The world of Ithea is a wondrous one; fraught with powerful nations and technologies that aim to shake the foundations of this realm. Be it the High Elves of Valenndale, the Orcs of High Mist, or the humans of Carthus and Penult. This tale is one of triumph, exploration, and conquest. The adventures of this band of heroes begins in the Miner's Prison in the city of Ardent's Fall. From the slums of Ardent the adventurers will etch their names in the annals of history- for better or for worse. Our heroes will shape and bend the world around them to their will. How will they do it? Through the might of their arms and magics? Or through diplomacy and cunning? Only the Gods may know.
Beware the misty glimmer of Ithean shores; not all is at it seems. For even the owl's golden feathers may be plucked, and even the wolf's fangs, dulled.
Below is a compilation of information gathered by the residents, scholars, and adventurers of Ithea. The Ithean Archive will give you information about the world and its people as it's discovered.

Carthus is considered by most contemporary scholars to be the center of the world. It boasts many of the world's most powerful empires, and its capacity for trade is matched only by Valenndale. Carthus has a diverse climate with ice-lands located to the far north-west, think forests and wooded areas, rather warm coasts, and an even warmer southern tip.
Carthus is divided into four major countries. This includes two human nations of Astoria (highlighted in red) andVicelles (highlighted in purple), and the dwarven kingdoms of Viguard (highlighted in yellow) and Ostguard (highlighted in blue). Additionally, there are smaller wood elf encampments scattered throughout the continent.
To the east of Carthus is the recently re-named. Alexandrian Ocean, and to the west is the Oceana Abyssal a toxic body of water whose depths remain unexplored.

Valenndale (commonly called the Dales) is a continent that is home, largely, to the elven people. Ellvenaan, the kingdom of the elves, is one of the largest nations in Ithea. It rivals the dwarven kingdom of Otmanguard in size. Valenndale is also home to a conflation of human city-states often referred to as the Caracas League. The Dorvanhun or the Heartlands are home to the largest wood-elf encampment in all of Ithea. Not all tribes are friendly to outsiders, beware.
Valenndale has a moderate-to-warm climate. The lands feature mostly heavy forest areas, but south of the heartlands, there are jungle areas teaming with a diverse wildlife population. The Caracas League is a huge trade conglomerate, and are subject to Ellvenaan taxes, but the high elves of Valenndale also get resources from their mercantile colony in Penault.

Despite its reputation, Penault is one of the most historically relevant continents in all of Ithea. The continent is home to the Otmonguard Dwarves (highlighted in white), the Valenndale colony of Ellemau'nan (highlighted in gold), the Kingdom of Le Feu Mot (highlighted in red), and the Penaultish Wilds- inhabited mostly by Dark Elves and other mysterious creatures.
Lining the west coast, are two major historical fortresses. The Great Summit was once used to rally war-torn worlds and nations together under joint cooperation from world leaders. The Londessellan is an ancient elven fortress. Penault has a far warmer climate than most other continents, with vast desert regions, savannas and the jungles to the south.

High Mist is quite different from many of the other lands of Ithea. Nowhere else can one find volcanic activity and the red soils south of Tiefling territory. The major territories of High Mist include: the Orcish kingdom of I'Canxu (highlighted in magenta), Koponbect- the Gnosmish Kingdom (highlighted in tan and charcoal), and Babel home to Tieflings (highlighted in red). To the north of High Mist are the Fleeting Isles dense jungle islands that are inhabited by wood elves, humans, and half-elves. The people of the Fleeting Isles are often taken as slaves by the nations of High Mist.
Many parts of High Mist are still unknown to contemporary scholars as travel through the lands is scarce and quite difficult. Perhaps, one day others may be able to uncover more secrets of High Mist.

Crysteria is an arctic continent that has remained habitable for only two nations. The landmass is home to the People of the Trident (highlighted in blue), and Britheria home to the feline race known as the Brith. Crysteria isn't completely frozen, despite popular belief. The People of the Trident live in an arctic tundra which gives them a pivotal position on the continent. These human tribes are forced to pay- in resources- tribute to the powerful nation of Britheria. Crysteria's Frostfoot Marches are perilous and thus there are still vast areas of the continent that remain unexplored.
Beware the misty glimmer of Ithean shores; not all is at it seems. For even the owl's golden feathers may be plucked, and even the wolf's fangs, dulled.
Below is a compilation of information gathered by the residents, scholars, and adventurers of Ithea. The Ithean Archive will give you information about the world and its people as it's discovered.

"Ah my homeland; never have I seen such a diverse ecosystem. The fauna, the flora- even the people. Carthus is a marvelous continent to behold, such a beautiful landmass inhabited by some of the most innovative societies in all of Ithea."
Professor Copernicus Plumbottom-- The Essential Ithean Atlas
Carthus is considered by most contemporary scholars to be the center of the world. It boasts many of the world's most powerful empires, and its capacity for trade is matched only by Valenndale. Carthus has a diverse climate with ice-lands located to the far north-west, think forests and wooded areas, rather warm coasts, and an even warmer southern tip.
Carthus is divided into four major countries. This includes two human nations of Astoria (highlighted in red) andVicelles (highlighted in purple), and the dwarven kingdoms of Viguard (highlighted in yellow) and Ostguard (highlighted in blue). Additionally, there are smaller wood elf encampments scattered throughout the continent.
To the east of Carthus is the recently re-named. Alexandrian Ocean, and to the west is the Oceana Abyssal a toxic body of water whose depths remain unexplored.

"Valenndale...the envy of the world. Its lush green jungles and mysterious forests make scenic routes equally breathtaking and dangerous. The elven kingdom is truly marvelous- shrouded in archaic magics and ancient architecture."
Professor Copernicus Plumbottom-- The Essential Ithean Atlas
Valenndale (commonly called the Dales) is a continent that is home, largely, to the elven people. Ellvenaan, the kingdom of the elves, is one of the largest nations in Ithea. It rivals the dwarven kingdom of Otmanguard in size. Valenndale is also home to a conflation of human city-states often referred to as the Caracas League. The Dorvanhun or the Heartlands are home to the largest wood-elf encampment in all of Ithea. Not all tribes are friendly to outsiders, beware.
Valenndale has a moderate-to-warm climate. The lands feature mostly heavy forest areas, but south of the heartlands, there are jungle areas teaming with a diverse wildlife population. The Caracas League is a huge trade conglomerate, and are subject to Ellvenaan taxes, but the high elves of Valenndale also get resources from their mercantile colony in Penault.

"Penault is a land that feels ominously aware of itself. The arid sands of the Huhueteotl Desert swim with an eerily lifelike tenacity. The Dwarven people have no doubt conquered many parts of the land, but as the people of Le Feu Mot have seen first hand- there is something far more ancient that dwells in these these jungles and plains. "
Professor Copernicus Plumbottom-- The Essential Ithean Atlas
Despite its reputation, Penault is one of the most historically relevant continents in all of Ithea. The continent is home to the Otmonguard Dwarves (highlighted in white), the Valenndale colony of Ellemau'nan (highlighted in gold), the Kingdom of Le Feu Mot (highlighted in red), and the Penaultish Wilds- inhabited mostly by Dark Elves and other mysterious creatures.
Lining the west coast, are two major historical fortresses. The Great Summit was once used to rally war-torn worlds and nations together under joint cooperation from world leaders. The Londessellan is an ancient elven fortress. Penault has a far warmer climate than most other continents, with vast desert regions, savannas and the jungles to the south.

"The land of High Mist is teeming with exotic beauties and peculiar peoples. To stunning jungles and volcanoes, to blood-soaked shores and desert lands trapped between titanic mountain ranges. High Mist is a wonder to behold; if you can survive it. "
Professor Copernicus Plumbottom-- The Essential Ithean Atlas
High Mist is quite different from many of the other lands of Ithea. Nowhere else can one find volcanic activity and the red soils south of Tiefling territory. The major territories of High Mist include: the Orcish kingdom of I'Canxu (highlighted in magenta), Koponbect- the Gnosmish Kingdom (highlighted in tan and charcoal), and Babel home to Tieflings (highlighted in red). To the north of High Mist are the Fleeting Isles dense jungle islands that are inhabited by wood elves, humans, and half-elves. The people of the Fleeting Isles are often taken as slaves by the nations of High Mist.
Many parts of High Mist are still unknown to contemporary scholars as travel through the lands is scarce and quite difficult. Perhaps, one day others may be able to uncover more secrets of High Mist.

"Never have I traversed lands so foreign as the arctic deserts of Crysteria. The trees, ice, and snow are a brilliant mixture of white, blue and emerald green. The trees and the hills are lined with wondrous crystals, and strange orb structures that feel of a different realm. If you can travel far enough into the Frostfoot Marches, you'll find two of the most interesting nations in all of Ithea. "
Professor Copernicus Plumbottom-- The Essential Ithean Atlas
Crysteria is an arctic continent that has remained habitable for only two nations. The landmass is home to the People of the Trident (highlighted in blue), and Britheria home to the feline race known as the Brith. Crysteria isn't completely frozen, despite popular belief. The People of the Trident live in an arctic tundra which gives them a pivotal position on the continent. These human tribes are forced to pay- in resources- tribute to the powerful nation of Britheria. Crysteria's Frostfoot Marches are perilous and thus there are still vast areas of the continent that remain unexplored.
Human- Humans are the most populous race in all of Ithea. This race is dominant in five nations, and is prevalent still in other nations. Humans are known for their ability to adapt and survive. While they aren't as physically strong as the average Orc or Brith or as magically attuned as an Elf- they make up for it by showing promise in all fields (strength, nimbleness, magic, etc.).
High-Elf- High-elves are an incredibly powerful race known for confidence in their people. The High-Elves hold an impressive kingdom in Valenndale that nearly spans the entirety of the continent. High-elves are known for taller height and a slim-build; this is accompanied by sharp facial features. Their ears are far shorter than their elven cousins. High-elves are also known for their prominent affinity for magic. Not all high-elves possess magic, but it is slightly more common among this race.
Half-Elf- Half-elves are the result of one elven and one human parent. They are typically somewhat smaller than the average human, but much thicker than the average high-elf. Half-elves typically inherit similar (but softened) facial features from their elven parent, but always have human ears. Half-elves are more likely than most to fall within an intermediate level of capacity for magic.
Dwarf- Dwarves are a short yet brutish and powerful race. Three Dwarven empires span all of Ithea, all somewhat similar in governing style and religious beliefs. The Dwarves are skilled crafters, and incredibly fierce warriors. Many militaristic innovations and strategies were created by them. What they lack in stature they make up for in endurance and durability.
Orc- Orcs are one of the least populated races in all of Ithea. Their kingdom is located in High Mist where they dominate the northern region. Orcs are known for their ferocity in combat, their overwhelming strength, and a bloodlust rage unmatched by other races in all of Ithea. The Orcish people are incredibly skilled warriors- rivaling the dwarves in military prowess. Orcs are generally fearless and crave battle.
Gnome- The Gnomes of High Mist are another of the least populated races in Ithea. Their territory is unique in that most of their major cities are located underground. The Gnomes are considered to be the pioneers of technological advancement, particularly in architecture and transforming their environment (controlled demolitions, black powder, etc.) Gnomes are similar in height to dwarves, but are far less robust. Where as dwarves are hardy and sturdy, gnomes are much frailer.
Tiefling- Tieflings are a race of people that live predominantly in High Mist. This race is the least common of all races throughout Ithea, but they still boast an impressive population (especially in High Mist). Many people believe that the Tieflings are a people cursed by Gods (hence their red skin, and horns). Even many Tieflings believe this to be true. Many people in Ithea would think the Tiefling are barbaric, and in some ways, perhaps they are. However, upon further inspection- one would realize that they are a rather advanced race of people who are afraid of what they are and what that might mean for the world and their culture.
Brith- The Brith are a powerful race of feline-humanoids (resembling bulky leopards or tigers). Many reside in the frozen wastes of Crysteria in the empire known as Britheria. Natural conquerors, the Brith at one point held large amounts of territory throughout all of Ithea. Their defeat at the hands of a Dwarven and Human alliance forced the Brith's empire to shrink. Still a mighty empire in its own right, the Brith are renowned for their naval capabilities. Brith are typically very large (though not always), rivaling Orcs in size. Despite the average, among their race, the Brith are about as diverse as humans in color, height, weight and facial differences.
Wood-Elf- The wood elves are a variant of high-elves, though still classified as the same race. Wood Elves have historically been pushed back- their territories reduced to designated encampments in the wilderness. Wood elves have a greater affinity for magic even when compared to their high-elf cousins. They are typically adept at survival, especially in wooded areas. Wood elves have much larger ears, and softer features when compared to high-elves. They also often have facial tattoos representative of the clan or family that they hail from.
Halfling- Halflings are the offspring of dwarves or gnomes with a human or an elf. Halflings make up a small minority in Ithea, and often work as entertainers. Halflings are known for their agility, and their small stature. It makes for excellent performers, and deadly warriors. Halflings don't have a large nation behind them, but are rather just scattered throughout all of Ithea.
Dark-Elf- Dark-elves (or Drow) are another variant of high-elves, and as such are still classified as the same race. Dark-elves are believed to be the children of Dark Seldarine, the evil deities of the elven Pantheon. Dark-eves are widely discriminated against with societal challenges similar to Tieflings. While the history of the dark-elves is shrouded in mystery it is undeniable that dark-elves are more attuned to forbidden magics (necromancy, blood magic, etc.) though some would argue that they are driven to use this magics because they are treated so poorly throughout Ithea. This is certainly the case in most societies. Dark-elves are often taken into chattel slavery in high-elven society, and in human societies they are often indentured servants.
High-Elf- High-elves are an incredibly powerful race known for confidence in their people. The High-Elves hold an impressive kingdom in Valenndale that nearly spans the entirety of the continent. High-elves are known for taller height and a slim-build; this is accompanied by sharp facial features. Their ears are far shorter than their elven cousins. High-elves are also known for their prominent affinity for magic. Not all high-elves possess magic, but it is slightly more common among this race.
Half-Elf- Half-elves are the result of one elven and one human parent. They are typically somewhat smaller than the average human, but much thicker than the average high-elf. Half-elves typically inherit similar (but softened) facial features from their elven parent, but always have human ears. Half-elves are more likely than most to fall within an intermediate level of capacity for magic.
Dwarf- Dwarves are a short yet brutish and powerful race. Three Dwarven empires span all of Ithea, all somewhat similar in governing style and religious beliefs. The Dwarves are skilled crafters, and incredibly fierce warriors. Many militaristic innovations and strategies were created by them. What they lack in stature they make up for in endurance and durability.
Orc- Orcs are one of the least populated races in all of Ithea. Their kingdom is located in High Mist where they dominate the northern region. Orcs are known for their ferocity in combat, their overwhelming strength, and a bloodlust rage unmatched by other races in all of Ithea. The Orcish people are incredibly skilled warriors- rivaling the dwarves in military prowess. Orcs are generally fearless and crave battle.
Gnome- The Gnomes of High Mist are another of the least populated races in Ithea. Their territory is unique in that most of their major cities are located underground. The Gnomes are considered to be the pioneers of technological advancement, particularly in architecture and transforming their environment (controlled demolitions, black powder, etc.) Gnomes are similar in height to dwarves, but are far less robust. Where as dwarves are hardy and sturdy, gnomes are much frailer.
Tiefling- Tieflings are a race of people that live predominantly in High Mist. This race is the least common of all races throughout Ithea, but they still boast an impressive population (especially in High Mist). Many people believe that the Tieflings are a people cursed by Gods (hence their red skin, and horns). Even many Tieflings believe this to be true. Many people in Ithea would think the Tiefling are barbaric, and in some ways, perhaps they are. However, upon further inspection- one would realize that they are a rather advanced race of people who are afraid of what they are and what that might mean for the world and their culture.
Brith- The Brith are a powerful race of feline-humanoids (resembling bulky leopards or tigers). Many reside in the frozen wastes of Crysteria in the empire known as Britheria. Natural conquerors, the Brith at one point held large amounts of territory throughout all of Ithea. Their defeat at the hands of a Dwarven and Human alliance forced the Brith's empire to shrink. Still a mighty empire in its own right, the Brith are renowned for their naval capabilities. Brith are typically very large (though not always), rivaling Orcs in size. Despite the average, among their race, the Brith are about as diverse as humans in color, height, weight and facial differences.
Wood-Elf- The wood elves are a variant of high-elves, though still classified as the same race. Wood Elves have historically been pushed back- their territories reduced to designated encampments in the wilderness. Wood elves have a greater affinity for magic even when compared to their high-elf cousins. They are typically adept at survival, especially in wooded areas. Wood elves have much larger ears, and softer features when compared to high-elves. They also often have facial tattoos representative of the clan or family that they hail from.
Halfling- Halflings are the offspring of dwarves or gnomes with a human or an elf. Halflings make up a small minority in Ithea, and often work as entertainers. Halflings are known for their agility, and their small stature. It makes for excellent performers, and deadly warriors. Halflings don't have a large nation behind them, but are rather just scattered throughout all of Ithea.
Dark-Elf- Dark-elves (or Drow) are another variant of high-elves, and as such are still classified as the same race. Dark-elves are believed to be the children of Dark Seldarine, the evil deities of the elven Pantheon. Dark-eves are widely discriminated against with societal challenges similar to Tieflings. While the history of the dark-elves is shrouded in mystery it is undeniable that dark-elves are more attuned to forbidden magics (necromancy, blood magic, etc.) though some would argue that they are driven to use this magics because they are treated so poorly throughout Ithea. This is certainly the case in most societies. Dark-elves are often taken into chattel slavery in high-elven society, and in human societies they are often indentured servants.
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
The most adept and hardy of classes. Warriors typically use shields, swords, hammers, etc. Warriors can range from the might champions of Ardent's Watch or of Babel to a mercenary that fights for coin.
City Guard
The most adept and hardy of classes. Warriors typically use shields, swords, hammers, etc. Warriors can range from the might champions of Ardent's Watch or of Babel to a mercenary that fights for coin.
City Guard
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
Arcane Trickster
Arcane Trickster
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
Arcane Tinkerer
Arcane Tinkerer
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
Beast Master
Monster Hunter
Mage Hunter
Beast Master
Monster Hunter
Mage Hunter
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
Open Hand
Four Elements
Long Death
Open Hand
Four Elements
Long Death
I will work with each player to help them figure out which abilities they would like to have.
Constitution Mage- Healing magics and barriers. Peaceful Aura, Barrier, Cure Wounds, etc.
Divine CLerics- Holy magics; magic potential channeled through the Gods. Guidance, Light, Cure Wounds, Bless, etc.
Destruction Mage- Elemental spells; Fireballs, Shock, Frost.
Illusion Mage- Magics used to trick the mind; Calm, Fear, Illusion Constructs, Invisiblity.
Pact Mage- Magics channeled through a patron; Mage Hand, Eldritch Blast, Blade Ward, Chill Touch, etc.
Primal Mage- Druid and nature magic; Rock Armor, Shapeshift, Summon Swarm, Petrify, etc.
Necromancer- Controlling the dead through magic; Power of the Dead, Raise Zombie, Spirit Mark, Walking Bomb, etc.
Blood Mage- Graverobber, Hemorrhage, Blood Slave, etc.
Constitution Mage- Healing magics and barriers. Peaceful Aura, Barrier, Cure Wounds, etc.
Divine CLerics- Holy magics; magic potential channeled through the Gods. Guidance, Light, Cure Wounds, Bless, etc.
Destruction Mage- Elemental spells; Fireballs, Shock, Frost.
Illusion Mage- Magics used to trick the mind; Calm, Fear, Illusion Constructs, Invisiblity.
Pact Mage- Magics channeled through a patron; Mage Hand, Eldritch Blast, Blade Ward, Chill Touch, etc.
Primal Mage- Druid and nature magic; Rock Armor, Shapeshift, Summon Swarm, Petrify, etc.
Necromancer- Controlling the dead through magic; Power of the Dead, Raise Zombie, Spirit Mark, Walking Bomb, etc.
Blood Mage- Graverobber, Hemorrhage, Blood Slave, etc.
Astoria is one of four nations in Carthus. Highlighted in red on the political map, Astoria is ruled by one major house. House Chamberhill currently holds the throne with little in the way of political opposition from minor houses throughout Astoria.
Towns and Cities
Cambridge: The capital of Astoria, and home to the Chamberhill estate.
Ardent's Fall: A major port town in Astoria, and the city where our adventure begins.
Towns and Cities
Cambridge: The capital of Astoria, and home to the Chamberhill estate.
Ardent's Fall: A major port town in Astoria, and the city where our adventure begins.
Beory, goddess of the Oerth, Nature, and Rain.
Boccob, god of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, and Foresight.
Incabulos, god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters.
Istus, goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty.
Mictlantecuhtli, god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.
Nerull, god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.
Pelor, god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing.
Quetzalcoatl, god of the Air, Birds, and Snakes.
Rao, god of Peace, Reason and Serenity.
Tezcatlipoca, god of the Sun, Moon, the Night, Scheming, Betrayals, and Lightning.
Uvot, god of Prosperity.
Heironeous, god of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor.
Huhueteotl, god of Fire and the Motion of Time.
Boccob, god of Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, and Foresight.
Incabulos, god of Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Nightmares, Drought, and Disasters.
Istus, goddess of Fate, Destiny, Divination, Future, and Honesty.
Mictlantecuhtli, god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.
Nerull, god of Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld.
Pelor, god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing.
Quetzalcoatl, god of the Air, Birds, and Snakes.
Rao, god of Peace, Reason and Serenity.
Tezcatlipoca, god of the Sun, Moon, the Night, Scheming, Betrayals, and Lightning.
Uvot, god of Prosperity.
Heironeous, god of Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, and Valor.
Huhueteotl, god of Fire and the Motion of Time.
Before we are to begin our adventure in Ithea we must wait for the completion of the OOC. The Ithean Archives will be updated regularly with newly uncovered information. For now, we must work on establishing the basics.
Note: Many sections are only finished for now, and relevant information will be put into the OOC as our players discover it.
.Create the OOC page
.Finish the Continents section
.Finish the Races section
.Finish the Classes section
.Finish the Locations section
.Finish the Important People section.
Note: Many sections are only finished for now, and relevant information will be put into the OOC as our players discover it.
.Create the OOC page
.Finish the Continents section
.Finish the Races section
.Finish the Classes section
.Finish the Locations section
.Finish the Important People section.