Race: Breton, Reachman mother
Family Origins: Born to a popular Northpoint whore, Cedric was taken by his father Duceppe and raised in the mountainous region of Rivenspire, growing up to be a hunter by trade under his father’s tutelage.

“The fook you lookin’ at? If yer gonna stare, at least buy me mead first.”
Cedric is an imposingly statured man standing at a towering 6’04” and weighing 198 lbs. of a heavily built frame with arms that seem more appropriate for swinging a pickaxe for a living or a battle axe. His arms, back, and chest are adorned with numerous tattoos reflecting his half-Reachman heritage and the local folklore, depicting various animals and creatures such as an elk, a bear, and curiously a beautiful feathered woman. He has startlingly emerald green eyes, a scar cleaving his left eyebrow, and his red hair is shaved short. Cedric also has an impressive scar in his right abdomen when he was gored by a charging elk that didn’t take kindly to being impaled by a somewhat off arrow.
His typical attire is a well-made green-black gambeson with a simple cotton undershirt, as well as black wool trousers. He keeps a green muffler around his neck that he pulls up to break up his profile when hunting. He keeps most of his smaller belongings and items in pouches along his waist belt, and a traveling backpack handles the larger items. Out in the wilderness, he often covers his face with dirt and soot to darken his face as a simple camouflage measure. His wrists are protected by leather bracers, although that’s mainly to stave off the bite of his bow string.
Age: 36
“What, this? It's a ball on a stick that's fer bashin' out yer teeth. You don't need to be from the Imperial University to figure that out.”
Cedric travels light with an oversized quiver of arrows, a well-crafted hunting bow, and a steel mace with a spiked ball head and leather-wrapped grip that sits ready for use in a loop on his belt. He has a six-inch long elk-horn handled hunting knife that he carved himself and commissioned a smith to forge the hooked blade that sits on his belt to his right closer to his back in a leather sheath.
Cedric carries a yew bow with a 175 pound draw-weight, something he has become intimately familiar with and uses to such skill and comfort that it's become as ever of a companion as Ruddy was. Cedric's bow is capable of out ranging near everyone in Tamriel with accuracy that is only matched by “those dirty bosmer bastards” down in Valenwood. His elk skin quiver holds 40 obsessively-sharpened and honed steel-tipped arrows.
"How the fook are you gonna camp out in a dress, lass? Use it as a fookin' tent?"
Outside of a leather traveling rucksack that has
a bed roll,
several carefully wrapped lengths of dried and cured meat,
lengths of snare,
a woodcutter’s axe,
a cooking pot, a wooden bowl,
a tinderbox,
and a change of small clothes,
some lengths of rope and a small impregnated cotton tarp,
several carefully wrapped lengths of dried and cured meat,
lengths of snare,
a woodcutter’s axe,
a cooking pot, a wooden bowl,
a tinderbox,
and a change of small clothes,
some lengths of rope and a small impregnated cotton tarp,
Cedric has a prized wine skin he won in a wrestling match back in Northpoint, spare bowstring, and a water horn he carved himself. He also wears an Amulet of Kynareth, and he keeps a pair of separate vampire fangs in a small bag on his person, along with a werewolf claw.
Favored Skills:
Highly Proficient (Marksman, One-Handed), Moderately Proficient (Hand-to-Hand, Sneak), Somewhat Proficient (Smithing)
Character Background:
Born to a Northpoint whore his father only ever referred to as "Yer Mother" without any specifics by one Duceppe Sykes, the toddler who his mother named Cedric was eventually discovered by his father several months after his birth when he decided he had enough coin to justify paying for another night of enjoyment from the woman. Instead, he found a child thrust in his arms and told it was his, and that having a baby around a brothel was both not a place to raise a child and seriously hurting her income. Looking upon the baby and recognizing his hawk-beak nose and emerald eyes, took his son from the woman wordlessly and "Yer Mother" could rest, at least until the next customer arrived, knowing her son was off to a better life.
Better turned out being a subjective term, as the boy was raised without hearing his mother's forced cries and moaning of faked pleasure and grunts of countless men who were not his father, he grew up in the rocky crags and foothills in the region surrounding Northpoint, far from people. His playthings were sticks and stones, his clothing was pelts. Books, friends, and anything resembling a formal education were things that would not be in his formative years. Instead of learning to count, he learned how to fletch arrows. Instead of playing tag with other children, he learned how to set snares. Instead of helping his mother wash dishes, he learned how to skin elk. It was not to say his father was not an affectionate man; far from it. Even asking Cedric now about his father will prompt a smile on the man's face and an expressed intent to go visit the man, who "is still as likely to be wrestling bears and beating men half his age at drink".
Reaching his tenth birthday, Duceppe had decided his boy had gone long enough without a companion, and after heading into Northpoint for supplies, came back with an Elkhound puppy that had been born the month before. He never explained that it took a month of his earnings to afford the dog, but the look on Cedric's face was enough to convince the father that it was worth so much more than gold. The dog, who became named Ruddy, became a constant companion to Cedric as he hunted in the countryside for food for himself and his father, and now the dog. It had taken some time to teach Ruddy to begin to act like a proper hunting dog, but the dog was smart and after a few scarce months of poor income and meals, became indispensable for hunting. Cedric and Ruddy became an impressive team, soon bringing home more than the family needed. The extra meat and pelts turned into clothing and Cedric's first trips in the village, and Cedric's first time meeting the strangest thing in his young life; other children.
Not finding anything in common with the "soft, doughy pieces of shite", Cedric would find himself wondering why in Oblivion none of them knew how to harvest and prepare their own meals or start a fire, while the other children mocked him for being a barbarian simpleton who couldn't read. Fortunately for Cedric, he was in a much better condition to endure a fight than the other children, and he soon cemented a reputation of being more animal than boy. Duceppe did not punish Cedric for all of his fighting; indeed, he was proud of his boy for being prepared to defend himself against hatred. He told his son to embrace what others feared, and use it as his advantage. Duceppe told his son about the Reachmen and how they would do things like wear the antlers of deer to intimidate their foes. Taking the skull of an elk and a smaller rack of antlers, Duceppe fashioned a helm for his son to wear into town to scare the other children.
It should be noted that Duceppe was a well meaning, but not great father.
It didn't take long for Cedric to start being called "the elk boy" by the locals, and after a few more untimely fights with the more bold children, Cedric was soon turning into a man whom was a decidedly divisive figure by the time he was reaching his mid teens. Coming into town, wearing his improved and weathered elk skull helm with racks of smoked meat and pelts upon his shoulders, which he sold to vendors at a fair price, and he always spent his coin in town, keeping him well-liked by those he did business with on behalf of his father. Despite his youth, no one questioned him showing up to the tavern one day and requesting ale. Fewer still questioned when he showed up with tattoos across his face and brow shortly after his sixteenth birthday. Ever still, Ruddy was still by his side, older but no less fierce.
Things improved in Northpoint for some time, until one day two of Cedric's childhood enemies had beat Ruddy while Cedric had stepped into the tavern for a drink. Enraged, Ruddy had heard the commotion and immediately set upon the two assailants, flailing upon them with the metal tankard and fist alike, breaking bones, flesh, and teeth. He did not wait, knowing full well he would never be accepted back in town for some time. Picking up the battered dog in his arms, Cedric returned to his father, informing him he had to leave. Grabbing supplies, a heavy rucksack, and his bow, Cedric embraced his father one final time before heading East, towards the mountains all the while carrying Ruddy wrapped in a wool blanket all the while. Cedric would never find out what happened in the aftermath of his departure.
Years passed, and Cedric and Ruddy became wandering nomads, setting up camp and hunting for food and clothing. When Ruddy passed away, mercifully of old age instead of a violent end, Cedric became despondent for some time, having lost the only friend he had ever known. Burying the dog with a simple carved wooden headstone, Cedric knew it was time to move on and get on with his life. Looking West, out of the harsh mountains and foothills, he decided that it was where he would start over.
Of course, a man like Cedric can never stay out of trouble for long and he's found himself on the wrong side of the law on a few occasions, mainly over hunting rights and tavern brawls. While he's managed to carve out a niche selling meats and furs to small merchants, he has managed to step on the toes of more than a few people, including a certain Count who has had enough of him hunting on his lands...
Fighting Style:
"Tell ya what, if you can get yer ass over here without a feathered shaft stickin' out yer neck, and I'll give you yer dues."
A life-long hunter, Cedric is accustomed to sneaking up on even the most attentive and skittish animals, although his large stature keeps him out of the same league as smaller, lighter individuals of considerable talent. Still, when it comes to scaling to hard-to-reach perches where he can make the most of his formidable strength and range, he comes second to none, achieving astonishing practical accuracy at just about any distance his bow can reach.
While he prefers to keep out of stabbing-range when it comes to combat scenarios, Cedric certainly is no slouch and can swing his mace with incredible force, and despite his size, he is surprisingly quick and nimble on his feet, becoming a terror in single combat. He lives for moments where he can demonstrate his immense strength in fisticuffs and wrestling, and he considers it a source of pride that even well into his middle-age, he’s in far better physical condition than men a decade younger.
Brash and proud, Cedric isn’t afraid to boast of his accomplishments and he relishes the opportunity to prove it to anyone who dares question him. Not afraid of a fight, and being rare for an archer in the sense that he’s more than happy to let his enemy see him because he’ll be killing them before they can get in range to do anything in return, he’s developed a somewhat arrogant and mirthful personality over the course of his life and he is fond of the drink, taking the chance to celebrate just about anything.
As a hunter, he loves nature and is more comfortable out of doors than in large towns, and despite his brash and aggressive disposition, he has a fondness for small villages with tight communities and he never turns down the opportunity to help someone in need. He’s fond of stories, both listening and telling them, and he has an impressively rich singing voice, which pairs well with his brother’s. He doesn’t care for politics or wars, thinking them as things that are of no interest for the common man, and while he often finds himself at odds with the local guards, he does have a respect for them and does his best to stay on the right side of the law... the best a man like him can, anyways.
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