Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Need to attend my sheet myself.

Also, @caliban22, while it might necessarily not be a problem, not sure really, but I'm kinda already using those aliens from the pic you got if you haven't seen my sheet.

Although if needed, I'm willing to change my race to something else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name of Nation:
The Alorian Empire

Type of Government:
Total Monarchy

Leader: Queen Lilith

Persons of importance:
Advisor - Lila - Alorian
Advisor - Raina - Alorian
General - Selene - Alorian
General - Takeer - Krolm
General - Zakra - Krolm

Description of Government:
The Queen has absolute power over Alorian territory, people and laws. She has unrestricted political power. She has 6 advisor's who help her too make decisions and laws. Below the advisor's are the Generals who are in charge of the military on behalf of the queen. Below this are forms of smaller government who do not make there own rules but only help too enforce the Queens rules in a certain area, and pass up the wishes and concerns of the people too the generals and advisor's. The title of Queen is passed down from the current queen at death or if she desires too leave the throne too an Alorian lightblood of her choice. Her Advisors are all Alorian Females and mostly lightbloods.

Species and Demographics:
Main Race:
The Alorians:

The Alorians are a race of Humanoid people that stand at 5-6 feet tall. They have skin that comes in purple and blue and a rarer pale white which somehow still seems too glow. Male and Females grow no hair all over the body except for on their heads. Hair for Alorians can naturally come in any colour except for orange. Naturally they are stronger and faster than Humans but not by much. Despite the nice appearance Alorian's can be quite aggressive and xenophobic too other races but have a respect for the Krolm. The natural and still standing social order of the Alorians is very matriarchal as females are usually stronger and faster than the males although they are equals when it comes to intelligence. They possess fangs which they can extend and hide when they want, they need blood too survive. Before they met the Krolm they would drink the blood of animals from Aloria, but the Krolm started too give blood too the Alorians when they were allowed into the Empire. Then when the Alorians met Humanity, they began to crave Human blood. Any blood can keep them alive though they strongly prefer Human blood. The Humans originally used this when they were in charge, they would give blood in order for Alorian cooperation. When the Human Empire fell, any and all Humans that could be captured were.

Minority Race(s):
Humans (mainly slaves, but there are some free Humans)

Krolm: The Krolm evolved on Aloria's only moon. The conditions here were much more harsh than those on Aloria, the moon was covered in seas of magma and rocky continents that were used too very harsh weather. Due too this harshness they grew tough, scaly skin to protect themselves and they are considerably more bulky than a normal human and notably stronger. Their bones are heavier and show signs of extensive thickening. They stand at no less than 6 feet for the smallest and 40 feet tall for the biggest of the Krolm as they come in all shapes and sizes. When they were adopted into the Alorians growing empire they became the majority of the Alorian military and began too worship the Queen as a goddess just as the Alorians do.

The most common type of Krolm.

Race Demographics:
60% Alorian, 32% Krolm and 8% Human. >1% other.

Religion Description (Optional):
There is no official Religion in the Alorian Empire. Most see and worship the Queen as a Goddess, but there are no organized churches. One belief that is strongly held throughout the Empire is that Alorian children born with white blood, called lightbloods, are children chosen by the Goddess (Queen) too become the next Queen. Lightbloods are much more intellegent than normal Alorians and are often given training by the Queen herself and if not chosen too be the next queen usually become advisors. There have been no male Lightbloods ever recorded.

Religious Demographics:
Unknown, as there is no organised church.

The Alorians are an intelligent and beautiful species that live on many cities beyond their home. The cities they live in are huge and expansive, home too Alorians and Krolm alike as the two are happy to cooperate. Alorian cities can be found in many different places and and try to disturb the natural landscape the least they can but with such huge cities some things will have too change. In most cities the poor and the rich are separated but are both few in number as most people fall into the middle or working class. The small number of poor is because most who are born with little usually join the military. Naturally the Alorians can be very aggressive and xenophobic towards other people, cultures and religions. They have no problems with slavery, it is a widespread practice among Alorians as they keep Humans for blood and other purposes. Krolm can keep slaves but have little need for them. All around the city the flag is waved as the people of the Alorian Empire are a very proud and patriotic people. Statues and shrines of the Queen and previous Queens can be found throughout all cities. Every three months the queen will address the people in a speech and it is very frowned upon too not watch it. The people are no strangers too war and are not scared of it, Alorians and Krolm celebrate war and it is seen as honourable and encouraged that if you are able you join the military in some way.

The Alorians developed as the only intelligent species on the planet Aloria on the Outer arm of the milky way. They quickly came out on the top of the food chain and started to build small towns, then cities. They were no strangers too war, early kingdoms killed and destroyed as did the earliest Empires and nations. As the Alorians progressed war between them became less common and nations became peaceful with each other. They reached 2016 tech level a century before the space-faring Human Empire reached them. At this time, for now unknown reasons, the peaceful nations of the world exploded into war. It was a long, bloody war which lasted for all of the century and is now called 'The century war'. By this point in time the Alorians had been aware of the Krolm on their moon for a couple of decades and communication had been made between them. The monarchy and the Krolm brokered a deal which would allow the Krolm to live on Aloria and with the Alorians if they helped the monarchy win the war. 23 years into the war the Krolm joined on the side of the monarchy and they became close allies, fighting together for the next 77 years.

The war only ended at they end of 100 years when Humanity showed up. Humanity, with advanced weaponry and techs, annihilated the other side of the war and won it for the monarchy. However when the Humans tried too take total control of the planet the Monarchy wasn't deterred by what they had seen the Humans do before. They wouldn't be ruled by aliens. They fought back. The Human Empire, not wanting too commit unnecessary genocide, allowed the Monarchy too stay in charge as a puppet government, a secret that would be kept from the people. The Humans would make laws, give blood help the Alorians out as long as they didn't rebel and allowed Humans too live on the planet and any they helped the Alorians expand too, and followed the rules that the Humans set in place. This only worked as the Alorians thought the Queen was still in charge, and Humanity kept the Alorians under control using this method until the fall of the Empire.

When the Empire fell, the now spread out Alorian colonies and planets turned on the Humans and took as many in as slaves as they could. They stole technology and set out too create there own Empire, the Alorian Empire, fuelled with a need for power and a lust for Human blood.

Description of Military (Optional):
The military of the Alorian Empire is made up or Alorians and Krolm.

Regular Infantry:
The Regular infantry is almost fully made up of the most common type of Krolm, but Alorians do serve here. Not too be mistaken for cannon fodder, these are highly skilled, tough soldiers who will do all they can and lay down their lives for the Empire and their Queen.

The marines are made up of around 60% Krolm and 40% Alorian. They are the best of the infantry, the strongest, smartest and most useful. Before being allowed into the Marines the person must have been in the regular infantry for 4 years minimum and complete gruelling training that has a 30% pass rate as well as a 10% death rate. The other 60% return too the infantry. The marines are usually dropped in from orbit too re-enforce crumbling defence or secure captured territory and will usually be in with the first wave of attack along with regular infantry, these are highly respected throughout the Empire.

Smaller and weaker yet incredibly fast and agile these Krolm are the perfect scouts. They can see 100% clearly in the dark and are used on recon or in hit and run operations. They will be in, fuck shit up and leave before the enemy knows what happened.

Royal guard:
The royal guard are made up of mostly Alorians. These are the police of the Empire, they keep the peace within. They are also who guard the Queen. They are highly skilled, having too go training for years to become one.

The Bruisers are hulking beasts that stand at 30-40 feet tall with the power too rip down buildings and destroy opposing infantry, taking tonnes of damage before they finally go down. They are not damaged by small arms, and the only way too kill them with small arms is too set them on fire which weakens the hide and makes it vulnerable too gunfire and small explosions until the hide re-hardens. Less common and harder to control but once they serve the Empire they are a formidable enemy to have, often used too reinforce defence and in the first wave of attack, because of the sheer strength and as a fear tactic.

Corpsers are spider-like Krolm. They are born from eggs and start at the size of a small dog. Within a month they grow too have legs 5 feet long and this is the point they are used in battle. Often used as cannon fodder in large battles, sent in with infantry as a distraction as they move faster and often instil fear into an enemy. Also used in hit and run operations and are regularly sent too enemy installations just too harass opponents. When fully grown can be the size of a double decker bus, and are used in the same way as Bruisers although most corpsers dont make it too this age. Their legs are reinforced with metal plating.

Small corpser.

Large, fully grown corpser.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright. I can change em, they were place holder anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@caliban22 Cool, thanks :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am considering this. Hyper religious crusading zealots!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

Ok. Time to stop being lazy and actually work on my sheet. =P

Hey @Monkeypants!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@Monkeypants Looks like our two factions will be at odds :P

Who can wreck the galaxy fastest!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

Here's what I've got thus far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

So far we got quite an interesting assortment of factions I'd say :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Is the gm active? I don't want this to be another MetalLover nrp that dies because of no Gm activity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Now that you mentioned it, I have noticed it too. Checking, he's been gone for three days.

@WhyNoGenocide, still with us?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monkeypants


Member Seen 1 yr ago

I got a bad feeling about this'n. If the Gm comes back in some significant capacity, I'm not wasting time making an ns.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Hopefully he comes back, but if anything, one of us could take over and remake the thread. But if he returns, awesome!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Sigma Yeup. I put too much effort into me CS to give it up so easely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@6slyboy6 agreed
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 14 days ago

Guess I'll just assume a wait and see stance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

I'll take over if needed in a day or two. If he hasn't shown up yet by then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BilboTheGreat
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BilboTheGreat I don't think through things, I never have time.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Sigma I think that would be best if the GM doesn't show, I really want to get on with this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Alrighty, I'll do so if nothing changes in a day or two.

Although I just checked the GM's profile, he was here three hours ago.
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