Erin Hyde McGarth &
Clara Jekyll MoonGender: Female
Age: 17
Birthplace: Dublin Ireland
Appearance: Erin Hyde McGarth has fire red hair. She usually wears a cross with rose vine, necklace her mothers. There's a Jekyll and Hyde tattoo on Erin's right arm. Her dual eyes will help become a key clue to which personality you are facing. They're blue (Erin) and green (Clara) but only one will be opened. This girl usually wears black clothing or at least something dark.
Erin Hyde McGarth- This side is not really outgoing. Erin is kindhearted wanting to help those in need then herself. She's very trusting to others. This side will do pretty much anything to show her loyalty to people. Erin is hardworking and tends to take on more then she can handle.
Clara Jekyll Moon- This side is rather cold towards others. She doesn't trust anyone around Erin. In her own mind she's the only one who can save the other side. This side is very possessive over the other, in a twin sisterly way. Violence is the main way Clara goes unless the person knows Erin well.
Occupation before the breakout: High School Student
Skills: • Basic Chemicals- Erin is the daughter of a scientist. After her father's death she was trying to follow in his footsteps. Since Vivian worked trying to keep them in a home the girl was shipped to a school. There she took as many science classes as the school would allow her.
• Notes- Erin has a habit of taking notes on what she sees. This has been help full to her group so far it would seem. Mostly though it's to keep track of the undead to help future scientist find a cure.
• Basic Aid- Her Aunt was a nurse for the hospital in California. She taught Erin how to do basic first aid in case of on emergency. This helped in many scenarios when Clara came out.
• Close attention to details- Looking closely this girl can figure out the details. If something seems off she can usually spot it. This was due to helping her dad with his notes.
Erin Hyde McGarth- •Borderline Personality Disorder- Erin can be the sweetest girl and in an instant become rather violent. This disorder can't be cured leaving her wishing she was different. Most times she would hurt whoever was around and regret it afterwords.
•A real Jekyll and Hyde- Impossible as you think it maybe this is true. The cause was just like the story only it started as a personality disorder. Clara was born as her aunt was bitten. Fearing the life of her niece Vivian told her niece to run to the high school. Later on throughout the months the darker side had become another person. Though the things in the book doesn't happen to her except the personality switch.
Clara Jekyll Moon- The darker side of the coin. Violence is all this side knows. Wanting to protect Erin and keep her safe, Clara tends to go too far. This frightens the better side very much.
Clara Jekyll Moon- •Death- This is the main thing Clara fears. Not the death of herself but for the better side. When one dies so does the other, so Clara will do whatever it takes to keep Erin safe.
•Relationships- She worries what it would mean to lose someone. That and having another person inside you usually makes realtiinships hard.
•Darkness- this is all Clara remembers when she first become a person. This was because if the ruble the girl was underneath after an explosion.
Equipment: Backpack- Cloths, basic medical supplies, bullets, and water bottles
Knives on belt- Smith & Wesson HRT12B, BLACKHAWK! Nightedge
Group: Group of her own until at the high school
History: Doesn't talk about it.
Vincent James McGarthGender: Male
Age: 27
Birthplace: Dublin Ireland

Personality: Vincent's personality can only be described by one word; Lucifer. He's kind and charming towards those around him. Patient about setting a time line for goals. Most would see the perfect person to work for at first. This is due to him never showing his true colors until the time is right. Once a deal is made you better hope and pray you never go back on it. The phrase hell on earth basically explains what would happen.
Occupation before the breakout: Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW)
Skills: • Information Gathering- Information is worth a lot now and days. If he hears news about a dual eye colored girl he makes a deal to protect them. If Vincent has information that the others need he trades it for either supplies and weapons or men.
• Marksman- This guy is a really great shot. Mostly due to his training as an military personal. That and all the walkers around provide excellent target practice. No one will be able to get rusty by the time this ends.
• Organized- As the new mob leader he has to be much more organized. This helps with strategies, protection details, as well as deals to be made. Vincent still does some of the dirty work himself but he also allows others to do it for him.
• Quick- He was taught to be quick on his feet. This helps in a world like this. It also helps move everything they gather into a hidden case and move out before either survivors and walker came in.
Fears/incompetencies: • Deals- Vincent can never resist making a deal. He can make the deals sound to good to be true. In reality they really are. What is the payment? Your life in the palm of the man's hand of course.
• Family- This is the one weakness Vincent has. Capture one then he'll listen to you're requests and even let you get out alive. Capture both then the guy would surrender everything he has to save them. Just one problem comes with that if you harm either of the or both he'll kill you where you stand.
• Sways- The guy tends to sway while humming an irish lullaby. If one complains about it he beats them or throws them to walkers. Fear keeps mouths quiet and attention on what they need to do.
Equipment: · Big Duffle Bag- Gun wise: 12 Gauge Shotgun, mp5, Clothes, very little ammo, some packaged food, couple bottles of water
Pants Belt: Beretta Cheetah
Group: Raven and his mob
History: Vincent's mother and father met by chance. Though if you ever asked her it was faith. They were still dating by the time the woman found out she was pregnant and at the same time his father had proposed. The woman assumed he was trying to do the right thing which made it harder for her to dump him. The young woman raised Vincent on her own telling him that his father didn't care about him which drove the kid to play chess constantly to avoid his problems. The day that he found out his father had married another woman was when he started hanging out with the wrong crowds.
At the age of 19 the young man was apart of the Irish Mob. His job was a Money Shark which helped him learn the ins and outs of the business. The guy took care of every dirty thing they asked. The one mistake he did was let a kid go. Who would have thought when the kid looked inside his eyes he would see his twin sister. Which his mother took back to her home in California due to needing the care. The young man was 23 when he was caught beating on a gang member to gain a financial lost the family had received. So he was given a choice either join the irish army rangers or go to prison. Vincent chose the army leaving his former life behind.
After finding out he had a half sister and she was in California he asked for an honorable discharge. It was finalized just a few days before the outbreak in California but by the time he had arrived troops were trying to block the place. This was in attempt to keep the infection away from the rest of the world. Eventually this was impossible an everything hit the fans causing him to renter the life he left. Now he leads about 12 men all armed with his sister as his right hand man. The 11 men were all military before everything fell apart helping Vincent protect those he makes deals with along with the trying to get his family together forever.
Haru SentoGender: Male
Age: 17
Birthplace: Campbell California
Appearance: Haru is really tidy and neat which usually means he's near Erin almost all the time. He's very flexible with the councils' rules unless it would be dangerous. The young man is loyal to those who are able to impress him. Haru is always alert to his surroundings. When the teen is nervous he becomes rather anxious. When out outside caution is his middle name, though there can be flaws.
Occupation before the breakout: student and volunteer nurse
Skills: • Tracking- Haru can track anything due to his adopted father's help. Now and days he use it far tracking walkers. This helps the high school survivors with the undead's headings.
• Quiet- He is mostly quiet in a walkers surroundings. This is goes with the hunting skills the boy was taught. Though when the teenager is really nervous he tend to fidget a lot.
• Scouting- This is the most useful skill Haru has. Granted walkers have seemed to taken the world but he's not going to lose anymore people. Scouting areas before people go into a hot zone is better then going in blind.
• Decent Shot- As a part time hunter, with his adopted father, he's decent shot. His favored weapon is a sniper rifle but if there isn't one around his able to make do.
Fears/incompetencies: • Under Erin's and Clara's command- this girl is his commander. Her orders are the final say no if, and, or buts. When she speaks the boy jumps into action.
• Overprotective- The teenager is very overprotective over the group. Haru considers his job to protect everyone which ends in either Erin or Clara to get him out of a jam.
• Creative Thinker- The greatest buildings were build with time. This is usually how this young man likes to do his own planning. Speed isn't the greatest option all the time. He's used to taking his time with plans though recently he has gotten slightly better.
Equipment: • Duffle Bag- 4 bottles of water, 3 boxes of ammo, 2 cans of food, and 5 candy bars
• 9mm Handgun inside a holster around his hips
• 2 gauge shotgun
• pocket knife
Group: Erin's Group
History: Haru's parents were in love or at least at the time. His mother was in an arranged marriage due to her family's customs. Though the two believed they were right together. After months of planning and saving money the two ran away. They moved to the California staying there in blissful happiness. That was until the young woman became pregnant. The man soon ran off, leaving her all alone. Eventually she had two healthy twins to raise. Eventually she had met Mr. Right and married him.
Haru arrived to his house after staying at a friends house. The door was obviously forced opened. He opened the door slowly, not wanting to alert the person. Shuffling of feet, groaning, and something tearing was what greeted the boy. Cautiously exploring the wrecked house the young man saw his twin dead on the floor of their room. Frantically he searched the rest of the house finding his mother's corpse on the bathroom floor. Knives clattering to the floor caused the frightened teen to go find out what it was. Inside the kitchen was a well liked nurse tearing into his stepfather.
The boy froze unaware of his newly turned mother coming towards him. A voice told him to hit the floor and killed the walkers. In the process she had shot her own Aunt. When Haru looked up he saw Erin. Even ally as they traveled towards the school they grew closer. By the time they arrived at the school they became family. This is the main reason the boy will follow the irish girl around like a puppy dog, following her orders. She had impressed him by saving him than her own flesh and blood.(though in the Walking Dead-from the beginning the meeting was different.)