2/27/2014 - This is a SAMPLE character sheet. This character is not going to be used, but this is the template to use. I do NOT care if you display a character pic as a hider or open, it's up to you. Blood type is MANDATORY!!!! More to come on that later.
Name: Andre Ibagranov (calls himself Ward)
Age: 58
Occupation: Former trick shooter and gun range owner. Former Russian Army artilleryman.
Family life: Married twice. Four children. All family status unknown.
Hair: Grey.
Eyes: Blue.
Weight: 170 pounds.
Blood type: B-
Immune: Yes.
Gear: Charlie Chuckles, a 22. 4 shot revolver in his boot. An aluminum baseball bat named Luey. Dimitri, 9mm browning with 4 magazines and rounds in a bag. He also has a large backpack with assorted food items, a flashlight and a bikers jacket to stop bites. He also has an isomat and US militarry issues sleeping system (3 bag set).

Bio: Andre is crazy. Not in a kill everything, bad ass guns blazing maniacal way. At some point, he just lost his way and lost himself. Literally.
Andre is now Ward. Ward is a very eccentric individual. But wait. Let's hear about Andre.
Andre was born in Russia and served 3 years in the Soviet Army. If Andre was anything, it was naive and trusting. He even joined the Army only because a recruiter told him "it was his duty to his country." It was later discovered that he was ambidextrous and had a knack for handguns. His aim was near flawless and given a handgun for more than a day, he could perform amazing feats of speed and accuracy. Towards the end of the his tour, he was on the SA target shooting team and went up against some of the best in world tournaments, finishing with a golf and bronze medal. At one of the tournaments, he met his (first) wife, an American Airwomen who was on the US shooting team. Just like many young romances, things flared right away and the two were married. After his service was up, much to the chagrin of his family, he left to America.
After several years of married and 2 children, things changed and the two drifted apart. Eventually, she wanted a divorce and that was it. He saw his kids occasionally and ended up using his resources to open an indoor gun range. The range offered individual training and concealed weapons courses and also Sambo, the russian form of military martial arts.
It was very prestigious and he was very successful right away. Lots of people went to be trained by the exotic, charismatic Russian and just to fire. He would put on small shows occasionally if it was asked and he was a small celebrity of sorts. A few years into this, he met his next wife, someone who came for lessons and ended up talking for hours. That led to a lunch which moved to a relationship. That led to marriage and another two kids.
This marriage was a lot more successful, the woman herself was of Russian origin but that also led to issues--her family had connections with the Russian Mob. Gradually, his wife led him to training soldiers in arms and hand to hand combat, and Andre never looked past the stories he was fed: "these were family members," or "friends" or whatever would pass. And they paid. That was the most important thing.
Eventually, and totally unexpectedly, there was a joint task for raid on his range, and he was arrested. According to the FBI, Andre was a mid-level part of the Amero-Russo Mob, one of the largest organized crime organizations on the east coast. What surprised him more was that his wife was in the top tier of the organization. He'd never asked about her job as a manager at a warehouse, it wasn't the Russian way to pry and investigate one another. Couples were very autonomous.
Andre fully cooperated with the FBI though because really, he didn't know anything. To him, the people he worked with were all customers. He gave up his records because really, they would have been taken by subpoena anyway, that was made clear.
Yes, Andre was naive, and trusting.
He was released after a few days of detainment by police and found his home empty, his family gone. His business had lost all credibility now that the news portrayed him as a criminal, his business nothing but a front for a crime syndicate. Eventually he found his wife and approached her but before he could finish a sentence, a man put a gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger. The gun however was a small caliber .22, and at the angle, the bullet hit his skull, bounced off and the flash cauterized most of the wound. There was blood, and the impact knocked him out, so they left Andre, thinking him for dead. And that day, Andre was dead.
Laying in the hospital, he feigned that he was not responsive, the events playing over in his head and eventually, due to shock, depression and PTSD (he was just shot in the head and left for dead by his wife!), he started to mentally take a downward spiral. He listened to the medical staff who had no idea who he was since the shooter had taken his ID and no family claimed him. So they simply called him Wart, for the large brown wart on his left hand.
Finally, one day he "woke up" and simply put on clothing and walked out of the hospital. Since that day, he's lived on the streets and simply lived. He started talking strangely and referred to himself as "Ward" instead of Wart, taken because he took the role of protector. He'd often give his own food and clothing to others more in need (especially mothers and fathers with kids). He'd protect the weaker homeless from bullies or gangs. Over the course of the next 8 years, he was known by most local cops and hospital staff, having been beaten, shot twice, stabbed and also investigated for several murders of gang members, but nothing stuck, mainly because he was looked at as some sort of mythical street hero. That, and the fact that cops didn't care if some bum murdered a gang member or drug lord.
Since leaving the hospital, he'd been surviving, living in the streets when the Awakening happened. To him, whether it was drug lords, drugged out homeless or flesh eating zombie, it was just another day on the street for Ward, another day of surviving.
Note: All CDC characters will need to have a REASON FOR GOV'T INTEREST note that includes WHY the gov't would waste time and resources on them and ALSO if they were asked to join or if they were volun-told, meaning they were forcibly taken into the program.
This is text from a memo circulated through high branches of the government 3 days after The Rising. Most people wouldn't have gotten this information, but some may have, or heard it from sources or if it was leaked.
U.S. Government Memo IRT Reanimating Outbreak.
Dr Morgon Mackey findings:
1. There is no conclusive evidence as to the outbreak being viral, bacterial, fungal, or engineered by man. All findings have been inconclusive.
2. All corpses that rose were deceased as of 14 Feb 2017 or after. Any body that's TOD was prior to that was still in whatever condition it was in prior to the events of 14 Feb.
3. Right now, there are as many as 5 but as little as two different classifications of reanimates. Evidence and unconfirmed reports indicate RAs having different speeds, tendencies, and physiology but not much factual or revealing evidence has been accumulated. There is also no evidence of what causes different characteristics in RAs at this time, although some signs are pointing to genetic make up.
4. Humans seem to have an immunity rate at somewhere between 5 and 8 percent. Those immune are immune to all forms of the outbreak.
5. The outbreak takes many forms, and as of now, we are no where close to having any idea about the original carrier. The outbreak is most quickly spread through bodily fluids of an infected individual being directly put into the blood stream. This will lead a person to begin to show signs of infection within 3 to 15 minutes. The outbreak has been confirmed to also be spread via air, water, sexually, bodily fluids and essentially all known methods a pathogen would spread.
When not bitten, the infection can sit dormant for 10 minutes to up to 36 hours, where members will start with coldlike symptoms that graduates to full on, fatal illness. During this time, carriers are highly infectious and this is believed to be the way the disease spread so rapidly.
6. The quickest, most efficient way to terminate an infected is massive brain trauma. There are other methods but they are not as clean. They can be burned, but this takes much time and is a hazard as the fire can spread as the RA moves about. Any method of destroying the body as a whole will terminate the RA, but again, the key element is the brain. Tasers or other electrical currents induced into the body will not kill an RA, but it will render them unable to move just as it would a normal human.
7. RAs do not possess any superhuman strength, but they also do not display any evidence of feeling pain. This means that, while they do not possess superhuman strength, they do not have the normal human pain reflect that makes us stop doing something. This means that when most people would stay trying to shove their arms between two narrow bars to get something, an RA will push and push and not stop. It will rip at things with as a human would try to do something to save its own life. If there is a target on the other side of glass, an RA will bash it's head against the glass to the point that it kills itself.
8. Most peculiar is that evidence almost unconditionally supports that anyone dying will reanimate, even if not exposed to the infection in any way, shape, or form. There is no immediate answer to how this is possible.
9. RAs do not show signs of starvation or anything of the sort, but will eat all it can until it literally cannot ingest anything else and the material hangs from its mouth. RAs will eat any kind of meat, raw, cooked or rancid, but will opt for that of a human over any animal.
10. They can detect noise and movement, but aren't drawn to it in a predatory manner. They will react to movement and sound but almost as if simply curious and/or alert. They do not seem to associate either with humans, as they react move vocally and in a more animated, aggressive tone with an person is visible.
11. There are documented, confirmed reports of RAs attacking one another, but there is nothing concrete that can be learned of this.
12. We're into the third day of observation but they show no signs of dehydration, starvation, or any form of weakness. In heat or cold, they are non-responsive and the only noteworthy observation is that as temperatures go colder and colder, they move more and more sluggishly. If one is frozen, it will simply become animated once thawed.
Will send next report in 3 days.
One thing to note is that the disease is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS when a person is infected but NOT turned. Once a body dies and is reanimated, the only way to spread the disease is by bite.
One thing I am also requiring of everyone: a sample post. This will NOT be something already done. I will post a specific situation and the sample will adhere to that. Keep in mind, this is not something you need to dress up, or make you "best post ever" or anything of the sort. This is NOT something where I will deny you because it's not profound or enlightening. It's this simple: I want to make sure you can type out a well-put-together post that adheres to the "advance" level requirements of RPG, while also looking to ensure you use grammar, make sense and avoid LOL, U, gr8 and other garbage like that. In OOC, have at it what that stuff. In the IC, not so much.
This is a requirement, and the only people that do not need to submit are the former Surviving: The End members, and this is ONLY because to join the OLD RP, they already had to do that. It's not any form of favoritism.
The scenario: walking through a crowded place (mall, main street, store, sporting event, whatever), someone grabs your character by the shoulder from behind, NOT roughly or anything, and before you turn around, the person says "Excuse me, I think this belongs to you?" One thing, this does NOT have to be your character from Surviving. It does not have to be a new character. You can RP as Samuel L Jackson for all I care. Just put together a post and PM it to me.
This is mandatory. Period.
Posted above in the OOC information, adding the zombie bestiary for all of you to read over. - Az
Ok. Read all of this please. At least skim it, but if you have NOT RPed with me before, please just take 10 minutes and read through this. Even if you HAVE RPed with me before, skim it. Pay attention to #7 under "Azseth and his expectations." Thanks.
RP Information:
1. This RP is graphic and mature in nature. There will be death, cussing, violence and all the other good stuff.
2. This is a modern zombie survival RP. What this is NOT is a zombie shoot em up grouping of uber-badasses who kill swarms of zombies and compare kill counts. This isn't a mindless RP for kids. This RP is about characters, how they've changed, and how they interact and influence one another. It's about them constantly adapting to a shitty, ugly, and brutal world where essentially, hope is generally somewhat of a falacy or mirage off in the distance.
3. Characters will potentially die.
4. More than one character is allowed, but the limit is 3.
5. Real pictures are required for this. Not anime, drawing, sketches or CGI.
6. Be realistic. This is in regards to several things. No one will kill 50 zombies with their bare hands, or even a weapons. If they have a gun, how did they get so much ammo? Next, will you character be happy or insulated? Why? Why would YOUR character, when everyone before them has died, family and freinds are assumed dead and the ONLY certain thing is zombies are around you and will eat you, why is YOUR character happy? How do they deal with the stresses? Why don't they snap? What would they do for food? Steal? Lie? Kill? Eat humans?
If you do not have a grasp on thinking in the shoes of another, in a situation like this, then this RP is not for you.
7. This is an ADVANCED LEVEL RP. I am NOT a jerk, so as long as most posts are that level, I'm ok with it. I understand SOME posts are shorter based on circumstances. That's fine.
8. All RPG policies trump mine.
Azseth and his expectations.
1. I am demanding. I will not allow certain people to RP, I will ask people to leave. I will kill your character, without your permission, if I feel I need to. In the past, people have called me pretentious, a prick or callous, and some of those are more fitting than others. However, I do what I do, how I do it based on experience. I don't like to waste time and effort, so I cut through to the good stuff. I can deal with 90% of people disliking me, not liking me or the way I talk to people. The reason is because the other 10% (maybe 5% in reality) see the benefit. And I'm fiercely devoted to those people. Me being here is an example of that. If you stick around, who knows where this RP will go.
2. I am understanding. This means that I will NOT kill you character, or ask you to leave, or deny you just because. This means that if you're gone for a week, fine. If you tell us, all the better. If not, I will not freak out and make zombie food. It could be 2 weeks, or a month, and I will NOT kill your character.
He/She may be left somewhere, or simply go into ghost most and always be in the background, but not killed.
Now, if I PM you and you don't answer, and you're RPing elsewhere but not here, I may kill you character after several days.
In a nutshell, I reserve the right to kill your character, and if you RP here, you are acknowledging that you trust me NOT to do so on a whim.
3. If you are prone to skip out on RPs, bail on them, lose interest, find something better, not be 'into' the RP after the rush of creation dies down, then this RP is not for you.
In fact, take a moment and think. Ask "have I left one or more RPs recently simply because I lost interest? Not for any reason of the RP, or the GM, or players, but just because I, myself lost interest?" If the answer is yes, then there is a good chance you shouldn't waste your time, the other players' time, or mine. But some of you will, and if you do, eventually your character will die when you leave.
I loathe players who join RPs on a whim, then abandon them. But on the flip side, I LOVE killing your characters. A LOT.
4. You will respect all players, their characters and the site and story. One thing to keep in the back of your mind is that if you put the RP before your character and your desires for them, then you're better off.
I am not making this RP to cater to you character. I am making this RP for several people, myself included, you included. Nothing I can do will always make everyone happy. Understand that, be tough and don't take things personal and we're good.
5. There is no pace or post requirement/order here. However, I said and will always say "be respectful of other players." Part of that is not blasting out posts that forward the plot before players can react.
This is what I mean. If I post and my character says "ZOMG, there are totally like, 50 zombies and stuff. They're like, in the doors, what do we do?" The following posts should be characters reacting to this. Things should flow in terms of time. Think of things chronologically. Chars should respond, move, yell to others to get up.
What should not happen is JoeRPer has his character get up, grab his stuff, wake up all the characters, to and shoot 4 zombies and then throw a grenade out the door, which explodes and kills most of the zombies, giving them a chance to escape after JoeRPer's character then goes and runs to the back door, opening it only to find 3 more zombies that he kills then tells everyone "COME ON GUYS!"
One BLATANT "Azseth no-no" is when Character 1 asked Character 2 question, but character 1 doesn't reply because maybe their player has a hot date. So Character 2 then goes on to ask player 3 a question, because the response wasn't fast enough.
Learn to wait and be patient. I understand sometimes there are OVERSIGHTS, but this is NOT ACCEPTABLE in my RPs. Period.
Now if an EVENT causes a required response to be omitted, fine. Example. Player 1 asks player 2 a question. Before he can answer, player 3 is attacked by zombies, so player 1 jumps to aid them, vice waiting for an answer while someone is getting their face eaten off.
**NOTE** ANY, every player, without exception, is going to NEED to PM me and say verbatim, or something akin to "Azseth, I have read Expectation #5 and I'm cool with that. Understood." Or ask a question if you have any.
6. I force actions and accept that to a degree. I know a lot of people FREAK THE F' out when they see this. I mean MINOR actions. A nod, a wink, a simple, "got it" so that a post doesn't end on a simple gesture which when puts the OTHER player in a position where they're expected to put out an "advanced level post" to basically have a character nod and say "got it, go on."
This also is for times when say, an explosion happens, or a zombie bursts in. I may have the character that is talking with my character react. Something basic.
When the zombie burst in, both Fuad and Jeremy turned their heads and drew their weapons."
On the flip side, be courteous to other players, and if they ask you to amend something, do it.
7. I will settle every debate, argument, or disagreement if you cannot. At that point, if you cannot handle doing what I say, leave the RP and I will kill your character. This goes back to the point about "doing what's best for the RP, not what's best for you character or ego."
Important miscellaneous info:
Ok. Things are still on track to go down Sunday. A few things:
1. PLEASE remember to check the THIRD post in the OOC, which is the information tab. Check this regularly just in case something needs to get passed. I know the OOC flies by some days and things get lost in there. I will be reposting this above in the THIRD post.
2. Walker group, remember. The intent is for eventually, EVERYONE to meet up. This means as a Walker, you can meet other Walkers. You can wander by yourself. You can meet the CDC group at the gas station, or meet them after they escape. OR meet the ENTIRE group AFTER they meet at the gas station and leave it. Just eventually, they need to link up.
3. I will be creating a link to a live document. This will serve for three purposes.
a. It will be a place to do collaborations. If two or more players want to do an interactive/group posts, they can use this link.
b. To socialize. Want to chat about random shit but NOT clog up the OOC. Use this.
c. IMPORTANT. There is no posting order. BUT, there ARE over a dozen players. SO! To avoid two players or more posting at the SAME time and doing contradicting things, IF YOU ARE WITH ANOTHER PLAYER OR PLAYERS, go in there, post that you are working on a post. That was, you and I don't post at the same time, each saying different things. This means that if players A and B post at the same time, and neither posted in the document saying they were working on a post, the only thing I'll do is say "Next time use it" and then say that the person who posted first is the one who's post is going to stay. To avoid that, TALK. Communicate. But I do NOT want the OOC with a string of posts that say "Posting" "Done!" "Ok I'm posting now!" "Finished! Next!" and so on. A link to this will be in the THIRD POST!
4. CDC players. When the RP goes live and we start, your characters will exit the doors seeing exactly what is going on. They may look out of the door, or open it and hear gunshots, but there is no saving Bradley, or getting to Jon before he starts talking to Will. They could have witnessed the whole thing, but cannot act outside of what's already happened. CDC GROUP. PLEASE COMMUNICATE POSTS. It will be chaotic enough without us posting numerous things simultaneously, but if that happens, it will be worse.
5. Work with each other. Bottom line is I will resolve any conflict, but try to not HAVE any conflicts.
6. When in doubt, ask me or Arlear.
7. DO NOT POST LIVE on Sunday until I say.
Here is the link to the collab site.
Azseth has commanded you to click here!