Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For the third time in his entire teaching career, the final day, belonging to the first week of school had come to a close. Out on the mahogany desk, Brendon Kelan had piles of papers stacked in various places, some of them even on the little coffee table that he had in the area that he considered his living room. All of the papers were handed in from his students from the various classes then he held throughout the day. It was their first actual piece of homework, having given them the question of what they wanted for him to cover in class during the year. The previous days were spent getting to know one another, especially for the first year students who had yet to really get acquainted with other people.

But now, he had the joyous task of looking over each and every paper, while also taking notes himself, figuring out what big topics he was going to cover in each class. The world was a big place, and there has been a lot of time between the start of man and now. Of course, his class focused on Asian history. European history was over-done, and there were many other professors out there who enjoyed that sort of history. But not Brendon. He didn't care too much for it, having grown up taking many United States and European history classes in his youth. From his High school years onward, he looked into Asian history and culture. His mother was firmly Korean, who had sought out life in America at the soonest possible moment. His father, for which he had taken his looks from, was a strange mix of Irish and Native American, Brendon's grandmother and grandfather respectively.

His left hand gripped the red pen in hand, hovering down one of the papers as he read and made notes on it. His right hand moved the papers from the center of his desk to one of the piles on the sides, careful to not hit his mug full of coffee on the way to the pile. The mug sat calmly on the right side of the desk, mirroring the little stand that his phone rested against upright. It was plugged in, charging while it displayed the time like an alarm clock. His phone had an alarm to go off at six in the morning, while his actual alarm clock in his bedroom was set for five thirty. Whether he wanted to or not, he was going to have to get up and turn it off in the morning.

The pen was set down and his other hand grabbed the mug, taking a sip and setting it back down as he let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to make it through his long day without coffee, he was sure of that, and his students this year were going to keep him up until the crack of dawn. It was still strange to him that he was only a few years older than they were. The last two years were filled with experimental lessons and tests to get his own grip on teaching, and this year was going to be no different. Of course, he actually would teach them. There was going to be teaching and the passing of information, but Brendon knew that he still needed to find that groove.

His eyes flicked to his phone. It was six thirty seven in the evening, the date August twenty second. He still had another pile of papers to go, and he had yet to even finish the pile that he was currently working on at the moment. There was also the little note pad with what he planned on focusing on in each class based on what the class had given him, which sat next to the paper at hand. It was just another pile and a half, he reminded himself constantly, hoping that it would make things speed up so that he could be done better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jessica quickly opened her eyes her body felt like it was on fire but her extremities felt like they were so cold, breathing heavily she slowly looked down at her hand seeing the damned pocket watch that. She slowly got back up onto her feet and stumbled as if she was drunk getting a sense of vertigo as Jessica reached out for her phone, it was six thirty-seven on her phone. Jessica remembered vaguely what had happened she was trying to do her own research on the pocket watch that she had bought trying to find out who had made it. But when Jessica pressed a button on the top of the watch on accident she was some how brought through to the past.

Jessica went to lay down on the bed and waited for the dizziness to pass, Jessica closed her eyes and sighed as it finally passed she remembered the first time that it had happened on her way home from grocery shopping and visiting the flea market where she bought the watch. She opened it and then in a blinding flash of light to her anyway instead of being in the city she woke up in some fields just outside of some really old settlement. She was at first in denial and thought that she might have been drugged or something, Jessica then noticed a group of people approaching her speaking in a really old form of English. Jessica had spent the next week in that time period thinking that she would never get home even tried to recreate what had happened but she eventually made it back which she stood in the sidewalk wearing really old styled clothes no time had passed.

This time Jessica was wearing old looking clothes as well when she came back, of course this was way out of her league and she had no idea who else to go to. Her only friend that she knew and trusted since knowing him in high school Jessica pulled out her phone and searched through her contacts until she found Brendon Kelan's number and called him.

Jessica slowly started walking out of her bedroom and into the kitchen as she started to slowly pace around the living room of her apartment she wasn't sure if he was busy or not or even if he would let her over at all. Jessica slowly walked over and leaned herself up against the wall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minute after minute, Brendon continued his work in near silence. Of course he liked his music, as strange as a collection as it was, but he could work well with it. It would start with him working while he hummed along to the tunes and sang a phrase here and there, but it would always boil down to him looking at his phone or his music, continuously pressing the single button to play the next song until he would finally find one that he was in the mood for. It was quite strange, and he knew that he wasn't the only one who did it. He knew that he wasn't the only one who put his music on shuffle, only to sift through it all to find the right songs that he wanted to listen to at that moment in time.

He sighed. The coffee was keeping him up, but now his mind was insistent on looking for other things to do instead of his work. He still needed to work on the lessons for the upcoming week, which he was going to be basing off what he was just given, so there were many fun times in store for him. Another sigh, and Brendon pushed his seat back and stood up. He needed to walk around a little and get some air. He had the whole weekend to work on the lesson plan and get the last of those papers graded, so he worried little. However, most of his worrying came from the fact that he knew that he was putting off his work, which only helped to stress him out more. Why didn't he just have a uniform, cookie-cutter, copy-paste plan to use every year? That was right, because he wanted to actually focus on areas and points in time that his students actually cared about. Had he been a Literature teacher of any kind, he never would have made his students read books like Little Women, as he found that era to be dreadfully boring in tales to tell. The Greeks, they were fun; the Romans too. Shakesphere was also a good time, and there was one prospect that united all three of those together that always managed to make him laugh.

He paced to his little kitchen area. He lived in an apartment above a cafe, frequenting the fire escape to get out rather than the stairs outside of his apartment and down the hall that led to the cafe. It felt weird to him, and he tried avoid using that as a common route as much as possible, even if it was much faster. He needed something to eat, the ralization hit him. He still needed food, and there was food down stairs. One more sigh escaped his lips, and Brendon prepared himself to go down stairs.

It was only then that his phone decided to ring, just as he was getting ready to go and do something. The song 'Nillili Mambo' played for all unknown phone numbers, so he knew that it wasn't one of this year's students or any of the other professors. He ran over back to his desk and pulled it form the stand, pulling out the charging cord to inspect the number on the touch screen. Something about the number was familiar, but he could not place it. He always cleaned out the numbers in his phone regularly. He kept his students numbers in case they needed something from him, and he always made sure to clear that out every year unless they were taking another one of his classes. Finally, his thumb hit the button to accept the call, and the phone was raised to his ear to listen in.

"Brendon Kalen, what can I do for you?" He picked up the call how he would almost all of his other calls. In the case of his students, he was a little less formal with them, but he was still a Professor at the Seattle University for Higher learning, and he needed to maintain some visage of professionalism.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

As the phone rang Jessica got up from the wall she was leaning up against and started to make her way towards the bathroom and turned on the light she looked at herself in the mirror, she wore a dress that looked like it came out of the 1500's. On the third call she could hear the familiar voice of her old high school friend Brendon. They had been friends for quiet awhile but she lost contact with him for the past two years mainly due to her job at the hospital. "Hey Brendon, its me Jessica Jordan." She said as Jessica walked towards her bedroom again and turned on the light.

Jessica tried to think of a way to bring up the watch without sounding so crazy that she would be put into some sort of mental institution and decided to bring it up as an ordinary old pocket watch. "So uhm what do you know about old pocket watches? Because I recently bought one at a flea market about a week or so ago, and theres something weird about it and I can't really explain what." Jessica said as she sat down on her bed running a hand through her hair. "I mean that is if you have the time, I know you are busy probably grading student papers or something like that." Jessica slowly brought out the watch again and looked at it she wasn't going to open it just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jessica Jordan, her name he could hear through the speaker on his phone. He remembered her somewhat over the past couple years, having been her friend in High School and even kept in contact with him up until about two years ago as their jobs kept them further apart than before. Her voice brought her face into his mind, mainly remembering how she had looked back in High School than in college. Any big job regarding hospitals and dental offices took more time in college than teaching jobs did. It was no real surprise that he had drifted away from her.

Her call was out of the blue, and her reason for calling him seemed just as, if not more random than the call itself. She wanted for him to examine a pocket watch for her? That was an odd request, especially coming from someone who had not spoken with Brendon for two years. Maybe she wanted an appraisal for it without calling in a big professional? Whatever her reasons were for coming to him with the strange request, he would have to find out in due time. "Well, what's it look like?" His question was plain and somewhat awkward. He didn't even know if she was still in Seattle or not, so he couldn't ask her to meet him somewhere to look over it, or for him to come over, or even vice-versa. "Are you still in the Seattle area? If you are, we can meet somewhere and I can go ahead and take a look at it. Besides, I need a reason to take a little walk, and I can finish up over the weekend."

His shoes sat next to the door that led out into the hallway. As he pressed the phone between the side of his face and his shoulder, he carefully maneuvered himself to put his shoes on, getting ready to move out, whether or not Jessica was in the area. He still needed food, and if worse came to worse, she still had his number and could send him a picture of what the pocket watch in question looked like. He knew artifacts, and he knew history, but pocket watches were sort of a strange thing for him to look at. It was not nearly as easy to tell who made a watch when compared to finding out who made a sword, and from only a picture, there was only so much he could do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jessica smiled she had been living in the Bellevue area just about fifteen minutes just outside of the city. "Yeah I live about fifteen minutes just outside of the city, I could be there just let me know where you want to meet up." Jessica said as her eyes went down to look at the pocket watch. "It's uhm old looking and gold, i'll send you a picture of it." Jessica said as she set it down on the bedside table and turned on the light to get a better lighting over it. Jessica then pulled the phone away from her ear and sent Brendon the picture of the watch.

She quickly made her way towards her dresser and quickly grabbed a set of modern day clothes which was a white tshirt as well as a pair of blue jeans. Jessica then quickly threw the 1500's dress onto her bed as she quickly changed into her normal clothes, sighing slightly Jessica ran a hand through her hair. "I'm on my way to my car now just text me where you want to meet, if you have any info on the watch i'd like to know as soon as possible. Great to hear from you again by the way." Jessica said as she left her apartment and started making her way towards the parking lot where her car was.

Jessica took out her car keys and unlocked her car and started to pull out and drive down towards the the main road setting the phone on speaker. "So whats been knew with you?" Jessica asked over the phone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Smart phones were a magical thing, that was certain. Even though they were still on call with one another, modern day technology allowed people to remain on call while also using their phone for other things, such as taking pictures of getting directions to wherever they needed to go. Shoes on feet and phone in hand, Brendon exited his apartment and locked the door behind himself, patting down his body with his free hand to make sure that he had everything. He sighed a curse, forgetting to bring a light jacket. It was getting colder, and a jacket would certainly help his non-heat-retaining body. The door was unlocked and a jacket was pulled from the little rack near the entrance and he was once again on his way to wherever he was going.

Brendon's feet carried him down the hallway and to the stairs, leading down to the cafe on the first floor. His own apartment was on the fourth floor, as the owners owned the first, second, and third. Apparently, they were trying to get an elevator working for ease for everyone living there, but it wasn't anywhere near done, and only space for the shaft had been created so far.

His feet hit the bottom of the stairs to reveal the cafe in it's entirety. The Emperor Cafe, as it was known to the people of Capitol Hill, was a little internet cafe and breakfast spot on the corner of E Mercer St and 10th Avenue. A church, a dessert bar, and another coffee house all resided on the same square as Emperor Cafe, but they all lived in harmony, for the most part. The cafe in question was styled after Japan's appearance during the Edo period. At the time, the Shogun had more power over the Emperor, but the name Shogun was already taken. He was rather quiet over the phone, looking at the image of the watch that she had sent him.

The pocket watch in question was a sight to behold, surely, but something about the air of it, even through a picutre, seemed off. The pieces of what he assumed to be a black metal were dark, seeming to be shining darkness itself, while the gold pieces were on the other end of the spectrum, too gold and too shiny. It wasn't uncommon for older watches to hold multiple dials for the date and year, which this one had as well, but it seemed far too new when compared to the inner workings and its general style.

He took a seat near one of the windows at the cafe, looking out and pulling a set of ear phones out of the jacket pocket and plugging them into the phone. He set the little buds into his ears and continued the conversation so only he could hear her. "Nothing much." His answer once again was strange and awkward. "Teaching, still getting the hang of things. And yourself?" Before he could continue with the conversation, he reminded himself to tell her where she was going. "Oh, meet me at Emperor Cafe, Capitol Hill, on the corner of E Mercer and Tenth. The street next to Broadway, there's a church and a few other places on the square, you can't miss the big Japanese sign outside."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jessica slowly got into her car while holding the watch in one hand, she activated the blutooth setting on her phone which hooked up to the car's speakers that way she was still able to talk to him. Jessica turned the keys and slowly started to drive through the parking garage that was connected to her apartment. She waited for a few minutes before she could hear his voice again and nodded it was good that he still kept up with his job as a teacher. "Just mainly working at the hospital i'm on call a lot so whenever they call me I go in, then going through medical records and then giving meds to patients and assisting doctors, you know the usual stuff." Jessica answered as she ran a hand through her hair and stopped at a red light. Jessica took out her phone and quickly set up the GPS for the store that Brendan had given her. "Got it, i'm gonna hang up for now but i'll see you once I get there." Jessica said as she hung up the phone.

Jessica continued to drive it was a good fifteen minutes driving down Route 90 and eventually she was driving through the winding city intersections once she had entered the city. Jessica looked down at her phone once more as she started getting closer and closer, eventually she was at the right location noticing the church and then the café in question noticing the Japanese sign on it. She could see her former high school friend.

Once she crossed the street Jessica entered the café and smiled at him and quickly pulled the man into a loving and friendly hug. "Hey Brendan, and thanks for letting me come over." Jessica said as she pulled up a seat and sighed softly to herself as she thought about how to bring up the time travel, maybe even have him learn it the hard way she wasn't sure how to bring it up. She then slowly pulled out the watch in question that had been giving her a hard time. "Sooo yeah this is the watch I got awhile back."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

During his wait, Brendon had ordered some sushi and water for himself, and another cup for Jessica when she would eventually arrive. "Yeah, yeah." He spoke idly in return of hearing about her own life and job, and bid her a short goodbye before she hung up on him. It was nice to know that her medical career was doing well. Even Nurses made better money than teachers did in the area, but he was sure that she wasn't in it for the money, just as he wasn't teaching for the money. Both of their jobs were being there for the people that needed them. Brendon taught people and gave them information and lessons about the fields that they wanted to go to in the years to come, and Jessica helped the ill alongside doctors.

it wasn't too terribly long before Jessica eventually arrived at the little cafe. Upon seeing her through the window, Brendon stood up and neared the door to welcome her. However, he was not at all prepared for the sudden embrace. "Oh-hey!" He let out, his arms carefully and hesitantly wrapping around his old friend, still surprised by the seemingly random hug that had been brought upon him. "No problem." Brendon said to her while she let go and found a seat near his own. He sat back down in his seat and looked at Jessica, watching as she presented to him the watch in question. While the picture of the watch did a good job of capturing its appearance, the watch in person seemed almost unreal. The shine of the metals and the workings and shapes seemed too spectacular and shiny for something designed to seem much older than what he believed it to be.

With equal slowness, Brendon reached forward to take the watch from her, looking at it ans inspecting it from all possible angles with the light aimed inside as best he could. The octagonal shape reminded him of old european sailing compasses, which normally had a similar box shape and inner dome. However, the main difference was that this watch had smaller dials and wheels inside, and multiple, tiny buttons. As his fingers trailed along them, he could feel small shapes etched into them with care. Five buttons in a single line, facing straight up along the 'north-eastern' edge of the watch, all held different marks from one another. The topmost one had a small triangle which pointed to the left, the button below it had a small circle on the top of the already circular button. The one below that had a square, and the final one had another triangle pointing to the right. There was also a button the center clock of the watch, where the minute and the hour arms met. The center button was completely unmarked, however.

He was careful with it, but he dared pushing the topmost button first. His thumb slid to the golden button in silence, pushing it down with delecate care and watching while half of the little dials on the watch spun backwards, the smaller ones faster than the larger. There seemed to be three of four dials that spun, if Brendon could keep track of them all. Only two spun backwards before he let go of the button. He then dared push the square marked button and then hit the top button again, confirming his thoughts of how it seemed to work.

It was rather interesting for him. The center let the outermost buttons spin what he believed to be the main two dials forward and backward, and dubbed those two buttons the forward and backward buttons, respectively, of course. The two buttons next to the center button shifted control to one of the two other dials. Those other dials seemed to coordinate with longitude and latitude, and the main two dials seemed for time. He didn't understand why a pocket watch would need latitude and longitude. It didn't have a GPS, and certainly no such thing would have existed during the time of its suspected creation. Whatever the purpose was, he aligned the longitude and latitude with the general location of a northern sect of islands in Japan. He then reset the location to Seattle and reset the time as well after checking his own phone for the exact time.

"Well." He said with uncertainty. He set the watch back down and slid it back to Jessica. "I don't really know what to say. I mean I guess I could look at it some more if you want me to, but it looks to be just another experimental watch from back in the say. European, possibly, maybe even early, early German, but I can't be too sure. The mechanisms are ahead of the time I think it'd be from, but some geniuses were like that."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jessica looked towards Brendon it was really great to see her friend once more though she was very nervous as he started to fiddle around with the pocket watch. She remembered her first time she just messed around with the little dials, switches and buttons on the thing, that ended up transporting her to the 1500th century. Jessica took a sip of her water as she looked at the menu she hadn't had sushi in such a long time, and just ordered once the waitress came over to take the order that she wanted.

Sighing softly as Jessica ran a hand through her hair as he finally gave her a somewhat of an answer to where the watch had originated from. "Is there a way to find out who actually made it? I know makers usually put their own mark or sigil or whatever you call it onto something that they make." Jessica said as she looked at the watch again, she wasn't willing to let Brendon suffer from what had happened to her a few days ago. "By the way thank you for the sushi." Jessica said with a soft smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"There's no defining marks, at least none that I can see or discern." He continued focusing on the watch at hand, not really listening to Jessica fully as he waved his hand to her and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, no problem." He said to her idly, still trying to figure out the strange watch and it's lack of ownership markings.

"Where did you find this?" He asked her outright, setting the watch down to look at his old friend. "Not to say that it isn't interesting, but it certainly doesn't seem like the kind of thing to use as a conversation piece for someone you haven't seen in a few years." He wasn't trying to be harsh on her or anything, but the watch, while interesting, didn't seem to be claimed by any creator or maker, and certainly wasn't any kind of make that he had seen before. He wondered why it had the latitude and longitude points; there was no possible way that it would be used for anything, and it seemed like a pointless addition to him. He took the watch back into his hands, looking over it once more to see if there was anything he missed.

There was, however, one button that he didn't push, and he debated on hitting it to see what would happen if he did. As carefully as his thumb pushed down, there was no semblance of delicacy of the shuddering feeling that overtook his body. His body vibrated and shook violently, the watch still synced with the flow of time as everything around him was coated in blackness. It was such a horrible feeling, to have everything inside of him all rattling at once, so much so that he was forced to sit down.

Eventually, the feeling died down, but Brendon's breath was heavy and labored as he quickly set it down. "What... Is that thing?" He breathed out, looking to Jessica in fear, anger, and astonishment.
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