This RP is being restarted elsewhere.
Well, I'm definitely interested. I've got an idea for a retinue member/acolyte if anyone's interested in playing the inquisitor he serves under.
@Flagg Well, anything to not actually GM another RP; count me in.
@Themerlinhawk I'd imagine it'd be something like... "because the Inquisition asked them to."
I'd say you're probably better off without Grey Knights or too many other lone Inquisitors and their retinue, also this'd probably be a job for the Malleus and Hereticus, so I'm unsure as to why Ravenstein is a member of the Xenos? I suppose The Engine could be a Xenos artefact, so I'll reserve (the Emperor's) judgement on that for now.
Well, I'm definitely interested. I've got an idea for a retinue member/acolyte if anyone's interested in playing the inquisitor he serves under.
@FlaggFor character sheet applications: do we post the sheets here for you to review, or do we PM them to you?
@FlaggSo I'm thinking maybe the Character is a member of the Dead Cabal and maybe he's on lone from Inquisitor Ramaeus because she suspects the True Engine might have something to do with the dark pattern (This is wildly not the case I'd assume but when you have inquisitors running around looking for a xenos artifact of unknown specification, it never hurts to be safe.) Thoughts?
@FlaggWell thats fine if we leave cannon characters out I just think it adds neat flavor to him since they tend to be involved with the REALLY crazy stuff as opposed to the just moderately crazy stuff
Hello, per the other interest check, I was exploring the possibility of a member of the Deathwatch from one of the chapters not traditionally associated with the Inquisition or the Deathwatch, with the attendant political baggage. I was reading up a bit and Ordo Xenos inquisitors from the more radical factions apparently favor arrangements with these chapters; in essence, the Inquisitor is covering their back with a Space Marine and the Space Marines are covering their backs with political favors from an Inquisitor.
I have a lot of chapters in mind, all of them non-traditional and with baggage and secrets, as I think that the chapter's political machinations, insofar as they exist, need to be tossed in the pot here.