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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Meiyuki

"The Lonely Road"

"You know what you need to do Lorelai." Sousiel's voice rang out, piercing Lorelai's contemplation. "Finish it, unbind yourself and do what must be done."

Lorelai looked up from her perch against a tree, a few days more and they'd arrive back at Castle Bloodrose. Too soon by her measure, not near time enough to mourn, but when did she ever get enough time? "Sousiel, dear. You know I can't do that. I don't have enough power left, and the old rites have been forgotten."

"They're always forgotten!" Sousiel protested as she climbed into her mistress' lap. Resting her head against Lorelai's shoulder she continued quietly. "You've plenty of power, you just don't like... the darker side of yourself."

"For a good reason Sousiel." Lorelai wrapped her arm around her familiar, her warmth and distraction a welcome comfort. "You know what lurks in my mind, I'm not ready to give in to the horror that awaits."

"Then don't, your will is transcendant Lorelai. Take ownership of the writhing darkness inside you and make it your tool. I know you can do it, if only you had the same faith I do." Sousiel began to purr lightly as she nuzzled in closer. "I know you miss Vespa, I do too strangely enough. I... I can't let this stand Lorelai, your descent is our best shot."

"Do you really think so?" Lorelai stroked the demon's hair absentmindedly. "Maybe, but where to start?"

Sousiel grinned happily. "The Dragons left signs and portents everywhere for their adherents to find. 'Seek places of savage might and grand knowledge' is what has always been said." She giggled lightly, burying her face in her mistress' shoulder. "By that reckoning you should just check your luggage, or perhaps under your bed."

Lorelai laughed, it felt good. At least she still had Sousiel. "You think? Perhaps Dragons have been leaving me portents in my soup as well then?" She sighed. "I'm just scared I guess, the transformation. How much of me will be left?"

"If you didn't fear it you wouldn't be wise enough to claim it Lorelai." Sousiel pulled away to look into her mistress' eyes. "It's been a part of you for a long time Lorelai, I just want to see you tame it, make it yours."

Sousiel planted a small peck on Lorelai's cheek before nuzzling back into her shoulder. "No matter what happens you'll still have me. While they may not thank you for it your coven would be safe as well."

"Thank you Sousiel." Lorelai smiled softly at her familiar. "You really are my most prized possession."

They sat in companionable silence for a time after that. Lorelai's thoughts drifted from topic to topic without much order or discipline. She walked again through her mental gallery of her and Vespa's life together, love and loss, laughter and light. She thought of Hector and his dreadful wisdom, of the emptiness of vengeance.

She remembered the good times between her and Medusa bitterly, as things had gotten so bad now as to call for blood. Was it out of vengeance? Lorelai didn't think so, the thing at the front of her mind now that the rage had faded - some anyway - was that Medusa either had it out for her or that her leadership could no longer be trusted. She resolved to allow Medusa the opportunity to step down.

Lorelai thought of Dragons. No one really knew what a Dragon really was, but her family had borne their image on their seal nonetheless. The language of demons was even named for them. She'd always assumed that the term Dragon simply came from the serpent iconography of Satan, but perhaps she'd missed something. Demon Lords had intimated to her - in not so many words - that there were older things in the inferno than demons. Could that be a reference of the oh so elusive Dragon?

Alexina had spent the time they have traveled alone...ahead of the group, she couldn't have talked to Lorelai before then...even with that bitch Genovene trying to crawl all over her. It was true she hated Vespa. But she cared for Lorelai's heart...she knew she did love her dearly. And as much as she wanted to take care of her and comfort her....she felt she just couldn't do it...even before telling Vespa that she will win Lorelai Back. It just seemed wrong for her to try and comfort her. she didn't understand why.

Though, now that Lorelai was in the forest away from the group...with Sousiel. She felt it was time to talk to her. She stepped out from behind a tree she was lurking behind, working up the courage to do so. She slowly made her way towards her and said softly..."Lorelai.... I'm sorry that I didn't say this sooner....but I'm sorry for your loss....and want you to know that I am here for you if you need anything." She shifted nervously and looksed away. "I Know I haven't been here the last few days... I just thought you would need some space..."

Sousiel heard Alexina approaching. Likely because the woman wanted her to, and decided to give the two of them some privacy. Pushing herself up gently, she abdicated her seat in Lorelai's lap and offered Alexina a small wave as she passed her on the way back to camp.

"Always anticipating my needs, I'm blessed." Lorelai smiled sadly up at Alexina as she patted the ground next to her. "You know I've usually liked to lick my wounds alone, but I wouldn't mind some company now if you've got time?"

Alexina only gave a faint soft smile, before nodding. "Of course... I always have time for you Lore..." She sat down quietly and looked at Lorelai. She then gripped the top of her hand closest to her and sat there for a moment. She didn't know what else to say... she was always horrible at these things.

"I... honestly don' t know how I can help you through this Lorelai...and I want to. So tell me...what can I do to make things easier for you?"

"I don't know Lexi... Can you create more time?" Lorelai layed her head back against the tree, closing her bloodshot eyes. "I feel old Lexi, and tired. I don't know if I have the will to do what must be done, I don't know how to keep going."

She sighed, opening her eyes again as she looked at Alexina. "I'll just keep muddling on I suppose, but I don't know how long I can do this." A single tear traced a path down her cheek as she smiled softly. "Even I have my limits, I'm sorry."

Alexina frowned at seeing her cry, even but a single tear. When she appologized she shook her head. "You don't need to ever say sorry Lorelai. You just lost someone so close to you, it's understandable. A few birds who lose their lover just stop living, dying of a broken heart. It's natural to feel this way... I know I would feel the same if you were to..." She shook her head.

"But You need to know that though I can't give you more time....I will be with you, supporting you forever." She tried to give a comforting smile and squeezed her hand. "But just know... You are free to do what ever you wish now... You always have that choice. Leave this life... or fight medusa, and move on after that. Either way... Ill support you."

Lorelai reached up and patted Alexina's cheek, cupping it lightly she smiled. "You're sweet, and cunning, even occassionally clever." She drew herself slowly to her feet. "If you were wise though, you'd run from me. Everything I touch turns to ash Lexi, everything."

She sighed as she steadied her fatigued frame against the tree. "Maybe I'll leave this world once I'm sure Medusa's leadership won't be my family's downfall. I think not though, I don't think I have the descency to die."

Alexina pushed her cheek into Lorelai's hand slightly, it felt good against her skin. She shook her head when Lorelai said to run from her, as everything turned to ash. Once she was finished she stood up as well. "Running and hiding from someone I love, is not who I am. I am in control of my life...and though It may be a risk...it is my choice...and I choose to stand by you, in all your decisions... though I would not approve of you dying at all..."

She folded her arms acrossed her chest. " Despite how you feel now...just remember...things will get better... Even if a volcano turns everything to ash....life thrives upon the ash and and grows anew."

Lorelai nodded. "Brave then." She turned to walk towards the camp. "I don't know if my frail heart can love again Lexi, but if it does... hopefully we'll still be here. Only time will tell the rest though."

Alexina frowned at her words. Though she made sure Lorelai never saw it. Her shoulders fell and she said softly to her self. "Well... I will be here then..." She closed her eyes as her heart shattered. Looks like Vespa did manage to keep Lorelai's love and attention...

The two walked back to camp. Each with their own sorrows, and neither with much hope of relief in sight. Lorelai bid Alexina a good night as she climbed into her sleeper for some much needed rest, if she could hold back the nightmares.

Alexina watched as Lorelai climbed into her sleeper... Wishing she knew what she could say to change her mind...but she was no fool...she knew Lorelai would be like this for a while...Vespa was close to her. But she meant every word she said that she would support her no matter what. She climbed up the nearest tree and found a nice branch to lay upon and wedge herself in while keeping Lorelai's sleeper in full view...She would not fall asleep... as her mind ran over thousands and thousands of possible things she could have said instead.... dreaming of the day when Lorelai would love her again....as She had loved her since they met.

Collaboration with @Ellion

"The breaking point"

Alexina sat...alone still. At the edge of the forest still in site of the castle bloodrose. Surrounded by a pack of wolves all laying close by her, with one laying it's head on her lap, trying to comfort her as she stared into the darkness, tears in her eyes as she remembered that conversation she had with Lorelai while they traveled back to bloodrose castle.

Now, she felt slapped in the face, she felt worthless...and helpless again. Oh she hated that feeling of being helpless.... though at the moment all emotion but sadness gripped at her heart as it shattered once again in a short period of time. She had just decided to go see Lorelai, and went to the castle to find her, only to find out from her animals that had located her, that Lorelai now shared a bed with Elina.

Once again she was passed over as it were for Lorelai's love.

He had to run. He had to get away. Something was wrong and he wanted to go to her. To Alyssa. But he needed air. He needed to clear his mind. Taran gritted his teeth as waves of nausea racked his body. As soon as he crossed the treeline at the edge of the forest, he collapsed on the forest floor, breathing hard, his eyes focusing on the canopy above him.

Alexina was dragged from her thoughts as she heard running...and all the wolves lifted their head as well. Soon Taran had suddenly appeared, though he seemed to not even notice her. Even though he had fallen onto his back, breathing hard and looking up to the tops of the trees.

She wiped her tears and sniffed, then she said softly. "Taran....Are you alright??"

Taran tossed himself up into a sitting position, visibly relaxing the moment he saw that it was Alexina . "Ah, Yes, I'm...Fine...Just... getting some air," he said, using his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. More like, he was done talking about it. Instead he narrowed his eyes at the woman. "Alexina...have you....have you been crying?"

She looked away when Taran ask if she had been crying and she straightened her shoudlers as if to gain some dignity back. "N-no..." she studdered. In a failed attempt to cover it up. Her face reddened at embarrasment that he saw it so quickly...if at all. "I...Haven't been able to sleep lately..." She tried to lie, explaining her red eyes.

Unwilling to let the problem return to him, Taran scooted closer to the witch. "I haven't been sleeping much either. What is causeing you to not be able to sleep? It has to be something," he didn't want to give her the chance to shut down the conversation by saying nothing

She pulled back slightly, suddenly realizing that saying she couldn't sleep only opened the conversation more. Part of her wanted to blurt it out...to yell at the top of her lungs how betrayed she felt by Lorelai. But she did not want to just throw her problems out to the wind...

She looked away again after glancing at Taran. "I..." She grew quiet. "Apparently.... I'm meant to be alone in this life..." she muttered softly.... hoping he didn't hear it.

Taran was close enough that he did catch her whisper. "Alexina, what happened? " some how dealing with someone else's problem helped him feel better about his own.

Alexina glanced at him and studied him for a moment... while she ran a hand over the wolf's head in her lap. She wanted to tell him more and more what happened...some one, anyone. But she still resisted. For a moment. But the tears welded up in her eyes as she thought of it again. How pathetic she was, stuck on one woman who really didn't love her for who she was... who didn't return her affection... When she was willing to overlook all of the sacrifices....because they were nessisary.

"Lo..." She paused as her throat clenched tightly and her eyes closed to hold back the tears. " I just found out....the person I love.... and was waiting for....apparently doesn't love me the same way."
"I am...sorry Alexina," he couldn't really relate, in fact, he wished for that problem. "I don't think there is, but can I help you? Get you something, go with you somewhere?" he wasn't sure what people said in these moments. Probably not what he just said, but he was trying.

She forced back her tears and stood up and shook her head. " I don't think there is anything you can do Taran..." She looked towards the high towers of the castle that she could barely see She couldn't allow herself to be helpless anymore...But she couldn't force love on someone...

She looked to her wolves who all stood up and started to walk away. "Goodbye Taran...." She said as she started to walk away.

Taran stood as he watched Alexina stand, watching her, trying read her movement. Her responce wasn't a surpise to him, there was very little that he could do in any situation and this one was more complex then most problems.

Just as she started walking away, Taran sprinted behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a tight backwards hug. Saying nothing, but letting the sounds of the woods overtake them both.

Alexina was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even hear Taran run up behind her and wrapping his arms around her. She was startled of course...no one ever done that to her. She wanted to push him away, yet...her lonelyness started to feel as if it was melting away...it was warm and comforting. She did not expect this reaction of herself. She could feel tears breaking through once again.

But she didn't pull away. She lacked the strength to pull away, so she stood there for what seemed like an eternity. But she finally did, and with out another word she ran away from him, she didn't know why...it had felt so good to feel someones touch once again...but her thoughts were not clear by any means. She had to just get away, anywhere but near Lorelai or Elina.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Aerandir and @Ellion

Closed doors

Lorelai's eyes opened to the sun's rays at first light. She was in a strange bed, and someone was draped over her chest. Her eyes followed the pale hand tucked between her breasts, down its owner's arm, until finally her eyes confirmed what her mind refused to accept.

Elina's head lay on her shoulder, close enough that she could feel the girl's breath on her neck. Her silver hair cascaded down her side, and was the only modesty currently afforded to her other than the silken sheets of her bed. A content smile curved the girl's lips as she slept happily, breathing softly.

Lorelai's chest warmed at the sight of her, her eyes wandering affectionately over her small frame. What now? Lorelai internally examined her blooming affections, wondering if it was too late to kill them, or if it would be right to. Could she allow this to happen, should she allow this to happen? Once more her mind revealed nothing of use, none of her hard earned wisdom could be brought to bear.

Lorelai gently worked herself out from under Elina, and pulled the sheets up to the girl's chin. She stooped to grace Elina's cheek with a lingering kiss as the girl stirred lightly. After retrieving her clothes from the floor at the foot of the bed and dressing herself Lorelai moved over to Elina's desk.

While underused, the top of Elina's large oak desk currently bore parchment and ink. Lorelai sat and wrote; Elina, I apologize for not being here to greet you upon waking. As you know my duties are many, pressing, and rarely leave enough time for the direly needed comforts I could use in these times.

Lorelai examined her flowery penmanship briefly before continuing; While last night's passion was to serve a purpose, it was done with no small amount of affection from myself. Do not let my absence suggest anything less than that. When you read this please come find me.

She hesitated over the closing. Love? Sincerely? She'd already betrayed enough of her feelings. Yours, Lorelai Von'Strauss it was true enough after all. For the time being her heart was at the whim of the silver-haired Ruvina, for better or worse.

With that she stood and left the castle in favor for the fresh air of the surrounding forest. Hoping to gain some insight into how to proceed.

Lorelai turned her face towards the sun filtering through the canopy over head. To think she'd share a night of passion with Elina, Vespa's sister, just over a week after her death. She was racked with guilt, confusion, and worst of all, her heart fluttered in an all too familiar dance.

What should she have done? Elina was the last thing Lorelai had left of her love, and she couldn't let the girl languish in a deepening depression. Elina had looked more lively when speaking of learning her gift than she had in over a week, and Lorelai could hardly deny the silver-haired girl her wish. Which would have been the greater sin?

Lorelai ran her hands through her hair. Finding a fallen log she elected to sit, at least long enough to gather her thoughts. Elina would wake soon, and find her note. If Lorelai didn't figure something out before then she feared this situation could only move farther beyond her control.

Alexina was gone. The first person he had ever met that understood who he was had just left. A part of Taran had hoped that he would have been able to keep her from running off, but at the same time, he wasn't surpised when she took off running.

He knew there was a chance, a very good chance that she might come back, she was after all a part of the coven, but it could be forever until she came back, months...years even. Letting out a sigh, Taran finally turned to face the castle, he couldn't avoid Alyssa and inside forever, and right now he didn't have the will to fight his heart. It was in too much pain.

He had only been walking for a few minutes when he ran into yet another witch. "Lorelai!" He said, his voice disguising nothing. "Thank...Magic you are here. Something happened to Alexina. I think she is, well, she left and I couldn't stop her," he said quickly, hoping that Lorelai would figure out what he wanted her to do without having to explain it.

"Lexi!?" Lorelai gave a small start as Taran's shout cut through her thoughts, Alexina was in trouble? Her mind immediately conjured up several horrific scenarios. She stood sharply, turning to Taran. "Explain on the way, and lead me to her."

"Uh, sure," he said, looking back at the forest for a second, trying to rememeber which way the witch took off. Finally he picked a point and started running. "Um, I don't know... I came out here to get away from...uh... anyway Alexina was out here and she was upset because someone she loves doesn't love her back I think," The whole thing happened so quickly that it was hard to get the story straight. "She was crying, so I hugged her and she ....ran away,"

Lorelai's heart sank into the pit of her stomach as she realized what had happened. "Why is it that I can't seem to make any good choices this season?" It seemed that for every step she took something broke. She hadn't even sorted through her own thoughts about... last night, and already it had wounded Alexina.

"We'll find her Taran." Lorelai kept pace with the boy as she reached out to inform her sentinels of their new target. "Let's just hope it's before she does something rash."

Alexina did not run too far...just far enough to know she would lose Taran. She had came to a stop under an ancient oak tree, and leaned against it. She didn't know what to do...or to go to... She was so distraught at the thought of Losing Lorelai once again, then with her saying she didn't know if she could love again, only to bed with that whore Elina....

Her heart heavy and felt as it was broken in a thousand pieces. She wondered how she could live on, sitting alone in the forest while Lorelai slept with other women... she should just end it... that would take the pain away.

She pushed her back against the tree and allowed the tears to flow from her eyes...her normal strong appearance now weak and vulnerable as she slowly slid down into a fetal position. She didn't even notice the sound of footsteps, or her animals warning her that they were approaching her.

As Taran approached the woman from behind, a sudden panic hit him. What if brining Lorelai was the wrong thing to do. Maybe Alexina just wanted to be left alone to cry and pretend like nothing happened. He opened his mouth to speak, but his voice caught in his throat. He gave Lore a helpless look, unsure of what to say.

Lorelai nodded at Taran, patting the boy's shoulder as she stepped into view. She paused to examine Alexina. The obvious pain she had caused the woman sent spears of guilt into her black heart. To think she could do this to someone, Alexina even, what dark days indeed.

She approached the curled up witch slowly, kneeling beside her prone form. "Alexina... what troubles you?" Lorelai knew of course what had happened, but perhaps speaking her accusation would lessen the pain.

"DON'T" She pulled away from Lorelia as she asked her what troubled her. Anger flared into her heart as she looked at the ground. "Don't act like you don't know... Don't add salt to the wound now... I know you slept with....Elina."

"Why must you hear everything Alexina? The animals bring you news, with little context, so that you can conjure up horrors from the depths of your imagination." Lorelai pressed her fingers to her eyelids in frustration. Why is it that everything she did seemed to immediately reach Alexina? "Would you like me to explain why I slept with her? Or are you satisfied with your own theory?"

Alexina glared at the grass below her....She wanted to be mad, she had to be mad. But Lorelai did bring up a good point that her friends could never always give details.... but NO she enjoyed it... she always did with Vespa...and Elina was her twin, and with it so close to Vepsa's death, it couldn't be for any other reason.

She was silent for a bit as she thought it over... her anger won over. "Im sure its along the same lines.... " She said with a bit a venom in her voice. But she left it open for her to explain it anyways.

"Are you now? Lorelai narrowed her eyes at Alexina's back. "What are those lines Alexina? Tell me what you think happened."

Alexina glanced over to her and after a moment looked away. She knew deep down, that she was wrong... but her anger still won out.. "It's because they are so 'civilized' compared to me... that Elina is so close to being Vespa, being her sister and all. It's only Logical you would want to be with her...I mean you left me for Vespa in the first place... Elina would be the next best thing. compared to a crazy woman in the forest who doesn't belong anywhere..." She said, her venom in her voice growing weaker. as she wrapped her arms around her legs and held them close to her chest.

"You're not crazy, and the fact that you're uncivilized has never bothered me." Lorelai took a seat near the red-headed witch. "It would be easy to tell you that Elina wanted to learn demon-binding, and that to bestow her with the gift I had to... well, I'm pretty sure you know what happened last night."

She sighed. "It's true after all, if not the whole truth." Lorelai gave Alexina a sad smile. "Vespa haunts me in Elina, to say otherwise would be a lie. I... I can't let Elina languish Alexina, she's tried to kill herself once already. I can't fail Vespa's last blood, the sister she fought so hard to protect."

Lorelai turned her head away. No longer able to bear eye contact with Alexina. "I... I don't know what to do. I think I damned myself last night, but what should I have done? Why... why can't I seem to get any of this right?"

Alexina felt a pang of guilt when Lorelai explained that she coudln't get anything right. Her shoulders relaxed dispite her wanting to stay mad, as she almost fell back into her old routine of supporting Lorelai. But her comment from before about letting Elina Languish struck a cord with her.

She stood up and with out looking at Lorelai said,"i've been Languishing this last year and a half....in this forest. Alone waiting for the day for things to go back to the way they where. But that will never be. I...I can't do this anymore...." She said as she placed a hand over her mouth. As tears began to form again. As she just no realized how this last year or so had affected her.

"What now then?" Lorelai spoke softly. "I... I don't have a remedy for a broken heart. I'd give you my body if it would heal your wounds, but we both know it won't. I'd tell you I love you, and I do, but not quite in the way you want me to."

She leaned back against the tree. "My thoughts can barely be said to reside within my mind anymore Alexina. My heart is not my own anymore, and it's damaged beyond recognition. Why you loved me once I'll never know, but I'm not someone that deserves that love, or your tears, any longer."

Alexina's eyes closed as she confirmed her fears, She didn't know what to say. She was in shock, as her heart some how impossibly shattered even more. Tears flowed from her eyes, though she did not sob outwardly. She just remained silent, facing away from Lorelai.

She was silent for what seemed like hours, but only for a few moments. "Fine...." She didn't know what to say....she wanted to say something hurtfull...but at the same time she couldn't think of anything or on the other side she didnt' want to. "Just go back...You don't need to worry about me anymore... just go and be happy with your 'pets' and child and Elina..." She bit her lip hard as she squeezed her eyes tight. Drawing blood from her lips as she started to walk away from Lorelai.

"I'm sorry Alexina." Lorelai wanted to stop her, to say something that would somehow heal her. She had nothing, there were no magic words she could use to mend the woman's heart. Instead she simply watched her back as she left.

When it was just her and Taran she turned back towards the castle. Whether spoken of spite or kindness Lorelai intended to honor Alexina's words. She'd play with Lotte, talk to Liz and Coraline, and... something with Elina. Someday this pain would be a distant memory for her, she could only hope the same would be true for Alexina.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
Avatar of SunsetRoses


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Meiyuki and @Wildeyes

"Unexpected Turn"

“Elina, I am so sorry for making you feel like- Gah! Come now Triss, you can do better than that!” Triss rubbed her hair, the tresses unfurling from the ribbon she had tied them in. She was trying to work up a sincere apology for Elina, and the trouble she had caused. She still hadn't decided if she would write a letter, or recite the apology in person.

“Elina, what happened at the garden was something I will never make you face again.” She had no idea if that was a lie, so she couldn't use it. Vows in this castle were solid, and life would be hell if she broke one. She fell backwards on her bed, and sighed heavily. She hardly even wanted to apologize, but it was the right thing to do.

Clarissa finally found her way to... Triss' room. The girl was evidently a mind witch, and that was a rare sight. Medusa wanted to find out if her talents could be used to draw out Lorelai's demonic nature, perhaps sending her into a blind rage and cutting the civil war short as even her allies turned against her for safety.

She pushed open the simple wooden door, not bothering to knock first for a girl so much her junior. Her eyebrow arched as she spied Triss staring at the ceiling in obvious frustration. "Hi, I'm Clarissa, and you're Triss." She said, getting introductions out of the way quickly. "What seems to be the problem?"

Triss scampered her way up the bed, so she wouldn't be caught fishing for an apology. Unfortunately for her, the woman -Clarissa- must have been there a while, because she had asked anyways. She looked puzzled for a moment, because the lady had knew her name. She figured things went around fast in the castle.

“Hello, Clarissa.” She said with a small smile, crossing her legs and gesturing so Clarissa could get comfortable. “It was just a little mistake, I used my powers and it made one of the witches a bit crazy. Now I need to apologize, for making her want to kill someone.” Triss felt safe enough explaining, because she figured everyone would know in a day or two anyways.

"Excellent! I was just here to find out what you were capable of!" Clarissa chuckled, taking a seat in the simple desk chair each room featured. "Have you considered the classic 'whoops, sorry I made you murderous'?"

Triss arched an eyebrow, curious as to why Clarissa needed to know her abilities. “I think Elina is a bit more complex than that. She was rather upset, a lot of grief clouded her mind. So, I need a sincere apology to help her.” She cracked a smile at Clarissa’s simple apology suggestion, knowing how easy it made things seem. Why would you like to know my skills, Clarissa?”

"Whoa whoa whoa..." Clarissa's eyes widened. "Please.... please tell me you're not talking about Elina Ruvina. Silver hair, crimson eyes, quiet, closer to cute than sexy?"

"That's the one, why?" Triss didn't want to know why, honestly. Just her luck, Elina would be the one witch that happens to murder other witches for fun. "Did I do something very stupid, or just slightly horrible?"

Clarissa stood and closed the door to Triss' room, after looking both ways down the hallway. "Not entirely sure which one. Somewhere between painting a target on your back for a very old, very powerful witch, and abusing poor Elina for kicks."

Clarissa returned to her seat. "So, thing is. Elina, adorable little Elina, is currently Lorelai's favorite. Just below her daughter I'd presume. So if little Miss Ruvina runs off to big bad Von'Strauss you might want to keep your head down."

Triss wished there was a way she could strangle herself. After all, it would be a better fate than being killed by a blood witch, and whoever this Lorelai character was. She buried her face in her hands, the only thing preventing her from tears was possible embarrassment. Why did things have to go wrong the second she arrived in this haven? "Well, that's just great. Thank you for warning me."

"If it helps my case at all, she did ask me to use my powers on her. Maybe it wasn't a big deal, and when she snapped out of it she realized everything was okay?" It was a stretch, but it was better than admitting how screwed she was. Would she have to flee the castle?

"That certainly helps your case a great deal!" Clarissa heaved a sigh of relief, sinking into her chair. "Lorelai's reasonable, if obscenely dangerous. You may have to be on the lookout for Elina, but she's mostly harmless, so you should be fine."

Triss relaxed her body, but her head was still swimming. "That's good, thank you." She rubbed her head, a headache creeping up on her. "It seems like things have been getting increasingly worse in this castle." She said, mainly speaking to herself. "So Clarissa, you did come here for something, yes? You wanted to know about my powers, yes?"

"Right!" Clarissa sat up in her chair as she suddenly remember the purpose she’d had coming here in the first place. “On the topic of things getting bad in the castle… Medusa was hoping you’d assist her in bring that to an abrupt halt.”

"Medusa? I haven't talked to her since I first arrived here. She's a rather skilled witch, I don't know why she would ask for my help." Triss smiled, happy to finally get to find out what was going on. She also wanted to help make things right, whether it meant choosing sides or not. "Do I need to talk to her personally, or are you the special lady?"

“For… deniability reasons Medusa prefers to not meet with you.” Clarissa explained. “But first tell me, what all can you do? You made Elina want to kill someone, which is a hell of a feat, but how’s your magic work?”

"I see." Was all Triss could say. Things were truly heated, if one couldn't talk to another without having to truly analyze the consequences. Maybe I should have done that with Elina, before just trusting her. Triss shrugged at her thought, and returned her attention to Clarissa. "My powers require eye contact, and if I am going to use it on anyone, they will probably see my eye color change. I'm used to pushing past human mind blocks, but witches may be a different story."

"Once I'm inside, I have access to their emotions. Emotions that they had felt during a certain situation, that is now stored inside. It has never really mattered how large it is, once it's pulled to the forefront of their thoughts it takes over. I would show you, but I'm a bit reluctant, as you could tell." Triss chuckled halfheartedly. "Who would I be using it on?"

“Lorelai Von’Strauss. Medusa wants you to draw out the horrific twisting power of the abyss that she keeps suppressed in the deepest recesses of her mind.” Clarissa said grimly. “That should end this little spat, for better or worse.”

Triss' mouth gaped, had she really been asked that? Fiddling with the mind of a witch that could break her in an instant? "Absolutely not. If I were to do that she would kill me! Besides, her walls would be far too hard to pass through. I bet there are no cracks in it." Suddenly, a thought came to her mind that she didn't want to express. She couldn't help herself, it was useful information that rested on the tip of her tongue. "Unless...we create some cracks? It would be horrible...but if we could cause her to experience something that would make her fragile, I could get through? It doesn't mean I'll help, I just figured I should tell you, so you could tell Medusa."

“Already done dear Triss.” Clarissa said quickly. “I’m sure the death of her lover of a year and a half should be sufficient to open her up to your influences.”

“Listen, I know you don’t want to do this, I get it.” Clarissa moved across the room to sit next to Triss. “It’s dangerous, and destructive. We’ve got sisters in the crossfire on this one Triss… and you’re the current best bet we’ve got for ending this before innocent blood paints these walls.”

"How unfortunate for her, but yes, that would work just fine." Triss said, hating herself for agreeing to that. Using the death of someone's love to get into their brain? It sickened her...and regrettably intrigued her. She had never done something like this before.

"I don't understand your contradictory, dear Clarissa." Triss said, mimicking the witch's words. "You say that I'm to retrieve her 'horrific twisting power of the abyss', but this will somehow make things less dangerous for the members of the coven?" Triss was surprised with her own tone, but she had good reason for it. Clarissa was asking her to risk her life to bring out something unnaturally dangerous, which could in turn risk the lives of coven members. "Also, why am I the only hope? Medusa is truly powerful enough to figure things out, is she not? I came here for peace, and you expect me to endanger myself?"

“Trust me, Lorelai mad on power is far less dangerous than Lorelai with her wits about her.” Clarissa narrowed her eyes at the witch. “You’re not the only hope, just the best one, the avenue that leads to the least amount of bloodshed. I expect you to remember your oath. The coven’s in danger, and you have the tools to fix it.”

Triss' eyes flitted around the room, as guilt found its way into her head. She really needed to work on staying stronger for a longer period of time, but she had made an oath to protect the coven. "I do remember my oath, very well in fact. However, if I'm to do this, I must stay safe."

She realized how much it sounded like she wanted to protect her own hide, so she decided to elaborate. "As in, I have to get close to her, close enough for eye contact. That means I will need to be protected on the way there, and long enough to connect and manipulate her thoughts. It should only take a few moments, then you won't have to worry about keeping me safe. After that I can hold my own." She paused, trying to think of what else she needed. "There's also the problem of her being able to see my eyes, as well as other witches being able to know what I'm doing."

“You don’t need to worry about other Witches finding out at this point.” The voice of Alphonse the Shadow suddenly reverberated through the room. “Clarissa, pal. What are you doing here conspiring to ruin my murder buddy? How are we supposed to eliminate the coven’s enemies if she can’t keep her head?” Alphonse stood from the chair in the corner that had not been occupied a moment before. He then turned to triss and nodded his head. “Triss, I’ve heard? I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.”

”Fuck...Alphonse, should have known.” Clarissa favored the man with a sad smile. ”Listen, it sucks that we ended up on opposite sides of this, but I gotta do what I gotta do.”

”And so does Triss.” Clarissa turned back to the girl. ”Lorelai’s the one starting all of this, and she’s the one that needs eliminated.”

Triss jumped as a voice appeared from thin air, almost falling out of her bed when the voice grew a body. A redness crawled along her face, growing bright before fading slowly. She didn't know what flustered her more, having no privacy in what was supposed to be her private room, or having to participate in a mock war.

She had half the mind to ignore Alphonse altogether, but what was the point? “Pleasure to meet you, Alphonse. Sad to say we're caught up in such a predicament, maybe after things are settled we can meet anew? For now, you'll have to listen to me conspire about the ruining of your buddy.” She reached out a gentle hand to shake Alphonse’s, smiling kindly. “Does he need to leave, Clarissa? Or will he just find his way back in?”

"I'm afraid I'm rather difficult to ward against. Besides, I'm mostly here to talk to an old friend. Clarissa, I heard your opinions on the matter, but do you really think that letting a Von' Strauss's carefully restrained wrath loose is going to help?" Alphonse shook his head. "I know you owe Medusa a lot, but have you considered that Lorelai has good reason for wanting her gone? The woman's gone crazy, saddling us with no use patrols, sending us on pointless, dangerous missions, she's had it out for Lorelai for months, something needs to be done."

Triss closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Was this really how it had to happen? Could they not talk about this in a separate place? She still had an apology to work on. She let her unshook hand fall to the bed with a plop. “Oh yes, talking to an old friend is such a pleasurable ordeal. One best shared in a room without a third wheel.” She gestured towards the door and rubbed her face.

“Isn't Lorelai under the same laws of the oath? Or is this some sort of loophole?” Triss waited a few more moments, before muttering another line under her breath. “I really don't understand this place, maybe I should just leave and let you all work it out.”

Alphonse suddenly realized his rudeness. "Of course we can leave so-"

Clarissa cut Alhponse off short with a wave of her hand. "No, I'll be going, and you'll be leaving several minutes afterwards. Medusa nor Lorelai can see us talking." She moved towards the door, pausing before opening it. "Alphonse... It's going to be my job to kill you... is your loyalty to Lorelai worth that much? I'm sorry." With that she left, the sound of her heels echoing down the hallway.

Alphonse stood silently for a moment. He jarred himself back to reality. He turned to Triss with his usual smile. "Sorry we had to meet like that. I was following Clarissa for obvious reasons, and your conversation was....well, it was dangerous as hell. I thought it would be better to blast the idea from her head, and maybe prevent her from getting you involved." He held out his hand."I'm Alphonse Stone."

Triss watched Clarissa leave her room with eyes half opened, she turned back to Alphonse, who she would be stuck with for the next few minutes. He wasn't the worst person to have to talk to, she was sure. He didn't seem like he had a scarred past that could be exposed any moment, at least not as far as she could see. "It truly is a shame, because now my first impression of you is marred. I don't think you're a bad person, you don't seem like one." She shrugged, and smiled charmingly, reaching for his hand and giving it a firm shake. "We have another minute or so before you can walk out, would you like to say anything? Preferably not something relating to the war."

"I know of a few good places to find some peace and quiet, if you ever want to find a place to relax. Peace is always precious, regardless of current events. I can show you one, if you like?" Alphonse offered her an elbow.

Triss got up, excited to find some peace and quiet. Wherever she ended up, it would be better than the castle. She also wouldn't have to worry about people confronting her for a while, what was wrong with that? Moving around Alphonse, she grabbed her book, and shoved it into her pocket. "I would love to. You see, if we had just met like this I think I wouldn't have minded it." She laughed, poking his nose and looping her arm through hers.

Alphonse shook his head from Triss's tap on his nose. His grin grew from ear to ear. "Right this way then." He lead her to a secluded corner of the castle wall, the view spanned over the court yard garden, the air was silent except for the sound of bird song. "This is one of my favorites. You can hear nothing but birds here. Pretend that the castle is nothing but brick and nature." Just as Alphonse finished his musings, he heard the clicking of heels on stone coming behind him.

"Alphonse, and... is it Triss?" Lorelai's voice cut through the sounds of birdsong. "You match the description I've heard anyway."

She waved her hand dismissively as they turned towards her. "I don't need anything if you two are busy, but I'd heard of a mind witch by the name of Triss from Elina and was intrigued." She smiled at Alphonse. "Now, why don't you introduce me and I'll be on my way."

Triss was about to sink down to the ground and admire the sounds of distant birds, perhaps she would have invited Alphonse to sit with her as well. She didn't get the chance to though, when the infamous witch Lorelai came around the corner. Triss straightened her posture, no longer relaxed. Elina had given her description to Lorelai, she just didn't know what the context had been.

"Yes, I'm Triss. Nice to meet you. I see Elina told you about the...incident? I apologize for that, I didn't know her yearning would be interpreted as such." She smiled nervously, holding her hands behind her back so she could privately fidget with them. "If you'd like, I can leave you and Alphonse alone?"

"No, that's quite alright, I just spotted Alphonse taking some lesiure time with a woman and thought I'd poke my nose where it didn't belong." Lorelai winked at the red-headed witch. "How did you two meet? Satisfy that curiosity and I'll leave you two your devices."

Alphonse put a hand on Triss's shoulder, partially to show affection, partially to calm the woman's nerves. "I couldn't help but notice this beauty walking through the garden. It tends to get crowded with people at this time of day, and I thought she might like a quiter place to read her books. Is that quite satisfactory?"

"Indeed." Lorelai smiled. "Very well then, enjoy your afternoon. Triss, lovely meeting you, we'll have to talk sometime when it's more convinient." She turned to leave. "Oh, and Alphonse? I'd like to invite you to dinner this evening. I could use some advice, nothing buisness related." The sound of her footsteps slowly faded as she departed.

Triss froze, pushing into Alphonse's hand. The warmth emanating from it settled her frayed nerves, and she managed a smile that looked less forced. She let Alphonse explain everything, nodding along with passion. Once Lorelai had left, she looked to Alphonse and stuck out her tongue. "Oh, a beauty in the garden?" She said, mocking his voice playfully. "Thank you for explaining, I don't think I could have. Are you going to depart?" She finally let herself sink to the floor, tucking her dress underneath her and pulling her knees up to her chest as a headrest.

"I have some time yet before dinner. I wouldn't mind enjoying the peace while I can. Especially with a beauty such as you." Alphonse gave her a wink and a devilish grin. "If you'll have me."

"Why would I not have a handsome man such as you? You truly are a beacon of light, especially with that blinding blonde hair." She reached out a hand to help him to the ground, sharing his grin. "You know, I wonder now if this wasn't the only occasion you hid in a girl's room."

Alphonse's face suddenly glowed a beat red. "Beacon of Light" was not something he was used to being referred to as. "I....uh, hide lots of places." He said, not quite sure what was happening, though he enjoyed Triss's proximity, her scent was sweet to him, it was intoxicating in a way that made him want to sit next to her for a long while. "I can pretty much hide whereever I want."

Triss watched the blush on his cheeks spread, a tinge of pride knotting her chest. "Oh Alphonse, you really aren't helping your case. I bet you're quite the peeping tom." She bumped his shoulder with her own, holding the contact for a second too long before she caught herself admiring the warmth. "Anyone you like to peep on in particular? I'd rather like to know before they chase me down and try to kill me." She giggled, tossing her head back to look at the sky, and remove the hair in her face.

Alphonse chuckled at that. "No, no one in particular. I normally try to keep my peeping professional." Alphonse was struck by the woman's face as she gazed at the sky, her skin glowing in the sun. "Why are you so curious? Are you planning something that might another's jealousy?" Alphonse affixed her with a playful gaze.

Triss faced Alphonse, watching the way his pale blue eyes sparkled with such laughter. She locked onto his eyes for a few solid heartbeats, as if testing to see if her powers would kick in. She felt no surge, just an unnatural affection. She wondered what her own mind would look like right now, if she could see into it. "Oh...no of course not. I would never think of defiling such a fair young maiden!" She leaned in a bit closer, her eyes flashing with mischief as she whispered in his ear. "I see no problem in fooling around though, do you? Obviously in a platonic sense."

Alphonse's body shuddered at the woman's whispers. He was used to wild passions. Women who desire him for his body, or his seed. This was something different. A sweet sensuality that filled his body with electricity. He answered Triss's whisper with a kiss just beneath her ear. "I don't see any problems either, it feels right even." He gazed into Triss's eyes, eager for the promises held within.

Triss shivered pleasurably, her body eager for his touch. She had never felt this way before, and she wanted to explore it. When he kissed her under the ear, a soft, almost indistinguishable moan escaped her lips. She paused at the sound, blushing a light pink. "I've never...uh, done anything like this." She admitted, finding the way he stared straight into her eyes unimaginably beautiful. "What about your dinner, with Lorelai?"

"She can wait awhile, she'll understand." Alphonse said, his eyes twinkling. "There's always a first time for everything." He said, his hand trailing down her hip, resting on her thigh. "If you want to learn, I can teach you." His eyes never broke from hers. Never lost their lustre.

Triss felt her body tense, as he ran his hand along her her hip, finding it's place on her thigh. It only took Triss a few moments to relax, and submit herself to Alphonse, weak under his touch. "Yes." She whispered, unable to close her eyes and pull away from his fierce gaze. "Yes, Alphonse. I think I would like it if you taught me." Feeling a bit brave, she reached up and held her face between her hands, pulling up for a quick kiss. "I hope you don't mind me being a beginner, I may need a lot of lessons." She laughed, rich and hoarse.

Her laughter was music to Alphonse's ears. He leaned in for another kiss, longer this time, gently, he began the first exploration into her mouth. He gently bit her lip as he pulled away. "I won't mind at all, these are the best lessons to teach."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

in collaboration with@Meiyuki

"Lorelai's Secret"

Elina woke up with a grace that had been unknown to her for eternity, for her slumber had been peaceful. Regrets and what-might-have-beens always swam within the chaotic, thorny realm that was her dreamworld - what if Vespa had taken a step to the left instead of right, what if she had just killed Fenros; her mother shouting indignancies at her - but for that day, she awoke with her eyes lazily opening instead of shooting awake from a nightmare. Such a simple tranquility was so alien to her that she was startled anyway. She sat up almost immediately, finding out that she was also very naked. Her silver hair and porcelain skin alike glowed in the morning light. Someone had parted away the curtains of her canopy bed.

"Ah," she sounded, as a realization came to her. She brought a finger to her lips, blushing meanwhile. Her touch was still there. "Lorelai..."

She looked around, from her bookshelf to her sword rack to her desk, but the demon-binder wasn't there. She looked to the doorway of her washroom, but heard no sound of its use. Elina remembered something else. "Servitor," she called, and the demon promptly appeared from the washroom. "Help me dress."

The last Ruvina opted for something simple - a simple silken gown that allowed her to move quite easily. She decided then, so early in the morning, that she would wear more pompous clothing after she had washed. Perhaps she'd spend time in the gardens again today. Maybe she'd drink tea in some secluded gazebo. Maybe she'd do so with Lorelai. Where was she, anyway? Preparing for the upcoming schism? Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. Her life was stressful enough as it was. She couldn't even walk on her own.

But she couldn't help but notice that there was something different about her today. The servitor had brought her standing mirror to the bed on her command, and she examined herself with those blood-red eyes of hers as she sat on the bed. What was different? She angled her face here and there and posed. Was it just vanity speaking, or did she suddenly get just a bit prettier? No, she dismissed herself - it was probably just vanity.

It was her breath, she realized. It was warmer than usual. Good heavens, was she sick? She brought a hand to her neck, and she was indeed quite warm. Yet, she didn't feel ill at all. On the contrary, she was feeling slightly more vigorous than normal. She noticed that it was warmer around her chest area and guided her hand down appropriately. Her fingers followed the heat till they reached the source: her womb.

"Huh," Elina sounded, suddenly blushing furiously. Lorelai's demonic seed yet lingered within her, doing God-knows-what. She was confused last night, but even more confused that morning. The ways of demons were strange indeed. No doubt that her body and soul were being defiled, and changed so that she could properly learn Lorelai's art, but she didn't till now fully comprehend the gravitas (and sillinesss) of the notion that the corruption had to enter through her vagi-

"Mistress Ruvina," the servitor suddenly said. It was unusual for the beast to address her so directly. It spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that inspired images of erupting volcanoes within Elina's mind. "Mistress Von'Strauss left a note on your table."

"Alright. Take me there, then."

The servitor hefted her up and rested her comparatively small frame on its broad shoulder. Perhaps Lorelai was really worried about her to provide such a monster of a servant. Elina thought that if it would decide to punch her with full force, she'd probably explode.

But it was thrall to Lorelai. Such was that woman's power. Elina smiled, despite herself. Someday she'd be able to do the same things, maybe even have a legion of such servitors in the near future if she played her cards right. What's a thousand nights of getting dominated by Lorelai's demonic tool for the promise of such power? Well, not that she minded the former notion.

The servitor set her down on the chair, and Elina promptly began to read the note:

"Hmm," Elina hummed. The note was endearing indeed. Lorelai was so emotional for so powerful a woman. Something about the wording made her raise a brow, and brought to question Lorelai's conduct over the past two weeks. It was as if the demon-binder had something to prove to Elina. Then there was last night. Could it be that... Lorelai liked her now?

She turned her gaze upward, to meet the metallic visage of her servant. "What are the chances of your master suddenly falling in love with me?"

"I don't know," the beast growled. "I am not privy to such information."

Well, what else was she expecting? "Alright," she said, with mild disappointment in her voice. "Take me to bed, and serve me my breakfast."

The beast grunted its acknowledgement and immediately began about its tasks. After the meal, Elina planned to wash and dress appropriately before meeting with Lorelai.

Lorelai sat in one of the lesser frequented gardens ensconced within the sprawling Castle Bloodrose. Servitors busied themselves seeing to her needs. Retrieving documents pertaining to her ongoing research, delivering reports from her 'eyes' and 'ears' scattered throughout the region both above and below, and seeing that her drink remained freshened.

Her work was currently both bane and boon. There was something chilling about methodically planning the horrific demise of a woman she'd once called family. Yet it served as a haven for the remainder of her thoughts which, while arguably more pleasant, were just as dangerous. If not more so, Alexina's heart had made the first casualty of her own frail and fluttering heart. She'd need to tread carefully, but boldly, if she intended to avoid becoming its second.

She paused a moment, setting the large stack of notes she'd been perusing to the side. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out in force, its rays filtering through the apple trees to dance lightly over her skin. The gentle breeze ferried the scent of flowers and raw earth to her nose. She closed her eyes, stretching her will across her servants listlessly. Her eyes opened in strange places. Each kissed by the same sun, and enjoying the same gentle breeze.

"At least the storm is just in my heart then." Lorelai muttered, amused suddenly at her dour mood. Melancholy served no purpose after all. She smiled, opening her own eyes again. "That's enough of that Lorelai, smile on."

Elina emerged through a tall, arched doorway, serenely sitting on the shoulder of her servitor as it ambled along the cobbled path, crushing flagstones along the way. Lorelai appeared to be hard at work within the shade of a gazebo, looking stressed despite the small platoon of servitors standing at attention to cater to her every need. It seemed that the demon-binder hadn't noticed Elina yet, so the latter spoke first,

"Hello, Lorelai." When Lorelai finally met her gaze, she continued, smiling brightly. "I must say thank you again for this magnificent servitor. I don't think I'll be able to do anything myself even if I get my leg back. You've spoiled me."

Lorelai laughed. "Excellent. It will be much easier then to chase you should the need arrise." Lorelai collected the stack of documents from the other wicker chair that she'd been using as a makeshift table and handed them to one of her attendants. "Think nothing of it. Come sit, free me from the banality of my responsibilities, if even just for a while."

"Of course," Elina nodded. The servitor settled her down on the proffered wicker chair and adopted a rigid, military-like posture beside it.

Even while lacking a leg, Elina sat with proper posture and noble arrogance. "So, whatcha up to?"

"Looking over some plans for a solution to your missing leg actually." Lorelai smirked at Elina's sudden descent into vernacular. It was strangely refreshing. "Amidst other, impossibly boring, work."

Elina's eyes widened. Incidentally, her already brilliant irises also became just a tad brighter. "Indeed? How?" Feeling strangely cheeky, she also added, "And will the procedures involve you growing a demonic tool?"

Lorelai's eyes widened as her cheeks color a light pink. She chuckled almost involuntarily. Infected by Elina's irreverant mood she quickly quipped back, "Any penetration involved will be strictly at your option and descretion." Elina chuckled.

Once she'd manage to regain a small measure of her composure, although the color in her cheeks wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, she continued, "The bones of Saint Gertrude. Currently held by the Knights Hospitallers on the island of Malta. It will be more than enough to restore your lost leg."

With one blink, hope had gone from Elina's eyes. "So far away. And forgive me if my geography is incorrect - but isn't Malta an indomitable fortress surrounded by nothing but sea?"

"Not so far away for a creative and cunning cadre of witches. Alphonse can get us there in less than a week." Lorelai smirked. "And Phagora said the same thing, but there's a reason men fear the sea. I'm currently working through a pact with Dagon, Lord of the Depths. Perhaps it's time the Knights learned what truly lies in the abyssal planes beneath the waves."

Elina frowned. "You're doing all of this for me?"

Lorelai averted her gaze briefly. "Not just for you. Securing the relic would serve me well throughout the rest of my career." Her eyes returned to Elina's. "Rather your predicament largely informed my timing, and interest in its aquisition."

The frown had gone. "I see," Elina said neutrally. "So what do the bones do, exactly? How will her skeleton help me grow back my leg?"

"They're a spontaneous reflection of divinity. Capable of channeling positive emotions into restorative magics. The feats credited to them makes restoring your leg pale in comparison." Lorelai explained. "To be honest I haven't the faintest idea of the full extend of its power, but am confident that restoring your body would be well within its capabilities."

Elina nodded, digesting the information. "And how will we get to Malta? Will it even be there; I'm certain you implied sinking the entire island under the sea."

Lorelai laughed shaking her head. "No, I'm sorry. Believe it or not sinking an island that size is currently beyond me."

"Oh, of course." Elina blushed, feeling faintly foolish.

Lorelai grinned brightly. "Storming the island with Dagon's army of twisted souls, however, is not. We don't need to defeat the knights so much as provide enough of a distraction for Phagora and Alphonse to infiltrate the vault and retrieve the corpse. Then we make good an escape."

"When will it happen?"

"I'll be departing within the week, and should return before then end of the next." Lorelai sighed. "It really depends on how long Dagon can stand against my demands, but its will wavers already, it won't be long now."

"Hmm," Elina hummed. "I thought I was going with you. Well, I'm no use in a fight."

"Would you like to come?" Lorelai asked, surprised. "I'll be avoiding the fighting myself, serving as the conduit for Dagon's incursion into our world. I'd love your company if you elected to join me."

Elina allowed herself to lean even further into the backrest, and closed her eyes for a moment. They opened shortly after, paired with an answer:

Elina shrugged daintily, smiling in a carefree manner. "It's better than sitting here and doing nothing. Yes, I think I'll join you. Also," her expression turned solemn then. "I have a question."

"Ask it then." Lorelai replied simply.

Elina brought a hand to her midsection, gazing at it with an ambivalent expression. "I feel so warm down here. Ever since last night my belly's been hot." She turned her gaze upwards, meeting Lorelai's eyes again. "You didn't... impregnate me, did you?"

Lorelai's cheeks passed from pink to a light shade of red. "That... I..." Her voice caught as she looked away briefly. "I'm barren. So that shouldn't be possible. Although I haven't had occasion yet to test the fertility of my... appendage."

"That's not the answer I was expecting," Elina said, eyes wide and more than just a bit fearful. "At this point, I really don't know if that was a real initiation ritual, or if you just wanted to make love."

Lorelai's eyes returned to Elina's. A low anger made its way into her voice. "What answer did you expect? And what, precisely, are you accusing me of? I'd never deceive you into that, surely you can believe that right?"

"You never lied to my sister," Elina said diplomatically, "so I know you wouldn't lie to me. I'm just thinking that maybe we were thinking differently last night - I thought the whole act was symbolic," Elina paused, not quite finding the right words. "So I know we made love, but what exactly is happening to me?"

Lorelai closed her eyes and calmed herself. "My essence is twisting the fertile fabric of your soul, while my seed corrupts your body. I've imparted a portion of myself into you, and consigned a piece of you to the abyss." Her eyes opened and found Elina's. "Soon you'll begin to see things, shadows at the corner of your vision, you'll hear them whispering. Shortly after that you'll be able to see them long enough to make contact. Then, with discipline and training, you'll take your first real steps along my path."

"And the price was lovemaking, that most intimate of acts. To draw us close enough to allow the tansference." Lorelai leaned back in her chair. "And close enough to allow other, more dangerous things to take root."

Elina was silent for a moment. "Like... a child?"

"Amongst other things yes, but I still don't think you're pregnant. If you are I'll do my best to... do whatever it is you'll need me to do." Lorelai smiled reassuringly.

Elina didn't smile. She looked down and rubbed her stomach. So much warmth. "Well. If I'm not pregnant, good news. And if I am - well, isn't that why girls are here?" She looked up then, smiling now. "I... guess I am alright either way, but I am more alright if you didn't impregnate me."

"You know, you surprised me," Elina said. "Suddenly making such a... bold advance like that. Were I a month younger I'd be accusing you of having taken advantage of me. But I'll be honest - I enjoyed it like nothing else. Making love, I mean," Elina blushed. "And if I must mother your child to become as powerful as you..."

Elina leaned back, and made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "... so be it."

"I'm glad you've made peace with that much." Lorelai smirked. "Elina...?" Lorelai tilted her head back against the wicker of her seat.


"I'd decided earlier that I wouldn't tell you this... but now I'm struggling not to." Lorelai laughed wryly, her eyes closing. "So I'll leave it to you... should I burden you with what may be an uncomfortable truth about me? Or shall I bury it?"

Elina's brows perked up. "Better to know than not to know. Go ahead."

"Not always the case, but I see your point." Lorelai continued with her eyes closed, not quite ready to meet Elina's gaze. "You must be wondering why I was so hesitant to... initiate you, seeing as the process was so mutually enjoyable."

"The corruption of my body and soul wasn't enough?"

"Believe it or not, no. 'Corruption' isn't so dark and terrible as one might think, but then again I might just be a mad old witch." Lorelai smiled, shaking her head as she had drifted from the point she needed to get too before she lost the resolve. "No, rather I knew what it would cost me. You see Elina, my heart is a frail and whimsical thing. Capricious and often malicious towards me it seems."

Lorelai's eyes opened, her head lowering so they could meet Elina's. "I've been asking myself all morning if it is acceptable for me to fall in love with you, but I fear I may have little choice in the matter. I don't think I have the strength to crush the blooming feelings you stirred within my chest last night."

"So... my secret is that I love you." She sighed contentedly. Pleased that she'd finally found the answer to her inner conflict, for better or worse.

It was as if Elina was struck by lightning. "Oh. Uhh..." her cheeks adopted a pink color. "I see... um. Wuh-why do you love me?"

"Ever since you stood with me against the betrayer, I've seen you grow. I've seen your resolve strengthen. You certainly aren't the most powerful witch I've met Elina, but I believe that you could be." Lorelai leaned forward. "Your eagerness, your struggles, are endearing to me. I want to see you shining, and I want to stand atop all we've managed to accomplish with you."

"Because you, like me. Are faced with securing your legacy anew, I want to forge a new terrible dynasty." Lorelai hesitated, her mouth opening and closing silently several times before she continued. "There are more reasons I don't have words for, but hopefully I've made myself clear enough. I love you because I see in you what I once saw in myself. A will to become strong enough to claim and keep what you deserve."

Elina was unsure of what to say. Her head was screaming at her that it was diplomatic suicide, but she went along and said it anyway, "What about Alexina?"

"I've already informed Alexina that my heart is not my own." Lorelai spoke sadly. "She did not take it well, but it's better than extending false hope."

"I, um," Elina hesitated. "I don't know if I love you back. Not right now. But, um," she gulped, "are you... free, tonight?"

The smile that graced Lorelai's face was the first one since Vespa's death to reach her eyes. She'd expected less, and had made peace with that. "Of course, and I have something I'd love to show you."

"No," Elina said. "I said that I don't know whether I love you back yet." She breathed in and out. It was hard to keep eye contact with someone who was expecting only greatness from her. "Come to my room at midnight. When we kiss... I'll know the answer."

"As you wish dear. Midnight it is."

When darkness came, the moon rose, and rain fell, only a few certain windows that dotted the stony expanse of the castle walls were still lit. Elina's room was among that peerage, and inside, Lorelai was treated to the sight of the usually reserved girl boldly wearing scandalous lingerie. Elina, within the shadowy recesses of her canopy bed, beckoned the demon-binder with a crook of her finger and soon enough they were sharing a kiss. When they parted, the two were staring into each other's eyes.

"Do you have the answer now?"

Elina nodded, but soon the tears came running down her fair cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Lorelai. I don't love you back."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Wildeyes and @SunsetRoses

"The Knighting"

Elizabeth sat in the large feasting area of the castle, twiddling her thumbs and chewing thoughtfully on an apple. She regarded the red skin of the fruit as though it were a masterpiece, because what else could she do? Lorelai hadn't been around for a while, not even in the evenings when they were supposed to go to bed. Liz cared for Lotte whenever the little girl would have her, but when she wasn't being entertained by the girl's aged mind, she was a basic gypsy. She had no purpose, other than to wait for Lorelai's instructions, and so far, they hadn't came.

Liz was about to leave the table, and finish her apple in the safe haven known as Lorelai's personal tower, when she was approached by a servant. It told her to meet with Lorelai in the training grounds, then abruptly left. "Thank you." She called after it, before heading off towards the outer training yard. She couldn't help her excitement, because for once during her stay here, she was actually going to do something productive.

In a few moments, she was at the grounds, staring at Lorelai. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to be upset with the witch, or filled with gratitude. Instead, she smiled and waved at Lore. "Nice to see you again. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were avoiding me on purpose." She chuckled, pretending to be hurt by throwing a hand over her heart and shaking her head.

"I'm sorry for your wounded heart." Lorelai laughed. "It's a good thing you do know better then."

"I have something planned, something dangerous." Lorelai said grimmly. "And before I send you to your death I want to see you work."

She gestured to several squatting demonic sertivors. They were twisted parodies of some form of primate, covered in red fur with long sharp claws, spikes of bone protruded from their shoulders. "Would you mind if I instructed these to kill you? So I might see your technique?"

"If you don't think the worst in me, I won't think the worst in you. Cross my heart." Liz explained with a wink, crossing her finger over her heart. Her brow creased as Lorelai suggested a dangerous quest, but the promise of hard work and less lounging time was too good to pass up.

"That sounds great, actually. I think I'm being treated like a princess, a well ignored princess but nonetheless. Work would do me some good, it's what I'm here for." She looked at the three primate-esque demon figures on the ground. If they weren't from the depths of hell, she would probably think they were cute.

Triss prodded her chin with her knuckles, considering the challenge Lorelai had given her. "Am I supposed to beat them in a battle of fists, or do you happen to have my whip around?"

"Right!" Lorelai smile sheepishly, turning to retrieve Elizabeth's whip from a nearby rack. She turned it over in her hand, examining it. "As much fun as it might be to watch you beat them to death with your bare knuckles I've always wanted to see one of these in action."

She handed the whip over to Liz. "My grandmother used to tell tales of masters of the whip, she always thought its use was beautiful." She moved to the side, well out of the way of the arena. "Let me know when you're ready dear."

Elizabeth rolled her shoulders, which were still sore but healing efficiently. She needed them to work for proper use of her whip, so she would just have to fight through the pain if they started to throb. She took the whip and stretched it out, testing the chains briefly before positioning it to start swinging. "I hope to do your grandmother's depiction justice."

Her arm moved faster and faster, going in wide as the adrenaline from a potential fight coursed through her. She turned to Lorelai and nodded, watching her foes as they were sicced on her. Her first move was a wide sweep, her whip slicing through the air with a loud hum. She just wanted to clear some distance between her and her foes as they rushed upon her, so her strikes could be extended and accurate. Aiming for the first demonic monkey's head, she cracked her whip. It came down fast and hard, with a crack of metal in it's wake. The blade at the top was sideways, the sharp end coming down with-hopefully-enough force to slice through it.

The top of the babau's head slid slowly to the side, black smoke rising into the air as brackish blood poured down its features. With a sickening thud it finally fell to the ground, the babau's body following suit shortly thereafter. The hunched demons stole a glance at Lorelai, who was grinning broadly. "Go on scum! Die."

So they did, try as they might they couldn't seem to close the gab between themselves and their prey. Whistling death found each of them in turn as the blade from Elizabeth's whip, glinting wickedly in the afternoon sun, sliced through bone and sinew. Soon the air was quiet again, the small training ground covered with the spray of fresh demon blood.

Lorelai's applause was the first thing to break the silence. "Well done! It was wonderful. My grandmother did not exaggerate it would seem." She patted Elizabeth on the shoulder.

Suddenly her expression grew thoughful. "Liz... Tell me what you think of magic if you would."

Elizabeth stretched her shoulders, ignoring the way they strained. It felt so good to hurt, she had just been lazy for so long. Running through the castle, or around the gardens, wasn't justice. She wiped the sweat from her brow and posed proudly with her whip at her side.

"Thank you, I haven't sparred in quite a while." She watched Lorelai's expression change, and found her own softening. Her smile faded into a thoughtful frown, and she shrugged. "Well, I think magic is quite...curious. Humanity knows little about it, definitely not enough to make rash judgements, but we do. Magic is spread everywhere, some is accepted, most is not."

Elizabeth shrugged, puzzled by Lorelai's question. "It all depends on who you are, really. I guess I'm a special case, because I'm obligated to hate it, and I don't. Why do you ask?"

"My family, before they were eradicated, had one of the most prominent knight orders." Lorelai examined Liz appraisingly. "I've recovered the rites and rituals to induct a new member. I was wondering if you'd be interested?"

"I'm honored by the offer, but if you're looking for a knight wouldn't you want Coraline? She's already a knight, and a half-witch. Compared to her I seem less than qualified." Elizabeth straightened as Lore appraised her like one would a shiny gem. "What would it mean for me, if I were to become your Knight?"

"Coraline!?" Lorelai burst into laughter. "Not at all, her magical education has left her with a very strong impression of demons.

"You however, are perfectly qualified for the job." Lorelai continued her examination, circling the other woman. "You would be able to, with my assistance, tap into infernal power. What lies have you learned about demons Liz?"

Elizabeth held still, her cheeks aflame as Lorelai's scrutinizing eyes burned their way over her body. This was worse than when her mother did it, because her mother didn't have the power to kill her where she stood. "I see, you want someone with minimal exposure to magic. That way you can shape them, and use the efficiently." She said it very matter-of-factly, but it was more of a question.

"Lies? Well, I've heard that they're all evil beings without a care for the lives of mortal men. So far, that has proven to be true. I've also heard they are all figures of hell, and it is ungodly to work with them." She turned to smirk playfully at Lorelai. "I must say, though, I have never been religious."

"Believe it or not neither have I." Lorelai returned Liz's wink. "Men would like to believe demons come from hell, and in large part that is where they live. However their source is the darkness that lurks within the frames of mankind. Succubi represent lust taken too far, but would you say all lust is bad?"

"Without lust, there would be no passionate love, so of course it isn't all bad." Elizabeth couldn't help it, she was enthralled. "I see why you brought up Succubi, they represent one of the seven sins. Yet, those sins aren't really bad in small quantities, it's only when they are taken out of proportion that they are truly deadly."

Lorelai came to a halt in front of Liz, her face broke into a bright smile. "Exactly! Yes! Wrath is the strenth of a person's desire to destroy threats to themselves or their families for another example." Her steel grey eyes bored into Liz's "To become an Adherent of Blood and Claw you must be trained to withstand and harness these extremes. A demon of wrath can push your body to new heights of power, but that would be useless if you were consumed."

"So, I'll ask the only question that matters. Elizabeth C. James, can your will withstand the power I offer?" Lorelai's eyes twinkled with excitement as she waited with bated breath for Liz's answer.

Elizabeth momentarily bristled at the thought of harnessing the powers of demonic entities, but Lorelai's sparkling eyes made her relax. Her mouth split into a grin, and she nodded eagerly. "I would love to try, Lorelai. If I don't at least do that, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." She spoke in hushed tones, full of contentment. "Whenever we begin training, I will push my will to its brink. Only the best for you of course."

"We'll begin now." Lorelai patted her shoulder, extremely pleased. "Give me some time to prepare, and we'll begin."

"Nice, new girl, I am impressed, you get that rebound sex, she needs it." Alphonse strode into the room, apparently hearing the back half of the conversation. "Lorelai, I'm happy to see that you're recovering so well, I half expected you to be half full of Sousiel right now. I like the girl and all, but I don't think it's healthy to rely on a demon for your sole sexual release."

Elizabeth's trance was broken by the voice of a male. She turned to look at him, smiling still. He had bright blonde hair that made her own look almost pathetic. She was surprised at how little she was affected by the idea of them having sex, probably because it was so unlikely.

"Wait...rebound sex. What hap- Never mind." She cut herself off, officially red. Lorelai had slept with someone and apparently it didn't go too well. She decided against bringing it up in a bad way, instead reaching out a hand to grasp Lorelai's shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that Lorelai, but we can discuss it later if you'd like."

Lorelai laughed, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She glared at Alphonse in faux anger, her lower lip trembling slightly. "You really do hear everything don't you?" She smirked playfully, but with little cheer. "And here I thought you'd be too busy having your own fun with... Triss? Yes that was her name."

She gestured between the two. "Alphonse, this is Elizabeth James. Liz this is Alphonse Stone." She turned to Al. "Liz will be joining you on that project we'd discussed."

Alphonse shrugged in recognition her mention of Triss. His cocksure smiled hid his fluttering heart. Last night had been....something else.

Alphonse appraised Elizabeth, and the demonic gore spread all over the room briefly, then nodded in appreciation. "I like your work. I would say that I look forward to fighting beside you soon, but I prefer to avoid open fighting. Especially where we're going."

"Everyone is getting busy, I feel a little slow. Maybe it's just my old age." Elizabeth chuckled, rubbing her arm as Alphonse noticed her work. "Thank you very much, open fighting is my forte, you can't really be quiet with a whip. As far as the mission, I've only heard that it will be dangerous. Would you like to explain?"

"Ha! Don't call yourself old, I'm nearly eighty which would make me ancient by that standard." Lorelai chuckled. "We're just planning a bit of a trip to steal a holy relic out from under the nose of the Knights Hospitallers."

Lorelai examined Alphonse surruptitiously. The man looked different today, maybe a little lighter, or brighter, or something. It was odd, but now was hardly the time to interrogate him over it. "So Alphonse. About Elina. I was expecting you at dinner where I was intending on having you talk me out of it. Instead, left to my own devices, my fatigued mind has elected for insanity. She rejected my feelings unfortunately, but I'll recover, I always do." She smiled grimly.

"Hey, you're a tough old lady." Alphonse punched Lorelai playfully in the shoulder. "And you've always got me and Sousiel" Alphnse grinned cheesilly.

"Sousiel is sleeping it off." Lorelai grinned at the man. "Perhaps you would've been of little use anyway, I've been told I'm getting stubborn in my old age." She winked.

"Why don't the two of you get to know each other some while I prepare my ritual materials for Liz's induction?" She turned to Liz. "Alphonse can brief you on the mission, I'll be back soon."

Elizabeth stayed silent as they bantered back and forth. They looked relaxed with one another, even though the situation was tense, and it made Liz rather happy for no particular reason. At least these two can stay sane in the middle of all these conflicts, she thought, rather giddy. When Lorelai said she was leaving, Liz waved goodbye and took a seat on one of the less bloody patches of ground.

Liz cleaned the bloodied dart of her whip calmly, waiting for her briefing. She didn't seem bothered by the thick tar-like substance being spread across her shirt. Disguising her excitement about the ritual later on in the night was easier to do when she had a task at hand. "So, Alphonse, tell me more about this group we'll be facing." She gestured towards the ground in front of her so he could take a seat.

Alphonse took the offered seat, appreciating her ichor spattered shirt on his way down. "So, our little trip is taking us to the island of Malta, where we intend to steal the corpse of the greatest healer to ever live. Lorelai intends to summon and bind the Demon Lord Dagon to create a distraction for us, where upon we will sneak into their tomb and run off with the corpse from it's sacred resting place. In our path will be standing the Knights Hospitaller. They're bad dudes. Rather, they're good dudes, who are very, very bad for people like me and our mutual boss lady." Alphonse rested back to recline on his one good arm. "They have sacred wards, and some of the best hunters to have ever lived are amongst their number, our operation is scheduled to avoid the worst of them, but still, we need to be careful." Alphonse paused as he scratched his face with a nonexistent hand. "Those are the broad strokes. You're a hunter, right? We should be able to conceal our nature outside of the fortress, We'll have to appraise our invasion carefully in the field, so we'll be gathering intelligence in the city. I think that's about it so far."

Elizabeth blanched at the mention of Malta. She had spent many summers there, enjoying the waters and meeting royal families. She clutched the grass and took a deep breath. "You're going to infiltrate the Knights Hospitaller? I've spent time there, in that very keep. My father knows Gideon, they've shared drinks. I had a friend there, haven't wrote to her in quite a while..." She shook her head, doubt filling her mind. Was this something she had to do? Was it a part of the oath she had made?

"They know me there, Alphonse. I don't know if that's a bad thing, or a good thing. It could be beneficial, or it could ruin your plans." She paused, unsure if she should continue. "I could always ask my father to see if the keep is still open to the James' family. Or maybe I can ask Ashlynn, see the inside and report back to you before we rush in?"

Alphonse's tensed for a moment, suddenly considering many factors at once. After only a brief moment, he decided that many of his considerations could wait for later. "That could be useful." He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I had assumed that you were some kind of exile, what are you doing out here if you're still on good terms with your father? Shouldn't you be out rooting out evil and what not?"

"Well, if it means killing those in the Keep I won't give you any information at all. I will not participate in their deaths." Elizabeth crossed her arms, holding her opinion firm with the gesture. "I am on very good terms with my father, it's my mother that's the problem. I'm here, because I made a deal with Lorelai to help her and her cause. I did it so Flint wouldn't try to murder her...well he did, but it was rather pathetic against the wards." She figured her explanation was confusing, but she didn't want to elaborate. "Either way, I have ties there...so I can help, if you agree not to raise the death toll too high."

Alphonse sighed. She had set forth conditions, that meant that she was willing to work with him. "Good! The only thing I hate more than open conflict, are unnecessary deaths. This is a heist, not an assault, so the more you help us, the more smoothly this runs, and the fewer people get hurt." Alphonse was not sure if he could trust her, but if she was willing to help Lorelai on the word of her mother, then he thought he could at least expect her to cooperate in this mission. "At the very least, we should use your status to see if we can get into the city. Your good name should deter suspicion, and make things more likely to work properly. We'll consider your other contacts as we move forward."

"Agreed, would you like me to write to the Lord there that I am going on a promotional visit, or should we stay as discreet as possible?" Elizabeth felt uneasy about the situation, but maybe everything would turn out fine and they could all go home and once they were done stealing the body she could play with Lotte and watch Birdo preen himself. "I'm glad we made an agreement. I may ask Lorelai a bit more about the corpse, if she feels it's okay to share."

"As far as I know, the corpse is a powerful holy artifact. Legend says that if were ever whole again, it's healing powers could do the impossible. Maybe, even bring back the dead. That's all I know." Alphonse shifted into an upright position. "I think discretion would be best, we might be able to get closer to the relic with a promotion, but that much attention would make it pointless. I'm really glad you're working with us. The last thing I want to do is hurt a lot of innocent people for our war, but Medusa's going to bring out the big guns, so we've got to match her." He reached his arm towards her and flashed his most dashing smile. "I look forward to working with you."

Bring back the dead? Fun, Elizabeth thought with a grimace, wondering just how many ways that could go wrong. "I can see why it's so heavily guarded. I hope that Medusa will be thoroughly outnumbered, if we pull this off." She reached forwards to shake his hand, after wiping hers on her pants because it still had a bit of gooey blood on it. "If only things were that simple." She said with a chuckle, sharing Alphonse's grin.

Making a Dragon Knight wasn't easy. A decade ago Lorelai would have still been incapable of performing the feats neccessary, but this is now and that was then. Her ritual chamber was dark but for the scant few candles surrounding the complex magical circle she'd spent the last few hours carving. The room smelled of various herbs, with a sinister undertone of blood. The wall behind her altar was painted with the symbol of Nocticula, The Lady of Pain.

Sousiel stood nude, her back carved with various sigils. Her essence would be the catalyst for this ritual. She would pour herself into Liz. Then Lorelai would draw them to the plane of nightmares. Where Liz would prove her mettle, or be crushed.

"Are you sure about this Mi'Lady?" Sousiel spoke hesitantly.

Lorelai paused for a moment. "I don't think one can be sure about something like this Sousiel, but I'm confident. Liz doesn't fear magic like her peers, she's got the best chance at this of anyone I've met so far."

"If you think so." Sousiel said. "She'll be arriving soon, I suppose we'll find out."

Elizabeth slowly made her way to Lorelai's ritual chamber, a sort of awkward gait that involved a few steps forward and another step back. Courage flowed through her in waves, when she thought about the prospects. The waves crashed and died when she thought of all the horrible things that would happen during the process. She frequently considered ditching and hiding in the bushes, but what was the point? She would just be found, and then she would have to apologize and feel awkward for the rest of her stay.

With a final squaring of her shoulders, she pushed inside of the room. It was darkly lit, but she could make out intricate carvings and paintings. Lorelai had spent a lot of time here, getting everything together. It made Elizabeth feel a bit special, which countered her overwhelming unease. Her eyes fell last on a nude figure, a beautiful girl with supple skin that looked absolutely flawless in the flickering light. Elizabeth bit back a blush, and cleared her throat to announce her presence. "Lorelai...is this the Sousiel you told me about?"

It would have been awkward if she was wrong, but Liz figured the demon was the most likely choice to help with the ritual. "The room looks incredible, thank you for taking so much time on it."

"Yes, this is Sousiel, the finest demon i've ever commanded." Sousiel colored lightly, puffing her chest in pride at her mistress' praise. Lorelai gestured to the center of the circle. "This is an incredibly difficult ritual, and I wouldn't have wasted my time on it were I not confident in your ability." She smiled reassuringly at Liz.

She turned to retrieve a bowl from her altar. Her ritual dagger opened her forearm easily, and blood soon began to pool at the bottom of the dish as black smoke coiled into the air. Once she was satisfied she had enough she turned to Liz. "We begin with a taste of Dragon's blood. The Adherent of Blood and Claw is the sword arm and most trusted companion of their Dragon, we shall deepen our bond with an offering of my essence." She extended the bowl towards her.

"It's nice to meet you, Sousiel." Elizabeth watched Sousiel's chest swell, and would have giggled if she wasn't so nervous. "Thank you for your confidence in me, I'll try to show that it is not misplaced."

Elizabeth stepped a bit closer to the circle, so she could watch the black smoke curl through the air in its own twisted dance. She was amazed that Lorelai didn't seem woozy at the loss of so much blood. Maybe the witch was just used to it by now. "I assume this is the easiest, albeit most strange tasting, part of the ritual?" Liz asked, her stomach curling as she accepted the dish.

With a final shaky breath, she brought the bowl to her mouth and drank. She almost recoiled at the taste, which was very unexpected. She was used to drinking toxic liquors, and thought this would be the same. Instead, it was sweet. It still had the same hot consistency of blood, sticky and thick as it slid down her throat slowly. Yet, the taste was almost...good. Spicy, like cinnamon with something else she couldn't place, sweet like a candy she was familiar with but had trouble naming. The texture was slowly forgotten as she downed the rest of it in long gulps.

When finished, Liz licked her lips and turned red as a tomato. They had just watched her guzzle blood as though she was a vampire. "I...I didn't think it would taste like that. I apologize."

"That's quite alright, Sousiel tells me that it's quite the delicacy." Sousiel nodded, nudging Liz's shoulder. Lorelai smiled. "And yes, that is the easiest part of this process."

"We are here to join in your triumph over the root of darkness Liz." Lorelai explained. "Tonight you conquer Fear, like no mortal has, or die trying."

"This is your last opportunity to withdraw Liz, and I won't think less of you if you do." Lorelai's face was passive as she maintined eye contact with the would be Knight. "Because the next part is your Oath, not to some ideal, but to me. You must pledge to stand as my partner, my guardian and supporter, for all time."

"This is a difficult decision, and I'll answer any questions you may have. I cannot, however, entrust you with this much of my power without a promise."

Elizabeth smiled charmingly at Sousiel, enjoying the subtle support she was given. "If I make it through, the credit would go to you both for encouraging me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even considered anything like this." She shook her head, in disbelief of what she was about to do. Defeat was not an option anymore, because that simply meant death.

"I figured there would be an oath. It's a style used a lot in witchcraft, isn't it? I do have one question though, if I make it through this will my life no longer be mortal, as long as your power flows through me?" Elizabeth shivered at the thought of an almost endless life, she didn't know how she could handle it. She wasn't like Lorelai in that sense, or in any sense at all.

"I just hope you know, I can be a thorn in one's side. You'll have to deal with that forever, and find ways to keep me entertained." Her eyes twinkled, and she finally let loose a short laugh.

"You'll be expected to be a thorn in my side." Lorelai echoed Liz's laugh. "This will be somewhere between master and servant, and partners. You'll be expected to defer to my wisdom, and I'll listen to your concerns and opinions and always take them into account."

"Alas yes, you will live for as long as I do, perhaps longer." Lorelai spoke sadly. "As my power swells I drift from humanity, becoming closer to the mythic Dragon my anscestors revered. It will come to you to keep me anchored in blood and flesh as the eons pass us by. I hope I'll be a good companion to you."

"Me, outlasting you? You're just saying that because you would miss me so much." Elizabeth winked, avoiding the ritual with jests. The entire time she joked, she thought, mainly about whether she would leave or stay and make the deal. Her face suddenly turned serious as she made her decision. "You wouldn't have to worry, I'll keep you anchored as long as you wish. Serving you will be a struggle, and I'd love to have a go at it. Maybe I can learn from Sousiel?"

"I've been stalling, but I will make the oath. To you alone, and not some silly cause." Elizabeth straightened proudly, readying her arm in case she needed to spill some blood.

"Very well, remember your oath when your eyes open in the plane of nightmares." Lorelai gestured to the center of the circle. "Strip before you step inside, and we'll begin."

"Of course." Elizabeth said, focusing strongly on her vow as she stepped inside the carved circle. She glanced back at Lorelai, giving her a final unsure smile, and closed her eyes. Under her breath she repeatedly muttered her vow. She was ready, to face her fears or die in the battle.

"Then we begin." Lorelai stepped towards the altar as Sousiel moved into the circle, standing face to face with Liz. "Sousiel will flow into you now. I'll need you to relax."

Sousiel flashed Liz a lascivious grin as her delicate frame blurred. Soon she'd dissolved into a thick black smoke, her mismatched eyes still twinkling darkly from within the miasma of her true form. She settled over Liz's head, flowing into her mouth and nostrils.

Liz felt a burning sensation in her throat as warmth radiated through her body. Her limbs filled with newfound strength as Sousiel took up residence in her flesh. When it was finished Lorelai turned to her, and from the woman's throat came a low gutteral song.

Liz felt herself being pulled somewhere as Lorelai filled the room with her thousand throated chant. The walls began to twist and melt. Reality faded and she soon found herself standing in a lightless realm. Black darkness assaulted her senses as her eyes strained to find light in vain. For all the darkness she could still see shapes. Impossibly horrible things made of some living shadow lurked at the corner of her eyes, undulating in alien dances that sent shivers of cold fear up her spine.

"The first lesson of the teacher fear is warning." Lorelai spoke gently in her mind. "A Dragon Knight is not fearless, but learns to recognize fear as the first sign of danger. Your first task is survival."

Elizabeth bit the inside of her cheek to keep from whimpering. The darkness surrounding her was almost tangible, she caught her breath when she realized some of it truly was. Dancing around always in the corner of her vision, were figures of shadow, discernible through some form of otherworldly magic. Her squinting and pausing made no difference, because the surrounding terrain only stayed vaguely outlined.

Liz wondered if that made things better, because she couldn't see the grotesqueness of the figures. Quite possibly, it made things worse, because she couldn't face what she couldn't see. When Lore’s calming voice filled her mind, she jumped and laughed nervously. ”Thanks, Lore.”

With Lorelai's words in mind, she took a step forwards. The second her foot planted itself, a tremor of fear shook through her. It was followed by more minor ones, making Liz want to curl into a ball. She took another shaky step, and a spike of fear ran through her left side. She jumped back, and an object with an outline of a spike whistled past her.

Elizabeth suddenly realized what was going on. The tremors alerted her to danger, but it was everywhere. She had to know what to fear and what to tread on. ”Well damn, you Dragons really know how to put on a show.”

She took another step, and again felt fear shaking through her. The shockwaves’ frequencies shifted constantly, sometimes a bigger one fading away as soon as it had started. Within her next twenty steps -mostly involving jumping back and forth to avoid obstacles- she had it mainly worked out. She was sufficiently scratched, close calls from spikes having drawn blood. Her ankle also hurt dearly, because she had sprained it misstepping into a pit. Her emotional state was in tatters as well, for she had stopped frequently to shed silently tears and cradle herself.

These injuries made her learn quick, that even in this darkness you could never close your eyes. Fear had to be prioritized, and sometimes the shock she felt was overwhelming when it was only a sharp rock in her path. It was a lesson, and she interpreted it as best she could. ”Lorelai, what's the next step?” She asked, eager to move along.

"You're doing excellently Liz, hang in there." Lorelai's voice sounded in Liz's mind again, gently reassuring the woman. "Next lesson of fear is one I think you're quite familiar with."

The terrain shifted, brightening subtely. The shadows at the corners of Liz's vision were revealed for what they were. Twisted shapes bearing the faces of men and women contorted in fear. The end of their long spindly limbs bore sharp, deadly looking claws. They slowly approached her, murderous intent plain in their strides.

"Fear can be strength. Turn your fears into rage, fill your limbs with might and strike true. Or be struck down." Lorelai spoke again as Liz's weapon appeared at her hip.

Liz winced as the area around her brightened. She was finally able to see what she had been up against in the last test, but it hardly concerned her. In front of her were ghastly beasts, humanoid faces twisted into savage expressions. Those had been the shadows dancing around her, and now they were primed to attack.

Liz fumbled for her whip, trying to maintain eye contact with the beasts. She felt her eyes watering, the fear overwhelming her senses. She thought of what these things were, men and women who had died and become little more than a shell with evil intent? They were slow, where her weapon was fast, but she was sure they wouldn't be easily defeated. Liz you jest, if life were that simple things would be boring.

The adrenaline of the battle tried desperately to overwork her fear, and to make her movements quick and graceful. It couldn't win, these monstrosities may have been emanating fear, or maybe it was her own subconcious telling her how screwed she was. So, her movements were slow, her swipes halfhearted and sluggish. She couldn't seem to cut into the creatures at all, not even when she worked up the effort to make a good attack.

Soon enough, the creatures were upon her. She had no room to swing her whip, clutching the dart in two hands and taking random jabs like a rookie. When the first monster swung its claws at her, instinct kicked in and allowed her to dodge. The second attack made contact, slashing open her shirt in three thin lines that started to seep blood. She accepted the strike, moaning at the pain but giving in. Lorelai had told her what to do, not to shed her fear but to work with it and shift it into rage, but she was going to die either way, so why try?

Liz’s first thought of fighting back arose at her second injury. She had been moving back so they couldn't circle her, but one had made it to her side, slicing a chunk of skin off her arm. Was she really going to die like this, after she had sworn to give her best effort, and fight till the end? She had faced such extremities, but now that she was alone she was going to give up? What would her father think? Flint, Emiliah, Bobby, even Andri and Coraline. They would all think bad of her if she allowed herself to die without a fight. Lorelai would lose her family's protector, and would be ashamed for thinking Liz was good enough.

More than that, though, she would never forgive herself. Dying so easily before her life could even begin. These were the thoughts that sparked her fury, alighting her with a rage unholy. She no longer fumbled with her jabs, taking her dart and plunging it into the chest of a monster. Another thought arose that made her fight even harder, she didn't want to become one of these things, and she didn't know if that would happen if she died at their hands. This is what Lorelai had wanted from her...this was what she had wanted from herself. To be so enraged from the fear of death she could take out any enemy.

Soon she had cleared enough space to start swinging, roaring cries of war, she took the monsters out one by one. She suffered plenty of injuries at their claws, whenever she had gotten overly cocky and jumped in with her dart. In the end, she was the one standing victorious. Covered in blood from both her and her enemies, but feeling stronger than a dozen oxen. With a final cry, thick and passionate, she called for Lorelai. ”Lorelai! I did it!” She danced among the corpses, praying her adrenaline rush wouldn't wear out and make her feel the pain.

"Wonderful dear, simply wonderful." Lorelai sounded pleased, her voice in Liz's mind almost seeming excited. "One more lesson, and we'll be done with this place. You join me at my side for all time."

"The test is here." Lorelai spoke grimly as the terrain shifted once again. Liz stood before Nocticula, the Lady of Pain and Lord of Fear. Her (its?) nightmarish form was impossible to behold, tendrils of vile shadow crawled over the ground towards her. Each stroke from these horrific appendages reminded Liz of nightmares both real and imagined, possible or foolish. It frayed at her will, offering to end the torment if Liz would forswear her oath, and forget her quest. "How long can you stand in the dark Liz? This is the final chapter, is your will strong enough to resist? We shall see."

Liz stood boldly, proud and unafraid of her next test. Until the scene shifted, and she slumped in the presence of Lady Nocticula. Stories were written about this very monstrosity, and here it was, essence and all. Her childhood priest had once told her that The Lady of Pain would punish her with a vile death if she misbehaved, and that was one of the reasons she had lost faith in religion. The idea had been so mindless she had just got up and walked away for a tart in the dining hall.

Now, her last test was to go up against the revered figure, not in a battle of brawn, but a battle of wills. The way it's wormy tendrils crept along the ground in front of her filled her with dread, but she straightened her posture and beckoned them forth with crossed arms. It's no big deal, you've never believed in her before, so why would you now? This was what she repeated to herself, until the first tendril licked her flesh.

A blood curdling scream ripped through her throat, as she was swallowed up by the first nightmare. She was trapped, by Flint and Emiliah. Her two friends considered her a threat now, and she was going to be killed. Fenros was on his way, how Liz knew that was a mystery, but she did. Lorelai was nowhere to be found, and her extraordinary power no longer coursed through Liz’s veins.

She tried to talk them down, but they no longer trusted her. She would never fight against them, so she relinquished her whip easily. It was a stab of Emiliah’s spear that brought her to her knees, she still had the ability to swing, but she refused. The tip of the spear was pulled out, and rammed back in just as hard. As Elizabeth collapsed, slowly dying, she heard Nocticula’s voice call for her. It was soothing, like a mother's tone when their child had just been injured. Nocticula promised her peace, all she had to do was withdraw her vow and give up. The promise was tempting, oh so tempting, but Liz simply closed her eyes and ignored it.

That nightmare ended when her torn heart finally stopped beating. In real life, she had never been stabbed. However, the experience had felt so real she had fallen to her knees, clutching the spot on her chest where the wound would have been placed. Hot tears streaked down her face, one at a time. She felt herself unraveling, her mind tearing at the seams. Feeling it hardly helped her prevent it, but she did manage to pull herself to her feet. She wobbled, staring hard at the second tendril as it began to caress her.

The second horrible situation was one that would never happen, not if she made it through the process. It started with a call from Nocticula, who told her she wouldn't have to face the whip if she just resigned, and gave up. Elizabeth flinched at the thought of a whip, memories flashing through her mind she had never before experienced. Two names came up among those thoughts, Gregory, and Westly.

She looked down, toying with the folds of her immaculate dress. She had just gotten it in from the tailor yesterday, and it fit perfectly. She splurged often, to ignore her pain. Loads of powder covered the marking on her face, which burned whenever she thought of it. She had to throw her head back to prevent her tears ruining her makeup, her long waves tied up in an intricately braided crown. The tears brought on another offer, Noticula saying yet again that she wouldn't have to experience the whip.

Elizabeth was about to accept, and live a life of luxury without pain, when she heard the sound of feet bare feet padding around the corner. It was her son, Westley. Her teary eyes cleared instantly, as Westley rounded the corner into her room. He wore a fine jacket, the colors matching his mother's dress. He was turning ten today, and Elizabeth could not be more proud.

The young child ran into Elizabeth's arm, where she held his warm body tightly. ”My boy, soon you will be leaving our nest and inheriting your own land. How I'll miss you!” How I'll miss your love when I face the torment of your father, she thought as she spun him around the room and he lead her in a messy waltz.

The rest of the day flew by, Westley receiving his gifts with a lovely grace. He didn't even have cake, because he wanted to serve everyone else an extra large slice. She was so proud of him, so in love with him. It made every night of hell worth it. She thought of that, and only that, as she hung to a wall in the dungeons. Her hands were in cuffs, not tight enough to leave scars, but enough to make her work even harder, struggle harder. Her husband Gregory stood before her, a chainwhip in hand -the one her father had given her for her tenth birthday, before her mother totally rejected the idea of her becoming a Hunter like him- and a sick smile on his face.

Nocticula gave her a final offer, but she passed it off with a smile. All she cared about was Westley, and she would take a thousand lashings if it meant his eternal love. The whip came down on her chest with a crack, and the nightmare faded.

Liz stood sobbing, she rubbed her face where the whip had once lashed her. It was so real, that she looked around multiple times for her gorgeous son Westley. She cowered as she thought of Gregory finding her dressed like this. ”My...my boy. Westley…” She moaned out between sobs. Nocticula's offer was almost tangible at this point, something she could just reach out and grab. She could see Westley again, live a long and happy life with him, if she just accepted the offer and rejected Lorelai. She had come too far for that though, and regrettably she pushed Westley out of her mind, vowing never to forget her young son. A son that had never, and would never exist.

”I won’t, I will never in a thousand years let myself give up like that. Not after what I've done.” She said, her voice weak and quivering as she pulled her chin up, still hiccuping from her sobs. Her mind was broken, too many things had infested it. The life she could have had digging deep, her death at the hands of her friends ruining her. She couldn't take any more, but a final tendril came down upon her vulnerable state.

The last nightmare was almost laughable to an onlooker, but to her and her fragile mind, nothing could be worse. She needed to be encouraged, and instead she was there. Posed out on a stage, were Elizabeths, all different ages. Elizabeth's essence was in every single one of them, allowing her to see through their eyes, and feel their pain whenever it was their turn to act.

One by one, the Elizabeths went on stage to enact a certain achievements in her life. One by one, the scene was twisted until they all ended in her death, even her birth ended in a mutilated baby the doctor couldn't save. Elizabeth felt every death, heard every plain faced audience member boo and throw rotten foods. It tore her apart, and at the end of every scene Noticula took her wounded soul and promised to patch it up.

Elizabeth wouldn't, instead she watched and felt and almost savored the pain. It was the encouragement she needed, to let herself be torn apart. By the end of the play, she had been mutilated so many times she couldn't count it. All of the living Elizabeths screamed out their pain, including the present one. Nocticula cradled them separately and cooed and loved them, but they never gave in.

At the end of the nightmares, Elizabeth was torn apart. Her mind was full of all her possible deaths, her son, her friends unemotional state as they slayed her. Her pride had never shifted though, and though she wanted to run and scream in circles, she stayed straight with her arms hardly crossed. She was weak, but she was successful, the tendrils no longer reaching for her. ”Lorelai…” She managed, calling for her new Mistress, because she needed to get out of this place.

"You are my Knight, now and forever." Lorelai voice boomed in her mind. "The final lesson I have for you today Elizabeth C. James, is that you're never alone in the dark."

With that final proclamation a roar sounded from behind her. Something more vast and terrible than even the undulating shadow of Nocticula spread its wings, yet Liz did not fear it. The ground shook as it landed before her, it's shuddering size almost too vast to behold. Clad in blood-red scales the beast reared its long neck, spitting white hot flame that burned away the shadowy tendrils that had tormented Liz. It's wing dipped low to shield her.

Just as the stench of Nocticula's burning flesh reached Liz's nostrils she awoke back in Lorelai's ritual chamber. More light had been brought into the room, and a rich meal was laid out on the altar. A quick examination of her body told the huntress that the wounds she'd received had been purely spiritual.

Lorelai stood nearby, her face bright and proud. "You've exceeded even my highest hopes Elizabeth." She extended a hand. "I'm honored to call you my knight."

Elizabeth watched in awe as Lorelai's Dragon guarded her, glancing a final peek at the white hot flames it shot before it's leathery red wing covered her body as a shield. It was a relief more powerful than any she had experienced, not being alone in all of her trials.

Waking up in the ritual chamber brought about many emotions. She felt a knawing at her chest when she caught scent of the amazing feast, but she ignored her hunger and reached out for Lorelai's hand. The witch was proud of her, and it made Elizabeth feel ecstatic, receiving praise from her new Mistress. However, she could not stop the downpour of tears from draining her face.

She was tired, hungry, but most of all she was upset. The things she had just witnessed were too much to bare alone. ”I'm sorry, but I have to do this.” She said in a rush, pulling Lorelai to her and wrapping her arms around the witch’s waist. Her head found Lore’s shoulder, aand there she released a flurry of emotion. She let go of her many deaths, her friends’ betrayal, and lastly, her amazing son and her abusive husband. She let them all fade, until there were only bittersweet memories.

Lorelai simply stroked Liz's back gently. The pain she'd felt had been all too real. "You needn't apologize."

With a quivering lip, she pulled herself away from Lorelai and went to eat her dinner. ”Thank you, very much.” She said, nibbling on the food.

Lorelai joined Liz at the altar, picking through the feast as she examined her new Knight. Her voice was gentle as she broke the small silence. "If there's anything you need to talk about, now or ever, feel free. It's quite an ordeal you just went through."

”We do have forever, don't we?” Elizabeth suggested with a small smile, her voice cracking but gentle. ”I had a son, such a beautiful young boy. His name was Westley, and I'll never forget him. That's what really tore me to bits, leaving him...he'll never be real. The only person I've ever thought about settling down with is Flint, and he's long gone.”

"I though the same thing dear, and yet I now have little Lotte and Abby." Lorelai reached out and squeezed the woman's shoulder. "We'll be around long enough to see things we never thought possible come to pass. You may yet have your darling son, only time will tell."

She laughed suddenly. "Maybe we will retire to that lake, you and your husband can raise a child and I'll be the crazy aunt with the 'eccentric hobby' hmm?"

”Maybe, but my child would probably love to know more about your hobby. His cousin Lotte would have to entertain him, of course.” Elizabeth chuckled, her previous mood melting off of her. Not in waves, but more along the lines of chunks, slowly getting closer to her heart.

”For now though, my true pleasure will be seeing you happy. What happened, Lore? Did you not like your new lover?” She wondered if she had gone too far, but didn't apologize for the question. Someday she would learn what was right to ask and what was wrong, today was not that day.

"Elina... rejected my affections." Lorelai said sadly. Her smile faded only for a moment before she brought it back to her face with an act of will. "Which is about what I'd expected. I'm not sure if I'll find another lover or not. I'm getting old anyway." She winked at Liz playfully.

Elizabeth shivered as emotions that weren't her own traveled through her body. She squinted at Lorelai, feeling a sort of depression coupled with acceptance. Had that been what Lorelai was feeling when her smile had faded? It also could have been her own emotion, but it felt slightly foreign.

She decided not to acknowledge it, her body language having given up plenty of hints. ”I'm sorry to hear that Lorelai, but no one can call you old. What you need is a little nudge of affection, someone to reciprocate your feelings. Then, your spirit will renew itself just as your body does. You are even more lovely when you are happy.”

"Flattery will get you everywhere Liz." Lorelai's cheeks colored lightly from the candid praise. She smiled. "Abby and Lotte's smiling faces will get me through this, with some help from you of course. I'm here if you ever need anything as well. We'll be together for quite some time now, no sense in bearing your thoughts alone."

"For now though what do you say we retire?" Lorelai stretched, yawning. "Night deepens, and morning comes sooner than I think either of us will like."

”I'll do my best of course, to keep you happy. Alongside Abby and Lotte it shouldn't be too hard a task. It's what you deserve, having saved me from the nightmares. Your Dragon...it's beautiful.” Elizabeth confessed, smiling with a lovely charm as she saw Lore’s cheeks color. If anything, it wouldn't be Lorelai's praise that pushed her, but her subtle showings of affection and the ability to be happy.

Elizabeth brought herself up from where she sat, taking a biscuit for the road. She reached out a hand for Lorelai, winking at her like they had just shared secrets. ”I do believe it's time to settle in, fair maiden.” She yawned, her body reciprocating Lorelai's tiredness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @shagranoz and @Fetzen

"A Prayer for Peace"

Rebecca made her way back into Seren's Folly, dressed in her lilac robes. At least this time, she knew where she was going. She walked down the street to The Witch's Paradise, just in time to see some drunk get thrown out an open window. She swallowed nervously, knowing that was not the best of omens, but she went inside anyway, and the whole tavern came to a dead halt upon seeing her. She went up to the bartender and said in a quiet voice, "Excuse me, but you haven't seen a hunter named Andri around, have you?"

The bartender's face was a mixture of interest and pure disgust. Who the hell was this woman ? Noone in the bar started hostilities towards her, so he wouldn't start them as well. He was just an ordinary bartender and if it happened that there was no hunter around, he wouldn't put himself into their position. So he tried to be as friendly as he could while he started to breath through his mouth as one couldn't smell anything that way.
"Andri ? You mean that colossus ?" He shook his head. "No. He used to be here often but something appears to have started keeping him away from his drinks. I don't know where he is... but... shouldn't be that hard to spot him, should it ? His dwelling place is a few buildings farther up the road I think. Something shabby."

"Thank you for the help." She winced as she pulled out a silver coin and gave it to the bartender for his troubles, then turned and headed out.

Andri's place wasn't exactly the nicest house in town, but it wasn't shabby either. Rebecca saw that the door was locked, so she knocked and called out, "Andri, are you in right now? Lorelai and Medusa both agreed to the meeting."

Andri felt refreshed. After a rather sluggish start into the day satisfying Khan's needs had powered up his circulation. Now, after having enjoyed his giant host unpacking his wang in front of a local whore, the demon worm was silent. It just added to Andri's feeling of recreation. He was sitting on his bed in his tiny room, his meal on his chest. The assassin was eating fast - the further the day progressed, the more he was like a cat on hot bricks. Would that witch, Rebecca, actually return ? And more important: What clothing would she wear ?

He heard someone knocking the door. The voice accompanying the knocking was enough for him to know who was standing outside, so he rushed to unlock it. Unlike the first time they had met, Andri wasn't wearing his leather armor, but ordinary cloth. "Shhhh. Are you crazy ? Don't mention these names in the public here, this is a village filled to the brim with hunters! Come in!"

Rebecca headed inside and plopped herself down in a wooden chair. "Managed to catch Lorelai and Medusa together. Apparently, they've managed to get some talking accomplished on their own, which is a good sign. They expect us to meet them tomorrow at noon in the town cemetary. You're allowed to bring up to two other hunters with you. Any idea who you're going to choose?"

"At noon, at the cemetery ? Seren's Folley's cemetery ? Isn't that a bit... risky ?" A part of him was regretting actually asking this as the risk was on the witches' side and every other place he could momentarily think of would transfer risk from them to his own side. The other part of him however didn't want put that meeting at risk by other hunters possibly discovering them, so in sum he did ask it, just for confirmation. Rebecca's concluding question however was tough: Aside from Draco, if he subtracted all the hunters he didn't trust with regard to such an endeavour from all the hunters he knew, he ended up with zero. He sighed a bit. "Well... Draco is the only one I can think of right now. There's no other one."

"Given my powers, I figured it was the best place. Lots of necromantic energy for me to tap into, just in case things go horribly wrong."

Rebecca's face plummeted when he mentioned that Draco seemed to be the only one who might go along with this crazy venture. "And he didn't seem too enthusiastic about the meeting in the first place. A shame, really. Think we should go alone? I trust Medusa and Lorelai not to harm us, given how cordial they were to me, but I'm not sure if you can say the same, considering how you never met them."

"Honestly, I would like not to do this entirely on my own, but I'm willing to take the risk if I really have to. Think about it as a forthcoming action compensating for the fact that the elected meeting place is basically the lion's cave for you witches."
You are gonna meet two more witches ? Hell, that makes one undead woman and two more ordinary ones! You must chain fuck them! You MUST!
Or you eat my brain ? Andri replied mentally to the awakened worm, already knowing the routine.
You guessed it! But I'll give you some time to arrange things!

"Then it's settled. We can head out tomorrow, but I'd like to stay here tonight. Don't need to gather any supplies or anything, but I do need to sleep. Don't worry, I'll gladly take the floor."

Andri had to battle off another of Khan's... urgent suggestions. "Okay, I'll stay here and keep the door locked. If somebody else comes and I can't keep him away from this room..." He pointed to a small wardrobe. The assassin had not any chance of fitting into it, but Rebecca probably had. He made a facial expression as if he intended to excuse himself for this proposal. Then he sat down on his bed again and continued eating. The smell still was terrible, but after that cathedral and their first meeting in that small cave he had already started getting used to it.

"I'm surprised you came." Lorelai had been wating in the cemetary since first light, her demonic sentries roaming invisibly over the surrounding area. She trusted Rebecca, barely, but strange hunters or Medusa? Not a chance.

"I said I would didn't I?" Medusa'd done her own scouting, and divinations had revealed no secret threats or hidden ambushes. She made her way over to Lorelai, who was leaning against a decidedly melancholy tree. She hadn't had cause to be in a cemetary at noon, the sun's bright rays looked quite odd on the headstones and burial sites. "Wouldn't want to disappoint."

Lorelai nodded. A silence hung between them for several minutes as they waited. Eventually Lorelai broke it. "What do you think will come of this? Do you think there's a person out there we'd both trust?"

"I doubt it." Medusa sighed. "But I don't relish the idea of moving to open war, or anything close to that. I'd be remiss if I passed up on even this slim chance."

"That's about what I expect. I'm slightly hopeful, perhaps they'll offer us some insight we haven't thought of." Lorelai busied herself packing her tabacco pipe, a rare vice of hers, once it was lit she continued. "The offer to stand down doesn't have an expiration date Medusa, I don't particularly want to kill you. Your sin, in my mind, is impatience and incompetence, not malicousness."

Medusa extended her hand, taking the pipe from Lorelai enough to savor a few puffs. "I appreciate that... the same goes for you Lorelai." The silence stretched out between the two old witches, as they smoked fresh tobacco and waited on a longshot that might yet save them from tearing their coven apart.

Rebecca came into the cemetary, Andri at her heels. "Good to see you two here. Andri decided to come alone, though honestly, I think he's big enough to count for three people all by himself. I haven't truly been able to update him on the situation, so how about you two explain your grievances in your own words?"

"Don't overestimate me, Rebecca." the hunter replied in a semi-casual way. Andri did take his time to examine the two persons in front of him, though he knew that witches probably were the type of beings this strategy of assessing one's opposite was prone to fail, if not even dangerously misleading. It was just an assassin's habit.

"So... one of you is Medusa and one of you is Lorelai, right ?" he started a bit hesitantly. "I'm Andri. Andri Hymir." He reached out his oversized hand as he was used to do this with everyone else.

"Medusa." Medusa was the first of the two to take the outstretched offer of gretting, shaking the enormous hand as best as she was able. "And the grievances are Lorelai's, I'm mostly trying not to get killed or lose control of my coven."

Lorelai took the man's hand next. Giving it a firm shake. "Process of elimination makes me Lorelai, as I'm sure you surmised. I accuse Medusa of incompetance, due to some staggering losses we recently suffered during an endeavor of her devising after I assured her it was uneccessary."

"And you think that starting a revolt would bring your losses back to life ? Wouldn't such a thing just bring more losses ?" He disrupted himself, already feeling that he was no trained diplomat and that this was perhaps too blunt. "Okay... erm... let's start over again. So... both of you want to either keep or take control of your... coven, is this term correct ?... exclusively ? And given the fact that Rebecca is actually worried about some kind of civil war instead of just a single casualty I assume that each of you has a lot of followers ? So... why you don't just split the coven ? One gets her half, the other one her half, and the two new covens can cooperate with each other at their individual leader's discretion ?"

Lorelai's mouth curled into a frown. "The goal here, is to prevent future losses. Why does everyone expect me to ignore the longterm costs of continuing under Medusa in favor of the short term costs of war. What would you do if a poor leader threatened to weaken you before calamity strikes?"

"The issue of splitting the coven is that although our followers can be neatly tucked away under one new banner or another, there remains many things that cannot." Medusa explained. "Relics, locations, even housing needs to be considered. With you... hunters choking down the surrounding lands there just isn't enough room for another coven to operate with any modicum of security. We've worked tirelessly to obscure our home from your kind, and as a result we have safety. One of the covens would be turned out into the cold."

"If I was suffering under a bad leader I would probably start organizing an insurrection against the leader, but not against my ordinary fellows. What is it that apparently makes the entire coven believe that it must involve itself into this ? Wouldn't the problem just be 'solved' if one of you killed the other one ? And... do you think that your efforts of obscuration will survive a full grown civil war ? Do your think your facilities will survive this in an acceptable way ? In an ordinary civil war, neither of these things usually does. If we are honest, you already have some kind of security breach at hand because of what you are planning to do. Otherwise we wouldn't be here and talk to each other right now."

"The coven... is more of a family unit than a military one. It isn't of course, but closer to the former than the latter. Each sister has an opinion, their loyalties, and none of them are eager to let their patron die without a fight."

"Our obscurations are quite sophisticated, although not perfect. Efforts could be taken to move the conflict away from our home, in fact due to the way witches typically fight their internal struggles the fighting will likely occur farther afield, clustering around loci of power or during contests over relics each side covets." Lorelai stole a glance at Medusa. "A duel might be the... 'simplest' way to deal with this, but how would one ensure that the loser's supporters didn't revolt in the wake of their loss?"

"If that would happen you would just end with what you appear to be seeking for in the first place: A civil war. So nothing to loose by trying this strategy if you want to put it in blunt words." The assassin wondered what these 'loci of powers' could be. He had no idea - and he didn't want to overtax the ongoing discussion by adding any questions that could be off topic. Then he remembered a few words Lorelai said a few minutes before. Calamity...
"Lorelai, you said something about an incoming calamity. What did you mean with that ?"

Lorelai and Medusa looked at each other for a long moment. Lorelai turned back towards Andri, her eyes solemn. "We... don't know specifics, but for quite sometime our divinations have indicated that... something is coming, something alien and impossibly vast."

Medusa nodded, picking up the thread. "That's the primary reason we've gathered here. Normally with hunter activity as... robust as it is from Seren's Folly a wise coven would have fled the region." She sighed, leaning against a nearby tree. "But we're hoping to stop or hinder... whatever it is, that's why we've invested so much into remaining in this area. From our wards, to our obscurements."

"Yes. In fact, that... whatever it is is the reason I want you two to stop fighting. You two are the most powerful witches I've ever heard of, much less met. If our divinations are true, and there's no reason to believe they've all failed, we are going to need everyone we can get our hands on, and you two would be our strongest weapons. We can't afford to lose either of you. Not now."

Andri staggered a bit. Of course these two were witches, and of course the ordinary school of hunters told him not to believe any of their statements, especially if they were spectacular. But he had already given a shit about the ordinary school by attending to this meeting, and with Medusa's explanation of why the coven was still active in this area they had a point. Unsure about how to continue about it, he drew his conclusions and picked up the original thread again.

"So can't you just... postpone... your hostilities then ? A coven weakened by a sudden change in leadership and riddled with internal conflicts can't be a good thing with something evil coming in either, can it ? I totally agree with Rebecca at this point, at least as far as my horizon limited by my knowledge of witchcraft does reach."

Lorelai turned towards Medusa, eyes narrowed. "You killed Vespa, I'll have your blood for that." She turned slowly back towards Rebecca and Andri. "...But perhaps you're right... Medusa, your sentence is pending, give me one more reason to kill you and I will, civility will have nothing to do with it."

Medusa's eyes widened, did Lorelai just agree with them!? She never thought she'd see the day the last Von'Strauss let go of a blood debt, or even delayed one. Her face bloomed into a bright smile. "I'll defer to you in wartime Lorelai... and I can't tell you how sorry I am about Vespa."

Rebecca's jaw nearly hit the ground. She had thought the differences were far too deep for Lorelai and Medusa to overcome them. To hear that the fighting would be delayed, that Medusa would actually cede power, even temporarily... it seemed that this could only be divine intervention, or at least, something close to it. "That... that's honestly more than I had hoped for. I never thought this would actually work. Lorelai, Medusa, Andri, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This coven... this family. I couldn't bear to lose it. With your permission, Medusa, I would name Andri an honored guest, free to come and go from Castle Bloodrose as he pleases, so long as he does not divulge its location to his fellow hunters."

The giant was unsure if he could trust what the witches were saying about deferring their own hostilities or not. Anyway - from the standpoint of him just being a hunter that basically had nothing to do with this business, he could consider this meeting a success. When Rebecca suggested offering him access to this castle he had not even heard of before, he was flabbergasted and it was obvious to everyone who was able to catch a glimpse of his face.

"I...I... am not a traitor. But I don't even know where this castle is located at anyway."

"We will need an envoy to the hunters at somepoint..." Medusa gave Andri an appraising glance. "Perhaps he'd be suitable... For now however I do name you a friend, merely speak my name should you find yourself at odds with a witch, that should give them more than enough pause to save your life."

"Elizabeth seems to be settling into the castle just fine, I think she'd serve well enough in that role." Lorelai gave Andri a small smile, her brow still furrowed in frustration. "However you've performed a great service for us Andri, and I wouldn't be opposed."

Medusa turned to Rebecca. "I'll leave it to you then. The brave witch that risked treason and an unimaginably painful death to bring us this reprieve. Choose soon and we'll be away, Lorelai and I have some catching up to do." Lorelai nodded as Medusa glanced at her.

"I didn't fear death," Rebecca said with a smile. "After all, I've died once before. After that, you kind of gain a new understanding of it. Andri, you may follow us. I'll be more than glad to show you around myself."

Wait... "Liz is in your castle ?" The assassin got louder than he would normally approve of himself, especially in this situation. However he was just too surprised and shocked. "Did this Charon teleport her there ? Can I meet her ?"

"Charon deposited her and Flint both in the woods as an offering to me. I made a deal with her mostly as an excuse to preserve both of their lives." Lorelai arched an eyebrow at Andri. "You're welcome to see her, I don't keep her on a tight leash or anything. I'm sure she wouldn't mind the company."

He would see Liz again... That alone was enough reward for the effort he had made and the risks he had taken. It wasn't just about trying to excuse for that action Khan had forced him to do, but about staying in touch with the person that had proved such a formidable partner in that cathedral.

Andri thought about carefully probing Khan if he could not just poof him between the Castle and Seren's Folley in the future. It would make things much faster and, more important, much more secure. He couldn't allow himself to be discovered on his way to or from Castle Bloodrose. For now however, as he lacked the knowledge about the location and didn't want to stir up things again, he resorted to more traditional ways of travelling - and that were his feet and a horse. Hopefully the beast had been able to recover from carrying him all the way back to the village just the day before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Vision Quest to home

Everything had gone wrong... everything... Vespa had died amd Lorelai wanted to kill Medusa and... and... it was her fault. Yeris had forced her to egg the mistress on and... for what? Power? A more powerful companion?... none of it mattered anymore. The ride home had felt wrong, extremely. All Genoveve wanted to do was say she was sorry... to help Lorelai, and Elina, and even Alexina... but mostly she had wanted to see Laina again. Beautiful Laina... a constant in a sea insecure unknowns. She would see her again soon, and then she could hold her and... and everything would be alright...

"Except it wasn't... it never is for you is it? Your whole life, nothing has ever been alright has it? How sad...

Of course she was right... coming home to the castle had been like a dream, at least until it was a nightmare. Nothing else mattered to Genoveve, not food nor sleep... for days she had sat alone in her room... no trace of Laian could be found in the castle, she had just up and left... and it seemed as if Genoveve may never move again. Then, in the middle of the night she did, and wandered out of the castle no shoes, no bag or any of her meager few possessions... aside from the potion kit she had been given by Lorelai. She did not even know why she had taken it... she did not even know why she was leaving at all... why was she walking? Where was she going? Where... where was she? She had walked for... minutes? Hours? She had no idea but she could not see bloodrose anymore... where was she? It was... some kind of forest, like the glow wood but it felt... off... cursed... somewhere that bad things happened... she pressed on.

"Ah, and where are we now ditz? Ambling through the woods? Whats the point in this? Turn around, we-" "No."... "What?" "No Yeris I... we need to do this... we need to walk here... and further..."... "Are you looking for her? You're not going to find her you stupid-" "No."... "Fine then... walk and we'll see, I don't know whatever it is your feet take you too."

It was quiet for a long time then, as Genoveve and the spirits witnessed... the woods at work. They saw men eaten alive by their own shadows, and children with no eyes laughing and dancing with beasts who rose from the peat to chase them. Spectre's passed by, staring into the cluster of unstable souls that was Genoveve and Yeris, some even tried to break them... they did not succeeed. Genoveve would occasionally stop and add an ingredient to one of her jars or vials... no idea why or what the the strange plants and substances were just letting her body lead her. Before long may strange things littered her kit, black flower and mud the color of ash. A dead mans skull filled to the brim with red peat and blue moss, a massive muchroom stuffed into a jar which now radiated light and a strange blue gas. Stangest of all was a lone dark blue flower stuck in a vial and then in her hair... it glowed faintly and smelled like many different things all at once, or never smelled... or both, Genoveve did not know.

All the while the spirits writhed confused and afraid, whispering to her in tounges unknown, sometimes screaming at their host or Yeris before being quieted. YEris was growing impatient as her host seemed content to wander until she met some horrible fate here in this... bog or died of thirst. "Genoveve we must eat and drink... it has been days..., Genoveve ignored her and pressed on. Yeris grew angry and impatient, "You stupid whore, you want to die out here is that it?! All because some other stupid whore left when I told you she would?! How weak can you possibly be... bad things happen to you because you let them! You let the world fall apart around you and do nothing! You have strength but no drive! Power and no ambition... your like a gun with no powder!", bad things did happen to her... was Yeris right? Of course... she was always right... Genoveve bent down to drink the water of the bog, cupping the murky water in both hands and beginning to drink... she continued for a long time.

She drank and drank... and when she was full she waited for Yeris to tell her to get back to castle blood rose and- "And when you were getting soooo close... tsk tsk", Genoveve shot up, looking about herself, "Yes girl, seek me... you are so close to the answer~, all you must do, is find it.", the voice held a strange... alure and mystery as it flowed through the air like a feather, Genoveve followed it through the bog. It was as if the strange voice sang to her, whispering nothings and humming and laughing... what was it? She stopped to take further ingredients where the voice seemed to... pool around them. Finally, vials and jars overflowing she came upon a meeting of thousands of twisted roots. In the center was... a pot... a great aged cauldron. Green and mossy with age, the roots rushed up to hold it in place with a vice grip, and the voice was clear again, "You know what comes next... fate is a power... and souls have its power... bad things happen... what if you could control bad things happening? When, and where and... to whom. You have it, a curse turned inwards to be brought out... sing the words little one... sing with all your heart and we will answer~, Genoveve began her work.

The ingredient went into the cauldron as it filled with a viscous red and purple substance. Chanting in a tounge she had never learned, possessed and in a fernour Genoveve added her ingredients to the coualdron one by one. Each time the voice giggled and caressed Genoveve's mind, and drove her onwards. The last ingredient was the flower. Carefully Genoveve removed it from her hair, chanting in nearly a whisper as she stared into it... and someone stared back. Carefully, she kissed the watching flower who's eyes she could not recognize, and dropped it slowly into the cauldron. As it touched the churning, frothing liquid within it exploded in a coloumn of purple and black smoke, and a face appeared in it... laughing. Genoveve watched it, and it spoke. It was not the language of Spirits... nor demons... it was far older. She whispered a snigle word, so quiet, only the forest would hear it, "Please.", and the smoke laughed, and poured onto her with such force she was thrown back against a tree and tossed through the air until... darknes.

She slowly opened her eyes, she was... somewhere, no longer in the bog. She oushed herself up and found... new garments about her. A great black and purple shroud covered her head, shoulders and back, stopping just above her heels. She lay next to a clear pond, and crawled over to it... her visagge was changed... her eyes had strange purple-black rings around them, like gret perfectly rounded bruises, but not swollen. Her lips were still red, but a darker shade and her hair... was... black and red. Thick collections of both colors ran through her hair, alternating and... beautiful. She stood, still freakishly tall, her tounge still long as she inspected it. She still looked like her just... different.

She wandered for days as she explored, testing the use of her powers of soured fate, causing great accidents to the wildlife with her spirits and new powers... this was good. But her heart ached yet... what did she need? Laina was so insubstantial... she had acceoted that now... who did she need... what did she want... she pondered and wondered on this thought before, exhausted and seemingly drained but empowered... she was malnourished and thirsty, but still... she had never felt stronger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Random Encounter

Collab with @agentmanatee

There more things change, the more they stay the same.

While the other hunters were going off to make some sort of peace with 'witches', Draco found himself stalking through the underbush of a strange forest, weapon carefully in hand as he kept his senses as sharp as possible.

Just because there were other things happening did not mean that the duties of a hunter could be neglected... or that the beasts of the world were going to stop doing their thing just because of human matters. Nations changed, Empires rise and fall, but the hunt remains eternal.

This time the hunt hadn't actually started in the search of a certain beast... it was more of a patrol to see what was out there; Sometimes you could nip a problem in the bud just by seeing how balanced the local wildlife was on the scales of predator and prey... And there was something big stalking through the area that seemed new.

At first it hadn't been all that strange; An accident felling a beast might have been rare, but it could happen. Nature was funny like that. But the trail of dead bodies suggested that something was passing through... something that seemed to be killing without feasting on the bodies afterwards. This suggested that it was either defending itself, or it was staking out its territory and dealing with its rivals in a quick and bloody manner.

It had to be found and recognized as soon as possible before it became to great a threat.

Her new powers were... intoxicating, so much so she had not been able to resist trying them out on her way back. Creatures simply fell to their own deaths before her, the power of negative fate, or bad luck or whatever she woould call it was quite useful. Genoveve hoped that by being on the outskirts of the safe parts of the wood no one would notice all the... dead animals. Currently, she kelt in a clearing, next to an elk that had attempted to gore her.

The poor buck had caught his antlers on a tall root in the charge, and snapped his own neck trying to hit her... it had never stood a chance. Its corpse was next to her as she knelt, chanting quietly to re-center her powers after so much use. Her thick cloak covered her head and shoulders, covering her back entirely appearing to be some cloak alone, you would not be able to see her if approached from behind. As she chanted she swayed slightly back and forth, lost in her new powers.

The tracks were getting easier to read the further along the trail that he got. A sign that he was getting close...

Reaching the edge of a clearing, Draco peered out into it with a respectable amount of caution and paranoia; The animals that he had seen die seemed to have done so due to a bout of terminal bad luck in one way or another and the fact that the source of the bad luck was making tracks and leaving a body trail behind was rather creepy and weird.

On the hunt, weird things got you killed.

In the clearing for all to see was the lastest victim of whatever was killing the creatures of this forest. The tracks and the appearance of the body suggested that he was close. But there also appeared to be a... cloak of some kind, shrouding something from view that was swaying back and forth in a breeze that wasn't there, chanting something that he didn't understand.

With great care, Draco stepped out into the clearing, stalking towards the shrouded figure with his hand on his weapon, pushing his eyes and ears to their limits to scan the forest surrounding them in case this was merely the bait for an ambush.

She heard someone... or something approaching from her back, but Genoveve continued chanting... she would deal with them once she was done. As her chanting came to a close she sighed, and slowly stood, looking all for her movement not unlike a snake uncoiling upwards as she spoke, "And who is it that would disturb my meditations? I have expent much power teaching the proud animals of these woods who their master is. Now,", she turned about, now revealing herself to the man and seeing him herself. Though Draco would still recognize her very much was... different.

Most markedly was her height, now 6'3 she was nearly as tall as he was. In addition her skin was paler, free of any blemish and, aside from her rather loose clothing, he would see that since he would have last seen her she would have matured into a woman, tall lithe and developed. Her lips were a dark red, the color of blood, her eyes circled with thick purple-black rings... her hair was even different, now thick streaks of black ran alongside the deep and vibrant red. Though it had been many years, and she had changed much there was no mistaking who stould before him.

", Who dares disturb the powerful Witch Genoveve Boudicca? Answer wisely... hunter."

Draco blinked in what could only be utter surprise, clearly shocked at the sight before him... but not for the standard reasons that someone might have been. It was like staring into a picture of the past that had been worn and damaged with time, changing the image so that it looked the same but was still strange and alien... Through by no means was it an unpleasant sight to behold.

Looking at Genoveve with a surprised look in his eyes, Draco speechlessly did the one thing that would answer exactly who he was... and in turn prove if this really was Genoveve and not just something that looked like her; He pulled down his mask, showing off the scars that he had received in her defense many years ago.

The first words that managed to escape his mouth after all this time were "You've grown up."

Genoveve sat, stunned as she saw who the hunter was... how was this possible?! What were the odds?! Draco Russ was not only here but... so was she... how was this possible? It had been... god over a decade surely since they had met before she was even a teenager. Now there he was, scars and all... and she could not help but smile slightly at his slightly off guard comment, "Well yes it has been... god years now... alot has changed, Draco... more than you can imagine...", without thinking she took a step back... he was still a hunter after all and his policy on witches may have changed over the years.

"I... see you still have the uhm... scars, and wear that mask... what-what brings you here? To the Folly? More specifically I suppose to this clearing... and me."

Seeing the sheer shock that hit Genoveve at the sight of him, Draco actually found himself relaxing somewhat. This wasn't some kind of shape shifter or demon trying to pretend to be Genoveve, this seemed to be the real deal. With practiced care, Draco put his weapon back where it belonged... at his side, not in his hand.

Returning the small smile despite the fact that it looked strange on his face, he carefully took a step forward. "I... honestly didn't think I was going to see you again. I stopped by our meeting place a few years ago and stayed there for a few weeks without seeing you..." Draco actually seemed to get rather shy as he bashfully looked away, rubbing the back of his neck as he added "... and might have gotten into the habit of camping there a fortnight every year since, hoping that you were just away and recently got back..."

Shaking his head a little as he forced his mind back to the hear and now, he cleared his throat as he looked towards her. "Well, I came to the Folly because I heard rumors that a lot of hunters were gathering and I wanted to see why. As for why I'm here..." He glanced over at the dead stag nearby. "...I was following the trail of dead animals to see what was killing them."

She was certainly happy to see him again, it really had been too long a time... and apparently he had really wanted to see her. He had camped at where they met in the hopes of her return? If only he had known... no she wasn't even sure she could tell him now. "You... you did? I uhm... I'm sorry I never did things, well pushed me away from... that place.", she blushed lightly thinking of him waiting for her for... a few years surely. Then there were the hunters... oh god the hunters they must have been there for the coven! She didn't panic... Lorelai could stop them if they tried. She followed his eys to the dead stag and smiled nervously, "Uhm... yes the dead animals... that would be me I, aquired new powers and was... testing my limits you see...", now she was getting nervous.

She had done... well frankly terrible things since the last time they had met, not the least of which was murdering her own mother. Hell she had helped slaughter an entire camp of hunters what? A month or so ago? All these animals... even more at the urging of Yeris who had been awfully quiet recently... she looked up at Draco, scared again, "I... I simply wished to... see what I could do."

He looked at Genoveve again, his mind whirling as it tired to process some of the things that he had heard and seen. He had encountered a demon once that took the guise of a woman that used their magic for horrible things, but Genoveve wasn't a demon... he knew that for a fact!

Were... were witches actually real?

Shaking his head in order to try and quell the mental unrest that was going on as his world view was being challenged, Draco decided to do the only logical thing and do something to get his mind off of it for now in order to deal with it later when he had time to think and get all of his facts right. Offering her another smile, he nodded his head as he said "That... is okay. Nothing wrong with testing something out after all if no one gets hurt. Honestly I thought that something nasty was staking out a claim of the forest and wanted to see what it was."

Glancing back at the stag again in a slightly relaxed manner, he asked "Would you like to help me get some wood for a fire? It would be a shame to let that meat go to waste..." The fact that the two of them would be spending time together and eating something together was left unsaid, through Draco couldn't help but notice that she looked rather thin... beautiful sure, but seemingly underfed.

Genoveve was... surprised at how ok he was with all the... animal murder with magic... but she was extremely hungry seeing as she had not eaten in an extremely long time. She sighed happily as he asked her to help get wood, "Of-of course Draco I'll help get some wood... I am quite uhm... hungry heh.", and began gathering wood.

It was not long before they had started a fire and Draco was beginning to cook the stag, even as the sun began to fall.

The search for wood wasn't a long one; It was safe to say that both of them had experience living out in nature after all. Still, as the sun began to set at the early flames of the fire started to build up steam, Draco couldn't help but glance every now and then at Genoveve. Part of it was still the disbelief that he was seeing her in the flesh... part of it was because she really was beautiful, even if some of the changes were otherworldly and she looked like she could use several solid meals.

As the chunk of deer meat that he had carefully set up on a makeshift spit was slowly turned, he couldn't help but ask "So... what have you been up to lately?"

Draco had changed so little since she had last seen him... a bit taller, a bit broader of shoulder but largely similar, right down to the facial scars he had gotten so long ago. She could see him glancing at her occasioanlly but acted like she didn't, after all she really didn't mind it... though she blushed a bit knowing he was admiring her.

As he asked the question she had been terrified of she froze for a moment... what was she going to say? What could she? That she murdered her mother? She was possesed by malign spirits? Or maybe that she was a part of a Witch coven, that killed hunters and summoned demons? She hesitated for... what may have been too long. "I... have been trying to... expand my powers and grow stronger...", she was not... technically lying...

It was pretty clear that asking her what she had been up to lately had put the fear of whatever gods actually existed in the world into her. Part of Draco wondered why, but considering the years that had passed and some of the things that someone can do in order to survive he decided not to push the subject to harshly at the moment. Still, he couldn't help but tilt his head a little as he asked "Why? Surely there is an end goal in mind for your new powers?"

Genoveve shifted a bit uncomfortably as Draco pressed ever so slightly further with his questions. "W-well...I... I wish to gain new power in order to-to uhm... I...", she gulped loudly, resolving to tell him... something at least. "I want to become more powerful in order to... maybe gain further standing in my coven upon returning...", that actually was a lie... it had nothing to do with her standing at all... but now he knew she was in a coven.

Draco blinked in surprise, confused for a moment as his memories of the past conflicted with the reality of the present. In an attempt to buy himself a little time in order to try and work through the confusion, he reached out and started to turn the spit as the fire seemed to gain some more strength.

The time it brought didn't really help him, but it did let him figure out a question to ask to try and make more sense of the situation. "Why did you join a coven? Last I recall, you seemed pretty content just doing your own thing with your mother without worrying about what anyone else thought."

Genoveve looked at the ground... she was wondering if he was going to get to her mother... she gulpes again, what could she say? "Well mother was... she-she became very, uhm... well she always...", Genoveve started to cry... quietly but it was all she could do... what could she tell him? ... the truth... that was all there was. She looked at him, tears running down her cheeks, "I-I killed her Draco! That was what was always supposed to happen I-I-I even knew that before whe-when we first met... its how-how our magic transfers from mother to daughter I-I-sob", she put her face in her hands... he would hate her now, call her a monster...

For a moment, Draco didn't know what to do. She had murdered someone and she was admitting to him that she did so... but from the sounds of it, it wasn't exactly out of the blue. On the other hand, Genoveve was crying...

Abandoning the spit for now, Draco moved over to sit down at her side, wrapping an arm around her and being a shoulder to cry on. He didn't say anything like it would be okay because in truth he didn't know. But he was there for her, calming and caring. "Let it out." was all he muttered, getting the impression that she had been carrying this around with her for a while now.

He... he wasn't angry? ... Genoveve wiped her eyes, it did not take long before she looked up into his eys, hers stil somewhat watery, "You-Your... not... you don't think I'm a monster?", she sighed happily, "Thank, thank god Draco... I was terrified you would hate me for the things I've done but... thank god..", she giggled looking up at him, as the sun dipped further into the horizon and she looked up at Draco.

He couldn't help but smile a little as he reached up to wipe away some of the tears that had trailed down her cheeks. "You're not a monster. From the sounds of it, killing your mother was something that she was aware of and approved?" It was a fishing question, but if her mother had been on board with the idea then who was he to judge such a practice?

The smile faded from his face for a moment as he glanced towards the setting sun. "If it helps... I'm not exactly perfect either. Let's just say that some hunts are better then others..." Not all the werebeasts that he had killed had been werebeasts at the time he had come for them. The very human screams and begging for mercy was something that haunted him some nights.

Genoveve struggled with wether or not she should tell him the whole truth... she was never very good at lying? ... well he wasn't mad about what she had said so far so... "W-well yes... she had always intended for it to happen. But... well...", she was worried about revealing her condition to him but, "I didn't do it the way she had intended. I was... well I had a few 'friends' and they showed me... a way to change it that would make me even more powerful. But... w-well...", she was having trouble getting it out.

Draco looked at Genoveve with a surprisingly deadpan expression, taking a wild guess about what happened. "They screwed you over for their own purposes. By any chance is this related to the whole 'Great and Powerful Witch' thing earlier? Because the Genoveve I knew wasn't that egotisical."

She gulped as he more or less got it somewhat right, "Well, s-sort of... the way they had me do it did make me more powerful but... well it has maybe something to do with that..", she blushed now embarrased about that whole display, "I have found that if I act that way people are less likely to attack me... and thats what my friend suggest I do...", she sighed nervously.

Draco couldn't help but grin a little more at seeing her blushing in embarrasment about the whole situation. "Out of curiosity, has that ever actually worked?" He didn't mean anything mean behind it, he just honestly wanted to know. Rather relunctantly, he removed the arm that he had wrapped around her in order to go back to turning their dinner over the fire. Burnt meat tasted awful after all.

"So these...'friends' of yours that screwed you over..." His words had a very finger quote feel to them about the word friends "What did they get out of it? Normally in this sort of situation you wouldn't have gotten a damn thing... you know, apart from being left for dead in a ditch somewhere."

"Oh uhm I actually don't get to do thee whole 'powerful' speech very often... we don't meet to many people.", she giggled thinking about how she use to practice that little speech just in case. As he asked about her friends and what they had gotten out of their little deal, "Well... they uhm... they recieved a... a powerful host.", she looked down, not thinking she needed to say anything else.

The chunk of deer meat stopped turning on the spit as Draco actually turned and looked at her, his gaze narrowing in disappointment and anger. However, he didn't say anything right away... in fact he took several large, deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down enough not to just yell at her. "Damn it, I told you! I told you that demons were no good and you went and did this. What were you thinking?!"

Taking a moment to reach up and rub his temples to try and deal with his sudden headache, he took another calming breath before asking in a somewhat more calm, if professional tone "The terms of the contract you made. What are they?"

"Th-th-they aren't Demons Draco! I am not so foolish and-and... I didn't know what would happen they didn't tell me...", small tears began to agin leak from her eyes as Draco was clearly angry about it, of course that wasn't surprising all things considered. She tried to wipe away her tears as he asked about a contract, "I-I told you, they aren't Demons! They are nature spirits and poltergeists of old they-they... they are less formal they don't have as many rules you see the ritual it... I don't know if it can be undone. Yeris says she is bonded to me-", she clapped her hands over her mouth as she said the most powerful spirit with her body's name.

The temple rubbing continued, deeping a little as the headache got worse. "Genoveve, I have three points that I feel need to be said right now and as harsh as they may sound it is honestly coming from a good place because I care about you and don't want you to get hurt. Firstly, NEVER make a pact or agreement with ANYONE if you don't actually know the details of what it is you are agreeing to. Secondly, if you find yourself in a bad position because of said deal, the person who benefits from screwing you over because of said deal is the LAST person you should be getting advice from. They aren't going to tell you how to stop them screwing you over after all."

Taking a moment to take a deep breath, Draco collected himself futher before asking "Lastly, and I cannot stress this enough, Demons lie. They lie about their intentions and nature all the time. My father once told me a story of this fourteen year old girl who thought she was hearing and making a pact with an angel, only to decorate her house with her families guts and organs afterwards. What evidence do you have that Yeris is actually what it claims to be beyond its word?"

Genoveve sat quietly as Draco gave her his points. These were all things she knew now, but she was young and foolish when she first met Yeris, merely a year after she firsr met Draco. She knew he cared about her and thats why he was so harsh but it didn't make her feel much better and it didn't stop a few tears as he made his points.

She actually knew the story he spoke of... though it was about a witch seeking power, a young witch but a witch nonetheless. He asked about Yeris and she knew she had to answer, "I know because... well I'm a witch Draco, I've delt with the spirits of nature my entire life, and my mother dealt with them her entire life. My family have been witches since the beginning Draco, and spirit binding is our art. I know she is not a Demon, though they are no less malign.", she fixed him with a look that said she knew what she was talking about. Whether or not he believed her was yet to be seen.

He held her gaze for a moment, the gears of his mind turning for a moment before sighing and nodding his head, turning his attention back to their dinner. "I... believe you." He admitted as he turned the spit a little. "It's just... I really don't like the idea of a malign anything running around inside of your head... even more so because I don't know what its actual end goal is and what will happen to you once it gets there." Gone was the cool professionalism that had been on his face before, replaced with very human worry and doubt about the future.

"w-well good...", she sat in silence as Draco talked about his fear for her future... why did he care so much? She was some witch he met in the words almost ten years ago, and she had even gotten his face horrendously scarred. Yet, he was not only worried about her now, but her future as well... "Draco... why do you care so much?", she turned to look at him, "I mean... you met a little girl and she got you horribly scarred. She told you she was a witch and now...", she looked to the meat on the spit, "you see she can kill animals, and is possessed by spirits and... why Draco?"

Draco blinked as she asked him that question. He couldn't fault her for that because it was quite honestly a good one but he didn't have an answer for her at the moment... or at least not one that he was comfortable giving. After a long, somewhat awkward silence on his part he sighed. "The why is... complicated. I'm not sure that I could actually capture what is going through my mind in words but..."

"Ten years ago, I was horribly scarred protecting an innocent girl from harm. Despite the hellish amount of pain the injuries themselves caused, just knowing that the girl was alright helped to ease the pain... and the smile she gave me despite the ugly nature of my injuries made me feel like it was worth it." Sighing again as he looked at her, he made sure that his gaze got to meet hers. "And by pure chance I run into her again, only this time she has grown from the cute girl into a beautiful woman... but her smile still makes me feel like taking that claw to the face was worth it."

"I don't want to lose you again..." He confessed, looking down at the ground in a mixture of bashfulness and shame that his feelings for her were such a major weakness that she could exploit.

Yeris spoke now in Genoveve's mind, never one to pass up opportunity, "A powerful hunter, head over heels for a powerful witch he saved years ago? I see no reason to turn him away Genoveve. He makes a useful tool", Genoveve placed a hand on Draco's cheek, and pulled his face to look at her, her eyes travelling over his scars. Her hand moved, her fingers tracing the scars across his face before returning to his cheek, "Draco... you don't have to lose me again. I think you know exactly what words to say about how you feel for me.", she stared into his eyes, not bothered in the slightest by his scars.

There was no hiding the slight whince that appeared on Draco's face as Genoveve's fingers traced along the scars; Part of it was from pain, part of it was from having someone other then himself touch them... but he didn't try and stop her. If there was anyone on the planet that he trusted enough to touch them, it was the woman currently doing so.

Her words seemed to both relax him and cause him to tense up at the same time. Taking a deep breath, he nodded his head. "I know... but I kind of wanted to spend some time with you again to see what you were like now... to see if what I was feeling is just a ten year crush or if there might be something more to it..." Offering her a small smile, he couldn't help but ask "That is of course if you won't get into trouble for being courted by a hunter..."

Genoveve laughed at Draco's surprising amount of nervousness, "Well, I have just returned here so... we have time if you don't mind using a new meeting place, I must return to castle Bloodrose after all. As for if I could get into trouble?", she smirked and moved closer to Draco, whispering to him now, "Well, I don't intend to let my sisters know... bedides, whose to say what is wrong Draco?", she smiled sultrily.

A shiver ran down Draco's spine as she neared him, whispering into his ear while she smiled in such a sultry manner... He agreed that having this place as a new meeting place sounded like a wonderful idea but right now his brain wasn't thinking about that. Instead it decided to do something that he had dreamt about doing for over a decade.

Reaching out, he wrapped his arms protectively around Genoveve before he leant in and pressed his lips against hers. If it was a bit bold or unwanted he would have backed off the moment she showed any sign of displeasure, but he had to do it.

Genoveve was not surprised, nor displeased by Draco's kiss. She returned the favor, placing a hand at the back of his head and grabbed a tuft of hair, returning his kiss. She had to be careful, and not get to aggressive... all the same as they kissed her tounge prodded at his lips, testing to see how willing he was.

Higher thought took a well deserved break as lower instincts decided to lead the way for a change. As he felt her tongue proding his lips, Draco was somewhat surprised by her forwardness but he was more then happy to part his lips enough to let his own tongue slide out to join in on the fun while one of his hands started to slowly and softly stroke along her spine.

As Draco allowed his own tounge join hers Genoveve allowed him to take the lead, their tounge's wrapping about eachother as they kissed. The hand running along her spine made Genoveve shudder in pleasure as the odd sensation ran down her back. Her hand on the back of his head gripped his hair a bit harder as she moved it through his thick hair, her other hand ran allong his chest, moving downwards towards his belt.

The feeling of her hand trailing down his chest and towards his belt actually surprised Draco a great deal. Enough to pull back and break the kiss for a moment (Handily giving him the chance to take some rather deep breaths) before looking into Genoveve's eyes. Rather softly, just so that only she would hear him, he quitely whispered "A-are you sure you want to do this?"

She was surprised when Draco pulled back, but smiled as he took several deep breaths and ascked his question. She pecked him on the lips and said, "Draco, if I was not sure, I would not have started.", she smiled, and began to work at his belt.

Hearing her say that seemed to strengthen Draco's resolve, his hands trailing up her back in order to get to work removing her cloak while she went to work removing his belt. Still, there was a lot of nerves in his voice as he managed to make himself say "I love you." Confessing the feelings that she knew he had for her aloud just to be sure that she heard it.

Just as Genoveve finished undoing Draco's belt she heard him confess to her, she smiled as her cloak was pulled from her back, and looked up at Draco. She drew up to his lips, her hand on the waist of his pants as she kissed his lips again, before whispering into his ear, "And I you, Draco.", and began to pull off his pants.

Sad to say the Deer meat on the spit was burned due to no one paying it any attention... still, it was a chilly night and there was still plenty of stag meat to cook up.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by wildeyes
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @TheDoctor, @Shagranoz and @Ellion

[h1][i][u][Center] "Keeping You" [/center ][/u][/i][/h1]

Mat had regretted his decision almost instantly when he wasn't just simply killed then and there. Instead, he was dragged and shoved into a dingy cage in the prison arts of the castle. To his first fortune he had an actual bed and bucket but not too much else. The lack of light felt to be an immediate problem as well and forced him to feel around for everything.

Mat sat on the mattress during his first night, thinking over the recent events. His head bursted with regret and questioning of his own actions that transpired as soon as the name was given to Mat. “Demon...the damn demon lord,” he muttered aloud to himself. “He knew how to make me lose my senses fast. I could've been with the other hunters, planning and working with a group. Instead I worked alone and acted like a deranged killer. Great job Matrim…” The hunter drooped his eyes, giving a small sigh as he held his hands to his head. “Don't lose it, don't lose it. Survive somehow and stay sane. Don't lose it…” Mat gave one last deep breath and slumped into his bed, falling asleep rather quickly.

Having a ...specimen so close by was almost enough to pull Any from Medusa's warm bed before the sun came up. Almost, not quite. It was closer to noon by the time she wandered down to the dungeon. Bringing along a torch. Not that she needed it, her own modifications made with bats and owls had seen to that weakness. No, the torch was for Little Matty. Both so that he'd be able to see everything and so that he wouldn't forget the joy of light too quickly.

"Good Morning Matty," said Ang, setting the torch near by, making enough noise.that she'd wake the boy. "I trust you had found your accommodations to be to your liking and that you slept well," it just wouldn't do to be an improper hostess.

The hunter woke with a shuddered start as he heard Ang next to him. At her question his instant desired response was to give something snarky back at her, but he stopped himself before speaking. While coming up with a response his eyes wandered towards the torch and entranced him for a small moment before he snapped back toward Ang. “Better than most I've had,” he replied, sitting up and leaning against the opposite side of the cage.

Word had reached Phagora that yet another hunter had made his way to Castle Bloodrose, this one as a prisoner. Intrigued, the tiefling made her way down to the dungeons, intent on getting the measure of him. She found him in his cell, with Angharad close by. "Didn't expect to see you here, Ang."

Mat watched as the other witch entered into the room. He couldn't tell who it was at first but when the torch light lit up her face Mat's eyes widened. “No…” he whispered, his eyes not leaving Phagora. It was truly her, as Charon had given him the vision for. All the years of hunting, torturing, murdering, and now he was sitting in a cage with no way to get to her. “No…” was all he could say again.

"Yes... Yes... " Ang parroted in a mockery of Mat's tone. Grinning maddly she turned to Phagora. "I'm just playing with my soon to be pet, isn't he a lovely specimen? I'm thinking about adding some horns, maybe some frog eyes on his rump so he can watch himself void his bowels. Ah... the possibilities."

"Frog eyes in his ass? Not enough room. After all, most hunters already have their brains there." She paused, waiting for Ang to laugh. "Or are you serious? Transmutation of that sort, very delicate magic. I'd find it quite impressive if you could put such an actual working part on him." She then glanced at Mat. "I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere? Maybe mutilated your pet dog or something like that?"

The conversation between the witches was just tuned out by Mat as the hunter continued to stare at Phagora with wide eyes. He was that close, so very close to grabbing her and throttling her but instead he was in a cage like a rat. When she finally turned and looked at him to begin speaking Mat just waited patiently. “You decapitated my dad and put his head next to my mom's grave and left me a message in front of his head. I tortured and mutilated eighty-four witches, threw away years of my life, and made a deal with a demon lord in order to find you, and it was a damn bear mixed with a mountain lion that stopped me at the very end.” Mat banged his head against the cage wall then stepped over to where he was right in front of the witch that murdered his dad. “Please...just let me know why. Why did you kill him?”

"Probably for fun." Ang mused, bored. She busied herself examining the man through the cage, her hands came up as she used them to make measurements. "I mean... when I decapitate someone and give the head to someone else it's usually for fun, or I like you."

She turned to Phagora, head tilted quizzically. "Did you have a crush on the poor boy!? How sweet!"

"No, I did not have a crush on him." Phagora rolled her eyes. "In point of fact, I killed him because he attacked me. Tried to hit me with a silver crossbow bolt from ambush, but he missed. I know most hunters train their children to follow in their footsteps, so I hoped to scare you out of seeking revenge. It seems it didn't work." Phagora cradled her head in her hand. "If it's any consolation, I know for a fact his spirit is nearby."

It took all Mat had to pretend that Ang wasn't there and instead focus on Phagora and listen to what she said, but her last sentence but him off slightly. His soul was nearby? How did she know that? Did she have one of those third eyes? It didn't seem like it. So how did she..? “You took his soul?” He asked, steadying himself and dong his best to not just futily lash out.

"You took his soul!?" Ang puppeted again, rolling her eyes. "Silly Matty! Of course she did, she's half demon after all! Where you hoping to meet him in heaven?" She burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, that's good! Silly litte hunter."

She turned to Phagora frowning slightly. "Seeing as you two are distracting me from my thoughts about what to graft on my little pet I'm going to fondle Medusa for awhile." She turned to leave. "Don't kill him, and let me know when you're finished chatting."

"Indeed I did. He's spending his afterlife in here," Phagora said, pointing to her stomach. "Feeling the agony of being digested for all eternity. I could let him out for a few minutes, but he was my first human meal, so he's rather special to me in that regard. A man of great taste, too. A little sweet, with a touch of rose honey... would that all men were as delicious as him."

Mat wanted to scream, yell out, do something to show his fury, but he knew it was useless. He had made the wrong choice, and now he knew that his father’s soul was a meal for a witch. Mat's eyes closed for a moment, then opened back up and looked at Phagora with a sullen expression.

“One day, you will die. For the longest time I thought it would be me standing over your corpse, but I made a fatal error and am in this cage to be the pet of some witch that should really just go ahead and choke on her own blood. Instead, you'll probably die by another's hand, be it a hunter, a witch who stabbed you in the back, or some random moose you pissed off. In the end, you'll die, and I would hope that I can meet up with my father either up above or down below so we can have a good talk about everything. We'll have a lot of catching up to do.”

"Well, since we're going to be together for a while, I'll give you a chance to chat with him. Consider it a truce offering." Phagora turned away from Mat, and the clear, disturbing sounds of retching could be heard as her jaw dislocated. When she came back around, jaw hanging around her knees, what was clearly the ethereal form of Mat's father could be seen from the waist up. "I'll give you five minutes," Phagora said, though her voice was somewhat muffled. "You have no idea how excruciating this is for me."

couldn't believe what he was seeing as Phagora turned around. While he had seen several creepy sights as a hunter this one would certainly come close to the top. But inside her, Mat could see a familiar person inside. “Dad? Is that really you?” Mat asked slowly, standing up straight.

His dad had not aged at all from the last time Mat saw him, still with a hard knowing face and eyes that could bore into him. “It's me Matrim, I'm sorry that this is how it happened. I'm sorry for a lot of things,” Mat's father replied. “But, I want to know how my son's fared in this world.”

Mat spoke of his life over the next few minutes, giving a couple lies here and there to make his life seem slightly better than the hell it was. His father listened for a while and near the end of it he said, “I'm glad you gave progressed. Try not to lose hope Mat. Remember, amin’ny anao aho.”

Mat's head bobbed in agreement, his eyes going glassy. “I'll try, I'll hold.”

Phagora's jaws snapped shut with a deafening crack, and Mat's father disappeared back into her once gaping maw. "There, that's better." She rubbed her aching mouth. "Here, let me get the cell keys for you. I can't let you out of the castle, but I can let you out of this cell. That's the best I can offer you."

Mat made a distant nod as Phagora spoke, still drawing back on the conversation with his dad. Finally he snapped out of it and looked at the witch to get a better understanding. His mind felt like it was a trap for something, but Mat felt she was being honest. “Why offer me something in the first place?” He inquired, authentically curious.

"Because I don't feel any personal animosity towards you, and because you'd have to be the world's greatest idiot to assault me in the home of myself and all my sisters." The heavy lock clicked open as Phagora threw the gate wide. "Come on, I can get you to a room. If Medusa has a problem, she can take it up with me. I promise, you will suffer no consequences on account of my actions."

Mat slowly stepped out of the cage, standing tall and looking around as he emerged. “It's not Medusa I'm concerned about…” he mumbled, but nodded to Phagora in respect. He was out of the cage, but she was correct that he would be a fool to attack her. Mat would do his best to not die, at least not today. “Very well, lead on.”

Phagora took Mat out of the dungeons and upstairs to the dormitories. She noted a new door had appeared that hadn't been there that morning. Apparently, the castle was enchanted to provide space for everyone, not matter how many people there were. "We have several available rooms, so just pick out whichever one you wish. We can provide you with clothes and other necessities by the end of the day."

Mat walked silently next to Phagora as she explained the castle, taking note of everything around them. His weapons were around somewhere, but he figured he shouldn't risk something like that yet. Main priority is to avoid Ang until I'm able to kill her, he thought as they continued walking. Stopping at one of the doors Mat looked over at Phagora. “This one taken?” He asked, already moving to open the door.

"No, it should be open for you. I'll be leaving for now, but I'll be back in a little while." Phagora walked off. There was still so much to do, between preparing for the feast and getting ready for the battle that would ensue soon after.

When Phagora had left, Mat stepped into the room and gave a look around it. The room appeared quite comfortable, especially for a castle's standards. “They really do get the high quality with magic,” the hunter commented as he gazed around the room. The room even had a slit window that allowed him to look outside but was far too thin for him to fit through. Drawing a long breath of relief, Mat sat down on the floor and leaned against the side of the bed. Things had certainly taken an odd turn, but he would need to remain wary in a castle full of witches. “Survive, stay sane, escape. Easy…” he muttered to himself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by wildeyes
Avatar of wildeyes


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You're NOT keeping me"

in collaboration with @SunsetRoses and @TheDoctor

Triss had been floating in euphoria all day, a new kick in her step that made her glow as she walked the halls. She was trapped in her thoughts, and hardly made attempts at conversation. Her experience last night had made her this way, and she wondered if everyone already knew. It doesn't matter, I loved it either way. They can know and ask if they want to, she thought giddily.

In a moment of clarity, she remembered why she was walking the halls in the first place. Ang had approached her earlier, to tell her about a hunter named Mat. Triss' experience with hunters was enough to make her agree to a session with the boy, though she didn't want to hurt him too badly. Ang had told her that was her job, so Triss was basically in the clear. Now, dressed in her peasant garb to look simple and innocent, she went to his room and opened the door.

"Hello there! I heard that you're named Mat, and I am here to talk to you!" Her voice was bubbly as she closed the door behind her, locking it justly. She went to take a seat at his desk's chair, smiling warmly. All she needed was to lock eyes with him, then she could get in and get out. "How are you?" Look at me, look at me.

Mat glanced up slightly as he heard someone entering his room. Is that another witch? New one… he thought as she stepped in. As she locked the door behind her and began speaking several warning signs went off in his head. She sounded nice, creepy nice. She did not appear to have any weapons on her, but then again witches hardly ever needed them. She wants something, what is it? “Still living and sane, two positives so far. Why do you want to speak with me?” he replied, looking over at the witch and stared at her eyes, which felt...off.

Triss looked at Matrim with a sad smile, she didn't want to use her powers on him. It wasn't fun when the victim wasn't willing. Usually it ended in bursts of horrible sadness, or some other emotion she would never be forgiven for. ”I see, well I'm truly happy you feel that way. I'm just here to question. That's all.”

When Mat made the mistake of locking eyes with her, she attacked. Staying seated and still, her eyes shifted to their unnatural green, a color Mat wouldn't be able to see. In an instant she was inside of his mind, giving him no time to throw up walls. After bypassing his frail everyday walls, she was inside. Here, she was meant to torture him, so she went straight for sadness and shame.

Triss had never yet accomplished it before, but she was trying to pull them both out at once. This was sure to be enough to torture him, and it would only last half as long If she managed to do it. She took a look at the two clumps of emotion, slowly pulling wisps of both of them forwards. Shame took over, and the proportions were leaning heavily with it. With a sigh, she gave up and took only the shame.

Once it was pulled to the forefront of his mind, she released her hold and sat before him, the sad smile still playing on her face. ”What makes you so ashamed, Matrim? Answer truthfully and we'll move on to the next emotion. I'll even make it pleasurable for you at the end of this, just submit.”

Memories had begun flooding Mat as Triss made him feel shame, ones he did not want to remember. Quivering slightly, Mat couldn't tell if it were him or the witch that was making himself feel shame. “I...I…” he itched to tell her, but stopped himself before he spoke. Moving on to the next emotion? he thought. It had to be her doing this to him, that was it. Mat tried to jump to possibilities to get out, but with shame being so prevalent he couldn't help but remember what his actions had brought upon others. “No...no,” Mat cried out. “Not this, please not this. Where's Ang with her violence and jests? FUCK! Get out of my head!”

Triss watched him panic, screaming in frustration as he tried to fight away the shame. She frowned and got up, moving over to him and placing her hand on his shoulder. She tried desperately to get another glimpse at his eyes. ”Tell me why you are ashamed, Matrim, and I'll make it stop. If you refuse I swear to God himself you shall never stop feeling this way, it will eat at you until you are insane.”

She grasped his other shoulder in a death vice, her face set in a miserable grimace. ”It would kill me to do that. Be nice, and by the end of this you shall be at your happiest state. Don't you want to be happy for a while? Now tell me Matrim.”

Mat stilled himself at Triss’ words, looking down at the floor and made a slow nod. He just wanted it all gone. “I understand.” Then he explained.

“Everything after my father's death was a lie and a waste. I spoke with his spirit, and I had to lie to let him think I didn't waste my life on trying to avenge him. Of course I had moments where I tried to fix myself, but I would slip back after a while. I'm responsible for so many deaths. My father, Kate, the little girl Ashley, multiple hunters throughout the years…” Mat finally steadied and stopped speaking, still looking at the ground. “Is that enough? What the hell do you even want from me?”

Triss nodded grimly, unsatisfied. She had come into this not wanting to make him say or do anything, but now that she had gotten a taste… ”Look at me when speak, Matrim. I'm not done with you, and you will comply with my demands until the bitter end.”

Triss was shocked with herself, but she held her same expression easily. ”Remember what I said, I don't have to answer to you.” She reminded him, grabbing his chin and pulling his face upwards so she could move on to the next emotion, force him to speak his next memory. It was a strange ecstasy to interrogate him, and make him tell her everything.

The hunter stared at Triss with sullen eyes, but he offered no resistance against her. “I understand,” he quietly replied, staring into her eyes. Don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it. Stay sane, stay alive, escape. Remember.

Triss stared into his eyes, her powers coming easily as though they had been right at the gate. She went into his mind, and started to search around. One more, then I'll make him feel better. One more. She hoped she would be able to keep the promise, but it was hard to do when she was jumping at the bit to use her powers. Maybe after this she would find Alphonse, he could probably calm her.

On the inside of his mind, she dug around a bit, looking over sadness and fury. It took her a while, because it was planted so far down in his emotions and memories, but she found what she was looking for. A giant, sickly ball of insanity. She gathered it all, pulling it out violently, and placing it at the forefront of his thoughts with a wicked smile.

When she was done, she pulled out and gave him some space, tilting her head with curiosity. ”What makes you insane, Matrim?”

Mat stayed very still for a moment as Triss asked her question. His pupils appeared to shrink ever so slightly, and mirrored her movement of tilting her head. Things in his mind became a sudden haze and the walls inside were shattered. All that was his focus was witches and his desire to find her, and right now there was one right in front of him.

Triss’s only warning was Mat's single word response. “You.”

The hunter suddenly grabbed the witch's throat and drove her to the ground forcefully, having a bitter cold expression in his face. He would kill her, but granting instant death for a witch was too kind, and she could possibly lead him to her. What if Triss was even her? No, death was too easy, too fast; he would learn nothing.

Triss felt the air escape her lungs as she was grabbed by the throat and slammed down to the floor. By God he was fast. She gasped for air, her face turning a horribly vibrant shade of red, slowly ok the verge of purple. She kicked the floor and pounded his chest, trying desperately to work up a scream. The only thing that would come out was a gurgle.

Then, quite suddenly, she relaxed. She was on the brink of consciousness, but she looked up at Mat with a face of acceptance, and even a small smile. She had brought her death upon herself, but if she managed to stay alive until her power wore off, she would be fine. She mouthed ‘I‘m sorry’, and her body collapsed as she became unconscious.

As soon as Triss slipped unconscious, Mat had her quickly tied up to a chair using the various materials in the room. He had no weapons in the room, but he knew how to improvise. The hunter grabbed his own chair and sat across from the witch and waited for her to wake up.

Just as Triss was beginning to wake up Mat was getting a splitting headache that had slowly appeared. Grabbing on one of his armrests, he did his best to still himself and get rid of the headache. As the ache started to dissipate, the effect had started to go away, and Mat looked around the room a bit frightened. “Holy shit,” he whispered.

Triss woke, tied up in a chair by a mixture of cloth materials. She squinted, groggy and a bit confused until she remembered what had happened. Matrim stood in front of her, seemingly surprised by his actions. Triss shrugged and assumed the effects had worn off.

”I apologize sincerely, Matrim. I got in over my head, my powers do that to me sometimes. Untie me and I will fulfill my end of the deal, for a while you shall feel content. I...I don't think I'm going to report my findings to Ang, mustn’t give her a reason to be harder on you.” She diverted her gaze from him, to show she meant no harm. She had done something horrible, something that had almost resulted in her death. ”If you don't wish to be contented, I will do something else for you. Just tell me, do I have a scar?”

Mat sat calmly, listening to Triss’s words and taking them each one by one. He was still shaken by the fact that she had so easily broken something he was delicately trying to fix. That kind of power scared him, scared him far too much. Mat felt so vulnerable to these mental attacks, and what if the next one instead of bringing forth an emotion was a command he obeyed? He had heard of such things happening, and he was scared if it were to happen to him.

So when Triss said she could make him content, Mat stood slowly and walked over to the torch on the wall. “As much fun as it was letting you into my head the first time, I'll have to pass. Besides, feeling content would be less than ideal right now. Really, you should ask yourself…” he said as he picked up the torch and gazed closely at the fire. “What's stopping me from killing you?”

Triss watched Mat pick up the torch, fear breaking down her head but leaving her face as smooth as stone. ”Hmm, Matrim. A curious question indeed.” She tilted her head and stared at him with eyes glinting. ”I've seen everything inside of your mind, Matrim. You can hide nothing from me. Even if you go through with this, and kill me, I know you'll feel the shame of your actions.”

Triss clucked, watching Mat as he acted like the bigger man. ”I regret what I did, not because it will be the cause of my death, but because I am sorry for using you in that way. As I said, I got a little carried away.” She relaxed in her chair, closing her eyes and grinning with satisfaction. ”I believe I'm comfortable, carry on.”

Mat sat down in front of Triss but made sure not to catch her eyes. He carried a very weary expression, as a tired soldier would. “First of all things it's Mat, not Matrim. That name's reserved for my father to use. Second, you're quite right that I can hide nothing from you, so you would know that you scare me a great deal. You've just exploited the one weakness I had in an instant, but you played foolishly with it.” Mat drew a long sigh, casting his eyes to the torch. “Fire’s a terrible way to go, makes me wish for my tools.”

The hunter gave a final look around the room and drew a short breath. His escape chances would be zero after this, he would need to move quickly and quietly as soon as he left the room. He considered just leaving with Triss tied up, but he instantly recalled what she could do to him. No, he would not be controlled, he couldn't let that possibility happen.

Mat tossed the torch behind Triss’s chair, where it caught on the rug fairly fast. “Good luck in the next life...uh…” Mat realized he never caught the witch's name, and it made him cast one last look at her face in a mix of shame and curiosity. He walked over to the door and silently left.

The fire spread slowly but steadily throughout the room, Triss sat in her chair, staring at the flames as they approached. She had accepted her mistake, and there would be no one to save her in the dungeons. As the fires approached, she twitched, the scalding heat forced her to try to defend herself, to struggle in her chair. She had to escape. Maybe it would have been better for her lethal mistake to involve something faster?

Suddenly, the door to Matrim's chamber burst open, and a caul of darkness swept into the room. Suddenly, there was no heat, or light, or pain. Triss could not even feel her own body. There was nothing for a long while, then suddenly, there was light. Strong arms held her up.

"Are you alright?" Alphonse's voice was full of worry.

Triss bit down hard on her tongue to prevent herself from yelping, the flames licking her feet and leaving blisters. She was sure the skin would have burned off leaving only bone, had it not been for Alphonse. He took her into the shadows, where all was quiet and she couldn't even feel herself.

When she was out, she collapsed on pained feet, falling into Alphonse's embrace. He asked her if she was alright, and she nodded, waiting for a while to phrase her next sentence. ”It's my fault, I manipulated him, and he reacted as any strong person would. I'm just surprised he didn't break.” She looked up at Alphonse, and sighed in relief. Her tone was surprisingly calm for someone who had almost been burned to death, and that was because she had accepted her fate.

Alphonse held her close. He wanted to tear her away from Clarissa. Tell her that Medusa could only lead her to ruin, that this event was proof of their recklessness and incompetence. But this was not the time for that. Still, he had to know. "You're alright now. Don't worry." He pulled himself away from her. "Triss....why were you trying to break Matrim?"

Triss looked up to him, before diverting her gaze and pulling herself closer. She just wanted a few more seconds of normalcy, so she held onto his body as an anchor. ”Alphonse, it was my fault. I just wanted a new toy, so when I heard that there was a Hunter in the castle I came to his room almost immediately.”

It was such a dirty lie, it felt like a thick layer of tar rolling off her tongue. She couldn't tell him the truth though, he would just fret over it. She looked up at him and grasped his head gently between her two hands, pulling him down for a kiss because her feet were far too blistered to stand upon. After the peck, she smiled wryly. ”I was going to go look for you, I missed your company. What have you been up to, fair maiden?”

Alphonse smiled at the pet name. Her brief kiss left him hungry for more. Still, her words worried him. He was not used to being with a woman in the way he had been with her....he had thought... "You thought a captive hunter would make a good toy? Is that what you thought I was?" Alphonse's face was suddenly uncharacteristically dour.

Triss watched his face fall, and she took a step back, ignoring the way her feet screamed. Why was he so upset with her? Did he know she was lying? Alphonse...a toy? She never used her power on him. ”Whatever do you mean? Of course he, I have to use my power on someone.”

Triss thought of a way to settle the situation, without him becoming more suspicious. ”Why would you be a toy, Alphonse? The minds of witches are way too hard to get into.”

Alphonse raised one eyebrow. Then smirked and shook his head, finally he chuckled. "Is that what you meant?" He broke into a full body laugh as he fell into a chair. "I thought that you were...I am so sorry, no of course you were working for Medusa. Is that why you're working with her? For opportunities to use your talent?"

Triss joined him in the chair, sitting on his lap and tucking her head into the crook of his neck. She still didn't know what he had meant when he said toy, but that was meant for a later time. Now, she just wanted to enjoy his warmth and the way his chest rose and fell.

Triss felt her cheeks flush when he asked why he had joined Medusa’s side. She kiss his neck to soften the blow of her answer. ”I joined Medusa’s side because she welcomed me into the coven, fully and completely. She's a nice woman, too. I have only once seen Lorelai, and I was hiding a secret from her. Why did you take Lorelai's side?” She cooed her last sentence, nuzzling against him.

Alphonse lay back, luxuriating in the woman's attention. "There's....a lot that goes into that." He held her close. He didn't care to recount experiences with Medusa, but it would be better with Triss with him. "Medusa was one of my first teachers. She taught me how to use the potential for my talent. To go where others could not, with no one knowing the wiser. The blasphemies of necromancy that would allow me to pierce the wards that would stand in my way. She made me into a weapon for the coven. I... well, it wasn't until I started working for Lorelai that I actually felt like a member of the coven. We've worked together to eliminate threats, she's stood by me in the field, and shared in all that I've experienced." He smiled sadly. "I don't think I'd still be here, if not for her."

Triss pulled away from Alphonse, positioning herself so she was looking into his eyes. She didn't know what she felt as he described his relationship with Lorelai, definitely not jealousy…but regret? Regret that she had never been able to see the softer side of Lorelai, before her side was basically chosen for her. Regret that if Lorelai and Medusa fought, she would be on one side and Alphonse the other.

She pursed her lips, and pulled herself in closer to him, so their foreheads were touching. ”I have a deep....appreciation for you, Alphonse.” She looked flustered, afraid to say the word ‘love' if the feelings weren't reciprocated. ”That is why I wish things were easier, but since they are not, why don't we enjoy each other? No more talk of silly conflicts, not for now.”

Alphonse sighed, it seemed simple enough to him, Triss should defect, and join Lorelai so that he could keep her safe. But he was tired, and she was hurt. And the bed near by looked very warm after her invitation. He lifted Triss as he stood and lay her in her bed. "I think I would like that very much." He said, kissing her sweetly on the lips. "No lessons for tonight though, you're hurt, let me take care of you." He whispered in her ear,then he kissed her again, as his hands explored the interiors of her simple dress.

Matrim stayed silent as he moved throughout the castle, doing his best to not even be any close proximity. Fortunately, the witches would not be actively looking for him as the only one who knew was in a room that was on fire, and if she did get out he still had several minutes before anyone knew.

While he was near the bottom of the castle, Matrim didn't head for any of the gates as they were most likely being watched. Instead, the hunter moved up several levels, taking note of all around him. He was alive, he was still sane, and he was going to escape. His slight burst of luck had lead to this, and he was not going to waste the opportunity.

Matrim’s spear was in one of these rooms, the armory most likely. He desperatly wanted to find it, but couldn't justify potentially losing his life over it. He would have to come back for it later, but this time with more hunters.

Matrim’s own emotions played with him as he moved throughout the castle, but he did his best to focus. Triss had shown him how easily he could crack, but he would not let it happen again. He couldn't change his twisted past, but he could try to improve his own future.

At a couple floors above, Mat moved carefully until he past along to the door to the outside. After giving a quick glance around he entered into the outside on the top of the castle walls.

Making a short breath, Matrim looked over the edge over the wall and gave a quiet whistle. It would not be fun climbing down this. After giving one last breath, Matrim went over the edge and began scaling down.

The climb down turned out to be a little easier than he expected, until near the bottom where he lost his grip and almost fell the rest of it. As soon as his feet touched the soil, Matrim broke into a sprint to the woods. He would find that damn horse that ran with his supplies, then he would find the hunters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Wildeyes

"Old Friends and New Quests"

Ashlynn disembarked the Dawnflower, her personal long ship. They'd finally arrived back in Valleta, on the island of Malta. She sighed, listening to the bustle of her home city, the sounds of hard working fishermen hauling the sea's bounty, craftsmen pounding away with their tools, merchants extoling the virtues of their wares.

It had been a long several months, the rebuilding efforts in Kenebres were moving along slowly. Left over demons from the incursion they'd closed remained, and a strong showing of Knights was still required in the region. She and Alrich had hunted the worst of them and entrusted the rest of the task to Knight-Captain Killinger.

She grinned as she heard the rattle of heavy platemail approach from the dock behind her. Turning she greeted Alrich. "Back home at last hmm? We've got a couple of days before we're off again. What should we get up to?"

"Those were some rough storms we had." Alric said as he stepped into the light, His armor shone brightly as he stepped into the light. His face sported a magnificent blond beard, within which one could see a smile that shone even brighter than his platemail. "As much as I'd like to catch up in town, I think we should head south. Something big is brewing down there. We wouldn't want to be late for it, would we?"

"Something big?" Ashlynn's brow furrowed in concern. "Anything to do with you staring into those storms? Instead of coming below deck to stay dry like the rest of the Knights?"

She nudged her companion with her shoulder. "You've been a touch less talkative since then. Only a touch though." She grinned.

"Have I? I saw things within the storms, a great evil rising up within the south, and other great powers are circling each other, ready to rend one another's throats. If they don't release one another, then we may all be doomed."Alric raised his eyebrows playfully, "We better get going. Shouldn't we?" He attempted to scoot Ashlynn off the dock to where they could buy some horses.

"Hey!" Ashlynn protested playfully, falling into step with Alrich. "That much of a hurry huh? I'll send word to my father while we're on the road then."

She fell silent while Alric haggled for the horses. Once they were alone again she turned to him. "How bad will it be...? I... I've got a dear friend in the south. Elizabeth, I hope she doesn't get pulled into all of this." She laughed wistfully. "Maybe her mother finally convinced her to be a proper lady instead of a hunter. I doubt it though."

"Fat chance of that." Alric said with a laugh. "I can't imagine any one who's endured the boredom of nobility would give up hunting." He chuckled to himself, apparently unaware that most people quite liked boredom."And knowing our luck, she'll be as stuck in the middle of it as one can get." He clanged his mailed fist against the shield at his side. "That's what this is for."

"Of course!" Ashlynn punched the shield grinning. "If she is in trouble, we'll just get her out of trouble. Why do I worry about these things?"

"If it gets too bad my father can just ride down with a contigent too." She said cheerily. While she still hoped Elizabeth had managed to steer clear of whatever foul buisness Alrich thought was brewing she was confident in their ability to see to her safety. They'd done more miraculous things than that after all.

"Yes...your father...." Alric and Gideon had fought together before. The man was strong, and righteous, but Alric had seen what he was capable of "for the greater good". Battles were always bloody, but Gideon did not even seem to care to staunch the wound. He preferred to amputate and sterilize. Thinking about the shapes he'd seen within the clouds, he hoped that he would not be necessary.

"Yes..." Ashlynn fell silent after that. Alrich and her father had some differences in opinion about how to scour the earth of evil. She leaned more towards Alrich's philosophy, and if her father minded he never showed any indication.

"Am I ever going to meet this Alice? You keep blabbing about her, but I'm starting to believe she's just a folk tale." She broke the silence, her voice teasing.

"Oh, she is." Alric said with a soft smile. "She's been busy with heavenly pursuits lately. Her life's a bit of a flurry right now." He laughed very hard at that. "You don't want to meet her anyway, she's full of far too much hot air, and is liable to blow in your face." Alric tilted his head back in full laughter, apparently believing himself hilarious.

Ashlynn's smile broadened at Alrich's obvious mirth, although her head tilted in question. "You're a strange man Alrich, with strange friends I'm sure." Her brow furrowed slightly. "I don't see why I wouldn't want to meet her... If she's talkative, and you're talkative... how do you get anything done?"

"Also! I question I've been meaning to ask." Ashlynn's face brightened. "Is she your wife? Me and the men were talking and making bets, they figured she was either your wife or the name of your shield. I said you probably had a wife, but they laughed at that."

Alric was having trouble breathing now. After a few minutes, he controlled his breathing enough to respond. "No, she is not my wife, nor my shield. Though she did ensorcel the latter." He patted the masive steel board affectionately. "We mainly got things done when she decided she wanted to do something stupidly dangerous, and I was stupid enough to stand between her, and said danger. Ah, good times.... at any rate, Ashlynn.....do you pay any attention to when we go to the taverns?"

"Dangrously stupid... that describes our career." Ashlynn giggled.

"Taverns? I'm usually flirting with barmaids and dancing, so no." She tilted her head. "Why? What does that have to do with you having a wife?"

"That's why we got so much done." Alric said. "....I just think that if you paid more attention, then you'd think it unlikely that I had one, is all." Alric didn't think that Ashlynn needed to hear about what happenned between him, they boys, and those twin bar wenches. They really were beautiful women, Alric's gaze drifted off in memory.

"Yes... well." Ashlynn kept her gaze on the man as he evidently remembered something pleasant. "Let's go shine a little light on the southlands then. Maybe you'll find Alice, and I'll catch up with Elizabeth."

The thought of meeting Alice again filled Alric's heart, but also made him feel very tired. How would he protect Alice and Ashlynn at the same time? Maybe if he insisted on them standing close to each other while performing their suicidal daring do. "That would be delightful." The two rode on into the night, looking forward another adventure. Even with the omens, they were confident that their light would shine through. How dark could one valley be?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

in collaboration with @Meiyuki and @shagranoz
"Grim apprehension"

It was dark, cold and wet. Water dripping from leaves and branches higher up above the giant's head were a constant reminder of the rain that was still petering out. However Andri was not in the position to complain about the weather, there were other things going on in his mind: Had he gone too far ? He had basically thrown away everything the ordinary hunter's doctrine told him - and most of what the hunter he still was an apprentice of had told him. He had made contact with witches. Non lethal contact! If Medusa und Lorelai would stick to their words, he would even have helped prevent a war that would have been very beneficial for the cause of the hunter community in general. And for what ? For what he believed to be the morally correct course of action. If any of the leaders in Seren's Folley would get a hunch on this, he would be beyond being screwed. Beyond because there was another problem. One that he had acquired in that damn cathedral and that had gone silent several hours ago, much to his surprise. Perhaps it was because even Khan had to accept the fact that there were no women around in the midst of this forest, but only the horse his host was riding on. Apparently sex with animals didn't count to his repertoire of perversety. At least not yet. Andri felt that this pesky demon likely was very adaptive in his thoughts, and emergencies, whatever kind they were of, always provoked unconventional actions.

The spires of Castle Bloodrose now were rising above the horizon, gradually filling up the space between the rows of trees where the dark sky could be seen touching the ground. The assassin urged the beast to go faster, he couldn't wait to arrive there. Not only because of Liz, but because he had important business to do. Witches' paradise wasn't a place he felt comfortable at, not with Bobby and the Digards around. Multiple of his as-yet-colleagues knew about Khan or at least had reason for suspicion. Finally, he stood in front of the massive iron gates that were blocking his way.

It didn't take long for the metal to defy the laws of nature as Andri knew them. There could not have been a clearer sign for him that the coven's leaders he had spoken to were very well aware of how to get from Seren's Folley to the castle. This was the right place, but... it was so big. Where the hell should he start searching for... what ? Did witches have offices like normal administrators had ? If he was honest to himself, he didn't know a shit. There was no other way than to ask his way through it, hoping that none would think of him as an enemy that required immediate attention...

Andri had been clever enough not to come here while wearing his leather armor. Instead, he was wearing the very same pieces of cloth he had put on before meeting Rebecca the second time and attending the diplomatic meeting. The first question now was: Liz first, or Medusa first ? Or Lorelai... He decided for the second option, though it was pretty much random. As friendly as he was able to, he tried to ask for the way to the coven's current leader. Finally standing in front of the door, his heart was beating like hell. It felt like being on the verge of a point of no return, and perhaps it was exactly that. He knocked at the door.

Medusa's clear alto called from the other side. "Come in."

She looked up from a veritable tower of documents, her face broadening into a smile as she spied Andri's hulking frame in her doorway. She set her spectacles to the side and gestured to one of the lavish armchairs in front of her large oak desk. "I'm pleased to took the opportunity to visit Andri. Please, sit."

Andri was a bit hesitant, but then he finally ducked down under the doorframe and took the seat he had been offered. He tried to smile at Medusa, but he could feel his ears getting hot even before he had finished the wording of what he wanted to say now. He blushed, and the way he rested his enormous hands on his upper legs he probably looked like a schoolboy who was intending to confess something in front of one of his more influential teachers. "Hello Medusa. Thanks for spending your time on me." He paused, kneading his lips. "I... have a problem." And then, finally, it came out fast as if he wanted to get rid of it: "Does 'Khan' mean anything to you ?"
It felt like an electric eel had intruded his brain, following an internal urge to fry it. Andri's pain was obvious from outside as his face temporarily turned into a grimace.

"Khan?" Medusa tilted her head quizzically. "Yes, If I recall correctly Lorelai was... displeased with a Khan a year or so ago."

"I never really asked what she ended up doing with him." She shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

Andri was aghast. Medusa talked about this as if it was absolutely ordinary. Oh well... he was in the midst of a coven, likely this was absolutely normal here. Should he hope that they were indeed talking about the same Khan or should he hope that the Khan Lorelai had been displeased with was another one, perhaps a normal human being ? There weren't many alternatives to find out: "He's in my head now."

Medusa blink several times as the hunter stated his predicament simply. "In... in your head?" She surveyed him with facination, as if she might somehow divine the meaning of those words with sight alone.

"I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate. Is he a demon? Come to possess you? A lover that haunts your thoughts? Or..." Medusa gestured for Andri to explain.

"He... he appears to be a demon worm. I don't know what he looks like because when he made his way into my head, it was completely dark and I..." He paused again. So many thoughts were arising simultaneously that he didn't just feel emotionally overwhelmed, but according to his eyes becoming glassy and fluid accumulating around them waiting to break away from their adhesive bond to his skin he actually was. "I was lying in a coffin, buried alive. And since then... poof, poof, whores..."
Oh oh poor, poor Andri. I'm feeling embarrassed for you! I'm a gift! A gift of fate! For you! I'm pumping so much effort into you to improve your performance in bed and what are you doing ? I expect you to be more appreciative!

Rebecca had just been passing by, when she heard something about a demon worm. Knowing that this was the kind of conversation that couldn't be missed, even if she wasn't the curious type, she made her way inside. "Don't mind me, but what's all this about a demon worm?"

"Andri here was telling me about... some unfortunate turn of events that lead to him being buried alive with a... Khan." Medusa thought for a moment. "Which is a very Lorelai thing to do to someone who displeases her, now that I think about it."

She laughed briefly, her eyes staring into space for a moment as she seemed to recall some previous event. She shrugged and returned her attention to the giant. "I can have him removed if you'd like."

"Lorelai ? She put Khan down into that coffin ?" Andri got very, very close to being angry, especially since he had just saved Lorelai from a civil war a day before. But it never came to an outburst of him, as he became aware that it would likely not have mattered at all where the witch would have placed Khan. It had been Charon who had put him into that coffin, and if Khan had been around somewhere else, he would simply have put him to that somewhere else.

"Removed..." Khan was raging in his mind. It slowed his thinking and speaking considerably. "Several hunters already know about it. If I go back to Seren's Folley and claim that Khan has been removed, they'll ask where and how. If I go back to Seren's Folley with Khan still inside my head, they'll probably kill me, expell me or whatever else... Either way, I'm stuck." His voice was sad, very sad.

"I have an idea for something you can tell them. You captured a traveling witch who figured out you were possessed and traded an exorcism for her freedom. The witch left, headed for God knows where." Rebecca shrugged. "Even if you don't say that, though, I'd still advise removing the little parasite. There's no telling what sort of havoc he could be wreaking inside you."

I'll poof you back to hell if you don't comply! You won't decide to have me removed! And think of all the advantages I can give you!
Sex ? A bigger wang ?
Yes! But I know you are not ready yet to accept that as an answer, so I am willing to offer you my little abilities!
And how many boobs do I have to grab before I could get the next bit of my share of this trade ?
I saved you and Mr. Wolfbreath from Charon! You claim to have moral ideals ? Hah! Now you want to get rid of me because I'm no longer useful ?
You are afraid of Lorelai, aren't you ?
The mental clash was going on, depriving Andri of the attention span he required to speak to the world outside for a considerable amount of time. He really didn't like it, but Khan had made some points he couldn't deny. And there was an argument even Rebecca's proposal couldn't get out of the way. Slowly, he turned his head towards her familiar face. "Do you think Fenros and the others will actually believe me that ? He was close to killing me outright." He spoke out Fenros' name not being entirely aware of the reputation he had along witches.

Medusa shared a brief look with Rebecca. She'd known Fenros was in the area for some time, but expected the revelation to be a small shock to the lich. Mustering her most reasurring smile she spoke. "Yes, we know how he favors that sword of his over his higher functions."

She thought for a moment as she appraised Andri's character. "Perhaps... " She sighed. "Perhaps you could remain with us then. If you were to find a sponsor, and two senior witches to vouch for you you could take the oath and become one of us."

"I will gladly sponsor him, and tutor him in the ways of the coven. Even if he doesn't have any magic, he should at least be taught in how it is used." Rebecca smiled at Andri. "This is an honor I have never heard of any coven offering a human, much less a hunter. You should be proud that Medusa trusts you so much, Andri."

No magic ? Tell this Rebecca that her brain must have already completely rotten away! But... let's see if I can remedy that...
Before Andri could even tell a word, there were two sounds coming from different locations in the room at the same time. The first one emanated from right in front of Medusa's desk and was accompanied by the rustling of both a few papers being blown from their stacks and of Andri's clothing that was no longer supported by its owner's hulking body. The second noise came from right in front of Rebecca. It was pretty close. Andri's embarrassement was near perfect. He stumbled backwards as fast as he could, covering that holy grail of Khan with his hands by instinct and being saved from falling on the floor by the wall.

Medusa stiffled a laugh as the giant of a man stumbled naked away from the lich. Evidently Khan could teleport, a rare gift indeed. "Well... it seems there are some advantages to having a demon worm in your head hmm?" She glanced over Rebecca briefly. "Although I'd encourage him to refrain from such spectacular performances in the future, lest my mirth run dry and he catches my wrath instead."

"Indeed. It seems to me that this was Khan's doing, not yours, Andri. Tell him to keep his libido in check, or else he'll find himself in a world of trouble." Rebecca let out a groan. It appeared that men were all the same, whether human or demon. All the thinking went on below the waist.

"Advantages ?" Andri spoke out the question in a tone that clearly indicated that he was in disagree with that statement. "So far this teleportation served only Khan himself in easing his way to the next whore or preventing me from doing things he believes would make me less attractive." Andri's face was totally blushed by now and he didn't dare to approach Medusa's desk to grab his clothes from the chair in front of it.

Medusa stood to retrieve the poor man's clothes, tossing them to him before she returned to her seat. "If you find a way to work with him, instead of simply appeasing him, that teleportation could come in handy hmm?" Medusa shook her head as she returned to the task at hand. "But we were talking about you joining the coven weren't we? Rebecca here has been kind enough to offer her sponsorship, you'd have my vote."

"All you need now is Lorelai's." Medusa looked mildly concerned for a moment. "That, however, may prove more difficult to secure. Our Lorelai's a hard woman."

"Khan's constantly threatening me to start eating my brain, or to wreak havoc on other of my body's functions." He could not just stop 'appeasing' him, as much as he would have liked to do that. He could clearly see the point in being able to teleport, but this wasn't his ability, but the demon worm's one. A very important difference, at least in his mind.

"Join the coven ? Erm..." He hesitated. Medusa had just totally anticipated the real reason for him having made the journey to the castle. "I have to admit that you are somewhat correct about that. If I extrapolate the reactions of the other hunters that know about Khan or at least suspect something... I think it's more likely than not that my days as a hunter in Seren's Folley are numbered. The worst thing is that Fenros knows all about it." Did Medusa know that he was not the type of hunter that killed everyone on sight and without going through some kind of selection process first ? It appeared so, because otherwise she probably would not have offered voting for him in the first place.

"Quite." Medusa could imagine the man's situation. Most hunters tended to be the 'kill first, question later' types. Andri, however, had assisted Rebecca in a bid for peace to save the lives of witches. For that aid alone she owed him at least the opportunity to find a new life amongst them. "Very well then. For now you may stay in the castle for one week while you attempt to acquire Lorelai's backing."

"You may also want to discuss your Khan problem with her, she's the foremost expert in demonology after all." Medusa rifled through a drawer in her desk until she found a small key. She handed it to Rebecca smiling. "Rebecca, why don't you show our guest to his room. Gook luck Andri."

Rebecca gathered her cloak around her and took the key from Medusa. "Yes, she probably knows something that can help you, if you wish it. Follow me, Andri. The rooms are upstairs." She beckoned Andri to follow her.

"Thanks." he answered wholeheartedly to Medusa before leaving her office and after having put his clothes back on. Andri followed Rebecca, being surprised and glad at the same time that he actually had found a refuge here, though it was yet unclear if it's temporary nature would suffice or if things would go so bad in Seren's Folley that he would have to succeed in making it permanent. Time would tell once he had gotten back there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shagranoz


Member Seen 4 mos ago

sub]in collaboration with @Meiyuki[/sub]

"Laying Eggs"

It had been one of the longest, most maddening days of Saen's life. Apparently, rats had gotten into the castle pantry, and it had fallen to her to solve the problem. Most of the day had been spent trying to figure out some sort of ward to keep them out, and the rest was devoted to repairing the hole in the masonry the obnoxious little rodents had used. There hadn't even been enough good meat on the things to make them worth hunting!

Now, as the afternoon light was dying, she was basking in what rays she could in the castle garden, relieved to be out of the cold, wet depths of the castle.

"Saen, looking lovely this evening." Alyssa's cheerful voice sounded as she rounded the corner and stepped into the garden. She wore a look of forced cheer over a deep and pervasive weariness. "What have you been up to?"

"Rats. Scurrying around the pantry and Medusa told me to ward them out." A shiver of exhaustion struck her. "It feels like my scales are starting to rot from all the dampness down there." She caught a glance of Alyssa's worn-out features. "You look like I feel. What happened to you?"

Alyssa wondered at the irony of sending a lamia to deal with a rat infestation. It was amusing to imagine Saen pouncing on wayward rodents, but obviously the woman didn't enjoy the task, so she kept her thoughts to herself. "What a compliment to pay a lady!" She laughed.

"My attempts to aquire either a child or my sister's attentions have gone awry." Taking a seat on one of the benches overlooking the flowers of the garden she sighed. "But at least we won't need to worry about facing each other on the battlefield you and I. If Sousiel's to be trusted anyway."

"I've heard the same. Probably the best for me, my magic is of little use in a war." Saen's nose wrinkled as she smiled. "I can understand Lorelai being infatuated with her new little girl, but a child? Why don't you do what the fae do and just kidnap one? Doesn't take near as long... though I'll admit, it takes all the fun out of the process, too."

"I could just kidnap one," Alyssa sighed, rubbing her temples. "But my bloodline is dying, and I need a daughter with the gift if the Von'Strausses are ever to regain any of their old glory."

"I'm not as black-souled as my sister, I can't just taint someone with the Tongue." She laughed wryly. "Which leaves me with the traditional method."

She turned to Saen, head tillted in curiousity. "Excuse me if this is entirely too personal, but... how do you... reproduce?"

"Tainting someone? I've never heard of such a process." Saen's eyebrows crawled up to her hairline at the last question. "The same way as you do, though we do not necessarily need a man. So I could give you the daughter you seek with no issue, but to have her innately understand the Dragon's Tongue, well... it seems to me you do not have the parts needed. Unless, of course, you're hiding something unexpected under your clothes."

"It's a vile process, frowned on by even the most debached of my clan." Alyssa explained, mostly to buy time as she considered Saen's offer. "It... it actually involves... um... growing a male appendage."

"Speaking of male appendages..." Alyssa shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks coloring brightly. [color=0072bc]"Uh... there's a... ritual for that." by the end of her sentance her voice was but a shy whisper.

"My mother claimed there was a ritual for just about everything, but I never expected there was one for that." Saen gave Alyssa a look. "You say you wish to preserve your traditions? Well, I wish to preserve mine as well. If we are to do this, we shall do it in the way of my people. She will be raised as a lamia and a human both. Those are my terms."

"You've little to worry about there, Von'Strauss aren't raised as humans." Alyssa blinked several times. Was Saen really willing to have a child with her, just like that? Was she really going to go through with it> "Wait... you're serious? You'd do this?"

"Truth be told, I'm in a similar situation to you. There aren't as many lamia as you'd think, and most of us live thousands of miles away. Our children would only be half-bloods, but there is very little stigma attached to the term among us, and every species wishes to spread." Saen slithered over to a fallen oak branch and began plucking off leaves. "First, though, I must make my nest. Would you mind helping? This is as much your child as mine, after all."

Alyssa paused for a moment, her mind still reeling, before standing to join Saen at the task. "A lamia demon-binder..." Her face bloomed into a smile. "I... I never thought I'd have to perfect a ritual to grow a member."

She laughed warmly. "I also never thought my daughter would be a lamia, or need a nest, or..." She fell silent, her eyes on the small pile of leaves she was adding to. "Thanks Saen."

"It's no problem, truly. And yes, they do need a nest. The leaves keep the eggs protected from the elements, and as they rot, they give off heat to keep them warm. I can lay them almost immediately, but they'll still need a week before they're ready to hatch." A few more leaves, and the pile was about two feet high. "That should do quite nicely. Now, about this ritual..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with the lovely @SunsetRoses who endured more of my madness than I thought possible

"Spreading Her Wings/New Horizons"

Sousiel's eyes followed her mistress' movements suspiciously, nervous tension building in her demure frame. Lorelai had been acting strangely since she'd returned from her meeting with Medusa and Rebecca. She muttered things under her breath, she'd collected all of her personal writings over the years and ripped out specific pages, and perhaps most concerning of all she fiddled with her grandmother's war mask, the last gift she'd received from her family before their purge.

"Mistress...?" Sousiel finally thought to intervene as Lorelai collected her bottles of Last Breath from her ritual supplies. They were rare in the extreme, and whatever Lorelai needed them for would have to be dangerous in the extreme. "What... what are you doing?"

"Dragons Sousiel... Dragons." Lorelai turned to her familiar grinning, but an all too familiar madness burned in the woman's steel grey eyes. Those same eyes had twinkled over villages they'd razed, and over the broken body of Hector Digard. "I'm ready now, I've learned what I need to. Liz's initiation was the final insight I needed into what this all means."

"Lorelai... there's no war anymore, you don't need to do this now." Sousiel attempted to calm her mistress. "Don't you think you should wait? Until you're whole again?"

"You were right all along. I can't be whole when I reject the second half of my legacy." Lorelai stroked the demon's cheek affectionately. "I've spent my whole life gaining a Dragon's terrible wisdom, it burns in my mind. Things Man Should Not Know. Now I return to the place where my dynasty was founded, to claim its savage fury for my own."

"Of course Mi'lady." Sousiel nodded, her tension only having increased. "Give me a little bit to prepare myself and gather your blade." With that she ducked out of the room, leaving Lorelai to her pacing and muttering.

Sousiel half walked, half ran through the halls of the castle in search of Liz. Liz was sane, mostly anyway, and Lorelai either needed talked down or some serious back up. She passed empty room after empty room. Her search of the training yards had borne little fruit, and Lotte and Abby were spending time with Alyssa this afternoon.

Finally she spied the blonde huntress in one of the many smaller cafeteria's, apple in hand, speaking with some witch that was probably too stupid for note. "Liz! Hi!." She ran up to the woman and grabbed her sleeve, tugging her away. "I need ya for a bit, sorry... whoever you are."

Elizabeth had been having a polite chat with a younger witch about her family, and what royalty was all about. It was turning into a great discussion, when Sousiel stormed the small cafeteria and began pulling on her sleeve. She waved at the witch, who knowingly backed away and carried on with her day.

Elizabeth turned to look at the demon, who had apparently rode out her previous bout of sadness. ”Yes, Sousiel? What is it? Is this about Lorelai?” She walked with the demon outside of the cafeteria, so they could discuss the situation privately. ”What happened?”

"She's going to become a Dragon." Sousiel deadpanned. Realizing that likely wasn't enough information she continued in a hurried tone. "She's returning to her citadel in hell, where she intends to complete the final steps of her descent, and become a literal fire-breathing, winged, giant Dragon."

"Aaaand she might be crazy, or inspired, or... something." Sousiel pulled at her sleeve again, urging them towards Lorelai's tower. "Either way you're sane, I'm not, she might not be. I was hoping you might.... something."

Elizabeth’s mouth formed an ‘o', as Sousiel explained Lorelai's plans. She had seen Lorelai's Dragon firsthand, it had guarded her from the tendrils of the Lady Nocticula. She didn't know what was so horrible about it, but Sousiel seemed rather concerned. ”What do you want me to do? Stop her? Get an explanation out of her? Help her?”

Liz began walking, pulling Sousiel along with her on the way to Lorelai's tower. ”Is this about her meeting with Medusa, what happened? Has she been acting intrigued lately, or is this the first signs of her wanting to become a Dragon?”

"She is a Dragon... or... " Sousiel struggled for the words to explain as they made their way. A minute had passed before she continued. "Von'Strausses, when they become old enough, and powerful enough, can become Dragons. A Dragon is not a savage beast, like the projection you saw in Nocticula's realm. They're incarnations of the terrible wisdom and savage might that is the Von'Strauss' birthright. It's been centuries since anyone's made the attempt..."

She hesitated a moment, calming herself. "And even longer since anyone's survived it. I... I don't know what I want you to do. I think she might be capable, but I don't want her to go alone. I'm tasked with bringing her back so I can't join her there, where she most needs me."

Elizabeth chewed on her lip, biting down hard enough to draw blood. ”If anyone can make it through the process, it's Lorelai. I've never seen the other members of her family, but she is a strong contender.” She felt her own heart pounding, a rush of anticipation boiling over. She wanted Lorelai to be successful, she craved the smile on her face when she came back a Dragon.

However, there was that chance, that Lorelai would not make it through. That was where Liz would intervene, if there was any doubt in Lorelai's mind, she would stop her Mistress from going through with it. Or...she would help her. ”I don't see how I can help her in the process, I have no access to hell myself. The only way I could help is from the outside.”

"You'd be surprised." Sousiel said grimly as they finally arrived at the door to Lorelai's room. She pushed it open to reveal Lorelai in her traveling leathers, her blade strapped across her back, and her grandmother's war mask hanging at her hip.

She turned to them grinning. "Sousiel! Where we-" It took her a moment to notice the huntress amidst her excitement. She moved quickly to the woman and embraced her happily. "Elizabeth! Here to see me off?"

Elizabeth was about to give Sousiel a response, when she entered the room. Being next to Lorelai was like standing next to a giant ball of energy, emotions ran through Elizabeth in waves: rage, a tired sort of resolve, and desperation. It made Elizabeth feel weak, and useless, but her Mistress converted it into a curtain of happiness.

When Lorelai came to embrace her, Elizabeth took action. She clutched the woman and forced her to remain still. I’m so sorry, Lore. You can't do this, not in this state. She thought, her face remaining cool and emotionless. ”What happened at the damned meeting, Lorelai? Why are you so hell bent on becoming a Dragon? Don't hide it, I can feel you.”

She kept a tight hold on her Mistress, but moved her back so they could look at each other face to face.

Lorelai's eyes bored into Liz's. Her emotions fluctuated between rage at Liz's sudden insolence, and a strange warmth from her obvious concern. Something the woman had said picked at her, but in her current state she simply couldn't piece it together. Eventually the strange warmth won out, her resolve and rage sputtering out in the face of Liz's honest concern.

How long had it been since someone had told her she couldn't have something? Not because they didn't want her to have it, but because they feared for her during its acquisition? She closed her eyes and leaned into the huntress, as the false strength left her body.

"Damnit..." She whispered into Liz's shoulder. "I have to do this Liz... I have to."

Elizabeth placed her head atop Lorelai’s, rubbing the woman’s back to soothe her. ”You don’t have to do anything, Lore.” She muttered calmly, her low voice humming against the brunette’s skull. ”Sometimes, you just can’t be expected to save everyone’s ass. What you want to do is dangerous, you could die.”

Liz tried to drive the point in hard, but she didn’t want to spark any fierceness from Lore. ”What happened, Lore? You can tell me, there’s no point in hiding anything from me. Life-long partners, remember?” She chuckled, soft and gentle.

"The civil war... is over." Lorelai said weakly. "I'm supposed to be happy about that, and I am... I just can't stop thinking about how Medusa gets to live and Vespa doesn't."

"I can't stop thinking about those two red-headed girls I love so much, about Alphonse, about Elina, and about you Liz." Lorelai pulled back to look Liz in the eyes. Her steel grey irises were a far cry from the confidant ones Liz had grown accustomed to. She looked old, tired, and alone. "Vespa was taken from me because I was too weak. It will never happen again. Not with you."

Elizabeth wanted to shake Lorelai, the poor girl was pinning everything on herself and it just wasn't fair. For now though, she would comfort her, because her worn eyes spoke greater volumes than she ever would. ”Vespa is gone, Lorelai, but she is always a part of your heart. I may sound like any other when I say this, but would she really want you to go after Medusa, and risk your new family, just for vengeance?”

Elizabeth shook her head, as if to answer for Lorelai. ”Vespa is what you had, but look at all you have now! Two beautiful daughters that will love you, a knight to protect you, a demon companion who has been with you longer than any, friends like Alphonse.” She paused, catching her breath so she wouldn't become emotional. ”Lorelai, you are my Mistress, but you are also my friend. I will not let you hurt yourself, because you doubt your capabilities. You are strong, you have always been strong. Don't break yourself, it isn't worth it.”

Elizabeth smiled, tired but full of compassion. ”At least don't go into it alone, you talk about losing me, but could you imagine the pain of losing you? I would never forgive myself, for letting you walk into danger.”

"To be looked on with such affection. It warms an old woman's heart." Lorelai moved over to sit on the bed. "I still have to do this, but perhaps now I'm better prepared." She smiled at Liz resolutely. Gone was the rage and pain, replaced with a calm determination.

"Would you really come with me? Where I go none have returned from, would you really risk that at the behest of the monster your father told you stories about when you were a girl?" Lorelai's eyes wandered over the huntress appraisingly, as if searching for the answer to a question that escaped her. "I'd have you stand by me, but only if you're sure. I know now what I want, my mind is clear, and you need not fear for me." She said reassuringly as her eyes returned to Liz's.

Elizabeth watched Lorelai appraise her with a lopsided smile, she was getting used to the witch looking at her in this way. Meanwhile, Elizabeth searched the witch's eyes for any sign of resistance, when she found none her features relaxed tenfold. ”The only thing that ages you is your emotion. You are tired, Lore, and I will fix that.”

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled as Lore brought up her father. ”If only he could see me now, fraternizing with the enemy! Oh my mother would have my head, but only after begging the priest to bathe me in holy water!” She winked, before allowing her face to shift into it's most serious expression. ”If there was anything I could be a hundred percent certain about, it would be accompanying you. You were there for me, when I was on the edge of insanity, I will be there for you. I have no doubt that you are capable, but having a partner makes everything more enjoyable, does it not?”

She moved over to the bed, grasping her Mistress’ hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. ”You need not fear for me, either. You will not lose me, I'll stick around until you can not bare it.”

"I'll hold you to that Liz. May the day come when we look at each other in disgust." Lorelai laughed, leaning her head on the woman's shoulder. "Let's be away then, before I lose my resolve."

Lorelai's citadel was located in a strange city deep within the inferno. Alushinyrra was a sprawling city carved of a luminescent purple stone. Glistening domes dotted the horizons, along with towers that stretched into the eternally dark sky. No stars could be seen, and no sun would ever rise here. A strange red moon was all the natural light the city benefitted from, the streets lit instead by faery fire and fox lights contained in glass spheres.

Despite the city's overwhelming beauty its streets teemed with strange creatures and savage demons. Hulking balors walked shoulder to shoulder, discussing business as their minions skittered fearfully in their shadows. Tempting succubi crooked enticing fingers and laughed huskily from the doorways of brothels and in darkened alleys.

"Welcome to Alushinyrra, the capital city of the Blood Moon Isles within the abyss." Lorelai gestured grandly to the cityscape. "My home before I returned to the material after my long absence."

Elizabeth strode through the streets of Alushinyrra with a great sense of pride, mostly shown to appease Lorelai. Everything here made her want to stop and stare, point and sigh in wonderment. The moon called to her, its red beams setting an eery hue on the landscape, covered daintily by the lights hung on every street. Towers rose into the eternal sky, and she wanted to explore them all. No kingdom could compare.

The denizens also amazed her, each a peculiar species that could never fail to impress. More than once, she found herself wandering over to a succubi, wanting to explore their perfect bodies before remembering the task at hand. Her smile was one of a fool, or a child who had never seen the way human kingdoms lit themselves at night.

Liz brought her attention back to Lorelai, who gestured at the lands before them proudly. Elizabeth huffed, taking it all in with a heavy breath. Her heart pounded joyfully, she wanted to take Lorelai and dance within these streets, before the beasts and monsters. ”Lorelai, it's beautiful here! I can see why you would choose it as your home, you must know so much about the citizens and the buildings.” Then her vision cut short, and she began to wonder.

”Tell me, aren't they curious that a human is in their presence? It can't be an everyday occurrence.” Her tone was hushed, she snuck glances at those around her, as if they would attack her at any moment.

"I'm a Dragon, and you're my Knight." Lorelai laughed happily. Her eyes had been following Liz's explorations of the city, or at least the very small bit of it they'd managed to see thus far, she never thought she'd share this with anyone. Yet here she was, with a hunter no less! To top it off the huntress fluttered about with an endearing girlish wonder, not fear. Liz was truly a special woman, and she was lucky to have stumbled upon her. "They recognize the old blood, and are likely more worried about us than we need be of them."

She strode to her companion, linking her arm through the other woman's. "The night is young yet Elizabeth, and we've plenty of time to tarry. What shall we do?"

Elizabeth laughed, the explanation so simple it was almost impossible. ”Oh of course! Shame on me to forget, Lady Lore.” She winked, her eyes still wandering and exploring the vast city. Why couldn't they have magical expanses such as these in the mortal plane? Or maybe they did, and there were entire cities like Castle Bloodrose, tucked away only to be found by those with the markings of a witch.

Elizabeth found her arm linked with Lorelai's, she mustn't have been paying attention, because it took her until the woman called for her to notice. Her cheeks stained a pale pink, and she giddily guided her partner along the well worn path. ”I haven't a clue, Lorelai. I do know, however, that I have one of the best guides out there. Surprise me.” She said it as if everything here wasn't a surprise.

Lorelai nodded and led them to a street corner. "I know a dance hall I was rather fond of when I was younger. I do believe we'll start there." Shortly a carriage being pulled by a demonic parody of a horse came to a stop in front of them. "The Rapture please." She called to the driver before guiding her companion into the carriage's satin lined interior.

"Of course Mi'lady." Once they were inside it pulled away. Lorelai lounged languidly on the plush bench-seats, her eyes watching the city pass them by. Her mouth was curved in a soft smile of contentment.

"There are other cities like this." Lorelai turned to Liz. "Some even more wondrous."

She frowned for a moment in thought as she examined Liz's features. "You know... I never thought I'd be here with anyone. Much less a hunter." She laughed, color coming to her cheeks. "You're quite odd Elizabeth, odd and wonderful."

Elizabeth relaxed on the plush seats of the carriage, her hands exploring the satin. She was excited to travel, and go dancing with Lorelai. What a rush that would be, to practice her waltz in the abyss, as if it were just a quaint little town.

She turned to Lorelai, who told her how strange it was to be here with anyone, especially a Hunter. Liz chuckled, her eyes satisfyingly finding the blush on Lorelai's cheeks. ”I had never once thought I would be in a city in the abyss, about to dance with a Witch. Some of the best moments are ones you could never imagine yourself in.”

Lorelai had just begun to wonder what she couldn't imagine, or rather wouldn't imagine when the carriage came to a halt, bringing a merciful end to her dangerous train of thought. "Indeed, who knows what else the night may have in store?" She winked at the huntress, for reasons she couldn't divine, and stepped out of the carriage before the blush overtook her face.

The Rapture was a massive, multi-floored dance hall. It bustled with creatures of painful beauty; succubi, incubi, visiting faery nobles, and other wonderful creatures glid gracefully across the black floors of the dimly lit hall.

Taking Liz by the arm, Lorelai guided them through the vaulted archway that was the entrance, and to the first floor. The dance floor itself was a series of large elevated rings around a central glass pillar. A strange upbeat music filled the building from bearded humanoid demons within the central structure, as their hands danced across instruments both familiar and strange.

The outer edge of the room, which Lorelai guided them to first, contained lavish white sofas complete with small stained glass tables for drinks. More beautiful creatures flitted about this area, some socializing, while others seemed to be servers.

"When in hell..." Lorelai turned to Liz, grinning mischievously, before plucking a pair of shot glasses from the tray of a passing waitress. She offered one to Liz. "Shall we?"

Elizabeth was guided into the dance hall by Lorelai, who she used as a sort of anchor to keep her from stumbling. The place was full of beautiful creatures, some of which had Elizabeth drooling. She wasn't used to so many incubi and succubi, and the mixed concentration of which made her both uncomfortable and ecstatic.

The music in the hall pounded through her ears, causing a mad vibration in her chest. It was a beautiful cacophony of familiar instruments like the violin, and unfamiliar ones full of bass that sent tremors down her spine. It wasn't until she was sat on a couch that the fog of the music cleared from her mind. There, in the presence of Lorelai, she felt soothed.

As drinks were passed, Elizabeth grabbed an extra shot off the waitress’ tray. The succubi winked at her, before scampering off to serve another customer. Liz turned to Lorelai, the same foolish smile on her face as earlier. ”I feel rather weak here! Too many beautiful faces, when I need to focus on the only one that counts.” She smirked at Lorelai before taking her shot glasses and gulping down the liquid inside.

It lit a fire inside of her body, her nerves dancing wistfully. ”God, it's been a while! Haven't drank a drop since I came to the castle.” She smiled, getting up and grabbing Lorelai by both hands. ”Let's dance, Lady Lore.” She pulled her partner along, heading towards the dance floor. Once there, she began leading Lorelai in a fast waltz. It was like second nature to her, even though she hadn't practiced in such a long time. She spun the Dragon around in long arcs, trying to match the pace of the music.

Lorelai spun across the dancefloor in giddy circles, entrusting herself to Elizabeth who proved to be much more versed in the waltz than she. Her head was abuzz from Liz's comment just moments ago. Her mind conjured for her every memory of their past flirtations as the drink settled into her body. Liz's hand at the small of her back sent a pleasant buzzing sensation along her spine. The huntress' eyes bored into hers, and other sights seemed to fade to the background of their dance.

The Dragon was not foolish, and knew she was posed with a choice. Fight these strange sensations, or give in, at least for tonight. Liz was a radiant young woman, and her enthusiasm for the wonders she'd seen had already kindled an old passion for her work she'd thought long gone. She was also her Knight.

Lorelai's face bloomed in a bright smile, her eyes glittering darkly. If she couldn't entrust herself to Liz, then who could she trust? She set aside all thoughts of resistance and let the music become her pulse, Liz's touch her anchor, and her Knight's face dominate her vision. "I swear, I used to be this fun all the time." She winked, drawing closer.

Elizabeth slowed the pace of their waltz, until it was more of a sway than a sophisticated dance. She was entranced by the way Lorelai lit up in the pale light of the hall. Other sights faded away, even the incubi in the corner of her vision lost their appeal. Her heart fluttered rapidly, she was taken by her Mistress’ happiness. It was what she craved, to see that expression all the time.

”You still can be, Lore. I'll help you.” As Lorelai pushed in closer, Liz wondered why she wasn't moving away. She was supposed to be the voice of reason, she had specifically said that she would never lead Lorelai on, or give her false affection. She had fought almost vehemently against Sousiel, saying she would never. Yet here she was.

Was it really false though? The way her mind zeroed in on Lorelai's features, how her pulse skipped when Lorelai winked. That was real, so why fight it? She was alone, all alone in Lorelai's tower all the time, while Lorelai chased others. Now her Mistress practically offered herself up to her. She wouldn't resist, it would only damage her fragile heart even more. Moving closer, she planted her forehead against Lorelai. Their bodies were molded together, Elizabeth holding her waist tightly. ”I won't hurt you.” She promised, her breath falling hot against Lorelai's cheek.

Lorelai's mind buzzed happily as their dance slowed, her senses filled completely with Liz. She wanted... more. She didn't quite know what that meant in her state, but she wanted to be closer, to drink Liz in to her heart's content. Liz said something about helping her with something, the words largely lost on her, and the woman's kind voice echoed warmly in her ears.

Their bodies drew even closer, and Lorelai tingled with joy. Her heart pounded in her chest as she was tucked into Liz's warm embrace. She felt like a girl again, young and hot blooded, so full of life in this moment she couldn't imagine how she became the woman she was before.

Then with a breath of warmth on her cheek she heard Liz's promise. Her mind regained a sudden focus, struggling against the implications of those four words. I won't hurt you. She pulled back just enough to scan Liz's eyes. There, in those deep sapphire pools, she saw no hesitation. "R-really?" Lorelai's voice was vulnerable yet hopeful as tears welled up in her eyes.

”I won't, I'm here to protect your heart, alongside your body.” Elizabeth said, her voice confident and full of affection. She looked into Lorelai's gentle eyes, her own unwavering. It was so rare to see her true emotions, and Elizabeth reached out to stroke her cheek, ready to catch the tears when they fell.

”As long as you trust me, I'll keep you safe. Okay?” Liz smiled softly, making a silent vow to keep Lorelai safe. She couldn't hurt the witch, her heart was ravaged, and it would take time to sew the pieces together. She knew she would never be Vespa, and she could never share magic with her like Elina. The only thing she could do was stay by her side, and watch over her. ”And...if you ever decide that I'm not worthy, I'll be fine with that. I'll still protect you, no matter what.”

Lorelai's mouth opened once, twice, thrice, each time closing before words could escape. What words were there? Here was a woman that knew she still bled, felt, and cried. Who'd offered to protect her heart as well as her body. She felt safer in Liz's arms than she had in decades. Tears spilt over her eyelashes as she nodded. "Y-you'll always be worthy."

She leaned up to press her lips to Liz's for the first of what she hoped would be a lifetime's worth of kisses, marveling at the soft warmth of the huntress mouth. When she finally broke the kiss she tucked her head into her love's chest. "I'm yours. For as long as you'll have me."

Lorelai hadn't drank succubus nectar in ages. The drink had been the source of many a regrettable morning for her in her younger years, and once again she'd woken up after imbibing the honeyed liquor next to a woman she'd had no romantic attachment to the day prior.

Her eyes roamed around the darkened room the proprietors had provided the new couple, mostly to ensure they wouldn't share their newfound passion on the dancefloor. The simple but lavish room was painted black. To either side of their large bed, garbed in midnight silk, were small tables. There stood sconces in the corners of the room, each with a dimly pulsing purple crystal that bathed the room in an intimate light.

Finally her eyes fell on the most attractive feature of the room, her companion. Liz's sleeping visage was composed in a passive contentment that warmed Lorelai's heart. Her blonde locks fanned out over the black pillow in stark contrast. The thin black sheet left little to the imagination as Lorelai glanced over the contour of the woman's generous curves adoringly.

Lorelai's need for sleep was minimal, leaving her a few hours likely before Liz would awaken and they'd set their minds towards the task at hand. In the meantime she returned her head to her companion's shoulder, tucking her body tightly against Liz's comforting warmth, and thought. She examined herself closely for any sign of that most abhorrent of sensations, regret. Curiously she found none, and her anxiety increased at the revelation.

The next target of her introspection was for that winged beast love. Surely enough its stirrings had begun, and it sat perched in her soul without any sign of being displaced anytime soon like its cousin infatuation. She watched her new love's chest rise and fall with each soft breath, marveling at the closeness she felt. More curious was an unabashed hunger than burned in her chest, to deepen that closeness at every opportunity that might arise. To consume Liz, for good or ill, until she knew all her secret pains and dreams.

She silently cursed Vespa and Alexina as she calmly resigned herself to her fate. They'd swung open the door to the wondrous sickness of love, which had proven to be her greatest strength as well as the source of her deepest pain. She would not balk in the face of that winged beast that perched in the soul. Love and strength were a reward for the bold, and she'd treasure this wonderful woman fearlessly and without reservation.

Unless, of course, the night they'd shared proved to be a regrettable one for Liz. Then she'd turn her will towards the destruction of these enthralling feelings, as she had for the poisonous love she'd felt for Elina. She could only hope she'd prove strong enough to kill that which, for a moment at least, had restored her mind and renewed her spirit.

Elizabeth’s night was dark, no dreams clouded her mind. It was peaceful, her form almost paralyzed throughout the night. When she woke, she momentarily questioned where she was. Around her was a black room, lit only by a faint purple light dancing along the walls. She tried to shift, but found herself anchored in place by a warmth along her side. Her memories of the night before flooded her, bouncing around her head with a rush of excitement. It quickly dulled into a slight headache.

”Oh, Lorelai, what did I drink?” Liz said the words as if she regretted the night they had shared, that was far from the truth. Though she did feel a bit upset for going back on her words, she couldn't help but encourage the swell of joy deep within her bosom. She tilted, swinging her arm over Lorelai and pulling her closer. ”I have a proposition, one I know you will refuse, and yet I must offer it anyways. Today, instead of putting yourself into peril, we lounge about...forget worries for a little while and then head back to the Castle.”

"Succubus nectar, that's what I get for drinking before looking." Lorelai considered Liz's proposition. It was tempting, just spending a lazy day enjoying each other's company and exploring more of the city. As much as she'd love to, she knew she had to complete her task here before her resolved faded. "Tempting, but alas this is something that needs done."

Her hand trailed up and down Liz's stomach beneath the thin sheets. "We'll have one more night of rest though. In my citadel, it should take me the lion's share of the day to prepare." She giggled into the huntress' shoulder. "Whenever I can get up the motivation to leave this exceedingly comfortable position that is."

Elizabeth ran her fingers through Lorelai's hair, the motion smooth and gentle, as if Lorelai was a fragile item waiting to be broke. She knew they would have to be active, and possibly even scour the town to search for items in the ritual. She couldn't bring herself to move though, the way Lorelai stroked her made her eyes flutter shut, her body betraying the need to work.

With a groan, she forced herself into action. She couldn't slow Lorelai down, not today. The sooner they finished the process, the better. Moving swiftly, she got up from the bed and tore away the silk sheets. Then, with a silent chuckle she grabbed Lorelai's bare hips and lifted her from the bed. ”No dilly-dallying, Lady Lore!”

Liz spun the small woman through the air, the motions waking up her body. Once Lorelai was set down, Elizabeth proceeded to scan the room for clothing. Her blush grew at every soiled piece she stumbled upon, until she could hardly face Lorelai. ”Do you have a change of clothes?” She asked, her voice timid but bordering on humorous. ”I really don't think you should wear these.” She laughed, holding up Lorelai's lacy underthings.

Lorelai giggled as Liz twirled her through the air. The insight into this whimsical side of her knight was welcome, if unexpected. Her eyes followed the woman's search for their discarded clothing with affection. It seemed at every turn Liz revealed another endearing trait.

Lorelai's face colored to match Liz's as she examined the sorry state of her undergarments. Her heart still pounding from the sudden trip through the air she nodded. "I hardly expected to need them for... that, but yes. I did bring some."

She dug through the small bag she'd brought for a new set of intimates, blushing as she recognized her evident taste for small and lacy articles. "I... I swear I own something more tame." she said shyly as she slid a similar pair of panties over her legs, these ones red.

Elizabeth decided to give her privacy, shielding her eyes from Lorelai's nude form. She tossed back Lorelai's outfit, unsure if she had thrown it correctly, and started getting dressed in her own. As she began tying up her hair in her signature braid, she considered something. ”Lorelai...I had plans after my bond was broken. Plans to go back to Seren's Folly, explore with Emiliah, act a fool with Flint. And...my family.”

Elizabeth sighed, but quickly replaced her forlorn expression with a frustrated smile. ”I haven't even considered them, since my stay at Castle Bloodrose. Coraline's arrival was a smack in the face. I bet they miss me, they probably think I'm being tortured. What would I ever tell them if I met them again? That I am now Lorelai Von’Strauss’ partner? That I am now a Dragon Knight? I'm their enemy now.” She slumped down onto the bed, pulling on the end of her braid.

”My family...my land. I'm the only heir! Who will take over? My father will be ashamed of me, and like my mother, he will turn away from me.” This place, this peace...it had given her the time to think. Even at the castle, Liz wasn't subject to thought of her friends. Now she had officially sealed the deal, and she had to consider the repercussions. She had to know that the next time she faced her friends she would probably be their enemies. Her breath caught in her throat when she thought of her nightmares.

Lorelai finished dressing in silence, considering Liz's words. She came to sit next to the huntress, placing a hand on her thigh. "You have a life back in Seren's Folley don't you? Friends and family worry for you, and they might be ashamed of the choice you've made."

"The world of men will not accept me, or I'd go with you to explain. To offer reasons and assuage fears, but we both know they'd rather kill me than listen." She leaned onto Liz's shoulder, falling silent for a moment. "I'll not bind you like this. You may have a choice. When we've completed our business here you can choose. The life you had before, or the new life I have to offer you."

"If you choose Seren's Folly, and the Digards come for me... please... don't be there Elizabeth." Lorelai smiled sadly, leaning in to kiss Liz's cheek. With a deep breath she stood. "For now though, we've work to do.

”You only give the hard choices, don't you?” Elizabeth found her heart pulled in two different directions. It was a tangible split, between Lorelai and the witches, or Seren's Folly and her family. She wanted both, but she couldn't work up a way to have the two most important things in her life at once. Lorelai's kiss left a warm imprint on her cheek, but it didn't manage to calm the storm brewing silently beneath her casual expression.

”If I have any say in it, they will not come for you. I’d lock them in my manor’s dungeons if they tried it.” Liz chuckled, back to her light spirited self, on the outside at least. She bounced off the bed, and held out a hand to take Lorelai with her. Together they left the room, Lorelai using her insight on city's layout to guide them. Elizabeth hardly paid attention to the sights, still debating on what she would choose.

The obvious answer was Lorelai, she had sworn herself to her dragon, after all. Then there was the not so obvious answer, where she would choose freedom, and escape to Seren's Folly, as if she had never seen or experienced a thing in the Castle. That thought seemed almost traitorous, but hadn't she betrayed the hunters? Would it really hurt to see them again? Stop, Elizabeth. Control yourself, you have business to attend to. Her thoughts reminded her of the task at hand, and the furrowed brow she hadn't realized she had uncreased.

Lorelai remained externally cheerful during their shopping trip. Liz had enough of a choice to consider without her own stake in it further confusing things. The huntress had family and friends after all, what right did she have to keep her away from those things. She didn't really have a right to make her choose, but Lorelai couldn't see a way past that. A macabre smirk pulled her lips, perhaps she'd die, that would make Liz's choice easy enough.

Once they'd finished collecting the last of the ritual supplies; a plethora of rare bloods, powdered magical minerals, and a small collection of wicked flesh-carving tools, she turned to Liz grinning. "Ready to see my keep? That's our last stop."

During the span of the trip, Elizabeth had returned to her usual curious self. She had pushed most other thoughts aside, enjoying her time with Lorelai instead. The tools they accumulated seemed strange and wicked to her, but also made her excited for the task ahead. When Lorelai asked if she was ready to see the citadel, Liz brightened. ”Of course! I would race you if I knew where it was.”

Elizabeth’s smile wavered when she remembered just how dangerous the ritual was. ”Are you ready to accomplish this, Lore? Because I'm certainly ready to see my Dragon succeed.” Elizabeth would offer no ill will, or advise against Lorelai doing this. It was Lore’s choice, and the witch had proven just how much she wanted to go through with it.

"You're too kind dear, and I'm as ready as I suppose I'll ever be." Lorelai winked and linked arms with her knight. "Vellexia'd better be taking care of the place."

Lorelai's citadel was an imposing black edifice. It loomed over the city from its own island just off the northern edge of the main land mass. Carved from midnight-black stone its towers rose into the darkened sky. Highlighted against the red moon they looked not unlike the talons of some impossibly vast Dragon, reaching up to spite the eyes of God. The two made their way across the grand bridge up to the gates, upon which was emblazoned the Von'Strauss sigil.

"Here we are." Lorelai spoke as she pressed her palm against the gate. The sigil glowed a deep volcanic-red as it swung open.

Beyond the grand walls Lorelai's citadel was a small city unto itself. Here demons and other creatures went about the business of maintaining the vast estate, each bore the Von'Strauss seal either on their clothes or branded into their flesh. They whispered as the two made their way towards the keep proper, bowing in reverence as they passed.

The keep doors were already open when they arrived, and at the top of the staircase stood the Choir, three stunningly beautiful succubi in snuggly fitting white gowns. Their smiles were bright as they ran up to greet the pair. "Mistress! You've returned!" They called out in unison.

They turned their attention to Elizabeth next, eyes wide with wonder. "And you've found a Knight! She's beautiful!" They swarmed around the huntress as they examined her features, finally they tugged at her sleeves and arms. "The forgemaster made something in anticipation of your arrival! Come, come!"

Elizabeth's first impression of the citadel was awe. The towers were highlighted wonderfully against the red beams of the moon, so they didn't fade into the night sky. It was carved elegantly, and it struck one's eyes with its grace. She realized with a smirk and a quickly forgotten blush, that it reminded her of Lorelai.

”This place is amazing.” Liz managed to say, walking inside to Lorelai's own personal city.

When they entered the citadel, she hastily greeted the demons around her. She knew they didn't bow to her, so it was right of her to be friendly. Their whispers weren't motivating per se, but she knew they were probably just wondering who she was.

The faces blurred as she met the Choir. They were all stunning, and she still wasn't used to the flawlessness of succubi. They seemed to be one and the same, because when they spoke their voices melded. ”Yes, I am Lorelai's new Knight. My name is Elizabeth, who are you?” Before she could get a response,they were scrutinizing her, and Liz looked at Lorelai with the deepest merriment playing in her eyes.

They began tugging on her sleeves, and she allowed them to guide her. She glanced back at Lorelai, and laughed heartily. ”I guess we're off to see the forgemaster?”

Lorelai chucked and leaned to steal a small kiss, more to dissuade the Choir from turning their lecherous minds to other antics too quickly than anything else. "I'll see you at dinner then. Have fun dear." She waved farewell as she made her own way inside.

The Choir looked between the two for a moment after the kiss before descending into excited squeals. Two of them went to either side of Liz, linking their arms with hers as the remaining succubus lead them through the halls of the keep.

"So... you and Lady Von'Strauss huh?" The Choir asked. "Details please!" the one in front turned, walking backwards as she batted her eyelashes cutely.

Elizabeth sparkled after her brief kiss with Lorelai, waving her off between the squeals of the Choir. They wasted no time, quickly linking arms and guiding her down to the forge. Their feet were fast, carrying them with a cheerful buoyancy. Elizabeth matched their gait, following along without a care in the world. When they asked about her relationship with Lorelai, she faltered slightly.

What was her relationship with Lorelai? They were a couple now, she decided. They didn't have much of a history though. Liz briefly went over everything that had happened between her and Lorelai, from the contract to her oath as a Knight. To finish, she stated, ”Then we indulged in the nectar of succubi, last night actually.”

The Choir tittered endlessly about her story, and as much as it entertained Liz, she found her eyes wandering. They had made their way to a hall, sumptuous through and through. The sconces carved of the same dark stone that made up the outer walls, their flames dancing wildly. It was the perfect way to light up the wall high paintings, framed in shimmering gold and onyx. They were painted marvelously, the brushstrokes coming alive in front of her eyes.

The things they depicted, weren't quite as lovely. They showed the true horror of war, blades running through enemies, blood spilling victoriously. In others, she saw twisted angels weeping, their feathered wings black and their faces demented. She realized without shock that the angels were demons, viciously tormenting the fallen. In other paintings, were acts of sex. The artist was so skilled one could notice the sweat of passion dripping off of lovers. Their bodies were entangled masses, a sensual orgy. They were eye-catching, albeit taboo. It inflamed a deep sense of pleasure in Elizabeth, egged on by the Succubi around her. She wondered just what had inspired these artists, to create such accurate depictions of rage and lust.

The Choir noticed her ogling at the portraits, and they responded in another bout of giggles. Liz pulled herself together, just as they arrived at the forge. It was the basement of the citadel, and compared to the vast and lavish expanses, it was rather drab. Her senses were invigorated by the familiar scent of grease, and the clang of metal being worked.

Liz looked to the Choir inquisitively, her smile curved charmingly. ”Is this the keep of the forgemaster? I'd rather love to see him.”

"Oh yes, he's quite the jovial fellow, and the oldest inhabitant of the citadel." The Choir responded cheerfully, pride obvious on their faces.

They followed the sound of metalwork through the dreary basement. It echoed off of the plainly hewn stone of the walls and ceiling. Torches flickered in their sconces, placed on the walls infrequently, leaving long stretches of near perfect darkness. The Choir didn't seem to mind, however, and their chatter continued.

They finally fell silent as they came to a plain wooden door. Behind was the source of the clangs, as they shook the walls and the frames of the visitors alike. With a reassuring smile they pushed open the door, and ushered Liz inside.

She found herself in a massive room with a vaulted ceiling. Shadows danced over the room from the hot glow of the forge. The walls were adorned with weaponry. Each blade and blunt instrument was crafted from the finest material, some from metals rarely seen in the material world; oricalcum, mithral, and deep-crystal.

With a rumble the inhabitant of the ever-burning forge spoke. "Finally, a Knight after all these years." Liz turned to see a giant. Standing nearly twenty feet tall his skin was a burnished bronze cracked with scars. Long grey hair cascaded down his bare shoulders.

His craggy face broke into a smile. "I'm the forgemaster, and I'll be damned if a Dragon Knight leaves this hall with anything less than the equipment due to a member of the illustrious order." His chuckles shook the room.

Elizabeth's eyes fled the amazing weaponry, crafted from fine materials she had never before seen. It was a hunter’s playground, but it had quite the groundskeeper. Before her was a giant, in all of its mystical glory. He was aged and scarred, and his presence demanded respect. Andri would get such a kick out of this, the thought was airy, but it wounded her.

Liz gave the giant a deep curtsy, as he regarded her with something close to wonder. ”I suppose it is a rare occurrence to see a Knight? Well, I am glad to be in your presence. You are a great craftsman.” She gestured to the arms in the room, smiling from ear to ear. ”I am Elizabeth, is forgemaster your true name?”

"I haven't seen a full Knight in... centuries?" The giant though a moment before shrugging. "And forgemaster suits me well. The Von'Strauss ripped my truename from me millennia ago when they enslaved me anyway." He chuckled again.

"Enough about that though. Tell me Elizabeth, what arms and armor do you favor?" The giant leaned in close to examine the huntress.

Elizabeth let the giant encroach upon her personal space, she was getting far too familiar with these inspections. It surprised her that Lorelai's family had taken away the poor giant's name, but the surprise faded. They were a family of demon taming dragons. Once he was done familiarizing himself with her body, she spoke up.

”Well, sir, I'm quite familiar with a chain whip. As far as armor goes, I just used what was available and I have been refitting it ever since.” Liz chuckled, but her voice was edged with excitement. He promised her new weaponry, a new set of armor. She felt spoiled, but he appeared to want to give it to her as much as she wanted to have it.

"Chain whip!? Such an exotic weapon, 'twill be a joy to forge." Excitement crept into the giant's voice. "You'd value maneuverability then, to keep foes at bay. Hmm... light armors afford little protection..."

"Mithral then!" His voice shook the room as he exclaimed. "A set of full-plate wrought of mithral, light as a feather, hard as finest steel. For the whip I think we'll use adamantine for the blade, and an alloy of that and oricalcum for the chain."

"To be crafting fine arms for a real warrior again!" The giant turned his attention to
the forge. "I'll not forget this moment."

Elizabeth found herself enthralled by the giant’s enthusiasm, she bounced merrily on the balls of her feet. When his booming voice shook the ground, she giggled happily. ”That sounds wonderful!”

If only Emiliah were here! Her and her family would love to see this. Elizabeth didn't let this thought get her down, instead, it sparked a small thought. The thought wormed its way through her head, until the words rolled off her tongue. ”Sir, do you make spears?” She felt her cheeks turning red, not of embarrassment, but what those words meant. If he did craft her a spear for Emiliah, Elizabeth would have to transport it to her. She would see her friend again, or at least the inside of Seren's Folly when she went to go drop it off. Part of her hoped the giant would refuse the offer, the other clamored for his approval.

"A spear's a simple enough weapon, useful for when you ride Mistress Lorelai into battle!" The giant nodded at Liz's supposed cleverness. "Tip of adamantine, shaft too likely. Now, leave me to my work if you would." The giant winked and turned back towards the forge.

Elizabeth nodded firmly, as though riding Lorelai was what she planned to do with the spear. ”Of course, thank you sir. You're very kind.” She turned on her heels, giving the weapons a final look before exiting the room. She noticed the lack of warmth instantly, her body having gone slightly red from the heat of the forgemaster’s room. She couldn't wait to see the giant again, he was so interesting, just another wonder of Lorelai's world. She straightened herself, and went on to her dinner.

Liz was lead back through the grand halls of the keep. The Choir debating whether the mistress would like a fine red or white with her dinner. As they drew closer to the grand hall the decor shifted. Gone were the gruesome displays, replaced with fantastic landscapes of mythic lands. Each brush-stroke painstakingly drawing out details from a master's eye. Whoever painted these stood in these lands.

Finally they arrived in the long grand hall. The vast room was lit from above. Bright crystalline chandeliers glowed in shades of purple, red, and green. The walls were lined with more landscapes, all from the same artist as the ones outside. Dominating the center of the room was a table that stretched from front to back. Carved from a strange white wood, leaves still grew here and there along its length. Atop it sat a feast fit for an army.

For all its glory the meal only had two participants. A pretty blonde woman sat near the head of the table. She was dressed in a gown fit for nobility, and her neck and fingers glittered with jewels. At the table's head sat Lorelai, who'd changed into a long flowing black gown. White lace at her wrists and neck, the gown also featured a plunging neckline and a long slit up the side, revealing her pale thigh.

"Elizabeth, come, sit." Lorelai's face brightened as she spied the huntress standing in the doorway. "This is Vellexia Faust, my steward."

"Lorelai! You hadn't told me she was so lovely!" Vellexia smiled demurely. "Your tastes haven't changed a bit have they?"

When Elizabeth walked into the room she felt small. The table stretched for miles, its woodsy appearance majestic and royal. The chandeliers glowed unnatural colors, as most lights did here, and the walls were covered in magical landscapes waiting to be explored. She wanted to jump into a frame and waste away her life there, it seemed real enough to do so.

Atop the table was a feast, which was far too big for only three. It appeared as though it could feed a small militia for days. She also noted her underdressed she was, in her plain blouse and trousers, with her hair tied up haphazardly. She looked like a servant compared to Lorelai and Vellexia, but she walked up to the table and sat poised at Lorelai's other side, like a queen waiting to be served.

The posture came naturally to Liz, but small talk didn't. She had no idea what to discuss here, so she decided she would bring up the forgemaster. ”The forgemaster is crafting me new gear, along with a spear…for Emiliah. He was so excited about it, he's quite an infectious man.” She had forgotten her manners, so as a means to return them, she nodded curtly to Vellexia. ”Forgive me, I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth Calla James.”

Lorelai grinned. "I grew up on his stories of old glory." Her eyes betrayed a small concern as she continued. "I'm sure Emiliah will love such a grand gift." How did Liz plan to explain where it came from?

Vellexia looked between the two, her brow arching over her keen eyes. "Tell me Ms. James, how did you come to the Lady's service?" She let out a small laugh, glancing at Lorelai. "The Mistress has never been... forthcoming with details."

”We met in the woods after a demon deposited me there, and I vowed to serve her. Then I became her Knight...and now I'm here.” Liz didn't know if there was a better way to explain it. That was how it had happened, if you cut out all those pesky details of her knighthood, and her boring encounters at the Castle.

”I suppose I'm not very forthcoming as well.” Liz shrugged, glancing at Lorelai with a smile. ”Vellexia, you must tell me stories about you and Lorelai. I understand she spent some time here?”

Lorelai's eyes widened as Vellexia's grin deepened. "Oh yes, she spend several decades here before she left to destroy Hector Digard."

Lorelai sighed and looked away, picking at her food as Vellexia went on. "Did you know she once called the Succubus Queen a consort?" She giggled. "Yet she still insists on playing around with mortal lovers, never mind how fragile or short lived they may be."

She flashed a grin at Lorelai, who forced a similar expression in response. "But my Mistress is allowed her vices, I much prefered her hunting hunters for sport though. It did get her heart broken much less." She leaned in conspiratorially "Have you met her current? Vespa I believe right? Such arrogance."

Elizabeth's fist clenched beneath the table, as Vellexia leaned forward and dared to speak Vespa’s name. ”The loss of Vespa is not a matter to be discussed so vilely. I would suggest you seat yourself properly, little miss.” She gestured to Vellexia’s seat, using her steak knife to reach across the table and prod the steward’s cheek. ”It is my deepest regret for asking you to elaborate.”

Elizabeth brought up her most cheerful charade, though it never quite reached her eyes. ”You two have lovely dresses, is there a tailor in the citadel?” She chuckled, but the thought hardly surprised her. The place was full of amazing things.

Vellexia's eyes widened in anger. "I'll not endure such rudeness from a fil-"

"You'll endure what I command." Lorelai's voice was icy as she turned towards her steward. "Now leave, before I decide you were about to insult my Knight, and respond accordingly."

Vellexia shot a wounded look at her mistress before huffing. "As you wish." Venom dripped from her words as she stood, bowing low before departing.

When her footsteps could no longer be heard Lorelai turned to Liz, her eyes glittering with adoration. "It seems you'll never cease surprising me. You cut quite the bold figure with that knife against her cheek."

Elizabeth watched Vellexia leave, only a slight bit of guilt invading her heart. She had caused the woman's outburst, but the blonde had deserved it. She turned her attention back to Lorelai and shook her head, smiling happily. ”Blame my mother, she's...to put it gently, a bitch. Only kind to me and my father, couldn't care less about anyone else.”

Elizabeth laughed, holding her hand out to seize Lorelai. ”Thank God she married my father, otherwise she would have been overthrown ages ago. She's the bitter to his sweet.” Finally at ease, she dug in to her plate. It was the first thing she had eaten that day, and it lived up to her expectations.

"He sounds like a lovely man, and they certainly raised a lovely daughter." Lorelai looked around the room wistfully. "The older I get, the less I care about all this finery."

She sighed and continued to pick at her meal. "Between me and you, just me and you, I sometimes wish I'd been born normal. I'd trade away most of this luxury for the simple ability to fall in love, and live in peace." She grinned, blushing lightly. "I'll bet that sounds like a silly complaint, but what I wouldn't give to look forward to meeting your parents. Instead I'm wondering if I'll have to defend myself from your friends. Life can be cruel I suppose."

”It's not a silly complaint, Lorelai. Sometimes I wish I could have been born a witch, not because I want the powers, but because I want to know what my parents would have done with me. How my life would have changed, and so on.” Elizabeth didn't let herself get whisked away by the thought, as she usually did. Instead she focused solely on Lorelai, and the way her skin lit up with a shade of pink as she discussed her desire to have been born different.

”Then, I remember what I wouldn't have done. My life would have changed horrendously. I never would have met Bobby, or Andri, or Flint, or Emiliah. Maybe I would have made it to Castle Bloodrose, but who knows what would have happened then?” Liz stopped her endless train of thought with a bite of potatoes. ”What I was trying to say, is that life happens for a reason. You were born with a purpose, and everyday you step closer to fulfilling that purpose.”

"I suppose so. I do have daughters now, and a family." Lorelai met Liz's eyes for a moment. "Life has also provided me more opportunities to fall in love than I likely deserve."

"I wonder at the price though." Lorelai sighed, but her mood had brightened. "I suppose stranger things have happened, I might meet your parents yet. Or see peace in my time."

"Enough of an old witch's ramblings. What shall we do with this last night?" She pushed her plate away, and turned to Liz.

Elizabeth pushed her plate away and stood, she pulled out Lorelai's chair and offered her a hand to take. ”The night is yours, Lore. I'm simply along for the ride.” She grinned lovingly, unafraid to show her affection for the beautiful woman before her. ”You're certainly dressed for a lovely occasion. I say, we do something fun, before your dress is surely torn.”

A snap from Lorelai's fingers sent servants scattering, and started a low intimate music filtering through the room. Taken Liz's hand she stood and turned towards her. "Let's dance it away then my sweet."

"Tomorrow and its fears will wait, tonight I'm all yours." Lorelai pushed her fears and pains away. Tucking herself into Liz's form she glid across the marble floor of the grand hall for what may be the last time. Later that night they'd make love in the bed that Lorelai grew up in.

The morning would bring no such kindness.

Liz awoke in a room not unlike the one Lorelai kept in Castle Bloodrose. A large canopy bed dominated the simple, but lavish, space. Landscapes lined the walls, filling the room with a strange life. An easel sat in one corner, a quick sketch of her sleeping face on a fresh canvas.

"Elizabeth?" The Choir stood in the doorway, calling out hesitantly to the huntress. "Mistress told us to let you sleep, but... somehow we don't think you'll want to miss this."

Elizabeth woke up, groggy and wanting to bask alone in her postcoital glow. She hadn't expected the Choir to come and give her a wake up call. She searched the bed, gripping the sheets for life but coming up empty. Lorelai had gone without her, and she hadn't even woken her up.

Elizabeth cursed non-stop as she found her clothing, pulling it on and buttoning it as she was walked by the Choir. They led her happily, going in a frantic path this way and that. They passed more paintings, but Liz paid them little attention, focusing instead on getting to Lorelai.

Soon she was at the uppermost section of the central tower, staring coolly at her lover's naked form. Her pale skin could hardly be made out through all the sigils, either painted or carved into her flesh. Liz leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms and sighing. ”You said we would be doing this together, dear. You didn't even wake me, to say goodbye. What if you had died?” She raised her eyebrow expectantly, awaiting Lorelai's response.

"I... I was just about to send for you." Lorelai looked down at the ground. "I'm... bad at goodbyes, but it just dawned on me that you, more than anyone, deserve at least that."

"There's no need for goodbyes, because you're about to become a Dragon." Liz's voice was teasing, but calm. She approached Lorelai and gave her a firm hug. "I hear I get to ride you into battle, like a war horse." She laughed into Lorelai's hair, breaking away and moving to a safe viewpoint.

"Yes, you do, and you managed to secure the right to do it in other ways as well." Lorelai replied playfully, her nerves calmed significantly by Liz's presence. "Alright, let's begin."

She made her way to the golden bell at the center of the tower. With a heave she rung it. A loud resounding note sounded, and Lorelai's voice matched it in the Dragon's Tongue. The Choir soon joined her, their voices intertwining with their mistress'. They sang a song of tragedy, triumph, near misses, and second chances. The spoke in that ancient language of love, loss, and the will it takes to persevere.

Mist rolled in as their voices rose into the night air. It pooled out to one side of the tower as a carpet. With a bright flash the way to Dragon's Peak was opened, a shimmering rift of flame in the air. There Lorelai would be remade, or destroyed.

She turned to Liz as the Choir continued their song. "Elizabeth, you can't follow me here. Keep these little ones safe." She moved towards her lover, planting a lingering kiss on her lips. "I love you, you should hear that once at least."

Elizabeth had let the emotions of the song flow through her willingly, the otherworldly noises spouting so much meaning. Before she could comprehend it all, Lorelai was there, giving her a kiss. She told her that she loved Liz, and the simple statement blossomed Liz’s heart. ”I love you too Lore, you better come back, lest you never finish that portrait.” She tried to summon a chuckle, but it was stifled by the threat of tears. Lorelai could die, and never return from that rift. Or she could live, and come out a Dragon. It was a thought that broke her, and sewed her back together all at once. She closed her eyes tight, so she wouldn't see her Dragon leave, and waited to ride out the storm.

Lorelai turned towards the curtain of fire, and strode through it. Her frame disappearing at last.

The twisted shape that finally emerged from the curtain of flames into the Land of Primordial Serpents and Everlasting Dragons couldn’t be called human anymore. It’s charred flesh shuffled through the field of kneeling statues of man-dragon hybrids, forever fixed into a stance of prayer. It would have groaned had its voice not been ruined by screaming in pain. Instead it shuffled in silence towards the diaz of stone in the center of the figures, upon which was a large draconic skull.

Its steel-grey eyes, still pristine after all the flames had taken, looked over its surroundings. The sky overhead was a blasted white, flames undulating under a bright red sun. it stood in an amphitheatre that was ensconced in a once lush field, now all that could be seen were dead trees and withered shrubbery. The only sound was its shuffling steps as it made its way past the broken stone seats and kneeling figures.

It wondered why it came. It wondered what its name was. All it could remember were the faces of two red-headed girls, and the strange conviction that they were why it had to do what it had come here to do. If only it could remember what that was. When it finally reached the skull it saw that a small black box was clenched in its wicked teeth. Plucking it free the shape fell to its knees and opened it.

Within were small tokens, each bore a face on the front and an inscription on the back. It saw a man with cold eyes and a mischievous smirk, the back read ‘Alphonse Stone’. Another token bore the visage of a beautiful woman with a warm smile, it read ‘Elizabeth James’. ‘Alyssa Von’Strauss’ was evidently a madwoman with desperation in her eyes, or so the next token told the creature. She saw the two faces on the last token, two little girls. One was smiling brightly, the other was fearful and resolved, the back read ‘Charlotte Von’Strauss & Abby Smart’.

The creature’s scorched heart was warmed by each token. It ran a ruined thumb over each face, trying desperately remember what these people meant to it to no avail. Finally its attention turned to the last article in the box, a single lock of red hair. It turned it over in its cracked palm, and noticed something strange. It was coiled around a twig, just an ordinary twig. Flakes of charred flesh fell as the creature’s face broke into a smile, it had remembered something.

”Lotte, sweety, how do you manage to get so many sticks in your hair?” She remembered a little girl on her lap, the sound of a brush’s teeth working carefully to remove sticks and twigs from her bright red hair. She remembered her name, Lorelai Von’Strauss. Finally she remembered what she was here for.

She’d slain Hector Digard, enslaved Demon Lords, destroyed villages and cities, and countless other cruelties. She’d loved Alexina, Vespa, and now Elizabeth. She had a coven that needed her wisdom and strength. Most of all though, she was a mother. She’d come here for the strength and power she’d need to keep what she had against the oncoming dark.

If Lotte and Abby could grow up with grass beneath their feet, a blue sky overhead, and the sun on their smiling faces that would be her greatest accomplishment. She surveyed her form in horror. She was no Dragon after all, just another failed serpent.

She sat, and turned her head up towards the burning sky. Tears of white fire ran down her face. Elizabeth would suffer now a measure of what she’d suffered when Vespa’d died. Alphonse would have to make a career of black acts with no relief. Alyssa would never find in her what she’d hoped. Lotte and Abby would grow up in a dying world, with no Dragon to save them.

”No! This is not how it ends!” She screamed. ”I am Lorelai Von’Strauss! I bow to King nor God, and I’ll not begin bowing to anything now.”

Lorelai began to tear at her charred flesh, ripping it off in chunks. Her body had failed her, and she had no further use for it. Black smoke poured into the air as her flesh was peeled away by her furious hands. Her humanity slipped away as she discarded it into that black power flowing within her. The twisted corner of her mind, so long kept at bay, surged within her. It answered her rage with its own, white fire crackling through the smoke and bones of her broken frame.

”My will is more than flesh, more than soul.” Her voice trembled as she gathered her will for her ascent. ”I have daughters to save, a family to protect, and a woman to fall in love with. Nothing... nothing will stop me.”

Her body finally dissolved in a flash of flame as her inhuman rage pushed her will to new heights. Her mortal coil was no more, as she discarded her human frailties. She screamed into the sky, each cry sending a ragged gout of Dragonfire into the air. The black smoke of her will sent a long shadow over the strange land, as she spread her terrible wings.

Finally all fell silent. Towering over the center of the amphitheatre of failed serpents was Lorelai Von’Strauss a Dragon now in truth. Clad in midnight-black scales she was almost too vast to behold. Her eyes glowed with volcanic fury, her horrific claws raking long rents into the stone as she took flight. The curtain of flame parted as she approached, as if the flames dared not touch her.

So the first Everlasting Dragon born in an age started back towards the abyss.

The flames sputtered and died as a black shape appeared highlighted against the moon. On black wings Lorelai circled the tower, belching triumphant flame into the sky. Her form began to blur as she made her approach. By the time she reached the tower her draconic visage had vanished in a plume of black smoke, and when it cleared Lorelai was revealed at its center.

Her body was unchanged, at first glance, but for the glowing design of a dragon coiling up her leg, ending at her shoulder. At second glance her eyes seemed almost luminescent, and her skin radiated a strange heat.

She wobbled on her feet as she smiled weakly at Liz. "I... I might need some time before I finish that portrait."

Elizabeth had been waiting for hours on end. Each minute excruciating as she went between bouts of pouting and pacing. The Choir tried desperately to cheer her up, but her mood was dark nonetheless. By the time Lorelai had returned, Liz hadn't noticed a thing. She was curled up in the corner of the room biting her thumb and spitting insults at the nothingness.

At first, Elizabeth didn't move when she heard Lorelai speak. When she reviewed her Dragon's weary tone, she was up in an instant. Moving faster than she had thought possible, she ran to Lorelai and hugged her dearly. It was mostly so the girl wouldn't collapse onto the floor, but she also wanted to hold Lorelai. A strange heat radiated off of her, almost too hot to touch, but Liz pushed through it.

”Lore, you were gone for so long. You came back with battle scars.” Liz stated, pointing out the obvious as she traced Lorelai's new markings. They marred her flawless skin, but Elizabeth took a strong liking to them. ”I'm so glad you're back, and safe. You did it, you're a Dragon Her tone became hushed, as she acknowledged Lorelai's amazing achievement.

"Did I?" Lorelai examined her body, noting the new design with a small smirk. "Thank you my love. I'm a Dragon, and you my Knight, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Her hand stroked Liz's cheek. "I had a lot of time to think in there. I've realized that if I don't seize this chance that you and I have, I'll regret it forever." She leaned upwards for a kiss. "I love you Elizabeth, and I've waited a very long time to say that again."

Elizabeth wrapped Lorelai up in her arms, stealing a long and gentle kiss. ”Lorelai, I love you too.” Her tone was firm and resolute as she stated this fact, knowing she couldn't -and wouldn't- go back on her words. ”You need rest now, dear. Before we depart I have to see the forgemaster, you know, he says you stole his name.”

Liz laughed, cradling Lorelai like a child and beginning the journey to their room. When they arrived, Elizabeth tucked Lorelai into the bed, setting her up safely beneath the sheets. She decided she would join Lore there, and held her tight. ”I'll see to it you fall asleep.” She murmured, relaying her task gently to Lorelai, and using it as a sort of lullaby.

"Did I?" Lorelai muttered sleepily. The huntress' kiss had made her heart race, and her resolve to remain awake weaken. "That sounds like a mean thing to do, probably a younger me."

She nuzzled against her lover as she found herself suddenly deposited in her bed, with Liz's arms snuggly around her. "You're perfect... will you be here when I wake up?" she sounded dopily concerned.

She'd never hear Liz's answer, her ordeal had been taxing. Lorelai drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep. A small smile of contentment curving her lips.

Elizabeth watched Lorelai drift off to sleep, something she had never quite accomplished before. It was satisfying, hearing her silly and on the verge of dozing. She slowly inched her way out of the bed, careful not to disturb the calm figure lying there.

”I'll try to be back when you wake up.” She stated quietly, the best promise she could give. Leaving the room, she found herself looking back at Lorelai countless amounts of times. It was only when she exited the room entirely that her head stopped snapping back. She stretched in the hall, before making her way down to the forgemaster.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

in collaboration with @Meiyuki

"Questions of Faith"

Coraline's training was brutal. If there was one thing the Von'Strausses knew it was how to instill discipline. Demonic whispered hardened the Knight's mind, rigorous training hardened her body, and frequent possessions hardened her spirit.

It was not cruel however, Lorelai allowed ample time for recovery after each session, and seemed pleased with her progress. Eventually Coraline was afforded the luxury of training on her own, the witch finally satisfied with Coraline's dedication to containing the blade. Her familiar, Sousiel, still observed the exercises, but for the most part she was left to her own devices.

Coraline took a deep breath as she drank from a waterskin. She had been stripped down to a linen shirt, her heavier clothing wrapped around her waist. Sweat shone on her skin. Coraline was sore from the training, she hadn't felt that way since she was a squire back in Arcadia. In a way, it gave Coraline a sense of nostalgia, but it didn't please her. Every time Coraline felt nostalgic, she remembered the vision Charon had given her in her sleep, seeing Arcadia burn. She didn't want that vision to become a reality, and used the pain of that vision as a motivator to continue training with the dangerous relic she carried.

Coraline couldn't wield Charon's sword for long, however. The blade was evil and it's power corrupted. She had steeled herself against it's influence, learned how to draw out the power that the blade granted without losing her mind. But the twisting nature of the blade was absolute, and Coraline had slipped dangerously close one too many times during her training. On occasion, the emotion that the blade brought out from Coraline bled through her blood pact with Lorelai, it usually warranted some lecture or additional company.

Coraline had grown more comfortable in the castle, but she still felt like she sacrificed much of her old life to try and achieve her greater goal. Coraline spoke with Lorelai more, she wouldn't admit it, but the knight was beginning to trust the witch, perhaps even showing something of a friendship. Coraline often connected those feelings of kinship with Lorelai to the pact, it was easy to communicate because they were in each other's heads.

"Well well, is that a look of contemplation I see?" Sousiel spoke up from her post against the wall. She grinned, her arms folded beneath her chest. "What dances in Coraline's head this afternoon?"

Coraline glanced over to Sousiel, she forgot the familiar was even there. The grin on the familiar's face and the cheekiness in her voice made Coraline roll her eyes. "I'm trying to find a way to get out of your sight." she chided.

Coraline grabbed her sword, named after her homeland, and stood up from the marble bench. She used Arcadia as a sort of practice sword to not suffer the effects of Charon's blade. With simple magic that Coraline could wield, she managed to weight the longsword to mimic that of the artifact. It helped her get comfortable with the shape of the demonic weapon.

"You wound me!" A girlish pout set on Sousiel's lips, her eyes twinkling mischeiviously. "That's alright though, I'd expect no less."

Pushing off from the wall she made her way closer to the knight. "What? Are you missing Lorelai? She's only gone for a day or so." The demon smirked.

Coraline swung Arcadia quickly, in a way one normally wouldn't swing a long sword. She sighed and slowed the process when she heard Sousiel teasing her. "How can I miss her? We're practically side by side day in and day out. I can't even bathe without feeling like I have eyes on me."

Coraline then stopped and sheathed Arcadia. Looking back to Sousiel, "And why am I even saying this to you? Maybe I should let a bit of my frustration with you bleed into Lorelai and let her talk some sense into you."

Sousiel giggled. "I can just imagine it! You, sitting in the bath, turning bright red." She winked. "You got alot more from that pact than you were expecting didn't you? I wonder what it will feel like when my mistress returns as a Dragon."

"Lorelai's been trying to talk some 'sense' into me for a century." She looked over Coraline appraisingly. "Coraline... what will you do when my mistress releases you?"

The knight raised a brow at Sousiel, that wasn't a question she was expecting from the familiar. She mulled over it and sighed, "I..." she looked across the courtyard, Charon's sword felt heavier for some odd reason, "I'm not sure yet. It's clear to me that there is such a divide in the hunters and witches of this land that walking in the middle is a path to ruin..."

Coraline had stressed herself out because she couldn't give a better answer to Sousiel's question. "I'm sure I'll know what to do when the time comes."

"You may want to figure it out sooner than that." Sousiel said grimmly. "Coraline... the hunters come, Matrim escape before we could figure out what to do with him. Nearly killed Triss too, but they know where we are now."

"What will you do?" She surveyed the knight's face.

"Do you always ask this many questions? Coraline gritted her teeth and turned to face Sousiel. Her witchmarks and pupils flared a low red, a residual effect of having Charon's blade so close. Her temper had been rather short as of late.

The knight pinched the bridge of her nose, "I said I'll figure it out. Stop testing me."

Coraline took a deep breath and unbuckled the strap that harnessed the Charon's sheath to her back. The scabbard and blade both fell to the cobbled floor of the courtyard. Coraline simply sat back down on the marble stone bench and drank more from her waterskin.

Sousiel's eyes followed the blade, giving it a wide bearth she came to sit near Coraline. "Tester and Temptor, that's a demon's duty Coraline," she spoke softly. "But I can see you've had enough for the moment."

A moment of silence passed between the two. Sousiel's eyes roamed over the training yard, looking over the few witches making use of it this afternoon. "What do you think the hunters will do with all these young ones?" She sighed sadly. "What do you think they'll do to little Lotte? I'm not looking forward to telling Lorelai the news."

Coraline's eye followed Sousiel's to the other witches. Hearing Sousiel's voice, she sighed, "You mean to tell me that in a castle, filled to the brim with sorcerers and sorceresses, there are no escape routes or portals or glamours that can make them all disappear? That seems like a critical flaw in the Von'strauss' methodology."

The chip on Coraline's shoulder that day seemed worse than normal. To the point where it was even bugging her. She closed her eyes, took some steady breaths, and relaxed her shoulders. "If we can't get them out of the castle by the time they arrive, I will protect them."

"The 'critical flaw' in my mistress' methods is mercy, why she didn't raze Seren's Folley when she heard that Robert Flint had arrived... Sousiel shrugged. "Nonetheless, prophecy tells Lorelai to stay here, in the hopes of saving... something."

She sighed in frustration. "You'll have a good deal of protecting to do." Standing she walked towards the edge of the yard, pausing to nudge Charon's blade towards the knight with her foot. "Or, maybe you can convince them to turn back. Lorelai just wants to raise a pair of daughters, do you really think she needs slain?"

Coraline eyed Charon's blade was is was nudged back toward her. Reluctantly, she picked it up and strapped it onto her back again. She felt the effects, heard the almost nonexistant whispers of the sword's demon master. Luckily for Coraline, the training regimen she was put through had allowed her to mostly ignore them. "If I can convince them to turn around, then I'll say I have accomplished my goal here. Do you really believe I can simply turn them around? They hardly know me, I doubt they're even looking for me. They're coming for Elizabeth, my presence here will just too concidental for their liking. It's bad enough I'm wielding Death's sword."

Sousiel shrugged, her eyes boring into Coraline's. "Perhaps, but if you don't... will you like what you see in the mirror if you give up on peace?" She tilted her head. "My mistress always said it was a painful thing to see a person lose faith. I don't share her concern, but I wonder. Has yours fled?"

Coraline returned a sharp glare at Sousiel, "That's none of your business, demon." she looked away and exhaled long, "We're done with training for today. I'm going to go and have a bath. In silence."

"Maybe from me, but I don't think your thoughts will be quiet for a long while now." Sousiel giggled, turning away. "Good luck Coraline, Lorelai seems to respect you. I wonder if you'll prove worthy of that after all." She left the yard, and the knight, to their own devices.

Coraline rolled her eyes, she actually contemplated letting Lorelei in simply to spite that little demon. She thought against it and rolled her eyes, "This castle is going to be the end of me." she mumbled to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Meiyuki

"This Better Not Be Goodbye"

Lorelai's eyes finally fluttered open. She felt strange, her body tingled with an alien warmth. 'I'm a Dragon now she thought to herself. She ran a mental checklist over her body, wriggling her toes and fingers to ensure everything was still in working order. Everything seems to be in order. Suddenly she realized the source of these strange sensations.

There was no pain. The twisted power that had ravaged her frail form for so long now rested contentedly in her mind. It's a wondrous thing to suddenly be bereft of pain so deeply embedded as to no longer be noticable. Her mouth bloomed into a silly grin.

With a giggle the threw the sheets off of her nude form and spung to her feet. Spinning her eyes fell on an even more wondrous sight. "Elizabeth! My sweet, my darling, my Knight."

Elizabeth was seated in the armchair she'd often used for reading, overlooking the new armaments she'd received from the forgemaster. Lorelai skipped over to the huntress who managed to set her new weaponry aside - barely - just before the Dragon leapt into her lap, planting a kiss on the blonde woman's cheek.

"Good morning." She whispered.

Elizabeth had been sitting in the armchair silently, for just a few quiet minutes. Though she had glanced at Lorelai's sleeping form when she had first arrived in the room, her vision was soon overtaken by her amazing new weaponry.

The dart on her new whip gleamed, it was a black color that shined purple like obsidian when tilted in the sunlight. The chain looked like a regular silver, but it was lightweight and each thin bar was engraved with a blood red dragon, in various fighting stances. The spear was the same obsidian black throughout, and just as decorative. The eyes of all the silver dragons were embedded with glowing rubies. Both weapons had blades that looked sharp enough to cut through steel.

Her armor was gorgeous, made of the same lightweight material used for her whip. It shined like a beacon, where it sat waiting to be worn in the corner of the room. On the shoulder plates, was the crest of the Von’Strauss clan, but the forgemaster had given her replacements that were plain. He knew very well that wearing the Von’Strauss crest was not allowed in the real world. She had thanked the forgemaster heavily, kissing his calloused hand that was twice as big as her body.

Her steady concentration was snapped as Lorelai awoke. The girl skipped towards her and in a panic Elizabeth shoved the weapons off of her lap, they hit the floor with a dull clang. Elizabeth steadied Lorelai as she landed, smiling merrily. ”Whatever happened to you, Lorelai? You seem oddly cheerful for a lady so tired just moments ago. I just returned from the forgemaster, if you couldn't tell.” Her eyes sparkled with an almost motherly pride as she mentioned the new weapons.

"My heart is light, and burning brightly this morning. I wonder why?" Lorelai winked at her lover.

She turned her eyes towards Elizabeth's new whip, now laying on the floor. She shifted, and much to her surprise a small serpentine tail snaked out from her rear to retrieve it, before dissapating back into black smoke. "That will take some getting used to."

She turned the beautiful instrument over in her hands. The whip was a master's weapon, it had reach, power, and grace. Elizabeth was a dangerous woman. Sometimes it was easy to forget that. "It's beautiful, much like its owner. Is this adamantine?" She examined the tip with reverence.

”I'm very glad to hear that, Lady Lore. No more dark clouds for the time being?” Elizabeth brightened noticeably, watching with thick curiosity as Lorelai sprouted a tail. It was black and reptilian, and carried an almost sentient grace before it disappeared in a cloud of smoke. ”I'm sure you will, soon you'll forget how you ever operated without your new appendages.”

She watched as Lorelai inspected the whip, holding it like someone who had no experience in any weapon other than a ritual dagger. It was endearing, and Elizabeth wondered if she could ever coerce Lorelai into taking lessons. ”I believe it is, he seemed very proud of the materials. He was also happy to be making weapons for a real warrior. Tell me, what's special about adamantine?”

"Nothing but buzzy happy thoughts, maybe a little cheerful whimsy." Lorelai leaned in to steal a proper kiss before returning her attention to Liz's new weapon.

"Stories say adamantine came from the stars, crashing down to earth when it was young. I don't know the truth myself, but I do know that this is a dragonslayer's weapon." She grinned brightly. "The finest mundane steel in the world is nothing put parchment against this edge."

"Remind me to avoid offending you, love." She winked.

Elizabeth shivered at the kiss, it was a rather pleasant sensation that sent a shock of warmth through her body. ”Comes from stars? What a special little gem. Well, two gems if you count Emiliah’s spear. I've no clue how to deliver it to her. I don't even know if she'd accept it.” Elizabeth peered at the spear by her feet, it was a heavy rock thrown upon the scale of her choice. Staying with Lorelai sank lower and lower.

”I really do miss them…I wonder what Andri is doing? He wouldn't believe it if I told him I saw a true giant. Oh, and Flint! What would he think?” Her voice took on a tone of solemn wonder, and a small blush found her cheeks when she thought of Flint in front of Lorelai. ”The last time I saw him he was trying to kill you, I doubt much has changed since then.“ She barked a laugh, but it was weak and low.

Lorelai pressed head against Liz's shoulder, tucking herself snuggly into her lover's lap. "I haven't the faintest love." Her hand came up to stroke the woman's cheek. "But, I've been doing some thinking."

"I've no ill will towards either Flint or his brother... I've already taken enough from them." She sighed. "I promise to do everything in my power to remain hidden, so that whatever you choose won't lead you against either me or your friends."

"And if you want to visit them you have my leave to do so, whenever you'd like." Lorelai found Liz's hand, and intertwined their fingers. "I don't know what you'll tell them, you may have to lie, but I don't want to make you choose. Not if I don't have to."

Lying, Elizabeth thought, suddenly despising the very idea of lying. It had been an afterthought before, but now that Lorelai hit her with the idea, it was obvious. Of course I'm going to have to lie, what did I expect? She grimaced, the horrible truth leaving her head spinning. If she went back, the rest of her life would be built on the foundation of lies.

”Yes, I suppose I may have to lie.” She admitted, squeezing Lorelai's hand to ground herself. ”It's a risk seeing them, but shouldn't I at least try? They deserve to know what happened to me, at least know I'm alive.” She chewed on her inner cheek, indecisive. Everything had told her to go, but she had been naive, and she hadn't thought of the consequences.

"I want you to be happy love." Lorelai kissed the huntress' cheek. "I also want you to stay with me of course, but that's selfish. You've got family and friends to think about." her stomach churned at the possibility of losing Elizabeth, but she couldn't live with herself if she trapped her sweetheart into a life she may not want.

"I don't want to lose you, but I won't bind you to me if you want to go home." She whispered. "Tell me what you need, and I'll do it." Her heart fluttered in her chest, pleading silently for mercy.

I...I need…” Elizabeth paused, her lips pursed as she held Lorelai, cradling the witch against her chest. She needed many things, her heart still irritably split. She felt it tear, one side swolen with the pain of losing her newfound lover, the other throbbing rapidly at the thought of losing her friends. She had betrayed them, yes, but there was still a chance she could salvage her broken bonds.

Liz sighed softly, the breath escaping her parted lips. ”I need to go ho-” She bit down hard on her tongue as she was about to say the word ‘home'. ”I need to go to Seren's Folly, for the time being. I need a damned good cover story too.” She laughed, pained and weary.

Lorelai's heart would not get any mercy it seemed. Love was a rose, and its thorns bit deeply into her chest. "A-...as you wish Elizabeth." She stood slowly and went to collect some clothes from her dresser. "Do you have everything you need? I'll have Sousiel take us ho-, to the castle momentarily." She choked back tears.

Elizabeth stared hard into Lorelai's back, but she made no move to comfort her, it would only make leaving that much worse. Instead, she gathered up her new weaponry and armor, looking over it to distract herself from any sort of negative emotions. She had to go back, it was that or never seeing them again, and as much as she cared for the witches, it was time to return to her old friends. She made a silent promise to Lorelai, vowing that she would return. ”I think I'm ready.” She said, her voice void of emotions.

"Sousiel, take us back." Lorelai said. The two felt the demon in their minds as the room melted into a starless void. They floated there, as disembodied minds, for several fleeting moments before finding themselves deposited back in Lorelai's tower on the material plane once again.

Sousiel's arms where around her mistress before they'd had any time to react. "... mistress." her voice was small. "There's been some trouble."

Elizabeth didn't mind floating around as a disembodied essence, those few silent heartbeats were amazingly calm. It was when they returned that Elizabeth felt uneasy, her whole body tensing when Sousiel wrapped her arms around Lorelai, saying there was trouble. ”Sousiel, what happened?” She spat the words rapidly, before Lorelai could open her mouth to speak. ”If it is my place...of course.”

Sousiel tilted her head at Elizabeth, not sure why it wouldn't be the place of Lorelai's knight to hear the news. "Matrim, a hunter, nearly killed Triss and has escaped." Her tone was worried. "They know where we are now Lorelai..."

Lorelai's pained heart sank further. Just moments ago she was in the arms of a woman she loved, at peace with Medusa. Now she was back where she'd started, alone with war on her doorstep. More of life's cruelties. "Which means Flint and Fenros will be here soon, to claim my head as they've always dreamt." She shuffled to the foot of her bed in a daze.

”You guys were holding Matrim prisoner?” Elizabeth didn't know what wounded her more, the fact that they were holding Matrim hostage, or the fact that Matrim had escaped and was planning on waging war. Now she knew, with absolute certainty, that she had to return to Seren's Folly.

Liz moved over to Lorelai, taking the woman up in a strong hug. ”I will go to Seren's Folly myself, and talk them down, if that is what you wish.” She looked to Sousiel, to confirm this. Lorelai would want the best for Liz, so she wouldn't answer truthfully.

"If you talk them down... they'll never let you stay with them love." Lorelai said saddly. She patted Liz's shoulder, allowing herself to lean her head against the huntress' shoulder. "I'll handle this."

Sousiel looked between the two, her eyes narrowing. "Lorelai... she's your damned knight. Let the woman try to save your life, and your sister's lives. Otherwise things are going to get real bloody, real fast." Her eyes met Liz's, twinking with an accusation she dared not voice in front of her mistress.

Elizabeth groaned at the accusatory stare Sousiel gave her, but she would have to explain herself later on. For now, her thoughts remained on the situation at hand. "Sousiel is right, I need to go over there and at least try to talk them down. Otherwise, a lot of innocent witches could die." She held Lorelai at arm's length, and smiled. "If I fail, you and the other witches can step in. Until then, I'm on my own."

"Your dreams, your friends, your family. You can't give that up for me. I want you to stay with me, but not because of this." Lorelai returned Liz's smile weakly. "I wanted you to choose me, not to get stuck with second best."

Sousiel's eyes flashed angrily, before she turned and left the room. Better than speaking her mind, by a longshot.

Elizabeth watched Sousiel flee, and her own sadness deepened. She turned her attention back to Lorelai and shook her head. "Lorelai, you aren't second best. My journey to Seren's Folly is temporary, I will always return to you. Now I have a duty there." She gave Lorelai an encouraging squeeze, before getting up to chase Sousiel.

"I'm going to talk to Sousiel, then we'll see to it that I'm on my way." Liz gave Lorelai a peck on the forehead, and sprinted out the door to find the demon.

"I love you!" Lorelai's fearful voice chased the woman down the hall.

Liz came upon Sousiel standing at the base of Lorelai's tower. Arms folded beneath her chest her face was angry. Her lower lip trembled as she spied Liz. "Please explain to me what's happening."

"I don't want to hate you, but I'm getting pretty close here." Sousiel spoke slowly. "Now please, tell me you haven't stolen Lorelai's heart, only to leave her. Can you do that?"

Elizabeth leaned against the nearest wall, her arms folded and her face steely. ”I believe what's happening is I'm trying to go to Seren's Folly, to end the war efforts before the start. I am doing this for Lorelai, but also to save the other witches in this domain.” She watched Sousiel’s expression, the demon was angry on behalf of her Mistress. Here Elizabeth was, giving herself to Lorelai and then running away in the span of a day.

”You are allowed to hate me, because it may be a day or two before I can return and seek Lorelai again. I may even be killed, by the hunters there, and cause her another heartache.” Liz strode to Sousiel, her hand hovering cautiously above the demon's shoulder. She met Sousiel's mismatched eyes, taking in the colors. ”However, I promise on my fragile life, that I will return for Lorelai. Even if I have to fight my way out. I will not hurt her, the way others have.”

With that, Liz crossed her heart, a confident smile on her face. ”If it makes you happier, I'll take a blood oath.” Elizabeth chuckled, but knew Sousiel would probably take up the offer. ”You may hate me now, but I need you to help me get ready. I will not pain Lorelai with preparations for my departure.”

Sousiel nodded grimmly. "I knew I liked you." she started stripping in the hallway. "Take me with you, join my spirit with your flesh, and I'll see you living on the other side of this."

"Lorelai's just scared, for you, of losing you." she grinned at the huntress. "She'll get over it. Right now her heart goes with you though, and I'm going to make sure it makes it back in one piece. So open up."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow, curious as to how this would work. She would be binding herself with a demon, then going into a bar full of hunters. ”Sousiel I trust you, but aren't you afraid of Flint and Fenros sensing your demonic presence in my body, and then...you know, killing us? That is their specialty.” Although she had just described one of the many possible deaths they could face, Elizabeth's eyes were mirthful. She didn't give it a second thought, opening her body to Sousiel's invasion.

"I'm a bit more dangerous than that Lizzie." Sousiel's eyes glimmered with malevolence as her shape blurred into black smoke. Liz felt a burning sensation as Sousiel poured her essence down the huntress' throat, dispersing her power throughout Liz's body. The Knight's limbs filled with unholy might as the demon deepened the binding, leaving herself defenseless in Liz's frame.

"My power is yours now. I'll slumber in the back of your mind undetected." Sousiel's eyes opened just behind Liz's, and the demon whispered gently inside the huntress' mind. It was a strangley comfortable sensation, as Sousiel curled up in the back of Liz's consiousness. "Good luck Elizabeth, wake me when things go wrong, and I'll make a mess."

The burning sensation of Sousiel was slowly transformed into power, and Elizabeth stretched her muscles to make it dissipate. Sousiel whispered in the back of her mind, a shiver that reminded her of nights by the fireplace, getting her hair brushed and fussed over by nannies. A wave of sensual tiredness brushed over her, and she bounced a bit to shake it off. ”If this all goes as planned, I won't need to use you, and the death toll will be zero.”

Liz swooped down to pick up Sousiel's clothes, and hustled back to Lorelai's personal abode. Once there, she shedded her clothing, and changed into something fresh. ”Lorelai, dear, I want you to know that everything is fine.” She equpped her new whip, hanging it on her hip and stroking its weightless bars. She planned to go to the training grounds, and get a feel for it before she left. ”Is there anything you would like to do before we leave? Tour the gardens, walk in the woods, anything?

Lorelai looked up from her demonology, smiled softly as her eyes fell on Liz's features. "I know, but I worry. Probably more than I should." She stood, making her way slowly to stand in front of her knight.

She leaned her head up, standing on tip-toe, to press her lips against Liz's. When she finally managed to pull away she whispered. "There is... one thing I'd like to do before you go, but it might take a little while." Her face colored lightly as she winked.

Elizabeth flushed momentarily, as Lorelai told her what she wanted to do. ”I have some extra time, and what a lovely way to say goodbye.” Elizabeth pulled Lorelai in for a kiss, long and rough. They didn't have much time to utilize, and she didn't plan on wasting a single moment. For all she knew, this was the last time she would see Lorelai. Sousiel, do you think you could…? She didn't know how to finish that request, leaving it up to Sousiel to decide as she took Lorelai to the bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Aerandir, @TheDoctor, @Urukhai, @Fetzen, and @Wildeyes

"Coven Found"

Matrim's journey to Witches' Paradise had been a thankfully uneventful one. After finally tracking down his horse the hunter went as fast as he could, stopping only when the horse needed a break. Some of his wounds had reopened over the trip but Matrim hardly cared at that point. The other hunters needed to know, and he would deliver the message.

Very late the second night Matrim finally made it to the town, feeling the fatigue over him. His only energy at this point was the desire to finally make it to the others, to confirm he wasn't alone anymore. At the entrance the hunter didn't even bother to rein his horse in and ran to the door, busting it open to enter. Finally inside, Matrim panted heavily and announced, "I found them."

Bobby, Ashlynn, and Alric

Matrim spoke of horrific transmutation experiments, mental violations, and demons. If the first two weren’t bad enough, and they were plenty bad, the last told Bobby what he’d been spending so much time trying to find out. They’d found Lorelai at last.

More importantly they’d found where Elizabeth and Coraline had been imprisoned. The missing hunters had kept Bobby up the last few weeks. Matrim and Flint’s return was a small miracle by his counting, and certainly cause for celebration. There were still hunters out there suffering though, and that meant there was work to be done.

Bobby sent flyers calling for a meeting of all the local hunters, to happen tonight, hopefully after Matrim had recovered enough to speak. He sighed as he resumed his post behind the bar of the Witch’s Paradise. ”Another long night eh Bobby?” He whispered to himself. ”I’m getting too old for this shit.”

As Bobby whispered to himself, the bell jingled as two new arrivals strode in. Bobby was struck by a large man, clad in a brown and green cloak, witht he hood pulled back. He had a glorious mane of golden blond hair, with a full beard to match. He had a heavy hammer at his side, and a massive shield strapped across his back. Beneath his cloak, Bobby could see he was wearing plate and mail armor. The man was so impressive, and despite his token attempts at staying low key, that Bobby almost didn't notice the small figure follow into the bar behind the large figure.

"What are ye here for?" Bobby called to the stranger.

The stranger held up one of the fliers he had sent out. "I've heard that the local hunters are meeting here. We're here to join their ranks."

Bobby nodded as he pointed to the two stools in front of him. "Always room fer acomplished men like ye self. Alrich Uther I gather?" He said with a chuckle then glancing at the small girl behind him. "And Ashlynn Sheyln behind ye?" He almost had a twinkle in his eye as he cleaned a clay mug with a rag. Of course he knew of them, he knew of all the major hunters/mercenaries/knights worth their salt. He had his own network of informants that was quite impressive.

The pair smiled, as Ashlynn lowered her hood. "You honor a pair of humble hunters." They belly up to the bar and order drinks.

After a quick look around Ashlynn decided no one was likely to kill her here. Bobby was certainly a legendary figure, and her father spoke of the man fondly. He'd said the man had a near perfect memory, and knew the name of just about every hunter to spill vile blood.

She grinned at the man, her white eyes full of excitement tempered with concern. "Mr. Flint. Do you perhaps know an Elizabeth? Elizabeth James? She's a dear friend of mine, I was hoping to catch up with her."

Bobby looked at the girl as she mentioned Liz. A pained looked came upon his face, as he was worried about the lass. Though Ashlyn could not see it, he was sure Alrich did. "I do Indeed missy... I'm afraid to tell ye that she's been missing for a few weeks. Poor girl got caught up with Lorelai Von'strauss... Been searching for her since."

Ashlynn turned a forlorn look to Alric. "Von'Strauss...? Elizabeth... why couldn't you have just been a noble?"

"Is that what this call is for? Some kind of rescue operation?" Alric was concerned, if Bobby was referring to the Von' Strauss he thought he was. "You're referring to the demon binders, correct? You're in luck, we have spades of experience dealing with the like." Alric put an encouraging hand on his friend's shoulder. "At least Liz hasn't gotten herself in trouble with anything too unfamiliar."

Bobby raised an eyebrow as Alric said he had experiance fighting demons of the like. Obviously he hasn't met a Von'strauss. "I know of yer stories of fighting demons, but Lorelai Von'strauss has the skill to summon far more dangerous Demons, Demon Lords to be exact. Even me dear Friend Hector Digard lost his life to her hands, She is not to be trifled with. Top top it off with an entire conven of powerful witches. "

Alric smiled at Bobby's warnings of Demon Lords. "Thanks for the info. You can fill us in on Demon Lords later. For now, let's enjoy some food and drink until we have our grand meeting. You never know if you'll have another chance." Alric raised his mug in a toast, and bought rounds for the bar. People's spirits were high for a little while.

Digard's and Co.

During the few weeks after Flint had recovered, He and Fenros had gone out searching with Allltia and Mishka for any clues as to where Lorelai was, as well Liz and Coraline. They tracked down, along with Emiliah and Vivian, any clues of demon sommoners, finiding and killing at least four witches in the process. While traveling, they took Emiliah on and trained her as much as they could with the knowlege of their trade their family had been in since before the time of Christ. She was a quick learner, and though it was mostly in teaching her Hebrew and rituals that she could use with out the priesthood.

They were already on their way back when a messenger stopped them on the road telling them to come back. Fenros was personally still mad at Bobby as he found out that He had met Lorelai a few weeks before their little escapade with Death... A day later they all had arrived back at the Witches Paradise, as others had been coming in.

As they walked in Flint found the closest stool and floopped down, "UGH...This is why I don't hunt with you Fenros."

"Cause you're lazy?" Fenros asked in a flat tone.

He shot his elder brother a look. "Because you are so uptight all the time... and you can't relax every once in a while."

Fenros shook his head, "Father was the same way...."

"No he wasn't! He had a personality!" Flint said, cutting his brother off. He looked to Viv, "Am I right? Fenros is all business and no pleasure."

"Uh...." Vivian looked betwwen the two brothers, wanting nothing more than to not be caught between them. She grinned brightly.

"You." She turned to Fenros, poking his chest. "Need to smile more, and relax once in awhile. This job is hard enough without making it harder on yourself."

"And you." She turned to Flint. "Could learn to be serious when the moment called for it. You're talented, and sometimes I wonder if some of it doesn't go to waste."

"Now, please don't beat me up. That'd be great." She winked. Soon her drink came and she stiffled a laugh in the mug.

Flint pulled back as she turned on him, He looked slightly hurt by her words. Though she had a fair point, even his father had said the same thing growing up. Fact was that he was always serious on a mission, he only continued to act laid back as a facade. He was honestly worried about Liz, and what she did to save him. He didn't want the others to pry and ask so he acted like he wasn't worried.

He leaned forward, "Says the one who is always smiling and bouncing around." He said while pointing a finger at her with his eyes narrowing on her.

Fenros had only shrugged as he agreed with Viv's statement about Flint. Though he really didn't care what they thought that he was too serious. He had too many things to worry about to have fun at the moment. Perhaps after he kills Lorelai and Finds Elina that would change....

He looked down at the drink the Bobby had brought over. "Good to see ya all safe and sound," He heard Bobby as he hobbled over. He looked Fenros directly in the eye, "I'm sorry about before, but just so ye know... This meetin is some good news for ye."

Bobby looked to Vivian, "Glad ye survived with these ruffians. I'm sure you kept them out of trouble then?"

"Aye, although it took everything I had." Vivian flashed Bobby her signature grin. "They're every bit as talented as I remember Bobster."

"Sooo... What's up? Pleeeeeaaase tell me you've found the Von'Strauss whore." She batted her eyelashes cutely.

Bobby looked at Viv and smiled. "Better be, They be filling Hector's boots. " He said with a huff. She then went on to ask if he found out any more info, "As a matter of fact, Aye. I did. Matrim had managed to find out where the whore of a witch was after being tortured and what not for a bit."

Flint and Fenros sat up in their seats, perked up just like a wolf at hearing vital information. Both said in unison. "Where?!"

Bobby raised his hands, "Ill tell everone in a minute...right now rest and prepare you two"

"Sweet!" Vivian exclaimed. She nudged Flint's arm, smirking playfully. "Just one Von'Strauss away from being reunited with Miss Liz huh? How long after that before the wedding? I'll need an escort, and something to wear, timing is important." She giggled.

Flint was slightly pushed to the side as she nudged him, not really paying attention, but when he finially realized what she was saying he looked at her with wide eyes. "W-w-what?!?! There is nothing between us!" Despite his protest a small hint of red appeared on his cheeks, Even though she had shut the door on any relationship before the hunt, He still did have feelings for her, that and the fact that she had sold herself into slavery to protect him...it was something he wouldn't stand for. That was his role...to protect others...not to be protected. He was relieved, only slightly at the thought that he was finally one step closer to finding her.

Fenros forced himself to lean back onto his stool. He knew if Bobby wanted to wait to tell everyone, he was going to wait, no matter what he tried to say. Growling only slightly as he gripped the counter. For him, it was two things, Lorelai, the witch who killed his father and mother, and also Elina... who, despite this past year, he still believed that she really wasn't a bad witch. He knew they were in the same castle...because of Medusa.

"When will this meeting start then?" He asked Bobby.

Bobby shrugged, "A little later."

This only made him growl even more. That wasn't any help. He let out a sigh, calming himself down as he glanced around the bar, noticing other hunters he never seen before, a large man iwith a giant shield on his back, a blonde woman with pale eyes. He even noticed Yuri and Andri.


It had not been long until after his meeting with Medusa that Andri returned to Seren's Folley. He had wanted to search for Liz, knowing that she had to be somewhere within the boundaries of the Castle, but his efforts had come out to no avail. Since his return it had almost been like he did not exist at all: There were no giant's drinking sessions in the tavern, not only because of a certain additional inhabitant being worried about his appearance, but also because Andri had started to feel somehow trapped there, ready for every other hunter to finish him off if that other hunter was in the mood for it. And the whore he had to attend to on a more regular basis than not ? It had cost him barely any effort at all to convince Khan to get him there the fast way. Other errands could be done early or late when the transition between day and night wasn't far away.

Now however, there was no escape. He had to attend this meeting, even if it meant sharing the same room not only with Fenros, but with all the other hunters he believed were not only knowing or at least suspecting something was very wrong with him, but also willing to put and end to this the ultimate way. The assassin almost rushed through the door and went for a chair that was both close to a wall and close to the exit leading upwards to the other rooms. From there, he started staring into the room, scanning it. It appeared he had just speeded past the Digard brothers - something he was glad about. There was another person next to them, a female. Was she new ? Likely, but given him rather being a newcomer himself who was he to judge ?

Yuri & Andri

It was a slow walk that brough Yuri the the bar, the shaft of his scythe clicking in time with the clicking of his boots on the stone streets. The hunter sighed as he opened the door to the bar with his shoulder, and at least having the decency to close it with his free hand, rather than with his foot or weapon. Taking a seat, Yuri leaned his scythe on the table as he pulled a second seat around to prop one of his legs on as he sat.

He rubbed at his jaw as he took his hat off, his fingers running along his beard that had been lengthening slightly as of late, but the growing facial hair want alone as the tips of his fingers met a few new cuts that were clotted up. Yuri sighed as he brought his hand away from his face "Those are going to scar up, wonderful, more to the collection.". After a momentary relaxed silence, Yuri reached out and grasped his weapon, opening the blade slowly by hand, the blade emerging without fanfare. The once whole blade now baired some cips along the inside, three to be exact. Yuri fished through his belt and fetched out a whetstone and set about working at the divots in the blade. It soon became appearent that he wasnt trying to buff them out, instead he seemed to be sharpeining them, adding what apeared to be a small serration in the blades.

Frowning he stopped sharpening and put both the stone and the blade away before hauling himself to his feet. Walking to the bar the scarred man got himself a drink befor notticeing Andri. Grinning slightly Yuri grabbed his scythe in one hand, and his drink in the other before making his way over to the giant of a man, Setting both down next to him as he lowered himself into a seat near him, "Nice to see a framiliar face" Yuri said to Andri as he sat before taking a drink and continueing "So how has life been treating you freind?"

Andri wasn't looking at Yuri until the other hunter approached the bar. Too great was his fear of attracting the attention of the man he had asked for having a close eye on himself. What an irony. However he could not cut out that grinding noise. For someone who was considering being attacked right here during this meeting as a scenario, it was a somewhat eerie thing to hear. Then the unexpected happened as the other hunter selected him to have chat with.
"Wait a minute... isn't that the guy you told to surveil you ?"
"Don't panic! Please!"
The assassin was far from admitting it to the worm as it could just affirm him, but his heartbeat was becoming faster. If he just had an empty jug in his hands that he could cling on with his fingers demanding for movement, it would probably have made his tension unnoticeable - but there was none except for Yuri's.
"Heya." It didn't take long for the giant to take note of the newly added wounds. Right now he was glad that they existed, something he could probably use to divert the focus from himself. "Given the circumstances... I'd say rather fine." It was a lie of a purity he very rarely dared to use. Andri tried to sound casually. "And you ? Haven't seen you in a while."

Yuri shrugged as he took a drink "Eh not bad, not bad. Recent events keeping me busy more than anything." His voice trailed off for a moment, before he brought himself back with a shake of his head. "So you get the flyer thats been making the rounds, or just here for a drink? Speaking of which, you want one,?" Yuri gestured slightly with the drink in his hand to emphasise the question.

"Yes, of course!" His answer came quick like a shot. How long had it been until he had indulged himself into a decent bit of alcohol ? Too long. And it would come with a jug, so it wasn't too late yet to make himself appear calm. Andri waited for Yuri to return with whatever drink he had got. Just about everything would be acceptable for him right now and so it came, causing the assassin to express his gratitude for the expense. "It was the flyer. I'm wondering what the kickup is all about. You have any idea ?"

"Nope" Yuri responded with a slight chuckle "I think im going to take a break from guessing at where these grand hunt of ours are going to take us." he face fell slighty "Especially after last time." He took a drink and forced the grin back "Whelp we could ask." He said casting a side glance at the giant "But that would be to easy right?"

Especially since last time ? Tell that guy not to talk so disrespectful about that event! Before you came across my little self you were stuck in the dark ages of sex and the whores unhappy. Now look how things have changed.
Andri did not respond to Khan's interruption, because he knew that Khan knew what he would have responded. He tried to focus on Yuri. "Actually I'm not that eager to know about it before all the others. And if I judge Bobby correctly, he will make sure that we all get to know it the moment he thinks we should." He started to consume his drink, apparently not impressed by the jug's size at all. "So you've been busy ? Hunting witches I guess, heh ? I can see the cuts and bruises. Was there any success ?"

Yuri nods "A few, minor witches and monsters seem to be poping out of the woodwork recently. No idea why. But there they are frightening the 'oh so pure' town people" Yuri waved his hands in a very sarcastic motion. "Who then call us." Yuri shook his head slowly as he took a drink. "Boggles the mind sometimes. But its what we, or most of us... siome of us, signed up for I suppose. But yah, a few successes, a few good fights, a couple new notches on my blade, literally and figuratively."

Andri really would have liked to know more about the details. Witches frightening town people didn't necessarily mean that they were actively and deliberately doing so. Ordinary people had a massive tendency to be frightened just by a remote presence. So there was something for his conscience to gnaw on. On the other hand... he couldn't reverse the flow of time and it definitely was outside his responsibility, so he had the choice between allowing his doubts and questions to consume more space in his mind or to forget about it. The latter option was far more preferable, though he couldn't kill the other thing instantaneously. Additionally, there were so many of his own worries in his head - both literally and not - that he, if he was honest, just wanted to small talk a bit more. "Your blade ? I've not seen much of it yet. Why did you opt for such a mechanism ? Wouldn't have something more ordinary both sufficed and been less fault-prone ?"

Yuri set down his mug, and though for a moment before retreiving his weapon, which he turned over in his hand as he spoke. "Thats a good question honestly. Would certianly be easier with a fixed blade I can tell you that, less moving parts, less matinance. But it also means that I would have a kinda target following me around, hard to desguse a scythe right? Its this that makes the practical part of my mind want to tell you that its simply beacuse its easier to blend in when you dont have a blade poking out, people also seem more comfortable when they dont think you have a sharp, pointy object. That and the sheer suprise of suddenly having one."

Yuri reached out and slowly pulled the blade of the scythe out by hand once more, the hidden lock making a slight click as it latched into place. With an almost melencholy look about him Yuri ran his eyes along the blade "But also with it like this, its a choice you know? You have to draw it twice, you have to be so sure you need to end a life you can do it twice. With a fixed blade it's to easy just to draw and strike, no thought, just motion. Too easy to make a mistake. Too easy for people to get hurt." Yuri breathed out, letting the silence fill the space between him and his weapon before chuckling soflty to himself as he close his eyes and closed the blade. Putting the weapon back to its reasting position he queitly mumbled to himself "Even then. Sometimes I don't think thats enough." Retreving his drink he took a gulp before nodding to Andri "Sorry.. didnt mean to put a damper on things."

Yuri's response to his question was surprising. Andri really had not expected the other hunter to be so... he wasn't even sure how to name it. He could see both the points in Yuri's thoughts, but which of them weighed more: Obscurity or an inherent restraint forcing one's mind to make a second thought ? The assassin appreciated both, but he wasn't convinced about the point of time this restraint kicked in with the scythe. His own weapon was terribly slow-acting even compared to a scythe that one would have to carefully unfold like a huge map before using it, but in his case it was a necessary evil because he needed something that didn't spill blood, not a deliberate choice.

Yuri's chuckle appeared odd to Andri, but his last sentence prevented him from asking about it. Instead, he pulled out his garrotte that had been hidden in one of the larger pockets of his leather armor and let it dangle above the table in front of the other hunter. With a slight smile, he said: "Perhaps you should try out this. You have a lot of seconds for aborting with that. If you are more experienced, you can even feel the thin line between unconsciousness and death, and use it to your advance."

The scarred hunter looked at the garrotte, a small onesided grin appearing on his face. "Perhaps in time freind. For now I think i'll bear what I have, its become framiliar at this point. But tomorrow is always a diffrent day right?" Yuri finished speaking just as Bobby spoke up, grabbing his attention "Speaking of diffrent days."

The meeting
Matrim slowly stirred from his bed, giving a small groan as he sat up. After giving a glance around the room, he slowly remembered all of what happened. His arrival at the inn and speaking with Bobby about what happened with his fatigued self. After that he made Mat rest and get back to full strength as the other hunters were to gather here. The waiting made Matrim restless, but he knew it was necessary. Only at full strength could they possibly take on that many witches.

Hearing voices outside his room, Matrim slowly got up out of his bed and changed before equipping himself with his arms, including a flintlock and a dagger. His spear was still at the witches' castle, something he'd need to get back. For the time being he had found a temporary replacement spear until he could reclaim it.

Stepping out to the bar Matrim gave a glance around the room, recognizing some of his fellow hunters from what seemed like years ago. Much had happened since he was last with them, and he would need to tell them much. Fortunately Bobby would be there to help him out to explain everything. As soon as the briefing was done, they could get ready to move out.

While Matrim wasn't physically old, he felt so wearied and tired from everything. His eyes seemed to sag as he slumped into a chair at an empty table not too far from Bobby's. Looking over at the man, Matrim gave a nod, ready to begin.

Bobby's gruff voice sounded out over the clamor of the gathered hunters. "Alright ye rough lot!" His gaze swept over the gathered faces, and soon they all quieted. "I've called ya here for a hunt."

"Those o' ye in the loop know we've got some missing hunters. Liz an' Coraline haven't been visiting family." His voice was grim. "They've found themselves in the clutches of one o' the most vile witches to hex or spit."

"We all know witch signs, and we all know there's a damned sight too many 'round here for comfort." He gestured to Matrim. "Matrim here has found their source at last. Tonight I call on ye to hunt witches, tonight we stalk Lorelai Von'Strauss, and her coven."

"It'll be a long night laddies, and I expect not all of us will make it back here for the celebration." His voice held a note of sadness for all its resolve. "But we'll not balk in the face o' demons will we? We'll finish now, what Hector began all those years ago."

"Now Matrim. Tell this lot what you told me." Bobby's hand fell on the young man's shoulder.

Matrim gave a steady glance towards everyone in the bar, sitting up straighter in his chair. Information was key during hunts, and he was glad to give it all out. "The castle is two to three days travel from here, and there are many witches. From what I saw one was a chimera creator named Ang, a really sick twisted witch that one who wanted to experiment on me. Another was a human snake mix with mind reading powers. The third I met, mental emotion tapping, though she's probably dead.

"I was captured by the witches after being injured by a mountain lion and bear mix. There seemed to be some dissension between the witches, though I don't know much about it. Several were complaining about their leader...Lorelai I believe. Another they seemed to follow was named Medusa. Short story about my stay: it was dark, scarring, and very educational. I failed to find any of the missing hunters but I believe they were being held elsewhere. They probably know I've escaped by now but I don't think they would expect an attack by a large group so soon. Surprise would be our best advantage,"
the hunter finished his report, slumping a bit back down in his chair. "They also took my spear so if anyone happens to find it when we're there, it'd be nice if that could be returned to me."

The giant man's facial features went sliding downwards even before Mat had finished his report. It wasn't until fresh air was leaking into his booze-covered mouth that he actually noticed having lost control over it. Even Khan didn't appear to be in the mood for an obvious 'Did they cut off his penis and he wants it back ?' prank about a lost spear that was lying on the road for him.

Mhmmm. You're in trouble. You brought peace to the coven and now the hunters will come for it. And the witches will probably suspect you of betrayal because you too are one who has left the castle. Time to choose, boy... You could forget about this heap of human junk and earn your rightful place among the supernaturals by telling them. I could get you to them right here, right there, right now. Why was there such an amused undertone in Khan's mental voice ? Wasn't it a bad thing for a parasite to enjoy it when its host was in trouble ? Or wait... you just couldn't forget about this heap of human junk, could you ? Watching them being ambushed in an ambush you were the key in its preparation... You'd beg me for poofing you back into that coffin after you have committed suicide, wouldn't you ? So stick to the other option: Stay here, let things happen, participate and bear the risk of the other hunter's not accepting you after all because Mr. Wolfbreath is a stubborn and distrustful one. One part of Andri wanted to cry out for Khan to stop. Another part wanted to continue listening to the demon's insights as it felt that one couldn't lay out things any better than Khan did. Or you could blurt out everything, now. The great nasty thing Rebecca told you about... The fearsome reason for everyone to stick to a fragile peace, perhaps, maybe, unlikely... Oh, you already are a traitor. But now it's in your hands to cause a terrible lot of real damage, not only for you. If you ask me... stick to the women.

The entire speech of Khan had taken a terrible toll on Andri's mood. He would have discovered all the interdependencies himself, but that worm had handed them to him on a silver platter, adorned with a slight trail of malice. Or was that just his own mind attempting to make Khan's reasoning less feasible by contaminating it with things he didn't like ? Anyways, for several seconds, there wasn't much of a difference between the giant man sitting next to a wall and a statue of a giant man sitting next to a wall. The only person he briefly squinted at was Fenros when he discovered another part of the equations Khan did seem to have overlooked: Did this man see the possibility of him becoming a traitor ? He knew he could teleport, he knew he had a multiple day's advantage for whatever he was up to when the location involved Castle Bloodrose. But... did he knew that he had already been there ? He had taken so much effort into not allowing for this, but one could never be sure...

There was one straw he found. One thing he could cling onto: Convincing them to not start this hunt in the first place without telling any of his secrets. "Do you think it's wise to start such an endeavour with the limited numbers we have ? We're speaking about an entire coven, right ?" He expected some of the hunters to rage at him for this, but perhaps there was a majority that would agree with him. Major achievement Andri! You're really quick at getting disasters rolling, not only in bed. What if they agree to just wait until more hunters have gathered here ? Your argument will become invalid and the massacre even bigger.

From one of the shadows at the edge of the tavern, Draco had watched as the rest of the hunters debated and discussed their newest hunt in silence. Whatever expression that he might have shown seemed to be hidden under a face mask of sorts, but with his arms crossed across his chest the casual observer might have noticed that the fingers on his right hand were tapping against his upper left arm in thought.

Clicking his tongue as he came to a decision, he decided to speak up. "For what good it is worth, I might be able to remove one of the witches from the coven before the fighting begins and remove her as a threat. I won't be able to join in the hunt itself if I do so, but removing a witch from the defense of wherever they have dug themselves into before the rest of you assault it would have to make something of a difference..."

Vivian nodded to Andri. "He's right, our numbers are somewhat lacking for now." She grinned. "I've been traveling awhile though, and I've made some friends believe it or not."

She drug some parchment out of her bag, along with a pen and ink. "I'll send out some letters, I should be able to get a few lodges worth of hunters here within a fortnight."

Ashlynn spoke up shyly. "I might be able to get a few knights here... if we needed." Gideon was her father, and truth be told if he knew what was happening he'd probably ride a contigent down. Hector Digard was a friend of his after all.

Matrim glanced at the other hunters who spoke up, disgruntled that several were immediately against attacking soon. The hunter sat up straighter and looked between the two. "Like I said, a quick attack may be our only advantage. If we wait for more hunters the witches could very well call in their own allies. What happens after a fortnight and we get more hunters just to figure they have more witches with them? We'll just continue to indefinitely wait till every bloody hunter in the world gathers. They seemed surprised to see me there, which means they weren't expecting hunters to find them and they don't have proper defenses set up. It'll be a nest of hexes, traps, and even more witches to fight if we wait it out."

Vivian's hand paused over her letter for a moment. She sighed, sitting back in her chair. Her eyes met Matrim's for a moment, before she nodded. "Mat's right, surprise is our best bet." She glanced over at Ashlynn. "We'll still send off for back up, incase things go sideways, but the sooner the better."

Ashlynn nodded in suit, grinning. "Y-yeah, a surprised witch is bad enough, but a prepared one?" She shuddered. "The sooner the better indeed."

"Aye." Bobby's voice sounded again. "We'll be movin' out tonight."

He unrolled a map across the bar. It detailed the region around Seren's Folley, and bore a small red X that Matrim had added. "Plan is to fan out through here." He indicated their approach. "As to spot any waiting ambushes, and ensure we don't leave nothin' behind us."

"We'll gather up here," He pointed to a valley close to the castle. "And finish our approach."

Shit! That had gone terribly wrong and, to make things even worse, it had gone wrong exactly the way Khan had predicted. Of course that was something the demon worm did not forget telling him loud and clear. Making the possible carnage even more vast really was a major achievement, in the most negative sense possible. Andri felt really bad at this moment, and one could see this. His face had turned pale as if he was ill, his movements had become slow and he was staring at the floor as if there was something really interesting to discover. The assassin was so busy succumbing into his dismal thoughts that he wasn't even aware of the fact that his face could be considered a major information leak for an attentive observer.

Bobby's decisiveness about putting this hunting plan into action did add to Andri's confusion, too. Moving out tonight ? The giant man hadn't even progressed enough in his cogitations to be able to tell why he had such a bad feeling because of this. He just had. Only after a considerable amount of time he had continued sitting there in his corner like a piece of stone, the reason for this started condensating: He had to stop this madness before it took place!

Why had it been that he and Rebecca had arranged for this secret meeting between Medusa and Lorelai, thereby both risking a lot ? Because there was this rumour about something coming that would be far too great for any of the two sides to handle on its own. Did he have any serious confirmation on this ? No, except for some 'divinations' as Rebecca had called them. Probably a good assertion for a witch, but not really for him. But who was he to play games with fate ? Could he or anybody else afford to just assume that this was pure bullshit and therefore continue with business as usual ? That was a no that was more sure than the other - and there were other arguments, too. Assuming that the entire coven was a huge bunch of really terrible witches that would deserve to be killed, wouldn't this huge bunch have a vast area of really bad influence ? Yuri had just told him about a few witches 'threatening' citizens, but even the true chain of effects behind this was uncertain. A vast area of bad influence just didn't appear to be what reality was around here. So tracking logic back resulted in the inverse assumption that the coven just could not be really bad in its entirity. Was it justifyable to kill all to hit a few ? Even from a non-moralist point of view it couldn't be. Deaths of innocent people had a natural tendency to make the remainder of the innocent people more aggressive.

Erm... hello ? Andri ? What are you thinking ? You're so silent...
Shut up! it came back, very unsubtle.
Perhaps he could save the coven by warning them. How long would the hunters require to go there ? Two days ? Three days ? Something like that. But that would be the same time Mat would have required to get back here, and how likely was it that his escape had not been discovered in a meantime this long ? Not very. Entire Castle Bloodrose likely already was on high alert, so likely nothing of effect to do there. That made it even more important to make the hunters not starting their endeavour in the first place. Two sides were to be saved from a massacre here. But how ?

Liz! It was a brainwave that blasted through his demonically infested head. What had Bobby said ? It was about the missing hunters, Liz and Coraline! Sure the latter one also was important, but the two witches had told him that Liz was in the Castle - and he had already gained mutual trust with her. What if he would manage to get her here ? Wouldn't that shake things ? Perhaps it would at least add a delay to things...
You don't even know where she is! You don't know what happened to her!
One more reason to get to the Castle!
Oh... and how do you intend to do this ? Being faster than the other hunters with your giant ass on a horse ?
No! This will be the very first poof of you that won't take away my clothes or make me reappear at a place I don't like!
WHAT ? I want more whore-time for this!
It's not unlikely that we will end up living in a castle full of women with almost no men along them! Isn't that attractive enough for you ?
Khan didn't answer. Instead, Andri could feel the worm curling.

It was only then when Andri directed his words to the other hunters again: "It is quite possible that the witches have detected your escape days ago, Mat. Now imagine what they could have in store waiting for us by now! I say that a full scale assault is crazy and that's it! Perhaps we can think of smaller, more intelligent solutions!" Of course, as an assassin, he wasn't referring to anything with this... "Excuse me, I have to go for a pee."

Thereby he left the main room through the door that lead to the other parts of Witches' Paradise, including the rooms upstairs.
You're not going to pee ? Damn... wanted to see your ding dong dangling!
The assassin carefully opened a back window and squeezed out. He didn't run in order not to cause excessive noise in the mud, but he wasn't slow moving either. His steps were directing him right to his shed where he started to collect the more important things in his posession, throwing them all into a cloth bag he used to transport them in when travelling with only as little care as was absolutely required.
Khan ? You know the destination. Do it, NOW!
It was near instantaneous. A sudden surge that started to cut him out of the constraints of what mankind described as 'natural laws', just to reinsert him into the ordinary world at another place a blink of an eye later.

Bobby's eyes followed the giant with suspicioun, but now was hardly the time to confront him. "Alright lads and lassies, grab your gear and organize into teams." He glanced at the clock. "We'll meet back here in say... two hours. Then we ride out!"

Vivian nodded grinning. "Dibs on the priestess!" She turned to poke Fenros in the chest. "You too wolf-boy, things never get boring around you."

"O-okay!" Ashlynn grinned shyly. "Alric and I will ride out with you then."

Draco sighed a little as his offer was seemingly ignored. Shaking his head a little to himself for even bringing up an offer to these people, he remained in silence for a moment before the offer to form teams was brought up. "For what I have planned, I would actually be better off working alone. However, I can assure you that I'll remove at least one witch from the equation."

Flint and Fenros were quiet during the meeting. Having aggreed with Bobby wholely to the point of attack. Fenros had looked down at the bubbly Viv as she poked him in the chest. "Thanks?" He said with a tiny hint of a smile. But he looked away for a moment when the large man with the face covered mentioned only getting one witch out. He honestly agreeed with the man in the point he worked better alone...but with this, they needed all the help they could get.

"One witch is not much an advantage out of a castle. What would more of an advantage is having another veteran hunter to fight along side us. Trust me I get the whole lone wolf thing, But we need you more in the attack."

There was a sudden light knock on the door, followed by a man opening it from the outside. The man entered in, having a gruff but light look to him as he walked inside. Followed by him was a boy near the age of eighteen, looking timidly around the inn and holding a small but thick book.

The older hunter, Conra, scanned the room around for who he was looking for, and finally ended up on Bobby. "Bobby! Sorry I'm late friend, glad I made it before you all headed out!" The hunter called out as he walked over to Bobby's table to sit down. Arid, the younger hunter, was unsure what to do until Conra waved him over to sit down next to him. "Glad I got your message, I'd been wanting to update my book on witches for a while, a hunt would be a perfect opportunity to do so!"

Bobby broke into a grin and quickly shook the man's hand. "Conra! It's been ages! Good to have another o' the old guard to watch over these pups." He smiled grimmly. "And trust me old friend, we'll need it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Fetzen and @SunsetRoses

"No Peace"

Khan's poofing had not taken Andri exactly to the place he had had in mind. Instead of right in knocking range of Medusa's office's door, he had ended up in a rather large hallway.
You need training with this! If I make the decision about the destination it's one thing because I'm damn used to it. You have to feed me more precise information or you'll end up in a pile of animal poo!
There was no time for discussing with his demon. Andri, very untypical for him, was hitting the stone slabs of the stairs really hard while he was running as fast as he was able to. Instead of stopping first he transferred the remainder of his momentum right onto the door for a very loud first knock with the side of his fist. Open up... open up...

Medusa was looking over maps, they detailed all of the hideous traps and hazards she and Lorelai had managed to lay out over the years of the covens growth. When the knock came at her door, and Andri's voice accompanied it, she threw a cloth over the plans.

"Come in Andri." She did her best to keep her voice calm. With hunters bearing down on them within the next several days Andri could be a great boon, or a disaster.

The door was pushed open rapidly. Andri ducked his head and closed it immediately after he was through, leaning against it with his back from the inside. Interrupted by heavy breathing, he went ahead: "Medusa ? There's a huge problem." He didn't say any more as he intended to wait for Medusa's reaction. Perhaps it would give him any clue about what the true level of information in the coven was. If they already knew about Mat's escape and its implications, he could go straight ahead with not having to worry about anything.

"I'm well aware of that Andri." Medusa sighed, gesturing to one of her chairs. "Matrim's escape could very well lead to quite the war couldn't it? Your arrival and demeanor confirms some of my fears."

She eyed the giant suspiciously. "So tell me, Andri, are you here to help or hinder?"

They already knew it! Perhaps it was a bit absurd, but for Andri it was a relief. There was no chance for him to become even more of a traitor than he already was by telling real secrets. Or no... from a point of view not that few other hunters had every step one made closer to the Castle without the intent of killing witches was treachery. So he was in very deep trouble, but that was trouble he had done to himself in order to preserve his good conscience.

Andri let himself drop onto the chair before continuing. "It's even not so much about Mat. It's about what he has told about this place. It's about Elizabeth and Coraline."

"Lorelai's pets?" Medusa fowned, confused. "What do they have to do with this?"

The assassin's facial expression went from exhausted to sceptical in an instant. "Lorelai's pets ? What does that mean ? Aren't they still alright ? The main reason for this hunt seems to be because they're considered missing and possibly dead!"

"I don't know what Lorelai does with her pets... it's hardly my buisness." Medusa's face joined Andri's in a skeptical expression. "But if what you're saying is true, I recommend you bring this up with her. Her quarters are in the north-western tower. Do be sure to knock first, she won't take kindly to teleportation."

"Please tell me at least Liz is still alright!" Andri replied while already getting back on his feet and returning to the door. He forgot saying Goodbye when he hurried out of her office, leaving another trail of loud noise behind him. Khan could not get him there yet, so he had to run again.

When he was in front of her door, Andri knocked loudly. Hopefully Lorelai didn't sleep...

Lorelai stirred, her eyes fluttering open. One look to the other side of the bed confirmed that Liz had departed for Seren's Folley. She sighed and collected her discarded clothing, getting dressed for what was likely to be a long night. "What is it?

Andri opened and closed the room divider in record time. "Sorry Lorelai, I don't have much time for small talk. I've not made myself someone who could be considered a traitor by his colleagues for just sitting around and watching how the one side I helped saving from civil war now consumes the other and is consumed herself in the process. I have to talk to Elizabeth, get her to Seren's Folley if possible. My own diplomatic capabilites aren't sufficient for what's going on. I need something more powerful."

"Andri, you're going to have to slow down." Lorelai's voice was calm, belying her turbulent thoughts. Liz was not going to be a peace offering, she'd sooner raze the whole of Seren's Folley. "Now, explain yourself a little more in depth if you would." She finished dressing, and opened the door.

Andri sighed, both because he felt as if time too precious was lost and because he had to breathe. "I want to stop this hunt from happening. I've already tried convincing them with other arguments, but it doesn't work. It's not so much because Mat, it's about what Mat has said. They want Elizabeth and Coraline back." He paused for another breath. "I've come here to see after Liz, at least her. If she's alright and would come back voluntarily to Seren's Folley perhaps that would calm them down."

Lorelai blinked several times. "They want them... back?" Her face flushed red, and smoke began to billow from her mouth and nostrils. "Liz is on her way there now, to talk some sense into them. They can't have her back though, she's my knight now, and she'll come back to me." Fire danced in her mouth as she spoke.

The assassin had a large enough lack of knowledge to not be aware of the true reasons behind the smoke billowing out of Lorelai's body openings. He had heard that witch magic often caused some sort of haze, so in his own haste he didn't investigate into this for the moment. However he couldn't resist the feeling that Lorelai had become somewhat angry and it made him take a large step back. He didn't think of this being his fault, so in an attempt to return at least a bit of an objection he answered: "I'll speak to her myself and return immediately. Perhaps we can work out something together to stop them from starting this mutual killing spree."

Andri had totally forgotten about telling Lorelai that he had picked up something she had disposed of. Perhaps she would notice when he suddenly disappeared.

A whiff of brimstone came to Lorelai's nose as Andri teleported, a familiar whiff. "Khan hmm? Free again are you? We'll see if you'll survive displeasing me a second time." She let out a small jet of flame, calming herself. "I wonder if you told Andri what you did? Fail me again and I doubt he'll want to be your host when I tell him." She whispered to herself.

Meanwhile, in Seren's Folley

Elizabeth had been riding her horse ragged, froth coming from it's mouth as they traveled through the forest. Usually it would be a strain on her, to wear armor and ride like this, but her new suit hardly chafed and it was light as a feather. Before she could think too much, she broke the treeline.

Seren's Folly was normal as could be, and she slowed her horse down to a slow trot as they made their way through town. Bystanders watched her, not suspicious in the least. Most of them didn't know where she had been, or they didn't know who she was at all. Liz kept her eyes forwards as she made her way to the Witch's Paradise.

She stopped, hitching her weary horse and dismounting. A steady flow of hunters made their way out the door, and she hid her face in her saddle bags until they had all passed. She entered the bar, suddenly aware of the whip on her hip, and the spear strapped to her back.

Liz said nothing, pretending not to notice those who gawked at her. She walked up to the bar, and when the bartender came, she asked for a bottle of whiskey, a mug, and Bobby. The young man stared at her with wide eyes, before nodding cautiously and going off to get Bobby. Liz waited patiently, twiddling her thumbs and ignoring others as they called her name or got up to go over and see her face more clearly.

Flint had actually caught sight of her before the bartender had come over to Bobby and them. "LIZ!" Flint yelled as he shoved passed people and knocked over a table to get at her. Not caring that the hunters at the table were cursing at him.

He grabbed Liz's shoulders and whiped her around, looking at her head to toe before embracing her in a hug after realizing it really was her, that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. After a second he pulled away as his brain actually started working again, "Wait...what are you doing here?!Are you hurt? How did you escape? Where is Lorelai?!"

Bobby, despite his shuffling was already over to Liz and said. "Elizebeth! Are ye alright?"

Fenros, had noticed as well, and came over, but he said nothing as he was overly cautious. It seemed way too odd that Liz would suddenly appear ON the night they were about to attack the castle. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the room. Many of the hunters had left already to make preparations... But his mind had turned to Andri...the only one... who had darkness in him as well. And the ability to Teleport.

Elizabeth gave Flint a reluctant pat on the back when he embraced her, her fair complexion a blood red color. ”I've come seeking council with Bobby…” She said lamely, her sad excuse the only one she would give him. She reached out and clutched his shoulder, her eyes relaying a message of peace. When Bobby came around, she smiled at him, getting up from her stool and pointing at the back room.

”I've come to talk to you...alone would be best but if they come, they come.” Liz glanced pointedly at Fenros and Flint, then began to walk towards the back room. She looked back once, to see if Bobby was following, and used the remainder of her short journey to think of what she would say. It wasn't likely that she could bring peace, but she wasn't going to give up.

Bobby grunted as his worry for her wellbeing turned into concern for something worse. But he followed her anyways. Flint though was taken back and confused at her reaction, also the fact that she wanted to speak alone to Bobby. Girl gets forced into slavery to save him and all she can do is want to talk to Bobby.

Fenros had his arms folded, also confused at her words. He also noticed the hurt in Flint's eyes as well, and the fact that he wasn't moving from his spot. As if he was going to accept the womans wishes to speak to Bobby alone.

Instead of allowing him to wollow in self pitty he reached out and grabbed his brothers shoulder, and shoved him towards the back room, sending him sprawling foward. Flint was taken by surprise and yelped as his feet worked wildly to regain his balance and not fall flat on his face. Once he did he glared back at Fenros, who had alway taken steps to follow him and only pushed him again till they were in the back room. Shutting the door with a bit of force to make a point behind them.

Bobby eyed the boys for a moment before saying,"Alright Liz... Wot's going on?"

Elizabeth glared at Fenros as he slammed the door, but her eyes softened as they swept over Flint. He seemed hurt, and confused, but she had no time to pull him away and explain herself. She had no time to stop him from hating her entirely. She turned instead to Bobby, who had asked her to explain. ”I'm here, on behalf of Castle Bloodrose and its occupants, to plead for peace. We don't need a war, Bobby. I know what Mat has probably told you, I know that he has given you the location of the Castle. You can't attack Bobby, the witches there are innocent.”

Liz’s eyes bore hard into Bobby’s. She couldn't move them, because if she shifted her gaze to meet Flint’s or even Fenros’, tears would fall. ”Bobby, you have to understand. When I first came to the Castle I was confused...now I have a better understanding of the witches. They aren't killers. There are children in that castle, Bobby. Some witches there have barely reached the age of maidenhood.”

Bobby's eyes narrowed at the fact she mentioned not to attack. How the in Hell did she know of the attack on the castle? Before he could say anything though, Fenros spoke up.

"Witche's aren't Killers?" He asked almost amusingly. "Witches have been using us for blood sacrifices, rituals, potions, and what ever else ever since the first witch. " He kept his arms folded as he glared at Liz, "I will be the first to say that there are some witches that are good. But not all...and especially not Lorelai Von'strauss, nor her family. Which is why my family has hunted hers since the begining. Who had killed my Father and Mother as well in revenge. desicrated their bodies and did so to how many more people unfortunine to be in her path. "

Flint said nothing, he was now even in more shock that the woman was now pleading for the witches lives. He simply leaned against the wall and listened.

"Besides that..." Bobby interjected. " Matrim was tortured there as well. Used as a ginypig for experaments. How is that ok Child? They forced you to be there, and now you are brainwashed into speaking for them?"

"Also, the fact she knew about the attack. Means that there is a traitor among us..." Fenros sighed.

Elizabeth’s face remained set, her stony expression cool as they lashed out at her with reasonable arguments. ”Lorelai's family was slain, Fenros. She has grown from that, she bears no ill will against you or Flint. When you come knocking on her door, she will accept it, for what she did to your father. However, that is besides the point at this moment.”

Elizabeth smoothed down her armor as though it were fabric, letting the silence calm everyone down just for a moment. ”At the castle, Matrim was tortured, that is sad but true. However, he was freed and given a room. He also had access to food, so he was not kept on a leash. Then he burned the room to the ground and fled. This is why I know of the attack, we are not daft by any means Fenros. I left as soon as word spread that Matrim was gone.”

Elizabeth looked at Fenros, not giving him the satisfaction of a glare. Then she turned back to Bobby, and folded her arms. ”This is the part that will be the toughest to explain to you, all of you. I was not brainwashed...I came here of my own will. That castle is my home now, and I will not let it be destroyed by my friends. Hate me, if it makes you feel like a bigger man, or stay confused, if it helps you cope. I am here asking for peace because I don't want to lose any of you.”

Fenros glared at Elizabeth, she had to be under a spell, or brainwashed somehow. He has seen it before many times. Before he could say anything Flint finally spoke up. "Liz... you went there because of me, Lorelai is a manlipiative witch that has killed hundreds of hunters, besides our father. Her family has done even worse? You remember stories of the black plauge? It was introduced by her family. Who summoned the Demon lord of Disease! That one Demon killed MILLIONS. How is being a witch, able to summon Demons, who's only goal is to destory all humanity because they want to possess our bodies. Make them Innocent? The rituals they do are vile. How can you even..." He sighed as he couldn't even finish, his blood boiling with hate for Lorelai, and pain that Liz was acting like this.

Suddenly both of them heard their wolves outside, "Fenros! Flint! Something doesn't smell right in there! We smell Demonoic stain mixed with Elizabeth's scent!"

Fenros and Flint stood straighter, and shifted ever so slightly as they eyed Elizabeth. So something did happen to her, that has changed her. Fenros remembered everything in Bobby's place that could help them. It was designed to be a safeplace against all witches/monsters/and demons.

Fenros looked at Flint then back to Liz. "Fine, message recieved. Now leave, go and tell Lorelai she will expect Flint and I to Be there shortly. "

Elizabeth watched as the two stiffened, their wolves having barked outside the door. She couldn't understand the two animals, but they had done something to alert the two brothers. Elizabeth tensed, her muscles flexing as they told her to go. She stayed where she was, ready for interference. ’Sousiel, I need you to wake up. Something is wrong, stay dormant until I find out what it is.’

Elizabeth chewed on her bottom lip, and nodded curtly. ”I'm sorry to hear that, I really am. Castle Bloodrose will be ready, when you come.” She took a few steps forwards, eyeing the brothers warily as she tested the air. When nothing happened, her tension calmed just slightly, and she pushed past the brothers, reaching for the door. Before her hand could touch the handle, she was met with an uncomfortable pain. It didn't hurt much, it was more of a sudden throb that became noticeable as she reached. She recoiled, her eyes widening with recognition.

Liz grasped her whip, not yet equipping it. She took a few steps back from the ward, heading to the center of the room. She wasn't yet sure how it would affect Sousiel, and she didn't want to test it. Her gaze attached itself to Flint, and it was her turn to be hurt. ”You won't even let me leave? Is it worth it to spill my blood? At least wait until we're on the battlefield. Spare the civilians.”

Flint eyes closed for a moment, she had a demon in her. It could have explained her siding with the witches. But something inside told him otherwise, though he hoped that it really wasn't true.

Bobby cursed and Flint looked at her again, His eyes hardened, knowing what he had to do, his resolve even more firm on killing Lorelai now. Fenros spoke, "We would have let you leave... but you have a demon in you, that's why you can't leave. You are standing in a Demon trap." He pointed to the ceiling that showed a pentogram designed to bind Demons to a certain spot.

"Is that something Lorelai forgot to mention?" Flint asked, his voice shaky as his anger grew. He looked to Fenros and said, "Let me handle this one?"

Fenros gave a nod and slipped his sword off his back, just in case, while flint took a step towards Liz, pulling holy oil from his back pouch from under his hood.

He looked at Liz and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from Lorelai..." His eyes full of sorrow as he raised his right arm to the square and then started to speak Hebrew. "בשם ישו , ואת סמכותי לגרש רע , אני קורא את הסמכויות של שמים לגרש שד זה המתגורר בך ..."

Sousiel's eyes flew open inside Liz's mind as Flint spoke, she writhed in pain as the sanctified words filled the air. A quick examination of her surroundings told her that escape was going to be complicated, if possible at all. She let out a ragged scream in Dragon's Tongue, cutting through the holy words, for now.

"Alright kiddo, end of the line. Tell Lorelai her boobs are awesome." Sousiel opened Liz's mouth, and spoke. "Alright boys, let's hold on a second."

She grinned. "Name's Sousiel, I'm just here for Liz's protection. You see, Lorelai's taken quite the liking to Miss James here, and knowing your base impulses I thought I'd ensure that she made it out of this just fine." She looked between the three hunters. "So whadduya say boys? How about I step out, you guys do what you do best, and Liz here gets to go home. That sound alright?"

Elizabeth's gaze turned hard as Flint spoke his Hebrew, Sousiel woke and took over her mouth, but she still had plenty of control over her body. ’Sousiel, Lore's boobs are awesome, and you will see them again. In the meantime, I'll make sure to tell her. Before we separate, let me take a swing.’ She chuckled inwardly, and took hold of her whip. She began to spin it through the air, its distinctive hum getting louder and louder.

Taking control of her lips, she stretched them before giving her final line to Flint. ”I'm sorry that I couldn't protect my friends from war. I wouldn't do this under normal circumstances, but you injured my friend.” With that, she swung her whip in a wide arc. Its pace was increased, along with the force of the swing, all perks being a Dragon Knight and having a demon in her body. The dart cut low, its blade menacing. She wouldn't hold back, they were her enemies now.

Fenros and Flint had taken a step back as Liz pulled her whip and started to whip it around, Flint started speaking in Hebrew again and Fenros shifted his massive sword just enough to swing it upwards. just in time to meet the whip 3/4 of the way to the end, and witht he heavier mass of the blade against the chain, the chain wrapped around the blade coming to a sudden stop. The dart however, suddenly launched to the right, towards the door.

Fenros did not take the time to watch where it went, as he used the criticle time he had Liz off balanced and confused to pull with all of his strength, yanking the tiny girl in comparison towards him and lowering his stance and extending his left elbow as he pulled his blade acrossed his chest. Liz would come sprawling towards him and his armored elbow would slam into the girls ribs. In an attempt to knock her out of breath. Grunting as the shock of her body slammed into his elbow he watched as she flopped to the floor and let go of her whip. He stood back up and realized...Flint wasn't speaking.

Flint was on the ground, his eyes wide as he was in shock at the sudden thud against his chest. He didn't even see the blade release from the whip when it was wrapped around his brothers sword. He felt the hot lifeforce flowing from his wound in his chest.

Fenros was distracted at the sudden realizion Flint might be killed.

"Nice! On second thought, fuck splitting, we out!" Sousiel opened Liz's mouth as Flint fell silent. She screamed in Dragon's Tongue again, this time drinking deeply of her Mistress' power. The room darkened, and shook as blasphemies rolled of Liz's tongue. With a loud crack the cieling split, breaking the circle. Sousiel smirked as she saw Fenros' blade shatter, sending him against the wall, and shrapnel across the room. "Alright Liz! Let's get out of here." Sousiel poured as much of her might into Liz's limbs as she could.

Elizabeth laid still on the floor, staring at Flint, whose blood was pouring from his chest. Her breath shook as Sousiel’s shockwave hit the room, the ward now broken. In her mind, a single sound played on repeat, the sickening crack of three ribs breaking. Adrenaline had started to carry her through, until she had seen Flint.

Tears streamed freely from her eyes, even as she pushed herself from the floor, her body invigorated by Sousiel's might. The tears kept coming as she fled the room, not looking back. They came even heavier as she ran from the wolves, teeth nipping at her heels. They didn't stop as she bypassed her tired horse, giving its mane a final stroke. Her body left, but her mind was still there, with Flint, on the floor of the back room.

The first blood of the war had been shed, because of Liz. Even as the sound of her bone breaking was replaced by shouts of hunters giving chase, even as she ran through the streets, her extraordinary speed only being kept by Sousiel. Even her doom, which would probably be at the tip of an arrow, or the point of a blade, couldn't take her mind off of what she had seen. Flint's ragged breaths, his blood draining from his wounds, would stick in her mind for what seemed like eternity.

Andri had made things quick. He had dropped of the bag with the more important half of his posessions in front of Lorelai's chamber so it wouldn't hamper him. The location of his sudden reenty into the plane of ordinary humans was his shed. It made sure that noone would see or hear it happen. The assassin intended to go back to the meeting that perhaps still was going on, or, if not, at least see if Liz was there and intercept her if there would be the occasion. However he didn't make it farther away from his doorstep then like a few yards. The sound of a conglomerate of footsteps made in quick succession guided his view into the right direction. Liz! Goddamn the thing had gone wrong!

But... how the hell could she move so fast ? He would never be able to catch her by running...
I'm sensing something. It appears that your friend has... picked up a demon. Just like you did.
Andri could hear Khan chuckling. Now he had questions, but no time to ask them. Who knew how long Liz would be able to keep up what she was doing ? He had to rescue her, even if that meant making things obvious.
As you wish... there it goes, your young hunter's career.

Once again Andri was ripped out of ordinary space, this time in a straightfoward direction. He reappeared a few meters in front of Elizabeth, hopefully enough time for her to slow down. There was hardly any time for talking, it all had to be quick.

Elizabeth felt how sore she was, how she was so tired she could collapse. She pushed herself forwards though, one long stride at a time, each time she felt on the verge of collapse. Her path was clear, she could make it if she jus-

Suddenly, Andri appeared in front of her. Liz blinked once, twice, her feet faltering. Everything seemed to slow, as she considered her options. She was being propelled like a rocket, she couldn't stop before an impact, lest she fall flat on her face and get stabbed in the back. Her head snapped behind her, and she saw her enemies. Some were confused by the sight of Andri, stopping where they stood, others kept coming. One more moment and she would be on top of Andri.

Liz’s face hardened, but she had stalled for far too long. She could feel herself breaking down, the force of her ribs catching up to her. She pulled her fist up, but she had already given in. Her heart rate slowed, her legs turned to jelly and she wobbled, falling before she landed in Andri's arms. Her chest heaved, her face flushed red, she was covered in a thin layer of sweat. The mental damage was the worst part though, even if she had fight left in her, she couldn't hit Andri. Hadn't she done enough already? ”I'm so sorry, Sousiel. Forgive me.”

Sousiel on the other hand, saw their way out. Inside the giant frame rested a familiar prescence. "Khan! Get us the fuck out of here!" Her voiced dripped with unspoken threats of failure, and what it would cost the worm. Little did she know, that had been the plan from the start. She prepared to pull wounds to herself, to spare Liz.

DAMN! Out of all creatures, why does it have to be that one! Sousiel! I don't believe that!
"What the..." The demon worm had decided to poof in an instant. As Liz had already fallen into his arms and did not put up much of a resistance, he took her with them. It had gone so fast and surprising that Andri did continue his sentence in a garden he knew too well by now. "...hell's going o... Oh." He was confused. Not so much time ago he had been in Seren's Folley listening to the hunter's gathering. Then he had been in Castle Bloodrose, then in Seren's Folley again, then on the outskirts of it, and then back here. He searched for one of the benches and swerved towards it. A bit of rest for a giant man, just for a moment... He took a deep breath and sighed. "Now... I have a ton of questions and likely do you, so who's to begin ?"

Sousiel opened Liz's mouth. "Oh well, you know me, I'm Elizabeth and I love getting into trouble. Having the brave, gorgeous, savage Sousiel with me is a real pleasure." Smoke poured from the woman's mouth, pooling at her feet before shaping into Sousiel's nude form.

She winked. "Just kidding. Hunters will be hunters, and try to kill Knights looking for peace." She examined the small dent in Liz's chestplate, a good indicator of some damage. "You alright?"

As soon as Sousiel fled Liz’s body, a sob rocked her. She paid little mind to Andri, instead reaching out and grasping Sousiel's hand. ”Of course I'm not okay Sousiel! I left that damned whiskey on the bar when I was running out the door!” She laughed, but it soon dissolved into painful hiccups and tears. She wasn't steel, and now that her power source had left her, she felt every inch of her sore body.

Liz didn't really care that she was a blubbering mess, she simply sat there, riding out the worst of the storm. The throbbing in her legs was no match for the pain in her side. Her stomach was an inky splotch where the impact had taken out her ribs, but that was hidden well under her armor. Now and again, she would shout the word ’Flint’, and mumble some incoherent nonsense after it. It took her several minutes, but she was finally able to wipe away the last tear and stand. Her eyes swept them, and with her last bits of stubborn pride she marched away, en route to the liquor cabinet.

"It'll be okay Liz. Your body will heal." Sousiel hugged the knight briefly. She was no good at comforting, that's what Lorelai was for. "I'll go get my mistress. She'll want to thank Andri here anyway." She nodded her thanks at the giant of a hunter before turning to leave.

Andri became confused even more. Liz... just stepped away ? Why ? Had he done something wrong ? She had wanted to get away from Seren's Folley, didn't she ? The hunter didn't pay much attention to Sousiel. Instead, he went in pursuit of Elizabeth. Andri decided not to catch her up, but to just follow whereever her steps would lead them to.

Liz staggered through the hall, one hand resting on her side and the other exploring the walls with her fingertips. As she moved, her legs stopped putting up a fight, the sorness fading fast. She also found the same occurance happening in her side, the nasty throbbing turning into a sad hum. She didn't deserve it, she wanted to heal naturally, stay bedridden for a day as her ribs set without the aid of magic. It didn't seem fair to her.

Liz was acutely aware of Andri following her, he didn't try to hide it, and as she looked back she shot him glares full of venom. She knew looks wouldn't make him leave, and part of her was happy that he didn't want to abandon her to cope on her own. The other part of her wanted to be bratty, so she was, moving in an irritated silence until she reached the cafeteria.

She hid inside the pantry, it was large enough to maneuver with ease. There, she stripped out of her armor, revealing her drenched clothing. Piling the armor up in a corner, she waited for Andri. Turning around so he couldn't see her chest when he entered, she peeled up her shirt and inspected her bruise. It saddened her that it would disappear so soon.

Andri stopped, not coming closer to her then a few yards. There was deep sadness in his face, too. After all, he felt that he had failed. There would be no peace, not after this. Liz was still here, and it was clear to him that this entire attempt in Seren's Folley probably just had done a great job in boosting her will to stay here. At least that would have been his own reaction. And he was doomed to stay here, too. He had just teleported in front of a lot of hunters, taking Liz with him. His name now was on the list, too. It had to be. And was he prepared for that ? No. He would have to hide like a rat.

Out of a need, he made a grab for the next bottle. He didn't even look at what its label read, he just yanked the cork out of it and started gobbling multiple slugs so fast that the liquor was leaking out left and right of his mouth, dripping both onto his leather armor and the floor.

Liz turned, hearing the sound of Andri entering the room. He stayed away from her, a far void that she couldn't fill. He took a bottle and started chugging, so Liz did too. She grabbed the one closest to her, uncorking it with her teeth and gulping down its contents. She let the silence settle between them, the only sounds were gulps and the dripping of liquor that didn't quite hit their mouths.

When her bottle was gone, Liz spoke up. ”Flint's dying, he has his healing abilities but I don't know if he'll make it. Worst case scenario, he survives and I'll have to kill him in battle to protect my love. You're stuck now, Fenros knows there is a traitor.” She waited to see his reactions to her words, but reached behind her and clenched the neck of another bottle. Staring him down, she uncorked it and began to drink.

The giant's eyes became glassy as he spoke: "I've screwed up. I have tried to stop them, telling them that the plan was insane, but noone listened. Then I decided to go here and find you as I've learned why they're planning on this. Lorelai told me you were already on your own way so I returned immediately. Now we can't do a shit but watch how not only Flint will probably die, but many more as well. And if Rebecca's premonitions and statements are correct even more could be at stake in consequence of this."

The first bottle was emptied quickly. It didn't suffice at all.

Elizabeth passed him another bottle, watching his glassy eyes with a strong empathy. ”Yeah, we're screwed.” She acknowledged, as they drained away the castle’s collection of alcohol. It was their own personal way of handling the situation, and Elizabeth was rather glad she could spend her time moping with Andri. Anyone else would try to be productive, pry the drink from her hand and talk it out. They realized how messed up the situation was, and talked it over as they let go of their inhibitions.

”I tried for peace, I could have tried harder though. They were going to kill Sousiel, I couldn't let them do it. Do you understand?” When her eyes started to cloud, the threat of another onslaught of tears, she moved over to Andri and wrapped an arm around him. It was meant to be a hug, as she pressed her cheek up against his steady chest, but her other arms was busy feeding her the liquor.

"I tried for peace as well. That's all that I was trying from the very beginning of all of this. I wouldn't even have been able to spoil any plans for this hunt as the entire damn thing was presented to us just today. The only chance for me to do this would have been within the last few hours, but by then Mat had already arrived in Seren's Folley and you already were on your way I think. But who cares about true intentions and how it really was..."

He didn't sigh. The way he sucked out a more and more impressive amount of alcohol from the bottles did tell enough about how he felt right now. He reacted to Liz's hug by putting one of his hands on her shoulder. It was trembling and tired. Everything had been lost. "I understand that you didn't want to let Sousiel die. I've started to protect a demon worm myself because I had the feeling that it would be the right thing for what he has done."

Elizabeth shivered at Andri's hand, trembling on her shoulder as though he had been cold and starved. She set aside her bottle, and gave him a comforting squeeze. ”I'm sorry, Andri. It seems like I was the catalyst for this war.” She sighed and took a step away, reaching up to place her hands on his shoulders. It was an awkward position, but she hoped it would ease the dread.

”What do you say, we lock ourselves up in here for tonight and in the morning, we can call ourselves sane?” At that point, nothing sounded better to Liz. She didn't know how Andri would react though. Already deciding for herself, she chose a spot on the floor where there wasn't any puddles, and used the chestplate of her armor as a headrest.

"Oh, a sleepover. Mind if I join?" Lorelai's voice came from the doorway behind the pair. Her eyes scanned Liz for injuries that needed attending to, her mouth curling into a relieved smile when she found none. She noted the empty bottles littering the ground beneath them, and retrieved a bottle for herself from a nearby shelf. "Drinking ourselves to sleep are we?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Sousiel tells me I owe you a debt Andri." She leaned against the frame of the doorway. She uncorked her bottle and took a modest pull. "I tend to agree. Name something reasonable, and I'll grant it. It's the least I can do for the man that returned my heart."

Andri winced when Lorelai suddenly made her presence noticeable. "Your... heart ?" That did explain a bit, but just a bit. He couldn't be mad at Liz for that. It was everyone's right to choose whatever love one wanted to, even if that one was a witch and even if he did not know much about her. There were still a myriad of details he really wanted to ask both of them, but not now. Andri's state was beyond judging if something was appropriate or not, he was just dead tired, paired with a strong desire to make the damn reality just disappear around them and never come back.

"I guess 'reasonable' doesn't include time travel or fiddling with causality itself." he responded with dry sarcasm, still not letting go of the bottle he had. The assassin shrugged shoulders. "I don't know. There's nothing in my mind right now." He felt so... empty. And yet filling himself up with an amount of liquor that would take down even him at some time.

Elizabeth cocked her head towards Lorelai, a glint of passion in her eyes that replaced the storm. Andri didn't seem quite as happy, but she couldn't blame him. Lorelai had to be adjusted to, and he obviously wasn't there yet. Her expression turned cool and she looked up at the ceiling, preparing what had to be said.

”The peace offering was a total bust. The boys...they said they were coming for you. They want nothing more than to see you dead. I harmed...someone, but I'm sure Sousiel already told you about the fight.” Liz had tried to will herself to say Flint, but every time she opened her mouth to do so, her voice cracked. She didn't know what had changed when Lorelai stepped in the room, but she had the urge to fold in on herself.

”Andri and I were just bumming it, what did you do today love?”

"I'm sorry love, but it wasn't likely to begin with was it?" Lorelai smiled reasurringly at Elizabeth. Sousiel had given her the details, including the wound Flint had received. Lorelai knew too well the sting of facing a friend on the battlefield, and certainly didn't envy the huntress' posistion. What else was there though? For now she'd just tend to the woman's needs in whatever way she could. "I'm sure he's fine dear."

She sighed. "I've been working on some ways to keep the bloodshed to a minimum, on either side." She moved over to Liz's corner, taking a seat and shifting the blonde huntress' head into her lap. She turned to Andri, stoking her knight's hair affectionately. "Believe it or not I don't possess a strong desire to see hunters die. Strange thing for a witch to say isn't it?"

"If I had not thoughts on certain topics that are somewhat deviating from the common sense, I wouldn't be here right now, would I ?" The hunter grabbed himself a chair and sat down. "I'm afraid I won't be of any help here anymore, to be honest. I've failed and am now suffering from the same problems like Liz... fighting friends. And this will likely be a gruesome battle of attrition. I'm no witch."

Elizabeth sat up when Andri said he wouldn't be useful, her face looking almost hurt. Was he going to leave them? She couldn't stop him, but the thought was discouraging. ”You may not be a witch Andri, but do you think I am either? You're always welcome here, and you'll always be useful. You're great at what you do, I've seen you in action.” She was pleading at that point, but she would never admit to it if someone asked.

Andri attempted to smile at Liz for her encouraging words, but his overall collapsed mood and the onset of slight dizzyness, more likely than not caused by an entire drawer worth of beverages he hadn't even cared about their strength, foiled it. "I've no idea. This isn't against any strange undead beasts, it's against people we considered friends and still do for the most part I think." He imagined himself standing behind some of the hunters he had met in Seren's Folley since his arrival, not being able to wrap his garrotte around their neck. Another bottle! Now! He wanted to forget about everything, though he perfectly knew that it would only be temporarily. Of course, Khan was protesting, but he didn't care. That demon worm had become a minor concern for him.

Elizabeth nodded sincerely, she knew what Andri meant. ”I'm not talking about the war, I'm saying that here, you can be useful. You don't have to shy away from us.” This was the last she said, Andri wasn't going to be coherent for much longer, and she could hardly speak as it was. She settled back down into Lorelai's lap, grabbing the closest bottle and continuing to drink.

"I provide my support for you remaining here. This did cost you your home after all." She frowned at the bottle in Liz's hand, it seemed they were determined to bury their pains in liquor. What else was there though? She wrapped her arms around Elizabeth's waist, and planted a small kiss on her cheek. "At least you two are back safe, I'll count that as a victory."

"We're in a castle full of beds... did you two really want to pass out here?" She looked between the two hunters. She for one could use the benefit of a good night's rest, and the hunters likely more so. "Andri still has a room, I'll see to it in the morning that it's permanent. And my bed has fresh sheets." She added the last bit playfully.

Elizabeth looked at Lorelai, who was happy and joking. It pained her to say so, but Liz didn't want to feel happy at this time. ”I think I need some time to myself Lorelai, to really think about what happened today. We have a lot of planning to get done now, but I'll be up to bed in time.” She smiled and avoided Lorelai's eyes by looking through the selection they had in the pantry.

Andri blinked. Not only his sense of balance started to fade now, but still the hunter tried to speak about serious things. "Safe ? For the next few hours, but then ? The attack will come..." His pronunciation was suffering. Just by looking around one could see that he had taken a very intimidating toll on the coven's supply of liquors, and now it gradually came back to haunt him.

His mind attempted to piece together the location of his room. Rebecca had guided him there once, but his current state made remembering more difficult. Groaning, the giant got up from his chair, stating "I'll be in bed and talk to you tomorrow, Lorelai.". What spell it would have required to clearly understand that last sentence - who knew. Given how the assassin started adding length to his path by making unnecessary turns and twists and how his upper body started swinging from one side to the other, he better hurried.

Lorelai smiled at Andri as he left the small pantry, sighing internally. She understood Liz's desire to be alone, to grieve for what may be lost friends. If there was time for such things Lorelai would give her sweetheart as much time as she needed, but there wasn't. Tomorrow would only be a day closer to the bloody end, and whatever came next. "Sousiel, bring me Triss, now." She called out to her familiar mentally.

Lorelai squeezed the huntress affectionately. "I understand, but if you're looking for relief. There are better things than liquor, I've sent for someone who may be able to help you." She kissed her love's cheek one more time. "Trust me?"

Elizabeth looked at Lorelai, her brow furrowing deeply. ”Better than liquor? What a load of malarkey. This is how I deal with everything Lore, and I've turned out fine.” She laughed, covering up her disappointment well. She knew Lorelai was trying to help, and it was sweet of her to do so, but Liz favored loneliness and she wasn't sure she wanted a witch toying with her head. ”I trust you though...I'm sure it won't be bad.”

Triss stumbled into the room, her nightgown tucked lazily into a pair of trousers. Her hair was thrown up just as haphazardly, it was obvious Sousiel had given her a rude awakening. ”There's no ignoring that pillock is there? What do you need me for?” She rubbed her eyes, staring at the two lovebirds. ”Is she the cause of those moans in your head? Very amusing.”

Elizabeth looked at the new witch, shocked at how she treated Lorelai. This is the witch that's supposed to heal me? Is that a joke Lorelai?”

Triss squinted, she had no time for this. ”You actually wanted me to become a healer? I thought that was a jest.”

"You're not really in a position to take anything I say as a jest. Yes, I want you to take Liz's pain away." Lorelai said calmly, her cheeks heating from Triss comment. She should have expected Sousiel to be rough with the poor girl. "I'm sorry about Sousiel, Triss. Would you please help me? I'll consider it a personal favor."

She squeezed Liz's hand reassuringly. "This is Triss honey, she's got a unique gift. I hope you can excuse her demeanor, it is the middle of the night after all."

Triss shuddered, Sousiel had offered Triss many ‘personal favors’ if she didn't get out of bed. ”Sure, I'll do it, but it won't take away her pain forever. She have anything I should...avoid?” Triss laughed darkly, her eyes glinting with somehing fierce. It was mostly to scare Liz, but a part of her wanted to utilize any evil she could get.

Elizabeth’s mouth gaped, and she looked between Lorelai and Triss. ”There is no way, no way in hell. I would rather destroy my liver, than let her mess with my head. Do you honestly trust her?”

"Believe it or not, yes. Although her bearing could use some work." Lorelai sighed as the two got off to what might be the worst first impression in history.

Triss rolled her eyes, ready to leave. ”You have no choice, Blondie. I would listen to Lorelai, she has a mean spittle.” Triss laughed, enjoying how easy it was to tick the blonde off. ”Now lock eyes so I can go to bed.”

Elizabeth clenched her fist, ready to jab at the girl's face. She unclenched her fist slowly, and nodded. ”If it means you'll leave, I'll do anything.”

Triss chuckled. ”What am I bringing out, Lorelai? Anything special? You want a wild night of passion or something?”

"Just find something happy in there, and draw it forward. It won't last forever, but it'll get her through tonight." Lorelai winked. "If I get a wild night out of it so much the better, but I trust you know what you're doing Triss." Her eyes betrayed her worry, and promised vile things should Triss misplace the trust she was placing in her.

"Relax sweetheart, and let Triss do her work, so we can all get on with our evening." Lorelai smiled encouragingly at Elizabeth.

Triss smiled, devilish in the pale light of the pantry. She rubbed her eyes and took a step few steps forwards, kneeling and facing Liz. ”Trust me?” She asked happily, her voice still a bit tired as she sought out Liz’s sapphire eyes. She had ignored Lorelai's looks, not afraid of the witch. If anything, she was more afraid of Sousiel fulfilling her promises.

Elizabeth groaned, giving Lorelai one last look to tell her just how apprehensive she was. Then, with a subtle feeling that Triss would make her into a drooling vegetable, she locked eyes with the girl. ”I don't have much of a choice, do I?”

Triss didn't have to answer, her powers surging as she entered Liz’s mind. The girl wasn't sure about Triss, so she had put up a fragile wall. It tumbled almost instantly, and Triss was in. The girl's head was foggy, everything clouded by the liquor she had been consuming. Triss rolled her eyes, using her powers to seek out the hidden emotions.

Liz was feeding off fear, and Triss moved past it with a roll of her eyes. She didn't want to be a healer, it wasn't fun. She had to help people, and she didn't even get to experiment. Being as tired as she was, she went straight for lust. Maybe Lorelai would like it more if Liz was overdone with passion. She drew from it, leading it around the fog and balling it up in the forefront of Liz’s mind. It was a potent concentration, and the alchol would make it worse. Triss added a bit of happiness to the mix, it swirled around in little whisps, outdone by the lust.

As soon as Triss was done she pulled out, she looked over at Lorelai and gave her a hard stare. ”You owe me, I hate messing with drunks. If you find my body mutilated in my bed tomorrow, it was Sousiel. Have fun with Blondie, she's a lust bomb.” She fled the room, just as the emotions started to take over Liz.

Elizabeth’s eyes flashed, she looked at Lorelai. Her entire body was overtaken by lust, the need for passion and sex. She didn't know what that witch had done, but it was addicting. She lunged at Lorelai, pinning her to the floor with her body. ”This time, you're mine.” She growled, nibbling on Lorelai's ear. She wondered how long this would last, and how crappy she would feel when it was over, but that was the least of her concerns.

This Triss situation might need revisited later. Lorelai thought to herself mildly, there was still something dark in the girl's eyes. Wasn't that to be expected though? She pushed it aside and focused on the situation at hand.

Liz's body over top hers was a welcome warmth, but the pantry!? Really!? "I'm always yours my love, but the pantry? Perhaps we should take this to my chambers." Her protests were undercut by small moans. Elizabeth's hands on her body, her breath hot against her ear, and the delightful sensation of her teeth on her earlope conjured the sultry dreams that had haunted her daymares of late.

There were times for decorum, and then there were these times. A passionate lover burying pain and renewing love in a darkened pantry on the eve of war. Lorelai surrendered her body to Elizabeth's touch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
Avatar of Aerandir

Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Call of the Wilds

Alexina was standing on a edge of a cliff... high above jagged rocks far below. She stood silently as the wind caught her hair. The fact Lorelai didn't put up much of a fight to stop her only made it worse for her. Was there really any love she had for her? Was it all a lie? Was she just used again? Like many years before?

She tilted forward slowly, rocking back and forth...the world spun and a sudden exileration of a fall and fear welded up in her chest. She wished for it to end...yet at the same time...she was hoping for a sign, and it came.

The skies darkened as black clouds rolled in from some unknown horizon. The wind whipped in a frenzy as lightning rolled across the storm. As Alexina gazed up she saw something strange. Eyes, two brilliant eyes of lightning gazed back at her. In a voice made of thunder the entity spoke. "Before you die, tell me. Why do you seek death Alexina?"

Alexina was taken back at the two brilliant eyes that had appeared before her...She had almost lost her footing then and there... But she hesitated before answering. "I want to be free of this pain, and I am trapped here! I cannot leave, I am in a prison near the woman I love, who does not love me!"

"A prison of the heart then?" The storm spoke, lighting rippling across its body. "Young one, have you forgotten the lessons of the earth? Change often, free yourself, dance under the moonlight and scream your pain into the skies."

"I've come a long way to find you Alexina. If you choose death now I'll not blame you, but the earth is stronger than that, and I think you are too." The storm flashed, it's lighting raking the ground like the talons of an angry god. The rock was blackened, but it did not bleed or die.

Suddenly Alexina felt ashamed of her behavior... this entity was correct, she had forgotten these lessons. She almost fell to the ground in defeat...but her legs wouldn't let her, as the storm raged around her and lightening striking the ground so close to her she only looked up with a renewed determination. "Who are you!? Why do you want me?!" She yelled into the sky, her almost frail and defeated and pathetic voice slowly become stronger and more determined.

The sky brightened all at once, as a pillar of lighting ripped from the sky to the ground several feet behind Alexina. There amongst the ozone and small flames stood a woman. Her features were delicate, white hair, high cheekbones, a small nose, a frame that was less than impressive. Her eyes sparkled with amusment as a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"That's the Alexina I've come this far to find." With a wave of her hand the storm abated, leaving the skies blue as if there had never been a storm at all. "I've had many names, and lived many lives, but you may call me Alice. I wear the pelt of the earth like you, scorn the laws of man and his child gods like you."

Alexina's eyes grew wide as Alice appeared before her, revealing her identity. She remembered her mother speaking of woman by the name of Alice...able to become one with the sky and earth...a goal that her mother had once had. She never had thought she was real though. Despite her knowlege of Demons and dark lords and even the child gods of the rest of men. But, there was nothing to indicate that Alice was real.

But here she was, standing infront of her. She suddenly did not know if she should fall to her knees, or remain standing. Depsite her thoughts she only lowered her head slightly to show submission yet at the same still showing her own strength. "What do you, Alice... want with me? I was no where near like my mother... "

Alice approached Alexina. She gently reached out and touched the witch's chin, tilting her face upward slightly as she examined her features. "Your mother was wise and powerful. Also quite beautiful when she was young, I see you've inherited the lion's share of her traits. How fortunate."

"The land screams for blood here Alexina, something dark this way comes. Brother earth and sister water spoke to me of a like-minded witch in these lands. A refreshing taste of the old ways, nothing like these sniveling weakling 'witches' that are so common these days."

Alexina flushed in embarrasment while Alice touched her chin, and raised it upwards. As she complemented her. She listend intently to what the woman had said, though she was confused. She had heard of storys of witches of old...Alice among them. But when she spoke of one here... she could really only think of Lorelai, the only one she knew who knew of the ancient magics....well beside Medusa...but she never really saw her powers in work. "Are you speaking of Lorelai Von'Strauss?" She asked, confused,,,and a little angry if it was the witch she spoke of. She wanted anything but to be near Lorelai now.

"Ah the Dragon, powerful and old indeed." Alice shook her head and smirked. "But not who I'm here for, I speak of you."

"I am here to finish your training." Alice paced circles around Alexina as she examined her. "So that you might join me as beast to the land, two halves of nature whole once again."

Alexina was taken back. She honestly thought she had reached her limit in her training...as she had no skills what so ever in any other form, to the point she couldn't even feel magic like others could. Her eyes stared into the distance as she went over what said agian, and again. She never would have thought of herself to be even close as powerful as Alice...but she spoke of being her equal, her other half... that she wouldnt be...alone.

A sudden swell of relief flowed through her, and the shock of excitement. She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. "I'm honored you have chosen me Alice... Please... when do we start?" She wanted to become stronger, and farther away from the helpless little girl she was a few minutes ago.

"We begin by dismissing the concept that you are flesh and blood my dear." Alice laid down in the grass patting the spot next to her. "Come and dream with me. We'll dream of the hunt in pursuit, prey as teacher, and the holiest of comunions as our fangs tear open warm meat dripping with lifeblood."

"We'll forge a path of flame and claw marks through these desolate lands you and I. So for now we dream." Alice gazed at Alexina. "And when we wake you'll claim me, so long as you remember how, and we'll continue from there."

Alexina paused for a moment, unsure at first... but she slowly sat down next to Alice. She was unsure of how to begin...as she only really understood how to transform. Anything and everything else was difficult for her to grasp. The only hope of resolve of actually making it through this...was the fact that Alice was here...offering to help her. If she had chosen her, even over her mother, that must mean it is possible. Alice was not a fool. At least from all t he stories she had heard.

She took a breath and looked sheepish as she said, "I...will let you know... If you really are wanting me to become as powerful as you think I can be...I need a lot of help.."

"Of course you do." Alice declared playfully. "I've been gone from these fleshly realms too long, and it seems most witches have forgotten the whispers of the earth."

"I will guide you young one, that you might grow strong and pass on my teachings." Alice sat up long enough to push Alexina onto her back, then laid down so their heads were touching. "Now, sleep, and listen. I'll whisper in your dreams little one, and show you the path home again."

Alexina allowed her self to be pushed back onto the ground...she let out a long breath and closed her eyes as they laid next to each other. She felt odd, laying next to Alice, their heads touching... odd but not umcomfortable.

She was ready, she wanted to become stronger...she wanted to become free from this prison she was in. More than anything...she wanted to forget herself in her training and forget her pain, and Lorelai.

The emotional strain of the day, and the crying had worn her out much more than she realized...and even though she was only laying for a few moments, she suddenly realized...she was no longer laying on the ground on the edge of a cliff next to Alice.

Alexina's eyes opened to the Primal Wilds. She beheld a verdant land of untamed beauty. Alice stood next to her smiling brightly. She siezed Alexina's hand and drug her forward into the wilderness.

They danced years away underneath the bright silver moon, under brother sun's shining face. They hunted large and powerful prey, and feasted on its flesh to their heart's content. They stalked through a world with no words, because none were needed. None of man's chains or his petty laws exsisted here, just the law of the jungle and the sweat of their bodies.

Alexina heard here, for the first time, the sweet song of the land. It called to her in whispers, reminding her of what it meant to walk on its face. It spoke of the legendary beasts of days long past, of the Primal Predator that embodied her birthright. Alice shaped the skies overhead as storms danced out the old stories, lost to the mists of myth and legend.

At the end Alice turned to her, with that same brightly smiling face, and tilted her head up. There she saw the material world again, and they began to fall towards it. Alexina had taken her first steps towards mastery, and she'd return here someday. For now though there was much work to be done in the world of flesh and blood.

It felt so unreal...yet at the same time she seemed to remember every detail of the years she spent with Alice. She had woken up and was once again laying down on that grassy spot where she had left the material world. Her life before Alice seemed like the real dream now, a memory far away as she strained to remember what she was like. She blinked a few times as she slowly pushed herself up from the ground.

She was speechless as she knew it was only a few hours she had laid down in the material world. But she was definitly not the same woman she was before. Her experiances in the Primal Wilds still held onto her mind brightly. She looked to Alice... and smiled before moving over to her and claiming her as her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
Avatar of Meiyuki

Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

in collaboration with @SunsetRoses, @Fetzen, and @Wildeyes

"Pinpricks of Light"

The day after Matrim's escape

It was midday in the castle. Triss was walking back from lunch to the secret place Alphonse had shown her. She enjoyed the solitude there, and the fresh air was a welcome change from the relative stuffiness of her room. As eventful as yesterday was, she was looking forward to a long day of peace and quiet. When she reached the battlements, she found Alphonse himself standing there. Apparently waiting for her. At first she felt elated, but she noticed that his stance was stiff, as if weary. If he were here to relax, he would be lounging on the edge of the crenellation, or even napping in a shady corner. For all the stiffness he bore, he still greeted with a smile.

"Triss, Matrim escaped last night." He said tiredly. He invited her to sit with him. "I spent all last night scouring the grounds for him, but couldn't find anything. Can you please tell me what you were doing with him last night?"

Triss automatically stiffandd, at the news of Matrim’s escape. Then she relaxed, because it was mostly her fault. A small, almost irrelevant particle of her was relieved for the man, he had been so shaken after what she had done to him. She didn't accept Alphonse's invitation, remaining where she stood. ”That is a true shame, he must be in the town then.”

Triss opened her book to a random page, and stared down at it, ignoring his question about what she had been doing. That was something she couldn't say, not because she had been doing it for Medusa...but because she had enjoyed it so much. Making Matrim crazy was something she regretted now, but yesterday it had been all in good fun. ”You know, this book is great.”

Alphonse looked at Triss quizically. It hurt, that she would hide something from him. He had hoped that the intimacy they had shared might....he didn't know what it might. It didn't matter now, he was on business, dammit. Still, he kept his voice soft and steady even as he pulled Triss's book away.

"Triss, you said last night that it was your fault. You went to Mat's room, and a fire broke out. You were tied to a chair. I know for a fact that Matrim had been given relative freedom within the castle, and comfortable lodgings. Medusa wouldn't have given him that if she didn't think he would behave. So what changed? What could have happened that would make you blame yourself? Why are you trying to hide this from me?"

Triss growled as the book was pulled from her hands, a low guttural sound she didn't know she could produce. She looked up, and for a moment her eyes flashed green as her powers surged involuntarily. She had just made her way into Alphonse's mind when she pulled out. He would have seen it, possibly felt it, but the only sign she gave off that something was wrong was the slight raise of her brow.

Triss reached out for her book, slowly and calmly. ”I'm not hiding anything, Alphonse. I came here to relax, can I please have my book?” She placed her fingers on the leather that bound the volume, daring Alphonse to keep it from her. ”It was my fault, because I used my powers on him. Simple as that. Any other questions, before I take my leave?” She had planned to come here and relax, but those plans were ruined, and once she got her book she would return to her stuffy room.

Alphonse felt the intrusion into his mind like a knife hurtling for his throat He readied a defense, but never felt the impact. Alphonse held the book up, close to his chest. "Was it by Medusa's order?" He held the book still, staring at her dead in the eye even as his insides writhed. He wanted to talk to her more. To find out why she had nearly attacked him. What her problem was, but right now he needed to know who was responsible. Fucking responsibilites. Incompetent stupid guards. He needed a drink.

Alphonse was far too close to figuring her out, and as much as Triss wanted him to find out and accept it, she feared he would leave her. The simplest answer was to leave first, but it wasn't as simple when he could follow her in the shadows. She would have to give him an explanation, but avoid telling the full truth.

Looking him in the eyes caused her pain, where it used to make her stomach flutter. ”I apologize.” She said simply, not having to tell him why she was apologizing. ”It was Medusa's orders, but I took it too far.” She took a few steps back, dropping her eyes and observing the grass as though it were interesting.

Alphonse looked at Triss, he could see that there was more than she was telling. He'd seen pain like it before, felt it. Whatever she had done, it had driven the hunter mad. He didn't know why she would do such a thing. Maybe practice for Lorelai? Whatever, there was no need for that anymore. He was glad to have this business behind him. He lowerred the book and handed it to Triss, putting it into the path of her gaze. When she looked up, he was wearing one of his old easy smiles.

"Was that so hard? You can talk to me, any time. I don't mean to be all boogey man, it just sort of comes naturally after so long." He gave her a wink. "

Triss grabbed the book, stuffing it into the pocket on her dress. She looked up at Alphonse, his smile and wink making her heart speed up. She couldn't trust him with her craziness, but she could damn well enjoy his presence. With a grin, she wrapped her arms around him. ”In time, my dear. For now, some things are best kept private.” She realized with a small chill that she wasn't that different from Matrim, but unlike him, she didn't have anyone to bring out the crazy...except herself.

Later that night...

Lorelai made her way to Medusa’s personal garden. A hunter had escaped, and was now leading the hunters of Seren’s Folley to her doorstep. Liz had gone to talk some sense into them, and may die for her attempt. Someone was going to explain what happened to her, and suffer accordingly with what they’d cost the coven. She’d have to take extra from them for what they had cost her.

Medusa perked up at Lorelai’s arrival, her eyes examining the new Dragonmarks across the woman’s arm and leg. They glowed an angry red in the night’s darkness. ”Lorelai, I see you return victorious. I was worried.”

”Yes, and to some startling news. Hunters bearing down on us?” Lorelai’s voice was hard, but she returned Medusa’s smile. ”Who’s head do I get to put on a pike?”

Medusa let out a bitter chuckle. ”Honestly? I’ve been too busy preparing to get to the bottom of this. If and when you find them… well I’ll defer to your sense of justice.” She smiled wryly. ”We are at war after all… Matriarch.”

”Good, I’ll get us through this long night Medusa.” Lorelai grinned wickedly. ”Be it peace, or blood.”

”Somewhere out there is a little witch that is going to discover how hot my fire burns.” She turned and left Medusa to her work.

Medusa couldn’t help but shiver as she watched Lorelai walk away. It was comforting to know that the coven was in the Dragon’s capable talons, she’d never been to war herself, but shuddered at what this may cost them. ”Good luck Triss, better you than me. Make yourself useful and she may spare you yet.” She whispered to herself.

Alphonse was luxuriating, resting his head in Triss's soft lap. Her radiant smile dominated his vision as she fed him another grape. He had never though he could enjoy such peace while in the presence of another person. Simply sharing some one else's presence filled him with a peace that had escaped him for as long as he could remember. Still, a small part of Alphonse was discontent. Despite the time they had spent together, he still felt like there was a lot that she was holding back. Oh well, perhaps later. Bird song filled his ears as a disturbance approached.

"What have we here?" Lorelai said brightly as she rounded the last shrub concealing the two lover's hiding spot. "Excellent! Just the two people I was looking for."

Triss’ head snapped in Lorelai's direction, and with a blush she put down the grapes she was feeding Alphonse. ”Hello there, Lorelai. Might I ask why you were seeking us?” She feigned surprise at the interruption, but she already knew why Lorelai was there. The thing she didn't know, was how Lorelai would approach the situation.

Lorelai smiled softly at the pair, Alphonse looked relaxed, happy even. He deserves at least that much, considering what he may have to do She thought to herself. "Well, I was looking for Al to fill him in on the details of my trip."

She turned her gaze on Triss. "And as you where evidently the last one to see Matrim before his daring escape, I was hoping you might help me find the witch responsible." She grinned. "So I can boil her skin off and make a rug out of it... or likely something more tame, I haven't decided yet."

"Lay off Lore, no need for that." Alphonse said from Triss's lap. He pulled himself up. "Medusa saw fit to have her influence Mat's mind without any sort of security. No doubt as a part of the plot to release your inner desires and reign chaos over the entire convent." Alphonse was relaxed, saying his words with practiced ease. "Fortunately, we both know that that isn't going to happen, so no worries, right? It's not the poor girl's fault that Medusa didn't station proper security for the man."

”Oh, Alphonse is such a dear isn't he? Trying to make things better for me.” Triss got up, catching her bearings and smoothing down the wrinkles on her dress. She moved over to Alphonse, planting a kiss on his forehead before she had to face her imminent doom. She looked at Lorelai, smiling brightly. ”He doesn't know the half of it, Lorelai. It was I who let the prisoner escape, you might as well get the pot boiling. Medusa requested guards but I said no to them, so I could play with Matrim like a cat plays with its mouse. Silly me, ever the clutz.”

Alphonse didn't have time to be stunned and flabbergasted at Triss's sudden confession. Lorelai's eyes suddenly flared with a bright and hungry light, as her splittle dripped from her mouth. Red hot, burning the mortar beneath her. Alphonse suddenly threw himself in front of Triss.

"What she means is, she was caught up in her experiments. You know how it is, glory before caution when we're young." Alphonse turned around to mouth "What the fuck?" at Triss, before continueing.

"Now, I can see that you're going through a lot of changes. Almost like a second puberty. You wouldn't want to do anything rash, while you're all emtional and full of hormones, now would you? Murder buddy?" Alphonse was wearing his most charming smile. Mostly because he felt entirely desperate, and his face had forgotten other expressions.

Triss laughed as Alphonse threw himself in front of her, doubling over when he turned around to mouth at her. When she regained a straight face, she maneuvered around Alphonse, standing before him. She was so close to Lorelai now that she could feel the heat radiating from the woman's mouth. ”Tut tut Alphonse! She seems to be having a grand time, what with the spittle flying from her mouth and all! Let her have her fun!”

Triss winked at Lorelai, who looked to be on the verge of exploding. ”You know, I wasn't caught up at all. I let him tie me up in that chair, I let him throw the torch. Didn't even struggle, because I had made him insane, and I deserved it.” She gestured between them, smiling still. ”I see that the same thing is happening here, so go on ahead, I won't fight.”

Lorelai sent a long gout of Dragonfire over Triss' head, it dipped from there to raze the entire back garden. The view from their hiding place, where they'd shared their first touches, would never be the same. Smoke rose from the once beautiful garden as it burned. Soon witches would come to contain the conflagration, but nothing would survive.

Her eyes dimmed. Snatching the young witch by the arm she snarled. "Come with me welp, and explain to me why you want to die so badly." Lorelai cast a hard glance at Alphonse, in her eyes was the apology she couldn't voice. "I'm not here to fullfill your suicide wish, but you will suffer."

Hearing that, Alphonse finally had time to be stunned. She was safe, for now. That was all that mattered. Alphonse knew that she was grappling with something within her. He'd felt that darkness all his life. The desire to end, to let the next danger just take him. But instead he had pressed on. He had made a shell against the atrocities he had committed. He had hoped that he could protect Triss from such feelings. But it seemed clear that she was far along her own dark path. What were a few more scars on his own soul, if it could save another? He followed in step behind Lorelai.

"Triss, please forgive me. I'm only trying to help you."

Triss frowned as their perch’s view was ruined, it had been such a Nice place, and nonow anyone who looked upon it would see death. She had an urge to hit Lorelai, for aiming at the gardens instead of her. ”Oh Lorelai, you troublesome twit, you were supposed to hit me not the gardens. I suppose fires are commonplace here.” She clicked her tongue, letting herself be dragged along the path by the fuming witch.

When Alphonse began to follow, Triss reached out her free arm and tried to shoo him away with the motion of her hand. ”I do not need help, Alphonse. I'm in the protective hands of Lorelai. Shoo shoo now, darling, else you'll get caught in the crossfire. It's time for me to answer some questions, I suppose.” Her eyes pleaded with Alphonse, begging him to go away, while her mouth danced in a lovely grin.

Triss's expression tore at Alphonse's heart. He wanted nothing better than to turn way, and leave her to Lorelai's cruel ministrations. Perhaps he could offer comfort when it was over. He often did things other than what he wanted. He had hardened his heart against far worse acts. He looked her in the eyes

"Triss, if this is the way it has to be, I'm staying until the end. I only wish you had talked to me. I'm a far gentler judge than Lorelai. But, I will stand by her sentence."

"This isn't the end, not by a damn sight!" Lorelai snarled.

The trio finally arrived in Lorelai's office. It was stark and spartan compared to Medusa's. Tomes and scrolls were tucked neatly into bookcases and drawers, magical tools lined work benches, and in the corner was an odd red mat.

Atop the out of place red mat sat a simple wooden chair, and that chair bore straps. Lorelai pushed the wayward, red-headed brat into the chair, afixing the straps to her arms. Underneath Triss' hands were deep clawmarks, as the previous visitors to this particular corner scratched away at the unfinished wood as they screamed for mercy that would never come.

Lorelai paced the room for a long minute, until finally she pulled her desk chair around to face the girl. "Alright Triss. Tell me about this deathwish of yours, is it new? Or has this been troubling your obviously addled mind for awhile now?"

Triss crossed her legs, sitting up straight in the chair, using posture meant for a queen. She tilted her head at Lorelai, who sat there questioning her. Her eyes found their way to the claw marks, and she giggled frantically. ”What next, Lorelai? Are you going to tell me that this mat was once a beautiful white?” She laid her head back against the unfinished wood, splinters burying themselves in her hair.

”Deathwish, what a strange way to word acceptance.” Triss said finally, after several long minutes of silence. ”Well, it has been around for a small while. Why do you ask? Curious to see how my mind ticks? I'd love to see yours.” She admitted this with a real bit of curiosity, but she didn't seek out Lorelai's eyes, that would be most disrespectful.

"No, I got it in red because I knew what it was for." Lorelai stated simply. "And we're beyond simple threats now."

"You've got some magic that influences minds don't you?" She knew full well that Triss did, Elina had reported as much. "What did you do with it that warrants such a punishment from yourself, next to what I'll levy."

Triss sighed, relaxing in the chair and accepting Lorelai's methods. ”How do you think I got here alive, Lorelai? Sometimes, I feel sympathy for them, others...I keep going until they're shriveled vegetables. I relish in it, too.” She frowned, sneaking a glance at Alphonse. His impassive face broke into an encouraging smile for just a moment, then returned to the mask.

”It's...starting to become addicting, Lorelai. It happened just today, without me even wanting it to occur.” She closed her eyes tightly, so they couldn't see them water. ”That's why I accept the punishments, because I know I've done wrong...I just can't stop. I-I won't stop. It feels good, while it lasts.”

Lorelai stared at the girl for a moment, her features softening almost imperceptably. "It's a dangerous power you have, the ability to dig through a person's deepest desires, darkest memories, and dreg them to the surface."

"You can destroy people, send them over the edge to face things they never wanted to." Lorelai paused a moment. "The world of men and kings is cruel. How many times did you turn your power against someone for survival? Plenty I'm sure."

"Consider this though Triss. You could use that same power to heal, to render whole lost souls." She gestured around her. "Here in this castle you're safe, if you wanted to be a healer you could."

”I've never considered being a healer, I can’t mend the flesh.” Triss said softly, her demeanor shifting into that of a simple young woman. She opened her eyes and out poured many tears, traveling down her cheeks and dripping onto her chest. She took a few deep breaths and the tears stopped flowing, red trails still remaining on her pale face.

”Where's my punishment, Lorelai? You've yet to kill me.” Triss tried to laugh, but she couldn't. The noise that came from her mouth was more of a choked cough. ”I'm no beggar, I will not plead for you. Many men wanted me to do that, before I made them fall crying into my lap. If that's what you wanted, you will be sorely disappointed.”

"Reach into my mind Triss. Give me something to smile about, reinvigor my spirit against what must be done." Lorelai met the witch's gaze. "If you can do that, and control your impulses, I'll allow you to live long enough to become a healer of souls if not bodies."

Alphonse heard everything. Even as he stood to one side, apparently a passive observer, his heart soared even as it was clothed in dread. If Lorelai could give her another path, something to live for, then maybe she could be saved. Even so, Alphonse knew what the witch was capable of, and after hearing of her lack of control, Alphonse feared that he would have to protect his mistress at the cost of his lover. None theless, he was prepared to do what had to be done.

Triss groaned, she could not negotiate with Lorelai. It was this choice, or nothing. Long enough,” she mirrored lazily. ”Means I will die at your hands, no matter what I do?” She didn't really care, but the question was valid.

Lorelai was going to have to examine her relationships. Between Lotte, Abby, and now Liz she was getting soft. She smiled slightly, maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. "I suppose I could let you live beyond that. If you wanted to."

Triss smiled, nodding joyfully. ”I do have good reason to now, think of all the good hearted people!” She winked, before opening her eyes fully and letting her powers come forth. Her eyes lit up in their green hue, and she was inside Lorelai's mind.

The entrance was easy, as it usually was when she didn't have to break down any walls. Triss’ eyes sweeped Lorelai's mind for an moment, looking for the right emotion to pull from. In the center, which Lorelai was currently feeding from, she found a quiet hope. Horribly, it warmed Triss’ heart to see that, so she crept around it in a wide circle.

The next emotions were large and burning bright, love. Two different forms of great and passionate love, one more motherly and comforting, the other a sort of lustful craving. From them came different noises, the softer -albeit larger- giving off the gentle murmurs of a mother. The bright flame was mostly passionate moans and whispered nothings that Triss couldn't understand. She turned to the murmuring emotion and began to siphon from it, then she froze.

A window, to something else entirely, was revealed to her. Fear, potent and seeking. It called for Triss, wrapping around her with cold whispers in her ears. The fear led her to the depths of Lorelai's mind, carrying the stumbling and confused Triss to an emotion she had never seen before.

As soon as it realized a foreign presence, it took shape. Black smoke radiating heat, took the shape of a Dragon. It was wavering slightly, never being able to hold its form for more than a second. The emotions and thoughts it gave off were a hideous, things a human should never even imagine made it up. There was nothing keeping it from floating away, and taking over Lorelai's mind entirely.

It was then Triss realized it was inactive, something Lorelai could call forth when -and only when- needed. Yet, Triss could bring it forth too, give it the power of Lorelai's mind that it sought out. She held out a hand, and began to siphon it. Then she paused, clutching her hand to her chest and releasing the emotion. Something was stopping her, from letting her insanity reign. Not something, really, but someone.

Lorelai had given her an offer, but that wasn't it. She thought of Alphonse's smile, and how he had said she should have talked to him. How he had tried to defend her, time and again. She wasn't sure that he would be affected by her demise, but it was clear to her that she needed just a bit more time with him. After all, she could ask Lorelai for death any time after this, so why not wait a while?

Triss retreated from the demonic impulses, releasing herself from the grasp of fear. She went back to the happy and carefree love, and began to take as much of it as she could. She moved it past the hope, and placed it in the very front of Lorelai's mind, balling it up into a concentration of pure bliss. Then, she pulled out, tilting her head to see how the stone cold Von’Strauss would be affected.

A wash of relief ran through Lorelai's body. Triss hadn't prodded anything during her visit that she shoudn't. Warmth bloomed next, as she recalled every sweet smile Lotte and Abby had favored her with. It burned away her stress and fear. Grinning she stood and collected the small girl from the cot she was sleeping on, Lotte muttered weakly in her sleep.

She cast a glace to Alphonse as she left the room. "Her execution is stayed, see to it that she makes it to her room could you?"

Alphonse nodded to his mistress, his muscles invisibly relaxing with the gesture. Alphonse turned to Triss, and his face broke into the most honest smile he thought he had ever felt.
He offered his elbow to her, and the straps binding her suddenly unhinged. Apparently of their own accord.

"You heard the boss, I have to take you home." He winked. He waited for Triss's response.

Triss flexed her wrists as the straps were removed, and she looked towards Alphonse. She knew what he would have done for his boss, had Triss pulled out the wrong emotion. She couldn't find a way to fault him for it though, so she got up and stood next to him, eyeing him down with a mixture of love and caution in her eyes. ”Yes, you had better take me to my room.” She said simply, motioning towards the hall and beginning to walk.

Alhponse lowered his arm, and followed in step. He didn't know where things would go from here, but he was hopeful that at least once in his life, he could help a soul rise above darkness. For now it was enough to follow in step behind this beautiful woman, who had enchanted him so deeply, fool he was.


Triss couldn't help it, she had stayed outside the room for just a moment to hear what was going on. Her power had been effective, and they had started right away. She left soon after, planning to go around the forest so she would tire herself out.

On her way, Triss came across a giant man, stumbling through the halls in leather armor. She paused, pursing her lips. He was obviously drunk, and needed assistance. Triss decided to help him, when she was finished with him. She sped up to catch him before he turned a corner, and stood in front of him. ”Hey big guy, you lost?”

Andri was emitting a smell of booze that did not only trail behind him, but propagated faster in a forward direction then he moved as well. His irregular and somewhat unpredictable changes of direction dramatically decreased his effective speed, but as Triss had decided to stop in front of him, she now was confronted with a damn heavy man headed for a collission course, his common sense of stopping before hitting any obstacles severely impaired by alcohol. It resulted in the assassin almost stepping onto one of Triss' feet.

"Huh ? Hey there..." Andri's optics were switching between focusing her and focusing infinity, not able to truly stabilize at one setting. He wavered from one side to the other, superimposed by a forward-backward motion. Yes, he was lost. In fact he was so lost that he wasn't able to tell.

Triss had to jump back before the man fell on her, his swaying making her cautious. Maybe she would have to switch things around, and get him into a seat. She took his hand and squeezed it to show she had no ill will, for the time being. ”My name is Triss, and I'm going to have some fun with you tonight. I promise you won't die, in fact, we'll both love it.”

With that happy little thought trying to work its way into his mind, Triss led the man through the halls. She was gentle and quiet, keeping him stable and staying away from his path so she wouldn't be crushed if he fell. ”What's your name?” She asked, annunciating the words carefully. They were soon in the hall of rooms, it was almost endless and she wasn't sure the drunk could pick his out. If all else failed, she would take him to her room. The bed would be cramped for him, but better than nothing.

”Do you know which room is yours?” Triss asked him calmly, she didn't really mind mothering him. It was...comforting.

Khan! Khan! Khan! Your name is Khan!
"Khan... err..." His thoughts had become slow, damn slow. "Andri. Andri Hymir." He sounded confused as if he wasn't sure about his own name while he was carefully guided by the witch. There wasn't much of an active resistance he put against her gentle pull, only the whole lot of inertia one had to overcome in the state he was in.

His brain was degrading into a big lump of inertia, too. It took multiple seconds for him just to comprehend what the witch was actually asking. He raised his arm and if one averaged the directions his swaying index finger was pointing at, the result was a door. "There. Totally... unused."

Triss nodded, smiling and easing Andri over to his room. ”Andri, what a creative name. My last name is Felminah, I doubt you'll remember it though.” She opened the door to his room and smiled. It was a bit larger, to make up for the enormous bed in the center, other than that it was the same as any other room.

”Tonight, we'll use it for the first time. Excited?” Triss asked as she sat him down on the edge of the bed. Then, she pulled up his desk chair and set it down in front of him. Once she had gotten comfortable, she grabbed his hand and held it between both of hers. ”Give me your eyes, Andri. Then the fun will start.”

He saw a bed. His bed. Not a single fold on it. Instinctively, Andri went for it, making Triss' task a lot easier. The demon worm tried to warn his host about making eye contact with Triss. He had some experience with witches and when to be alert, but Andri was just too dazed to listen properly. Looking at her was all that she wanted ? No problem with that...

Triss’ hands found Andri’s cheeks, and she held his face there so he wouldn't lose focus. ”They say I have an addiction, I do. I'm not a fiend though. Just...curious.” She said, sweet like a lullaby. She found his eyes, and made a silent promise to herself. This one would be differenr, just a bit of play, then he could go to sleep and she could keep a watchful eye over him.

With a lot of will, Triss made her power creep up slowly, the green rimming her eyes before taking it over in full. She did this to give him a chance of resistance, but it made the process a bit more sensual than she would have liked. Before thoughts of Alphonse could cloud her, she was in.

The same fog that was in Elizabeth's mind was here, but thicker and more dense. She called out to the emotions, her arms sweeping Andri's mind with fingers outstretched. They were blocked by overwhelming waves of confusion, which was what he must be feeding off of. She could tell it wasn't just the alcohol, but a symptom of what had happened earlier that day. She didn't investigate, instead working towards every small tug of something new.

Finally, she cleared away enough fog to find an big ball of fusing emotions. She jumped back, they were potent and frightening. Personal failure and worry, only being pushed back by the liquor he had consumed. Triss reached for it, maybe pulling it forth could bring the guy peace of mind. It was a worthy cause, wasn't it? Or would it make him insane? The emotions came easily, but she released them, indecisive. Andri was a nice man, she didn't care to hurt him...but then again, it was tempting.

The hunter saw something greenish in front of him. Was that... her eyes ? If he hadn't been filled up to the brim with liquor, he would have put up a decisive resistance right now, as it was apparent that something was happening. But now ? He moaned lowly when the witch started her intrusion, but there were no walls he built up on purpose. He was both paralyzed by alcohol and busy identifying what was going on in the first place. It could just be a weird feeling caused by his current state.

Khan however didn't take long to be aware of Triss. It was an opportunity that probably wouldn't occur a second time! He started relocating his own little realm of thoughts, maneuvering around the mental landscape of his host that he had had time to learn about since he had linked his mind to Andri's. There was plenty of cover he could make use of, and then he was where he wanted to be: Behind Triss. His pervyness was ready to fire. If all went well he would engulf the witch in an outburst of what he was really good in: Thoughts about sex.

Triss felt a presence behind her, something that hadn't been there before. She flushed, as if afraid the memories would catch her peeking. When she turned around, she was met with a sight that made her eyes widen in shock. Her mouth gaped, and she let out a sort of choked squeak. In front of her, was a worm the size of a child. It had rows upon rows of teeth, sharp as razor blades.

It gave off waves of both malicious, and provocative intent. Triss could sense a bit anxiety in it too, but it was majorly overpowered by its current mission. She could use that to her advantage if things got tricky, at least she thought she could. She had never confronted a sentient offense in someone's mind. ”What are you, and why are you in Andri's mindscape?”

Khan's voice sounded strange. It wasn't his normal tone as he distorted it on purpose in an attempt to make it more creepy. "I've infested Andri when Charon pushed him into my coffin. He accepts my presence as I've played a vital role in rescuing the hunting party and today I've saved Elizabeth." Of course that was an exaggeration, but Khan wasn't the one who hesitated in boosting his own self-confidence when the circumstances suited it. "Unfortunately... I'm having my troubles with convincing him that life's a lot more easier if one sets free one's... passion." He put emphasis on the last word. "You wanna try ? Just step into it." His voice had shifted from attempted creepyness to sneaky kindness.

Triss shook her head at the worm, not about to buy into his nonsense. She needed good reason to do anything he asked, and she wasn't sure she wanted to bring out Andri's passion. She cringed to think of what it had done to Elizabeth in that pantry. No, she couldn't do that to Alphonse. Would Alphonse even care? Do we even have something to care about?

Why was she asking herself those things? Because it was tempting, the demonic worm somehow invit- No. She wouldn't do it. ”Sorry, little one, I'm not here to do that. See, I don't deal with incubi.” She had come to the conclusion that the worm was an incubbus, what with all the seduction coming from him.

”If you don't mind, I think I should be off.” She turned on her heel, and disappeared into the fog, searching for some happiness or even an emotion that would give Andri a deep sleep. That ball of worry could give him nightmares, after all.

"Boo!" Then worm spit out a small ball of anger, but the world around him didn't accept it. A transient appearance of protest smashed it back towards the worm. Khan was forced to consume it, settling the anger in his own little realm. He couldn't directly influence his hosts emotions. Displeased at least, the demon started moving away, diving into the haze.

Happiness was a very rare thing in Andri, most of it had been destroyed during the recent events. Triss could see the shattered remains floating around, an armada of debris that probably once had been a glorious fleet. Yet, there was one tiny bit that was still intact. It was tied to what appeared to be a complicated mechanism - Andri's logical thinking. It was a sentence Lor had dropped off that had been to small to grab the assassin's immediate attention. Something about plans the witch had drawn up in order to minimize the carnage. The fact that she had mentioned that made it likely that there indeed was a plan.

Triss found the happiness, a small little ball that could hardly count. She pushed past all other things, taking the happiness and balling up every last drop in her hands. She held it close to her chest, so it wouldn't escape her hold as she worked through the fog. On her way to the front of his thought, she picked up small shards that were found floating around. It was still tiny, a little runt, and she tended to it like it was the most fragile thing in the world.

Andri's mind was broken, there was so much to manipulate. Triss couldn't do it though, all thoughts of toying with him faded as she held the joy. In it, was a mixture of different scenarios that were blurred to the point of making her nauseous. The only thing she could really make out was hope, and pleasure for others. Triss planted it in front of the confusion, weaving it into something a bit stronger, just so it would be worthwhile as it lasted.

Triss pulled out of Andri's head, turning so the drunk wouldn't notice her genuine smile. She wasn't supposed to enjoy this, helping people wasn't something she wanted. She was supposed to be totally insane, yet this man sparked a sort of warmth. It was a maternal blossom, and she pushed it down as quickly as possible. The residue was still there, seedlings waiting to sprout. ”How do you feel, Andri?” She asked, still facing the wall.

Khan was raging, causing some pain in his host's head, but alcohol also could be considered some sort of narcotic. Andri suddenly felt so fatigued. He had been very strained and intoxicated before, but something had changed. He felt as if he could get a rest now and then, perhaps, take another look at the situation when he was refreshed. There was something Lorelai had said, aside from promising him a reward. It was a change so unexpected that it made him a bit suspicious. He had seen the glow in Triss' eyes. And why had she turned her back towards him ? His giant hand reached out for her, but Andri retracted only inches away. There was enough clarity in his mind to think again about what he considered appropriate ?

"Have you done something ? Whatever it was, if it was that that makes me feel a bit better now, I have to thank you." Khan launched another painful strike into his brain. The demon was full of disagreement. Another witch that dared to fiddle with him and his host. His host!

Triss felt a pang of joy, he felt better. It was only a bit of an improvement, but it was something she had done. She turned towards him, unafraid to show her beaming smile. ”Don't thank me, I was going to play with your head. I couldn't do it though, you're different. Let's pray you don't remember me saying that in the morning.” Her eyes sparkled for a moment, and she leapt up from her chair.

For a single heartbeat, Triss hugged Andri, then she shook the man's hair, leaving it disheveled. ”Time to go to bed, Andri. Once your head is cleared you'll face some emotions that can't be fought without a good rest.” She didn't specify, pushing her chair back in at the desk. ”I'll sleep on the floor, if you find it inappropriate to share.”

Andri's eyes blinked. He was fading, rapidly loosing ground to the desire to sleep. Yet her saying that he was 'different' still made him smile. The assassin felt valued. He turned his head so he could see her better, though flipped by 90 degrees as he was already lying on his bed. "On the floor ? That will be too incomfortable to accept." He gathered the strength to shift his tremendous body to a position closer to one side of the mattress and patted on the newly created space on it. "Better open the window, I must smell like shit."

”I wouldn't say excrement, just liquor and a rough day.” Triss said quietly, laughing a bit under her breath. She went to open the window, letting the cool night's breeze fill the air. An owl with feathers as white as snow flew into the room, sensing Triss’ presence. Susanna was here to spend another night with Triss, not seeming to notice or care that there was a male in the room.

Triss didn't shoo her away, accepting the owl with a smile. She crawled into Andri's bed, compressing her body on the edge of it so they wouldn't have to touch. It was a giant piece of furniture, but Triss knew Andri needed all the space he could get. She turned so she was facing him, watching him with a sort of childlke wonder. ”Goodnight big guy, I'll be here to confirm we didn't sleep together in the morning. You know, this is the first time I've shared a bed platonically with a man.”

The next morning

Rays of sunlight were dancing in the room, being interfered by the leaves of a tree that was standing outside and partially blocking their path. The shadow of Andri's nose had been moving across his lower face for quite some time now, but it was only then when he finally opened his eyes. He saw the ceiling and sensed the rather cold air that had accumulated in the room. His head felt as if Khan had spent half the night on digging wormholes through it, but this feeling was familiar enough to him to know that it was just the aftermath of a huge lot of alcohol. He turned his head to see if Triss was still with him in the bed.

Triss rolled around in the bed, her eyes opening as beams of sunlight hit them. She groaned, why did she have to leave the window open? Susanna was long gone, but Triss had the sudden realization she was not alone. She turned, her eyes falling on Andri. She must have looked like crap, hair falling in her face, imprints all over her arms and cheeks from moving so much in bed. She didn't care, she relaxed easily with Andri.

”Good morning, Andri. Happy to have such a beautiful sight in the morning?” Triss snorted, her eyes searching the giant before her. ”So, how's your head?”

Andri blushed slightly. "My head ? Well... It's a dark pit full of pain, but that's nothing I'm worrying about. If I'm honest.. I sometimes do that... Though yesterday was extreme." he referred to his binge drinking. Hopefully that wouldn't push her away from him. "I must have been rather disgusting this night and I'm feeling guilty for it." the giant admitted. "You look beautiful."

”Disgusting? Absolutely not!” Triss rubbed her face, trying to work away the bumps. She didn't know why Andri thought that way, he had been a perfect gentleman. A gentleman that slurred his words and smelled vilely of alcohol, but still a gentleman. She couldn't say anything about his dark mind though, because that was fully true. His mind was a pool of horrid thoughts and emotions, inhabited by a demon, and Triss could do nothing about that.

”If anything, I was the disgusting one. Trying to twist your mind to my whim, but that's a story for another day.” Triss winked, her face going pink when he mentioned she looked beautiful. ”If you really want to know disgusting and beautiful, go to Lorelai. She's a twisted twat, with a major complex. Would have killed me, or made Alphonse do it, if I hadn't made her happy. She believes in me though, so that's a plus.” She left out the part that Alphonse would've done it, with little hesitation.

"Twist my mind ? From my perspective you mended it." Yet he could see the clear implication behind Triss' words: She could do otherwise. But the fact that she did not hide this circumstance voluntarily made Andri feel more comfortable about that. He scratched a mental note to investigate into this later on. "I will have to go to that 'twisted twat's office anyway." he replied. Triss' thinking about Lorelai was rude, but he didn't know the background story of that. Additionally, something told him that it would most likely be better if he kept a very low profile on these two words.

"We're facing dire times, Triss. Just days ago, I would have never imagined to end up in my own chamber in a coven. I'll have to settle in and don't know anything."

”I came to the coven in the midst of the witch’s Civil War, now that's over and done with, and we have to face another.” Triss sighed, sitting up and grasping Andri's hands. She inspected them in her lap, turning them over and talking down to them. ”I've learned to adjust, it's easier with powers but not impossible without.”

Triss looked back up at him, tilting her head and smiling. ”It is dire times, but you act like this place is hell. A lot to say for someone with a demon in their head.”

Shit. He had not intended for his words to be interpretable this way. "Sorry, I didn't want to say that the coven is bad! It is my refuge... and so far I have been left in astonishment by what I am seeing around here." This was honest, and his heart rate was increasing slightly. The giant didn't pull back his hand, letting Triss' examine it as long as she wanted to.

"That demon... I don't know. Basically Khan's the one who got me here - and I'm not talking about teleportation. Most of the hunters won't accept me anymore, and even if I decided to get rid of him now they wouldn't. I'm a traitor, yet I want to believe that my cause was worth it."

Triss nodded, dropping his hands. What an interesting thing he was, every part of him a Hunter except the demon in his mindscape. Triss found herself infatuated with his simple mindedness, and honesty. He really needed a lesson in witch cant though, luxurious and sweet words with petty and malicious meaning.

”Khan is rather adorable, I had a brief conversation with him. Wants you to indulge in your...passion.” Triss made a show of emphasizing the word ‘passion', with the fluttering movement of her fingertips. ”Your cause was definitely worth it, we need all the help we can get. Witches are powerful, but sometimes power can be taken out by numbers. Especially when those numbers are armed to the teeth and trained well.”

The hunter smiled. "Yep. That sounds like Khan." Andri raised his upper body, now sitting on the bed. "I had intended to prevent this onslaught, and so had Liz, but now we're both here and can do nothing but watch." Now he stood up as if he wanted to run away from his own words that threatened to pull his mood back down to where it had been the evening before. Looking out of the still open window, he asked: "What do you think will happen now ?"

Triss stood, leaning on the edge of the bed and considering Andri's question. ”I'm not going to cover garbage in sugar, Andri. Ask an optimist for that.” She spoke to his back, watching the rays of sun blot out his face. Her smile was grim, and hardly kept. ”This is war, and in a war, people die. Those of us that are left will have to grieve, then suck it up and live life.”

Triss scowled, she really was heartless. She knew what Andri wanted, a theory about how they could make peace and be happy. That was an idiotic idea, though. ”If it makes me heartless, so be it. All I know, is that when this dust settles and the grass is red, I'm moving on. That makes me a bigger man than the ones who romanticize this battle.”

She paused, walking up behind him and giving him a firm squeeze. ”I came here for my happy ending, and I will fight claw and tooth for it. Sorry if it makes you feel worse, Andri.”

Andri suddenly turned around, thereby breaking free of her squeeze. "You think I'm doing this because I think that a vicious circle centuries old needs to be broken so everyone can be fat, dumb and happy ? Or perhaps even because I personally wouldn't be able to live with the sight of an entire forest covered in blood ?" His voice wasn't mild anymore. It was rather harsh. "You're right about the first thing, but let me add something else to that: There are witches in this coven that are convinced that something far bigger than this little war is coming, something that will require cooperation if there shall be any place left to continue happily! Ask Rebecca, ask Medusa, hell perhaps even ask Miss' twisted twat!"

Triss looked wounded, for just a split second. Then she put up her walls, and replaced her frown with a crazy smile. Her body tensed, and she knew she was ready to leave. ”Oh, tut. Of course I don't think you tried for peace because your brain is fragile. You had many good reasons to try to make peace between the hunters and witches, but peace may not come.”

Triss’ own voice dripped with venom, her small slice of heaven thrown at a wall and broken into bits. ”You know, Andri, I was not told that something was coming. There's a lot us witches aren't told until it's too late to protect ourselves.” She shrugged, and turned to go sit on the bed. She didn't face him, picking at her nails instead. ”It's about time you go talk to Lorelai, isn't it? Then you can go drink yourself away in pity again, at least I don't cover the pain in liquor or a pretty blonde.”

There were several brief jerks on Andri's face that Triss didn't see because she didn't look at him. The hunter was damn close to hurling some words at her about what he believed she tended to drench herself in in order to compensate for things: Venom. He didn't speak it out loudly however, but instead suppressed his desire for doing so. A conflict with another witch just hours after his permanent arrival wouldn't be a good start...

Andri stepped across the room. There was no need for him to put on clothing, he had never put off his leather armor in the first place. Having already passed the doorframe, he looked back towards Triss, seeing if she wanted to add something or even follow him.

Triss looked up, clenching the sheets of the bed with her fists. I’m sorry, for hurting you more than I've helped you. She thought, too proud to say it. She waited for him to go, but he had stopped in the doorway, waiting for her to do something. Triss inched off of the bed, holding his eyes the entire time. It was both a threat, and a silent apology. At any time, she could use her powers on him, but she didn't.

Soon Triss was standing in front of him, looking up at him as he stood in the doorway. She held out a hand, for him to take. ”I have so obviously wounded your feelings, yet you wait for me? I was right about you being different, your sweetness is a great counterbalance to my horrendousness.” She smiled, still crazy, still wounded.

"You know I'm heading for Lorelai's office ? So you better keep certain words for yourself." he answered in a neutral tone, inspecting her eyes. His mood had shifted too far away for him to be eager to give an answer about his 'sweetness', though he, given the last few minutes, had already to agree on her 'horrendousness', at least when it came to words and the way they were spoken out, and at least when she wanted it to be that way. Triss had proven she could be different.

Triss laughed, at both his neutral tone and the way he told her to keep his words in check. ”You hate me now, don't you? I have a weird knack for that.” She smiled, not allowing herself to show negative emotions. ”Also, don't you worry about me and Lorelai. We know our relationship well.” She stuck out her hand a bit more aggressively, waiting patiently for it to be accepted.

Triss' hand got embraced by Andri's giant one. "So far your weird knack has only been successful in totally confusing and unnerving me. I'd appreciate it if it wouldn't succeed any further." His voice was serious, but not unfriendly anymore. "Let's go." He started pulling her gently.

”I'll try my best, but this is a give and take relationship.” Triss shook his hand in the air proudly, as if it were a trophy she had just won for all of her hard work. They made their way through the halls, and down to Lorelai's office. When they arrived at the door she slipped her hand out of Andri's, and used it to knock loudly. ”Lorelai? May we come in?” She sweetened her tone and looked at Andri, her eyes asking if this was good enough.

Andri blew into his right hand that he had transformed into a bowl-like shape, then pushed the air he had trapped towards his nose to take a deep, analyzing breath. "That will have to suffice." he explained his action, grinning. The smell of liquor hadn't worn off completely, but he couldn't do anything about it. "She won't eat us for breakfast." he added encouraging.

Triss watched Andri check his breath, before pushing open the door to Lorelai's office. She peeked inside, and it was empty. ”She must be asleep, let's go sit down.” Triss grasped Andri's hand, not giving him the time to hesitate. She took him into the room, letting him take in the neat scrolls and other items. She also scanned the room, her eyes focusing dryly on the spot where her chair once sat. ”I'm pretty sure she won't be upset with us.”

Before Andri had much time to react, he was pulled into the room by the other witch. It wasn't the first time he was standing in Lorelai's office, but still he didn't dare to put his hands onto the stuff that was lying around here in abundance. Lorelai could enter the room at any moment and what would she say if he poked his nose into anything that was around here ? So he squeezed himself into one of the seats, offering Triss another chair. "So let's sit and wait."

Triss pulled a chair up in front of his, so they could have a discussion. She noticed how much of a squeeze it was for him to sit, and it made her unhappy. ”We'll have to get some bigger chairs in the main rooms. Or loveseats.” She winked, following that up with a chuckle. ”So, Andri, do you have sex with a lot of women?” The question was inappropriate and abrupt, but Triss had a small reason for it. Khan was full of perverse thoughts, and the little worm did want Andri to be passionate.

The assassin's head went red and hot in an instant. And Khan, for the first time this morning, stole his attention. I want you to relay my words to her! I can't speak directly! You owe me this after all I've done for you! Andri kneaded his lips for seconds, then actually gathered the strength for a rather shy answer.
"Erm... No. At least not before Khan got into my head. Since then however I've... erm... I... have someone I have to satisfy. There are whores in Seren's Folley..." The heat was reaching the tips of his ears, and Khan repeated his demand for speaking to Triss directly. "Khan want's to speak to you."

Triss had an urge to reach out and pinch Andri's red cheeks. It was adorable, the way he reacted to her question. Triss felt herself dissolving again, into her previous peaceful state. ”I bet the whores are fun.” She said with a bright smile. Andri told her Khan wanted to speak, and she nodded slowly. Khan was agressive, but she wasn't afraid of him. ”Of course, I'd love to talk to Khan.”

Okay Andri, it's Khan time! Tell her what I'm telling you or I'll zap your brain or poof you out of your clothes again! On no... please not that again! Andri cooperated, though reluctantly.
"So... what.. do you think that can be improved about my appearance - aside from drinking. Am I too pale, should I gain some more muscle or change my haircut ? And... Khan want's to know if there's enough pressure in my... Oh no forget about that. He says you can't know yet." This was so embarrassing...

Triss bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing, Khan was hilarious. She tilted her head in thought, resting her temple on her knuckles. ”I like the beard, and his haircut is just fine. Makes him look...rugged. His muscle definition is just fine, you don't want him to look like too much of a meathead.” She didn't ask about the pressure subject, she probably didn't want to know. ”I think he's handsome, you picked a good host.”

Being talked about in third person was somewhat strange, and the fact that one of the participants was Khan sitting in the middle of his head didn't make anything better. Andri felt so... exposed.
"Khan thinks that his host is too hesitant, but he thought that picking such a man would be an interesting experience. He's happy to be here, because there are so many women around in this castle. And... he wants to know if you are... interested in him." I told you to ask her if she wants sex! If you are that straightforward you'll never get what you want!

It was Triss’ turn to blush, she looked down at her palms, turning them slowly to inspect them. ”Well, yes, I'm sure you're having a ball with him. Hesitation must be fun to play with.” She waited a few heartbeats to address the other part of the question, it could be interpreted in a lot of ways. Her answer could also be warped if she wasn't very specific. Then she realized it would be fun to have the demon assume, so she went with it, tilting her head up so Andri could see the pink on her pale cheeks. ”Of course I'm interested in Andri. We did sleep together, after all. I wouldn't do that with someone who bores me.” Not too far, think of Alphonse.

Khan grunted. Bah! Hesitation isn't fun to play with! It sucks really hard! If everyone was more direct, things would improve! And no, don't tell her that! Ask for the room! And... she looks so cute when she blushes!
Andri blinked with his eyes multiple times. "You look nice when you're blushing. And what room would you prefer then ? Yours or mine ?"
Remember to ask Lorelai about the loveseats thingy. I think it would be a really great addition to this castle and boost morale!

Triss froze like a deer caught in the sight of a hunter, her blush deepened substantially and a wave of warmth overtook her body. Her mouth opened and closed at least three times before she could work up a reply. ”Oh, I didn't mean sexually. You just...you entertain me. You're refreshing, different. Besides, I have something going with a man named Alphonse. At least I think I do.” She fidgeted with her fingers, shivering slightly though the room seemed warmer than it had been. ”Thank you, for the compliment. You look adorable when you blush.”

These damn men! You should start exterminating them all until there's only you left!
Then you'd be stuck to baby giant hosts once I'm gone.
That's why I am grasping for diversity. More women, more fun! You have to find out who this Alphonse is and find a weak spot! You heard the doubt in Triss' third-last sentence ? There must be one!
Andri sighed mentally, then continued the conversation, pointing out that it was him again speaking. "Since Khan I've got a lot of training in blushing." The giant smiled at the witch. "I'm sorry, he's always that way." He didn't clearly mention that he would not interfere with her relationship to Alphonse, because he was afraid of Khan zapping him.

Triss smiled softly, reaching out and grasping his hand once she was sure Khan wasn't controlling him. She turned it over in her palms, inspecting its surface and imagining him using it to cup the nape of a girl's neck as they made love. It was a strange image that sent a vibrating shock through her body. ”He's fine, he's a demon, they don't bother with boundaries. I can always talk to him in private if I head into your mind, for now it's just you and I.” She squeezed his giant hand, and let it fall onto her lap. ”Why did you need to talk to Lorelai?”

Andri could feel her body vibrate, but the reason was unknown to him. Then he started to do the same, because the thought of Khan being able to communicate with someone else without him knowning anything about it sent shivers down his spine. He tried to suppress it, but wasn't really successful.
"Lorelai made a statement yesterday that there was a plan to contain the bloodshed unfolding within small bounds. I'd like to ask her about it, because... I need hope. She also promised me something for rescuing Liz, but that's very secondary now."

Triss could feel his palm shake in her lap, and she rubbed it softly to soothe his shivers. She didn't feel like asking him about it, because that would make him clam up. ”You could use some hope, and happiness too. I am determined to help you with that, you'll be my first long-term patient.” Triss chuckled, excited to have found Andri. ”I'm so pleased I didn't pass you up in the hall, this is exciting now.”

The hunter raised an eyebrow unconsciously, inspecting Triss' eyes. "You're a healer of some sort ?" How exciting! A healer that didn't mend wounds, but one's psyche. It was now that the brainwave hit him: If things continued to go so badly wrong, Triss was probably one of the best persons he could be around with. The thought of him becoming mad made him shudder again, but if he was honest: He really didn't know how long he could continue taking this punishment reality had started to torture him with. The perspective that probably was opening right here made him partially forget about the darker things Triss' had briefly mentioned this morning.

So he didn't remember what happened last night, to a certain extent. Triss raised her eyebrow in response, before giving him a curt nod. ”Yes, I'm a healer. Lorelai got me into the gig and now I'm stuck, until I tell her I want to die.” Her face was serious, not a single hint of a joke. ”I used my power on you last night to make you happy, and work you off to sleep. I can continue to help, if you're up to it. It won't just be me playing with your brain, we'll talk through things.” Her eyes were hopeful as she waited for him to accept, or deny, her offer.

Andri's body language changed. Both it and his feelings were just like 'Ouch!'. He had hit something, something very serious and Triss' face gave him every confirmation on this he needed. His thoughts were splitting up into two different groups: One the one hand he, theoretically, could consider it a good thing that Lorelai appeared to demand for stern discipline and would not accept a fellow witch doing ugly things. On the other hand: A death sentence ? How cruel was this! He wasn't used to that at all, but now... he was here. He would likely have to live with it.

"As long as you don't do things that you're not telling me about beforehand, I am willing to accept. To be honest: I think I could need someone who can patch me up very soon." He considered adding a few more words about that he would have difficulies with taking away that opportunity for Triss to show that her death wouldn't be justifyable, but decided to skip them because he felt it could add pressure and change the character of what he had said before.

Triss watched as his body language changed, he recoiled like he had been smacked. It made her feel sheepish, and she considered how wrong it was to tell him about her death sentence. She felt like she was just giving him more reason to worry. ”Don't worry about it, okay?” She pleaded, before moving on to the next subject.

He wanted to know what would happen to his head, and Triss found that agreeable. She would have to work a lot with him, testing patient boundaries and limits. He would be a great first experience for her. ”Of course, I won't do anything you don't want. You can't put up any walls though, otherwise it'll be too hard to get in. When we talk, you have to be open.”

"It's hard not to worry about such things for me, if I'm honest. I don't know how things work here and for me, telling that a death sentence is something unusual would be a massive understatement." He noticed how the witch attempted to change the topic again, and given how grim the other one was, he was willing to accept that change without any resistance. "I can agree on that. But... can you deal with Khan ? I have no control over him."

Triss’ body relaxed as he accepted the change in topic, happy that he didn't want to discuss it in detail. ”Of course I can, he has no control over you either. In your head, he has no direct power over your emotions. I'm sure you already know that by now.” Triss grinned, but her lips slowly curled downwards as she thought of what that meant. ”Andri, what does he do to control you? Does he...threaten you?” She chewed on her inner cheek, watching him with a strong concern.

Andri could see Triss' mood deteriorating, but her question was too fast for his own mind to get to the root cause of it. He wasn't sure if he could actually give an honest answer to that question without Khan revolting against it, but he had to try. "He threatens me with eating my brain. And he appears to be able to emit shocks that really hurt." He quickly decided not to mention the more embarrassing things Khan tended to do. The demon's greed for such things was near insatiable, so explaining her could easily give him the idea to do it again. The assassin's voice was rather low, as if he attempted to make Khan miss hearing it.

Triss was amused by Andri's low voice, a futile attempt at a private conversation. Unless Khan decided he wanted to go into a peaceful slumber, he would always hear what his host said. It made Triss feel sympathetic for Andri, he could never escape the perverse thoughts of his demonic worm, or his horrible punishments. ”Does he get upset every time?” She asked softly, feeling guilty about how she had rejected him earlier. Andri hadn't shown any signs of pain, but he was probably just good at disguising it. She wasn't sure she would go back on her decision, but it was more tempting if it would ease Andri's pain. She shuddered, imagining the sharp rows of Khan’s teeth digging into Andri's brain.

Triss' soft voice appeared to Andri as if he had said something that did really influence her. Then the hunter saddened more when he realized that telling other people about a pervy demon residing in one's head probably was something that could influence other persons, even witches. How used to Khan had he already become ?
"No... he gets angry when I'm keeping him away from what he wants for a time too long or if he feels threatened." The way he was looking at Triss now probably indicated that he thought she already knew perfectly what the thing Khan wanted was - and he felt embarrassed for that.

Triss knew what Andri meant, that if he didn't get what Khan wanted from her, there would be a punishment. Triss frowned, unsure of what she would do when the time came. ”Is there any way I can help? Do you want me to find you a girl?” She asked, a hint of jealousy to her tone. She didn't want him to have sex with anyone, not with her knowing. She had already claimed her space in his bed, and she didn't want to give it up. She rested her feet on his legs, silently claiming him.

Andri's head heated up again as he recognized the effect of his last sentence. "I don't want you to feel any pressure because of Khan. I can g..." He started screaming, pushing his flat hands onto his sleeves. Khan, due to the direct link with his host's brain he could feed off, was always in a tiny advance of his host's spoken words. The demon had started zapping his brain, knowing exactly that Andri had been about stating that he could get rid of him here anytime. You know that getting rid of me will cause severe damage. I would be willing to put up as much resistance as I can, even when faced with advanced methods that stupid Fenros you're so afraid of possibly couldn't dream of!
"There are whores in Seren's Folley. I can teleport there at any time..." the hunter altered his unfinished sentence.

Triss panicked, was it her fault he was screaming? She held his head until the noises stopped, wanting to withdraw into herself and leave. ”You can't go back there, you'll get maimed.” It was a fact, but she phrased it as a plea. She didn't want him to go, it wasn't an option. ”I don't want you to go. So you can't. We'll find a way around this.” She didn't want to tell him that he was her new pet, but she was starting to adopt those feelings.

Andri tried to calm down. The Khan-induced pain was still echoing in his head and tiny drips of sweat started forming on his skin, a delayed action of his body to what had happened. Triss' words didn't please him at all, but she was right. "You could be correct about this." he answered slowly, taking his time to raise his view from the floor back to her. "We and especially I will have to find a way around, or through, a lot of things. I'm no witch, I'm just an infested hunter with a view of the world that differed enough from that of the others to put me here."

Triss nodded, craning over to wipe the sweat from his brow with lips pursed in concern. ”That's why I'm going to help you. I'll give you what you need, but you have to tell me first.” She cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to take the offer. ”You just can't go back to Seren's Folly, I don't want you to get hurt over some pitiful whore.” She wanted nothing more than it strangle Khan for what he was doing to Andri, her giant simply didn't deserve it.

The hunter wasn't sure about what to tell her now. He was looking into Triss' eyes for several seconds, unaware that his lower jaw was dropping slowly. It was clear that she was expecting a clear answer, but the assassin was struggling getting to it. "I... I'm not sure what you mean with 'what I need'... If it is what Khan wants, then... I just don't want you to become indirectly enslaved by him as well... Otherwise... I'd fully agree with you." He needed help, that was for sure.

Triss’ gaze followed Andri's jaw as it dropped, she felt his eyes pressing onto her own. Triss leaned in closer, staring up at him with the corners of her lips turned up in the ghost of a smirk. ”I'm no slave, Andri, I'm doing what's right for my giant.” Her hand cupped his cheek, and she tilted her head, waiting for his answer. ”So what do you say, Andri? If not that, I can help you pick a girl...but I have to be there.” Her eyes flashed with something dark, she would be there while the witch girl screamed for him, only to torment her brain when they were done.

He could feel the pressure of her hand. Normally he wouldn't have allowed for this so easily, but her eyes in the middle of his view left him fascinated. There was something around her that escaped his awareness, but not his unconsciousness, though probably even it wasn't correct. If there had been any walls around him before, they now were crumbling to pathetic remains. Khan didn't say anything. He was aware of where this was going to - and that was the reason why he was so silent. The hunter's cheeks rubbed against Triss' hands when he opened his mouth again: "I could just pick you..."

Triss softened, her body relaxing as she placed her forehead against Andri's. ”We're friends, my heart belongs to Alphonse.” She reminded him, planting a silky kiss on his lips. The rough texture of his beard felt foreign as it rubbed against her face and hand, but she accepted it. She got up, her movements slow and steady. She held out her hand to Andri, so he could accept it and they could begin the heady process in front of them. ”Quick, I must return you to Lorelai soon.” She giggled, gesturing towards the door.

Andri was surprised and it was rather obvious. He had not expected things to proceed that fast. The kiss stunned him in a positive sense, and when had someone touched his beard in this way the last time ? He got up from his chair, turning his head back and forth between Triss and Lorelai's office. Then he remembered that she was most likely still sleeping and thus unaware of them having knocked at her door in the first place, so there was no clock ticking for them. "She doesn't know we were waiting for her, and I haven't made an appointment, so..." He smiled at Triss, leaving the meaning of his words up to her interpretation. Embracing her hand, he followed her back into the hallway. They didn't hurry back to his room, but their walk was steady. Andri could feel an increasing amount of happiness gathering withim him, something he hadn't experienced for weeks. Triss went in first, he closed the door behind them and moved the lock in place. He didn't want to have any interruptions.

Meanwhile, Elzabeth and Lorelai

Lorelai hated sleeping on hard surfaces. The floor, the ground, stone altars, it didn't really matter what the material was or how clean. It was annoying, and painful in the morning as stiffness would have settled into her joints. Meaning she'd spend the first hour or so of her day walking out cramps instead of tending to her buisness or hobbies.

Try as she did she'd been incapable of convincing Elizabeth to do anything last night other than make love, fantastically, and then promptly pass out with a grin, somewhat less fantastically. She could hardly carry the substantially larger woman, and wasn't willing to part with the opportunity to fall asleep next to her.

Fortunately Elizabeth's chest made an excellent makeshift bed in a pinch, and Lorelai awoke pleasantly devoid of the small aches and pains she was expecting. She was draped over the nude form of the huntress, using her ample bosom as a pillow.

"Elizabeth? Are you in any condition to wake up?" She reached up to pat the woman's cheek gently. "Or should I get some hangover cure and powdered vigor?"

Elizabeth's hand shot up suddenly, as she went to grab the strange figure’s hand and squeeze it until the bones snapped. She stopped when she realized it was Lorelai, linking her fingers with the witch. Her head pounded, a headache drumming in her ear. When she opened her eyes they were glassy and clouded, and she winced. Her back ached, every time she adjusted pain shot up.

Though these things were true, Liz found herself smiling like a fool. She wrapped her arms around Lorelai, ignoring how stiff they were. ”I'll be fine, what are the plans for today? We need to get to work, love.”

"Unfortunately you are correct darling." Lorelai nuzzled into Elizabeth's embrace. She cast a glance around the room for their discarded garments, not yet making a move to retrieve them. "Current plan is to get dressed, find Medusa, and start making plans before my announcement later this evening."

"Current desire, however, is to stay here, or better yet find a bed," She leaned in to steal Elizabeth's lips with her own. "And find out precisely how vigorous you are, and accomplish next to nothing."

She winked, patting her lover's shoulder as she broke their embrace. "My desires should win more often." She stood and began trying to salvage her discarded clothing. "Nonetheless, thank you for last night. I'll add it to the growing list of my most treasured memories, love."

Elizabeth's body screamed at every movement, but she kept the pain hidden behind her loving smile. She picked herself up, slow and cautious, moving quietly and trying to find her clothes. ”I lost my whip, yesterday. The dart snapped off and hit Flint straight in the chest.” She grimaced, not bothering to pick up her suit of armor.

”Forget that, though. Let us find Medusa. I've yet to meet her, and I must say I've been itching to do so.” She only took the time to button two buttons on her blouse, tossing on her trousers and declaring herself dressed. She had just woke up, but she was ready for bed again. The faster they got this done, the faster she could sleep.

"I'll have the forgemaster make a replacement." Lorelai responded mildly. Sousiel had informed her that Flint had been injured during their escape, and while Elizabeth appeared to be handling it well there was likely more pain hidden behind that smile of hers. Things would only get harder from here though, and Lorelai was powerless to spare her knight from what was to come. "Maybe I'll get a chance to enchant it this time."

Once she'd finished slipping into her gown and replacing her errant undergarments Lorelai sifted around the shelves of the pantry. She turned to Elizabeth with a small jar containing crushed leaves. She carefully selected a small pinch and held it in front of the knight's mouth. "For aches and pains. This was my plan, but you so valiantly saved me from the stone floor. Chew them slowly, and spit them out when you're done."

As Elizabeth was condsidering the offered medicine Lorelai asked the question that most needed answered. "Elizabeth, before we begin, are you satisfied that peace is unattainable?"

Elizabeth took the leaves, inspecting them wearily before popping them into her mouth. She chewed on them like chewing tobacco, going slow so it wouldn't irritate her head or make any noises. She stared Lorelai dead in the eyes when the witch asked her next question. ”There won't be any peace, Lore. Especially not now, with the possibility of Flint's death on my hands. I'm certain.” There was a pain in her tone, masked by determination. The witches would win this fight, if she had any say in it.

"I'm sorry then my love. What we do will be harder for you than I." Lorelai's voice was affectionate, but resolved. Taking Liz's hand she lead them out of the pantry and down the hallways towards Medusa's office. "How well do you know the hunters of Seren's Folley? Enough to perhaps guess at their tactics?"

Elizabeth’s thumb ran up and down Lorelai's hand as they walked, she chewed thoughtfully on the leaves and nodded. ”I can make logical assumptions, but plans change with emotion. If they gather a group, it will be hard to control them all without some tactical slipups.” She sighed, remembering the way they had waited until the last second to plan their attack on the church.

”Scouting teams, if those are successful, search and destroy. There are a lot of things they can do. In the castle, we are stuck as a deffensive unit. Even if we were to attack and successfully take out Seren's Folly, we would be trapped as other troops attacked us from all sides.” Liz muttered a bit more, unsure if Lorelai understood.

"A keen mind as well I see. Someday I'll find a flaw." Lorelai replied playfully. "That's makes things much easier, love."

Their brisk strides and dishevled appearances drew looks from young witches as they went about their morning routines, each unaware of a much larger disturbance looming. Medusa's office was centrally located within the castle, and they found themselves in front of her door within minutes. Without so much as a knock or a voice of warning Lorelai pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Lorelai, and... Elizabeth wasn't it?" Medusa looked up from a large stack of documents, removing her spectacles she smiled warily at the two. "Making preparations?"

"Yes. My first act as Matriarch in our time of war is to appoint Elizabeth here as my general." Lorelai wasted no time, her tone icy as Medusa's eyes widened. "I expect you to help smooth over any dissonance in having a hunter command our troops." Medusa simply glanced between the witch and the huntress, grasping for a response.

Elizabeth almost laughed when Medusa's eyes widened, but Elizabeth figured it was a choice between her and Alphonse. ”Pleasure to meet you, Medusa. I suppose I'm the new General now? Delightful.” Elizabeth's eyes sparkled, and she went to take a seat at Medusa's desk.

”I presume you have maps of the grounds? Those would be welcomed.” As Liz waited, she tapped the desk and raised an eyebrow at Medusa. ”Does this castle have a war room? If not we can appoint one, plenty of areas that can be shifted from lover’s dens to a proper war room.”

"... Congratulations, General." Medusa looked at Lorelai for a long moment, expecting the woman's face to crack into a smile, to show some indication that she was joking. It never came, instead Lorelai arched an eyebrow in mild contempt. "Very well. I'll ensure you have access to our most up-to-date maps as well as the information from our scouts and spies."

"Good." Lorelai features softened as she turned to Elizabeth with obvious pride. "As for a war room you'll be using my office and personal tower as needed for this endeavor. Would that space suffice?"

”That's great.” Elizabeth said, checking off that item and dismissing it. She turned back to face Lorelai, smiling merrily. ”That space will have to suffice, I don't want any plans in rooms of major significance, such as the cafeteria. That would lower the spirits of the witches.”

Liz turned back to Medusa, her face hardening with little effort. ”Speaking of the troops, we need to figure out what to do with them before breaking the news. If needed, I'll leave you two to discuss that as I prep the tower. You two have a much better knowledge of the skills here, I have the knowledge of tact.”

Elizabeth collected the maps in their cases and departed, leaving the two witches alone. Medusa's eyes lingered on the door after it had closed behind her. "Lorelai... do you truly think it's wise to leave our troop movements in the hands of someone with obvious conflicts of interest?" She said turning towards the older woman.

"I'd sooner leave them to her than you. She's proven to be loyal and stalwart. Not to mention experienced and versed in tactics." Lorelai replied icily. "All qualities you lack utterly."

Medusa sighed. They were at peace, but it was obviously going to take time to worm her way back into Lorelai's good graces. If she survived this war of theirs she'd have to make a concentrated effort. "Very well. What is the plan for now then?"

"Our current best bet is to send out scouts immediately to fill up our stores with the rarer reagents we won't be able to secure during a seige. Meanwhile we'll have servitors and soldier-witches near our wards. When the hunters come upon the traps and bound servitors they'll strike amidst the chaos, thinning their numbers as they approach" Lorelai replied.

"Why not just raze Seren's Folley while it's undefended?" Medusa asked. "Surely that would be a significant blow to their morale."

"Not this early in the campaign. Now all it would do is enrage them." Lorelai smirked malevolently. "Instead we'll wait untill they're scared and hungry, and eliminate their source of comfort and food. Not to mention Seren's Folley will be where they keep their wounded."

Medusa simply nodded. This was a stark and unwelcome reminder of how out of her dept she was when it came to the art of war. "One more question then, why do you need a General? Why not command the troops yourself?"

"Because I won't be here for awhile." Lorelai took a seat. Her grim eyes met Medusa's. "The only way this war ends is if the price becomes to high. I'm leaving soon for the abyss, to raise the Plague Lord. When they're battered and broken, when their precious city lays in ruins, I'll make them an offer."

"Turn back, or face a blight that makes the black death look paltry in comparison." Lorelai's smile never reached her eyes. "Robert Flint has more allies than we can hope to stand against, and this coven won't be dying this season. They'll run, or they'll all die."

Medusa shuddered as Lorelai returned to her feet. Turning towards the door she cast one more glance over her shoulder. "Meanwhile I'll be expecting you to maintain the wards and enchantments on the castle, and bolstering morale. Don't dissapoint me Medusa." The door swung open and closed as she left Medusa to her thoughts.

Elizabeth strolled through the halls, cases containing maps stacked tightly on her arms. She thought about placement and troops as she went, picking up a brisk pace so she would get some alone time. Soon, she had arrived at Lorelai's personal tower. By that time she had decided to use Lorelai's office as a conference group for private units and spies, so there would be only a few maps in there.

After going to the office to collect some supplies, Liz made her way to the lounge. It was lavish and comfortable, all the furniture looked brand new, not a speck of dust there. It was the perfect space to gather and discuss matters. Liz dumped her supply of maps and writing utensils on a nearby couch, then began moving the furniture into neat rows based on size. Couches towards the back, armchairs front and center.

It was a boring task, but once Liz was done, she felt even stronger. Her will to fight was growing, as the pain converted itself into a need. A need to end what she had started. She stuck maps up on the wall with pins she had collected from Lorelai's office, marking Seren's Folly and Castle Bloodrose red and blue respectively.

Then, she opened the impressive book Medusa had given her. It was well kept, but it looked very old. Her fingers skimmed the writings; pits to hell, explosions, certain summons, spike traps, and more. Each made Liz flinch, but she found herself smiling after a while, amused at the thought of all these traps having been laid. Knowing that they were magical, she would have to assume they were still active. She would have to find someone able to sense the active magic in the area.

Taking her time, she marked the traps on the map to the right, writing in neat print what they were supposed to do when triggered. She also pinned down their location in a dark green. On the central map she would mark the placement of troops, and that would come later on when Lorelai brought up the information. She didn't know how long she had been working, her mind rushing from place to place.

"If I didn't know any different I'd say you were enjoying yourself." Lorelai's voice came from the doorway to the lounge. Her eyes scanned the quick modifications to the room Elizabeth had made approvingly. "Leadership looks good on you Elizabeth, very suiting."

She made her way to the map and retrieved a small pen and began marking the ley lines in the area lightly. "These are ley lines, magic works better near them, hence the trap placements. The castle itself in on a foci of most of this region's lines." Her eyebrow furrowed as she looked at her knight. "I need to get your a lens that lets you see these things don't I? An oversight."

"What else do you need? I want to make sure you're well set up before my trip." She asked. "Medusa should act as your envoy, Alphonse will be your enforcer and advisor, and Sousiel will be available to you as need. Coraline's around as well if you'd like to put her to work."

"Lorelai, please, no. I can't stand to be stuck in this castle any longer." Alphonse's voice interrupted the conversation as usual. He didn't even have the decency to show them which shadow he had crawled out from. They simply notice that he was there, near the back of the chamber, leaning nonechalantly. An expression of mock pain on his face. "I've been looking at this place for far too long, far too intensely as it is. Give me a brighter abyss than the politics of plotting witches."

"Just in time Alphonse." Lorelai had long ago become accustomed to his timely appearances. Turning to face him she put on a faux expression of apology. "I'm sorry my dearest friend, but all I have to offer is war and a trip to the literal abyss. So unless you want to help me raise the Plague Lord I reccomend closing your eyes every now and then, but not too often."

"The abyss! Sounds like the perfect relaxation destination to get away from home." Alphonse snapped his fingers and pointed at Lorelai. "I've already packed my basic essentials, anything more esoteric I'll be needing? Profaned crosses? Cold Iron? Strange bondage devices like you have in your room? I assume those are integral for dealing with demons."

Elizabeth smiled weakly at Lorelai, watching as she marked the ley lines on a map. She was just about to comment on the people who would be doing the major planning, and her need for spectacles that would allow her to see the magic, when Alphonse cut in. She gave him a quick glance, before returning silently to the maps.

”Lorelai, you should take him with you. You'll need help to raise the Lord, I'm sure.” Elizabeth couldn't face them, her eyes watering as she thought of Flint's words. He had told her about the Lord and the deaths he had caused, though she already knew plenty about that from her father's tales. Now they discussed raising him, as if it were just a simple task on a chore list. It made her feel sick, but she masked it with a face as cool as stone.

”Seeing as that's what he wants.” Liz added quickly, shooting a hard glance at Alphonse. She began muttering deeply about strategic locations, to ignore any ill feelings. This was war, war meant complicated emotions, it also meant not showing those complicated emotions. She was a general now, after all. The thought almost sent her into hysterics, but she kept muttering and buried it.

"See? Your new bodyguard agrees." Alphonse said as strode around the table. As he came close to Liz, he sat down close to her and joined her in perusing the maps and charts. "You look like you've got big crunchy bug to chew on. Anything I can help out with? I'm a specialist in unpleasant duties." He looked up at Liz as he spoke. Her eyes met his for a moment, before returning to her charts. "Or is it the consorting with demons thing that has you worried?" He let a moment of silence pass. "I bet its the consorting with demons thing." He said nodding, apparently not entirely sure.

Elizabeth's eye twitched as they stared at her, she clenched her fists as an urge passed through her to tear down the maps and stick a pin in Alphonse's eyes. She could feel Lorelai's concerned gaze on her back, her lover obviously wondering just how stable Liz's mental state was. Her head turned fluidly, so she could face Alphonse and smile. ”Oh no, just wondering what I'm going to do with that furniture. I'm not pleased with its placement.” She turned around and began to move chairs, just to move them back a few moments later.

"Really? Because I would be far more concerned about the imminent large scale conflict against people that I once called friends, but cannot help to participate in the shedding of their blood due to their new found oaths and responsibilities." Alphonse said, apparently confused as to why furniture would weigh so much more heavily on her mind. "I'd want to talk about that, maybe just a little bit."

Lorelai glared daggers at Alphonse. Although he was only saying what she wanted to, albiet with much less tact. She sighed and turned to one of the cabinets at the back of the room to retrieve a bottle of scotch and some glasses. She returned to the table and poured out a generous portion for each of them, after taking a long pull directly from the botte.

"Alphonse, and his talent for tact." She smirked wryly, dabbing away the alcohol that had escaped her mouth with a handkerchief. "I told you I'd listen to your opinions love. If you have something to say, or a concern to voice, please don't hesitate."

Elizabeth clenched the arm of the chair she was pushing, as Alphonse put in his two cents. She wouldn't give him a response, but it say on the edge of the tongue, waiting to lash out. She gripped the chair like it was the edge of a cliff, and it came as no surprise to her when the material of the arm snapped like a brittle twig. She looked down at the chair, its plush arm now deflated and weak looking.

She turned towards the others, staring pointedly at her scotch. She could do it, drink away the thoughts for the second time in twenty-four , but it wouldn't get her anywhere. Neither would holding in her opinions, but breaking one habit was more than enough. She strode past the table, grabbing a quill, a jar of ink, and some parchment. She set her tools on an ottoman and began writing.

Lorelai's eyes lingered on the broken arms of Liz's chair, her heart sinking. "As you wish Elizabeth, although I hope you change your mind before I leave." She pushed the knight's glass towards Alphonse pointedly.

"If you're truly set on joining me you'll need Cold-iron and that blade I gave you." Her voice was painfully devoid of emotion as she turned to her shadow. A small part of Lorelai had been hoping that someone would manage to talk her out of her horrific task, but it seemed that no one would. "Some last breath for the crossing, and profaned holy symbols to deal with the angel."

Alphonse let his gaze linger on Liz for a moment. He did not envy her. He was more experienced than most witches in the coven of the outside world, but he still didn't call it home. It made it easier to do what had to be done."I should have a couple bottle of last breath lieing around." Alphonse said casually. "And I think one of my trophies should prove sufficient for the angel."

"The announcement will happen early tomorrow, after that we'll leave." Lorelai sighed. "Sousiel tells me it'll be a few days to a week topside, and I'm expecting a month or so below, so pack some comforts."

"Extra wine, gotcha." Alphonse said. The majority of his attention was still on Liz. She worried him. He trusted that she would stay her course. He just hoped that her emotions would not cloud her ability. "Speaking of which." Alphonse reached into his pocket and pulled out a large bottle that was much larger than the pocket was. "Liz, I think you'll be needing this. I find that it's best to either open up, or drink. Doing neither is a recipe for disaster." He set the bottle on the table. "Well, I think I have business else where. Good night ladies."

Elizabeth didn't turn to face Alphonse, continuing to write in her parchment. She didn't want to drink today, there was plenty of work to be done now that her advisor was gone. Maybe she could call for Sousiel, who wouldn't question anything as long as they were having fun. She waited patiently for the upper layer of ink to dry, thinking about whether or not she would have to work into the night. She set the first piece of parchment aside and began to work on a to-do list.

Lorelai watched Alphonse depart, leaving her and Liz alone. Silence stretched out between them, as the huntress continued to work, and Lorelai struggled for something to say. The tension in the room grew steadily to Lorelai, until it was nearly suffocating. Her love had never asked for this, and Lorelai was powerless to do anything meaningful to spare her pain. She turned the bottle of scotch over in her hand, just like alcohol all she was currently capable of was covering the pain.

Finally the tension became too much to bear, and Lorelai's desire to depart on good terms overpowered her strange paralysis. "Elizabeth? Sweetheart." She struggled to keep her voice calm as it pierced the sound of Liz's quill scratching away at her parchment. "Please talk to me."

Elizabeth froze, her quill slipping from her hand, the ink smearing across the page. She cursed, crumpling up the thick paper and tossing it across the room. ”What is it, Lorelai?” She asked softly, her cheeks aflame. ”What is it you want me to say?” Her tone was a bit more biting now, her brow furrowed as she collected another piece of parchment and began jotting her notes down on it.

Lorelai walk over towards Liz's chair. Kneeling next to her knight she gently plucked the quill from her hand and set it next to the inkwell. Taking both of her lover's hands in hers she looked up at Liz's features, "Please let me share your pain Elizabeth. I don't want you to have to shoulder this alone." She said softly.

"Cry, scream, tell me you hate me, hit me if you need to. Just don't stay quiet, please." Lorelai smiled up at her weakly.

Liz looked longingly at the quill that had been plucked from her hands, before turning her attention to Lorelai. ”Lorelai, I defended you in that bar when Flint brought up the Plague Lord. I pleaded with them, told them you had separated yourself from the evil that had overtaken you.” Her words were dull and emotionless, as she wrenched her hands from Lorelai's and took up her quill.

”Now, you give truth to their words. Now, you will raze their village. Now, you will spark a new legend for yourself. ‘Lorelai Von’Strauss, harbinger of death.’ I can see hear the paper boys calling it now.” Liz shrugged, blowing on the line she had just wrote to make it dry faster. The only part of her that displayed her true emotion was the fire burning brightly in her eyes. ”Will you send for Sousiel when you leave, Mistress? There's much work to be done, before you depart tomorrow.”

Lorelai blinked as tears overcame her cheeks before she could stop them. Mistress, that word from Elizabeth's lips had split her heart like a lance. She nodded slowly, reeling from the pain in her heart. "As... as you wish Elizabeth."

"Before I leave, would you do one more thing for me?" Lorelai asked weakly from her kneeling position. "Ask me. Ask me what I would have done if they refused to turn away when I threatened them with the Plague Lord. Ask me what I would have done had you simply spoke your concerns. Can you do that? So I can answer the questions you should have been free with?"

Elizabeth paused, taking a few deep breaths to keep herself from breaking down. She looked at Lorelai, her eyes softening alongside her features. Her heart pounded weakly, as it tore itself apart and scattered the pieces. She reached out, to touch Lorelai and wipe away the tears, but her hand slowly retracted. ”What would you have done?” She managed, her lip trembling and her eyes threatening her with pinpricks of tears.

"If they'd refused to turn back, I would have returned the Plague Lord to his slumber. Then I'd have let them kill me while you, Lotte, and Abby escaped if needed. I have too much blood on my hands to be able to bear the thought of children suffering because of me." Lorelai spoke grimly, her voice hard. "If you'd asked me not to make the trip in the first place, I'd have honored your request, as my spirit chaffs against the thought as it is."

"Instead you assumed the worst of me, painting me quite the vile woman." Lorelai stood slowly, and turned towards the door. "The whole world thinks I'm a monster Elizabeth, and sometimes I think they're right. I'd hoped the woman I love would know better."

"I'm sorry your service to me has put you at odds with your friends, I'll continue to do everything I can to minimize casualties." Lorelai paused a moment before opening the door. "And I still love you Elizabeth, for what that's worth."

Elizabeth's breath quickened as she tried to prevent the tears. Lorelai's words hit her hard, and they made her realize just how rude she was being. The entire time, Lorelai had wanted her to express her feelings, but she hadn’t. Now they were both hurt, and she could either leave it to stew over the next few days, or fix things now. Her body answered for her, she picked herself up and swayed for a few moments, watching Lorelai in the doorway.

”Lorelai…” Liz croaked out, taking long and determined strides to her lover. She met her in the doorway, wrapping her arms around her waist and lifting her up. Lorelai struggled, flailing her arms and softly grasping the frame of the door. Liz carried the wearily writhing woman to one of the couches, where she gently laid her out. By then, Lorelai had stopped fighting, and Elizabeth knew with a subtle certainty that this was what she wanted.

Elizabeth stood staring at her, tears breaking free from their cage. ”I apologize, for what I said. It must be hard for you to hear those things coming from my lips. I don't know how I could make it up to you.” Elizabeth sat on the edge of the couch, taking Lorelai's hands into hers and gently rubbing them with her thumbs. ”You're no monster, you only do what is best for those close to you. I wish I could be so selfless.”

Lorelai's pride demanded that she let Elizabeth stew, retreat to her own corner, and pout miserably for several days. Lorelai's pride was stupid however, and the witch was aware of that. She allowed herself to be carried happily after a weak and ill-advised protest. Once she was deposited on the couch she looked up at her lover, and smiled. "You're plenty selfless, and you'll understand more of that when and if we have children. You just have to trust me Elizabeth, and when that's hard you have to talk to me." One of her hands escaped Liz's and wiped away the tears from her lover's cheek.

"And I need to be more mindful of you, I should have known you'd have your doubts, and cleared them up before this became an issue." Lorelai sat up, and pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace. "Love is hard work sweetheart, but I'll keep at it if you will."

"Together we can build something stronger than anything this world has to offer, and I want that Elizabeth, more than anything." Lorelai kissed her love, attempting to convey her wish through that simple act. She pulled away just enough to stare deep into those beautiful sapphire pools she kept getting lost in. "There isn't another person I could imagine at my side than you. I want to deepen this connection we have until I can't tell the difference between us."

"So what do you say my sweet?" She winked. "Can you forgive an old witch her foolishness? I forgave you on the way here."

Elizabeth pulled Lorelai into a kiss, rocking her as she soared to cloud nine. When she pulled away, her tears were dry and she was smiling. ”I forgave you when I went to pick you up.” Elizabeth promised, nuzzling against Lorelai's cheeks. It was a warm and safe place, here she had found her home.

”I will stay true to you, Lorelai. Our children will hear about the real you, just like Lotte and Abby do today.” Elizabeth chuckled, pulled into a thought of children and grandchildren. It was a sweet image, and she wondered if it would ever come true. ”Our love will be eternal, if you could ever deal with me for that long.”

Elizabeth planted a kiss on Lorelai's forehead, sealing the deal. ”Without you I wouldn't be who I am today, it would be an honor to connect with you in such a passionate way.” She shivered with excitement at the thought. Becoming an extension of someone else, someone she could share an eternity with. Someone she could explore the depths of hell with, just to know true heaven.

Lorelai's eyes twinkled with mischief as Liz felt something coiling around her waist. "You know, I'm not the only one crazy about you." Her tail lifted her love into the air gently, suspending her so their foreheads still touched. "I've got a Dragon inside me that wants you as much as I do."

"Well... nearly as much." Lorelai extended a talon from her finger, and pressed it gently against the neckline of Elizabeth's tunic. "Something you'll have to get used to, I suppose, is the fact that I'm a little crazy." She raked her talon through the knight's top, being careful not to marr her beautiful skin while baring her torso.

"That will never change, love." Lorelai ran her hands over her lover's exposed skin greedily. She planted small kisses along her stomach, savoring the warmth of her skin on her lips. "What will change though, is what I'm crazy about."

"Right now, in this moment, I'm crazy about you." Lorelai's claw extended again to slice through the front of Elizabeth's bra, exposing her chest. "Stark-raving mad even. A deep and pervasive insanity that shows no sign of leaving."

"Your face haunts my daydreams, your voice is the song in my heart, and your body dances across my nights, Elizabeth." She kissed a trail over the huntress' jaw before taking her lips lightly. "I don't want to hurt you my love, but I will. When I do, tell me, so that I can change for the better."

She lowered her knight to the couch, and her tail busied itself removing the remainder of the woman's clothing. "I'm not a very good woman, but I want to be. I love you and my daughters more than my heart can bear, and I want to be good for all of you. I want to leave my little ones in a better world that I had." She moved herself over top of her lover, lowering herself gently onto her chest. "When I stumble, you'll pick me up, and when you stumble, I'll always be there."

"My Dragon and I are in agreement about only one thing." Lorelai whispered into Elizabeth's ear, her voice humid and crazed. "You're good for me in a way that no one's ever been good for me. Now, relax, and let me reward you for showing me all the sweet things I never thought I'd have."

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