Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikki Hyatt

Name: Nikki Hyatt
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Position: leader
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California
Weapons: Dad's 45 and his sword, a pocketknife, ammo, some fishing wire and 3 rolls of duct tape in a backpack
Bio: Nikki was a cheerleader for the local high school. She and several others tp'd the school the week before graduation. She was allowed to walk with her class but would not receive her diploma until she finished her sentence of community service. When the epidemic hit their town she walked into her house to find her mother being devoured by a neighbor. Her father never came home.

Personality: Nikki is an extrovert. She is soft hearted, but it is buried underneath a toughened and somewhat sarcastic exterior. She is often upbeat and she swears like most teenagers (not too much though)

Skills: She can sew, 10 years of gymnastics and dance, martial arts (because Dad was worried about boys) and she is almost fearless.
Fears: Her fears would seem pretty normal in this world. She is afraid of being eaten alive or set on fire. She is not afraid of stunts and has dabbled a little in parkour but she hasn't mastered that one yet. Like everyone else she is afraid to trust too much.

Other: Her leather trenchcoat, extra clothes, Hairbrush and hair ties, toothbrush, some granola bars and a picture of her family, Mom, Dad, brother and herself. She carries a map book of the state and a lighter.

Family: Dad was a businessman. Mom was a former ballerina. Her brother Matt is 6 yrs older than she was and he is a marine medic. Matt also has a daughter, Grace.

Nikki had just been accepted to Julliard for dance a few weeks before the epidemic hit. Nikki is often teased about her martial arts because she was in a televised tournament and she took second in the regional championships.

Jenna Connor


Age 23

Skills: Cooking, fishing, shooting she has an uncanny precision with a gun.
Job before the walking dead: A model and part time actress
Fears: The walking dead, snakes and most reptiles and drowning

What she has with her: hairbrush, purse full of miscellaneous stuff including hairspray and a pocketknife and a gun. Some candy and a baseball bat, tire iron from her car, a first aid kit and a change of clothes and shoes. She also has a couple of magazines in her car.

She has no real fighting skills to speak of. She was taking an aerobics class at the rec center when the epidemic hit. All she has is what she had with her at that time.

BIO: Jenna had just gotten through with a modelling shoot and was on vacation at home. She travelled so much it felt good just to be home. She had tossed her stuff in her bag and went to her aerobics class. She had stopped at Dunkin Donuts and gotten some for the girls in her class. Hey she had a month off she could indulge for once. Her first experience with a walker was in the locker room at the rec center. She had been in the shower and she had seen enough horror movies and dealt with enough photographers to know that you don't take a shower anywhere in a public place without a weapon nearby.

Jenna had turned towards the door of the room when she heard the door open. When she heard the shuffling walk and the strange breathing noises she assumed it was someone very ill or some of the guys in the building playing a joke on her but she put a towel on and grabbed her gun. When the walker became visible to her she looked closely and saw the blood, the vacant look in the eyes and the rotting flesh and she aimed for the leg. It hit but didn't deter the creature so she hit twice more, once in the heart and once in the head. She stayed away from the body and hurriedly put some clothes on. Staying close to the wall she had made her way to the nearest door to the outside of the building. She peaked out and was astonished to see the chaos outside.

Matthew Hyatt

age 25

Matthew is Nikki's older brother. He is 25 and he is Grace's father and Kat's on again off again boyfriend. He is a medic in the marines and on leave when the epidemic hit. He is protective of his family and friends and will help pretty much everyone in need if he can. He is smart and he and Nikki are close siblings.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name:Erin Hyde McGarth & Clara Jekyll Moon

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthplace: Dublin Ireland

Appearance: Erin Hyde McGarth has fire red hair. She usually wears a cross with rose vine, necklace her mothers. There's a Jekyll and Hyde tattoo on Erin's right arm. Her dual eyes will help become a key clue to which personality you are facing. They're blue (Erin) and green (Clara) but only one will be opened. This girl usually wears black clothing or at least something dark.

Personality:Erin Hyde McGarth- This side is not really outgoing. Erin is kindhearted wanting to help those in need then herself. She's very trusting to others. This side will do pretty much anything to show her loyalty to people. Erin is hardworking and tends to take on more then she can handle.

Clara Jekyll Moon- This side is rather cold towards others. She doesn't trust anyone around Erin. In her own mind she's the only one who can save the other side. This side is very possessive over the other, in a twin sisterly way. Violence is the main way Clara goes unless the person knows Erin well.

Occupation before the breakout: High School Student

Skills: • Basic Chemicals- Erin is the daughter of a scientist. After her father's death she was trying to follow in his footsteps. Since Vivian worked trying to keep them in a home the girl was shipped to a school. There she took as many science classes as the school would allow her.
• Notes- Erin has a habit of taking notes on what she sees. This has been help full to her group so far it would seem. Mostly though it's to keep track of the undead to help future scientist find a cure.
• Basic Aid- Her Aunt was a nurse for the hospital in California. She taught Erin how to do basic first aid in case of on emergency. This helped in many scenarios when Clara came out.
• Close attention to details- Looking closely this girl can figure out the details. If something seems off she can usually spot it. This was due to helping her dad with his notes.

Fears/incompetencies:Erin Hyde McGarth- •Borderline Personality Disorder- Erin can be the sweetest girl and in an instant become rather violent. This disorder can't be cured leaving her wishing she was different. Most times she would hurt whoever was around and regret it afterwords.
•A real Jekyll and Hyde- Impossible as you think it maybe this is true. The cause was just like the story only it started as a personality disorder. Clara was born as her aunt was bitten. Fearing the life of her niece Vivian told her niece to run to the high school. Later on throughout the months the darker side had become another person. Though the things in the book doesn't happen to her except the personality switch.
Clara Jekyll Moon- The darker side of the coin. Violence is all this side knows. Wanting to protect Erin and keep her safe, Clara tends to go too far. This frightens the better side very much.

Clara Jekyll Moon- •Death- This is the main thing Clara fears. Not the death of herself but for the better side. When one dies so does the other, so Clara will do whatever it takes to keep Erin safe.
•Relationships- She worries what it would mean to lose someone. That and having another person inside you usually makes realtiinships hard.
•Darkness- this is all Clara remembers when she first become a person. This was because if the ruble the girl was underneath after an explosion.

Equipment: Backpack- Cloths, basic medical supplies, bullets, and water bottles
Knives on belt- Smith & Wesson HRT12B, BLACKHAWK! Nightedge

Group: Group of her own until at the high school

History: Doesn't talk about it.

Name:Vincent James McGarth

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Birthplace: Dublin Ireland


Personality: Vincent's personality can only be described by one word; Lucifer. He's kind and charming towards those around him. Patient about setting a time line for goals. Most would see the perfect person to work for at first. This is due to him never showing his true colors until the time is right. Once a deal is made you better hope and pray you never go back on it. The phrase hell on earth basically explains what would happen.

Occupation before the breakout: Irish Army Ranger Wing (ARW)

Skills: • Information Gathering- Information is worth a lot now and days. If he hears news about a dual eye colored girl he makes a deal to protect them. If Vincent has information that the others need he trades it for either supplies and weapons or men.
• Marksman- This guy is a really great shot. Mostly due to his training as an military personal. That and all the walkers around provide excellent target practice. No one will be able to get rusty by the time this ends.
• Organized- As the new mob leader he has to be much more organized. This helps with strategies, protection details, as well as deals to be made. Vincent still does some of the dirty work himself but he also allows others to do it for him.
• Quick- He was taught to be quick on his feet. This helps in a world like this. It also helps move everything they gather into a hidden case and move out before either survivors and walker came in.
Fears/incompetencies: • Deals- Vincent can never resist making a deal. He can make the deals sound to good to be true. In reality they really are. What is the payment? Your life in the palm of the man's hand of course.
• Family- This is the one weakness Vincent has. Capture one then he'll listen to you're requests and even let you get out alive. Capture both then the guy would surrender everything he has to save them. Just one problem comes with that if you harm either of the or both he'll kill you where you stand.
• Sways- The guy tends to sway while humming an irish lullaby. If one complains about it he beats them or throws them to walkers. Fear keeps mouths quiet and attention on what they need to do.

Equipment: · Big Duffle Bag- Gun wise: 12 Gauge Shotgun, mp5, Clothes, very little ammo, some packaged food, couple bottles of water
Pants Belt: Beretta Cheetah

Group: Raven and his mob

History: Vincent's mother and father met by chance. Though if you ever asked her it was faith. They were still dating by the time the woman found out she was pregnant and at the same time his father had proposed. The woman assumed he was trying to do the right thing which made it harder for her to dump him. The young woman raised Vincent on her own telling him that his father didn't care about him which drove the kid to play chess constantly to avoid his problems. The day that he found out his father had married another woman was when he started hanging out with the wrong crowds.

At the age of 19 the young man was apart of the Irish Mob. His job was a Money Shark which helped him learn the ins and outs of the business. The guy took care of every dirty thing they asked. The one mistake he did was let a kid go. Who would have thought when the kid looked inside his eyes he would see his twin sister. Which his mother took back to her home in California due to needing the care. The young man was 23 when he was caught beating on a gang member to gain a financial lost the family had received. So he was given a choice either join the irish army rangers or go to prison. Vincent chose the army leaving his former life behind.

After finding out he had a half sister and she was in California he asked for an honorable discharge. It was finalized just a few days before the outbreak in California but by the time he had arrived troops were trying to block the place. This was in attempt to keep the infection away from the rest of the world. Eventually this was impossible an everything hit the fans causing him to renter the life he left. Now he leads about 12 men all armed with his sister as his right hand man. The 11 men were all military before everything fell apart helping Vincent protect those he makes deals with along with the trying to get his family together forever.

Name:Haru Sento

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthplace: Campbell California

Appearance: 40.media.tumblr.com/b87bf08a87ea5431a6..

Personality: Haru is really tidy and neat which usually means he's near Erin almost all the time. He's very flexible with the councils' rules unless it would be dangerous. The young man is loyal to those who are able to impress him. Haru is always alert to his surroundings. When the teen is nervous he becomes rather anxious. When out outside caution is his middle name, though there can be flaws.

Occupation before the breakout: student and volunteer nurse

Skills: • Tracking- Haru can track anything due to his adopted father's help. Now and days he use it far tracking walkers. This helps the high school survivors with the undead's headings.
• Quiet- He is mostly quiet in a walkers surroundings. This is goes with the hunting skills the boy was taught. Though when the teenager is really nervous he tend to fidget a lot.
• Scouting- This is the most useful skill Haru has. Granted walkers have seemed to taken the world but he's not going to lose anymore people. Scouting areas before people go into a hot zone is better then going in blind.
• Decent Shot- As a part time hunter, with his adopted father, he's decent shot. His favored weapon is a sniper rifle but if there isn't one around his able to make do.

Fears/incompetencies: • Under Erin's and Clara's command- this girl is his commander. Her orders are the final say no if, and, or buts. When she speaks the boy jumps into action.
• Overprotective- The teenager is very overprotective over the group. Haru considers his job to protect everyone which ends in either Erin or Clara to get him out of a jam.
• Creative Thinker- The greatest buildings were build with time. This is usually how this young man likes to do his own planning. Speed isn't the greatest option all the time. He's used to taking his time with plans though recently he has gotten slightly better.

Equipment: • Duffle Bag- 4 bottles of water, 3 boxes of ammo, 2 cans of food, and 5 candy bars
• 9mm Handgun inside a holster around his hips
• 2 gauge shotgun
• pocket knife

Group: Erin's Group

History: Haru's parents were in love or at least at the time. His mother was in an arranged marriage due to her family's customs. Though the two believed they were right together. After months of planning and saving money the two ran away. They moved to the California staying there in blissful happiness. That was until the young woman became pregnant. The man soon ran off, leaving her all alone. Eventually she had two healthy twins to raise. Eventually she had met Mr. Right and married him.

Haru arrived to his house after staying at a friends house. The door was obviously forced opened. He opened the door slowly, not wanting to alert the person. Shuffling of feet, groaning, and something tearing was what greeted the boy. Cautiously exploring the wrecked house the young man saw his twin dead on the floor of their room. Frantically he searched the rest of the house finding his mother's corpse on the bathroom floor. Knives clattering to the floor caused the frightened teen to go find out what it was. Inside the kitchen was a well liked nurse tearing into his stepfather.

The boy froze unaware of his newly turned mother coming towards him. A voice told him to hit the floor and killed the walkers. In the process she had shot her own Aunt. When Haru looked up he saw Erin. Even ally as they traveled towards the school they grew closer. By the time they arrived at the school they became family. This is the main reason the boy will follow the irish girl around like a puppy dog, following her orders. She had impressed him by saving him than her own flesh and blood.(though in the Walking Dead-from the beginning the meeting was different.)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Kathryn (Kat) Monroe

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Birthplace: Chicago IL


Personality: Kat can seem cold at times, but she is just reserved. Even before the outbreak she didn't like to rely on people or let them be a major part of her life because in her experience they move on after a while and leave. You get one chance with her and if you give her BS she will not only call you on it she will not let you forget it. But where her baby is concerned she is the exact opposite. Kat is warm and loving towards her baby, almost like a split personality considering how she responds to everyone else. Try to hurt or take her baby, you will wish the walkers had gotten to you first.

Occupation before the breakout: Blackjack Dealer at the Diamond Casino in Las Vegas

Skills: persuasive
excellent BS meter (cuz of calling bluffs and spotting card counters on her former job)
quick reflexes (again, former job)
knows a few pressure point moves but is not an expert fighter
can fire a gun and is an average shot

she will do anything to keep her baby safe and if her baby is in danger she tends to not think clearly making her rush into things blindly
has a temper and can get loud when angered
quick to judge people
not very forgiving
can be cold and doesn't seem to like people, but doesn't want to be alone

Bag with a few baby supplies (a bottle, a pacifier, a few baby clothes and makeshift diapers, ect)
small pocket knife
a change of clothes
crackers and jerky
small mirror (for signaling)
hair brush (handle is broken)

History: Kathryn was born to a Russian immigrant mother and an abusive father. Her mother died from cancer when she was seven and she hasn't seen her father in several years. The move to Las Vegas was a good change from the moderate sized town she was born and raised in. She got a job quickly as a dishwasher at the Diamond Casino. She worked her ass off and the boss noticed, promoting her quickly because of her hard work and dedication to the job. She moved up in rank to waitress and bartender before switching to the floor. She has been a blackjack dealer for over a year and is excellent at her job, knowing how to flirt to keep the people in their seats but having a steel spine to make them leave when they were no longer wanted.
She had very few friends, no romantic attachments and no responsibilities to anyone but herself and she liked it that way.

Then one night a handsome man sat at her table. He impressed her with his bluffing. They talked and she found herself telling him things she hadn't told to people she'd known for months let alone hours. After hours of playing, talking and drinking she found herself inviting him back to her room...

The next morning she left before he woke, leaving only a note to thank him for everything and enough money to cover the drinks he had bought her.
Nine months later she got the results of that one night stand : a beautiful sweet baby girl. For the first time in a long time Kat found herself loving something more than herself. When the outbreak happened she swore to do anything to protect her baby. And she has...
She thinks about Grace's father sometimes, wondering where he is now and if he is still alive. She dreads the day that Grace is old enough to wonder where he is and asks questions that Kat can't answer.


Kat's baby girl - Grace
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Tina Louise Lancaster

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Birthplace: Ballground Georgia


Personality: Tina comes across as a grade A bundle of confusing signals.
On one hand she's a cursing covered in grease Tomboy
Then on the other an educated geek playing with chemicals
Mix all that with a friendly Southern Belle demeanor and lady of culture and you'd swear she suffers from multiple personality disorder.

Occupation before the breakout: Mechanical Engineering Student working on her Master's (special project is designing and implementing a compact bio fuel plant)

Skills: Mechanics, Electrical, Brawling (Martial Arts less cultured Cousin), Chemistry, Free Climbing and Tracking

Fears/incompetencies: Tina hates using improper tools for any job and has trouble not being vocal about her distrust of having to make do (At these times it is suggested that minors and people with delicate sensibilities move at least 50 yards from her location)

Pregnancy, she is terrified of becoming pregnant and is because of this still a virgin

Babies, Tina doesn't understand them and while not openly hostile or any other weird thing towards them can be put on the edge of panic if holding, feeding them and especially being left to care for one


History : Tina comes from a Family that traces it's roots all the way back the Founders of the colony of George under James Oglethorpe in 1733.

Her Great Grandfather built the house she grew up in and opened the first Mechanic's shop in Canton Georgia in 1912. For then next one hundred years the Lancaster family provided the local area with mechanics and in times of war sent their sons to serve in all the major an minor wars thus earning a degree of respect and admiration in the small town named for the sport once played there.

Tina like her six older an three younger brothers grew up soaked in oil an grease learning the mysterious art of the internal combustion engine. She had two options in the eyes of the people around her in the little town nestled in the foothills of the Appalachia mountains and they were to marry an become a full time mother an house keeper or to marry some rich man from Atlanta and become an affluent wife in the Buckhead scene that surrounded wthe governor's mansion; she found the third option of self determination by earning a full scholarship to Georgia Tech.

She could have simply made herself one of the sorority crowd but chose instead to be a gear head working on odd projects while at school and before she earned her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and design learned she had a love of sustainable fuel sources, primarily Bio diesel.


Gender: Male

Age: 25

Birthplace: Montreal Quebec

Physical Characteristics
Ht. 1.98 M.
Wt. 106. 6 Kilos

Personality : Henri is highly intelligent but down to earth.
He loves people and being around them as long as they don't crowd him but is able to go long periods in total isolation as a common practice.
He loves animals and shows an affinity for an from them that some say boarders on the mystical.
He dislikes bullies of any kind and doesn't easily back down.
Henri is for so large a man a very gentle person who can show immense compassion for even former enemies.
He is a Poet at heart who can be inspired by the most beautiful or mundane and sometimes speaks in poetic prose.

Occupation : Wildlife Biologist / Documentarist

Skills : PHD. Biology, Master's Zoology, Photography, Wilderness survival, Bush Pilot, Initiateur Savate

Fears/Incompetencies :
Henri has a fear of Enclosed spaces which requires he meditate to keep under control. This is likely due to his formative environment of being raised in the wild places around the world an seldom living indoors.
Henri is actually one of the worst drivers any have ever seen even though he can land a plane in the worst place possible or navigate a boat through class 5 rapids. This is due to the fact that he has almost no experience driving.
Henri is afraid of crowds finding being in proximity to more than four other people uncomfortable.

Equipment :
75 Liter backpack
1 three person Tensile Tree Tent
1 Platypus GravityWorks water filter
1 pair Canon 18x50 IS Binoculars
1 large mummy bag
2 thermal blankets
1 Sony XDCAM EX PMW-EX3 - Camcorder with light tripod.
1 pair Salomon Quest Hiking boots
3 pair of Levi jeans
6 under armor shirts short an long sleeve
6 pair socks
12 non lubricated condoms
6 days of food dried
8 energy bars

Group : N/A

History : Henri was born Montreal to Robert an Petra Mystère a pair of Wildlife scientists and photographers.

His mother refused to leave Henri or to stay in civilization with him while her husband went on an extended stay in the jungles of Ecuador instead packing the whole family for the trip.

For the next 15 years Henri's parents carried him around the world with them to exotic lands in the pursuit of the passion the study of wildlife. Because of this by the time their son turned 15 was so well informed in the skills of their profession that he was offered a scholarship

He breezed through the courses necessary gain his eventual degree in biology and his doctorate by his 23rd birthady.

He is thankful that his parents lived to see him receive his PhD. Before they both died in a plane crash that nearly claimed his life as well in Alaska.

He was in University of California, San Diego on a teaching fellowship waiting for a grant to go to the remote tip of South America.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: James Harris

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan


Personality: James is the kind of guy that puts a lot of passion and dedication in whatever he does regardless of how big, small or meaningless it might be. He is a loyal and protective individual that would do anything for the people he loves. He usually keeps to himself and is not very good at socializing although he likes to hang out with the few friends he has. He also likes to say exactly what he feels and/or believes and never hides behind lies or false masks. James has proven to be quite adaptable and a fast learner.

Occupation: Car mechanic at his uncle's car shop.

- A very talented car mechanic. Not exactly the best around but he can fix pretty much anything that has four wheels and an engine.
- Good hunter. Before being imprisoned, James used to go hunting with his grandfather quite a lot. After jail, he continued to go hunting, sometimes by himself, sometimes with friends, since his uncle wasn't exactly the hunter type, but was forced to use bows and crossbows because the law didn't allow him to carry firearms anymore.
- Marksmanship. All these years of hunting with either firearms or bows made James quite a good marksman and he rarely misses his target.

Fears/Incompetencies: James is afraid of heights and he is sometimes too overconfident in himself and his skills.

Equipment: An OD green backpack with a couple of spare clothes, 3 Snickers bars, a pack of toast, 2 cans of sardines, 2 cans of baked beans, a can opener, a spoon and a fork, a flashlight with 6 spare batteries and a blank notebook with 2 pens.

Group: Alone for the moment

Background: James is a former convict. At the age of 24 he was arrested and convicted for assault and battery after he attacked his mother's former husband, who kept stalking her even after the divorce. After he found out, James went to him, threatened him to leave her alone and after he refused James proceeded to beating him up real good both with his bare hands and with an aluminum baseball bat. He spent 2 years in prison for this. After his release James's life became full of hardship. Because of his status as an ex-convict, nobody really trusted him anymore and he had an almost impossible time finding a job. And to top it all off his mother died of bone cancer some time after his release. Eventually his uncle saved him and proposed him to come to San Diego, and work with him there at his newly opened car shop. James decided that he needs a change of space and a fresh start in a place where nobody knew him or his past so he accepted his uncle's offer. It's not like he had any other choice anyway. It was a small business, just him and his uncle, but it helped him get back on track and try to live a relatively normal life.

- James has a 2 year old border collie female which he named Bella;

- Owns and drives a 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KawaiiDesuuuu
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KawaiiDesuuuu The Most Kawaii Motherfucker In Town

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Lassar Calhoun

Gender: Male

Age: 60

Birthplace: New York, New York

Appearance: Lassar stands at 5'11, 161 lbs.

Personality: Lassar doesn't give a shit. He does what he wants, when he wants, damned be the consequences. He loves booze, pot, guns, and not giving shits. He likes the girlies, punks the fuckwads, and asks for spare change whenever possible, because dammit, pot ain't free.

Occupation before the breakout: Hobo, former Green Beret.

Skills: Crack shot with firearms, knows knife fighting.

Fears/incompetencies: Lassar sucks at everything he isn't good at. There's a reason he's a hobo. Man is too incompetent to hold down any job.

Equipment: Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express revolver, Sig Saur MPX rifle, foot long deer horn handle bowie knife, six inch adjustable shaving mirror, a leather belt, various bottles of liquor and bags of weed, an old dusty overcoat filled with holes, steel toed boots.

Group: Unaffiliated

History: Lassar grew up an only child, and he liked it that way. A loner, a rebel, an outcast. It was as if he were a separate species from other members of the human race. Perhaps in some ways, he was. He operated on a level entirely different from others. How so? He simply had no shats to bequeath. He joined the Marines at 18, after having competed in several state shooting championships.

When he left the core at age 38, he was a Green Beret who had seen death in Afghanistan, South Africa, Syria, and Korea. Regardless of his record, he knew of nothing else but war, and descended into a stupor of substance abuse to force his inner badass into hiding, lest he be driven mad like a caged tiger. Not that he gave a shit. Then came the zombies. Now Lassar has returned for one last crusade, to kill shit and not give said shit away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 11 days ago

This ok for an entry?
Anything I need to add or change?

Name: Levi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Profession(s): Acrobat, fire performer, daredevil.
Levi grew up a performer, as an adventurous daring young kid he turned away from the acting path his failed parents tried to push him down and leant heavily towards the excitement and danger of the stunts instead.
Tired of his possessive parents trying to run his life he ran away quite young and busked on the streets. Soon he learnt the skills of shock entertainment and spent the next years building on that until he was good enough to join a performing group.
Even though it was only beginning of his career he saw much of the world before it all ended in California and everything changed.

Levi has attachment issues and trusts very slowly. He hides behind many walls of false confidence and even slight arrogance.
On the outside he seems really easy going and care free, just rolling with life, living it fully. This positive persona draws people in and he makes friends easily.
Inside he hides insecurities of himself and his future with the adrenalin he gets from stage performances and risk taking.


  • Tattoo artist
  • Juggling
  • Card shark
  • Knife throwing
  • Sleight of hand
  • Skating and parkour


  • Fire tricks bag
  • 3x balanced throwing axes
  • Favourite tattoo gun
  • Slack rope
  • Climbers chalk
  • Some good boots, jeans and a jacket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Adah Evelyn Cinet

Age: 31

Profession: Drug dealer

Skills: General people skills, improvisation, free running, looting, knowledge in the areas of local horticulture, religion, and recreational drugs

Disability/Fears: She has participated in any number of vices, she has become attached to some more than others-- she may simply have a taste for some drugs, while she might be borderline addicted to others-- she's certainly developed a reliance on marijuana, caffeine and tobacco.

Weapon(s) of Choice: A rapier wit. Adah relies less on an established weapon of choice and more on "desenrascanço"-- improvisation in the moment. When under threat of zombies this could be something like finding a weapon, exploiting the environment around her, or finding a quick route of escape, while dealing with people, this skill could become more charisma based.

-- Of course, when this doesn't suffice, she's a bit of an eagle from a distance with her hunting rifle.

Personality: Adah is sensitive and strong. She has empathy and believes in the good nature of people; preferring to investigate a problem and find as many situational factors and contexts as possible before making her own judgement. She also has wildly radical beliefs and will fight for her own beliefs, as well as those of others. Her mood at any given moment could be influenced by a variety of things-- mostly music, though, and her methods are as erratic as the genres she listens to. Adah believes strongly in using history's mistakes to guide us, as well as staying open, both to people and to all the possibilities of the unknown. Ada gives some credit to Louisianan Voudou. She has potential, and her being aware of this may sometimes lead to her being cocky, or even hindering action, but overall, she's a good, cunning and quick person.

Personal History: Adah, born on Louisiana's coast to a Creole mother and a Cuban father, is the result of what happens when a man leaves a woman, one who can barely take care of herself, with a child. Both of Adah's parents were unprepared for her coming into the world, really-- they themselves raised in tumultuous households-- they couldn't give the baby what she properly needed to grow, they were still children themselves. Adah's father left her and her mother when she was barely 4, left as a bastard for her mother, the woman turned to drugs, relying on family to help raise Adah as she herself resigned to a drug fueled existence. Despite this, the two were close, her mother's employment was always temporary and so she and Adah moved around Louisiana, leaving little in the way of making friends at school. To compensate for this, Ada instead grew close to the places she was, learning of the lore, legends and history of locations, taking it to heart as she grew.

Adah, now 19, found herself to be a much more open, intelligent, and free thinking individual, all of the characteristics of punk, hippie, counter-culture, beatnik and burnout. More or less, a stereotypical teenager. She would consider herself to be something of a syncretist, both religious and philosophical, with many of her philosophies clashing with the current American system and societal ways and beliefs. She wanted to see modern society burn, but told herself she should try to work within the system to change it. She was generally over her own mother, she still loved her, but she didn't have the time or energy to care for her as she was in and out of jail. Ada had to devote all of her energy to college, she found the American University system trite and needlessly traditionalist.

At the age of 22, the anti-capitalist, the anarchist Adah, having isolated herself from her family, flunked out of school, preferring the path of her own making-- a Voodoun Dionysus. She turned to drugs-- not as an escape-- but to enhance reality. She was a burn out, a drop out, by most men's standards a failure-- yet she managed. She partied with her old classmates, and utilized her natural charisma to find her way to larger circles, all while in a haze of party favors and booze.

For a time she was homeless, sleeping either with family or friends-- or simply under the open sky. The similarity between her current life and her mother wasn't lost on her. However, as her 20's left her-- she began dealing in the narcotics she had become an expert in consuming, delivering the spirit of the Ghede to college kids similar to her in the form of molly, lsd, and angel dust.

Then the apocalypse happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Camyllia Akins ( Camy or Lia)

Gender: Female


Birthplace: Lexington Kentucky


She usually wears her uncles green flannel (its her good luck charm) over her tank tops, she always has on jeans and hiking boots

Personality: Smart, Observant, Stubborn, Persistent, Strong, a bit of a hot head

Occupation before the breakout: School and sports (Archery and softball mostly)

Skills: Like I said in her "occupation" she is good with a bow and she has a killer swing with a bat, she has very good at using whatever she has around to her own needs or others.

Fears: Silence, Clowns, and big muscled men with suits (long story)

Equipment: Backpack with water, some jerky, a can of corn and a knife her now deceased uncle gave her. Her softball bat and a bow with no arrows and last her softball.

History: Camyllia was born in a barn (literally) and was named after her grandmother. She grew up in her down-home town of Nicholasville until she was 6 and was moved to Capistrano Beach with her uncle after her parents went bankrupt. She lived there happily.Her uncle is very protective of Camyllia so he bought a dog Named Blitz from one of his friends so that when he can't protect her then she could. Then the walkers started walking and she met a little 8 year old boy named Oppal.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Zachary Harris

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Birthplace: San Diego, California


Personality: Zach is a tough and strong willed person that rarely lets anything get in the way of him and something he wants. He is also the kind of guy that holds grudges and never forgives someone once he did him wrong. He is highly distrustful of strangers, however he does care about family and friends and will do anything for them.

Occupation Before the Breakout: Unemployed, former strip club bouncer.

Skills: Zach is trained in kickboxing and he is also an ace when it comes to video games. He took shooting lessons so he knows how to use a gun. Also, due to the huge amount of time he spent on the streets he is very good at surviving and self preservation.

Fears/Incompetencies: Nosocomephobia(fear of hospitals), allergic to cats, he is also afraid of trusting someone and that someone to dissapoint him.

- Backpack with some spare clothes in it;
- A box of .308 Winchester ammunition;
- Two extra Glock 13 round .45 ACP magazines;
- Folding knife(shared with James, used for various utilitary purposes, last resort weapon);
- A 4 quart water canteen that he shares with his cousin James;
He dosen't have any food because James carries it all.

History: The son of a stripper and part-time prostitute, Zach was given up for adoption soon after his birth. Eventually he ended up in the family of Dave Harris and Maria Harris, James's uncle and aunt. Despite being a rebellious and problematic child all the way up to his adulthood, Zach still recieved much love from his parents and had a good relationship with his cousin James, despite being miles apart from each other. They became even closer after James moved to San Diego himself after his mother died. He never really had a stable job up until three years ago when he was hired as a bouncer in a strip club. Everything was going well up until two weeks ago when he discovered that his mother used to work in the same place as a stripper. Wanting to confront her about giving him up so easily, he went to the owner and had a discussion with him about it only to discover that the woman died five years ago after a drunk driver ran her over with his car. Dissapointed and upset, Zach stormed out of the strip club and never came back to that place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Lieutenant Jason Hunter

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Birthplace: Great Falls Montana

Appearance:He stands at a whopping 5'6", and his body is in excellent shape from his military training he may not look strong, but he is all muscle. Silverish blue eyes. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder that simply says Semper Fi, and tribal tattoos on his right that ends at a his elbow.

Personality: He is a smart, honorable man who's only goal was to serve his country in the military like all his fathers before him and protect those who can't protect themselves. He takes his job seriously, but is known to pull a few jokes on friends.

Occupation before the breakout: U.S. Navy Seal (Formally a Marine)

-Marine/Navy seal Training
-krav maga training on a joint forces training mission with Israeli Mossad agents
-Harsh weather/Desert/Jungle/urban survival training
-Fast thinking, trained to improvise when plans go south in very dangerous situations

-Cynical outlook issues, during the last year he had lost many of his good friends from his team
-Despite his cynical outlook he always tries to help anyone he comes in contact with and is in need, even if it's in direct violation of orders.
-He does not sleep well anymore. Thankfully to his Seal training he's used to that. But he fears the nightmares that haunt him when he closes his eyes.


Navy Seal Standard issue, outfitted with a fixed scope, Flashlight and silencer.

Also Navy Seal 9 mm Standard issue, outfitted with a laser aiming device, flashlight and silencer.

-KA-BAR knife

-Extra magazines for his two weapons

-Military camel pack/backpack with military rations, or what ever he finds is edible

-Map and compass with all known (And classified) military bases, weapons and fuel depot's marked

Group: His seal team

History: Jason grew up in a military family, that was ran very much like boot camp. His father groomed Jason to be a soldier well before he was even a teenager. He finally joined the Marines 17 and a half. Quickly making a name for himself as he rose to the top of his class, When he was twenty he requested a transfer to become a Navy seal, which was granted and he passed the BUD's and was with his team in Seal team 5 at age 21 and was with them ever since. This same team was with him as he was stationed in Coronado, California the outbreak happened.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Jonathan Carter

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthplace: London, Britain (Not the cockney accent, the posh one)


Funny, down to earth
Occupation Before the Breakout:
College student / Cosplay Nerd
skilled swordsman, intelligent, Light Footed
Autophobia (fear of Loneliness), shy.
large belt pouch
five military ration packs (stolen)
3 cans of Monster Energy

History: Jonathan Carter was an English Theatre and Media student who had moved to San Diego to attend College and get auditions. He wasnt very popular among the American Male students as his accent usually caused most girls on campus to find him immediately more attractive which obviously wasnt great for them, but then again being the shy nerd he was it wasnt great for him either.

When the outbreak happened Jon was at comic con sporting his Jon Snow cosplay, complete with long claw sword. At first when zombies stumbled through the convention centre doors people thought they were just really immersive cosplayers. it was only after a few people were bit and they began to turn did people start to panic. Jon led a few people out to safety cleaving through the infected as they left the convention centre. he saw people running for a school nearby and decided to follow them to safety.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name:Eric Torres

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Birthplace: Maine

Personality: Eric is friendly and outgoing. He enjoys talking with people. He sees himself as a protector and wants to help others. He often thought of himself as a tough guy. He was careful not to be a bully but tried to protect others from bullies.

Occupation before the breakout: Armored car security guard

• He’s very strong. Before the outbreak he was a body builder.
• Good with guns. He went to the shooting range weekly before the outbreak.
• Outdoorsman. As part of his tough guy act, he often went camping. Be can build fire using only flint and steel. He often went camping in the woods.

• He doesn’t read very well. He never did well in school and barely graduated from high school.
• Has very if any computer or any office skills.
• He’s afraid of heights

Equipment: He is fairly well equipped.
• Military grade backpack.
• Several sets of black para-military uniforms
• A case of Miltary MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat)
• Two 9 mm hand guns
• A box of 20 rounds for his pistols
• A combat knife
• A SUV with 4 x 5 gallon cans of gasoline

History: Eric has always been a big, strong boy. He played football in high school. He often stood up to kids who were bullies and protected the smaller kids. The only reason he got passing grades in school was because the teachers passed him so he could play football.

After high school, Eric moved to Los Angels to make his career in the Hollywood movies. However, the only jobs he could find was providing security for the movie sets. Due to his size, he was often assigned to crowd control. With time he was given bigger and more stressful assignments. He became an armed guard. And soon enough became an armored car guard.

On the day of the outbreak, his armored car was taking their money bags to the bank. The bank was filled with the infected. His partner entered the bank and quickly was overwhelmed. The driver panicked and ran out into the street where he too was overwhelmed. Eric climbed into the armored car and drove away. He went to the Army/Navy Surplus store. He knew the store well. His company purchased their uniforms there and he often visited the store. At the store, he cleared it of the few infected inside. He stocked the armored car with as much supplies as he could.

He lived for days in the armored car. However, it was using too much gas. He needed something, anything that used less gas but was still tough enough to go where he needed to go. He dumped the armored car and stole an SUV. He just found the school where the others are.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Chris Greenberg

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Birthplace: Anaheim, California


Personality: Chris has always been a charismatic and charming person and never had problems making friends or being successfull with women. But despite that he was never a womanizer and had very few people that he could actually call friends. He could also be characterized as realistic, down to earth and independent. He hates those that demand respect without actually earning it. He is ambitious and once he has his mind set on something he never backs down. He also has no problems getting into extremes, for example, most of the time he is calm and friendly but if the right buttons are pushed he can get very impulsive and even violent. Most people see him as a tough guy although this is not the image he is trying to spread regarding himself.

Occupation before the breakout: Bar owner(cover-up), Professional thief(actual)

- Skilled shooter: Chris took shooting lessons after he took the job at the bar. His boss at the time payed for the lessons himself.
- Leadership: After he took over the bar and his boss's gang of thieves, Chris realised that he's quite good at leading people and directing them.
- Cooking: Since he lived by himself the last couple of years, Chris was kind of forced to learn how to cook and make food.
- Driving: His beginnings as a street racer and getaway driver helped Chris develop some really good driving skills.
- Silver tongue: Chris is very good a speaking in a way that makes other people do or believe what he want them to do or believe.

- Cynophobia(fear of dogs);
- Failure;
- Avid smoker(mostly tobbaco but also marijuana);


A backpack with a change of clothes consisting of a grey t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, a 50 round box of .357 Magnum ammunition, a Benchmade 943 folding knife for utility purposes, 2 packs of cigarettes, a 12 fl. oz. can of zippo lighter fluid, a bottle of water and a pack of beef jerky. In his pockets he has an opened pack of cigarettes and a custom zippo lighter.

History:Chris was born in Anaheim in a family with 3 children, all of them boys out of which Chris was the middle aged one. As a 5 year old he got bit by a dog once which resulted in him developing a phobia for them. When he was 6 years old his parents moved to Los Angeles in hopes of a better life. Not long after that though, his mother and older brother died after a drunk driver ran them both over. His mother who took most of the hit died instantly while his older brother died at the hospital while the doctors were resuscitating him. That particular event had a serious impact on Chris who became more introverted and more rebellious towards his father, but especially more protective of his younger brother who seemed to suffer the most out of the whole thing.

Chris's first run in the law was the age of 24, when he used his father's old Charger to participate in illegal street races. He was caught during his 3rd participation. He was charged with exhibittion of speed but since it was his first offense he got away easy with just a fine, 6 months of probation and the car impounded. Of course his father didn't took too kindly to having his car impounded because of his son and after a very heated argument, Chris packed his stuff and left the house, moving in with his girlfriend. Around the same time he was approached by a russian man, owner of a bar, by the name of Nikolai. He said he saw Chris race and offered him a position as getaway driver on a crew of thieves he was leading. Chris accepted but also told him he was on probation for 6 months and didn't want to do anything before those 6 months ended.

Nikolai hired Chris at his bar as a bartender and after those 6 months of probation ended, Chris finally assumed his duties as getaway driver, pulling his crew safe out of many heists. They mostly concentrated on Beverly Hills, where a lot of rich and famous people lived, sometimes they also robbed jewelry stores or other places containing valuable things. This went on for many years and the cops never managed to capture them. At the age of 29 he caught his girlfriend with someone else. Chris snapped at that site and unleashed all his fury at the guy, beating him up to the point where he could barely get up on his feet. For that he was charged with battery and spent 6 months in jail. After getting out he broke up with his girlfriend, despite her begging for forgiveness, and took all of his things from her place, moving into an apartment he rented. He also resumed his job at the bar as well his postion as getaway driver in the crew.

Two years later, Chris accidentally discovered his boss, Nikolai, talking on the phone with someone else, a woman by the voice. Nikolai was telling her that his business in L.A. was almost done and that after the last heist he would betray the crew, take all their money and then they would leave together for the Carribean. This news enraged Chris who comfronted his boss about it. They started fighting and in the midst of all that commotion Chris grabbed a gun from Nikolai's desk and shot him dead. Surprisingly Chris didn't end up in jail for murder as he told the cops it was self defense and sweet talked them into believing his side of the story, especially since the cops had a tag on Nikolai for a long time now and were very suspicious of him. Much to everyone's shock, Chris also passed the lie detector test. After that event Chris took over the bar and leadership of the crew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Roger Greenberg

Gender: Male

Age: 64

Birthplace: New York City, New York


Personality: Roger has a somewhat inconsistent personality. Most of the time he is serious both in his attitude and in his tone. He is hesitant to public displays of affection or empathy, preffering them only in private. He is quick to anger but never violent, only if he's pushed around too much, then he might become violent too. He curses a lot, especially when he is angry. He highly critical about pretty much anything he dosen't like. He is also homophobic and is not ashamed to show it.

Occupation before the breakout: Gunsmith & Freelance motorcycle repairman

- Military training: As a former member of the US military, Roger has all the necessary skills that a soldier should have.
- Handy man: Roger is good at a wide range of repairs, typically around the home like plumbing, light electric jobs, fixing a door, mounting or replacing stuff and typically pretty much all kinds of household repairs.
- Gunsmithing: Ever since retiring from the military Roger has worked as a gunsmith, repairing, modifying, building and performing all kinds of tasks on them.
- Motorcycle mechanic: Roger is good at working with motorcycles, repairing them, changing parts, etc.

- He lost his left leg in the Gulf War and has been wearing a prosthetic leg ever since. Four years ago he replaced it with a more modern one.
- Roger is not exactly young anymore. No matter how capable he may be, the fact that he is old now is a weakness by itself.


- 1948 Indian Chief motorcycle
- A backpack containing two spare t-shirts, a water bottle, two cans of tuna fish, a pack of toast, and a fork.
- In the saddlebags of his motorcycle he has all the magazines for his rifle, six 20 round mags and one 10 round mag, as well as two 20 round boxes of .308 Winchester ammunition.

History: Born in 1952, Roger is a former war veteran. In 1969 he joined the US military and shortly after becoming a soldier he was sent to fight in Vietnam. He was captured by the communists in 1971 and spent the next two years in a Vietnamese prison camp up until his release in 1973 due to Operation Homecoming which brought him and other 590 prisoners of war back home in the US. He spent the last two years of the war back home, recovering from his ordeal and didn't perform too many military duties. Around that time he also got married to his high school love, a woman named Allison, Roger liked to call her Sally. In 1976 she gave birth to the couple's first child, a boy named Frank. That was followed by another boy in 1980, which was called Chris. In 1983 Sally would give birth to yet another boy, named Joe, much to Roger's dissapointment who badly wanted a girl ever since Frank was born. Sadly though in 1986, Roger lost both his wife and his oldest son Frank after they were ran over by a drunk driver. His wife who took most of the blow died imidieatly while his son Frank died at the hospital after numerous ressuscitation attempts. His superiors offered him time to mourn but Roger respectfully refused and the next day he returned to his military duties.

In 1989 Roger, back then a Sergeant First Class, took part in the invasion of Panama and later in the Gulf War of 1990-1991. He lost his left leg in the Gulf War and was discharged with honors from the military. He was provided with a prostethic leg, which allowed him to move again. After his military career he followed gunsmithing courses and got certified in gunsmithing, taking a job at a gunsmithing shop. He was also repairing motorcycles occasionally and for a fair price. For some reason his relationship with his son Chris was always cold, with Roger refusing many times to explain why. The last straw was drawn when Chris was 24 and he got his father's car, a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T, impounded because of street racing. The two had a huge argument back then with Roger losing his cool and ending up hitting Chris with a fist in the mouth, busting his lower lip. Chris left the house that day, moving in with his long time girlfriend at the time, Michelle.

The two of them haven't talked to each other ever since and rarely seen eye to eye. Although Roger was constantly aware of what his son has been doing from his younger son Joe, which was still had a close relationship with Chris.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name - Malcolm Monroe

Gender - Male

Age - 50

Position - leader of a gang of looters

Birth Place - Chicago IL

Weapons - hand gun

Bio - Malcolm protrays himself as a hard but fair man who wants the best for everyone. In truth he is just a hard man. Years of mental and emotional abuse to his wife caused her to lose her fight with cancer, which led to Malcolm turning his brutish ways onto his daughter. From a young age he physically and emotionally abused her which eventually led to sexual abuse. He came to the West coast to hunt for her after she ran away from him and was in the process of searching when the walker outbreak happened. Using his sharp wit and silver tongue he managed to get himself as leader of a group and looting thugs whom he has convinced they are doing what is right and fair. The weak exist only to make sure the strong survive.

Personality - His silver tongue hides the devil in his eyes. He is a master of manipulation, making people believe that what he wants is really what they want. With Malcolm it is all about control. He can be the nicest most caring person, unless he feels his control is threatened. Then you see the true Malcolm but by then it is too late.

Skills -
silver tongue (he can talk his way into and out of any situation and have people doing things they never thought they would ever do, all while convinced they are doing the right thing
good shot
quick thinker
professional grade actor

Fears -
not being in control
losing the sense of fear he creates in others

Other -

Family -
Kat Monroe-Hyatt - daughter
Grace Hyatt - granddaughter
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Kyle Hishamie

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birth Place: Dallas, Texas.

Bio: Before the breakout, Kyle was your average everyday under achiever. He smoked, he drank, put in minimal effort into everything, and didn't give a fuck about much. He played drums in high school, and could have gotten a pretty good musician scholarship, but he decided it wasn't worth the effort and got blazed instead. He joined the army, but was hurt on a deployment badly and sent home. He recovered physically but not emotionally. When the epidemic hit, Kyle was actually pretty safe. Him and a few people were hold up in a cabin in a very hard to spot place in the woods in Texas. When their food started to run out is when they decided to leave their sanctuary, only for everyone in Kyles group be eaten, leaving Kyle with survivors guilt.

personality: Kyle is a funny one liner type of guy. Kyle hates violence between humans, and he tries to stay out of most fights. Kyle is not very quick to anger but is always willing to help pick someone up.

Skills: Kyle is good at chemistry, can usually solve arguments though peaceful talks, and has a talent at inventing,

Fears: Kyles greatest fear is living while everyone else dies. Kyle hate sbeing alone, and tries to hide his fears the bestw ay he can. Kyle would rather be eaten then survive and everyone else be eaten.

Family: Mother=deceased, father=deceased, brother=missing

equipment: A lighter, a smoking pipe, a pocket knife, a flashlight, backpack with clothes.

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