Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]
@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@Ninian

"Thank you."

Amber accepted the Pokedex with a grateful smile, twisting the device around in her hands with an inquisitive look in her eyes. She had seen Pokedexes before, but it seemed the design varied from region to region and that some of the other trainers she'd encountered before had gotten into a habit of customizing their Pokedexes. Still, it didn't take away from the fact that she was still amazed at how such a small device had the capacity to store and record information about the variety of Pokemon they were bound to encounter.

Aster seemed to think that the Pokedex was something akin to a toy and she struggled in Amber's arms in an effort to reach the device. Not wanting to accidentally drop something she'd been given only moments prior, she set Aster down on the ground - silently hoping that for once, the small Pokemon would behave. She felt Aster attempt to scale up her pants from her current position on the floor, but Amber paid her no mind. Instead, she mimicked what Devon had done and placed her finger on the scanner. She wasn't surprised when the screen brought up a loading screen, only to be replaced by a tally of still blank records with her name settled on top. Fingerprint technology was something also implemented by the Unova police when identifying criminals, although the way the Pokedex utilized it still held a superior air. Perhaps the department could use Pokedex technology to further revolutionize their tracking techniques. It was something she had to look in at a later date.

With her trainer ID settled, Amber tucked the Pokedex in one of the pockets inside her uniform and took Aster back into her arms. As she did so, Bishop had whispered something to her that caused Amber's eyes to narrow, but she gave a nod nonetheless. What could Bishop have to say to her?

She turned back to the other trainers in the laboratory. Devon was ready to leave and begin exploring, it seemed, and she had no doubt that Celes would share his sentiments. "If I'm not mistaken, catching new Pokemon is a priority when entering a new region. So, if you wouldn't mind, could I shadow you for a while just to observe?" she asked both of the trainers, feeling only mildly embarrassed at her situation.

She would wait until the others were done with whatever inquiries they might have with Bishop before confronting the woman herself. After all, whatever Bishop had to say couldn't be anything bad, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@void liege@Leoven
Stepping into the lab alongside them, the blonde woman would address both Celes and Nasir. Raising a brow, Nasir thought to himself, Careful now? Is she implying that I cannot keep this child under control...? It was odd to be sure, and he brushed it off.

Celes, still riding Nasir's shoulders would chirp at the uniformed woman, "I'm always careful! Don't worry about meeee~"

As Bishop began to explain the Pokédex and the processes required to register yourself, Celes began to visibly vibrate with anticipation. With furrowed brows, Nasir shot her a glance, trying to do his best to keep the girl on his shoulders. Now with a Pink dex in hand, Celes let out a squeal of excitement, "YAY! I'm a real Trainer now! This is so exciting! Isn't it exciting Mr. Black?"

A soft chuckle escaped the guised Zoroark's lips. "...Yes, quite." The black-haired man's eyes now trailed off to Devon's Cyan Pokédex. Indeed, it seemed to have already populated the encyclopedic device with his personal information.

"I'm totally ready! Mush, Mr. Black!"

Closing his eyes, Nasir let out a dejected chuckle. Turning on his heel to leave, he paused when the uniformed blonde spoke up once more. Looking over his shoulder, he would address her, "...It's always best for a beginning Trainer to travel with a more experienced one. I would be surprised if anyone had any objections."

"Oooo, we get a police lady too!? This will be fun, so let's see it's uh... me... Ranulf... Mr. Black, Devon! Lily and... Brent? Okay! We can totally make this work."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[New Amber Town - Maple Pokemon Lab]

The others seemed completely intent on getting out of there as soon as possible, and she couldn't blame them. It was just by instinct that one their age would crave adventure. "Don't worry, it won't take too long." She said, bringing the girl (Who the Pokedex had identified as Amber Kree) to the far side of the room.

"I just wanted to talk to you personally, I know your background, kind of." She held up a Viore Police Badge stored away in her back pocket for whenever she needed it. "I'm kind of like you, I was a cop here in Viore. But I took a leave of absence to become experienced in Pokemon. It was hard, at first, trying to get into my new rhythm. But... really, all I had to do was relax."

She looked over the young uniform clad girl once more. "It's quite clear you're anything but relaxed. I'm sure as much as you adore your uniform, you need something a bit more... fitting for an adventure. I know there's a boutique downtown that has everything you'd need. As for learning to control your Pokemon... that's something that will come with time, just learn to relax and you'll be fine. Trust me." She gave a friendly smile, hoping the words really got through to the girl.

"Well, I won't hold you for long, I just wanted to lend a helping hand is all. Good luck on your journey!" She said, giving a wave as she busied herself with a nearby terminal.

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

While waiting for the rest to get their Pokedex's, they had grabbed some sodas from a nearby Vending Machine. They now sat on the steps of the Lab as they continued to wait. "Why are we waiting for them again? We barely even know them..." Said Brent, looking up into the late afternoon sky. "They seem like fun kids, except Miss Moody there. She probably hasn't had a friend in her life, that's just sad. Nobody should live a life without friends, it's just not right..." She took a sip of her drink.

Their Pokemon were contemplating the situation as well. <Why do some humans have to be so cold like that? She won't get anywhere in the world like that, I guarantee it.> Said Chikorita, looking over to Cyndaquil who was sunbathing next to Brent. <Might just be how they grew up, where they grew up, all that stuff. I heard on TV the other day that People and Pokemon can have personalities because of what they've experienced. What do you think Mr. Dragonite?> He asked the towering Dragon type.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo@void liege@Leoven
The odd woman in what looked to be a police uniform turned to Devon and requested to follow him for awhile, and the teen replied to the question with a nod and a small smile. "Sure. I wouldn't mind showing ya the ropes. I can maybe give ya some help with handling your Snivy there too if ya want. I'll be outside when you're ready." Turning on his heel to walk towards the doors, Devon put his arms behind his head and bumped Nasir with an elbow as he passed by him. "Come on you two. I think Brent and Lily went back outside."

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

Pushing his way out of the doors of the building, Devon stepped around Lily and Brent on the stairs and plopped onto the grass slope beside the steps. Shock, Quill, Cyan, and Missy doing much of the same as they found spots near their Trainer. The brown eyed teen stuffed his cyan colored Dex into his hoodie pocket, then pulling up his knees and laying back on his arms to look to the other kids. "So, what are you guys planning to do with your new Dexs and cool Pokémon? Go on a journey for Gym battles? Contests? Pokéathlons?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@void liege@Leoven
Ranulf had been standing quietly, minding his own business when the two young Pokémon addressed him. It took him a moment to play over in his head what he had casually overheard. <You're asking some tough questions there. Well, I do think it's dependent mostly on what they've experienced, though... I do believe in an inherit temperament.>

While the Dragonite was conversing with the Chikorita and Cyndaquil, Nasir made his way down the stairs after his Trainer. Still riding atop him was the small girl; the Dragonite's charge. Celes waved her pink Pokédex so that Ranulf could see it. "Ranulllf! I got it! I got my thingy! It took my fingerprints and everything, and now I'm a real Trainer!"

A warm smile crossed the Dragonite's maw, <Excellent!>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord @Leoven @void liege
When Devon, Celes, and... Nasir the Zoroark... man it was still hard to believe, but they still believed it, finally came back, Devon asked them a question. "I'm working towards the Viore League Tournament here in a few months. It's a shared dream with Cyndaquil here that we want to be the Viore League Champion one day." Lily smiled, looking over at Chikorita. "I'm heading for the Viore League too, but it's just to see the sights and challenge myself. I don't really want to be a champion, too much responsibility for me. Contests could be fun, though. I saw a girl on TV one time competing in a Johto Contest, she had an awesome combination with a Blaziken and Glaceon, it was just beautiful!"

Brent looked over when she mentioned contests. "I like the idea, but I'm just not into contests that much. Trust me, I like seeing my Pokemon look their best, but each trainer and each Pokemon have their own way to do that." Lily giggled and responded. "Yeah, you're right about that. Still, the goal of a journey is to have fun and experience things you never have before. I'm sure I'll get to do that." Brent nodded, then turned to the others. "So, what are you two going to do here? I don't want to judge a book by its cover, but I'd say you'd be going for Gym Battles, am I right Devon?" He asked. Then Lily turned to Celes. "And what about you? Contests, Gym Battles, or both? Or maybe neither?"

Then they heard a call from the doorway, it was the Bishop lady from before. "I almost forgot, to all of you, the PokeMart here in town is very generous to trainers! If you need some Pokeballs to start out with, that would be the place to go! Good luck all of you!" She yelled, returning back to her work. "I'm all good on Pokeballs, dad made sure I stocked up before we left Stormbutte." Said Brent. Lily nodded her head. "Same, I was fully stocked before I left Goldenrod, I'm all set!" She replied.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
Avatar of Light Lord

Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Devon sat and listened as the two newbie Trainers as they both explained what they wanted to do on their journeys. When Lily mentioned her interest in Contests, the brown eyed teen looked over and smiled. "Yeah, Contests are great. You really gotta love the spotlight though." His cheeks grew a little red as he averted his gaze. "You wanna know something stupid? I absolutely hate crowds, yet I managed to do that full Contest with Nasir. And I'm still, freaked out by big groups. I don't get it."

When asked about what his goal was in the Viore region, Devon winked at Brent and grinned. "I'm really that easy huh? Yeah, I was planning on hitting a few Gyms while I'm here. See the sights, might also do another Contest if Fuzzy over there is up for it."

The same lab assistant that had given everyone their Pokédexs reappeared in the doorway, causing Devon's head to turn back and look over his shoulder. "Oh uh, thanks but, I'm already stocked up. A few Great Balls, Super Potions, basic stuff." Looking back to the rest of the group he shrugged. "I'm also ready to go whenever you guys are."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
Avatar of Ninian

Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo@void liege@Leoven
The two beginner Trainers shared their goals, causing a warm smile to overtake the black-haired man's features. "Those are worthy goals..."

Celes was put on the spot by Lily, and she blinked, completely befuddled. She hadn't even considered what she'd be doing, exactly. Or she had, and had forgotten. "O-Oh, me? Ummm. Well, my plan was to raise Mist to become a strong Dragonite. I guess like uhm... maybe become the worlds greatest Dragonite Trainer? I considered just... doing Dragons, but I can't talk to those so it kinda seems like less fun." Tapping her index fingers together she continued, "...Anyway, I heard there's cool Legend-y stuff in Viore, so that's kinda why I'm here. Where there's Legends, there's Dragons! I'm sure I can find more Dratini here somewhere that I can bring back to the Dragon's Den! Right Ranulf?"

With a small nod, the Dragonite would reply, <Perhaps. It is why the village elders suggested traveling here instead of starting your journey in Johto.> Turning his gaze to Nasir he'd continue, <We will likely challenge the various Gyms once Mist grows stronger. Celes would benefit from assembling a team of other Pokémon, but...>

Putting her hands on her hips, and then realizing that messed with her balance, Celes grasped Nasir's shoulders and spoke again, "I can't talk to other Pokémon though, Ranulf! You know that. L-Like I can't just... I mean I can't just catch... whatever..."

Placing a hand to his forehead, Nasir let out a sigh. "...Celes would likely benefit from supplies." Focusing on Devon, he'd continued, "If you are willing to enter a Contest, I would be more than happy to participate." Putting a finger to his lip he'd contemplate for a moment before continuing, "If you are not willing... are you allowed to lend Pokémon to other coordinators? Perhaps I could participate with Lily."

Still pouting, Celes let out a small grumble before speaking softly, "...I only have a few things in my satchel. I have money though... dunno what I really need."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
It seemed like Celes and the Dragonite, whom she called Ranulf, started arguing again. They were still a little unclear on the situation, but apparently Celes could talk to the Dragons she had with her. "You know, you have a special gift there if you can understand Dragon Types. But that doesn't mean that you should only use Dragon Types. I can't understand what Chikorita says, but that's how your bond deepens. You have to learn what they say, what they want. That's a closeness you can't really get by always understanding them." Said Lily, surprising Brent. "Wow, I didn't realize you were that deep, that's... wow." Lily gave off a smile and a giggle. "I learned most of that from my mom, she's an amazing trainer you know."

Brent chuckled then turned back to Devon. "That's basic? I'd call that more intermediate. Pokeballs and Potions are basic, but then again, you do seem way more of a veteran trainer, guess basics change as you grow." He said, looking over them all. "Well, if Celes needs the basics, I say we head to the PokeMart. Besides, I get a really bad vibe from that one girl, not the one in the uniform, the one who looks like the unhappiest girl in the world. And that Officer girl, I think she's going to be a while. So, what do you say guys?"

Meanwhile, the Pokemon were having their own conversation. <I get what Lily says, but sometimes I wish she could understand me even the tiniest bit, there's quite a few things I'd like to get off my chest...> Cyndaquil laughed a little. <Yeah, me and Brent are pretty close, we have a general mutual understanding. But yeah, there are a few things I'd like to tell him. I'll keep those secret for now though, don't wanna embarrass him.> He replied, obviously noting the Zoroark that could translate for them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
Avatar of Ninian

Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
Catching Lily's voice, Celes would faceplant into Nasir's hair. "...I mean... I guess I understand, but... I really like being able to talk to them. And um... it's not Dragon Types, it's actually just um... Dratini... Dragonair, and um Dragonite. So if you had a um... what's another Dragon-type."

<Salamence.> Ranulf would state.

"...Yeah, that. So if a Salamence started talking to me, it'd be like any other Pokémon. They'd just sound kinda like... I assume they growl or roar or something."

As the smaller Pokémon underfoot spoke, Nasir's gaze fell to them. "...I do find it useful to be able to articulate my thoughts to Devon, as well as our companion's thoughts. That said, if there's anything you wish for me to relay to your Trainers, do not hesitate to ask. Generally speaking, I will do my best to keep secretive information secret." Looking to the gathered humans, the guised Zoroark would smile, "Shall we head to the PokéMart...?" Making sure Celes was stable on his shoulders, the Zoroark would set off. Of course, he didn't actually know where to go...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
Avatar of Light Lord

Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokémon Lab]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Devon looked up at Nasir's shoulders and attempted to reassure the flustered girl with a smile. "Hey, don't worry Celes. Talking directly to Pokémon isn't everything. I'm sure if you just get out there and meet a few of em, you'll have a bunch of new buddies in no time."

His gaze then lowered a bit to meet Nasir's. The Trainer reaching behind him to pat his backpack a bit with a grin. "And by the way, I'll do another Contest with you Fuzzy. Anything that'll make you happy. Besides, who else has a matching Zoroark style outfit on standby besides me?"

Standing up from the ground and jiggling around the contents of his back pack, Devon strolled past Nasir on the way down the road and poked him while snickering a bit. "You have no where you're going don't you? C'mon, we passed it not too far into town." The rest of the teen's Pokémon then joined the group as they made their way towards the mart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Outside Maple Pokemon Lab]

@Ninian @Light Lord
Well, it was clear that Celes needed some supplies. The disguised Zoroark with Celes on his shoulders, and Devon and his team, started heading back downtown. So, obviously, Brent and Lily followed, with Brent kind of running a bit ahead. "The PokeMart is just across the street from the Pokemon Center, it'll be easy to spot once we're there! I know the quickest way there too! Come on!" He said, taking off down a nearby alley. "Hey, wait up!" Yelled Lily, chasing after him.

[New Amber Town - Main Street]

After a few minutes, the two finally rounded the corner to the Pokemon Center. Brent pointed across the street to a dull white building with a blue roof. "That's the PokeMart, usually when there's a Pokemon Center in town, there's a place like this to get some supplies... you listening Lily?" No, she wasn't. Her eyes were caught on another sight, there seemed to be a heated battle going on, right on the Pokemon Center Battlefield. "Wow, they really look into that battle... and those are Johto Pokemon too!" She said, pulling out her new Pokedex. She held it up to the first Pokemon in battle. "Typhlosion, the Volcano Pokemon, and the final evolved form of Cyndaquil. Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that it creates using its intensely hot flames. This Pokémon creates blazing explosive blasts that burn everything to cinders." Then she held it up to the second Pokemon. "Espeon, the Sun Pokemon, and one of the evolved forms of Eevee. Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm."

Following this, the two trainers were now focused on this battle. Typhlosion's Trainer called out. "Typhlosion, Flamethrower!" Espeon's trainer reacted. "Espeon, Psybeam!" The two attacks hit each other in mid air, creating a small explosion. "Keep up the attack, Flame Wheel!" Called out Typhlosion's Trainer, and out of the smoke came Typhlosion cloaked in a spinning wheel of fire. "Dodge it, quick! Then counter with Swift!" Called out the Espeon's Trainer.

The battle continued back and forth for several minutes, until finally both Pokemon seemed exhausted. "Alright, I think both of our Pokemon have hit their limit for today, you're pretty strong." Said Typhlosion's Trainer, walking onto the battlefield next to his Pokemon. Espeon's Trainer did the same. "Same to you, it was great battling with you. My name's Sakura by the way." She held out her hand in a handshake. "Mine's Jimmy, glad to meet you. I haven't had a battle that good in a long time!" The two looked around at the small crowd that had gathered. "Well, looks like we drew quite a crowd, Marina would have loved this." He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Wow, that was intense! To think Cyndaquil, you could be that strong someday..." He shook his head and looked over to Lily. "We kind of got sidetracked, didn't we? Well, guess we should get Celes her supplies, right?" He said, looking over his shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
Avatar of Ninian

Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - Main Street]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
The battle near the Pokémon Center intrigued Nasir. Pausing, his teal blue eyes fixed upon the Espeon. The small child resting on his shoulders seemed intrigued as well. "...Wooow." Her voice was soft as she stared slack-jawed at the scene unfolding before her.

Only barely snapping out of her trance at the call of her name, Celes tapped Nasir's head before speaking, "Oh yeah, supplies! I should... probably do that. Mr. Black let's go!" With her legs stiffening, she would point towards the blue roofed building.

At her command, Nasir made his way towards the Mart.

Ranulf, however didn't follow quite yet. Instead, he was looking over the battle, and the two contestants.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
Avatar of Light Lord

Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Main Street]

@Ninian@Shiny Keldeo
Devon crossed his arms and watched the battle unfold, a sort of wondering stare washing over his face as he watched the two Pokémon skillfully dodged each others attacks and retaliated with powerful counters. "Shit, that Typlosion and Espeon are crazy strong. I don't think I've ever seen this much back and forth in a casual match...."

The teen's brown eyes followed every move the two fighters made with a content smile. After the battle had concluded, he scanned over the two Trainers as they did their meet and greet in the middle of the arena, Devon pumped his fist. "That was awesome guys! Good job!" The crimson hooded Trainer turned away from the battle to nod and Brent. "Oh, yeah we should do that. Sorry Celes." Beginning to walk with the rest of the party across the street, the advanced Trainer but his hands behind his head and looked to the sky. "Ya know what's weird though? I swear I recognize those two Trainers from somewhere. I just can't remember from what though...."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
Avatar of Shiny Keldeo

Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - PokeMart]

@Ninian @Light Lord
The group finally headed into the blue roofed building. Looking around inside, it was well stocked with just about everything a trainer would need on their journey. As they walked in, the Store Clerk quickly took notice of the new arrivals. "Hello! You all must be trainers, right? Of course you would be, why else would you come to a PokeMart?" He quickly looked among the group of four. "I assume you're all starting out today? If so, we've got our policy to always help new trainers prosper with a small starter pack, free of charge of course!"

Brent and Lily shook their heads. "We've already got all the things we'll need." Said Lily, patting her yellow backpack. "Yeah, but the lady up there could probably use one of those starter packs." Said Brent, pointing to Celes. The Shop Clerk lit up. "Ah, yes, I see! Well, if the young lady could come up to the counter, I'll be happy to help!" He said, grabbing a box from under the counter and opening it up. "We have most of everything a Trainer will need to start their journey, minus their Pokemon of course."

The Starter Kit Contains:

  • PokeBall (x5)
  • Premier Ball (x1)
  • Potion (x5)
  • Antidote (x2)
  • Burn Heal (x2)
  • Oran Berry (x3)

The Shop Clerk smiled. "Hopefully this will be enough to get our young lady well underway on her journey!" He said. "Wow, that's a lot of stuff! And it's all free?" Asked Lily, with the Shop Clerk nodding his head in reply. "Our New Amber Town branch has a tradition, we love seeing the smiles on new trainer's faces as they set off with their bright futures ahead of them, and we want them to become all that they can be! And everyone has to start somewhere, better to give them a nudge in the right direction!" He stated proudly. Brent had his own private thoughts on the matter. "Yeah, that and they always want to make sure trainers come back to their stores for more supplies. But... it is a nice gesture anyways." He thought.

[New Amber Town - Pokemon Center]

"Hey, thanks!" Said Jimmy to the kid who complimented their battle before turning back to his partner. "You're probably starved after all that, aren't you? And speaking of, so am I! How about we go find a nice cafe before we head out?" Typhlosion nodded happily. "Hey, mind if I come along too? I'd really like to know more about you, I feel like I've seen you before." Said Sakura, walking up with Espeon right beside her. "Hey, no problem, we'd enjoy the company. We're meeting up with our friends in... Vertigo City isn't it called? Yeah, that's right. You might tag along too, you'd love 'em!" Sakura smiled. "Sure, it would probably get boring traveling there alone anyways!"

With that, the two set out along the sidewalk seeking out a nearby cafe. The crowd that had gathered to watch the battle slowly dispersed, and finally everything was as it usually was this time of day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
Avatar of Ninian

Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn and Nasir the Zoroark
Celes' Party - Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
Zoroark Illusion Status: Human

[New Amber Town - PokéMart]

@Light Lord@Shiny Keldeo
At the prompt, Nasir hefted the small girl off his shoulders, and set her on the ground. Celes' eyes brightened as she scurried over to the counter. Looking over the Starter kit, she gasped. "Wow...! That's a lot of stuff. I really need all of this?" Looking over her shoulder, Nasir nodded in response.

Turning back to face the Shop Clerk, she beamed, "Thank you, thank you!" Taking the box, Celes' would stuff the entirety of it in her large satchel.

Now already trying to clamber up Nasir once more, Celes looked over the group, "Sooo.... what now? Where do we go from here?" Reluctantly, Nasir picked up the small child, and lifted her back upon his shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 4 mos ago



"Riiiiiight. I'm sure 'Houndie will be along right quick." The thief look back down at the....well, the words that came to mind were 'quivering lump of human' that had until recently, he assumed, at least going from the, admittedly, pretty flash clothing and the downright bitchin' cane, a fairly coherent member of the human race. The whole thing screamed 'respectable' but not 'hey look I'm a raging bastard with money steal from me and balance the scales of cosmic justice'.

And hey, he wasn't bad-looking.

Some distant part of him chided him for that remark, the same part that still sighed like the most disappointed and put upon grandmothers in existence whenever he dared to have the slightest bit of fun. All it seemed to say, all disapproval and exasperation was, perhaps, a moment of medical crises was not the moment to be drawing blood from one particular part of the body to another particular part of the body.



Maybe he shouldn't be oogling the dude who had, if he didn't miss his guess, literally passed out from pain. Let alone while his pokemon were watching.

Let alone while his pokemon who could speak and possibly read minds were watching.

They were watching right?

....Yeah they were probably watching.

....So no oogling. Jokes were probably a bad idea too. Going through his pockets was just in bad taste (and he did have some taste! Somewhere. Maybe.) And disinterestedly eating some donut holes was probably a bad idea too.


Hurry up Houndoom.

Thankfully, a fire alarm, some angry screaming, and a the sound of a small crowd scattering presaged the arrival of his ever-faithful Houndoom, practically galloping through the opening created by the skittish (it must be noted that Jinx, who stole things from high security vaults and dodged bullets for a living, had a strange definition of skittish that had little to do with how most of humanity, which is to say rational people, defined it. The nearest translation is 'not suicidal') crowd, medical kit...and necklace that Jinx didn't recall owning but most certainly owned now, in hand.

The thief clapped his hands together.

"Alright alright alright! Now we're in business!"

Houndoom, tail wagging, eyes gleaming with the special sort of 'aren't a little tricksie one' spark, and a slightly slobbered upon medical kit clasped in his vice-like jaws, crashed to a halt in front of the thief, and said thief's somewhat unorthodox client. With a devil-may-care-but-I-most-certainly-do-not smile, Jinx kneeled down and pried the kit from his partner-in-crimes mouth...and silently pocketed the necklace. With a mouthed "Good boy", Jinx stood back up and...well, did his best to channel the docs on that soap opera he watched whenever he was unbearably bored.

First thing first. The legged looked a bit..rigid. Rod. Probably had a rod in it. So no broken bones to worry about. That's good.

(Lucky thing he'd faked something like that as a cover story-metal detectors were truly, a sign that evil existed upon this world)

So. The problem really was pain. With a sympathetic 'tch', Jinx clicked open the kit and grabbed a syringe of that drug that had become his best friend whenever he had to contend with the countless small cuts that came with jumping through a window. IF you thought paper cuts were bad....

Well. Still probably wasn't as bad as what this poor SOB had to go through. He'd need to find a vein. Nearer to the source of what was presumably unbearable pain, the better.


Well. His pokemon were either going to be understanding, or they were going to kill him for this. Without a word, Jinx rolled up the unfortunate trainer's pant leg, felt a few moments for a vein-and then commenced with everyone's childhood nightmare.

Okay. Painkillers covered. Now he needed to bandage it up a bit.

"So. Bad news." He said, to the man in unbearable pain and all-around incapable of hearing him. "I uh, don't really have the luxury of picking and choosing what kinda bandages I get. Picked this up a children's hospital. I uh, hope you like rainbows and obscenely cute pokemon. Because...well."

He pulled a roll of bandages, decorated with patterns that might be fairly called 'disgustingly cute'. "Yeah...." Rather then carry on the painfully one-sided conversation, the thief just started to make his client's leg possibly the most untastefully decorated thing in the entire airport.

"And...there. I've got some ice too. If that doesn't do it....and you can't hear me at all and I'm going crazy. Neat."

Jinx turned to regard the as-yet-unnamed client's pokemon. "So uh, he's still not gonna be walking out of here. And I sorta consider this an investment. I can, y'know, carry him if you like."

.....Honestly he really just wanted to see the guy's face when he woke up and saw the bandages on his leg.

That was going on the 'net.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wye Coldren

[Route 701 - Outside the Pokémon Center]

"Where should we go next?"

A young trainer was standing outside the Pokemon Center building, in its courtyard, with five pokemon around him. The smallest of the bunch was a small Totodile. Next to it were two others, a Gabite and a Frogadier. There were also two more that were much more noticeable: a Haxorus with a scar on his eye and a Metagross with a mega stone on its front left arm, placed like an ornate bracelet.

The trainer stared down at his pokedex's Town Map, looking at different locations with interest. "Do any of you have any ideas? Maybe go back home for a bit? Hm... Yeah, I'd rather not yet either."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Olivier Laine
Libra the Ralts

[Route 701 - Pokémon Center]

Sitting alone at a table, Olivier had his hand upon his chin, staring blankly at some non-descript item across the room. Libra was hurt pretty badly. I had no idea that simple forest Pokémon could be truly that dangerous. Yes, I know they mentioned they were in school, but I... I thought Libra would be strong. I really thought we'd be fine, and now... His form wilted as he felt himself wracked with guilt.

Brows furrowed, he let out an aggravated grunt. I can't just sit here and feel sorry for myself. Libra's tough, he'll be fine. Maybe I should just go for a walk or something until the nurse calls for me.

Picking himself from his seat, he looked out of one of the large glass windows only to see a man with several well-trained Pokémon. Immediately sitting back down he hung his head. ...oh great. If he challenges me, I get to wait here again... well... for now, since I don't have any usable Pokémon, I should be all right. I can just... take a walk outside. Right? Probably.

Once again, Olivier picked himself up, confidently making his way towards the door. Pushing open the Center's double doors, the man standing in the courtyard would get a clear view of the blonde. The feminine figure would appear around 15-17 at a glance, with fair features and a slender frame. Olivier was currently in his Academy Uniform; a black suit top and pants with a red tie and white undershirt. The academy logo would be embroidered upon the collar.

Slipping past the door, the blonde's green eyes would scan the courtyard, in hopes to find a bench, or something to to occupy himself with. Making his way towards a bench, he did his best to slip past the veteran Trainer.

Keeping his eye on the black-haired man, he didn't notice the small Totodile that was standing between him and the bench he had sought out. His foot caught something, and upon noticing that his balance was off, he looked down.

"O-Oh...No, no nono....." Was about all he could mutter before he fell forward over the Pokémon's tail, his hands thankfully stopping what would've been an embarrassing face-plant. Still though, it wasn't exactly graceful. With a groan, and now scraped hands, Olivier picked himself back up, brushing the debris from his pants. Great, if he didn't want a battle before, he'll probably kick my ass now since I tripped over his partner. Hrngh.

Turning back over to the Totodile, he shot it an apologetic glance before speaking, "...Sorry... I should've been watching where I was walking..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wye Coldren

[Route 701 - Outside the Pokémon Center]

The black haired trainer's head turned to see someone trip over the Totodile. The Totodile fell on her side, struggling for a moment before rolling on her belly and pushing herself up to her feet, proud with the feat. She looked at the person who tripped over her with a similarly smug pride. The other pokemon snickered at their unfortunate friend, with the Metagross' laughter ringing hollow and hearty at the same time from the metal body.

The young trainer turned to look at the person who tripped over his pokemon. He stared for a moment before speaking up. "Uh... It's fine," he said, glancing at the Totodile as if for confirmation. A small grin crept up his lips as he tried to choose his words. "Are you alright?" The Totodile didn't seem to like the smile her trainer had, glaring at him.
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