build up of lactic acid in normal people produces fatigue, but in Reyna, it is like a caffeinated steroid. Essentially, the mutated lactic acid in her body is a corticosteroid that energizes her muscles, dampen immune responses, and reduces swelling. The longer you're active, the more lactic acid build up there is, and Reyna has the potential to have her strength and stamina snowball.
Augmented Adrenal System (Passive): Reyna's adrenal glands are swollen to greater sizes than regular people. This means the glands are able to produce more adrenaline in a shorter amount of time. But the power is not so simplistic as this – the adrenaline itself is more potent than usual – by about five times. Regularly, adrenaline can increase an adult's strength by about 30%. This means that at Reyna's peak, she is 150% stronger than usual. Which means if she can bench 220 pounds under regular circumstances, she can bench 550 pounds at her peak. This doesn't necessarily put her on the same playing field as dedicated strength-based powers, but adrenaline serves to do more than simply make her stronger.
Adrenaline also allows Reyna to run faster, have sharper reaction times, ignore pain, and the ability to make split-second decisions in intense, high-pressure situations. This means she can race with a greyhound, shrug off an assailant stabbing her arm with a pocket knife, and keep her ground, dancing toe-to-toe with three different guys at a time provided that her glands keep pumping her with those delicious hormones. Adrenaline also helps to stave off other ailments that may effect your body, such as hunger or exhaustion. Summed up: her adrenal glands are turbo-charged and all bodily inhibitors are turned off. When in conjunction with her lactic acid, it would serve her enemies well to avoid any long-duration encounters with her.
Body Furnace (Passive): Adrenaline affects her body in many different ways, but there is one part of her system that seems particularly affected by it. When in an adrenaline rush, her body temperature spikes. The temperature doesn't seem to stop, though, and will keep on rising and rising until it begins to plateau at a certain point – 525 F, where her skin is as hot as a cast iron skillet kept on a gas stove set on high. At this point, she can deliver burns on touch, whether or not it was intentional. As one can discern, reaching this temperature requires Reyna to possess a good deal of heat resistance for her to even function properly. To her, it feels as though she's just working out on a hot summer's day. In addition to her immense heat resistance, she can go out for a jog comfortably on a snowy day, since all of that internal heat keeps her toasty.
This high body heat does mean that her body is going to try to cool itself down however it can. When her adrenaline rushes persist, she begins sweating like crazy. Drips of sweats beads all over her skin, and as hot as her skin gets, it is going to evaporate pretty quickly. So when she begins to peak, she is also surrounded by steam as a result of her own sweat being instantly vaporized. This sweat also soaks her clothes, which honestly is the only thing keeping them from going up in flames. Speaking of flames... it is best that you don't try to fight her in the forest or any dry area with foliage or combustible material. Her heat radiates off her body, and if around dry grass or dead leaves, she can actually begin to burn the ground around her, as well as anything flammable that might be nearby.
Her high body heat also does wonders for killing off bacterial infections and viruses and whatnot. Her whole body is resistant to heat, but any bacterium or virus that decides to trespass is in for a big surprise. What this does mean, however, is that her immune system is a little weaker than average given its lack of exercise, and any virus that can infiltrate her cells can cause damage.
Adrenaline can only do so much for the body. She won't be dead lifting any cars, she won't bend a steel construction beam – her power is not devoted to super strength. She cannot summon her extra strength on-demand and is limited to situations that excites her, warrants a flight or fight response, or anything else that allows for adrenaline responses or increased heart-rate. Likewise, lactic acid is not immediately available. Her true power comes out the longer she's in action. Her body heat also caps off at a certain point, like stated, and it takes a last stand-esque amount of pressure and exertion for her to push past that limit. As well, her heat resistance is not an immunity. She can stand the heat of hot metal, but she is not going to survive being through into a volcano or an incinerator. She might last a couple seconds in front of a flamethrower without harm, but nothing short of an immunity can keep a human from being burned at the stake forever.
Take a gander back up the sheet for a moment, right around the power section. Look for the part where it says she has super durability. Did you see it? Right, you didn't. And that's the big thing about adrenaline. You can go absolutely ape-shit crazy, tip over a car and not feel a thing, but you are going to feel it later. Adrenaline can numb you to pain, but does absolutely nothing to keep your body from getting damaged. The ever-present endurance from her meta-human energy does little more than mitigate what damage she can cause herself, but if she does something as foolish as punch a brick wall, the bones in her hand will shatter. The stab wound is still bleeding all over her good clothes. She still ripped a ligament pushing herself too hard.
And as for her body heat, there is only so much water she can sweat. Pushing herself too hard for too long will lead to dehydration which causes dizziness and shortness of breath. She will be drinking a lot of water fairly regularly.
Intimacy can also be fairly awkward.
And as for her body heat, there is only so much water she can sweat. Pushing herself too hard for too long will lead to dehydration which causes dizziness and shortness of breath. She will be drinking a lot of water fairly regularly.
Intimacy can also be fairly awkward.
Foods that are very high in acids gives her some uncomfortable heartburn. Notoriously bad liar.
Name: Damon Vicous
Nickname/Alias/Etc: “Lieo”
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 109 lbs, but when he’s… full...
Home District: None; he’s from outta town.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amber
Ethnicity: Canadian; he’s really got German and French in him though, with some Czechoslovakian.
Physical Appearance: He has a somewhat slouched posture during relaxed, casual occasions, but can stand up straight with shoulders broad at 6'0” when the situation calls for formality. The man’s build is average; he isn’t athletic and he doesn’t have chiseled abs – fairly lanky, and is carting around something of a belly a man gets when he ages and doesn't exercise just often enough. Damon’s complexion is rather poor, what with the occasional blemish or inflammation caused by irritation of the skin and the occasional blotches of scar tissue. It contrasts with his dark brown (nearly black) short cropped hair with a subtle widow's peak. One thing that an observant person would notice about him is that his fair skin usually doesn't show. His hands are usually tucked in his pockets, his neck is wrapped in a white bandana with black design, so all you can really see of him-him is his face, which is free of holes, and his hands; and maybe the top of the back of his neck.
His face, which, if he was working, would appear stern and his brows creased in concentration and forethought. Or in some cases he could be smiling, which shows off the dimples in his cheeks. Most often though, if you were to find him on the streets, he would look wary. Almost jumpy, even. Just by looking at him you can tell he isn’t a murderer or a crook though. More like a man with a terrible secret, a burden that weighs him down with every step he makes. He gives the impression that he is at peace with what he does, but this appearance of peace also comes with the appearance as though he's enjoying a guilty pleasure. He doesn't seem one hundred percent comfortable in his own skin or with his method of getting by no matter how hard he tries to convince someone. Even in his white smiles, there’s something lost and sad about it. Like the smile doesn’t reflect in his eyes. If one’s senses were acute enough, you could barely make out the odd aroma of honey near him.
Attire: He has a worn down, brown leather jacket that appears to be riddled with holes, and beneath that is a simple white t-shirt, also appearing to have many holes in it. In fact, almost every piece of his clothing appears to have holes in it, even the stolen black designer jeans. The only exception there seems to be are these rough looking brown leather boots, steel toed. He also seems to have a white bandana with black print that’s tied loosely around his neck. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t appear to be there for any purpose other than just being there. It could be for style, comfort, or act as a shield against encroaching eyes.
Personality: Generally analytical and serious in his workplace, he is oblivious to the world around him, nothing but pure concentration channeling into whatever he is doing. His intellect practically radiating off of him as his fingers blindingly zip around the keyboard of his computer. In this train of thought, he has an air of authority that he could never achieve on his own conscience. Almost as an alter-ego of his real self, while he's around company, he comes off as a kind and gentle man, somewhat meek and reserved, which contrasts with the way he dresses. If young people are in danger, kids even, he'll do what he can to help without ceasing. He becomes slightly more hesitant however if there's actually someone or something threatening them. He has a soft spot for the outcasts or those stricken by poverty after having lived the experience when he was younger - and even now. He can be talkative among those he likes and is liberal in his values and beliefs.
Damon is in fact introverted, rather having to sit back whilst in a group or in the company of peers, which are few in between. However, he hides this with the mask of a positive disposition. He lacks a kind of assertiveness while in casual interactions and has one or maybe two friends (if he’s lucky) that he can feel comfortable around. He feels haunted by his past and he isn't proud of what he does to earn money, but he doesn't regret his actions - what he regrets is the accidents that have occurred that led to him being hunted down in the first place. As a result, he is also afraid of getting close to people or getting into dangerous situations that he cannot control. It's out of fear of harming someone again and losing himself in the process.
He’s very much restrained and has an absolute loathing for his “power”. After all, it is what ruined his life from the beginning and still continues to do so. He feels invaded, violated, his power and control being stripped away from him to the benefit and hosting of others, of aliens and strangers - demons. As such, he is very against using it even if it is to his own advantage. In fact, there exists even a fear for the swarm inside of him and a fear of losing control, lest that swarm domineers him. He has also seen what his power can do, and he has no desire to inflict that kind of gruesome fate onto any mortal man, woman, or child.
His intelligence is an outstanding factor. What he lacks in physical aptitude, he makes up for being a tech wiz. He even made his own computer and rigged a mobile wifi hotspot, which allows him to cruise the internet as fast as a roadrunner. While on the run, he has gotten by only because of a side job that he had (along with stealing occasionally). He is capable of hacking into computers and software, creating and deleting Trojans and even spikes, as well as USBs and data chips to give to people. Technically, this is illegal. Despite what the upstanding citizen may think of him, he does have a great deal of morals and he does his best to abide by them. He has managed to go this many years without harming someone again, after all.
Among all the deals he made with people who you could easily assume to be part of the Kennedy shooting if you didn’t already know that it would’ve been too many years ago for that to be a feasible possibility, he is very familiar with sketchy people. He has the basic gist of how they operate and how they intend on extorting him or bargain with him. As such, Damon has develop a sort of social savvy - in the sense that he cannot be easily bargained with or persuaded. Not that you’d know it, of course. These sorts of people don’t like being said “no” to. So Damon works out a social nuance in which he can appease his “associates” without actually letting them in on anything. He doesn’t directly say no, or refuse, or disagree. He feigns an interest and bargains on his own terms with the illusion of a compromise that is more heavily suited towards the other guy. Of course, these deals work in Damon’s favor and original plan in the end. He doesn’t dish out special favors for strict business customers.
Hobbies/Interests: He hasn't had a lot of time in his youth to explore his hobbies, though he has come to enjoy working with computers. He has also come to appreciate a great invention called coffee and enjoys the age old tradition of laying on a couch and watching movies. He usually just enjoys all of the little things in life due to not being able to do so before.
Skills/Talents: Programming, networking, hacking, updating, developing, repairing - he can do wonders with computers and has a natural inclination to understand them, though most of it was learned from practical tinkering. He has no college education that taught him how to do what he does. He, while not typically an outstanding speaker or even a social individual, his livelihood kind of depended on getting through on his transactions on his own terms. He’s not a superb fighter. Not while he’s sober.
Prized Possession: That laptop that looks like a piece of junk? Yeah. He made that. It’s a fucking brick. And worth more than you are. Any idea how expensive the parts he had to steal were? It’s the Frankenstein of high-quality ingredients and runs like an angel.
Quote(s): “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Yeah, I know it pretty well. It’s a tragic story.”
History/Bio: Well, he was brought up in Canada until he was five, and then they moved to Chicago where he stayed until he was fifteen. That is when the bees started to follow him everywhere and burrow in his skin and turn him into a freak show. He was then a homeless, disowned child hiding back in the alleys where people (namely other kids) would throws rocks at him. When he moved into old or abandoned buildings, it was a matter of time until a cop found him and sprayed him with pepper spray. He has never had it easy, honestly. Damon's luck ran so dry he was even once forced to be on the run from law enforcement because of: a. his mutant status, and b. a run in he had a long time ago when he was 19. An accident occurred then that involved the maiming and death of a man that had jumped him in a back alley. Damon snapped, and the screaming that came afterward prompted an emergency call from a bystander. Which is the one memory that still haunts him to this day.
When he was younger though, he was already pretty damn good with technology. When he was orphaned, he happened across a sociologist trying to emulate the Indian Hole in the Wall study, and there were computers outside the building. He would, at night, sneak out when no other kids or other homeless people were around and study the computers carefully. Over time, he got better; and he liked it. It brought some hope to his bleak world, and after years went by, he learned how to bypass most of the systems and firewalls. He learned the shortcuts and how to upgrade its capabilities. By the time he started getting chased, he had accumulated enough knowledge to steal a fancy computer from a store and a wifi router and upgrade them himself when he found time to obtain the parts and how-to information. After years of self-teaching and Dummy books, he has since hacked sites and made trojans and spikes for people in exchange for payment. He’s still running even now, and ended up in all sorts of places. He’s a bit lost at the moment, trying to find his way up to pass the border into America, but ended up getting tangled in the affairs of a particular, mysterious woman.
Family: Damon’s been disowned.
Power Class & Rating: Super System & Cerebral
Power: Damon is a living hive. Africanized bees infest his body, unbeknownst to the people around him. Inside of him are what could be hundreds upon thousands of bees, and they’re even crawling about in his clothes, which are the cause of the holes his clothes that he has tried desperately to replace, but new holes keep being torn open to allow easy access. He has since given up. It’s also the reason why he wears so much clothing in the first place to cover his skin. Littered upon his body are holes. It’s like an underground system, from within his abdomen, his legs, his back, his arms, and even in the palms of his hands. The bees, since their initial occupancy, have ravaged much of the internal organs of Damon’s body to point of non-functionality. What remains is most of his circulatory and digestive systems (which damaged much of his nervous system), and his head remains free of infestation. His reproduction system (due to the bees inhabiting most of the abdomen) has been damaged to the point that any actual reproduction would be impossible.
How could such a man survive? A very nuanced power seems to be very particular in how it affected him. He doesn’t have many requirements for survival and most of what he does is done out of habit. As it turns out, as long as he has a mind and that his brain is intact, Damon will live. Even without a body, he can survive on as a mere conscience exacting what will that it can. Damon isn’t fully aware of this, just that he can go on without eating or drinking for a long time. And while someone trying to choke him to death is painful and agonizing, it doesn’t really shut him down. All of his nerves are still active and he can still feel, so he is just as receptive to pain.
Damon has, to the slightest extent, extrasensory or telepathic abilities that allow him control over the insects that dwells within his body. The bees follow every one of his demands like a mindless robots, like pawns on a chessboard. He also releases a specific pheromone that appeals to bees in the surrounding vicinity and lures them to him, and it also negates the pheromone that the queen bee has that keeps other female bees from reproducing. So, if allowed, he could be surrounded by a colossal mass of writhing bugs with pointy stingers. Minor communication is possibly, but it is mostly an exchange of information. He can send a drone ahead and learn about what is around the corner. Having a massive swarm at his disposal, he can possess an omnipresence in the city. He could theoretically see everything as long as he has a set of eyes there. Try as you might, if you make an enemy out of Damon, you will be hard pressed to escape him (unless you swat the bee - in that case, they can’t report to the hive… but dead bees do give off a particular pheromone that alerts the others of danger, attracting more).
Since he is full of bees, he can adopt certain properties of them. Insects have a natural strength in comparison to size, so he could be a little stronger. He could command them to hoist him into the air and allow him to fly - his body has been hollowed out and is very light. If he wanted to, and I doubt he does, he could shoot a stream of bees at the landing skids of a helicopter and send it crashing into the ground (reference). So, depending on the situation, he is capable of being a badass. Obviously, this ability is a mixed bag.
He also has very minor regenerative abilities. Honey is a natural anti-oxidant and, naturally, them bees are gonna need a place to store it. While Damon isn’t full of it, some honey does line his insides… though mingled with it is blood and flesh, so don’t eat that.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: A big down side is that his body and mind is deteriorating. Body is obvious, with those holes in his body and all. They got into his body by literally eating him. They ate holes into his body and carved out a hive. It was incredibly excruciating - torture, even. If he survives long enough, his whole body will deteriorate and he will be dead for good (only when the last of his brain is eaten up, however). The bees, at a certain point, planted themselves along the central nervous system and at the very edge of the brain stem, and the pheromones affected him in such a way that the damage the bees do no longer harms him. Think really hard about what that might turn into. Although he practically has complete control, there are some “incidents”, so to speak, that can occur.
A great deal of stress, anger or endangerment to his life can cause him to crack and make him go batshit crazy for a minute or so. This is his Mr Hyde: a persona created by the manifestation of the hive self-named “Lieo”. Lieo is a hive-mind and is utterly ruthless and with no inhibitions holding them back - an abominable bastard that will hunt you down with Terminator-style pursuit predation, assuming you manage to escape his clutches. Lieo is essentially the entire swarm and hive itself working through Damon’s body, but could also simply be Damon with the mind of a swarm, that he is “one of them”. It’s a curious state that warrants attention, but is a very real danger to anyone around him. Even Damon. The lack of inhibitions causes damage to the body if he were to exert too much, and Damon will feel it afterward. In addition, using the power itself - controlling the bees - puts him on the fine line of sanity and breaking into Lieo’s persona. To control the hive, he has to put himself on the same level of communication by inserting his will and thoughts via a mild form of telepathy. This, if put off balance, can tip him over the edge and can cause the swarm to dominate his mind.
Any means of telepathy or mind reading against im also upsets the bees in the body which generates stress on Damon as well. So psychic powers can make him crack as well. Although this protects him from mind reading and telepathy to some extent, it is an uncomfortable experience that everyone would wish to avoid. Further, these are just bees. Fire and pesticides are his bane, or at least to the hive residing in him. However, Damon does have a record of being conniving (enoughly so that he can get away with a lot of crimes to survive), so these aren’t sure-fire ways to get rid of him. You’d still have to chase him down. Given the number of alleys and rooms he’s familiar with, he can be capable of ambushing you or, with the swarm, swarming you in a moment’s notice without any warning. And of course, a bullet to the head. That’ll stop most things in their tracks. There’s also the matter of his personality restraining him from using this ability to his full advantage - and in doing so, also accelerates his degeneration.
Lastly, his ability to command the swarm is limited. The code to protect and protect, and live within the security of the hive is hard-wired into each and every member of the swarm’s brain like a robot. It is a failsafe system that ensures the hive’s safety and the safety of the swarm. To this extent, Damon cannot just send the swarm and keep them away from him forever. Such commands they were carry out only to a certain extent before they are ignored. Even if it was something these mindless drones were capable of carrying out, the matter of Damon’s pheromones still exists, and therefore they will always return to the safety of the hive. Damon’s life is essentially on count-down.
Nickname/Alias/Etc: “Lieo”
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 109 lbs, but when he’s… full...
Home District: None; he’s from outta town.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Amber
Ethnicity: Canadian; he’s really got German and French in him though, with some Czechoslovakian.
Physical Appearance: He has a somewhat slouched posture during relaxed, casual occasions, but can stand up straight with shoulders broad at 6'0” when the situation calls for formality. The man’s build is average; he isn’t athletic and he doesn’t have chiseled abs – fairly lanky, and is carting around something of a belly a man gets when he ages and doesn't exercise just often enough. Damon’s complexion is rather poor, what with the occasional blemish or inflammation caused by irritation of the skin and the occasional blotches of scar tissue. It contrasts with his dark brown (nearly black) short cropped hair with a subtle widow's peak. One thing that an observant person would notice about him is that his fair skin usually doesn't show. His hands are usually tucked in his pockets, his neck is wrapped in a white bandana with black design, so all you can really see of him-him is his face, which is free of holes, and his hands; and maybe the top of the back of his neck.
His face, which, if he was working, would appear stern and his brows creased in concentration and forethought. Or in some cases he could be smiling, which shows off the dimples in his cheeks. Most often though, if you were to find him on the streets, he would look wary. Almost jumpy, even. Just by looking at him you can tell he isn’t a murderer or a crook though. More like a man with a terrible secret, a burden that weighs him down with every step he makes. He gives the impression that he is at peace with what he does, but this appearance of peace also comes with the appearance as though he's enjoying a guilty pleasure. He doesn't seem one hundred percent comfortable in his own skin or with his method of getting by no matter how hard he tries to convince someone. Even in his white smiles, there’s something lost and sad about it. Like the smile doesn’t reflect in his eyes. If one’s senses were acute enough, you could barely make out the odd aroma of honey near him.
Attire: He has a worn down, brown leather jacket that appears to be riddled with holes, and beneath that is a simple white t-shirt, also appearing to have many holes in it. In fact, almost every piece of his clothing appears to have holes in it, even the stolen black designer jeans. The only exception there seems to be are these rough looking brown leather boots, steel toed. He also seems to have a white bandana with black print that’s tied loosely around his neck. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t appear to be there for any purpose other than just being there. It could be for style, comfort, or act as a shield against encroaching eyes.
Personality: Generally analytical and serious in his workplace, he is oblivious to the world around him, nothing but pure concentration channeling into whatever he is doing. His intellect practically radiating off of him as his fingers blindingly zip around the keyboard of his computer. In this train of thought, he has an air of authority that he could never achieve on his own conscience. Almost as an alter-ego of his real self, while he's around company, he comes off as a kind and gentle man, somewhat meek and reserved, which contrasts with the way he dresses. If young people are in danger, kids even, he'll do what he can to help without ceasing. He becomes slightly more hesitant however if there's actually someone or something threatening them. He has a soft spot for the outcasts or those stricken by poverty after having lived the experience when he was younger - and even now. He can be talkative among those he likes and is liberal in his values and beliefs.
Damon is in fact introverted, rather having to sit back whilst in a group or in the company of peers, which are few in between. However, he hides this with the mask of a positive disposition. He lacks a kind of assertiveness while in casual interactions and has one or maybe two friends (if he’s lucky) that he can feel comfortable around. He feels haunted by his past and he isn't proud of what he does to earn money, but he doesn't regret his actions - what he regrets is the accidents that have occurred that led to him being hunted down in the first place. As a result, he is also afraid of getting close to people or getting into dangerous situations that he cannot control. It's out of fear of harming someone again and losing himself in the process.
He’s very much restrained and has an absolute loathing for his “power”. After all, it is what ruined his life from the beginning and still continues to do so. He feels invaded, violated, his power and control being stripped away from him to the benefit and hosting of others, of aliens and strangers - demons. As such, he is very against using it even if it is to his own advantage. In fact, there exists even a fear for the swarm inside of him and a fear of losing control, lest that swarm domineers him. He has also seen what his power can do, and he has no desire to inflict that kind of gruesome fate onto any mortal man, woman, or child.
His intelligence is an outstanding factor. What he lacks in physical aptitude, he makes up for being a tech wiz. He even made his own computer and rigged a mobile wifi hotspot, which allows him to cruise the internet as fast as a roadrunner. While on the run, he has gotten by only because of a side job that he had (along with stealing occasionally). He is capable of hacking into computers and software, creating and deleting Trojans and even spikes, as well as USBs and data chips to give to people. Technically, this is illegal. Despite what the upstanding citizen may think of him, he does have a great deal of morals and he does his best to abide by them. He has managed to go this many years without harming someone again, after all.
Among all the deals he made with people who you could easily assume to be part of the Kennedy shooting if you didn’t already know that it would’ve been too many years ago for that to be a feasible possibility, he is very familiar with sketchy people. He has the basic gist of how they operate and how they intend on extorting him or bargain with him. As such, Damon has develop a sort of social savvy - in the sense that he cannot be easily bargained with or persuaded. Not that you’d know it, of course. These sorts of people don’t like being said “no” to. So Damon works out a social nuance in which he can appease his “associates” without actually letting them in on anything. He doesn’t directly say no, or refuse, or disagree. He feigns an interest and bargains on his own terms with the illusion of a compromise that is more heavily suited towards the other guy. Of course, these deals work in Damon’s favor and original plan in the end. He doesn’t dish out special favors for strict business customers.
Hobbies/Interests: He hasn't had a lot of time in his youth to explore his hobbies, though he has come to enjoy working with computers. He has also come to appreciate a great invention called coffee and enjoys the age old tradition of laying on a couch and watching movies. He usually just enjoys all of the little things in life due to not being able to do so before.
Skills/Talents: Programming, networking, hacking, updating, developing, repairing - he can do wonders with computers and has a natural inclination to understand them, though most of it was learned from practical tinkering. He has no college education that taught him how to do what he does. He, while not typically an outstanding speaker or even a social individual, his livelihood kind of depended on getting through on his transactions on his own terms. He’s not a superb fighter. Not while he’s sober.
Prized Possession: That laptop that looks like a piece of junk? Yeah. He made that. It’s a fucking brick. And worth more than you are. Any idea how expensive the parts he had to steal were? It’s the Frankenstein of high-quality ingredients and runs like an angel.
Quote(s): “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Yeah, I know it pretty well. It’s a tragic story.”
History/Bio: Well, he was brought up in Canada until he was five, and then they moved to Chicago where he stayed until he was fifteen. That is when the bees started to follow him everywhere and burrow in his skin and turn him into a freak show. He was then a homeless, disowned child hiding back in the alleys where people (namely other kids) would throws rocks at him. When he moved into old or abandoned buildings, it was a matter of time until a cop found him and sprayed him with pepper spray. He has never had it easy, honestly. Damon's luck ran so dry he was even once forced to be on the run from law enforcement because of: a. his mutant status, and b. a run in he had a long time ago when he was 19. An accident occurred then that involved the maiming and death of a man that had jumped him in a back alley. Damon snapped, and the screaming that came afterward prompted an emergency call from a bystander. Which is the one memory that still haunts him to this day.
When he was younger though, he was already pretty damn good with technology. When he was orphaned, he happened across a sociologist trying to emulate the Indian Hole in the Wall study, and there were computers outside the building. He would, at night, sneak out when no other kids or other homeless people were around and study the computers carefully. Over time, he got better; and he liked it. It brought some hope to his bleak world, and after years went by, he learned how to bypass most of the systems and firewalls. He learned the shortcuts and how to upgrade its capabilities. By the time he started getting chased, he had accumulated enough knowledge to steal a fancy computer from a store and a wifi router and upgrade them himself when he found time to obtain the parts and how-to information. After years of self-teaching and Dummy books, he has since hacked sites and made trojans and spikes for people in exchange for payment. He’s still running even now, and ended up in all sorts of places. He’s a bit lost at the moment, trying to find his way up to pass the border into America, but ended up getting tangled in the affairs of a particular, mysterious woman.
Family: Damon’s been disowned.
Power Class & Rating: Super System & Cerebral
Power: Damon is a living hive. Africanized bees infest his body, unbeknownst to the people around him. Inside of him are what could be hundreds upon thousands of bees, and they’re even crawling about in his clothes, which are the cause of the holes his clothes that he has tried desperately to replace, but new holes keep being torn open to allow easy access. He has since given up. It’s also the reason why he wears so much clothing in the first place to cover his skin. Littered upon his body are holes. It’s like an underground system, from within his abdomen, his legs, his back, his arms, and even in the palms of his hands. The bees, since their initial occupancy, have ravaged much of the internal organs of Damon’s body to point of non-functionality. What remains is most of his circulatory and digestive systems (which damaged much of his nervous system), and his head remains free of infestation. His reproduction system (due to the bees inhabiting most of the abdomen) has been damaged to the point that any actual reproduction would be impossible.
How could such a man survive? A very nuanced power seems to be very particular in how it affected him. He doesn’t have many requirements for survival and most of what he does is done out of habit. As it turns out, as long as he has a mind and that his brain is intact, Damon will live. Even without a body, he can survive on as a mere conscience exacting what will that it can. Damon isn’t fully aware of this, just that he can go on without eating or drinking for a long time. And while someone trying to choke him to death is painful and agonizing, it doesn’t really shut him down. All of his nerves are still active and he can still feel, so he is just as receptive to pain.
Damon has, to the slightest extent, extrasensory or telepathic abilities that allow him control over the insects that dwells within his body. The bees follow every one of his demands like a mindless robots, like pawns on a chessboard. He also releases a specific pheromone that appeals to bees in the surrounding vicinity and lures them to him, and it also negates the pheromone that the queen bee has that keeps other female bees from reproducing. So, if allowed, he could be surrounded by a colossal mass of writhing bugs with pointy stingers. Minor communication is possibly, but it is mostly an exchange of information. He can send a drone ahead and learn about what is around the corner. Having a massive swarm at his disposal, he can possess an omnipresence in the city. He could theoretically see everything as long as he has a set of eyes there. Try as you might, if you make an enemy out of Damon, you will be hard pressed to escape him (unless you swat the bee - in that case, they can’t report to the hive… but dead bees do give off a particular pheromone that alerts the others of danger, attracting more).
Since he is full of bees, he can adopt certain properties of them. Insects have a natural strength in comparison to size, so he could be a little stronger. He could command them to hoist him into the air and allow him to fly - his body has been hollowed out and is very light. If he wanted to, and I doubt he does, he could shoot a stream of bees at the landing skids of a helicopter and send it crashing into the ground (reference). So, depending on the situation, he is capable of being a badass. Obviously, this ability is a mixed bag.
He also has very minor regenerative abilities. Honey is a natural anti-oxidant and, naturally, them bees are gonna need a place to store it. While Damon isn’t full of it, some honey does line his insides… though mingled with it is blood and flesh, so don’t eat that.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: A big down side is that his body and mind is deteriorating. Body is obvious, with those holes in his body and all. They got into his body by literally eating him. They ate holes into his body and carved out a hive. It was incredibly excruciating - torture, even. If he survives long enough, his whole body will deteriorate and he will be dead for good (only when the last of his brain is eaten up, however). The bees, at a certain point, planted themselves along the central nervous system and at the very edge of the brain stem, and the pheromones affected him in such a way that the damage the bees do no longer harms him. Think really hard about what that might turn into. Although he practically has complete control, there are some “incidents”, so to speak, that can occur.
A great deal of stress, anger or endangerment to his life can cause him to crack and make him go batshit crazy for a minute or so. This is his Mr Hyde: a persona created by the manifestation of the hive self-named “Lieo”. Lieo is a hive-mind and is utterly ruthless and with no inhibitions holding them back - an abominable bastard that will hunt you down with Terminator-style pursuit predation, assuming you manage to escape his clutches. Lieo is essentially the entire swarm and hive itself working through Damon’s body, but could also simply be Damon with the mind of a swarm, that he is “one of them”. It’s a curious state that warrants attention, but is a very real danger to anyone around him. Even Damon. The lack of inhibitions causes damage to the body if he were to exert too much, and Damon will feel it afterward. In addition, using the power itself - controlling the bees - puts him on the fine line of sanity and breaking into Lieo’s persona. To control the hive, he has to put himself on the same level of communication by inserting his will and thoughts via a mild form of telepathy. This, if put off balance, can tip him over the edge and can cause the swarm to dominate his mind.
Any means of telepathy or mind reading against im also upsets the bees in the body which generates stress on Damon as well. So psychic powers can make him crack as well. Although this protects him from mind reading and telepathy to some extent, it is an uncomfortable experience that everyone would wish to avoid. Further, these are just bees. Fire and pesticides are his bane, or at least to the hive residing in him. However, Damon does have a record of being conniving (enoughly so that he can get away with a lot of crimes to survive), so these aren’t sure-fire ways to get rid of him. You’d still have to chase him down. Given the number of alleys and rooms he’s familiar with, he can be capable of ambushing you or, with the swarm, swarming you in a moment’s notice without any warning. And of course, a bullet to the head. That’ll stop most things in their tracks. There’s also the matter of his personality restraining him from using this ability to his full advantage - and in doing so, also accelerates his degeneration.
Lastly, his ability to command the swarm is limited. The code to protect and protect, and live within the security of the hive is hard-wired into each and every member of the swarm’s brain like a robot. It is a failsafe system that ensures the hive’s safety and the safety of the swarm. To this extent, Damon cannot just send the swarm and keep them away from him forever. Such commands they were carry out only to a certain extent before they are ignored. Even if it was something these mindless drones were capable of carrying out, the matter of Damon’s pheromones still exists, and therefore they will always return to the safety of the hive. Damon’s life is essentially on count-down.
Abraham Gene

⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷
⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷
▼ | S T A T S : |
▼ | P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N : |
▸ B I R T H N A M E : | Abraham Gene
▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : | Golem
▸ G E N D E R : | Male
▸ A G E : | 21
▸ H E I G H T : | 6'4"
▸ W E I G H T : | 190 lbs.
▸ E T H N I C I T Y : | 80% African American, 20% Caucasion
▸ Y E A R : | 1st Year
▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : | Golem
▸ G E N D E R : | Male
▸ A G E : | 21
▸ H E I G H T : | 6'4"
▸ W E I G H T : | 190 lbs.
▸ E T H N I C I T Y : | 80% African American, 20% Caucasion
▸ Y E A R : | 1st Year
▼ | P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N : |
Abraham appears imposing, brutish; he stands a few inches above six feet, with an athletically fit body from years of working out. He's muscular everywhere you look, and is surmounted by broad shoulders. He is a man who seemingly carries himself with such esteem you would think that nothing could touch him. As an African-American mix, his skin is a brown soil color, and is far enough into his years to not worry about acne, and his complexion is good, for he has no natural blemishes but the scars and scrapes from his rough and tumble life. Among his collection includes a bright, whitened stripe across his thumb - and if you hadn't known better, you would've thought it was cut off at some point or another. Others include scrapes and burn scars all over his hands and a couple on his arms and legs, which appear to be nothing more than rough housing mementos. A notable one, however, is one that stretches across the right side of his abdomen over to his left. That one he laughs about and claims it had occurred during a knife fight.
The structure of his face is mostly angular, but as we go down towards his lower face, his jaw squares off slightly at his chin, where he wears a thin and well-maintained goatee. He has thick eyebrows and lashes which frames intense amber eyes, and his black hair is dreaded all the way down to an inch below his shoulder blades. His hair, though, is most of the time held back in a loose ponytail gently tied back by two other dreadlocks. Otherwise, his hair would've been left to frame his oval face and drape over his shoulders. It is safe to say he has been blessed with good genes. He walks and talks with such charming demeanor, holding himself in such a way that exudes confidence and invokes envy, and he knows it! So charmed a life, that his exuberance infects all of his conversations and has a sort of charismatic disposition that just attracts people. So predictably, he likes to utilize that to his advantage as a reliable asset. He has a strong, projecting voice that bears a slight Boston accent whenever he speaks.
There isn't any one particular outfit that he leans to - he has many of them. The style may change from a punk vibe, to relaxed, sometimes classy, sporty, whatever. He generally has a jacket though, usually a denim jacket or a leather one, or a black pea coat if he's feeling particularly chilly that day. He usually avoids shorts. What kind of jeans or pants doesn’t really matter to him, but he tends to shoot for jeans that are baggy around legs but tends to tighten around his waist, providing comfort and a secure fit. His shoes are boots, almost always boots. Though it may change according to the situation - sports often call for sneakers, and a fancy outing requires more refined dress shoes. These he has, which were custom made for his feet. But mostly, Abraham goes for clothing that is relaxed and easy to move in – it is worth noting that, having come from a wealthy family, he is more accustomed to a costly wardrobe. Flannels and casually worn dress shirts are a common occurrence in his wardrobe, shirts without sleeves are too. A fabric belt is always seen around his waist, and he never seems to wear gloves as he prefers to work with his hands directly.
The structure of his face is mostly angular, but as we go down towards his lower face, his jaw squares off slightly at his chin, where he wears a thin and well-maintained goatee. He has thick eyebrows and lashes which frames intense amber eyes, and his black hair is dreaded all the way down to an inch below his shoulder blades. His hair, though, is most of the time held back in a loose ponytail gently tied back by two other dreadlocks. Otherwise, his hair would've been left to frame his oval face and drape over his shoulders. It is safe to say he has been blessed with good genes. He walks and talks with such charming demeanor, holding himself in such a way that exudes confidence and invokes envy, and he knows it! So charmed a life, that his exuberance infects all of his conversations and has a sort of charismatic disposition that just attracts people. So predictably, he likes to utilize that to his advantage as a reliable asset. He has a strong, projecting voice that bears a slight Boston accent whenever he speaks.
There isn't any one particular outfit that he leans to - he has many of them. The style may change from a punk vibe, to relaxed, sometimes classy, sporty, whatever. He generally has a jacket though, usually a denim jacket or a leather one, or a black pea coat if he's feeling particularly chilly that day. He usually avoids shorts. What kind of jeans or pants doesn’t really matter to him, but he tends to shoot for jeans that are baggy around legs but tends to tighten around his waist, providing comfort and a secure fit. His shoes are boots, almost always boots. Though it may change according to the situation - sports often call for sneakers, and a fancy outing requires more refined dress shoes. These he has, which were custom made for his feet. But mostly, Abraham goes for clothing that is relaxed and easy to move in – it is worth noting that, having come from a wealthy family, he is more accustomed to a costly wardrobe. Flannels and casually worn dress shirts are a common occurrence in his wardrobe, shirts without sleeves are too. A fabric belt is always seen around his waist, and he never seems to wear gloves as he prefers to work with his hands directly.
⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷
▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : |
▼ | B A C K S T O R Y : |
Outwardly, Abraham is charming, forward, and proud. A peculiar mixture of relaxed and energetic are what makes up his disposition. He's talkative in the right crowd and has very many stories to share regarding his hijinks, adventures, and mishappens he has experienced throughout the extent of his life. He is exceptionally charismatic in that he can put a smile on your face or instill fear in your mind when he wants to, and he knows how to sweet talk his way out of different situations. However, Abraham is also incredibly arrogant and borderline narcissistic. He is the type of person to view another as far beneath him and rarely sees another at his own level. This is a given, considering the fashion in which he was raised and expectations of others he has been accustomed to. He expects others to listen to him or he sees it as some sort of challenge. He has a large presence and a forceful voice, coupled with charm, people tend to see him as a leader, and further, he isn't stingy. He can pay you back rather handsomely if you do him a favor or if you get on his good side. This being said, he isn't very frequently refused and so his ugly side isn't seen as often one might expect - and while he has had a history with aggression, he isn't actually too prone to being aggressive in his interactions with others.
See, while he could certainly resort to such measures if he feels them necessary, he also considers himself above such trite nonsense most of the time. He knows he's better, he knows he's capable of muscling through obstacles, so he doesn't try to go so far out of his way to try and dominate everyone. That's just over-compensating and, quite frankly, would do more to present all of a man's insecurities out in the open for all to gawk at. So instead, he'd rather try his hand at maneuvering social or political blockades through his own wit, whether it be dogmatically assertive to intimidate a weaker-willed adversary through presence alone, social or emotional manipulation, or simply just playing his cards right. For this reason, people tend to acknowledge that he's kind of an asshole, but feel inclined to try to befriend him regardless, because he at least comes across as a pretty chill person - and that's his confidence in play.
His allegiances often align with those that provide him the greatest benefit for himself, or is of greater influence than, say, a person with little control over the great machine. So, clearly, he can be selfish, preferring to think of himself before others. This is obvious in politics. He doesn't consider himself conservative or liberal. Moral values don't mean terribly much to him. But being in the high upper class with his father, Abraham is more likely to vote for a candidate that benefits him. Those candidates, in result, usually tend to be in favor of capitalism and of the elite class. He doesn't give a damn about religion, and immigration is a mixed bag, as it can prove both beneficial and detrimental to some aspects of economy; mostly good, so he doesn't really care about your ethnicity. Any other moral issue that the rest of the country struggles with doesn't bother him, save for the topic of racial prejudice. Otherwise he considers himself above another according to social hierarchy, so unless you have a lot of money, friends, and/or popularity, he'll probably overlook you much like a elephant that overlooks an ant.
But back to violence: the only reason for a hands-on man like himself to resort to such matters is because losing isn't an option in his book. He goes by the nuclear effect: if insulted, attacked, or provoked, he will retaliate in turn with ten times the severity. This is one of the prime reasons nobody likes to mess with him. Abraham is simply far too much trouble than he is worth. He's always up for a scuffle and he isn't held back by any rules when he does. He's got a penchant for fisticuffs.
The ladies are an entirely different story with him though. He is remarkably flirtatious. If you are a woman, and whether you express an interest in him or not, you will be assaulted with the most fervent case of wanton promiscuity your unsullied virginity (or otherwise) had ever endured. In any other case, his flirtatiousness spares not a single bosom as long as it meets Abraham's qualifications of "hot diggity damn". This take-no-prisoners disposition also gives him a confident "bad boy" vibe that, hell, some people are into. Though not always are his advances accepted, he sometimes takes it in stride should he not be interested in taking part in "the hunt", but there are times when a different sect of his ugly side appears. Should those advances be neglected, it's almost as if his eyes are trained on that one person. He needs what he can't have, you know? It's a running problem with rich people. However, should the neglect continue, there's another side of him that can be seen: reprehensible casual sexism. As if the subtle objectification of women he appears to portray wasn't as clear an indicator, consistent refusal will prompt him to apply the label of "prude" to said female. Subtle hints of his sexism can be seen in casual conversations where he seems to imply some extent of inferiority, however, this aspect of his personality is only shown in very specific turns of the conversation and isn't always identifiable. Abe is nothing if not adept at turning the current of the conversation to highlight his qualities, rather than underscoring his shortcomings.
Innately, Abraham is a very angry and lost individual. He doesn't care what the world wants, he's just out here trying to make his own way and survive. To climb and scratch his way to the top. Perhaps that's better achieved if he hadn't left the roost, but he's lost. He cares solely for himself and, if possible, he'd take out his anger on those around him. He has a lot of pent up rage and frustration. Of course his relationship for his family is less than ideal, and he holds contempt for his father in many regards (though mingled in is some respect). The death of his little brother has deeply affected him and his ability to trust people, and when he looks around him, all he sees are two faced liars who'd be eager to backstab him over whatever meager lump of cash they can get their hands on. These feelings are deep, deep inside him, and it is these feelings where he is able to channel his ferocity in a fight. But on top of that are layers upon layers of a persona he has chosen to portray himself as. A mask that is so esoterically weaved and layered over these feelings, that he can hide it from even himself at times. It became a persona that he actually connects to and feels everything it is supposed to feel, and this persona runs so deep he may as well have created a new person.
See, while he could certainly resort to such measures if he feels them necessary, he also considers himself above such trite nonsense most of the time. He knows he's better, he knows he's capable of muscling through obstacles, so he doesn't try to go so far out of his way to try and dominate everyone. That's just over-compensating and, quite frankly, would do more to present all of a man's insecurities out in the open for all to gawk at. So instead, he'd rather try his hand at maneuvering social or political blockades through his own wit, whether it be dogmatically assertive to intimidate a weaker-willed adversary through presence alone, social or emotional manipulation, or simply just playing his cards right. For this reason, people tend to acknowledge that he's kind of an asshole, but feel inclined to try to befriend him regardless, because he at least comes across as a pretty chill person - and that's his confidence in play.
His allegiances often align with those that provide him the greatest benefit for himself, or is of greater influence than, say, a person with little control over the great machine. So, clearly, he can be selfish, preferring to think of himself before others. This is obvious in politics. He doesn't consider himself conservative or liberal. Moral values don't mean terribly much to him. But being in the high upper class with his father, Abraham is more likely to vote for a candidate that benefits him. Those candidates, in result, usually tend to be in favor of capitalism and of the elite class. He doesn't give a damn about religion, and immigration is a mixed bag, as it can prove both beneficial and detrimental to some aspects of economy; mostly good, so he doesn't really care about your ethnicity. Any other moral issue that the rest of the country struggles with doesn't bother him, save for the topic of racial prejudice. Otherwise he considers himself above another according to social hierarchy, so unless you have a lot of money, friends, and/or popularity, he'll probably overlook you much like a elephant that overlooks an ant.
But back to violence: the only reason for a hands-on man like himself to resort to such matters is because losing isn't an option in his book. He goes by the nuclear effect: if insulted, attacked, or provoked, he will retaliate in turn with ten times the severity. This is one of the prime reasons nobody likes to mess with him. Abraham is simply far too much trouble than he is worth. He's always up for a scuffle and he isn't held back by any rules when he does. He's got a penchant for fisticuffs.
The ladies are an entirely different story with him though. He is remarkably flirtatious. If you are a woman, and whether you express an interest in him or not, you will be assaulted with the most fervent case of wanton promiscuity your unsullied virginity (or otherwise) had ever endured. In any other case, his flirtatiousness spares not a single bosom as long as it meets Abraham's qualifications of "hot diggity damn". This take-no-prisoners disposition also gives him a confident "bad boy" vibe that, hell, some people are into. Though not always are his advances accepted, he sometimes takes it in stride should he not be interested in taking part in "the hunt", but there are times when a different sect of his ugly side appears. Should those advances be neglected, it's almost as if his eyes are trained on that one person. He needs what he can't have, you know? It's a running problem with rich people. However, should the neglect continue, there's another side of him that can be seen: reprehensible casual sexism. As if the subtle objectification of women he appears to portray wasn't as clear an indicator, consistent refusal will prompt him to apply the label of "prude" to said female. Subtle hints of his sexism can be seen in casual conversations where he seems to imply some extent of inferiority, however, this aspect of his personality is only shown in very specific turns of the conversation and isn't always identifiable. Abe is nothing if not adept at turning the current of the conversation to highlight his qualities, rather than underscoring his shortcomings.
Innately, Abraham is a very angry and lost individual. He doesn't care what the world wants, he's just out here trying to make his own way and survive. To climb and scratch his way to the top. Perhaps that's better achieved if he hadn't left the roost, but he's lost. He cares solely for himself and, if possible, he'd take out his anger on those around him. He has a lot of pent up rage and frustration. Of course his relationship for his family is less than ideal, and he holds contempt for his father in many regards (though mingled in is some respect). The death of his little brother has deeply affected him and his ability to trust people, and when he looks around him, all he sees are two faced liars who'd be eager to backstab him over whatever meager lump of cash they can get their hands on. These feelings are deep, deep inside him, and it is these feelings where he is able to channel his ferocity in a fight. But on top of that are layers upon layers of a persona he has chosen to portray himself as. A mask that is so esoterically weaved and layered over these feelings, that he can hide it from even himself at times. It became a persona that he actually connects to and feels everything it is supposed to feel, and this persona runs so deep he may as well have created a new person.
▼ | B A C K S T O R Y : |
Abraham was born to a very wealthy family. His father is a director of a clean energy company, converting corn and oil into a ethanol blend, so that said, they were extremely well off. The mother left early in his childhood, leaving him with not much of a mother figure aside from the maids that were paid to service the family. Aside from that, there isn't much to be said about his early youth. He was provided with an extensive above-average education, regularly encouraged to do well in the private school for the upper class in which he was enrolled in, so that he may excel much like his father – his father, speaking of which, never really had the time to behave as a proper parent or role model to the boy, so Abe was mostly raised by the servants (who ran the risk of losing their jobs if they did anything the family thought was crossing boundaries). This, predictably, can lead to some peculiar growing up patterns.
When Abe was five, he got a little brother. A half-brother, in all honesty, but they were brothers nonetheless. They grew up together from then on. As soon as Abe was old enough to get into sports, he did, and he found it exhilarating. The adrenaline and competition meant everything to him - he wanted to win, to be the best, and feel magnificent while doing so, as though he were on top of the world. He didn't receive much support from his father, who tended to just look at him and expected improvement the next time around - that's how the world in economics worked, after all. Unfortunately, it was twisted into a vicious cycle and it eventually developed a sense of self-frustration within Abraham. That he had to be better, otherwise he wasn't good enough. Him and his brother, as they got older, always wrestled. He got into track, played on teams in sports, which was generally football, basketball, and soccer.
Of course, some of these routines couldn't continue when it rained or if he got sick or even grounded. There weren’t many extra-curricular activities he thought he could do if those options weren't available to him. So when he was forced to stay home, he managed to pick up a different hobby: guitar lessons. It started simple at first, but when the lessons became more complex, he grew angry with the practice and ditched it entirely. On the bright side, Abe did learn that keeping a beat came easier to him than maintaining a rhythm, so he found himself drawn to drumming. It suited him! The faster paced full-body action of the instrument was appealing to Abe, and it was another outlet for his aggression, and he started taking lessons in it.
That continued on for a while; sports and music, that is. Eventually, his father found that he wasn't fond of his son's aggressive temperament, and perhaps a top of the line martial arts instructor could help calm him down with some discipline, while providing his son with the means to protect himself should something ever happen. He received these "krav maga" classes when he was fourteen, and at first, they didn't seem to do much good at keeping him down. But as time progressed, he seemed better at keeping control of that temper. He was disciplined. However, when it came to sparring, he was ferocious and aggressive and sometimes had to be restrained. His father thought, “Perhaps other activities are necessary?” Among the various solutions were, firstly, outlets where he can learn to socialize properly with others. Here, Abe learned that he had quite the fondness for girls, and how he learned to be the charming devil he was always meant to be (interpret that as you will, sarcastic or not) - and secondly, a way to expend his energy without directing it at another person. So for a very short period of time, Abe was forced to enter gymnastics. While all the acrobatics were cool and fun, Abraham figured he could learn that on his own via free-running without wearing an uncomfortably tight unitard.
His powers began to develop when he was 15. It was an incredibly scary experience for him, seeing how he reacted with stone and all that. He was kept as a dirty little secret for a while before Abe could control it, and it was a secret that stayed strictly between father and son. Apparently, the father knew something about meta-humans, though didn't quite drop the bomb on Abe about it... and although surprised, he wasn't traumatically shocked by the knowledge of his son being one. It took a while, perhaps a week or two, of constant tinkering to learn how to mess with the power, to at least keep it from activating by accident. Enough so that Abe can continue his regular life. He continued his active life as he would, but now with something else to practice on the sideline. He had a double life: a normal one, and then one as a meta-human, where he would practice his abilities when he wasn't doing anything else.
Soon, he began to realize that it was actually a pretty god damn awesome thing that he could do. Something that made him unique and set him apart! It was something that could also be used to assert the kind of dominance and victories he wanted, and could probably make his dad proud. This pride and cocky attitude got a pretty secure hold on his life, and his confidence affected him in somewhat unpredictable ways. His sparring in martial arts was once again aggressive, and he got kicked out of the dojo when he was 17 for breaking the sternum of another student with a single punch, as well as knocking them ten feet back (it was at that point he learned how to solidify the bones inside his arm for a more powerful blow). This of course pissed off his father.
Life drastically changed when Abe was 18, and they learned when a shooting occurred at a theater killed Abraham's brother. One of the security guards, hired by the father himself, apparently went rogue and held the child for ransom while Abe was at school. The rogue got the money, but the moment cops started moving in, killed the child anyway out of panic. The family reacted to the tragedy different. Abe’s father drank until one of his kidneys went bad, and Abe, well... Abe essentially lost control of himself. He was consumed with rage and distrust and he began losing control of his temper and pent up anger. He spent his time in the bad parts of town, unbeknownst to his father, learning how to use his ability, and then beating the daylights out of people with it. Of course, these people were thugs and other crooks of that nature, making Abe a guy something of a vigilante – the major difference being that his core motivation was personal instead of misplaced nobility. In addition, Abe discovered those street fight circles you can win and get paid for, much like underground boxing with no rules. Naturally, Abe didn't care about the money out of it, it was an outlet for his aggression and anger and he took advantage of it. Ghettos being no strangers to superhumans, he was allowed to use his power. They didn't quite expect Abe's power to basically be made for close fighting. Among the circles, he came to be known as the Golem.
The spree of delinquency hit the fan when Abe got involved in some terrible incident resulting in a death of a man, and all of the commotion grabbed the attention of Abe's father, who was unaware of all of Abraham's behavior meanwhile, and bailed Abe out of prison (he was 19 then), and gave him the loudest lecture of a lifetime. This of course brought to much attention to the family on the press, and he sent his son away to live on his own for a while (with a fair amount of money to live on should he be out of work), so that the director could live in what peace remained. A good place to go was a different busy city swarming with activity and police, in Chicago. Abe went to live there, hoping maybe life there away from home would help to temper his son's behavior, as well as discipline him so that he isn't so willing to resort to his abilities so easily. Though honestly, Abe earnestly disagrees, and believes that his power is a part of who he is and that he should embrace it and not hide it. That being said, he's still going around town performing vigilante work. After a brief lapse of time, an officer caught him about to start a fight with a similarly shady man and Abe was thrown in the Chicago prison for a short night.
It was about a week after that he received mail from his father expressing his dissatisfaction with Abraham, and included in the mail was a letter concerning the Promise: a scientific marvel, a place in space for people with powers like his, to learn control and restraint. Also a place where, his father had at least hoped, would aid in disciplining him. He is to stay there for a few years, where the instructors will teach him how to better control his powers and himself. It was a growing experience, and while he wasn't able to forget about what happened, he could learn from it. Still, he was never really able to accept it. All he expected from the academy was to give him better control over his power and teach him how to better hide all of the turmoil he felt. They'll just help him learn how to blend in better.
When Abe was five, he got a little brother. A half-brother, in all honesty, but they were brothers nonetheless. They grew up together from then on. As soon as Abe was old enough to get into sports, he did, and he found it exhilarating. The adrenaline and competition meant everything to him - he wanted to win, to be the best, and feel magnificent while doing so, as though he were on top of the world. He didn't receive much support from his father, who tended to just look at him and expected improvement the next time around - that's how the world in economics worked, after all. Unfortunately, it was twisted into a vicious cycle and it eventually developed a sense of self-frustration within Abraham. That he had to be better, otherwise he wasn't good enough. Him and his brother, as they got older, always wrestled. He got into track, played on teams in sports, which was generally football, basketball, and soccer.
Of course, some of these routines couldn't continue when it rained or if he got sick or even grounded. There weren’t many extra-curricular activities he thought he could do if those options weren't available to him. So when he was forced to stay home, he managed to pick up a different hobby: guitar lessons. It started simple at first, but when the lessons became more complex, he grew angry with the practice and ditched it entirely. On the bright side, Abe did learn that keeping a beat came easier to him than maintaining a rhythm, so he found himself drawn to drumming. It suited him! The faster paced full-body action of the instrument was appealing to Abe, and it was another outlet for his aggression, and he started taking lessons in it.
That continued on for a while; sports and music, that is. Eventually, his father found that he wasn't fond of his son's aggressive temperament, and perhaps a top of the line martial arts instructor could help calm him down with some discipline, while providing his son with the means to protect himself should something ever happen. He received these "krav maga" classes when he was fourteen, and at first, they didn't seem to do much good at keeping him down. But as time progressed, he seemed better at keeping control of that temper. He was disciplined. However, when it came to sparring, he was ferocious and aggressive and sometimes had to be restrained. His father thought, “Perhaps other activities are necessary?” Among the various solutions were, firstly, outlets where he can learn to socialize properly with others. Here, Abe learned that he had quite the fondness for girls, and how he learned to be the charming devil he was always meant to be (interpret that as you will, sarcastic or not) - and secondly, a way to expend his energy without directing it at another person. So for a very short period of time, Abe was forced to enter gymnastics. While all the acrobatics were cool and fun, Abraham figured he could learn that on his own via free-running without wearing an uncomfortably tight unitard.
His powers began to develop when he was 15. It was an incredibly scary experience for him, seeing how he reacted with stone and all that. He was kept as a dirty little secret for a while before Abe could control it, and it was a secret that stayed strictly between father and son. Apparently, the father knew something about meta-humans, though didn't quite drop the bomb on Abe about it... and although surprised, he wasn't traumatically shocked by the knowledge of his son being one. It took a while, perhaps a week or two, of constant tinkering to learn how to mess with the power, to at least keep it from activating by accident. Enough so that Abe can continue his regular life. He continued his active life as he would, but now with something else to practice on the sideline. He had a double life: a normal one, and then one as a meta-human, where he would practice his abilities when he wasn't doing anything else.
Soon, he began to realize that it was actually a pretty god damn awesome thing that he could do. Something that made him unique and set him apart! It was something that could also be used to assert the kind of dominance and victories he wanted, and could probably make his dad proud. This pride and cocky attitude got a pretty secure hold on his life, and his confidence affected him in somewhat unpredictable ways. His sparring in martial arts was once again aggressive, and he got kicked out of the dojo when he was 17 for breaking the sternum of another student with a single punch, as well as knocking them ten feet back (it was at that point he learned how to solidify the bones inside his arm for a more powerful blow). This of course pissed off his father.
Life drastically changed when Abe was 18, and they learned when a shooting occurred at a theater killed Abraham's brother. One of the security guards, hired by the father himself, apparently went rogue and held the child for ransom while Abe was at school. The rogue got the money, but the moment cops started moving in, killed the child anyway out of panic. The family reacted to the tragedy different. Abe’s father drank until one of his kidneys went bad, and Abe, well... Abe essentially lost control of himself. He was consumed with rage and distrust and he began losing control of his temper and pent up anger. He spent his time in the bad parts of town, unbeknownst to his father, learning how to use his ability, and then beating the daylights out of people with it. Of course, these people were thugs and other crooks of that nature, making Abe a guy something of a vigilante – the major difference being that his core motivation was personal instead of misplaced nobility. In addition, Abe discovered those street fight circles you can win and get paid for, much like underground boxing with no rules. Naturally, Abe didn't care about the money out of it, it was an outlet for his aggression and anger and he took advantage of it. Ghettos being no strangers to superhumans, he was allowed to use his power. They didn't quite expect Abe's power to basically be made for close fighting. Among the circles, he came to be known as the Golem.
The spree of delinquency hit the fan when Abe got involved in some terrible incident resulting in a death of a man, and all of the commotion grabbed the attention of Abe's father, who was unaware of all of Abraham's behavior meanwhile, and bailed Abe out of prison (he was 19 then), and gave him the loudest lecture of a lifetime. This of course brought to much attention to the family on the press, and he sent his son away to live on his own for a while (with a fair amount of money to live on should he be out of work), so that the director could live in what peace remained. A good place to go was a different busy city swarming with activity and police, in Chicago. Abe went to live there, hoping maybe life there away from home would help to temper his son's behavior, as well as discipline him so that he isn't so willing to resort to his abilities so easily. Though honestly, Abe earnestly disagrees, and believes that his power is a part of who he is and that he should embrace it and not hide it. That being said, he's still going around town performing vigilante work. After a brief lapse of time, an officer caught him about to start a fight with a similarly shady man and Abe was thrown in the Chicago prison for a short night.
It was about a week after that he received mail from his father expressing his dissatisfaction with Abraham, and included in the mail was a letter concerning the Promise: a scientific marvel, a place in space for people with powers like his, to learn control and restraint. Also a place where, his father had at least hoped, would aid in disciplining him. He is to stay there for a few years, where the instructors will teach him how to better control his powers and himself. It was a growing experience, and while he wasn't able to forget about what happened, he could learn from it. Still, he was never really able to accept it. All he expected from the academy was to give him better control over his power and teach him how to better hide all of the turmoil he felt. They'll just help him learn how to blend in better.
⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷
▼ | P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : |
▼ | P O W E R D E S C R I P T I O N : |
▼ | L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : |
Elemental (Mimicry)
▼ | P O W E R D E S C R I P T I O N : |
The core feature of Abraham's ability is terrakinesis. He has the capability to manipulate rock and earth and many of its variations to his will, and by extension, anything that is carried by or contained inside it. The possibilities go on for miles: he could form it as he desires, to building structures, or destroying and wreaking havoc with it as he pleases. His range, in theory, is as far as the eye can discern and the power is as strong as his ferocity with it. He could erect giant pillars and spires from the ground as long as there is enough stone in the vicinity to fuel it, as well as rectangular walls and shields - even domes. It’s possible to disconnect these from the ground and send it flying through the air or skidding across the ground and crush the target behind the thousands of pounds of force its impact generates. As Abraham is able to mold stone, he can, if he so chooses, reconstruct damaged structures or sculpt a brand new structure entirely.
There is just one problem with doing all of that:
Abraham is a very introspective person. The meta-human energy is often considered to be the soul of an individual given form, and how that person views the world through their perception can have a massive influence on what parts of their reality they can control. While Abe acknowledges the world around him, he’s very self-concerned and self-absorbed, so he doesn’t often look more than two steps in front of him (figuratively speaking). This mindset limits the sort of control he can have over the world around him. Outside-terrakinesis is available to him, but only to a degree. His control over rock and the earth falls off dramatically when it’s outside just a few feet, maybe fifteen feet – max – away. He’ll be lucky to create a tripping hazard outside of that range, whereas if he were a self-mastered monk from the mountains of Nepal, there'd be nearly nothing he couldn't accomplish with it. However, there are additional features of his power that does keep him from being totally useless...
Stone Embodiment: Abraham can morph his whole body into cold, hard stone - or selectively morph different parts of his body. This also causes his body to become much denser, heavier, and durable, allowing him to pack more power at the trade-off of speed. Given his power of stone manipulation, he still retains enough mobility to keep himself moving, though his speed is severely hampered and he lacks the kind of agility he'd usually have. On top of packing a lot of weight behind his punches, the ability to manipulate stone – and thereby even himself, helps him packs tons more power behind his monster hay-makers and grants him super-strength that can compete even with the strongest of superheroes. Abe's wit has helped him think through the different aspects of his power, and so he recognized that, when stone, his own body can be altered as he pleases. He is capable of changing the shape of his own body to serve his purpose - whether it be changing his hands to hammers or blades - the latter being particularly frightful, given how a pointy thing being made of stone and the size of a grown man's arm is being lunged straight through your body, and if you survive that, congratulations asshole! You now have stone sediments coursing through your bloodstream.
Like many superhumans, Abe has a couple of secret weapons, none he'd use lightly. But should the situation ever call for such a measure, he can go stone form. Which is cool in itself, right? Well, from there, Abe can begin an exhaustive process where he takes in the stone from his environment into his own body before his size and mass proliferates into that of a massive golem - easily as tall as telephone poles and weight comparable to mountains. While his standard stone embodiment stands as it is as being extraordinarily durable, turning into the Golem leaves him impervious to almost all physical attacks, attacks on his biological system, and allow him to deal devastating strikes to his foes at the tradeoff of being utterly slow and easy to read. Like, if you get punched by him, it better be because you're tied to a railroad. The process is exhaustive, but should he ever be able to keep going, he can take in as much as stone as is provided to him and reach colossal levels... though this is, to the fortune of his enemies, restricted by his stamina. The most he would be able to bring himself to do is to be as tall as telephone poles - and, of course, the girth of modern homes. It is in his Golem form that his power is nearly boundless. Strikes he can launch with such power that it can utterly shatter a person's body were they not the most enduring superhuman! However, as a golem, he would lack mobility. He could make huge, massive steps, but at a super slow pace. Everything about him would be slower and predictable, but should he hit somebody, they'd be in for a world of hurt. Granted, his mobility could be compensated for if he could morph his golem form so that his back was smoothed out so that he could theoretically roll downhill. Stopping is a different story.
He has a unique ability he has only recently been able to work out - regeneration. If he gets a cut, chops off his thumb, he can turn part of his body to stone - or his whole body, if he wishes - and manipulates stone to reform his original body, and have his body turn back to normal, so that the stone thumb that replaced the prior one becomes a fleshy part of his body. Quite literally, he can make replacements. However, there is still the case of the utter soul-wrenching pain that comes with dismemberment. Regeneration isn't an easy process when you're under such a large amount of pain and stress, and it is a somewhat slow process given how what stamina Abraham has left is being put into regrowing a limb whilst under agony - there needs to be stone around that he can take into his body and replace the limb, otherwise, he needs the limb itself. In the middle of a firefight, there is no time for such a process. Even if he succeeds in making the replacement, the phantom pain would linger on and haunt him for as long as a month. It is an ability that took a great amount of time to get working properly, and it takes a great deal of body memory, as well as contorting his limbs into different shapes. So these are not abilities he did little work to earn. He practiced extensively with his power to fully understand the ins and outs of it. It still bears repeating that he is most effective in his standard stone embodiment form, where he's incredibly difficult to shatter, slow him down, and withstand the onslaught he has planned for you.
There is just one problem with doing all of that:
Abraham is a very introspective person. The meta-human energy is often considered to be the soul of an individual given form, and how that person views the world through their perception can have a massive influence on what parts of their reality they can control. While Abe acknowledges the world around him, he’s very self-concerned and self-absorbed, so he doesn’t often look more than two steps in front of him (figuratively speaking). This mindset limits the sort of control he can have over the world around him. Outside-terrakinesis is available to him, but only to a degree. His control over rock and the earth falls off dramatically when it’s outside just a few feet, maybe fifteen feet – max – away. He’ll be lucky to create a tripping hazard outside of that range, whereas if he were a self-mastered monk from the mountains of Nepal, there'd be nearly nothing he couldn't accomplish with it. However, there are additional features of his power that does keep him from being totally useless...
Stone Embodiment: Abraham can morph his whole body into cold, hard stone - or selectively morph different parts of his body. This also causes his body to become much denser, heavier, and durable, allowing him to pack more power at the trade-off of speed. Given his power of stone manipulation, he still retains enough mobility to keep himself moving, though his speed is severely hampered and he lacks the kind of agility he'd usually have. On top of packing a lot of weight behind his punches, the ability to manipulate stone – and thereby even himself, helps him packs tons more power behind his monster hay-makers and grants him super-strength that can compete even with the strongest of superheroes. Abe's wit has helped him think through the different aspects of his power, and so he recognized that, when stone, his own body can be altered as he pleases. He is capable of changing the shape of his own body to serve his purpose - whether it be changing his hands to hammers or blades - the latter being particularly frightful, given how a pointy thing being made of stone and the size of a grown man's arm is being lunged straight through your body, and if you survive that, congratulations asshole! You now have stone sediments coursing through your bloodstream.
Like many superhumans, Abe has a couple of secret weapons, none he'd use lightly. But should the situation ever call for such a measure, he can go stone form. Which is cool in itself, right? Well, from there, Abe can begin an exhaustive process where he takes in the stone from his environment into his own body before his size and mass proliferates into that of a massive golem - easily as tall as telephone poles and weight comparable to mountains. While his standard stone embodiment stands as it is as being extraordinarily durable, turning into the Golem leaves him impervious to almost all physical attacks, attacks on his biological system, and allow him to deal devastating strikes to his foes at the tradeoff of being utterly slow and easy to read. Like, if you get punched by him, it better be because you're tied to a railroad. The process is exhaustive, but should he ever be able to keep going, he can take in as much as stone as is provided to him and reach colossal levels... though this is, to the fortune of his enemies, restricted by his stamina. The most he would be able to bring himself to do is to be as tall as telephone poles - and, of course, the girth of modern homes. It is in his Golem form that his power is nearly boundless. Strikes he can launch with such power that it can utterly shatter a person's body were they not the most enduring superhuman! However, as a golem, he would lack mobility. He could make huge, massive steps, but at a super slow pace. Everything about him would be slower and predictable, but should he hit somebody, they'd be in for a world of hurt. Granted, his mobility could be compensated for if he could morph his golem form so that his back was smoothed out so that he could theoretically roll downhill. Stopping is a different story.
He has a unique ability he has only recently been able to work out - regeneration. If he gets a cut, chops off his thumb, he can turn part of his body to stone - or his whole body, if he wishes - and manipulates stone to reform his original body, and have his body turn back to normal, so that the stone thumb that replaced the prior one becomes a fleshy part of his body. Quite literally, he can make replacements. However, there is still the case of the utter soul-wrenching pain that comes with dismemberment. Regeneration isn't an easy process when you're under such a large amount of pain and stress, and it is a somewhat slow process given how what stamina Abraham has left is being put into regrowing a limb whilst under agony - there needs to be stone around that he can take into his body and replace the limb, otherwise, he needs the limb itself. In the middle of a firefight, there is no time for such a process. Even if he succeeds in making the replacement, the phantom pain would linger on and haunt him for as long as a month. It is an ability that took a great amount of time to get working properly, and it takes a great deal of body memory, as well as contorting his limbs into different shapes. So these are not abilities he did little work to earn. He practiced extensively with his power to fully understand the ins and outs of it. It still bears repeating that he is most effective in his standard stone embodiment form, where he's incredibly difficult to shatter, slow him down, and withstand the onslaught he has planned for you.
▼ | L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : |
His powers do have limits and drawbacks. Whilst in stone form, Abraham's control over the stone around him is less refined. Large-scale manipulation requires him to be in his more vulnerable and fleshy state. In this stone form, he is also restricted to contact. In order to bend the rocks and earth around him, he must remain on the ground and keeping himself firmly on the ground. Stone embodiment is much slower than his standard body, and his speed is cut down by at least half. So to be more efficient at fighting in a fast-paced match, he has to combine his regular body and stone embodiment, leaving him vulnerable in some areas to make up for speed so he can properly defend himself. His stone body, while incredibly durable, doesn't flex. Not like metal or flesh does, and that is why rock, under enough pressure at the right angle, can break easier than metal. However, his body is still dense and solid and would take tremendous force with the right material to actually break him. Part of what he does to circumvent the earthbending limitations is to petrify only his arms or parts of his body as he needs it, so that his earthbending isn't totally nerfed. He also changed his style of bending when in his form, so that he only uses it to trip, accelerate himself, or inconvenience his foe.
Before we start discussing what already hasn’t been discussed above, let's underscore this one more time: Abraham is a physical juggernaut locked down tighter than a nun's chastity belt. If your aim is to physically dominate him, you're in for a bad time. Now that's out of way, lets boil his power's shortcomings down. Though his defense is awe-inspiring and his power terrifying, he operates rather simply. In a fight, he generally runs off of instinct and his training, and krav maga was made for street fighting - cheap, dirty tricks, but you gotta be quick. In stone form, he isn't quick. He can be easy to respond to if you're on your toes. Don't take your eyes off him, keep your distance, and he simply can't get you. A particularly clever opponent may outsmart him in a fight, or perhaps your power is psychic in nature. In fights, his mind is a flurry, and his life so far has been nothing short of a struggle. If a power allows someone to mess with his mind, he'll go nuts or shut down. He has very little defenses against mental attacks beyond his own conviction. If you're another terrakinetic... well... I'll let you figure that one out. You're gonna slow him down a lot. And speaking of slow, the Golem form? So much of his energy and focus is being spent maintaining and controlling his form, that he is incapable of bending the environment.
Before we start discussing what already hasn’t been discussed above, let's underscore this one more time: Abraham is a physical juggernaut locked down tighter than a nun's chastity belt. If your aim is to physically dominate him, you're in for a bad time. Now that's out of way, lets boil his power's shortcomings down. Though his defense is awe-inspiring and his power terrifying, he operates rather simply. In a fight, he generally runs off of instinct and his training, and krav maga was made for street fighting - cheap, dirty tricks, but you gotta be quick. In stone form, he isn't quick. He can be easy to respond to if you're on your toes. Don't take your eyes off him, keep your distance, and he simply can't get you. A particularly clever opponent may outsmart him in a fight, or perhaps your power is psychic in nature. In fights, his mind is a flurry, and his life so far has been nothing short of a struggle. If a power allows someone to mess with his mind, he'll go nuts or shut down. He has very little defenses against mental attacks beyond his own conviction. If you're another terrakinetic... well... I'll let you figure that one out. You're gonna slow him down a lot. And speaking of slow, the Golem form? So much of his energy and focus is being spent maintaining and controlling his form, that he is incapable of bending the environment.
⫸ O T H E R ⫷
- Abraham is being presented to you as a mix between a character and a plot device. The goal here is to mix things up, and introduce someone to shake up the dynamic a little bit. Somewhat both an anti-hero and minor antagonist. You can befriend him if you want your character to do so, but he's still an opposing force that is meant to create some struggle or confusion for our heroes of the story, and isn't easily trumped - and for all we know, his path might just take him on that route, his archetype is dynamic. Form relationships with other characters hinging on Abe being a mutual enemy, attempt to befriend him and uncover some interesting tidbits of lore - really, and this goes for any character at all, the affects he can have are countless, and that can only serve to enrich the story more. Just know that Abe wasn't written the way he is because I like to "win at roleplaying." God, whatever that means.
Abraham is also a long-time favorite of many, a veteran in the roleplaying scene. What did others have to say about Abe? Well, to start:
- @He Who Walks Behind: "Abe was a refreshing strain of douchebaggery that I hope to see again in either writing or in real life."
- @Dragonbud: "I love that asshole. I love him. Such an ass."
- @Maxx: "Abe can punch me into the sun."
- @JunkMail: "Abe already has punched me into the sun."
- [@Mr Allen J]: "I'm thinking of ways to kill him off already."
Basic Information
Name: Peter Brooke
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Pvt. Brooke, Dr. Brooke, Richard Cox
Gender: Male
Age: 41 years
Height: 6'5" ft. (1.98 m)
Weight: 409 lbs. (185.5 kg)
Status: New "student"
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Ethnicity: A mix of German, Polish, Irish and French - which is another way of saying white/Caucasian.
Physical Appearance: He is nothing like any person has seen before and appears to be a Hollywood CGI construct. He stands at a daunting 6'5" height, which in itself is quite a height even for a grown man, and he weighs at least four hundred pounds. You see, his body is made of a titanium alloy with stainless steel and platinum. The sound he makes when struck, if a person was ever brave enough to do so, is peculiar because it sounds hollow (though to what extent is unable to be discerned). His solid body is smooth, sleek, shiny and it looks as though it was sculpted by an artist - he lacks any kind of hair at all and he is "muscled". Expanding upon this, he has broad shoulders, he has a toned abdomen, toned back, toned legs, arms - ah, excuse me - arm. He only has one arm. His left one. His right shoulder ends right there and there isn't even so much as a stub where his right arm used to be. In fact, even his genitalia appears to be missing, and what now replaces it is nothing more than a smooth curve that suggests nothing was ever there to begin with. While we're on the topic of missing, he doesn't have eyes either. All there is where his eyes should be are indents that would indicate eye sockets, but with nothing there as you would expect. He does have ears and a nose, but due to his body being metal, aren't things that have practical functions anymore. He has a mouth, but the sounds he makes when he tries to speak? It sounds as if metal is being bent or warped. It'd take practice, but given time, a lot of patience and effort, and with a little help from other aspects of his power, he learned how to speak. His voice sounds "hollow" for lack of a better term, and it sounds as though it echoes through his body. His body has no corrosion, rust and is free from marks that could even be comparable to a skin flaw. The platinum traits keeps him looking keen as always.
Attire: With his body turning to metal and the loss of his genitals, there's little need to seek out modesty in clothing. He could walk "in the nude" in front of children and still be perfectly acceptable. However, old habits die hard. He always wore his lab coat even before the change, as he rarely ever left. Under neath the coat would be a simple white button-up and black dress pants, along with shiny black dress shoes. He always did wear rather formal attire in his lab while performing research, and Peter rarely ever left his lab. He has little in the ways of casual attire except for perhaps a thick black jacket for whenever the harsh Maine winters rolled along, but that is hardly a necessary article of clothing for him anymore, and Peter is all about practicality.
Outward & Innate Personality: Peter is a troubled individual, but he is ambitious and well-meaning. He pushes forward through his hardships with admirable tenacity and the intelligence to make his plans work and come together. He has few relationships with others, as he is very much a recluse and prefers the solitary life, but doesn't make him any less capable of working with others. He is quite adept at teamwork as his experience would indicate and is willing to compromise lesser goals for the sake of greater progress. His self-reflection is modest. He has enough pride and confidence to push forward and believe in himself, but periodically falls into moods of depression and senses of desperation should his progress in his research come to a plateau. However, he is true to himself and others and despite his willingness to compromise, he will never give up his core beliefs and values regardless of the situation at hand. This, along with his research, are things that appears to be an obsession of his. So as selfless as he may appear at times, he does have his own motives and agenda, and if helping another person risks that, you can be sure he wouldn't lay a finger to help them. He has an eerie sort of level-headedness that is almost unnerving, and is alarmingly difficult to anger (unless you know what he's highly protective of) and has an apparent lack of sense of humor; these in conjunction with his wit and the mind of a thinker, he seems to talk in such a way that it sounds as though he knows something that you don't, but doesn't display the arrogance that usually comes with such a trait.
Fears: His obsession over his research is almost admirable even to paranoid schizophrenic. His work is locked up tighter than a high security prison, and if it was ever lost or damaged or stolen or if anything was done to compromise it, he'd be lost. And he'd do quite a bit to get that work back. It's not just for the sake of himself either, but for anybody who has also had to endure his condition. Otherwise, he isn't afraid of much. Being a soldier kind of beat that out of him with a club. However, explosions or depictions of explosions makes him uneasy. That is how he lost his arm after all.
Hobbies/Interests: Before Peter went overseas, he had a healthy interest in medicine and chemistry. Chemistry extended to a variety of things, and he dabbled a bit in cooking so he could watch the food cook carefully and think about all the changes that occurred that caused it to look and taste differently (his friends and family often commented about he took the soul out of cooking). He enjoyed track while in high school. But much of his hobbies and interests have become a blur in recent years since the rise of his obsession. There isn't much he looks into beyond his own research into stem cell development.
Skills/Talents: Peter is a talented doctor, and even has Ph.D in medicine before becoming a licensed medical engineer to create medicine. He has spent the last few years of his life researching stem cells and stem cell production and replication. His college experience gives him a good deal of book smarts, and he knows a fair amount of chemistry and other physics-like topics and is generally a good study. Answering interviews and whatnot gave him some experience in talking properly to other people, and just enough political speak to answer as vaguely as he can while on topic, as to not give away too much information before he published his work. He was also once a soldier, so he would have received the standard training including maneuvers and combat training and marksmanship - survival, tactics, and so on. The rigid schedule disciplined him so he can adapt to routines and strict rules.
Prized Possession: His stem cell research is locked up tighter than Alcatraz.
Quote(s): "I don't want to be an idol, or a hero. Or an example. I just want to finish what I started and give hope to people like me."
History/Bio: Peter came from a very poor family from Maine. He was smart, and could get through school like a breeze. He had very little trouble in his childhood aside from the challenges that came naturally when living as a lower class family. As expected, when he graduated from high school, neither he nor his family had the funds to put him through college and he wasn't considered qualified for scholarships - apparently a lower class kid interested in medical engineering wasn't good enough of an investment. So Peter was forced to look towards other areas to make college life easier. So he enlisted in the United States military when he was nineteen for both the pay and college benefits it would provide. After training, he was finally sent to Saudi Arabia to repel Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. His very first mission out, the vehicle Peter was riding in hit a land mine. The explosion and shrapnel tore up his right arm and killed everyone in the vehicle except for him and one other. He was later rushed for medical treatment and the only alternative that was available to him was to amputate the arm entirely. No longer being a serviceable soldier, he was forced to retire without having done anything but lose an arm. He was at least provided monthly compensation and the opportunity to go to college as a disabled veteran.
It was basically mockery from the Gods, he always figured. And he never did get over that incident. In fact, he grew to become fervorous over it. He did eventually earn his Ph.D through college, as difficult as it was with all the post traumatic stress nightmares and the crippling disadvantage that came with having only one arm. He became a doctor and pursued medical engineering as previously planned. In a short period of time however, medicine research shifted to stem cell research. In fact, the loss of his arm was nearly tormenting to him. He grew obsessive over his research of stem cells and managed to get quite a bit of work done on it, but was by no means famous for it. He answered a couple of interviews on his progress, and he felt he was getting quite close to the answer. He pursued stem cell research for twelve years. He figured a couple things out, ran several tests and experiments, but nothing so groundbreaking as the regeneration of a whole arm. Not to mention the entire pro-life community kept him from getting the necessary amount of funding.
Peter never knew he was a meta-human though - he was a late bloomer. So he woke up one morning and was unable to feel the soft, plushy cushions or blink away the curtain of darkness that veiled his eyes. He felt as though all of his senses were deadened, and screaming in despair resulted in nothing but an ugly moan that reverberated throughout his metal body. He no longer required food or water, and so he remained for another month or two unable to continue his research, or get a feel for his environment. He talked to himself incessantly - or tried to - and eventually managed to get it down somewhat. The third month he discovered the other part of his power. He always felt the fuzzy feeling inside of his head. When it surged through his body and gave life to all of his senses, it was, pardon the pun, quite the shocker. It took even longer months for him to practice them well enough and effectively navigate his environment without frying some electronics, but when he did and was able to control the amperage amount, he returned to his research in a frenzy and reviewed all of his notes. During that time of practice, he had difficulty coming to terms that his body was metal, and that he would never get his arm back. He only managed to accept himself once he came to the conclusion he would finish his work for the sake of others like him.
It was also during that time he developed an addiction to electricity. And it wasn't just because he could regain his senses and had reflexes as fast as lightning, but once he learned that once he had enough, he could channel the voltage into a condensed arc of crackling electricity into the shape of an arm. He made himself a right arm and was able to move it as he normally would and more, able to reach places and bend in ways a normal arm would otherwise be unable to do. But it wasn't the improvements that psyched him, it was just the fact he had an arm again. Granted, it took a lot of energy, and it was something he could only keep for ten minutes before the arm died away. That time had been one of the few times since the accident he felt true joy - euphoria, even. Unfortunately, his already sub-standard funding became worse once people learned he was a meta-human.
Family: Father: Sylvester Brooke (deceased); Mother: Roberta Brooke (deceased)
Power Class: Anatomical/Biological
Power: There is little left of Peter's original body other than its shape. His body is made completely up with a shiny, sleek, non-rusting and non-corroding metallic skin strong enough that it allows him to be very much capable of withstanding beatings that would kill most other people. Further, this metallic body appears to be simply a boat for another ability: his brain is a generator. It produces generous amounts of electricity of which he is capable of controlling. He can control the flow of the current through any part of his body, keeping the current in place in his head or in his hands, and even arcing the electricity into the environment around him. This allows him incredible reflexes normal humans aren't capable of reaching, since the transfer of electricity through the metal alloy is faster than the electric signals sent from a standard brain to the neurons in your typical nervous system. However, his perceptions of sight and sound as we know it had been eradicated completely, and is seemingly vulnerable to the world around him. Fortunately, there's a method for him getting around this. Arcing low-voltage currents of electricity into his surroundings allows him to know where the current stops or where it is interrupted, giving him a sense of where things are. Interactions with this current creates a sound that "resonates" back to Peter, and sound waves causes a similar form of interaction. The change in sound waves also changes the sound Peter receives, so is capable of understanding speech. Similarly, interaction with this static sends his metal body a message allowing him to perceive something akin to a sense of touch, though the force or texture of such doesn't change the sensation. He can channel large amounts of electricity to form straight-up lightning bolts or controlled energy where he can condense electricity and form it into shapes - thereby creating an arm for his right shoulder which he can control.
Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: I know what you're thinking, and I'm telling you now that it's wrong: water does not fry him. Short-circuiting occurs in a circuit-board. Point A carries 5 volts to point B. Point C carries 10 volts to point D. When water gets into the circuit-board, it gets everywhere and there are no longer any channels. So 10 volts from point C gets sent to point B, which is only capable of handling 5 volts. Point B gets fried, along with various other points, and the whole circuit shuts down. Peter doesn't have circuits. His entire body is an electrical boat. Now with that lesson out of the way, I will say that water provides complications regardless. For starters, he can't swim. He's too heavy. Water is conductive because of the minerals it carries, so water can mess up the direction and degree of control in which he can send the electricity. To clarify, let's take an obscure scenario so it gives you an idea what water does: a ball of water is suspended in the air. Peter's hand is in the water. He points out his finger and tries to shoot lightning. But it goes nowhere and nothing really happens. That's because the conductive water interrupts the flow of electricity and conducts it. Of course, lots of electricity creates lots of energy which can cause the water to evaporate, but it's still like an insulator. Being in water can still get you killed. Being in water can suck away the electric charge in Peter's hollow metal body. Rubber blocks electrical currents, of course. And quite frankly, strong electrical attacks like bolts and whatnot actually require a lot of electricity for Peter to use, which he must accumulate enough of through his natural generator (which will take a long time), or redirect a current to him by grabbing wires or something. Being struck by lightning or being overloaded wouldn't kill him, but it would cause stress on him if he doesn't dispel it. Peter lacks any form of regeneration and all damage is permanent provided there isn't someone capable of creating repairs through means of manipulating metal. Fortunately, he's pretty durable as is, but he is not indestructible.
Name: Peter Brooke
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Pvt. Brooke, Dr. Brooke, Richard Cox
Gender: Male
Age: 41 years
Height: 6'5" ft. (1.98 m)
Weight: 409 lbs. (185.5 kg)
Status: New "student"
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Ethnicity: A mix of German, Polish, Irish and French - which is another way of saying white/Caucasian.
Physical Appearance: He is nothing like any person has seen before and appears to be a Hollywood CGI construct. He stands at a daunting 6'5" height, which in itself is quite a height even for a grown man, and he weighs at least four hundred pounds. You see, his body is made of a titanium alloy with stainless steel and platinum. The sound he makes when struck, if a person was ever brave enough to do so, is peculiar because it sounds hollow (though to what extent is unable to be discerned). His solid body is smooth, sleek, shiny and it looks as though it was sculpted by an artist - he lacks any kind of hair at all and he is "muscled". Expanding upon this, he has broad shoulders, he has a toned abdomen, toned back, toned legs, arms - ah, excuse me - arm. He only has one arm. His left one. His right shoulder ends right there and there isn't even so much as a stub where his right arm used to be. In fact, even his genitalia appears to be missing, and what now replaces it is nothing more than a smooth curve that suggests nothing was ever there to begin with. While we're on the topic of missing, he doesn't have eyes either. All there is where his eyes should be are indents that would indicate eye sockets, but with nothing there as you would expect. He does have ears and a nose, but due to his body being metal, aren't things that have practical functions anymore. He has a mouth, but the sounds he makes when he tries to speak? It sounds as if metal is being bent or warped. It'd take practice, but given time, a lot of patience and effort, and with a little help from other aspects of his power, he learned how to speak. His voice sounds "hollow" for lack of a better term, and it sounds as though it echoes through his body. His body has no corrosion, rust and is free from marks that could even be comparable to a skin flaw. The platinum traits keeps him looking keen as always.
Attire: With his body turning to metal and the loss of his genitals, there's little need to seek out modesty in clothing. He could walk "in the nude" in front of children and still be perfectly acceptable. However, old habits die hard. He always wore his lab coat even before the change, as he rarely ever left. Under neath the coat would be a simple white button-up and black dress pants, along with shiny black dress shoes. He always did wear rather formal attire in his lab while performing research, and Peter rarely ever left his lab. He has little in the ways of casual attire except for perhaps a thick black jacket for whenever the harsh Maine winters rolled along, but that is hardly a necessary article of clothing for him anymore, and Peter is all about practicality.
Outward & Innate Personality: Peter is a troubled individual, but he is ambitious and well-meaning. He pushes forward through his hardships with admirable tenacity and the intelligence to make his plans work and come together. He has few relationships with others, as he is very much a recluse and prefers the solitary life, but doesn't make him any less capable of working with others. He is quite adept at teamwork as his experience would indicate and is willing to compromise lesser goals for the sake of greater progress. His self-reflection is modest. He has enough pride and confidence to push forward and believe in himself, but periodically falls into moods of depression and senses of desperation should his progress in his research come to a plateau. However, he is true to himself and others and despite his willingness to compromise, he will never give up his core beliefs and values regardless of the situation at hand. This, along with his research, are things that appears to be an obsession of his. So as selfless as he may appear at times, he does have his own motives and agenda, and if helping another person risks that, you can be sure he wouldn't lay a finger to help them. He has an eerie sort of level-headedness that is almost unnerving, and is alarmingly difficult to anger (unless you know what he's highly protective of) and has an apparent lack of sense of humor; these in conjunction with his wit and the mind of a thinker, he seems to talk in such a way that it sounds as though he knows something that you don't, but doesn't display the arrogance that usually comes with such a trait.
Fears: His obsession over his research is almost admirable even to paranoid schizophrenic. His work is locked up tighter than a high security prison, and if it was ever lost or damaged or stolen or if anything was done to compromise it, he'd be lost. And he'd do quite a bit to get that work back. It's not just for the sake of himself either, but for anybody who has also had to endure his condition. Otherwise, he isn't afraid of much. Being a soldier kind of beat that out of him with a club. However, explosions or depictions of explosions makes him uneasy. That is how he lost his arm after all.
Hobbies/Interests: Before Peter went overseas, he had a healthy interest in medicine and chemistry. Chemistry extended to a variety of things, and he dabbled a bit in cooking so he could watch the food cook carefully and think about all the changes that occurred that caused it to look and taste differently (his friends and family often commented about he took the soul out of cooking). He enjoyed track while in high school. But much of his hobbies and interests have become a blur in recent years since the rise of his obsession. There isn't much he looks into beyond his own research into stem cell development.
Skills/Talents: Peter is a talented doctor, and even has Ph.D in medicine before becoming a licensed medical engineer to create medicine. He has spent the last few years of his life researching stem cells and stem cell production and replication. His college experience gives him a good deal of book smarts, and he knows a fair amount of chemistry and other physics-like topics and is generally a good study. Answering interviews and whatnot gave him some experience in talking properly to other people, and just enough political speak to answer as vaguely as he can while on topic, as to not give away too much information before he published his work. He was also once a soldier, so he would have received the standard training including maneuvers and combat training and marksmanship - survival, tactics, and so on. The rigid schedule disciplined him so he can adapt to routines and strict rules.
Prized Possession: His stem cell research is locked up tighter than Alcatraz.
Quote(s): "I don't want to be an idol, or a hero. Or an example. I just want to finish what I started and give hope to people like me."
History/Bio: Peter came from a very poor family from Maine. He was smart, and could get through school like a breeze. He had very little trouble in his childhood aside from the challenges that came naturally when living as a lower class family. As expected, when he graduated from high school, neither he nor his family had the funds to put him through college and he wasn't considered qualified for scholarships - apparently a lower class kid interested in medical engineering wasn't good enough of an investment. So Peter was forced to look towards other areas to make college life easier. So he enlisted in the United States military when he was nineteen for both the pay and college benefits it would provide. After training, he was finally sent to Saudi Arabia to repel Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. His very first mission out, the vehicle Peter was riding in hit a land mine. The explosion and shrapnel tore up his right arm and killed everyone in the vehicle except for him and one other. He was later rushed for medical treatment and the only alternative that was available to him was to amputate the arm entirely. No longer being a serviceable soldier, he was forced to retire without having done anything but lose an arm. He was at least provided monthly compensation and the opportunity to go to college as a disabled veteran.
It was basically mockery from the Gods, he always figured. And he never did get over that incident. In fact, he grew to become fervorous over it. He did eventually earn his Ph.D through college, as difficult as it was with all the post traumatic stress nightmares and the crippling disadvantage that came with having only one arm. He became a doctor and pursued medical engineering as previously planned. In a short period of time however, medicine research shifted to stem cell research. In fact, the loss of his arm was nearly tormenting to him. He grew obsessive over his research of stem cells and managed to get quite a bit of work done on it, but was by no means famous for it. He answered a couple of interviews on his progress, and he felt he was getting quite close to the answer. He pursued stem cell research for twelve years. He figured a couple things out, ran several tests and experiments, but nothing so groundbreaking as the regeneration of a whole arm. Not to mention the entire pro-life community kept him from getting the necessary amount of funding.
Peter never knew he was a meta-human though - he was a late bloomer. So he woke up one morning and was unable to feel the soft, plushy cushions or blink away the curtain of darkness that veiled his eyes. He felt as though all of his senses were deadened, and screaming in despair resulted in nothing but an ugly moan that reverberated throughout his metal body. He no longer required food or water, and so he remained for another month or two unable to continue his research, or get a feel for his environment. He talked to himself incessantly - or tried to - and eventually managed to get it down somewhat. The third month he discovered the other part of his power. He always felt the fuzzy feeling inside of his head. When it surged through his body and gave life to all of his senses, it was, pardon the pun, quite the shocker. It took even longer months for him to practice them well enough and effectively navigate his environment without frying some electronics, but when he did and was able to control the amperage amount, he returned to his research in a frenzy and reviewed all of his notes. During that time of practice, he had difficulty coming to terms that his body was metal, and that he would never get his arm back. He only managed to accept himself once he came to the conclusion he would finish his work for the sake of others like him.
It was also during that time he developed an addiction to electricity. And it wasn't just because he could regain his senses and had reflexes as fast as lightning, but once he learned that once he had enough, he could channel the voltage into a condensed arc of crackling electricity into the shape of an arm. He made himself a right arm and was able to move it as he normally would and more, able to reach places and bend in ways a normal arm would otherwise be unable to do. But it wasn't the improvements that psyched him, it was just the fact he had an arm again. Granted, it took a lot of energy, and it was something he could only keep for ten minutes before the arm died away. That time had been one of the few times since the accident he felt true joy - euphoria, even. Unfortunately, his already sub-standard funding became worse once people learned he was a meta-human.
Family: Father: Sylvester Brooke (deceased); Mother: Roberta Brooke (deceased)
Power Class: Anatomical/Biological
Power: There is little left of Peter's original body other than its shape. His body is made completely up with a shiny, sleek, non-rusting and non-corroding metallic skin strong enough that it allows him to be very much capable of withstanding beatings that would kill most other people. Further, this metallic body appears to be simply a boat for another ability: his brain is a generator. It produces generous amounts of electricity of which he is capable of controlling. He can control the flow of the current through any part of his body, keeping the current in place in his head or in his hands, and even arcing the electricity into the environment around him. This allows him incredible reflexes normal humans aren't capable of reaching, since the transfer of electricity through the metal alloy is faster than the electric signals sent from a standard brain to the neurons in your typical nervous system. However, his perceptions of sight and sound as we know it had been eradicated completely, and is seemingly vulnerable to the world around him. Fortunately, there's a method for him getting around this. Arcing low-voltage currents of electricity into his surroundings allows him to know where the current stops or where it is interrupted, giving him a sense of where things are. Interactions with this current creates a sound that "resonates" back to Peter, and sound waves causes a similar form of interaction. The change in sound waves also changes the sound Peter receives, so is capable of understanding speech. Similarly, interaction with this static sends his metal body a message allowing him to perceive something akin to a sense of touch, though the force or texture of such doesn't change the sensation. He can channel large amounts of electricity to form straight-up lightning bolts or controlled energy where he can condense electricity and form it into shapes - thereby creating an arm for his right shoulder which he can control.
Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: I know what you're thinking, and I'm telling you now that it's wrong: water does not fry him. Short-circuiting occurs in a circuit-board. Point A carries 5 volts to point B. Point C carries 10 volts to point D. When water gets into the circuit-board, it gets everywhere and there are no longer any channels. So 10 volts from point C gets sent to point B, which is only capable of handling 5 volts. Point B gets fried, along with various other points, and the whole circuit shuts down. Peter doesn't have circuits. His entire body is an electrical boat. Now with that lesson out of the way, I will say that water provides complications regardless. For starters, he can't swim. He's too heavy. Water is conductive because of the minerals it carries, so water can mess up the direction and degree of control in which he can send the electricity. To clarify, let's take an obscure scenario so it gives you an idea what water does: a ball of water is suspended in the air. Peter's hand is in the water. He points out his finger and tries to shoot lightning. But it goes nowhere and nothing really happens. That's because the conductive water interrupts the flow of electricity and conducts it. Of course, lots of electricity creates lots of energy which can cause the water to evaporate, but it's still like an insulator. Being in water can still get you killed. Being in water can suck away the electric charge in Peter's hollow metal body. Rubber blocks electrical currents, of course. And quite frankly, strong electrical attacks like bolts and whatnot actually require a lot of electricity for Peter to use, which he must accumulate enough of through his natural generator (which will take a long time), or redirect a current to him by grabbing wires or something. Being struck by lightning or being overloaded wouldn't kill him, but it would cause stress on him if he doesn't dispel it. Peter lacks any form of regeneration and all damage is permanent provided there isn't someone capable of creating repairs through means of manipulating metal. Fortunately, he's pretty durable as is, but he is not indestructible.
Basic Information
Jordan Otgonbayar; “Jordy”, “Sloth”
Appearance & Attire:
Jordy is a meandering boy, 5'9”, 144 lbs, plush and squishy build, and a slouching spine that gives a portrait of a much shorter height than what he possesses. His skin is tanned, but in a genetic sense, and he looks as though he could be darker if he spent time in the sun. Slanted brown eyes and rounded face, from the dominant Mongolian heritage on his father's side, and with Hawaiian and Spanish blood on his mother's side. As implied before, Jordy is fairly plump given his lack of activity, and he won't be scaring off any bullies any time soon. In fact, he looks as though he is in a daze most of the time, and any threats might not register to him. You can see it in him, too – he is as relaxed as a person can be. He takes his time with everything.
He has black hair in a bowl cut that sits above bushy and untrimmed eyebrows, but you wouldn't realize it, because it is always shaggy and looks as though it has gone without a good combing, like Jordy had just rolled out of bed. He has a pushed-in nose and shallow nose bridge, but one trait of himself he especially like is his jawline. He claims you could cut glass with it. Some flaws are to be expected with a pile of lazy bones – chewed up nails, sometimes with dirt under them, some spots on his skin from an imperfect complexion, off-white teeth – his top left buck tooth looking like two teeth because of biting down on something hard, causing a crack right down the center.
His attire is incredibly simplistic, so if you're considering the gift of clothes, it won't be hard to please him. He always wears the same kind of clothes. Jordy prefers to go around where nothing on his torso but a hoody, since they're baggy and soft to touch. He often layers over that the same old army-green field jacket if he doesn't feel warm enough. Next, it would seem the only kind of pants he wears are sweats, baggy light blue jeans, and cargos. On his feet, going anywhere, are flip flips. If it's cold, don't even expect him to put on sneakers. Wool toed socks and flip flops. If it's too cold for flip flops, he'd sooner not go at all because of how it'd be too much effort on his behalf. Even his clothes look worn down and perhaps in need of replacement soon. But don't expect that to happen.
He has black hair in a bowl cut that sits above bushy and untrimmed eyebrows, but you wouldn't realize it, because it is always shaggy and looks as though it has gone without a good combing, like Jordy had just rolled out of bed. He has a pushed-in nose and shallow nose bridge, but one trait of himself he especially like is his jawline. He claims you could cut glass with it. Some flaws are to be expected with a pile of lazy bones – chewed up nails, sometimes with dirt under them, some spots on his skin from an imperfect complexion, off-white teeth – his top left buck tooth looking like two teeth because of biting down on something hard, causing a crack right down the center.
His attire is incredibly simplistic, so if you're considering the gift of clothes, it won't be hard to please him. He always wears the same kind of clothes. Jordy prefers to go around where nothing on his torso but a hoody, since they're baggy and soft to touch. He often layers over that the same old army-green field jacket if he doesn't feel warm enough. Next, it would seem the only kind of pants he wears are sweats, baggy light blue jeans, and cargos. On his feet, going anywhere, are flip flips. If it's cold, don't even expect him to put on sneakers. Wool toed socks and flip flops. If it's too cold for flip flops, he'd sooner not go at all because of how it'd be too much effort on his behalf. Even his clothes look worn down and perhaps in need of replacement soon. But don't expect that to happen.
Honestly, Jordy lacks the drive to do things and learn that he likes them. He isn't particularly good at anything because of his lack of motivation and patience to work at being good at something. He has his hand dipped in a couple of things once, said he enjoyed, but never pursued further. One thing he is good at, for sure, is a fair bit of comedy, since he does like talking to people. As for an actual skill, he is savvy enough to work conversations well and evading responsibility – so he's a pretty sly politician for what it's worth, but neither is that a field he would eagerly jump into.
Brief Backstory:
His dad is in the American navy, so his family is a bit worldlier out of necessity. Pops met ma when he was stationed at a harbor in Hawaii, and the rest was history. Their family had low-middle class wealth and got by with a couple of leisures that they could afford from time to time; a curious idea that Jordy's old man, who was rigidly disciplined in one of the world's most successful militaries, could raise a boy that would slack off so often. A rage inducing trait and Jordy has his fair share of scars from it. Cigar burns and bruises, cut lips, and despite the undeniably abusive trials of his life, he kept a firm head up. At the end of his punishments, he'd always stare his old man in the face and smile, then shrug – years of this and the abuse ended, and the father just letting Jordy do what Jordy does. Ironically, their relationship improved after all of it, though it became more of a friend-to-friend relationship than a father-son one. Jordan never bore a grudge and he still doesn't speak ill of his dad. He tells it as it is: the man beat him until it was pointless, and then they became friends. Jordy never mentions the hard times, hiding the insinuation that the abuse had actually gotten to him a number of times. He never did like showing his vulnerable emotions to other people.
His relationship with his mother was significantly different. She never approved of the abuse, and got into fights with his father often over it. Jordy would always console his mother after these arguments. Truly, they were each other's emotional support and were always there for each other. He still slacked, and his mother, too, was frustrated with his laziness, but saw sooner than his father did that fighting him was useless. They did finally come to the agreement that they'd stay out of his affairs, or lack thereof, if he at least kept his slack and clutter to himself and confine it to his own room so that the rest didn't have to suffer for it.
His education was something of a spectacular story. Jordy is remarkably intelligent, let's not lie, but it is overshadowed by his lack of commitment. His grades plummeted because he never did homework, but regardless, he passed every test that was handed to him. He was placed in isolated testing rooms with monitors to make sure he wasn't cheating. He just had a knack for easily absorbing information. Now, as for how anyone could discover a power like Jordan's, it wasn't easy. It took a meta-human terrorist engulfing a street in fire to reveal Jordy's immunity to meta-human energy. He was bathed in flames and was left without as much as a singed strand of hair.
When NEST took him in, and attempted to intimidate him into agreeing to a chip implant, Jordy had no intention of just being cut open. Sounded like way too much work. So he exercised his right to be informed regarding the procedure, and learned about meta-human energy and how his energy didn't match up. So he argued that he couldn't be subjected to this sort of treatment since Jordy didn't fit the qualification of being a pure meta-human. He was released, but his argument is still pending among NEST officials and courts of law. He got off free for now, but dreads the day should they decide he still qualifies and must be implanted with something.
His relationship with his mother was significantly different. She never approved of the abuse, and got into fights with his father often over it. Jordy would always console his mother after these arguments. Truly, they were each other's emotional support and were always there for each other. He still slacked, and his mother, too, was frustrated with his laziness, but saw sooner than his father did that fighting him was useless. They did finally come to the agreement that they'd stay out of his affairs, or lack thereof, if he at least kept his slack and clutter to himself and confine it to his own room so that the rest didn't have to suffer for it.
His education was something of a spectacular story. Jordy is remarkably intelligent, let's not lie, but it is overshadowed by his lack of commitment. His grades plummeted because he never did homework, but regardless, he passed every test that was handed to him. He was placed in isolated testing rooms with monitors to make sure he wasn't cheating. He just had a knack for easily absorbing information. Now, as for how anyone could discover a power like Jordan's, it wasn't easy. It took a meta-human terrorist engulfing a street in fire to reveal Jordy's immunity to meta-human energy. He was bathed in flames and was left without as much as a singed strand of hair.
When NEST took him in, and attempted to intimidate him into agreeing to a chip implant, Jordy had no intention of just being cut open. Sounded like way too much work. So he exercised his right to be informed regarding the procedure, and learned about meta-human energy and how his energy didn't match up. So he argued that he couldn't be subjected to this sort of treatment since Jordy didn't fit the qualification of being a pure meta-human. He was released, but his argument is still pending among NEST officials and courts of law. He got off free for now, but dreads the day should they decide he still qualifies and must be implanted with something.
Power Information
Power Class:
Power Immunity (Passive): Superpowers are charged by meta-human energy that can be harnessed and utilized. Jordy is unique in that he is more like a faux meta-human, as his meta-human energy is negatively charged as opposed to a positive charge, opposing everything that anyone knows about meta energy. This negative charge acts like an aura and cannot be traditionally utilized or harnessed and therefore Jordan doesn't have any real superpower. However, this energy does interact with the energy of other meta-humans in an intriguing way. It negates it effects and renders it inert. This means that anything imbued with a positively charged meta-human energy has zero effect on Jordan's person.
To clarify Jordan is imbued with some of the essence of its creator. That essence is broken down when it comes into contact with Jordy and he receives no harm from it. It doesn't matter if you bathe him in an endless stream of fire, he'll suffer no foul. This goes for even ingesting poisons generated from powers. The toxins are imbued with meta-human energy and are broken down the moment it touches him. Powers that cloak its user, such as invisibility, are negated on contact with Jordy allowing him to see the person invisible. Even powers that don't make any form of contact – as long as they're directed at him – are rendered inert, such as telepathy or telekinesis. The negative energy blocks them out like an impenetrable wall.
To clarify Jordan is imbued with some of the essence of its creator. That essence is broken down when it comes into contact with Jordy and he receives no harm from it. It doesn't matter if you bathe him in an endless stream of fire, he'll suffer no foul. This goes for even ingesting poisons generated from powers. The toxins are imbued with meta-human energy and are broken down the moment it touches him. Powers that cloak its user, such as invisibility, are negated on contact with Jordy allowing him to see the person invisible. Even powers that don't make any form of contact – as long as they're directed at him – are rendered inert, such as telepathy or telekinesis. The negative energy blocks them out like an impenetrable wall.
This energy only negates powers directed at him or powers that come into contact with him. He cannot “turn off” an individual's power at will, for instance. Also, the energy doesn't protect him from the consequences of powers. Someone with super-strength can throw objects at him and he'll still be in severe danger. A pyrokinetic can set the forest on fire – the original flames, he will be immune to, but the other trees that catch fire from the heat generated from the first will be dangerous to him. If a terrakinetic splits the earth, there's still a gaping hole in the ground he can fall down. Invisibility doesn't target Jordy, so while contact with an invisible target will render them visible as his energy eats theirs, he can't see them if they're away. Their energy will also soon replenish itself and they can turn invisible again after contact.
Genetic powers – powers that affect the body on a cellular level – are trickier. Titus MacArthur can swing a punch at Jordy. Jordy won't receive the full force of his wrathful barrage, but that doesn't change the fact that somebody is punching him in the face. The effect received depends on how strong they would be based upon their body type, or what their body type would be if they didn't have their power. People don't have tails either, so if a lizard friend were to smash their fifth appendage against his chest, it would feel as though he received a blow from one of their limbs back in their original form, at the same muscle density ratio of their tail to their body.
Genetic powers – powers that affect the body on a cellular level – are trickier. Titus MacArthur can swing a punch at Jordy. Jordy won't receive the full force of his wrathful barrage, but that doesn't change the fact that somebody is punching him in the face. The effect received depends on how strong they would be based upon their body type, or what their body type would be if they didn't have their power. People don't have tails either, so if a lizard friend were to smash their fifth appendage against his chest, it would feel as though he received a blow from one of their limbs back in their original form, at the same muscle density ratio of their tail to their body.
This energy cannot be turned off. While this might seem inconsequential, beneficial superpowers do not affect him either. Transferring invisibility or healing him does nothing. So any supernatural means of helping him is out of the question.
Tenjin Otgonbayar, Father
Veronica Otgonbayar, Mother
Veronica Otgonbayar, Mother
New student
- Expect nothing to get done. Will I even post as him? No one knows.
- Lazy? Absolutely. Robotic? Nah, mate, you're in for a surprise when all of the world's pressure starts piling down on him thinking he's Beowulf or something.

▼ | B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N : |
▸ N A M E : | Andrea Pasternack
▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : | Eleven (11), Kintsugi
▸ G E N D E R : | Female
▸ A G E : | 22
▸ H E I G H T : | 5'9"
▸ W E I G H T : | 116 lbs.
▸ H O M E D I S T R I C T : | New Raygate, Prince Ed-Field
▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : | Eleven (11), Kintsugi
▸ G E N D E R : | Female
▸ A G E : | 22
▸ H E I G H T : | 5'9"
▸ W E I G H T : | 116 lbs.
▸ H O M E D I S T R I C T : | New Raygate, Prince Ed-Field
▼ | A P P E A R A N C E: |
▸ H A I R C O L O R : | Blonde
▸ E Y E C O L O R : | Hazel Blue
▸ E T H N I C I T Y : | Mostly Polish, Swedish, and some Finnish and Norwegian. Lots of Slavic blood.
▸ P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E : | Since a young age, Andrea has developed beyond her years. She stand taller than many women, though not all, and even some other boys her age. Long, naturally wavy bright blond hair you'd see was well taken care of, but still appears a little bit brittle, and is further accentuated by hazel blue eyes and pale skin, and just as often done up with makeup so that her skin appears to possess an even skin tone without the underlying blood and veins creating pictures on her skin. Her complexion, otherwise, gives you the impression that she was quite the beauty - and still is - but there is something else present in her face that'd give away a history with struggle. Where perhaps she passed through a dark time in her life and is coming back from it. Faintly noticeable, but ever-present bags sit under her eyes. Not wrinkles, but something that makes her skin look as though it's being stretched tight. Pink but dehydrated lips and a tired expression, always trying to mask it with a kind, faint smile where tries to keep her mouth closed to hide the barely yellowed teeth. No scars on her face or freckles to speak of, though there are puncture scars on her arms. She wears a little button nose on her heart-shaped face, the left nostril of which is adorned by a piercing with the littlest diamond you ever did see. She also has earring studs, one on each lobe. Other adornments includes a silver band on her left hand and red polish on her fingernails, giving it a clean looking guise, but closer inspection reveals that she picks at it. Perhaps the result of a nervous tick?
Her frame is petite and slender, with breasts at 28E and legs for days. She lacks enough upper strength to be even remotely threatening though, and while she can carry most of the stuff she'll ever need to carry, nobody will be asking her to do the lifting for them. Most of her workout routine is concerned about jogging and yoga. It keeps her cardio up and figure right, but not much more than that aside from the mental therapy they provide. Despite her efforts to maintain her health, however, her actual body still appears thin. Pronounced collarbones suggest, while perhaps naturally sharp, could not be so sharp that they exist the way they do without Andrea lacking some musculature. The same goes for other areas of her body - shoulders, hands, hips, knees, ankles, her cheekbones - no amount of exercise can allow her to gain weight if she lacks the appetite to fuel that activity. She is not so skinny that she appears anorexic, but she isn't packing heat, instead moving what something resembling a dancer's grace.
When she speaks, she does so with a fairly heavy Polish accent - and it can be clearly seen that there are some pronunciations that she struggles with, such as the differences between sheep and ship, kiss and keys, lid and lead, to the point where they sound alike to one another. Andrea's method of speech is rather soft-spoken and gentle, doesn't quite project very much to cover distance or be heard over others (much to her chagrin). However, she is deliberate and thoughtful. She chooses her words carefully and considers what she has to say before she says it, as if weighing it in a scale in her mind.
Despite her looks and body type, she doesn't dress provocatively at all and so she is spared from sexualization at first glance. She might dress in "sexier" clothes behind closed doors if she's just doing it for herself and doesn't plan on going out, but otherwise, they aren't necessarily staples of her wardrobe. Typically, she is fitted with a black wool peacoat when she goes outdoors, buttoned all the way down, even on somewhat warm spring or autumn days, as it serves as something like a security blanket. Underneath, one of her favorite outfits is one that serves it purpose in both casual and professional environments. It could be any color of blouse tops, short sleeved, long sleeved, button-up or v-necked, it didn't matter - with a buckled strap going around her waist and it's usually tucked into a black laced pencil skirt, and is sometimes in different colors depending on the occasion - other lower garments may include formal pants, long skirts, and if she's relaxing at home or in a super casual environment, very billowly, loose, "feels-like-you're-wearing-nothing", comfortable skirts, dresses, etc. Underneath, she always has black leggings or yoga pants and she prefers to wear shoes or boots with thick cuban heels. Somewhere in her wardrobe are some jeans or other tougher clothes, but it isn't very often that she finds the day calling for that unless it's really cold.
▸ E Y E C O L O R : | Hazel Blue
▸ E T H N I C I T Y : | Mostly Polish, Swedish, and some Finnish and Norwegian. Lots of Slavic blood.
▸ P H Y S I C A L A P P E A R A N C E : | Since a young age, Andrea has developed beyond her years. She stand taller than many women, though not all, and even some other boys her age. Long, naturally wavy bright blond hair you'd see was well taken care of, but still appears a little bit brittle, and is further accentuated by hazel blue eyes and pale skin, and just as often done up with makeup so that her skin appears to possess an even skin tone without the underlying blood and veins creating pictures on her skin. Her complexion, otherwise, gives you the impression that she was quite the beauty - and still is - but there is something else present in her face that'd give away a history with struggle. Where perhaps she passed through a dark time in her life and is coming back from it. Faintly noticeable, but ever-present bags sit under her eyes. Not wrinkles, but something that makes her skin look as though it's being stretched tight. Pink but dehydrated lips and a tired expression, always trying to mask it with a kind, faint smile where tries to keep her mouth closed to hide the barely yellowed teeth. No scars on her face or freckles to speak of, though there are puncture scars on her arms. She wears a little button nose on her heart-shaped face, the left nostril of which is adorned by a piercing with the littlest diamond you ever did see. She also has earring studs, one on each lobe. Other adornments includes a silver band on her left hand and red polish on her fingernails, giving it a clean looking guise, but closer inspection reveals that she picks at it. Perhaps the result of a nervous tick?
Her frame is petite and slender, with breasts at 28E and legs for days. She lacks enough upper strength to be even remotely threatening though, and while she can carry most of the stuff she'll ever need to carry, nobody will be asking her to do the lifting for them. Most of her workout routine is concerned about jogging and yoga. It keeps her cardio up and figure right, but not much more than that aside from the mental therapy they provide. Despite her efforts to maintain her health, however, her actual body still appears thin. Pronounced collarbones suggest, while perhaps naturally sharp, could not be so sharp that they exist the way they do without Andrea lacking some musculature. The same goes for other areas of her body - shoulders, hands, hips, knees, ankles, her cheekbones - no amount of exercise can allow her to gain weight if she lacks the appetite to fuel that activity. She is not so skinny that she appears anorexic, but she isn't packing heat, instead moving what something resembling a dancer's grace.
When she speaks, she does so with a fairly heavy Polish accent - and it can be clearly seen that there are some pronunciations that she struggles with, such as the differences between sheep and ship, kiss and keys, lid and lead, to the point where they sound alike to one another. Andrea's method of speech is rather soft-spoken and gentle, doesn't quite project very much to cover distance or be heard over others (much to her chagrin). However, she is deliberate and thoughtful. She chooses her words carefully and considers what she has to say before she says it, as if weighing it in a scale in her mind.
Despite her looks and body type, she doesn't dress provocatively at all and so she is spared from sexualization at first glance. She might dress in "sexier" clothes behind closed doors if she's just doing it for herself and doesn't plan on going out, but otherwise, they aren't necessarily staples of her wardrobe. Typically, she is fitted with a black wool peacoat when she goes outdoors, buttoned all the way down, even on somewhat warm spring or autumn days, as it serves as something like a security blanket. Underneath, one of her favorite outfits is one that serves it purpose in both casual and professional environments. It could be any color of blouse tops, short sleeved, long sleeved, button-up or v-necked, it didn't matter - with a buckled strap going around her waist and it's usually tucked into a black laced pencil skirt, and is sometimes in different colors depending on the occasion - other lower garments may include formal pants, long skirts, and if she's relaxing at home or in a super casual environment, very billowly, loose, "feels-like-you're-wearing-nothing", comfortable skirts, dresses, etc. Underneath, she always has black leggings or yoga pants and she prefers to wear shoes or boots with thick cuban heels. Somewhere in her wardrobe are some jeans or other tougher clothes, but it isn't very often that she finds the day calling for that unless it's really cold.
▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : |
▸ I N N A T E & O U T W A R D : | What we have today are remnants of what she used to be. You can still see the sun shining through the cracks, and she seems to glow a little brighter each day than the last. A couple years ago, she might have been louder, haughtier, more entitled and very much naive. But now you have a girl who has been humbled and jaded. She's soft-spoken. Delicately gentle. Timid. Sensitive to a fault, where she holds people's opinions of her in too high a regard, but she's also someone who's appreciative and generous. There's an air of wisdom around her, the kind that people have to suffer for, but she has always been sweet and kind. She is liberal with her love and willing to share it with people around her. She's got the heart of a mother, trying to protect people she cares about, even people she doesn't, and a particular soft spot for children. She tries to dole out as much advice as she can to keep people on the right path, and one of the first few things people think about after they're subject to such behavior is "what the shit has this girl been through that she's acting this way?"
A history of substance abuse tore her apart, and it took the Promise to build her back up. Even every now and again, she falls in this little pit of despair that she tries to not let other people see. When people build her up, she tears herself down. So guilty a conscience that she apparently seeks to punish herself even when others tell her what happened wasn't her fault. She's quick to forget about the positive reinforcement she receives and latches onto the negative. It's not that she doesn't value it. She does, and she exercises gratitude every day and deliberately tries to find reasons to like herself, but she ends up losing her way while walking through those woods. Her biggest wish is to just feel normal again, and feeling like the outcast out of everyone she meets feels like torture. She clings to the Christian values she was raised with, but her faith has since shattered. She finds it hard to believe in a God, or in a God who loves her, but the teachings of Christ are something dear to her. They tell her that everyone is worth saving. They told her that when Jesus sat with pariahs. With the beggars and whores, the bastards - all of them. She wants to believe there's still a chance for her, so she still carries on while trying to love thy neighbor, not be the judge of a person's worth, and sharing what she has. She wants to believe that being kind and remaining true to herself is all it takes to show herself worthy of the life she was given. She tries not to get involved in political discussion with people, since she has no desire to argue, but it follows that she votes liberally and progressively.
Despite her history, still don't make the mistake in believing the "dumb blonde" stereotype. She became the valedictorian of her high school one year with a 4.5 GPA and 126 IQ, and was accepted into Yale University to practice criminal law. While tragedy struck that forced her to drop out in her second year, she very well could have kept going if she were remain devoted and drop other responsibilities. Book smart, nuance savvy, knows three languages, and is politically aware, she's a girl whose wits you don't want to challenge. While she's no human calculator (closer to being a human dictionary TBH), she could probably debate circles around you if she wanted to. As suggested by a successful high school career, she's good at scheduling and juggling priorities. Also musically and artistically minded according to her penchant for singing, love for acting and theater, and painting. Singing is something that can be practiced at all times, but the latter two had to be fit into her busy schedule with careful time management.
It takes a lot to rile her up. She'd sooner shut down or dodge drama when she can, but she has been through too much and understands all too well what it's like being on the bottom rung to let it happen to other people, and certainly not to watch another berate them for it. It's a passionate anger that makes her lose sight and perspective, and it's embarrassing for her when it happens. She can also be a hypocrite sometimes. She is the first one to give people her condolences and sympathy, but she hates pity. She could appreciate it when she was first entered into the academy and in dire need of help, but she's in recovery now and trying to be on her way to being normal again. The last thing she wants now is people's pity. She wants to move on, not to remain in her past. She can even be a little bit cruel, unprecedentedly so, when the victim of her lashing out was just unfortunately unaware or oblivious, only trying to do what they thought was best and offer their condolences. Andrea knows she's in the wrong when this happens, but she struggles trying to control or even contain her emotions
Ultimately, she is a generous girl who means well. She's loyal to kind hearts, and she loves unconditionally. If you're looking for a friend, you'll scarcely find one more devoted and understanding.
▸ H O B B I E S / I N T E R E S T S: | As suggested, Andrea always had a love for academics and the arts. An avid reader, lover of language and music and poetry, of theater, different cultures, and so on. If she isn't spending time at headquarters, you may find her at home reading peacefully or painting while listening to gentle music. She gave up on acting some time ago and does get nearly as immersed in it as she once did. However, she is also so immersed in her new work that she clings to it desperately as sometimes it's like the only thing that feels normal, and because of this, can just as likely be found continuing whatever work she did that day at home - whether it be filing or studying up on the latest political nightmare. She also has a great love for board games.
▸ S K I L L S / T A L E N T S : | Andrea is as sharp as they come. A quick learner who naturally absorbs information like a sponge, combined with extensive investigation and study techniques, and a scholar's discipline, she can latch onto new ideas and concepts and make them her own. Give her one night to study something; whether it be a subject, a crime scene, records - you name it - she'll give you a stack of papers the next morning. Andrea is also trilingual, demonstrating a linguistic intelligence that suggests good listening, reading, discussion, and debate. English is actually her second language and is most comfortable with her native Polish, but can hold fluent conversations in both English and French. In addition, as a law student, Andrea has a great understanding of logic. It is required for communicated ideas fluently and persuasively, and is essential for winning debates, while simultaneously appealing to a jury's moral and emotional sensibilities. While not exactly a proud skill, a history in acting does enable Andrea to be rather proficient in deception, though she insists on honesty being the best policy. Even some talent in painting shows that she has an eye for detail. Still, all these skills and abilities used in junction would enable her to spy if she so chose, but she prefers to support DOVE in their legal endeavors. However, if DOVE required her to be out in the field to gather and analyze some raw data, she would have too little power in her hands to refuse them.
▸ G O A L S / M O T I V A T I O N : | All of Andrea's former goals and aspirations fizzled away. Now all she really wants is for life to return to normal and to rehabilitate herself. Lesser goals, such as fighting the rise of the Happiness drug, come and go.
▸ H I S T O R Y / B I O : | Andrea's story is one of a girl who was set up for success in every possible way, but lost everything. Growing up, Andrea was completely unaware of her own privileged life, and how lucky she has been for the majority of it. She was born to a Christian high-middle class family in Poland. They could afford good schools. Andrea was working early, she learned how to drive, was raised faithful, and she learned English and French on top of her native language. Hard work carried her to be her high school's valedictorian. She had boyfriends, broke her heart a couple times, and moved on. All the while, she had multiple opportunities made available to her such as offers for placements in a couple different commercials by different producers with the help of her loving family - oh, and she could sing. Everything was essentially handed to her on a silver platter, and that is not to knock her own intelligence down, no. She was smart and balanced her early life out nigh perfectly. In the senior yearbook, was voted Most Likely to Succeed. Amidst all this fortune and the popularity she had in school, it didn't do much to alter her nature. She's naturally been a sweet-tempered and reasonable girl, if a bit naive of her place and the place of others in the world. She denied the existence of her privileges and good fortune and insisted that she has worked hard to earn what she has – which may be true to some degree, as she is no stranger to responsibility, but it's clear that a lot of things in her life has been handed to her on a silver platter, and she is currently on the beginning of a long road that's keen on not giving a single damn about "all the good things" she's accomplished. Right outside of high school, the world is very different.
Right out of high school, not even a legal adult yet, and Andrea already had high expectations of where she planned to go, but she was determined to smash those barriers. She wanted to travel to the United States to pursue law at Harvard, which was a massive undertaking on its own. At the same time, she also wanted to balance with it an acting career, which would help pay for the expenses. Then the heavy hand of reality squashed her Legally Blonde fantasies: despite valedictorian status and scholarships, Harvard never replied to her applications. She went down the list applying, and all the while also auditioning for acting gigs so that she wasn't wasting her time. Oxford? No. Cambridge? No. Stanford? No. She got only small gigs playing extras in commercials. Submitting submission after submission, at this point only waiting to see if one of the big colleges notice her, she eventually got acceptance at Yale University in the US. The university was prestigious in its own right, but it didn't make Andrea feel very special after being ignored so many times. Still, she persisted through Yale, where she sought to practice public law and become an attorney
Trying to balance her life became challenging when she was on her own in Yale. She survived her first year, but entering her second year of university, she was caught like a tight-rope between trying to survive, succeed in school, and salvage an already drowning acting career. She was being stretched thin. She felt herself falling apart at the seams with her pushing herself far beyond what she was capable of. She refused to let go of acting and "come back to it later". She had no family around to support her. They could give her money, but they couldn't give her more hours in the day. She was barely sleeping, always hungry, until one "concerned friend" wanted to give her something that'd help pick her up in no time, claiming that it was ten times better than coffee. Andrea was desperate and she didn't want to think about what it was, and it only struck her when it was too late after she ingested crystal meth. The magnitude of the situation she found herself in was overwhelming, and she didn't want to accept that she did it. She tried to ignore it, but the addiction swooped in and snatched her up. It might have helped at first. It might have started like, "well, one more tiny hit couldn't hurt," but in no time at all her grades were already plummeting as this new addiction started taking over. It was during a particularly bad trip that her powers manifested and she began seeing crazy ass phantoms and things were being moved by her mind. She thought she was going absolutely insane, or maybe it was just a really bad trip. It got so bad, though, that she ended up dropping out entirely. She couldn't support paying for college. She could't support her own addiction. Any chances at landing good jobs in acting completely shriveled up. She had nearly no marketable skills and she practically turned homeless overnight - and she still had no idea what it was she was seeing. The drugs she took helped her to ignore them. She didn't know what to do. She just knew she had to survive, and she was desperate... so she did what she could and sold her body on the streets of Bridgeport; occasionally hitching rides that eventually brought her to New York.
It was a vicious cycle. A vicious cycle that lasted only four months. In a mere four months, everything she wanted was taken. Everything she stood for was stripped. She didn't feel like the same person, she felt dirty and sinful and suicidal. Her faith shattered. She was afraid. Her powers were inexplicable. The money she made was just enough to feed her and fuel her addiction to meth and at some point, cocaine and heroine fell into the mix. All throughout it, constantly daydreaming about the life she originally aimed for. In a mere four months, everything she used to be she felt was dead. But as far as the governments were concerned, she was still a registered person. A meta, even if she was a druggy... and she was randomly chosen. Why they hadn't decided to rescind that order is mystery to her to this day, but whatever they thought they were doing, they thought they were saving her: a young drug-addicted girl. When she was first sent somewhere cold to be entered into the 218 Academy program, their first action was to detox her and put her in rehabilitation programs alongside her usual classes. It was agonizing. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like for a person doing this for multiple years, but whatever medicine they were pumping into her was burning her insides. It wasn't long before all the substances were gone, but the psychological damages remained. From the addiction, to the depression - what she has done to herself has traumatized her. She wanted nothing more to punish herself, but the faculty insisted that it wasn't her fault. They promised her that they'd put her back on the road to recovery and assign her a particular teacher that might be able to help her through these motions - and at the same time, help her to understand the powers she has. All she could do was cry tears of relief.
Since then, she has ran through all the trials that her four years of 218 had to offer, and graduated from the academy. She has gotten healthier with each passing day and is finding new reasons to keep on smiling, each a step towards self-mastery. Her old nature is beginning to resurface, and her very sensitive history has gotten her into some personal conversations and relationships with the 218 personnel, endearing herself to many of the teachers as they become more familiar with one another. Even in her first year, she has gotten to control her powers very quickly compared to many students (though that may be the nature of her abilities with its ease of accessibility). Though many of her darkest emotions are still buried along with the lingering urges of her old addictions, she is finding it easier to find hope in tomorrow and to accept herself and what she has been through. Still, she looks back on her life with regret, and if there was an opportunity to go back and make different decisions that didn't lead her down a path of suffering, to be normal, she'd take it in a heartbeat. Even if it meant never meeting the people she met in the academy... not that'd she ever tell them that. Some of the Japanese students and staff have taken to calling her "Kintsugi" as a pet-name (as well as the fucking weeaboos), after the art of repairing broken pottery by filling the cracks with gold. Those whose favor she's not earned, or those to whom she's the subject of ridicule, have dubbed her as "Icarus" - but few would dare to be so cruel to call her that to her face. Other name-calling includes "Snow" (referring to blow), and "Needles". Aside from Kintsugi, the only name she has come to appreciate is "Eleven" (11), after a character from the television show, Stranger Things.
After her graduation, she was offered an internship within DOVE at their headquarters in Baybridge, where she would likely end up pursuing a legal career within their organization. She took up their offer in a heartbeat, seeing it as a way to get her life as close as being back to normal as she could get it. She uses the academy's charity to pay for the dirt-cheap rent of a shitty apartment in one of the dirty sections of Baybridge, New Raygate, driving an old, tiny little beater car in the form of a '94 Mazda Miata that takes a couple turns of the ignition to get going - but it's better than painting a target on your back and its sustainable provided you get payed a fair wage.
She has been on edge lately, mostly out of fear of this new drug called Happiness. She personally wants to stay as far away from it as possible, but she also seems particularly vehement in her opposition of it. So much that she keeps pressing the issue to her superiors who hold actual titles within DOVE, and goes out of her way to research the topic to advance the fight against it, often interfering with her actual responsibilities as one of DOVE's interns.
A history of substance abuse tore her apart, and it took the Promise to build her back up. Even every now and again, she falls in this little pit of despair that she tries to not let other people see. When people build her up, she tears herself down. So guilty a conscience that she apparently seeks to punish herself even when others tell her what happened wasn't her fault. She's quick to forget about the positive reinforcement she receives and latches onto the negative. It's not that she doesn't value it. She does, and she exercises gratitude every day and deliberately tries to find reasons to like herself, but she ends up losing her way while walking through those woods. Her biggest wish is to just feel normal again, and feeling like the outcast out of everyone she meets feels like torture. She clings to the Christian values she was raised with, but her faith has since shattered. She finds it hard to believe in a God, or in a God who loves her, but the teachings of Christ are something dear to her. They tell her that everyone is worth saving. They told her that when Jesus sat with pariahs. With the beggars and whores, the bastards - all of them. She wants to believe there's still a chance for her, so she still carries on while trying to love thy neighbor, not be the judge of a person's worth, and sharing what she has. She wants to believe that being kind and remaining true to herself is all it takes to show herself worthy of the life she was given. She tries not to get involved in political discussion with people, since she has no desire to argue, but it follows that she votes liberally and progressively.
Despite her history, still don't make the mistake in believing the "dumb blonde" stereotype. She became the valedictorian of her high school one year with a 4.5 GPA and 126 IQ, and was accepted into Yale University to practice criminal law. While tragedy struck that forced her to drop out in her second year, she very well could have kept going if she were remain devoted and drop other responsibilities. Book smart, nuance savvy, knows three languages, and is politically aware, she's a girl whose wits you don't want to challenge. While she's no human calculator (closer to being a human dictionary TBH), she could probably debate circles around you if she wanted to. As suggested by a successful high school career, she's good at scheduling and juggling priorities. Also musically and artistically minded according to her penchant for singing, love for acting and theater, and painting. Singing is something that can be practiced at all times, but the latter two had to be fit into her busy schedule with careful time management.
It takes a lot to rile her up. She'd sooner shut down or dodge drama when she can, but she has been through too much and understands all too well what it's like being on the bottom rung to let it happen to other people, and certainly not to watch another berate them for it. It's a passionate anger that makes her lose sight and perspective, and it's embarrassing for her when it happens. She can also be a hypocrite sometimes. She is the first one to give people her condolences and sympathy, but she hates pity. She could appreciate it when she was first entered into the academy and in dire need of help, but she's in recovery now and trying to be on her way to being normal again. The last thing she wants now is people's pity. She wants to move on, not to remain in her past. She can even be a little bit cruel, unprecedentedly so, when the victim of her lashing out was just unfortunately unaware or oblivious, only trying to do what they thought was best and offer their condolences. Andrea knows she's in the wrong when this happens, but she struggles trying to control or even contain her emotions
Ultimately, she is a generous girl who means well. She's loyal to kind hearts, and she loves unconditionally. If you're looking for a friend, you'll scarcely find one more devoted and understanding.
▸ H O B B I E S / I N T E R E S T S: | As suggested, Andrea always had a love for academics and the arts. An avid reader, lover of language and music and poetry, of theater, different cultures, and so on. If she isn't spending time at headquarters, you may find her at home reading peacefully or painting while listening to gentle music. She gave up on acting some time ago and does get nearly as immersed in it as she once did. However, she is also so immersed in her new work that she clings to it desperately as sometimes it's like the only thing that feels normal, and because of this, can just as likely be found continuing whatever work she did that day at home - whether it be filing or studying up on the latest political nightmare. She also has a great love for board games.
▸ S K I L L S / T A L E N T S : | Andrea is as sharp as they come. A quick learner who naturally absorbs information like a sponge, combined with extensive investigation and study techniques, and a scholar's discipline, she can latch onto new ideas and concepts and make them her own. Give her one night to study something; whether it be a subject, a crime scene, records - you name it - she'll give you a stack of papers the next morning. Andrea is also trilingual, demonstrating a linguistic intelligence that suggests good listening, reading, discussion, and debate. English is actually her second language and is most comfortable with her native Polish, but can hold fluent conversations in both English and French. In addition, as a law student, Andrea has a great understanding of logic. It is required for communicated ideas fluently and persuasively, and is essential for winning debates, while simultaneously appealing to a jury's moral and emotional sensibilities. While not exactly a proud skill, a history in acting does enable Andrea to be rather proficient in deception, though she insists on honesty being the best policy. Even some talent in painting shows that she has an eye for detail. Still, all these skills and abilities used in junction would enable her to spy if she so chose, but she prefers to support DOVE in their legal endeavors. However, if DOVE required her to be out in the field to gather and analyze some raw data, she would have too little power in her hands to refuse them.
▸ G O A L S / M O T I V A T I O N : | All of Andrea's former goals and aspirations fizzled away. Now all she really wants is for life to return to normal and to rehabilitate herself. Lesser goals, such as fighting the rise of the Happiness drug, come and go.
▸ H I S T O R Y / B I O : | Andrea's story is one of a girl who was set up for success in every possible way, but lost everything. Growing up, Andrea was completely unaware of her own privileged life, and how lucky she has been for the majority of it. She was born to a Christian high-middle class family in Poland. They could afford good schools. Andrea was working early, she learned how to drive, was raised faithful, and she learned English and French on top of her native language. Hard work carried her to be her high school's valedictorian. She had boyfriends, broke her heart a couple times, and moved on. All the while, she had multiple opportunities made available to her such as offers for placements in a couple different commercials by different producers with the help of her loving family - oh, and she could sing. Everything was essentially handed to her on a silver platter, and that is not to knock her own intelligence down, no. She was smart and balanced her early life out nigh perfectly. In the senior yearbook, was voted Most Likely to Succeed. Amidst all this fortune and the popularity she had in school, it didn't do much to alter her nature. She's naturally been a sweet-tempered and reasonable girl, if a bit naive of her place and the place of others in the world. She denied the existence of her privileges and good fortune and insisted that she has worked hard to earn what she has – which may be true to some degree, as she is no stranger to responsibility, but it's clear that a lot of things in her life has been handed to her on a silver platter, and she is currently on the beginning of a long road that's keen on not giving a single damn about "all the good things" she's accomplished. Right outside of high school, the world is very different.
Right out of high school, not even a legal adult yet, and Andrea already had high expectations of where she planned to go, but she was determined to smash those barriers. She wanted to travel to the United States to pursue law at Harvard, which was a massive undertaking on its own. At the same time, she also wanted to balance with it an acting career, which would help pay for the expenses. Then the heavy hand of reality squashed her Legally Blonde fantasies: despite valedictorian status and scholarships, Harvard never replied to her applications. She went down the list applying, and all the while also auditioning for acting gigs so that she wasn't wasting her time. Oxford? No. Cambridge? No. Stanford? No. She got only small gigs playing extras in commercials. Submitting submission after submission, at this point only waiting to see if one of the big colleges notice her, she eventually got acceptance at Yale University in the US. The university was prestigious in its own right, but it didn't make Andrea feel very special after being ignored so many times. Still, she persisted through Yale, where she sought to practice public law and become an attorney
Trying to balance her life became challenging when she was on her own in Yale. She survived her first year, but entering her second year of university, she was caught like a tight-rope between trying to survive, succeed in school, and salvage an already drowning acting career. She was being stretched thin. She felt herself falling apart at the seams with her pushing herself far beyond what she was capable of. She refused to let go of acting and "come back to it later". She had no family around to support her. They could give her money, but they couldn't give her more hours in the day. She was barely sleeping, always hungry, until one "concerned friend" wanted to give her something that'd help pick her up in no time, claiming that it was ten times better than coffee. Andrea was desperate and she didn't want to think about what it was, and it only struck her when it was too late after she ingested crystal meth. The magnitude of the situation she found herself in was overwhelming, and she didn't want to accept that she did it. She tried to ignore it, but the addiction swooped in and snatched her up. It might have helped at first. It might have started like, "well, one more tiny hit couldn't hurt," but in no time at all her grades were already plummeting as this new addiction started taking over. It was during a particularly bad trip that her powers manifested and she began seeing crazy ass phantoms and things were being moved by her mind. She thought she was going absolutely insane, or maybe it was just a really bad trip. It got so bad, though, that she ended up dropping out entirely. She couldn't support paying for college. She could't support her own addiction. Any chances at landing good jobs in acting completely shriveled up. She had nearly no marketable skills and she practically turned homeless overnight - and she still had no idea what it was she was seeing. The drugs she took helped her to ignore them. She didn't know what to do. She just knew she had to survive, and she was desperate... so she did what she could and sold her body on the streets of Bridgeport; occasionally hitching rides that eventually brought her to New York.
It was a vicious cycle. A vicious cycle that lasted only four months. In a mere four months, everything she wanted was taken. Everything she stood for was stripped. She didn't feel like the same person, she felt dirty and sinful and suicidal. Her faith shattered. She was afraid. Her powers were inexplicable. The money she made was just enough to feed her and fuel her addiction to meth and at some point, cocaine and heroine fell into the mix. All throughout it, constantly daydreaming about the life she originally aimed for. In a mere four months, everything she used to be she felt was dead. But as far as the governments were concerned, she was still a registered person. A meta, even if she was a druggy... and she was randomly chosen. Why they hadn't decided to rescind that order is mystery to her to this day, but whatever they thought they were doing, they thought they were saving her: a young drug-addicted girl. When she was first sent somewhere cold to be entered into the 218 Academy program, their first action was to detox her and put her in rehabilitation programs alongside her usual classes. It was agonizing. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like for a person doing this for multiple years, but whatever medicine they were pumping into her was burning her insides. It wasn't long before all the substances were gone, but the psychological damages remained. From the addiction, to the depression - what she has done to herself has traumatized her. She wanted nothing more to punish herself, but the faculty insisted that it wasn't her fault. They promised her that they'd put her back on the road to recovery and assign her a particular teacher that might be able to help her through these motions - and at the same time, help her to understand the powers she has. All she could do was cry tears of relief.
Since then, she has ran through all the trials that her four years of 218 had to offer, and graduated from the academy. She has gotten healthier with each passing day and is finding new reasons to keep on smiling, each a step towards self-mastery. Her old nature is beginning to resurface, and her very sensitive history has gotten her into some personal conversations and relationships with the 218 personnel, endearing herself to many of the teachers as they become more familiar with one another. Even in her first year, she has gotten to control her powers very quickly compared to many students (though that may be the nature of her abilities with its ease of accessibility). Though many of her darkest emotions are still buried along with the lingering urges of her old addictions, she is finding it easier to find hope in tomorrow and to accept herself and what she has been through. Still, she looks back on her life with regret, and if there was an opportunity to go back and make different decisions that didn't lead her down a path of suffering, to be normal, she'd take it in a heartbeat. Even if it meant never meeting the people she met in the academy... not that'd she ever tell them that. Some of the Japanese students and staff have taken to calling her "Kintsugi" as a pet-name (as well as the fucking weeaboos), after the art of repairing broken pottery by filling the cracks with gold. Those whose favor she's not earned, or those to whom she's the subject of ridicule, have dubbed her as "Icarus" - but few would dare to be so cruel to call her that to her face. Other name-calling includes "Snow" (referring to blow), and "Needles". Aside from Kintsugi, the only name she has come to appreciate is "Eleven" (11), after a character from the television show, Stranger Things.
After her graduation, she was offered an internship within DOVE at their headquarters in Baybridge, where she would likely end up pursuing a legal career within their organization. She took up their offer in a heartbeat, seeing it as a way to get her life as close as being back to normal as she could get it. She uses the academy's charity to pay for the dirt-cheap rent of a shitty apartment in one of the dirty sections of Baybridge, New Raygate, driving an old, tiny little beater car in the form of a '94 Mazda Miata that takes a couple turns of the ignition to get going - but it's better than painting a target on your back and its sustainable provided you get payed a fair wage.
She has been on edge lately, mostly out of fear of this new drug called Happiness. She personally wants to stay as far away from it as possible, but she also seems particularly vehement in her opposition of it. So much that she keeps pressing the issue to her superiors who hold actual titles within DOVE, and goes out of her way to research the topic to advance the fight against it, often interfering with her actual responsibilities as one of DOVE's interns.
▼ | R E L A T I O N S H I P S: |
▸ F A M I L Y: |
▸ D Y N A M I C S : |
Olenka Pasternack, Mother, 45, & Aleksi Pasternack, Father, 40
Andrea has always had a very close relationship with her parents. Like many teenagers, there might have been rough patches, but Andrea always found herself running back to them when she didn't know what to do - and they were always so happy to oblige. They helped her get a running start on life, indulged her even on some of her wildest fantasies, and maybe spoiled her a little bit. They had the money, combined with what meager earnings she made for herself, to send her to a prestigious university, so they must have had quite the life. However, it's mysterious that they did not try to reach out after Andrea fell off the grid. It's mysterious that she still has not communicated with them sense she left Poland. Part of her is very scared that something may have happened to them, but she doesn't know what.
▸ D Y N A M I C S : |
| Francis Jean-Pierre |
| Good...ish? | Friendly Acquaintance | "He's nice enough. He's the only who has had any faith in my work so far, so that has to account for something." |They have only known each other for a short while, and she doesn't know him very well, but Andrea has come to see a familiar face in the RAVEN and appreciation for his honesty and open heart. When everyone else doubted her and made light of her concerns over the Happiness drug, Francis took her seriously. Andrea hopes to prove herself worthy of that trust.
| Meifeng Zhao |
| Not So Good | No Relation | "She has had a long and prestigious career in her field, so I will respect her to that end." |Andrea had a very rocky start with Meifeng when she was called in to answer questions as a witness for the incident at the Golden Throne. Though it was revealed that she was not actually at the scene, bio scans came in before she left, revealing the monster's tissue was saturated with Happiness. The two butted heads over whether or not that was the answer. The cost of experience is arrogance, and Andrea feels frustrated that the higher ups might have their judgement clouded by it.
| Aaron Chandler|
| Good | Friendly Acquaintance | "He's a gentle soul, and stronger than he gives himself credit for." |The two have only just met after she helped him recover from a crippling panic attack after the Golden Throne incident. Andrea made a check-up call later after that to see how he was recovering, and was pleasantly surprised by the conversation they had that afternoon. The two have the potential for a supportive platonic relationship with one another provided another few interactions.
▼ | A B I L I T I E S: |
▸ P O W E R C L A S S : | Cerebral; Extra-Sensory
▸ P O W E R : |
Psionic Phantoms?: The exact nature of Andrea's power is hotly disputed among the Academy program's faculty. One popular theory is that Andrea is capable of seeing another plane, so to speak, with bio-luminescent eyes. A plane which exists within our own as an additional dimension of space. Within this plane exists corporeal entities and apparitions. According to this theory, the nature of the apparitions are unique. They exist as a streaming consciousness existing within a polydimensional temporal plane, and between units of time – thusly invisible to anyone else. It's been suggested that they are made of an electrically active gas, and while mostly inert, are inexplicably bonded together ionically – it held up that this high-energy being was able to pass information along so easily, as though they were made up of neurons. Perhaps the true power is the ability to see them and the mental link Andrea shares with them, but the apparitions are no less incredible. It's claimed that these "spirits" possess incredible cerebral-type powers, from telekinesis to telepathy to mind-linking, chaining the consciousness of multiple people together through a third party.
While the apparitions are incapable of speech and verbal communication, in theory, as well as intangible with three dimensional objects, they are capable of carrying out simple tasks and understanding her communication. This includes scouting out a particular area and retrieving information that Andrea can utilize as he sees fit; this gives her the appearance of a pseudo-omnipresence in her environment. To a certain degree, Andrea is even able to control them, or at least influence them and their decisions, via a mental link to make those kinds of demands. This mental link also grants her a form of protection from some psychic and telepathic abilities. When telepathy is used on her or if anyone is infiltrating her mind in any way, the apparitions sense another presence in Andrea, and therefore becomes hostile at the alien presence in their environment. Deafening shrieking and wailing provides a defense mechanism that will hurt and hopefully ward away the invader, but at the same time, will also harm Andrea in the process. The screaming is so loud and endless and chaotic, that people's ears will begin bleeding in mere seconds.
These apparitions can project psionic energy at a target. They essentially feel like sudden blasts of concussive force from an air cannon, which, individually, can stagger a person. When you've got multiple apparitions lining up to wreck havoc upon whatever catches their interests - blast after blast after blast - they can eventually reduce a car into sheet metal. It is also assumed that, as apparently sentient creatures, they need sustenance. Seeing as how nobody is dropping dead, they aren't preying on us. Rather, they may be just feeding off the energies that radiate from us, or harmless surface thoughts. The theory goes that if you suddenly forgot what you were going to say or do, or inexplicably forgot a minor detail or can't find the word you're looking for, that's the apparition's doing. In addition, they also feed off the psionic powers of other cerebral metahumans. Instantly detecting and reacting to that delicious energy, gradually sapping the power of their ability when it is used. Telekinetics find that their power or strength is weaker than they normally are when around her, or perhaps a telepath projects a mental barrier, they can feel it whittling down and getting gradually weaker. This doesn't apply to mind-reading though, we already know what happens then. As it usually instantly inserts your mind into theirs, and the reaction to a possibly dangerous intruder has greater priority than getting a snack.
Accesible Psychic Interface?: The second theory appeals better to those who are reluctant or too afraid to accept the possibility of extra-planar creatures, ghosts, or aliens - what have you - living alongside us. Instead, they approach the topic from a different perspective. Cerebral powers manifests differently in different metahumans, and it is possible that how it developed in Andrea allows her to interact with her psychic abilities in a more out-of-body way and the development of glowing eyes simply might be her being able to see her own meta-human/psionic energy flowing around her. Whereas a archetypal psychic would simply move things with their mind, Andrea either subconsciously created a medium or interface to perform these feats, or the powers manifested that way on their own by creating the interface without psychological interference. But the results are the same: flexible psychic telekinetic and telepathic abilities. While perhaps not powerful enough to lift impossibly heavy objects or structures like tractor trailers (or at least not yet), the interface allows her to subconsciously multi-task a huge variety of objects. The phantasms are innumerable, and the limit to the number of small, insignificant objects she can lift have not yet been met. However, it is worth noting that the number of objects decreases depending on the weight of the objects she has to lift. This could be due to the number of phantasms in her interface that she commits to lifting a certain object or prying into a certain person's mind.
In addition to those feats, if she is not operating through real ghosts, then this theory's attempt at covering her psuedo-omniawareness is to suggest she has the power of scrying. To look through her mind's eye and watch a certain location, or detect the presence of people around her by just barely listening in to surface thoughts of those around her. Not quite reading minds per say, but sensing mental presences in the area. Her ability to be aware of multiple things at once, if not through ghosts, can connect multiple consciences together where she is the crossroads where these consciences meet. It is assumed that it can be done through her sharing her mind with two consenting parties as a sort of forum for them to nearly instantly share thoughts and feelings and emotions. What lends so much credence to this theory as opposed to the phantasm theory is the wear and tear this puts on Andrea. She can only do that so often before exhaustion sets in, her nose starts bleeding, and she starts getting dizzy. The mind can only handle so many thoughts and feelings at once, and doing it too often - even scarcely enough so it won't apparently damage her - can still trigger periods of depression or bipolar disorder. As for the screaming - well, Andrea has been through a lot. It is entirely possible that her ability to sense mental presences could allow her to sense when one is occupying the same space as hers, and that it is an automatic subconscious response to danger as to hide her insecurities.
Assuming theory number two is the truth behind her power, then there's an intriguing, if somewhat off-putting, detail about it. If her ability to sap psionic energies or drain it unconsciously, then some part of it must be caustic in some way. Not that it attacks living tissue or anything, but there's an observable effect on how it passively interacts with other psychic energies and minds. It runs parallel with the theme of her psychic abilities, that being it's very defensive oriented and that it deals with gradual effects. A single tick, shall we call it, of her power isn't too impressive. For instance, a single blast doesn't do much damage, but one after another, or a sudden barrage of many smaller ticks can ravage her target. It doesn't seem to rejuvenate her at all, so it must only weaken rival cerebrals.
Schizophrenic Psychic?: There was no shortage of people in the academy, whether they're student or faculty, that sees Andrea and thinks she's crazy. With her power, it's come to be expected. She's accepted that. Their ignorance is no skin off her bones. But for people who have heard about her history, or have read up on her may not say it out in the open, but would pin her craziness on her history with substance abuse. It's a judgmental point of view that doesn't make people popular, because Andrea is still one of the sweetest and generous people her friends know, and no one would be so cruel to suggest that in front of her... but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The third theory entails her just being a ridiculously powerful psychic that has gone nuts with the drugs frying her brain, making her too dangerous to keep on premise. There are some people who are so afraid of these rumors flying around that they probably would jettison her out of an airlock if they had an opportunity to do so. Cerebrals are dangerous to keep around at the best of times. Her claims of seeing ghosts just gives her haters ammunition to use against her.
▸ L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : |
It's difficult to determine what her limits are. What is known is that accumulative weight does have an effect on her capability to telekinetically manipulate objects. What has so far been observed is that slight noticeable changes was observed when she was asked to lift a three hundred pound object and a large amount of insignificant, miscellaneous items (pens, pencils, paper clips, etc.). While she could lift all of the miscellaneous items in the room, putting a three hundred pound object in the mix gave her visible signs of strain. When asked to instead lift a five hundred pound weight, she was found to lift fewer objects. The five hundred pound weight could also be held in unison with the three hundred pound weight, but with much fewer miscellaneous items - she preferred that she didn't. If she were to focus all of her energy into a single object, she learned that she could lift even a small car, though truthfully, it only hovered above the ground. With her in her second year, and more in control of her powers, the limits have gotten higher. The only real limits that haven't changed is her inability to move energy around (she could lift a paper that was on fire, but not the fire itself) and telepathy. Try listening to more than one conversation at a time, or reading more than one book at a time. While she can multi-task and perform actions in the background, you need to pay attention and focus on a single book or person if you plan on actually reading or listening.
A grand total of fifty feet might be the maximum distance for any command to be carried out and executed in a time efficient manner, whereas a hundred foot would be her total maximum range. Apparitions will only travel so far from their original position for one reason or another. Whether it be them trying to protect the source - being Andrea - or her own unconscious mind keeping something nearby as a safety precaution. Beyond fifty feet, there will be some pretty noticeable lag in the execution of her powers, as though it has a travel time. In addition, it will be of less severity. Whether it be the ability losing energy over this distance, or fewer apparitions moving to fulfill the execution of the command as they stray too far from their initial position is indiscernible.
Her weaknesses are more defined however. Electromagnetism can disrupt her ability to focus on thoughts, like how throwing a rock in a pond creates ripples and it becomes harder to see your reflection. In addition to that, it also depends on who she is reading. If your power allows you to think at the speed of a super computer, keeping up with all that information would feel impossible. When putting a subject in a lead-lined room, Andrea was completely unable to detect that the person was even there. Her inability to control energy is a limit, but when confronted with a meta who would wish to do her harm, it becomes a weakness. Controlling gases is also nearly impossible for her. Seizing free floating matter is very difficult for her to grasp, like trying to grab smoke, but having it slip between her fingers. She can influence its flow, but she wont be able to hold it. The self-defense mechanism of psionic screaming whenever another presence occupies her mind doesn't just hurt the invader. It hurts Andrea, too. These screams are so terrible that, if lasting even as long as five seconds, her and her invader begin bleeding from the ears. But it's not even the ears being damaged, rather, a very intense sensory overload on the brain. Linking consciences together is also incredibly draining to Andrea for reasons already explained, and she can very easily begin bleeding from the nose from the process.
Her incredible multitasking can take her attention off of herself if she is carrying a lot of items around. Like, an absurd amount of items. Until that point, she is still aware of herself and surrounded, but the more she carries, the more spaced out she appears. She's still aware of her surroundings, but her focus on simply controlling the objects and where she plans on taking them can make her forget to think about herself. Part of this can be subsided if she can take the focus on the specific movements of objects. If she's making simple motions and patterns, like say making tornado of debris around her or a group of people, she is able to divide her attention to focus on her own safety. That wouldn't take much to maintain. Most she'd have to do, really, is think about the spinning motion of a ceiling fan and go with the flow.
▼ | O T H E R : |
▸ P O W E R : |
Psionic Phantoms?: The exact nature of Andrea's power is hotly disputed among the Academy program's faculty. One popular theory is that Andrea is capable of seeing another plane, so to speak, with bio-luminescent eyes. A plane which exists within our own as an additional dimension of space. Within this plane exists corporeal entities and apparitions. According to this theory, the nature of the apparitions are unique. They exist as a streaming consciousness existing within a polydimensional temporal plane, and between units of time – thusly invisible to anyone else. It's been suggested that they are made of an electrically active gas, and while mostly inert, are inexplicably bonded together ionically – it held up that this high-energy being was able to pass information along so easily, as though they were made up of neurons. Perhaps the true power is the ability to see them and the mental link Andrea shares with them, but the apparitions are no less incredible. It's claimed that these "spirits" possess incredible cerebral-type powers, from telekinesis to telepathy to mind-linking, chaining the consciousness of multiple people together through a third party.
While the apparitions are incapable of speech and verbal communication, in theory, as well as intangible with three dimensional objects, they are capable of carrying out simple tasks and understanding her communication. This includes scouting out a particular area and retrieving information that Andrea can utilize as he sees fit; this gives her the appearance of a pseudo-omnipresence in her environment. To a certain degree, Andrea is even able to control them, or at least influence them and their decisions, via a mental link to make those kinds of demands. This mental link also grants her a form of protection from some psychic and telepathic abilities. When telepathy is used on her or if anyone is infiltrating her mind in any way, the apparitions sense another presence in Andrea, and therefore becomes hostile at the alien presence in their environment. Deafening shrieking and wailing provides a defense mechanism that will hurt and hopefully ward away the invader, but at the same time, will also harm Andrea in the process. The screaming is so loud and endless and chaotic, that people's ears will begin bleeding in mere seconds.
These apparitions can project psionic energy at a target. They essentially feel like sudden blasts of concussive force from an air cannon, which, individually, can stagger a person. When you've got multiple apparitions lining up to wreck havoc upon whatever catches their interests - blast after blast after blast - they can eventually reduce a car into sheet metal. It is also assumed that, as apparently sentient creatures, they need sustenance. Seeing as how nobody is dropping dead, they aren't preying on us. Rather, they may be just feeding off the energies that radiate from us, or harmless surface thoughts. The theory goes that if you suddenly forgot what you were going to say or do, or inexplicably forgot a minor detail or can't find the word you're looking for, that's the apparition's doing. In addition, they also feed off the psionic powers of other cerebral metahumans. Instantly detecting and reacting to that delicious energy, gradually sapping the power of their ability when it is used. Telekinetics find that their power or strength is weaker than they normally are when around her, or perhaps a telepath projects a mental barrier, they can feel it whittling down and getting gradually weaker. This doesn't apply to mind-reading though, we already know what happens then. As it usually instantly inserts your mind into theirs, and the reaction to a possibly dangerous intruder has greater priority than getting a snack.
Accesible Psychic Interface?: The second theory appeals better to those who are reluctant or too afraid to accept the possibility of extra-planar creatures, ghosts, or aliens - what have you - living alongside us. Instead, they approach the topic from a different perspective. Cerebral powers manifests differently in different metahumans, and it is possible that how it developed in Andrea allows her to interact with her psychic abilities in a more out-of-body way and the development of glowing eyes simply might be her being able to see her own meta-human/psionic energy flowing around her. Whereas a archetypal psychic would simply move things with their mind, Andrea either subconsciously created a medium or interface to perform these feats, or the powers manifested that way on their own by creating the interface without psychological interference. But the results are the same: flexible psychic telekinetic and telepathic abilities. While perhaps not powerful enough to lift impossibly heavy objects or structures like tractor trailers (or at least not yet), the interface allows her to subconsciously multi-task a huge variety of objects. The phantasms are innumerable, and the limit to the number of small, insignificant objects she can lift have not yet been met. However, it is worth noting that the number of objects decreases depending on the weight of the objects she has to lift. This could be due to the number of phantasms in her interface that she commits to lifting a certain object or prying into a certain person's mind.
In addition to those feats, if she is not operating through real ghosts, then this theory's attempt at covering her psuedo-omniawareness is to suggest she has the power of scrying. To look through her mind's eye and watch a certain location, or detect the presence of people around her by just barely listening in to surface thoughts of those around her. Not quite reading minds per say, but sensing mental presences in the area. Her ability to be aware of multiple things at once, if not through ghosts, can connect multiple consciences together where she is the crossroads where these consciences meet. It is assumed that it can be done through her sharing her mind with two consenting parties as a sort of forum for them to nearly instantly share thoughts and feelings and emotions. What lends so much credence to this theory as opposed to the phantasm theory is the wear and tear this puts on Andrea. She can only do that so often before exhaustion sets in, her nose starts bleeding, and she starts getting dizzy. The mind can only handle so many thoughts and feelings at once, and doing it too often - even scarcely enough so it won't apparently damage her - can still trigger periods of depression or bipolar disorder. As for the screaming - well, Andrea has been through a lot. It is entirely possible that her ability to sense mental presences could allow her to sense when one is occupying the same space as hers, and that it is an automatic subconscious response to danger as to hide her insecurities.
Assuming theory number two is the truth behind her power, then there's an intriguing, if somewhat off-putting, detail about it. If her ability to sap psionic energies or drain it unconsciously, then some part of it must be caustic in some way. Not that it attacks living tissue or anything, but there's an observable effect on how it passively interacts with other psychic energies and minds. It runs parallel with the theme of her psychic abilities, that being it's very defensive oriented and that it deals with gradual effects. A single tick, shall we call it, of her power isn't too impressive. For instance, a single blast doesn't do much damage, but one after another, or a sudden barrage of many smaller ticks can ravage her target. It doesn't seem to rejuvenate her at all, so it must only weaken rival cerebrals.
Schizophrenic Psychic?: There was no shortage of people in the academy, whether they're student or faculty, that sees Andrea and thinks she's crazy. With her power, it's come to be expected. She's accepted that. Their ignorance is no skin off her bones. But for people who have heard about her history, or have read up on her may not say it out in the open, but would pin her craziness on her history with substance abuse. It's a judgmental point of view that doesn't make people popular, because Andrea is still one of the sweetest and generous people her friends know, and no one would be so cruel to suggest that in front of her... but that doesn't mean they don't exist. The third theory entails her just being a ridiculously powerful psychic that has gone nuts with the drugs frying her brain, making her too dangerous to keep on premise. There are some people who are so afraid of these rumors flying around that they probably would jettison her out of an airlock if they had an opportunity to do so. Cerebrals are dangerous to keep around at the best of times. Her claims of seeing ghosts just gives her haters ammunition to use against her.
▸ L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : |
It's difficult to determine what her limits are. What is known is that accumulative weight does have an effect on her capability to telekinetically manipulate objects. What has so far been observed is that slight noticeable changes was observed when she was asked to lift a three hundred pound object and a large amount of insignificant, miscellaneous items (pens, pencils, paper clips, etc.). While she could lift all of the miscellaneous items in the room, putting a three hundred pound object in the mix gave her visible signs of strain. When asked to instead lift a five hundred pound weight, she was found to lift fewer objects. The five hundred pound weight could also be held in unison with the three hundred pound weight, but with much fewer miscellaneous items - she preferred that she didn't. If she were to focus all of her energy into a single object, she learned that she could lift even a small car, though truthfully, it only hovered above the ground. With her in her second year, and more in control of her powers, the limits have gotten higher. The only real limits that haven't changed is her inability to move energy around (she could lift a paper that was on fire, but not the fire itself) and telepathy. Try listening to more than one conversation at a time, or reading more than one book at a time. While she can multi-task and perform actions in the background, you need to pay attention and focus on a single book or person if you plan on actually reading or listening.
A grand total of fifty feet might be the maximum distance for any command to be carried out and executed in a time efficient manner, whereas a hundred foot would be her total maximum range. Apparitions will only travel so far from their original position for one reason or another. Whether it be them trying to protect the source - being Andrea - or her own unconscious mind keeping something nearby as a safety precaution. Beyond fifty feet, there will be some pretty noticeable lag in the execution of her powers, as though it has a travel time. In addition, it will be of less severity. Whether it be the ability losing energy over this distance, or fewer apparitions moving to fulfill the execution of the command as they stray too far from their initial position is indiscernible.
Her weaknesses are more defined however. Electromagnetism can disrupt her ability to focus on thoughts, like how throwing a rock in a pond creates ripples and it becomes harder to see your reflection. In addition to that, it also depends on who she is reading. If your power allows you to think at the speed of a super computer, keeping up with all that information would feel impossible. When putting a subject in a lead-lined room, Andrea was completely unable to detect that the person was even there. Her inability to control energy is a limit, but when confronted with a meta who would wish to do her harm, it becomes a weakness. Controlling gases is also nearly impossible for her. Seizing free floating matter is very difficult for her to grasp, like trying to grab smoke, but having it slip between her fingers. She can influence its flow, but she wont be able to hold it. The self-defense mechanism of psionic screaming whenever another presence occupies her mind doesn't just hurt the invader. It hurts Andrea, too. These screams are so terrible that, if lasting even as long as five seconds, her and her invader begin bleeding from the ears. But it's not even the ears being damaged, rather, a very intense sensory overload on the brain. Linking consciences together is also incredibly draining to Andrea for reasons already explained, and she can very easily begin bleeding from the nose from the process.
Her incredible multitasking can take her attention off of herself if she is carrying a lot of items around. Like, an absurd amount of items. Until that point, she is still aware of herself and surrounded, but the more she carries, the more spaced out she appears. She's still aware of her surroundings, but her focus on simply controlling the objects and where she plans on taking them can make her forget to think about herself. Part of this can be subsided if she can take the focus on the specific movements of objects. If she's making simple motions and patterns, like say making tornado of debris around her or a group of people, she is able to divide her attention to focus on her own safety. That wouldn't take much to maintain. Most she'd have to do, really, is think about the spinning motion of a ceiling fan and go with the flow.
▼ | O T H E R : |
- This incarnation of Andrea was actually inspired by Ed Sheeramn's "The A Team". Regardless of musical taste, the song tells a good story.
- The first draft of Andrea was that she was more like a prom queen than a girl who reached too far and fell down. Part of her personal arc was discovering what the real world was like outside her petty high-school life. She was still a good girl, but she was totally ignorant of the sort of privileges she had and naively believed that she worked hard for everything she had. The song inspiration for her then was "Hollywood" by Marina and the Diamonds.
- She has a peculiar behavior that doesn't quite fit within her personality section. If you're watching her, it's almost as though her eyes are trailing something, or looking at things that aren't there. She's also alarmingly good at guessing whatever's on your mind and she always seems to find the person she's looking for in a crowd. It's nearly impossible to sneak up on her. She doesn't advertise her powers like some people do and uses it mostly for the sake of practicality in every day life - but without due explanation, she appears to be a special kind of strange if not the least bit crazy.