Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

♔ Crowned ♕

Once upon a time, there lived a queen and king... No, no, that mustn't be right-- wait, yes of course it is.
Though, that is not where the story starts, not where it start at all in fact. No, the tale begins within the Season of Growth,
for it is written long since the history of the Magnolia Kingdom, that when the nation first settled a leader was chosen by young maidens of the upper class. Suitors would gather to win the hearts of the women, for one would be the destined queen. After a grand ball, the girls would announce their chosen man the next morning. This man would now be her current companion, as the journey to the throne begins. The games are then ensued, though these seem more like trials than games, as the men are put to tests in order to appeal to the standard of the land. A good man of Magnolia is charming yet athletically advanced in sword fighting, horseback riding, and other means of physical training. Logic is just important as athletics, as the people stand by a man who is also a strategic thinker. A man with rhetoric and art both on his side is also encouraged. The games will put to test all these standards.

Throughout the test the girls can chose to withdraw their support of their own companion if she is displeased with his performance within the games or is in disgust with his character as a human being. She is then allowed to choose one of the different men. If the man she chooses will be already taken, he must make the decision to leave his current maiden for the one now picking him. When the games end, votes are casted by nobles in account of the suitor’s achievement and the maiden’s support and bond of her companion. Though the chemistry between the two is only weighed upon their feelings publically, even if they are acted out as real in front of an audience though fake in private. After the Season of Growth, comes the Season of Harvest that is when the voted king and queen become husband and wife- marriage. This tradition is practice when a king does not bear a son, thus in memory Magnolia’s history, the Season of Growth begins again. That is where our story begins…


Firstly, the roleplay will strongly have themes of the middle ages and of the setting of fairytales, though there will be no magic nor mythical creatures. Our tale takes place right at the start of the Season of Growth, with the grand ball. Here your characters will find their suitor or maiden, depending on which one you will choose to be. Though there will be drama and broken hearts, no one will die, as this roleplay will not be dark nor grim. But with power or love at a question, there is sure to be ties of conflict or secret alliances. The games will also serve a good part of the roleplay as the men will be given many challenges, some putting them up against each other face to face.

Death of the King

By its name, the Magnolia Kingdom reflects the beauty and might of a single seed, this being the sprout of a flower. Flowers, they grow to give. What is that they give? A symbol. A voice. Flowers, spark life. But with harsh winters, the petals begin to wither as the stem and leaves crumble into black. And for this message of this single type of plant, the Kingdom is named the Magnolia Kingdom. Specifically named after a Magnolia because with this flower it symbolizes the feminine side of life, which is in tribute to how the picking of the nation's first king was through the potential queen.

As for Magnolia's most recent monarch, King Dederic Alcantara, wilted away through Ergotism. This disease is also known as "evil fire" due to symptoms such as degeneration of the nervous system, thus causing anxiety, vertigo, aural/visual hallucinations, and the sensation of being bitten or burned; stupor, convulsions, and psychosis. Constriction of the blood vessels causes reddening and blistering of skin, then blackening, with itching and burning, and finally necrosis. It is believed King Dederic was afflicted as he ventured on a short expedition to the near east as it had been reported fine land to settle a second city, thus expanding the kingdom itself altogether. Once infected, the King exiled himself to prevent sickening his own daughters and to spare them from watching their father from suffering. He said his farewells before he left, knowing he left Magnolia in the hands of his child. But he raised them with love and serenity as the father and leader he was. Where Dederic went from there, it is all a mystery...


Our maidens will be princesses, sisters really. As it is tradition that the Season of Growth begins when the late king bears no son and instead daughters. The mother of these princesses had long been dead since the birth of her youngest biological daughter as she died in childbirth. The eldest child was adopted by the royal family to encourage common folk and nobles in the adoption of orphans. Whereas the middle child, like the youngest, is of pure royal blood. As for the suitors, they can be men of different crafts, though of course no criminal of scum is permitted to be a suitor. If you are unsure if your character would be fit for a suitor due to his career choice, then feel free to private message me. As for faceclaims, they must all be real people, I encourage faceclaims that are medieval-themed, but it is okay if they are not. The character spots are listed below:

The Maidens:
The Eldest Sister- @beyond visions
The Middle Sister- @HushedWhispers
The Youngest Sister- @Zran

The Suitors:
Suitor 1- @Keksalot
Suitor 2- @Raijinslayer
Suitor 3- @McHaggis


1.) As GM, of course I get final say and authority on matters when the time calls for it.
2.) Remember to take hold of common roleplay etiquette such as no godmodding, controlling other characters without permission, no Mary Sues, so on and so forth.
3.) This will be a high casual roleplay, quality will be expect far more than quantity, but five hundred words per posts is appreciated.
4.) Keep all language, romance, and even violence within the roleplay and within the OCC PG-13.
5.) Once you finish your character, send me a private message of it for approval. Only approved characters go in the character slot.
6.) Final rule and probably one of the most important, please stay active, each character means a lot to the roleplay. I understand there are bumps and humps in life that delay us from hobbies like roleplaying, but if you do have to leave please give me a private message and we will see how we can work things out. But I am looking for long term roleplayers.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

First~! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Just gonna put this WIP here for now, and finished it up later, just need to add the actual personality bit and the history portion.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

By the way for my current character, I'm going to wait and see what the other princesses are like so that mine may not be similar, especially because I'm more challenged by writing female characters. It is something I've been working on to improve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Theme Song:

"We are the jolly giants walking this earth with blades and torches, and these great souls that we've let into Heaven today are the greatest god-damned human beings that we will ever know! After this campaign ends and we're back home I'll really miss not having anyone around who is worth driving my sword into!"
- General-Provost Oberon's speech to the troops after the sacking of Estalia.

[ hr][ hr]


Knight Unyielding, Brass-Bound Beast, Divine Rampa(r/n)t, Oberon The Murdersword, Oberon the Ugly, Great Lance Oberon and many others, less known titles and battle-names.



Enough for normal warhorses to be mostly unable to hold him - as such, Oberon commisions expensive and unnatural steeds from abroad, said to be fed with human meat and posessing of devilish strength - and in the long periods during which he waits for a new such horse to replace the one that has been killed in battle, Oberon mostly rides upon a big young ox.


Oberon is a free knight to end them all - while having no lands of his own, the sheer number of sellswords, mercenaries, "honest brigands" and soldiers he has amassed under his banners with his mighty voice, wondrous charisma and fatherly attitude and the great prices he oft requires for his services, makes him a very mighty political and military strength in his own right. Renown most of all for military prowess, might of his arm and his incredible, bizarre, almost inhuman personality, opinions on him differ wildly throughout the lands - many recognize him as a charismatic warlord, father to his men and overall a great, if a bit bashful person, others consider the man a mockery of all that is knighthood, a monster in a barely human guise and a vulgar, vile wretch that is not beyond all contempt only because of the sheer number of his armies.

Appearance [/color]
Oberon is best described as "monstrous" or "titanic", looking like a veritable eight-foot tall mountain to which, like craggy cliffs cling slabs of deformed muscle, bestowing unto him an almost deific strength, his arms thick like wine-barrels and disproportionately long, allowing him to swing his deadly two-hander with wild abandon while remaining safely beyond most enemies' reach. His neck is wide and powerful like that of a strong bull in his prime - there is a rumor that once his enemies tried to decapitate him, but had to abandon the deed because executioner's axe cracked before even getting to the bone - his legs are like two ancient immovable pillars, his chest is at very least twice as wide as that of any master athlete, yet in his movements there is no lazyness or slugishness typical for men of his stature - in combat, Oberon is deceptively swift and quick on his feet, moving with surprising ease in even the heaviest of armours. However, such skill at arms and such a long list of military victories and heroic feets do not come for free - his whole body is a monument to the brutality and viciousness of humanity, deep scars, burns and wound marks covering every inch of living flesh, calluses grow on other calluses, scabs upon scabs and stitches on stitches - and between them, deftly woven through the ruined skin, runs one long and gigantic tattoo - a simple chain, painted in plain black ink, every single link standing for a worthy champion he sometime vanquished. The chain encircles his forearms in triple bands, runs over the shoulders and entwines around the neck, lays like a belt on his stomach, and never ceases to grow.
Oberon's face has suffered the same ravages, looking quite a bit like some nightmarish monster - blades of long-dead enemies have deprived him of his left ear, part of his lip, most of his nose, disfigured his once noble visage in most blasphemous ways. His eyes are most often bloodshot, one of them never fully closed due to nerve damage - rumors are, this eye weeps tears of blood whenever it's gaze falls upon a dishonorable soul - almost all of his teeth are wrought from silver or actual diamond, said by commoners to be plucked from the eyes of a slain mountain troll. His voice is deep and rasping and revulsing, as if instead of air he exhales rough grit, revertebrating through one's guts as if their intestines have suddenly developed a conscience and decided to flee the body - when many years ago his manifold enemies attempted to burn him alive in his own house, he inhaled hot smoke and fire while escaping and has never fully recovered.
In battle, Oberon is clad into a full plate that is something like the fabled ship of Theseus - all men in his bloodline wore the same suit, and through the history it was repaired and reforged and refitted countless times, it is still the very same incredibly heavy and utterly impregnable armour that'd crush beneath it's weight any lesser man - it's name is Bulwark of Arrogance and it lives up to it completely, keeping the wearer alive and unharmed even in the most dire circumstances. There is no chink wide enough for any formidable blade to slip through, and what tiny dagger or stiletto finds a way inside of the armored shell has little hope of harming Oberon himself! As a decoration, Oberon proudly wears a cloak sewn out of flags and banners of the champions that have fallen or yielded before his might.
His weapon too, is as brutally effective in it's simplicity as it's owner - and just as deadly in battle. Dubbed Murdersword, it is a cold-forged two-handed monstrosity half a foot wide, several inches longer than a halberd used by common men.The edge, unusually for such a weapon, is incredibly sharp on all of it's length with exception of a small gripping space right above the grip, which itself is also quite long to provide adequate handling - all in all, the Murdersword could be seem not only as a sword, but also as an extremely bizzare polearm. In combat, Oberon is unsophisticated in it's use unless the circumstances truly call for it - what good is feinting when a powerful swing breaks any guard and cuts through wooden shields, and what use is sophisticated footwork maneuvers if your foe can't reach you without being struck down by a weapon of superior length?

Positive Traits:[/color]
  • Charismatic
  • Bestially Cunning
  • Truly Kind(When He Remembers To Be)

Negative Traits:[/color]
  • Plain Bestial
  • Easily Excited
  • Infinitely Egocentric

Personality Description[/color]
He is competition, challenge and hubris personified, embodying many of the best and worst aspects of errant knighthood in a single incredibly massive, hulking frame. Oberon is shameless and proud of everything he is and everything he does, oft impulsively indulging in his every primal urge, seeking immediate gratification no matter how inappropriate it might be. He is fuelled by a boundless and jovial vitality that allows him to smash through anything between him and his desires, for he knows that forbidden fruit tastes sweetest - yet there is not a single fraction of actual greed or selfishness in his gigantic blazing heart and his mind is never plagued by hatred, envy or other unwholesome thoughts - Oberon is not bad or evil, but simply larger than many other mortal men in this realm, not only in terms of sheer physical size but in every other respect, larger than life, one could say. When treading over bodies and interests of others in search of his goal, when laying waste to the enemy on countless battlefields for a payment in form of a night with the landlord's daughter, when starting a lethal brawl simply for the last mug of mead, he holds no spite for those he crushes - he simply does not notice them, living in a moment, caring for this particular time he spends on earth to feel the best, he is unconcerned by rampant destruction his presence often brings for he does not consider anything but the present, a satiated serenity of a well-fed bear that is often mistaken for flippant, arrogant largesse.

Knight Unyielding is stubborn and willful indeed, but despite that is not at all cruel, instead being simply ignorant and oblivious to the pains of other beings - his pride allows nothing to stand in the way of his goals, few and shallow though they often are, crushing all who'd oppose him with overwhelming and brutal power - but unlike many others of his kind, does it without their sadistic pleasure. Surprisingly, such behavior makes for a great difference, as he posesses only companions and faithful battle-brothers instead of envious valets and sychophantic subordinates and is able to be kind, merciful and generous without any ulterior motive - indeed, when someone finally manages to capture his attention and direct it towards the horrible collateral damage he causes while living, Oberon is immediately overtaken by earnest, honest grief and guilt, ready and willing to mend his wrongs, just to forget about that the moment he rides away from the people whose lives he has broken and then, to the best of his ability, fixed again.

Competition and challenge especially rouse him, for he finds joy in trampling imitators and parading his awesome might, earnestly hoping every time that someone would best him, thusly allowing Him to demonstrate his great generosity and fighting spirit by honorably accepting the defeat and rewarding the winner with his friendship and companionship. In this humorous, grotesque parody of humility and in face of the coming grand ball, he has decided that it'd be a great time to seek out new and incredibly interesting challenge in form of competing with other mighty men not only in strength of arm, but also in courting techniques, mastery of etiquette and belles lettres - and while he accepts that he is very, very far from being smart, witty or quick-thinking, he believes that his warlord's charisma, honesty and sheer determination will at very least earn him respect and admiration, if not the hand of one of the brides..

  • Fighting
  • Winning
  • Indulging In Base Human Pleasures
  • Denying The Authorities

  • Mulled Wine
  • Prolonged Periods Of Inactivity
  • Thinking About Consequences
  • Cowardly Warriors

  • Fighting
  • Winning
  • Not Losing
  • Dancing
  • Metalworking
  • Romantic Poetry, which always touches the finest strings of his impressionable soul

  • Formal Etiquette
  • Advanced Military Tactics, Strategy&Logistics
  • Command of Mixed Units
  • Technical Acumen In The Field Of Siege Weaponry Construction&Operation
  • Incredible Physical Strength&Endurance

  • Right Eye Weeps Blood When Oberon Is Truly Agitated.
  • Pinky Of The Left Hand Can't Unfold From The Balled Fist Due To Nerve Damage
  • Has A Small Dog He Is Incredibly Attached To

  • Beautiful Uninhibited Consorts
  • Exotic Substances&Quality Alcohol
  • Concept Of Retreating To Save One's Life

Fears [/color]
    There truly are no things that Oberon fears - only things which he, deep in his soul, does not understand or refuses to accept as a part of this world. One of such things is the concept of "stopping" - Oberon can not imagine himself being calm and consciously refusing form movement and action, the very thought is unspeakably abhorrent to himself. If at any point in his life he becomes hopelessly sick, bound to a bed or somehow else incapacitated, he would, without a moment's hesitation, bite off his own tongue. Similarly, even during simply periods of somewhat-prolonged rest, the Knight Unyielding grows more and more agitated and worried about the things he is missing while just lying in here. Basically, Oberon begins to experience some emotion close in it's action to fear and strong anxiousness whenever he stops living his glorious life to the fullest for enough time to start thinking about some sufficiently complex matters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Still here will have time to write my CS tonight just been a busy week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Zran Yo, I can relate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If you guys making the sisters, it may be better to wait for my character to come out before submitting yours, as I have already started making her. I recommend it, as it is written in reference of her relationship with the two different siblings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

If you guys making the sisters, it may be better to wait for my character to come out before submitting yours, as I have already started making her. I recommend it, as it is written in reference of her relationship with the two different siblings.

That's what I was waiting for. I've already started on mine though. :)

I been trying to post something here but server errors!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So, How are things? I'm drowning in end of the year projects(have to write a script, an Essay, and a research paper) so that's fun. I like our interesting cast of Suitors so far, pretty diverse set of lives, professions, and ages here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Keksalot Did you get my PM?

@Raijinslayer Oh, just wait for the eldest sister... She is really different from the rest. Well, I can give a hint, she fits the stereotypes about the nobility. I usually get my characters out sooner, but studying for finals have postponed that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@beyond visionsWinder if she'll get along with Korrey? He's among the better behaved of the Umbrasis house, but his blunt nature is still a problem for most nobles. Oh, what do you think of the history I gave his family? It's mix of Mongols, Dothraki, and generic tribal society to come up with the basis for their culture and will be trying to develop it as time goes on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Raijinslayer Him being blunt most likely will not be a problem as she is forthright herself, but with his upbringing being within a tribe, she may most likely see him as a common sword-slinging barbarian with no experience nor knowledge of noble life. Will she be willing to choose a man lacking an upper class status? Yes, but she will definitely try to adjust him to typical royalty. To think of it, they probably aren't a great match at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@beyond visionsYeah, he's more at home in a bar then in a court, and is extremely fidgety when he's bored. Might have him be a bit ADHD, now that I think about it. Still, he will always do his best to be a gentlemen around women of any type, and will be the first to come to their aid, whether they want it or not. Few things are capable of getting him to be anything but cordial to a lady.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well, I just posted in my character. Can't wait to see the rest of the sisters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by beyond visions
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beyond visions

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So, how are the character's turning out, guys?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 25 days ago

So, how are the character's turning out, guys?

I've honestly lost interest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I've just been smashed with work leaving me no mental effort sorry, i didn't realize this would happen when i applied.
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