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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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"Would be an honor." she smiled back at him and called the dragon off. Seralth flew close to Leo and whined a little. "Ill get you deer later girl." Crim laughed and joined Leo and his rangers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blood Angels

Blood Angels

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dante hears everyone as they ride by, he was bagging another deer and watched as one person who looked familiar ride by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"So, you any good with those weapons?" Leo asked, gesturing to the sword on her back and smirking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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"Guess you're just gonna have to find out." Crim grinned and placed her hand on the hilt of one of her daggers. "Let's just say, Im good enough to keep myself alive for most my life in the woods." she said looking over at him with a slight smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Heh. Well how are you enjoying camp? Soldier conversations are interesting to listen to dont you think?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Crim blushed at the thought. "I'm a medic now. But yeah, soldiers talk about strange things. Leo Blackwolf." shah shot a glance at him to see his reaction, hoping it want a bad one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Leo chuckled and shook his head. "Word spreads fast in a war zone. Blackwolf. Heh. I guess its not the worst name i could have gotten. At least its honest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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She smiled and laughed a little too. "I suppose so."
They continued to talk and catch up a little as they rode. When they finally caught up with Alexander Crim greeted him and smiled.
"Dragon is that way," she said pointing toward the smoke coming up over the trees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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The smoke rose thicker over the trees. The fire was grower larger and engulfing more and more. The dragon was becoming a worse threat to others and Crim knew she had to do something soon.
"Guys, look." she said pointing at the smoke. "That's not Ironbanes. That's dragon. I need to hurry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blood Angels

Blood Angels

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dante watched the smoke rise and gritted his teeth, he may not like it but he was a wolf himself and wolves didn't like losing their territory or wilderness. He pulled out his crossbow and putting on his iron armor ran towards the smoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blood Angels

Blood Angels

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dante watched the smoke rise and gritted his teeth, he may not like it but he was a wolf himself and wolves didn't like losing their territory or wilderness. He pulled out his crossbow and putting on his iron armor ran towards the smoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Leo looked at Crim and then to the column of smoke. "Are you sure you can handle it on your own?"

"What? You worried?" She smirked slightly then shook her head. "I can handle it." she grinned. "Just focus on the cities. Make sure all civilians are out of harm's way." she looked back at the smoke.

Leo nodded and kissed her cheek. "Good luck and stay safe . Please." He spurred his horse to the head of the column next to Alexander. "Favorstead is first on the way. Are you ready?"

Crim blushed bright red and held her cheek. Seralth swooped down and flew next to her, tilting her head in confusion. "Get him." Crim whisper and sent the dragon to get him for it.

Leo felt a tug on the hood of his coat and turned to see Seralth, hovering above him, biting his coat. "I'll be right back." He said to Alexander. He turned his horse back in the direction he came, riding up to rim. "Hey, what's up?" He asked.

"What was that?" she was a bit fluster and kept blushing. She didn't know how to react.

Leo looked away, ashamed. "I'm sorry. I was just... I wanted... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

Crim felt bad for asking and blushed even more. "I'm sorry, just caught me off guard. Give a girl a warning next time." she smiled then spurred off towards the smoke, away from the rest of the group. Seralth licked Leo's cheek then quickly flew her way.

Leo didnt know how to feel. He turned his horse away and slowly made his way back to the head of the column, staring at the horn of his saddle the whole way up.

Alexander stood there waiting for Leo. He had a small smile on his face. He drew his sword as he heard the 'Get Ready' order. Alexander readied himself, getting into a charge stance. He looked over his shoulder at Leo, waiting for him to order his Ranger.

Leo turned and saw Nalfdir about 25 feet behind him. He raised his arm and closed his fist, signaling the Rangers. He drew his bow and nicked an arrow. "Ready." He said without looking at Alexander.

Alexander nodded and ordered his squad to charge. He saw Ironbanes going to battle with other Goldenblades, Alexander hopping into the mix. Swords hit swords, shields sent sparks and wood chips everywhere, and arrows flew from every direction. The battle was bloody and this was only the first of three.

There was a loud roar and the ground began to shake. With earthquake like intensity, and tree shaking immensity.

Leo spurred forward, circling the battle and firing arrows into the fray, every on hitting and Ironbane or an Ironbane horse. He estimated about 250 Ironbanes made up the garrison, versus the Goldenblades battalion of 300 and Alexander and Leo's force of exactly 42. Leo emptied his quiver, killing 20 Ironbane soldiers and 10 horses. He leapt off his horse when he ran out of arrows, both swords drawn, engaging three Ironbane soldiers at once. He decapitated one, pierced one through the throat and slashed the last across the face. He sprinted to Alexander, standing back to back with him, when he heard a roar. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Leo shouted over the sounds of battle.

Alexander was knocked off balance both from the roar scaring him and the ground rumbling. He stood there in shock for a moment not before looking at Leo. "Dr-dragon?!" He asked with fear. All fighting stopped and everyone looked confused for a moment.

Leo yanked his steel shortsword from an Ironbane's skull. He looked to the sky and scanned the treeline a few mile away where the dragon burnt village was.

Alexander snapped out of his stare and proceeded to execute the Ironbanes, starting the battle again. He tapped Leo to get his attention and join the bawl.

Leo brought his elvish shortsword down on an Ironbane spearman's head, cleaving it in half. He left the blade in the Ironbane's skull, picked up his spear and hurled it at an Ironbane that was coming up behind Alexander, piercing the soldier through the heart. Leo smirked, grabbed his blade and kicked the Ironbane off of it before engaging two Ironbane captains.

Alexander stood next to Leo, killing a group of soldiers beside him. "You fare quite well in combat, my friend~" Alexander said with a smirk, sticking his sword through the throat of his next victim. He was impressed with Leo's skill, not seeing him in combat that much.

Leo spun and cut both Ironbane captain's throats before glancing at Alexander and elbowing gently, acknowledging his compliment. "Thank my father for that. He was a Range for the Empire and a Forester in his later life and taught me everything I know. You should see me with some hatchets." He said, laughing while slashing another Ironbane, cleaving his neck.

The sky darkened and shadow was cast across the ground. Another tremendous roar sounded and shook the land. The great dragon soared over the battle, then back over again, before landing on a cathedral, decimating it.

Leo shot his gaze to the cathedral and his mouth fell in awe at the massive dragon, In his distration an Ironbane slashed the gap in his armor, leaving a deep cut in his arm and a steel tipped arrow pierced his shoulder. Leo fell to the ground, kicked the swordman's legs out from under him and bashed his skull in with a fallen helmet. He drew the soldiers dagger from his belt and threw it at the archer, piercing him through the eye. He stood and looked at Alexander.

Alexander cursed under his breath. "By the gods...it's a dragon!" He yelled. He took a step back as he stared not the dragon's glare, his heart rate increasing. An Ironbane soldier stuck his sword straight through Alexander's armor, the sharp pain causing Alexander to yelp. He then fell to his knees, his face hitting the ground. He rolled over and stared at the sky, seeing the dragon out of the corner of his eye.

Leo tackled the soldier that stabbed Alexander and pierced his throat with his steel shortsword. He went to Alexander and helped him up, letting him lean on Leo's shoulder. He glanced around and saw about 100 Ironbanes remained.

Crim rushed off the dragon and stared firing arrows into the remaining soldiers surrounding the two men. She whistled, calling Seralth into battle as well. The dragon tore limbs from the men as Crim drew her sword and engaged in a sword fight with one of the soldiers. Quickly ending it with a slice to the back of the neck, decapitating him.

Leo set Alexander up behind a large boulder, out of view from everyone else. He sprinted to Crim. "Alexander. Boulder. Heal." Was all he said before jumping into conflict again.

"You sure you can handle this with you shoulder?" Crim continued to fight in the battle, killing one Leo missed.

Alexander put a hand on his open wound, blood pouring out. He coughed up blood and writhed in pain. He didn't know who got him, but he was glad he was dead. "H-help..." He muttered helplessly as he felt his vision get blurry.

Leo snapped the arrow shat and nodded. He snarled against the pain and began killing more soldiers.

Crim heard him and rushed to his side. "Don't die without me and don't have all the fun." she called back to Leo. Rushing to Alexander's side, she began to heal him. But as she did, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She closed her eyes and winced at the pain but continued to heal the wounded comrade as blood began to stain her armor.

Alexander cried out in pain, feeling the wound close up. He lost consciousness and fell limp to his side. He was breathing, but the pain got to him.

Crim knelt with him and held him sitting upright. As she continued to heal him the pain grew immense and she herself let out a scream.

Leo heard Crim scream and lost focus of everything else. He ran to her, cutting soldiers down left and right. 10 fell before he reached her. He slid to his knees and braced her before she fell. Suddenly everything went silent. He looked up and saw about 40 Ironbanes still alive, all dropped their weapons and held up their hands. He scanned the field and saw all of his Rangers had survived as well as 200 of the Goldenblade troops. He looked down at a grimacing Crim and an unconscious Alexander. He looked back in the direction of their military position and saw the outrider medics, riding to the battlefield. He looked back to Crim, "Are you alri8ght? What happened." He asked.

The Goldenblades captured the Ironbanes as well as attempting to subdue the dragon unsuccessfully. A combat medic ran to Alexander, looking at Crim as well.

"His wound, I can't heal it all the way." crim managed out as she placed her hand over where she was bleeding. She got to her feet and surveyed the surrounding areas fro Seralth. She stumbled as she walked then fell to her knees. The great dragon hissing at the soldiers. "Hush..." she coed to the enormous beast and it settled.

Leo picked Crim up and set her on one of the outrider horses. "I'll find Seralth. I promise." He looked at his gauntlets. They were notched from all his kills. He had 169 notches on them already and he recalled killing at least 50 today, so he added the notches as he walked to Nalfdir who was holding the reins of his horse. "Nalfdir, take the Rangers and sweep the city then take the town hall." Leo mounted his horse and rode back to Crim.

Crim shook her head at Leo. "No, I cant leave the big one. He is not safe here. I'll stay." she started to get off the horse as the great dragon whined. "Seralth..."

"I saw her flying about 10 minutes ago. Whistle for her." Leo said, supporting Crim.

"Dragons mourn the death of their kind. That is not a joyful sound coming from that one." she said looking around almost madly. Crim whistled but there was no screech of her dragon. "Seralth!" she shouted then ran toward the large scaly creature, ignoring the pain that filled her chest.

Leo mounted his horse, picked Crim up and spurred the horse to the destroyed cathedral.

She winced as he grabbed her up. "Seralth!" she shouted again. This time the great dragon let out a soft roar. "She's alive, just wounded. Help me find her, please."

Leo spurred his horse back to the battlefield. He saw a bit of silver wing poking out from under an Ironbane soldier, he hopped off his horse and ran to Seralth. He picked her up, seeing she had a few cuts and gashes. He carried her over to Crim and set the dragon in her lap. "Let's ride for camp." He spurred his horse forward and galloped toward their camp.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leo walked over to the medical tent after giving his report to the camp commander. He saw Crim, seated next to one of the beds, cradling Seralth. "How is she?" He asked, looking down at his gauntlet and fidgeting with one of the straps.

"A little banged up, but she'll be alright." Crim answered soothing the dragon as she wrapped Seralth's wing in a fresh bandage. "Just She'll heal quickly."

Leo nodded and gave a small smile. "That's good." He sighed, "So about earlier..."

"Which earlier? Wolf or o the horses?" she glanced up at him.

"The horses. I uh ... I'm sorry..." He managed.

"It's alright." Crim stood up, still cradling the dragon. She smiled at him a little. "Just didn't expect it, that's all."

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know that I wanted you to be safe and all and that was the first thing I thought of and I'm rambling, I do that when I'm nervous. I'm nervous and I'm sorry."

Crim kissed Leo hoping to help stop the rambling and make him see it was alright. When she pulled away she was blushing but slightly smiling. "You missed, is what I meant to say."

Leo stood there, dumbfounded. "That... Well. I'll make sure to work on my aim next time. I think I'll need alot of practice." He smiled and winked at her.

Crim giggle and smiled back. "Can't have an archer missing his mark." she smirked and stood there a bit giddy.

"Never." He said before kissing her again. "I think I'm getting better." He smiled and looked at Seralth, scratching her lightly under the chin.

"A bit. Needs work though. Here can you watch her? I want to go get some food for her." she asked Leo, settling the dragon in his arms. "I'll be right back."

"Of course." Leo sat on the bed and cradled Seralth.

Crim ran off and fetched some raw meat from the fire, stopping to see a passed out Alexander getting new bandages. "Heal soon, friend.' she muttered as she placed her hand over her own injury. The she walked back to the tent she left Leo and Seralth in. "How's your shoulder?"

"Fine. I haven't had anyone look at it yet though."

"Would you like me to? I can't exactly heal it yet, but i can help." she placed her hand back over her wound and looked at him.

Leo sighed and smiled. "Sure. If you want." He stood and unbuckled his armor, letting it fall on the bed. He removed his chainmail and then his tunic, leaving his chest bare, presenting the bleeding shoulder.

Crim blushed a little then walked over to him. "You haven't even clean it yet?" she asked then grabbed a bowl with water and a fresh rag. Gently she cleaned the wound, a hand on his arm. "Thank you for not dying on me." she spoke softly as she cleaned his shoulder.

Leo nodded, "How could I leave without knowing you were safe? Or getting Seralth that deer that I promised her?" He chuckled and then winced as she cleaned his shoulder.

Crim smile. "True, Seralth would've been mad. Oh, sorry," she finished cleaning the wound and grabbed a bandage. Before she began to wrap it, she healed it a little. Closing up most of the wound. Then wrapped it. "There you go," she smiled and looked at him. The blushed again.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I could leave the shirt off if you wanted"

Crim turned even more red and looked at his chest for a moment then back to his shoulder. "You should So you don't mess up the new bandage."

Leo laughed and pulled his tunic over his head before sitting on the bed. "We lost a hundred good men today. And this was only the first of 3 assults."

"I know, I tended to some of the wounded after they fixed me up." she shook her head and sat next to him. "I should've stayed to help you guys."

"I think the dragon as a great help. Scared the shit out of the Ironbanes. I'm pretty sure I saw him snap up a few of the runners." Leo smiled as he remembered the sound of the dragon as it landed on the spire of the cathedral.

"It also distracted a lot of our men," she looked at the ground as she said it. Her fault a few died.

Leo put his arm around her and held her close to him. "Stop that. It's the cost of war. We won and you played a major role in that. Those men knew the risks when they enlisted. Don't blame yourself. I know from personal experience that it only makes what's to come all the harder."

Crim gently hugged him and nodded. "Okay," she trusted him, so she would do what she could to listen to him. "I will try."

Leo kissed her forehead and squeezed her lightly. "Don't worry. This will all be over soon." Leo believed this to be true but it struck him with a thought that wouldn't leave him until the war was over. "Crim, what'll happen to us after the war? What will we do?"

The question struck her like a rock. After the war, what would happen? "I don't know. I might go to Etrya, See if its still standing after this is all done." Crim looked at him and for a moment didn't want the war to end. "After the war, we're all free to go home."

"The Empire destroyed my home. Abingdon was burned 6 months after the rebellion began for selling grain to the Goldenblades because the Empire refused to buy from us. I have no where to go and no family waiting for me." Leo said gently.

"You have me. And Seralth. You have us," she said back as she hugged Leo. She tried to be gentle but because a flurry of emotions she hugged a bit tight. Ignoring the pain that hit her chest, she stayed in that hug. "Come with me."

"I'll stay with you as long as you'll have me." Leo hugged her tightly, bracing for the pain in his shoulder and arm.

Crim winced softly, but held him. "There isn't a word yet invented for how long." she whispered back.

Leo smiled and loosed his hold a bit, looking into her eyes. "Etrya first huh?" He asked.

"I haven't been home since I was little. I don't remember much of it." she looked up at him. As she smiled she felt a warm spot on her chest. She stood up for a moment. "Hold on, I gotta check something." she said in a blush then turned away from him as she unlaced the front of her shirt. "Damn..." she muttered then laced it back up and turned around. "You may want to step out for a few minutes. And while you're out, grab a nurse. Please."

Leo stood up, "Crim? What is it?!" He asked worriedly.

"The wound Alexander has, well there was a slight problem when i healed him." she answered. "I'll explain later, nurse?"

Leo rushed from the tent and grabbed a woman in a simple blue dress with a white apron and white hood. "Please. She's hurt. Help her!" He said to the nurse, pushing her inside the tent.

Within a few moments the nurse walked back outside the tent, a bit of blood on her apron and walked over to Leo. "She's alright, you can go in now." the nurse assured.

Leo pushed open the flap of the tent and sped over to Crim's side. "What happened?" He asked, grasping her hand.

Crim kept her shirt unlaced, revealing the bandages wrapped around her chest. "Healing comes with a price. Not every time, but if it is bad enough it can kill."

"I'm so sorry" he muttered, kissing her hand and her forehead.

"Healing Alexander had its consequence. I knew it, but couldn't let him die." Crim lowered her head and relaced her shirt. "I didn't mean to worry you, I'm sorry."

Alexander walked slowly, his armor clinking and clanging as he walked. He stood next to Leo. "How are you Crim?" He asked weakly, overhearing the conversation.

Crim turned to face him. "Been better. You? How's the chest? I did what i could, I'm sorry."

Alexander gave a small smile. "I'm fine. I'll be ready to take our cities back in an hour or two."He said with a chuckle mixed with minor pain. "Didn't mean to get you hurt," He added.

Leo walked to Alexander and grasped his forearm, pulling him into a hug. "I didn't think you'd make it. I was worried they wouldn't get you in time. I'm glad to see you walking."

Alexander hugged Leo tight, smiling wide. "I'll be here forever brother."

"You didn't." she smiled back at the two. "I'm glad you're alright. But it may be best you rest for another day. I can fight in your place."

Alexander shook his head. "I'll die for the Goldenblades. If Leo fights, I fight. If the Goldenblades fight, I fight."

Leo nodded in agreement and whispered to Crim "he's a stubborn ole bear."

Crim smiled and giggled a little. "So we all ride in together next battle" she placed her hand on Leo's other shoulder.

"Agreed. It'll be nice to have dragons and magic on our side at the battle of Tarrin." Leo said before flicking Alexander's ear. "But until then, you march yourself back to bed mister! You'll need your strength. It'll take two days of riding to reach Tarrin so take advantage of the inaction. I now I will." He said, winking and Crim and chuckling.

Crim blushed and laughed. "That time could help you heal, but Leo is Right. Go and rest." she smiled at Alexander and tried to urge him back out of the tent.

Alexander threw his hands up. "Alright, alright. I'll rest." He said, still in slight pain.

Leo chickled and followed him outside, holding Crim's hand and bring her with him. "Hey Alexander! On your way back, find a scout and tell him to ride back to the main camp and tell hem we can forward our position here if they garrison the town and move camp up to Favorstead."

Alexander gave a thumbs up, going to a group of scouts.

Crim watched him leave and stay by Leo's side. "I'm so glad he is alright." she said to Leo.

"Aye. He's a valuable asset on the battlefield and a valuable friend. I look forward to Tarrin." Leo smiled and turned to Crim. "Well seeing as how you're now a soldier, I supposed you'll need a place to stay. There's room in my tent if you want. Or you can have my tent and I can bunk with Alexander." He offered.

"So kind," she smiled and looked into his eyes. "I appreciate it."

"Of course milady."

Crim smiled and kissed him then walked back to the tent. "Let me get Seralth. And we can go back to your tent. It's getting later and I'm getting tired."

"Agreed." Leo walked back into the medical tent and grabbed his swords, buckled them on and picked up his armor. "Onward darling." He said, bowing and heading out of the tent.

Crim went to grab the dragon. As she slid her hand under her she woke and snapped at her. Realizing it was Crim Searlth whimpered and nudged the arm she had bitten. "Easy girl, come on. We're moving tents." she said softly and walked back over to Leo wrapping her arm up.

Leo looked questioningly at the wound but didn't say anything. They walked about ten minutes until they arrived at his tent. He opened the flap, letting Crim in and then followed her. He lit a candle and sat it on the table by his ct. His tent was simple and clean. There was a bedside table, a cot, and a trunk at the foot of the cot all on the left side. On the right side was his armor stand, a desk, two chairs and a candelabra with four candles in the corner. He lit all four and set his chainmail, cuirass and gauntlets on the stand. "You may want to cover your eyes." He said to Crim before removing his greaves and boots and setting them on the stand. He then removed his trousers and tunic and tossed them on the bed. He walked to his trunk and removed a new pair of trousers and a black tunic. He put on the clothes and told Crim she could open her eyes. He laced up a pair of comfortable leather sandals and sat on the cot.

Crim opened her eyes slowly and looked at him. She had brought a small bag with her. "My turn, close your eyes. And no peeking." she smiled then undressed and changed into a slim fitting silk dress.

Leo opened his eyes as she finished changing. "You look great." He said, smiling, realizing he'd never seen her in anything but her robes or armor.

She blushed a bit and turned to face him. "Thank you." Crim pulled her hair back and tied it up o it was out of her face.

"I can sleep on the ground if you'd like." He said, standing and offering the cot to her.

"No, it's your bed. You don't have to sleep on the floor for me." she shook her head. "Seralth can sleep outside, if you want."

"She's a friend, not a pet." Leo recalled his first meeting with Crim.

Crim smiled and nodded. She set the dragon down and looked at Leo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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The next morning Crim woke to the sound of armor clinking around outside and what seemed to be normal military camp sounds. Seralth was still asleep in a ball next to the cot. She felt something warm behind her and turned to see Leo laying next to her. Trying to be quiet, nd not wake him, she carefully got up and pet the sleeping dragon.
The smell of cooking meet made her hungry. And the sun blinded her at first when she peered outside the tent. Soldiers were bustling about the camp. Deciding she should get something to eat, she began to undress. Reaching for her armor out of her bag, she knocked something over making a small crashing sound.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Leo shot up, unsheathing the dagger he kept under his pillow. He looked around wildly and saw Crim, her shirt hanging open and her hand on her armor. Leo sighed and laughed, "Smooth. Very smooth." he said before getting up, stretching and picking up his tunic from where it lay on his trunk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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"Sorry," Crim blushed. She grabbed her armor up and asked Leo to turn around. She took off the dress and put the armor back on. Telling Leo it was okay to look now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Leo walked over to her and kissed her. "How do you feel about breakfast?" he asked, pulling his coat on over his tunic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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"Very hungry, I would love some breakfast." she smiled back at him and walked toward the mouth of the tent. "Shall we?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangerOfTheRit
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RangerOfTheRit The Ritter King

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Leo walked out of the tent and to the first cookfire he saw. He grabbed a stool for Crim and sat himself on a stump. Nalfdir and two other Rangers, Derion and Elyssa were also seated by the fire. They all nodded and muttered "Captain." as Leo sat. Nalfdir passed him two plates of venison, potatoes, a half loaf of bread and a cheese wedge. Leo handed one to Crim and sat his own down, accepting two cups of thin breakfast beer, one of which he also handed to Crim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Crim grabbed the food and drink and ate quickly, as if she hadn't had food in days. Before now, she hadn't. She ate what she caught and not very often did she catch something big. "Thank you so much." she said before continuing to eat her food quickly.
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