The date is January 1st, 2666, and the human race has seemed to devolve back around a Millennia and a half. It was a simple nuclear missile test launch by the Russian Federation 600 years ago that would eventually send the world back into Feudalism. Currently, the New World and the Old World have no contact between each other, with places such as France and the United Kingdom just being stories to those living in the Old World.
Technology has also devolved, with very few people having guns or even remembering how to make them. Swords, Spears, and Armor are now the weapons typically used in combat. No longer can we fly through the sky on our large planes, no longer can we go deep underwater with our submarines, these are merely legends to the modern people. Some have begun to gather around these beliefs, making new religions. Some praise legends of the past as Gods and Goddesses, some use them as demons and creatures of the night, and some still stand with the old beliefs of the Church.
Welcome to After The End, a RP based off the Crusader Kings 2 Mod by the same name (Great mod by the way, you should check it out). This will be a character based NRP and will take place in North America and the Caribbean. As stated before technology will be medieval, with some royals still having access to guns and people who know how to create them. These people are few and far between as they typically travel from kingdom to kingdom selling them off to make a profit.
Republics are also a rarity, as majority of the Old World has fallen back into monarchies, though you can still play as a republic, just realize that you might have to add some more into your Nation Sheet.
Now just for those who want clarification.
1: This is not meant to be completely realistic, no, I get how we most likely wouldn't forget everything or fall back into monarchies, but for the sake of the RP go with it.
2: You can make your own religion, dynasty, and nation, or you can be a descendant of someone famous (For Example, I might plan on playing as a nation ruled by a descendant of Donald Trump)
3: You don't have to be completely realistic. I know how insane this sounds considering this is something promoted and common place in NRPs but I'll allow some leniency on this. For example, you could be a nation that praises the former Dallas Cowboys as gods and pray to Tony Romo. Though I will not allow Mutants, nations in Europe, or anything similar to that.
4: If you have questions, I'll provide answers.