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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A little artistic license, the images are just things I found that reminded me of the characters.

: He is strapping for a Breton and his tattoos are strange, still he reminded me of men I grew up around. A hunter like my father, a man at home in the woods and who loves the land. But then he had to open his mouth. He brags as naturally as breathing and though abrasive there are times when he can be amusing.

: There’s a name that sent chills up the back of many a traveler. I am not surprised to see him in chains, it was never if just when. I will keep my eye on him, for the saying goes, beware the old man in a profession where so many die young.

: The biggest orc I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve noticed some potions on his belt and if I were not worried about getting my skull crushed like a walnut, I’d take a closer look. Perhaps some strength potion that also lends to muscle growth. Fascinating.

: A spirited girl with a desire to do good in the world but I fear she wishes to take on more than even her long sword can handle. Battling past and present wrongs, I can see myself in her if I had not found the healing at the temple. I can see she will likely keep me as busy as any of them.

: A Vigilant of Stendarr, I can imagine the evil he must have defeated in his long years. There are too few that will dedicate themselves to the eradication of darkness and the danger that is inherent in that life. That battered armor and silver sword speaks more than words and despite the fact he is Altmer, he fights for a greater cause than the Dominion. I can respect that.

: There is the beggar boy, small and wary like his namesake. I cannot help but feel the mercy of Mara when I look at him but I am not as naive as they think. I know he must be a thief or worse, for the life of one like him is hard and mean and that does not favor gentle souls. I will help him where I can but I will keep my purse close as I do.

: A dandy with scars, no doubt each well earned. He masks himself with finery, this is his armor against the world but under the dyed hair and fancy clothing, he seems more akin to a skeever. I don’t like to think the worst of people but a rich man who could not buy off the Count must have done something quite horrible.

: A fellow mage, I look forward to discussing indepth the crafts we specialize in. She has a few gems on her and I suspect she is a Conjuration mage, no doubt also skilled in Destruction as it is always useful. I do wish to pick her brain, I have not had the chance since I left the Temple to speak to a peer.

: A friendly, if guarded sort, I like his stories but when he is not telling tales there is a look in his eyes that I recognize. He gazes not at a person but off into the distance, as if watching the horizon. I am sure he has seen much in his time at war that plague his dreams. At the temple, war torn men and women would sometimes find solace with the Divines but too many others try to treat themselves in secret. He seems a good man, if he wishes for help I will give it freely.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

These have all been really cool and fun to read. Seems like a great group here, happy to be a part of it :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"I am convinced that Cedric is going to drag and rape me in the middle of the woods."
"Nevermind, that honor goes to Brynn."
"At least the Orc would kill me before he rapes me."
"I think Fiona would understand better than anyone, she was as much a victim of the Dominion as I am, but she came out of it for the better. I envy her."
"Gaela is incredible, I have nothing but respect for the world's healers. I could have taken the same path, had I not thought the Nine abandoned me."
"Cyrendil is an altmer. Maybe I could look past that to see the good he has done. Maybe. It's best he doesn't learn the path I've chosen, though."
"Berich... Pockets too swollen for his own good. Maybe he won't miss just a couple of septims."
"I like Faruq. I like listening to his stories. Being an adventure was always a thing of dreams."
"Kirrala is what I would've been. I was on the way to the college. Except I probably would have looked dorky in robes."

Okay, so a better one like I promised:

"Cedric is a large, boisterous man. A tongue as foul as the worst of them. I don't like him, and I can't trust he won't try to kill me when my back is turned. But I don't think he among this lot is who I have to look out for. I mean look at him, I wonder how he dresses himself on his own. I could take all he has and I bet he wouldn't think to look ten steps past his own feet.

Brynn worries me. I'm as well traveled as the road from here to Daggerfall, so I can't say I've seen plenty like him, but he fits the description of a blood stained bandit. I've seen how he looks at me, he sees right through me. He knows I'm hiding something. It's not the silver and gold you're looking for, mate, just keep your distance. My secret isn't something befitting of your kind's interest.

The Orc, this Maulakanth, he is a threat to
everyone. Even the hunter and the cutthroat. In fact, why am I chained up to him? He's a mean giant, I allegedly stole a book. Come on! I'm not as scared as him as... well, no, that's a lie. He's scary. But I think I can handle a dumb Orc better than the likes of Brynn. By that, I mean run for Oblivion.

Fiona... She... Inspires something in me. I envy and admire her. We have the same kind of loss, we both want revenge, and I think that she more than anyone would understand. But she's stronger than me. She came out of her tragedy as a better person for it. She's the person I want to be, but I'm not, and in that regard... she's attractive to me - beyond mere physicality; but I have somewhere else I need to be.

I see Gaela now and I second guess myself. I could have turned to the Divines for guidance, I could have sought to heal people suffering from the war. But I was so devastated and felt so abandoned by the Nine, I just... didn't. I swelled with revenge. But whenever a priestess of Mara would feed me bread and potatoes in a wee wooden bowl, it would lift my spirits and... Look, I have nothing but respect for the world's healers. Gaela is incredible.

Altmer, Altmer... If only I could get past those damn ears and his... ARGH! Okay, he might be a Vigilant of Stendarr, but that doesn't change what he is. He could be loyal Thalmor agent for all we know. Maybe, just maybe, I could look past that gold skin and see the decades of good he has done, but I'm not putting my guard down. If there was just one thing that pushes me off the edge, it's the pity! I don't need it! You drip with irony, Vigilent of
Mercy. Your pity isn't what keeps me fed at the end of the day.

Berich reminds me of Daggerfall. All of the swagger and swollen pockets, a sheen on his garments, it screams what he really is aloud. He says he's an Imperial, but he's obviously a Breton. Not in the racist sense, but... what else can he be? Rich as he is, the political intrigue, short stature, how he connives like a blasted noble? Clearly, a politician in here for corruption. I'm sure he won't be missing a few of his many, many septims...

Faruq appetizes the child in me. All the stories he tells are something out of myth. It's a small beam of light that creates a bit of fun in the day, but it doesn't change reality. The stories are just that, and all the heroes eventually die. Heroes die... Heroes always die. Being one doesn't necessarily fix anything. It just... creates more room for more trouble.

I was actually on my way to being a college scholar, like Kirrala is. Fun fact. If my education hadn't been cut short, that is. What I was interested in was Illusion - not a one of my fingers ever touched magic, though. Funny. I found interest he branch of magic with the most indirect effect on the world, but now all I can think of is killing Dominion soldiers. While feeling every... ounce... of pressure, hands
clenching... the... ugh, the resistance getting weaker and weaker. Hah... Hah... I'd look dorky in robes anyway."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

Ya want to know what I think of this lot? Well, plunk yer ass down over there and prepare yerself for some cold, hard truths.

They’re almost all a bunch of pricks.

See that guy, looks like he murders people fer fookin’ coppers and skullfooks their corpses? That there is Brynn. He’s polite and well-mannered enough, alright; not sure if that makes him better or worse, to be bloody honest. To hear him say it, he’s been around, has some years under his floppy hat and has taken some jobs that make the others kind of squiky. I want to get the ale flowing for this cheeky cock, because he has the voice of a bard and the mind of a bandit. The fookin’ imagery!

And look at that Big Green Bastard! Lord Underbite’s a grumpy prick, ain’t he? I wonder how many babies the man has to eat a day to sustain his status as a giant, and I can’t fookin’ decide if he wants to hate fuck me or murder me. Ain’t decided which, to be blunt, is worse. He hates that I was smart enough to pick up a bow, a far more useful tool if I do say so, than his silly swords and he’ll rant and roar about how much of a coward I am, then he’ll have an arrow in his cock, provided I can hit something that tiny, then he’ll scream and cry, then I’ll laugh. Given the way the lumbering shite talks to the lady folk, he wasn’t usin’ his prick anyways.

Fiona! Firey lass with the hair to match. I rather like her, but someone needs to tell her how armour works, because Lord Underbite’s not a good example to follow for protecting one’s self. She’s hard, strong, knows how to swing a sword like she’s chopping wood. She also speaks her mind, which I like in a woman. Just tell the rest of this lot they’re a bunch of cunts and then dare them to pick a fight. She’s mighty irked at the elves, but that’s a problem a world away and someone else’s problem. I don’t think she gets that literally everyone else has more important shite to deal with than worrying about some pointy eared pricks and cats getting grabby with the Empire.

Ah, over there, the woman with stained fingers and has a lingering smell that can either be pleasant and earthy or literally goat shite? That’s Gaela. She’s a bit of a packrat, carrying a bunch of useless sentimental shite, and I can appreciate that; I wish I grabbed more from home when I left. So, she brews potions, and apparently that’s what got her fooked by the long shaft of the law because her elixir killed some sod. Heh. Maybe she can make something so pinchy fingers over there shits himself. She’s a friendly one, polite, definitely wouldn’t have a hard time convincing someone that drinking something that tastes like toe fungus is good for them. I wish she wasn’t caught up with this lot, but at least there’s somebody who isn’t an utter tosser to talk with. Maybe we can bond over foraging. Lass looks at wild mushrooms like I look at grilled venison.

Ah, fook me. That’s Cyrodiilhole the altmer. Everyone doesn’t like his tall, gangly arse because they think he’s a Thalmor spook or some shite, and I’m just here wishing he’d stop waxing poetic about the fookin’ Eight every time something inconsequential happens. ‘Oh, praise Stendarr! I took a shite and it didn’t run down me leg! Your Divine influence blesses me this day!’, and ‘Oh, that tree stump is inspiring! Let us pray for six fookin’ hours!’. Point is, elf is an uppity zealot who comforts his golden hide that everything he kills is for his fookin’ gods, not because he is a serial killing lunatic. And if he reminds us that he’s our fucking elder by two godsdamned centuries, I’m shooting him in the fookin’ knee on a full moon and hoping the wereboar find him. We get it, yer a fookin’ elf. We heard you the first eighty fookin’ times. At least he’s predictable; if he were a spy, he wouldn’t draw so much attention to himself by being a self-righteous cunt.

Pinchy Finchy. Fook that kid. Malnourished gobshite apparently steals anything that isn’t a pair of trousers, and he smells like the insides of a fookin’ cave troll. He’s got himself a dinky crossbow because his soft noodle arms can’t draw back a real bow. Even so! What kind of cunt steals from people instead of learning how to take care of himself? Shoot a fookin’ rat, they grow huge here, start a fire, and there you go, you eat for a fookin’ week. You don’t need money to live, you idiot. You just need to stop being a lazy, unprincipled clot who is afraid to get his hands dirty and actually put in any sort of effort. He speaks like he’s a learned man, which makes it surprising the scrawny prick didn’t get himself a job working literally anywhere. Hey! How about becoming a stable boy? You already look like you roll around in shite for fun, you sodding arsehole.

Berich fookin’ Macer, Sir Moneybags. Look at him. Scars and knicks all over himself, a missin’ fookin’ finger, and a flash of gold between his gums. Man does not know how to stick up for himself, and he’s exactly the kind of cunt who hires others to do the shite he’s too sissy to man up and punch his problems in the face. He’s the kind of man who pays off others to do what he’s too much of a spineless coward to do himself, and it goes to show that money can’t buy yer way out of every mess. Case in point, he grovels in the dirt like the rest of us. I’ve seen him jingle around some poisons while adjusting his shite, but I feel like he would be too much of an arse to actually go through with it.

And that lass over there with her nose buried so deep in a book I’d think she was trying to set fire to it with her mind, she’s Kiralla. Lass talks like she drinks all the time, but has a mind that’s sharp and inquisitive. I have no idea of what to make of that. She’s a mage, apparently has a history with the College and clearing out the hidey holds of Skyrim’s nasties, so she’s definitely got more balls than ol’ Sir Moneybags. For someone who reads as much as she does, she certainly doesn’t strike me as someone who minds roughing it out in the wilderness. She tells me she doesn’t like red meat… better not tell our Redguard friend over there that his chances of wooing her are shot.

Go Faruq yourself, is how I imagine his friends greet him. He’s a Redguard, and like most Redguards, he likes to kill things with a sword while trying to dress and act all fancy, like life’s a big storybook and he’s the main character. I imagine that Fiona’s going to swoon over him before long, what with his tall tales of his exploits against the Thalmor or what the fook ever, but in truth, I appreciate his companionship and the man is a rare light of brilliance when compared to the scummy lot we’re paired with, even if he does act like he has to be in top form all of the fookin’ time just in case some story telling scribe notices him down and wants to continue on the next chapter of his never ending story. Still, a man who aspires for fantasy is preferable to the self-interested and particularly cunty lords and counts that make up this land, and he does seem to want to do good by people. I think this chapter in his life is going to be one he insists never happened.
6x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luminosity
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Luminosity Glows in the Dark

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lord Underbite. Cyrodiilhole. Pinchy Finchy. Sir Moneybags. Go Faruq yourself.

I'm dying.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@DervishI think Gaela will have to wash his mouth out with soap.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

Lord Underbite. Cyrodiilhole. Pinchy Finchy. Sir Moneybags. Go Faruq yourself.

I'm dying.

Cedric is a man of many words, at least half of them in some way offensive.

@DervishI think Gaela will have to wash his mouth out with soap.

Well, that won't be for a while.

She'll take days to find all the ingredients to brew a bar of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Luminosity>

Cedric is a man of many words, at least half of them in some way offensive.

<Snipped quote by idlehands>

Well, that won't be for a while.

She'll take days to find all the ingredients to brew a bar of it.

I'll make sure it has plenty of lye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

I'll make sure it has plenty of lye.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 12 hrs ago

Oh boy, Maulakanth and Cedric are definitely going to come to blows.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh boy, Maulakanth and Cedric are definitely going to come to blows.

If Cedric is smart, he'll just pew pew and hit him in his broad bare green chest. A nice big target.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oh boy, Maulakanth and Cedric are definitely going to come to blows.

"Blow me? Not with those fookin' tusks."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 12 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hank>

"Blow me? Not with those fookin' tusks."

"One more word, goatfucker, and I'll kill you and replace your heart with a fucking dandelion. That brings you barbarians back from the dead, doesn't it? What do they call those cunts? Petalheart? I hope so, it'd mean I could kill you again."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

"One more word, goatfucker, and I'll kill you and replace your heart with a fucking dandelion. That brings you barbarians back from the dead, doesn't it? What do they call those cunts? Petalheart? I hope so, it'd mean I could kill you again."

"You brought me flowers? You really are sending me mixed signals here, Lord Underbite."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ConstableWalrus
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hank>

"You brought me flowers? You really are sending me mixed signals here, Lord Underbite."

"If you two are not going to marry after this I'll be terribly disappointed."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 12 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hank>

"You brought me flowers? You really are sending me mixed signals here, Lord Underbite."

"Flowers for your grave, smalltooth. I've been told that's the considerate thing to do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by idlehands
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idlehands heartless

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hank>

"You brought me flowers? You really are sending me mixed signals here, Lord Underbite."

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

"Flowers for your grave, smalltooth. I've been told that's the considerate thing to do."

I ship it.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 15 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

"If you two are not going to marry after this I'll be terribly disappointed."

"Maybe enchant me ring with friction burn resistance. Lord Underbite looks like he kills kittens by stroking them too roughly."

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

"Flowers for your grave, smalltooth. I've been told that's the considerate thing to do."

"Admittedly, not me first choice of bedding spots."

<Snipped quote by Dervish>

<Snipped quote by Hank>

I ship it.

Artist rendition.
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ConstableWalrus
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Dervish "So you are bottom then? Good to know, a shame though I was looking forward to listening you two argue about who's taking rear guard."
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