Let's play a game; it's called "how many people can Maulakanth insult in a single post?" 

It's still early, and I'm figuring that replacing marksman as a somewhat proficient skill with acrobatics would make more sense. Is that alright?
@Dervish Dervish! that's the beauty of crossbows! Even an idiot can fire it! the mechanism does all the work!
@Dervish Dervish! that's the beauty of crossbows! Even an idiot can fire it! the mechanism does all the work!
Let's play a game; it's called "how many people can Maulakanth insult in a single post?"
<Snipped quote by Spoopy Scary>
Well, he still does have the crossbow. He'd go from knowing how to use it, even if mediocrely, to having no damn clue.
<Snipped quote by Dervish>
Good point. I have a better idea,
You'd expect an athlete to have a high proficiency in athletics, not a beggar who is fast on his feet. I'll move it down one tier. I'd then have two slots available for somewhat in addition to the crossbow: acrobatics, since he'll do a bit of climbing and jumping - and it was revealed he was destined for the college, so maybe a touch of illusion, as has been revealed,
@Spoopy Scary
Keep in mind mate that Magic is a study, you have to learn it. You can't just have someone suddenly know a couple spells or just pick up a textbook and learn it. That's that same for any skill especially magic :P
Just keep that in mind :D
It was actually mentioned in Finchs comments on our Mage. He was near the end of his early education and was set on a path to the college, and of the branches, illusion stood out to him more. With the college just around the corner, it wouldn't be far fetched for a student to start looking into their intended field.
If that wasn't mentioned in the sheet, I am sorry. Working on a phone, you make shortcuts and forget things.
On another note, I got a computer on hand. Future posts will be tidier. Woo! I will make one tomorrow.
Will we be railroaded on this plot line of breaking free this noble, or are we free to make our decisions?