Height: 5'10
Hair Color: Light brown
Eye Color: Malachite green
Complexion: Fair
Body Composition: Lean
Scars: Whip lashes prominent along the back, mostly spread across the upper and lower regions of the spine.
Rufus SanterAge:
Twenty-one years of age.Titles:
Lower Cities, CaerleonAllegiance:
House RaleiFarentus Santer - Father (Deceased)
Senna Santer - Mother (Deceased)
Castiel Santer - Brother (Older) (Missing)
Terryn Santer - Brother (Younger)
A former thief with earnest intentions, Rufus is a colorful bunch of imperfections; while his years spent under the personal attention and care of House Ralei educated the young man in proper manners and the duties of a proper citizen, he enjoys lingering among his old set of friends from his childhood as opposed to the wealthy nobles of Caerleon Castle.Growing up with nothing more than scorn from the common people and nobles of Caerleon, Rufus has earned his share of contempt through his quick tongue and independent nature. Though, in the more recent years, the young upstart has tempered his nerves moreso as he continues to be groomed for knighthood, and has shown more and actual care about redeeming his reputation.
Even though he is the very opposite of what the wealthy nobles of House Ralei are, Rufus holds a soft spot for his Lord and the family, as they had essentially taken him as one of their own when he could have simply been thrown into a dungeon or put to the sword for his crimes.
Rufus Santer was born in the Lower Cities of Caerleon, one of the portions of the city that the poorer population resided within. The boy was the second son out of three total, their parents lowborn by bloodline. As with all commoners, he dreamt of possessing the luxuries and commodities that their wealthier leaders held, and even though he expected disappointment from the dream that would never come true, the boy still found himself disappointed.His contempt spurred when his oldest brother, coming of age and tiring of their poverty-stricken life, left their family behind to find opportunity elsewhere. While Rufus' father and mother grew too tired to work and provide for their family, the boy of twelve-years old found himself at a decision that many poor children had to make.
His family starved, and his mother ill; Rufus found no other choice, as money ruled everything in Caerleon. The boy ventured to the Higher Cities, finding success in stealing food for his family. However, his mother's condition worsened, and this drove the twelve-year old to attempt a theft from an apothecary. As expected, he was caught in the midst of the process, and so, House Ralei saw to punishing the little criminal.
Rufus was publicly flogged before the capital, receiving twenty lashes to the back for the value of golden crowns he had stolen in food and medicine. While asked on how to further punish the boy for his crime, the Lord of House Ralei shocked the crowd by announcing Rufus' service as a page to his family. Rufus would serve House Ralei for the remainder of his life as one of their attendants, and later on, would take the vows of a squire for the Lord's family.

Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Alice blue
Complexion: Light
Body Composition: Muscular
Scars: None
Sigurd LearAge:
Eighteen-years of age.Titles:
Heir ApparentOrigin:
Myrr Keep, the NorthAllegiance:
House LearDarion Lear - Grandfather (Deceased)
Illysa Lear - Grandmother (Deceased)
Ulfar Lear - Father
Emmaline Lear - Mother
Taron Lear - Uncle
Ildar Lear - Uncle
Isla Lear - Sister
Joane Lear - Sister
Illysa Lear - Grandmother (Deceased)
Ulfar Lear - Father
Emmaline Lear - Mother
Taron Lear - Uncle
Ildar Lear - Uncle
Isla Lear - Sister
Joane Lear - Sister
An unwavering soul as stagnant as the snowy lands of the North, Sigurd dons the quiet strength within the words of House Lear. Unlike his siblings, the young man is a shy away from other people, preferring moments of solitude or among his family over the trivial matters of Estiala. He holds strict adherence to the laws of the Northmen, as his father did and his ancestors before him.Sincere, genuine, and just, these qualities often betray Sigurd's stark and serious tendencies. The pressure of his birthright to, one day, inherit Penkarth and lead House Lear into the future does not bother the young man, as the sole son had been brought up and prepared for his whole life. To become the paragon of the North is his duty, and to tease his sisters, his family to protect.
As a young child, Sigurd Lear often pondered upon the lives of the common folk in the West and the South, and how they were treated differently based on their wealth, compared to the North. He was a very attentive boy, often listening to the many illustrious stories that the crows of House Lear would tell him about the fallen Eastern Kingdom. In addition, he was a frail and weak child, once causing an overnight uproar within Penkarth when it was discovered that the only son of Ulfar Lear, only seven years old, was afflicted with the pox.Fortunately, the gods heard the many prayers of the family and bannerman, and Sigurd survived. His weakened state remained for several years afterwards, and throughout this time, even his sisters could best him in a spar with swords. Instead, he stuck to the confide of books, becoming very studious at the young age under his mother's care.
On Sigurd's ninth birthday, the damage to his body had dissipated, and the boy found the ability to walk normally without the support of his family members. To this day, the young man believes this to be the only time where he witnessed his father shed tears. Sigurd immediately began the process of grooming himself to become the Lord of Penkarth, and armed with a developing sword hand as well as a mind of erudite intellect, a bright future was prophesied for him.
These days, Sigurd remains very well intrigued with the lost chapters of the world. The years were kind, as the boy had become strong in body and soul; with his capabilities tempered and his relationship to his family unmatched, Sigurd is all but the leader that the North will come to receive.

Height: 6'1
Hair Color: Black (young), Gray (current)
Eye Color: Brown (right eye), Colorless (left eye)
Complexion: Light
Body Composition: Slightly plump
Scars: Serrated cut from mid-forehead just above the left eye, running down to mid-cheek
Soren RathmoreAge:
Sixty-eight years of age.Titles:
King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Three Regions, Protector of the Realm, Lord of the Windkeep, and Lord Paramount of the West.Formal address is Soren of the House Rathmore, the first of His name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Three Regions and Protector of the Realm.
The WindkeepAllegiance:
House RathmoreValidus Rathmore - Father (Deceased)
Lumara Rathmore - Mother (Deceased)
Armin Rathmore - Brother (Younger) (Deceased)
Elizabeth Rathmore - Wife
Soren Rathmore II - Son (Oldest) (Deceased)
Feye Rathmore - Daughter (Deceased)
Archer Rathmore - Son (Youngest)
Alexander Rathmore - Cousin
Many stipulate that Soren Rathmore's stout and resilient nature pays homage to his time spent amongst the Northmen in his youth. As one of the few people who lived during the final years of the Eastern Kingdom's existence, his eyes seemingly have a haunted affinity beyond the scar on his face; slightly troubled from those past experiences, he is very reserved and against sharing stories from the times of the fallen kingdom.In front of this, Soren is by all means a charming and charismatic individual, having always boasted wisdom beyond his years when he was a younger man. He has ruled Estiala just and well, opposite of his father's more treacherous term; he cares for each and every subject he has ever had, and cherishes what remaining family he has left. Soren is duly protective of his last son, Archer, and has fallen upon sadder days with Archer's sickness.
Hidden underneath all of the grief and trepidation that Soren Rathmore has seen and experienced all throughout his sixty-eight years of living, the proud son of Validus and Lumara Rathmore stood at the pedestal of Estiala when the royal crown had produced a strong and healthy heir. Growing up, Soren was spoiled immensely for his status as the heir to the crown when it would come to be his time to rule, and so, he was properly groomed in the ways of House Rathmore.
However, the happy picture was nothing short of temporary. King Validus, who had ruled Estiala for a decade until Soren's birth, had become consumed within the greed that developed with inheriting the seat of the king. Soon, Validus grew to detest his two sons, as their existences were a daily reminder that Validus' rule would someday come to an end, and so, his power would be lost. The king abused his sons in secrecy, and when the council would question the status of the two boys, Validus would send the young Soren and Armin to the colder winds of the North.
Darion Lear, Lord of Penkarth and Lord Paramount of the North, was more than welcomed to receive the sons of House Rathmore. Initially, Soren felt trapped within the foreign borders, and the eight-year old feared the Northmen as much as he feared his father. Though, he found himself absorbed into the culture of the cold region, and while he prodded himself to remain true to the traditions of the Andals, Soren could not help but see the wrongs that King Validus exerted upon their own culture.
For five years, Soren and Armin floated between their birthright in the West and the home of their hearts in the North to visit their mother, finding ounces of a stronger character as they colloquially spent their time among the Northmen. At thirteen, the brothers were ordered to be returned to the possession of House Rathmore, as Queen Lumara had passed away in her sleep.
However, the happy picture was nothing short of temporary. King Validus, who had ruled Estiala for a decade until Soren's birth, had become consumed within the greed that developed with inheriting the seat of the king. Soon, Validus grew to detest his two sons, as their existences were a daily reminder that Validus' rule would someday come to an end, and so, his power would be lost. The king abused his sons in secrecy, and when the council would question the status of the two boys, Validus would send the young Soren and Armin to the colder winds of the North.
Darion Lear, Lord of Penkarth and Lord Paramount of the North, was more than welcomed to receive the sons of House Rathmore. Initially, Soren felt trapped within the foreign borders, and the eight-year old feared the Northmen as much as he feared his father. Though, he found himself absorbed into the culture of the cold region, and while he prodded himself to remain true to the traditions of the Andals, Soren could not help but see the wrongs that King Validus exerted upon their own culture.
For five years, Soren and Armin floated between their birthright in the West and the home of their hearts in the North to visit their mother, finding ounces of a stronger character as they colloquially spent their time among the Northmen. At thirteen, the brothers were ordered to be returned to the possession of House Rathmore, as Queen Lumara had passed away in her sleep.
But, Soren resisted his father's abuse, and while King Validus sneered at the boys for betraying the West through their favor of the Northern culture, the King truly had none to blame but himself. Without his wife at his side, King Validus began to grow in madness, his power-hungriness in continual starvation. When Soren turned the age of fifteen, the Master of Whispers revealed to the Rathmore brothers that King Validus had murdered Queen Lumara in her disagreement with his methods of rule.
The West was on the brink of economical collapse as sudden pleas from the Eastern Kingdom went ignored by King Validus. Their relations to the North and South deteriorated as the King looked upon his subjects with a tyrannical ideology. As Soren was nearing the age of sixteen, he was poised to come of age, as it was when he would become suitable for the crown. But, the boy's vengeance for the life of thousands, including his mother, flared uncontrollably.
Three months before his sixteenth name day, Soren Rathmore organized a coup d'รฉtat to overthrow his father from furthering the madness that was his rule. With support from the North and the council formerly loyal to Validus, they ousted the madman from his rule in the eye of the general public and denounced his titles. With no hesitation, Validus began to slander the name of House Rathmore, claiming that Soren was no claimant to the throne. Through this, the boy denied his father's allegations, and Soren Rathmore declared himself the new King of Estiala, his first royal decree to sentence his father to death for treason against the realm.
Through this, few considered Soren Rathmore a kinslayer, but in the eyes of the rest, considered him one of heroic qualities. With the royal council working closely under the new patriarch, Soren Rathmore spent the next two years attempting to revitalize the West's destroyed economy. When he finished mending relations with the Southern region, he turned his eyes to the Eastern Kingdom, of whom no word had come from its borders since his father's rule.
Growing worried, King Soren looked upon the Eastern Kingdom's last message, which had been a distress call. He organized an army and led a march to the eastern borders himself, but when they reached the other side of the mountains, no signs of civilization remained. Only a few miles into the east, skeletons both human and wildlife were found, and the castle of an Eastern house, Ogland's Summit, was abandoned. When Soren thought that invaders had come and sacked the Eastern Kingdoms, he was only-half correct; at Ogland's Summit, they were attacked.
But not by humans. Creatures of varying sizes, grotesque corpses reanimated from the rot, things from the tales of horror passed by the campfire. Soren ordered the retreat of his small army, but by the time they were out of the eastern borders, two-thirds of the small army had been eviscerated by the monsters. From that day, Soren ordered the construction of a wall that would span against the borders of the three regions, blocking off every Eastern waypoint.
The West was on the brink of economical collapse as sudden pleas from the Eastern Kingdom went ignored by King Validus. Their relations to the North and South deteriorated as the King looked upon his subjects with a tyrannical ideology. As Soren was nearing the age of sixteen, he was poised to come of age, as it was when he would become suitable for the crown. But, the boy's vengeance for the life of thousands, including his mother, flared uncontrollably.
Three months before his sixteenth name day, Soren Rathmore organized a coup d'รฉtat to overthrow his father from furthering the madness that was his rule. With support from the North and the council formerly loyal to Validus, they ousted the madman from his rule in the eye of the general public and denounced his titles. With no hesitation, Validus began to slander the name of House Rathmore, claiming that Soren was no claimant to the throne. Through this, the boy denied his father's allegations, and Soren Rathmore declared himself the new King of Estiala, his first royal decree to sentence his father to death for treason against the realm.
Through this, few considered Soren Rathmore a kinslayer, but in the eyes of the rest, considered him one of heroic qualities. With the royal council working closely under the new patriarch, Soren Rathmore spent the next two years attempting to revitalize the West's destroyed economy. When he finished mending relations with the Southern region, he turned his eyes to the Eastern Kingdom, of whom no word had come from its borders since his father's rule.
Growing worried, King Soren looked upon the Eastern Kingdom's last message, which had been a distress call. He organized an army and led a march to the eastern borders himself, but when they reached the other side of the mountains, no signs of civilization remained. Only a few miles into the east, skeletons both human and wildlife were found, and the castle of an Eastern house, Ogland's Summit, was abandoned. When Soren thought that invaders had come and sacked the Eastern Kingdoms, he was only-half correct; at Ogland's Summit, they were attacked.
But not by humans. Creatures of varying sizes, grotesque corpses reanimated from the rot, things from the tales of horror passed by the campfire. Soren ordered the retreat of his small army, but by the time they were out of the eastern borders, two-thirds of the small army had been eviscerated by the monsters. From that day, Soren ordered the construction of a wall that would span against the borders of the three regions, blocking off every Eastern waypoint.
In the next four to five decades, Soren Rathmore continued to rule the nation where his father failed greatly. He loved his wife with all his heart, even in the discrepancies of their ages; he was a young romantic at heart, regardless. His attempts to father an heir failed when his first son, named after him, came ill and passed away at the age of three. No sooner, his next daughter, Feye, passed away at four years of age from a similar illness.
It was at this time, Soren Rathmore believed that he had been cursed for ordering the execution of his father, and that he had truly been a kinslayer. Though, this was temporarily disproved when his next son, Archer Rathmore, was born healthy and strong. They were happy for the years of his only son's good fortune, but fate was cruel, and intent on claiming another.
It was at this time, Soren Rathmore believed that he had been cursed for ordering the execution of his father, and that he had truly been a kinslayer. Though, this was temporarily disproved when his next son, Archer Rathmore, was born healthy and strong. They were happy for the years of his only son's good fortune, but fate was cruel, and intent on claiming another.