@DragonKingUk What happened?!?
im thinking he might have ran to fast to his computer to upate on RP guild
@DragonKingUk What happened?!?
@EurmalEye To put the story short, a car went through a red light, Ojo knows, I think. Basically, while I was crossing the road the car hit my ankle and drove straight off. Didn't even bother to look to see if I was ok. Well turns out my heel bone has been split because of it and as you can see I am covered in bruises and cuts.
@PharaohAtem Lol at least Kuro's brain connection spell should give us enough warning to dodge out of Ruby's explosion. I am not certain this will turn out how you expect though lol
@PharaohAtem wait how do you know that ? As far as I am aware they haven't activated the reversal power yet and I am not even certain it works for the other teachers. Did I miss something?