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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@AlidaMaria Personally I would prefer early autumn that way we still have time for a last minute raid if people would like to do that and we have time to focus on environmental challenges (creatures, fortification, gathering supplies for the winter) to help build character interactions and relations ships. And Winter comes a little faster which can be a lot of fun survival wise. I tend to be pretty mean to my own characters haha, but if anyone else has different desires I'd love to hear them! I am pretty flexible about this

Thanks, to me that sounds perfect! Also, if I made any assumptions about Tryg that aren't exactly on point, don't hestitate to let me know, I'll gladly change things ^_^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Personally, I'd rather her be called the "Silent" or "Mute" huntress. But that works if you are ok with it.

@Jin of Mana I was trying to think of a word for the inability to speak, other than "dumb" and i totally didnt think of Mute. Thanks, ill change it
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Also, @Jin of Mana and @EurmalEye since I'm a little bit too much into maps, I added one to my IC post as reference material on how I envisioned what our little party looks like.

(I'm aware I misspelled Trygve's name, a thousand apologies xD)
Feel free to make any suggestions, tactical placement of mercenaries isn't exactly my forte.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@AlidaMaria Haha no I think you are good! But I appreciate you asking! I will start making my post now :).

Edit- Oh I thought it was a nickname lol! No worries either or is fine
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@AlidaMaria Haha no I think you are good! But I appreciate you asking! I will start making my post now :).

Edit- Oh I thought it was a nickname lol! No worries either or is fine

On the map I added just now, it's Tygvre, the "R" is difficult, so I'll just keep using the nickname Tryg from here on ;>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 1 yr ago

What kind of currency would be used? Coins, trade, bartering?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Heres my CS

Name: Anhaga Farmon

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Image/Appearance: http://img02.deviantart.net/2841/i/2015/107/c/5/anglo_saxon_king_by_jfoliveras-d7j6r6f.jpg
Standing at 6'0", with a slightly muscular build. Has red hair and blue eyes with a short beard underneath his helm.

Title/Rank/Occupation: Companion for Baldur Meldun.

(High-Level) Sword and Shieldsman.
(Medium-Level) Story telling.
Killed ten men in less than a minute (though they were common bandits and no match for his skill)
Is a fast runner and has a lot of stamina.
Is very cunning.
Can swim, but not very far from shore.

He is calm, cautious and cunning. He never rushes into a fight if he can help it, he prefers to think of a plan and then get into the thick of it. He isn't one for being vain or greedy. Prefers to keep himself well groomed, never growing his beard too long and always keeping his hair about medium length, usually in a pony tail. He is extremely hard to upset, but when he gets angry he never raises his voice, always keeping it at a normal volume, except when in battle and needing to communicate. He is very paranoid of people, and trusts only a few people not to stab him in the back, but to have the decency of allowing him a fight before he dies. He is a fan of taking baths. He prefers the company of men.

Biography: When he was young, he grew up in a small village some distance south of Skagastrond lands. His life there was fairly simple, fight, train, eat, fight, sleep, in that order usually. He grew up the only child of his parents, but lived with his grandmother, his parents died whilst raiding. His people didn't trade, hell they barely got along with one another. They preferred raiding others, and never farmed lands, they were also suspicious of outsiders and usually killed them if they lingered too lobg near them. He had a lover back home ever since he was fourteen, his lover was a year younger, and also male. This was a major crime, and harsh punishment awaited those who committed it.

When he was seventeen, he and his lover were caught having fooling around by his lovers elder brother. His lover betrayed him, screaming that Anhaga had forced himself upon him. Anhaga felt betrayed, and ran off before anyone could say or do anything. His lover and his family hunted him for a while, with the help of the rest of the village, until he crossed into the lands of Skagastrond. There he managed to sign on to a caravan as a baggage handler, and did that till he was nineteen, when a raiding party attacked the merchant caravan. He grabbed a sword and shield a dead guard had on him, and fought side by side the remaing guards. He killed a fair number of the attackers on his own, and only a few managed to flee. Afterwards, he found that the raiding party had a memeber of his village in it. It mattered little to him, they weren't his people anymore.

After that, word spread about his fighting prowess. People who thought him worth it hired him as a bodyguard; others challenged him to fights. Only one won against him, and only just. It was a mock fight with sticks, and if it was real he would've probably been killed. But, respected the man who beat him, and now follows him anywhere he goes.

Equipment : Straight sword, round shield, helmet and mail armour.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What kind of currency would be used? Coins, trade, bartering?

There is a basic/general currency of a coinage using Silver and Gold (Gold being more in value.) However to bridge the gap or to "Pay with this currency" despite not having the "coin".

People can instead give up jewelery or even trade items itself or services (So bartering sytem.)

Heres my CS

Name: Anhaga Farmon

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Image/Appearance: http://img02.deviantart.net/2841/i/2015/107/c/5/anglo_saxon_king_by_jfoliveras-d7j6r6f.jpg
Standing at 6'0", with a slightly muscular build. Has red hair and blue eyes with a short beard underneath his helm.

Title/Rank/Occupation: Companion for Baldur Meldun.

(High-Level) Sword and Shieldsman.
(Medium-Level) Story telling.
Killed ten men in less than a minute (though they were common bandits and no match for his skill)
Is a fast runner and has a lot of stamina.
Is very cunning.
Can swim, but not very far from shore.

He is calm, cautious and cunning. He never rushes into a fight if he can help it, he prefers to think of a plan and then get into the thick of it. He isn't one for being vain or greedy. Prefers to keep himself well groomed, never growing his beard too long and always keeping his hair about medium length, usually in a pony tail. He is extremely hard to upset, but when he gets angry he never raises his voice, always keeping it at a normal volume, except when in battle and needing to communicate. He is very paranoid of people, and trusts only a few people not to stab him in the back, but to have the decency of allowing him a fight before he dies. He is a fan of taking baths. He prefers the company of men.

Biography: When he was young, he grew up in a small village some distance south of Skagastrond lands. His life there was fairly simple, fight, train, eat, fight, sleep, in that order usually. He grew up the only child of his parents, but lived with his grandmother, his parents died whilst raiding. His people didn't trade, hell they barely got along with one another. They preferred raiding others, and never farmed lands, they were also suspicious of outsiders and usually killed them if they lingered too lobg near them. He had a lover back home ever since he was fourteen, his lover was a year younger, and also male. This was a major crime, and harsh punishment awaited those who committed it.

When he was seventeen, he and his lover were caught having fooling around by his lovers elder brother. His lover betrayed him, screaming that Anhaga had forced himself upon him. Anhaga felt betrayed, and ran off before anyone could say or do anything. His lover and his family hunted him for a while, with the help of the rest of the village, until he crossed into the lands of Skagastrond. There he managed to sign on to a caravan as a baggage handler, and did that till he was nineteen, when a raiding party attacked the merchant caravan. He grabbed a sword and shield a dead guard had on him, and fought side by side the remaing guards. He killed a fair number of the attackers on his own, and only a few managed to flee. Afterwards, he found that the raiding party had a memeber of his village in it. It mattered little to him, they weren't his people anymore.

After that, word spread about his fighting prowess. People who thought him worth it hired him as a bodyguard; others challenged him to fights. Only one won against him, and only just. It was a mock fight with sticks, and if it was real he would've probably been killed. But, respected the man who beat him, and now follows him anywhere he goes.

Equipment : Straight sword, round shield, helmet and mail armour.

Looks good, please repost in the character section, then you are free to post in the IC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now that i've caught up in the IC. Let me tell you all something.

1. I'm extremely pumped that you all have shown interest in this little concept my co-gm's and myself have formed. (Yes there is a little more than just Camille, who is my co-GM.) Though I only call them that, i don't think they fully realize their title yet. XD

2. Next post of mine will consist Baldur, Odinkar and Thorbrand. (Along with something else for a bit of fun. OOoooooooo dun dun dun.)

3. I hope all my lovely players have a wonderful weekend! (or next few days, if you have work, school or other responsibilities.) Also, I don't know when I'll get my next post up, but I aim for it to be sometime today, when I am a little less busy!

4. If anyone who isn't interacting with someone, or even if a group of people are interacting and they wish to have my assistance, or even my "GM Bad guy antics" Please let me know and I will happily oblige.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I appreciate all of your patience and hope you all are not losing interest due to my sluggish movements/posting speeds.

Currently organizing a few collaboration posts, while carefully plotting out our next few encounters/events with players.

ALSO if I am not making a collaboration post with you, and you wish to do so. I highly suggest you shoot me a PM and we will make glory and beauty happen!

(This especially means, if you wish to interact with me as a GM/the environment. Since i've played GM/DM for years for people (This being one of my first thread-based scenarios) I grealy enjoy playing the environment and collaboration posts with people/players.

Finally, I will be entering another character, for this secondary 'player' character which i control will greatly assist my cause as GM in grouping everyone together, or even assuring everyone has something to do/interact with. This new CS will be posted sometime this week. (Depending on how fast we move IC wise. As it looks now, i'll probably release this new character tomorrow.)

Happy Monday, welcome to another week of life, I hope all you manage to keep your head up through the strife!!!!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 days ago

*shyly nudges @Jin Of Manas arm about some PM-ed questions*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

I wish I didn't need to, but I'll need to drop out of this for now. Might rejoin in the future, friends!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

*shyly nudges @Jin Of Manas arm about some PM-ed questions*

I've been thinking about those questions, apologies on the slow response. I'll respond asap.

I wish I didn't need to, but I'll need to drop out of this for now. Might rejoin in the future, friends!

I wish you best of luck on your endeavors! Thanks for stopping by! ^_^

@Players: Still thinking/working on next post, just got off work so thats a plus.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scribble Naught

Scribble Naught Forgotten Crusader

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll be waiting homie
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 days ago

@Jin Of Mana probably can grab someone new with an interest check post

If it was me you were referring to - here's your success rolling in!

Name: Yngvarr Agmundsson

Age: 31

Gender Male

He bears neither title nor rank and he is not actively promoting the fact that he is more than an ordinary blacksmith. Aside from that, recent events have made him workless.


  • Above average - Yngvarr is tremendously strong, but only negligibly skilled at fighting. Crafting weapons for customers doesn't mean that you have to use them themselves on a daily basis. However he can use his frame and strength to wrestle enemies down who don't have weapons.
  • High level - Experienced blacksmith capable of smelting his own metals and creating magic runes. This requires a larger amount of his own blood and will weaken him for a considerable amount of time.
  • Unusual amount of knowledge about magic in general.
  • Devourer of feasts and drinking sprees.

He has a tendency to be on the sceptical side and rarely really laughs if you don't count the times while he's drunk. This happens rather often as he chronically overeats and drinks a lot. Making a conversation with him can sometimes be a bit of a challenge as he is very blunt, sometimes even nasty. On the other side, he is anxious to say anything that could make other people think that he is more skilled or of a higher rank than he actually is, however he doesn't have any such hesitations when it comes to making people underestimate him. Yngvarr knows his abilities on the battlefield are very limited and it makes him envious, though he would never admit it.
He is not only a blacksmith, but also does not believe in the stories about the era of magic being gone for good. For him it's a myth created to hide a huge gap of knowledge and his own success on that field perfectly confirms that opinion - at least in his mind.

Yngvarr was born in Alviora. His father, Agmundr, ran a small smithy in the coastal village of Hragar, mainly producing and maintaining equipment like nails, rivets and arrowheads as all of this was required by the local fishermen and hunters. He never relied on other smelters but instead refined the strong Skagastrond ores himself, passing this knowledge to his son as well, but also forcing him to stick to his business. Yngvarr wasn't exactly happy with that, so when his father found his natural death, he was free to do what he wanted, and that was starting to forge true weapons and armor. Which blacksmith doesn't want to reach the supreme discipline ? Some day, a customer confronted him with something he had never seen before: A sword enhanced by a rune, a rune that actually worked. His curious nature and pride just couldn't stand not being able to do anything about it, so he took the funds he got and travelled to Skagastrond himself where it is more likely to find any knowledge about this topic - but it was nothing that could be learned within a few days or weeks. His venture lasted longer and longer until he took permanent residence in the northern land. He had talent and a certain intuition, so he became successful. But the fact that only few people know about real runes and even fewer can afford them ensured that magic always remained a small part of his daily business - the vast majority of things he crafted was still entirely ordinary. The emphasis here has to be put on the past tense - the small village he lived in has been raided. He has lost his shop and a lot of his former posessions. At this moment, Yngvarr is travelling farther north, hoping to be able to rebuild his existence in Bellara.

  • One of the advantages of being a blacksmith is that you can skip a lot of the profits other people make along the supply chain, so he is in posession of a high quality custom set of armor for his body: Chainmail for legs, arms and torso and a helmet.
  • A round shield reinforced with richly ornated metal, but there is a deliberate dent in it. A hidden rune dramatically increases its durability. The thing was originally created by him in order to slyly give one of his blacksmith colleagues something to think about. It took the competitor a lot of time and a lot of wear on his tools to find out that this thing is kinda... unrepairable. Thrashing onto it can be considered harmful for one's own weapons, especially swords.
  • Small knife, definitely hand-crafted and ornated with a small amout of noble metals.
  • food, water and ordinary clothing sufficient for a prolonged journey
  • horse

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver
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Silver Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Fetzen But does he sing
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 3 days ago

One could teach him that :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If it was me you were referring to - here's your success rolling in!

Name: Yngvarr Agmundsson

Age: 31

Gender Male

He bears neither title nor rank and he is not actively promoting the fact that he is more than an ordinary blacksmith. Aside from that, recent events have made him workless.


  • Above average - Yngvarr is tremendously strong, but only negligibly skilled at fighting. Crafting weapons for customers doesn't mean that you have to use them themselves on a daily basis. However he can use his frame and strength to wrestle enemies down who don't have weapons.
  • High level - Experienced blacksmith capable of smelting his own metals and creating magic runes. This requires a larger amount of his own blood and will weaken him for a considerable amount of time.
  • Unusual amount of knowledge about magic in general.
  • Devourer of feasts and drinking sprees.

He has a tendency to be on the sceptical side and rarely really laughs if you don't count the times while he's drunk. This happens rather often as he chronically overeats and drinks a lot. Making a conversation with him can sometimes be a bit of a challenge as he is very blunt, sometimes even nasty. On the other side, he is anxious to say anything that could make other people think that he is more skilled or of a higher rank than he actually is, however he doesn't have any such hesitations when it comes to making people underestimate him. Yngvarr knows his abilities on the battlefield are very limited and it makes him envious, though he would never admit it.
He is not only a blacksmith, but also does not believe in the stories about the era of magic being gone for good. For him it's a myth created to hide a huge gap of knowledge and his own success on that field perfectly confirms that opinion - at least in his mind.

Yngvarr was born in Alviora. His father, Agmundr, ran a small smithy in the coastal village of Hragar, mainly producing and maintaining equipment like nails, rivets and arrowheads as all of this was required by the local fishermen and hunters. He never relied on other smelters but instead refined the strong Skagastrond ores himself, passing this knowledge to his son as well, but also forcing him to stick to his business. Yngvarr wasn't exactly happy with that, so when his father found his natural death, he was free to do what he wanted, and that was starting to forge true weapons and armor. Which blacksmith doesn't want to reach the supreme discipline ? Some day, a customer confronted him with something he had never seen before: A sword enhanced by a rune, a rune that actually worked. His curious nature and pride just couldn't stand not being able to do anything about it, so he took the funds he got and travelled to Skagastrond himself where it is more likely to find any knowledge about this topic - but it was nothing that could be learned within a few days or weeks. His venture lasted longer and longer until he took permanent residence in the northern land. He had talent and a certain intuition, so he became successful. But the fact that only few people know about real runes and even fewer can afford them ensured that magic always remained a small part of his daily business - the vast majority of things he crafted was still entirely ordinary. The emphasis here has to be put on the past tense - the small village he lived in has been raided. He has lost his shop and a lot of his former posessions. At this moment, Yngvarr is travelling farther north, hoping to be able to rebuild his existence in Bellara.

  • One of the advantages of being a blacksmith is that you can skip a lot of the profits other people make along the supply chain, so he is in posession of a high quality custom set of armor for his body: Chainmail for legs, arms and torso and a helmet.
  • A round shield reinforced with richly ornated metal, but there is a deliberate dent in it. A hidden rune dramatically increases its durability. The thing was originally created by him in order to slyly give one of his blacksmith colleagues something to think about. It took the competitor a lot of time and a lot of wear on his tools to find out that this thing is kinda... unrepairable. Thrashing onto it can be considered harmful for one's own weapons, especially swords.
  • Small knife, definitely hand-crafted and ornated with a small amout of noble metals.
  • food, water and ordinary clothing sufficient for a prolonged journey
  • horse

Looks good by me, just keep in touch with me on magical based things, just so we stay on the same page and all that.

Also i'm gonig to place this here, it's my second character, which I will need to help keep this thing going. (Didn't expect so many people, I really hope my slow posting isn't discouraging anyone, cause i'm going to post when I get it ready)

Fargrim "Grim" Vestien

"If you find your axe is too short, add to its length... by continuing to take steps forward."

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Title/Rank/Occupation: Drunkard, Wanderer, Technically considered a Berserker


  • Sources say the young man has 'mastered' Berserker rage. Though some say he merely knows how to activate it, nothing more, nothing less.
  • (Moderate-level] Knows how to defend himself with a spear or other two-handed weapons, does not prefer or go for these types of weapons, favoring single(duel weilding) handed profeciencies.
  • (Mastery-level) Single-hand weapon & Duel-wielding proficiency
  • (Mastery-Level) CQC or brawling
  • Zero horseback riding knowledge (Will ride in pulled carts, however.)

(Owns) Companion: Dire-Boar named Skagrom. [i](Only used as transport in rarest of situations, typically walks alongside, or allows other allies to ride Skagrom.)

Personality/(Dis)likes/hobbies/etc: Selfless, easily offended, despite personality actions holds immensely strong morals/ideals, Stubborn/Headstrong, Obvious signs of mental frailty from his times in berserker rage, short-tempered/quick to fight, tends to bite off more than he can chew. (Unimaginable drunk, though i would only worry when he grabs something different then wine....)

Biography: Wanderer, lost in the realm of the Shieldlands. During travels in mjors a few years or so ago, Grim encountered Thorbrand's party. They were not exactly friends, or at least to start, they may or may not even recognize one another on sight. Growing up in the pits of Agoanes, Grim is truly a child of Skagastrond. Arenas of Agoanes forged him into the veteran of combat Grim stands as today. After release of imprisonment/enslavement as an Arena Champion, Grim traveled west, going through Mjors (due to choice) then ending up at Skagastrond. Currently, Grim is located within one of the various Skagastrond Capitol Pubs, celebrating a victory, so to speak.

"Ye say it is the good cause that justifies even war? I say to you: it is the good war which justifies every cause."

Equipment: Two single handed axes on his back, two single-handed swords at his hips. Several flasks of ale and other alcoholic beverages stashed on his person and Skag. Assorted sets of rations and water-flasks stored on Skagrom. (Finally there is a small pack of 'essentials' for surviving wilderness conditions.)

Other: Did i mention Grim possesses a terrible drinking habit?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Updated the player roster on the CS section.

Post in IC.

Excuse me on any errors, i am tired and need to post in the only other RP i'm in, then sleep before work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm so sorry for the lack of replies/crappy post on my part. Life has been killing me as of late, I'll try and step up my game a bit next post :')
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