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The Joint Armed Forces Air Ground Combat Center
Carth Star System
Ghost Region
One Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago

Captain Jaffre’s keen eyes scanned over the gathered crowd of enlisted soldiers, officers, and politicians as the president of the Ghost Region Republic gave his speech. Being a member of the Presidential Guard, as well as the head of the team assigned directly to the president, Jaffre had heard the president practice his speech so much that he could repeat it from memory.

“It has been a long two hundred years” Jaffre wasn’t even aware that he was mindlessly mouthing the words a second before the president said them, “since the threat of the Swimmers first became known to us. It has been a long two hundred years.”

“Check that camera crew in the back” Jaffre almost whispered into his hidden mic.

“On it” One of his subordinates immediately responded.

Jaffre had argued against the president giving his speech at the combat center’s central plaza. It was open, exposed. The president had felt that hiding away in an auditorium as he gave this speech on the two hundredth anniversary of the first Swimmer attack would show the public that he was afraid. And the president had further argued that the Swimmer’s couldn’t attack Carth, the capital of the republic. Jaffre couldn’t argue against that, but the Swimmer’s weren’t the only threats to the president.

“And I know that we have the strength and resilience to-” Jaffre was moving even before his mind registered the flash in the sky.

“Get down Mr President!” He yelled as he tackled his charge. A second later the sound of a massive explosion, followed by a shockwave, drowned out the panicked screams and yells of the audience. Still on top of the president, holding him down, Jaffre looked up at the sky in time to see a destroyer begin to fall to the ground, secondary explosions rippling all across its length.

Two fighter craft screamed into the airspace above the combat center. At first Jaffre assumed that they were going to secure the airzone above the president, but then the second fighter craft opened fire with its cannons, tearing the first apart. It was almost as if that was the signal for it all to begin. The sky above was suddenly flooded with weapons fire as three destroyers squared off against two destroyers and a cruiser, the latter group using their adaptive camouflage systems to paint their hulls with red stripes. Groups of fighter craft darted across the sky, shooting at each other and the larger warships.

“What the hell is going on?!” The president demanded.

“I am Colonel Gwennou” The words from speakers situated all across the combat center as if in answer to the president’s question. “And I have a message to all who truly love our people.”

“Who is this Colonel Gwennou?” Jaffre asked into his mic as he helped the president to his feet. Speaking to the president he said “We are leaving. Now.”

“The decedent government has tried, and failed, to handle the Swimmer threat for two centuries” Colonel Gwennou continued. “And yet all it has managed to do is lose planets to the Swimmers and bleed our forces. This cannot go on!”

Jaffre’s squad of presidential guard formed up around the president before the group as a whole moved out of the plaza towards a predesignated bunker at the combat center. They would wait in the bunker until the army could take care of this Gwennou.

“We have given the corrupt politicians plenty of opportunities to handle the crisis and yet all they have done is thrown away more lives!” Gwennou continued. “They sit at the capital, in the lap of luxury knowing they are safe, as we lose ever more planets on the periphery. This cannot go on!”

“Sir,” One of Jaffre’s subordinates said, “This guy is broadcasting over all media, at least locally. And I’m hearing reports that he’s managed to take over the combat drones.”

“He’s what?!” Jaffre couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“The drone’s. He’s taken control of them. All of them from what I can gather.” Jaffre’s subordinate repeated. “He’s managed to take over the combat center’s control room as well.”

“Impossible.” The president murmured.

“They are traitors!” Gwennou was saying by this point. “But fear not, for those in the government who are truly loyal shall purge our glorious republic of this filth. And once the corruption has been washed away, with blood if necessary, then I shall lead our glorious republic to victory against the Swimmers!”

“He’s insane” the president murmured in shock. “How could some crackpot colonel get so much support.”

“That’s not important right now” Jaffre said, “right now we need to get you to saf-” At that moment a squad of combat bioroids stepped into view ahead of the president and his guard. At first glance the bioroids almost looked like real twei, but they weren’t quite right. Their skin was a tad too shinny and had seams that gave away their artificial nature. Still Jaffre had heard that in a few years they would be almost impossible to distinguish from a natural biological with sight alone. The second it took to identify the bioroids was being artificial was enough that Jaffre knew he was dead. He had enough time to interpose himself between the president and the bioroids before they lifted their rifles and opened fire. Perhaps he could shield the president just long enough for some nearby soldiers to come to the president’s aid.

Jaffre expected to feel the punch of a bullet tear through his body. But it was surprisingly painless. In fact… He heard the bullets punch into something metallic behind him and his guard. One of this subordinates who was watching the rear let out a surprised yelp.

“Bots behind!” The subordinate yelled. Jaffre turned his head just in time to see two combat drones crumble to the ground.

“What the hell…” Jaffre half whispered as he turned his attention back to the bioroids in front of him.

“Are you unharmed Mr President?” The lead bioroid asked. The squad of bioroids surrounded the president and his presidential guard, their attention focused outwards. The bioroids were acting like they were going to guard the president, not hurt him.

“I thought all the combat drones were under Gwennou’s control.” The president said.

“They are.” The bioroid answered with a raised eyebrow. “But we aren’t drones. We are bioroids. And we are ever loyal to the Republic. Now let’s get you to safety.”

“It doesn’t matter how many loyal soldiers we have if they control the air and orbital space.” The president said.

“That shouldn’t be a concern sir.” The bioroid countered.

“And why not” The president demanded. In answer the bioroid simply pointed up. The president looked up to see a destroyer descending into the airspace above the combat center from low orbit. But it was unlike the destroyers currently present. This one had a massive spinal cannon of some kind and it moved with an elegance the other warships lacked.

“Is that the Resuscitated Hope?” The president asked.

“Yes sir.” The bioroid answered.

Jaffre had heard of the Resuscitated Hope before. It was the first so-called bioroid warship. It was named as such as it was intended to be the new hope in victory against the Swimmers. And now it was bringing hope to this battle.

Kesitov Star System
Ghost Region

((Darkspleen x Sigma collab)

It had been almost a week since the crew of the Courageous had made contact with the Witch of the Void. The Augustans had found the Ghost Region captain to be an incredibly amiable, if not confounding, individual. She was always happy to speak to the Augustans, eager even. And in various skirmishes the two ships had had with the Swimmers over the past week she had been more than happy to put her ship, and herself by extension, at risk to cover the Courageous.

At the same time she had been utterly uncompromising when it came to continuing the search for the Black Knight. She had made it clear in no uncertain terms that she would continue the search with or without the Courageous, although she clearly desired the Augustans’ company. Whenever asked for her name, the Ghost Region captain had always said that she was “the Witch of the Void, but feel free to simply call me Witch.”

What she meant by this exactly was something of much debate amongst the Augustans. The leading theory, however, was that she was so duty oriented that she saw herself as an extension of her own ship. Others had pointed out that given her jovial personality it could be a joke. Regardless, asking the same question always resulted in the same answer.

Regardless of her rather odd behavior and quirks, the crew of the Courageous felt at peace for the time being, and throughout their search for the Black Knight, Captain Hood kept in contact with the rest of the expedition, both he and the Admiral providing a daily report on both ends. Within his private quarters, the captain and admiral would follow their routine, the captain sitting at his desk as he conversed with a small holo-version of Admiral Drofrim. "Your friend's advice was spot on."The Admiral stated. "It's been awfully quiet on our end, and those swimmers haven't dared to make any aggressive moves just yet."

"Good to hear, sir." Hood nodded. "We're still out looking for this "Black Knight", she's been very insistent on it."

"Quite frankly, I don't blame her." Drofrim said. "If this system is indicative of the rest of the region, every gun and person is a valuable asset." He paused as he cleared his throat. "Besides that, we'll arrive at the rendezvous point soon, hopefully we'll meet you there as well."

"Same here, sir. Over and out." Hood finished with a salute as the captain's figure faded away.

While it was a hassle to put the search for Black Knight on hold for the time being, Captain Hood had managed to convince Witch to follow the Courageous and meet with the rest of the Expedition. Several days had passed since then, as the two ships cruised through the dense fog, finally arriving at the rendezvous point, a fleet of over a dozen vessels clustered around a medium-sized asteroid. Signaling the two ships as they welcomed their arrival.

"We've finally made it..." Darius let out a sigh of relief, as for now, they've made out of the hornet's nest, in the safety of hundreds of guns, and from what he overheard, the Swimmers seem to stay clear from clustered targets. A holo-projection of the Admiral materialized before the bridge crew. "Glad to finally have you back with us." Drofrim said. "I feel for the losses made, but we must press on with our mission." He turned his gaze towards the captain. "Captain Hood, I want you and your XOs to be ready to depart."

"For what, sir?"

"To personally meet and thank the Witch captain of course!" He replied, with a grin. "If we're going to be stuck together, we might as well properly introduce ourselves."

The Augustan shuttles found the Witch of the Void’s main hanger to be moderately sized. The carrier’s captain hadn’t seemed too concerned with keeping secrets from her new friends; discussions with her had strongly implied that the class of carrier the Witch of the Void was a part of had a strike craft complement of about two thirds what a normal fleet carrier could be expected to carry. A trade off of the carrier’s heavy armor, missile launchers, and modest array of secondary batteries. Of course that two thirds estimate was when the carrier was fully supplied. This left the hanger shockingly empty. Quiet. Dead. Dead except for a small party of sailors who waited to greet the Augustans.

“I’m Lieutenant Yvenou of the GNR Marine Corps.” A handsome twei greeted the Augustans as they exited their shuttles. He looked young, yet his eyes and the way he carried himself indicated he had seen combat. A lot of it. Still he greeted his guests with a seemingly honest smile as he snapped into a perfect salute. “Witch of the Void, unfortunately, couldn’t come and see your arrival in person herself, but will meet you at the captain’s ready room.”

He gestured towards a nearby armored entryway. “Shall we?” He turned and started towards the hanger’s exit, assuming his guests were behind him. “If there are any questions I can answer on our way there, please do feel free to ask.”

The Admiral, along with his entourage, that being Captain Hood and the Hawthorn Siblings, followed the twei lieutenant towards the exit, Drofrim especially impressed by the carrier itself, its payload and armament seemingly capable of going toe to toe against a Gladius Battle Carrier. "The Captain has shared some details with me regarding your situation. "Drofrim began. "Although I must know. How have you managed to hold on this long while isolated? Not that I doubt your combat prowess, but there are limits to what a people, a civilization can endure."

“Well I suppose that depends on what you define as ‘holding on’.” Lieutenant Yvenou began as the hanger exit opened before him. Before the group stretched a long hallway, the occasional door or intersection broke up the hall’s bulkheads. The hallway itself was small, despite its length, just barely wide enough for three people to stand shoulder to shoulder and only tall enough to give those same three people enough clearance to stand tall while wearing a helmet or cap. Yvenou began down the hall, completely unphased by the claustrophobic conditions. “I’d like to make some grand statement about sacrifices made or our battle prowess, but the simple fact of the matter is that the Swimmers simply lost interest in us after a while.”

The group passed a twei who looked shockingly similar to the ship’s captain. So much so that one couldn’t have been faulted for thinking the woman was the captain, except for the fact that she was wearing a mechanic’s jumpsuit and had shoulder length hair. And her eyes seemed… empty. Expressionless. Yvenou for his part didn’t even seem to recognize the mechanic’s existence as she passed the group, heading towards the hanger. This seemed odder still when he did give a nod of greeting to another mechanic, a Yrrani man, as he too headed towards the hanger.

“And honestly” The lieutenant continued his answer as a second doppelganger of the captain walked past him, this time she had the same hairstyle as the captain but still wore a mechanics jumpsuit. “We hit our limit a long time ago. Granted this star system was never home to one of our core worlds, but it was home to some very rich deposits. Yet what Republic presence have you encountered here? One carrier, two destroyers, and an old asteroid base. And the carrier is the only one of those that hasn’t been destroyed. If the Republic was still functional, it would have sent reinforcements a long time ago.”

Captain Hood had too take double takes on both occasions upon seeming these doppelgangers. The battles and travels were strenuous, but not to the point of hallucinating the same face, he hasn't gone that stir crazy. "Uh..." He wanted to make some sort of note, although Yvenou barely acknowledged their presence...no, surely he was just exhausted from this whole experience. "Odd timing really." Elisa commented. "As soon as the tears close up, the swimmers suddenly go blood crazy...maybe they "smell" or sense the space changing?"

That did put a grim thought in everyone's minds....if the Swimmers ever were to break out beyond the Ghost Region, the cluster would be in peril.

“Smell?” Lieutenant Yvenou had clearly overheard Elisa’s comment. “They actually have a pretty bad sense of smell. We’ve theorized that they evolved in the void of space, where smell… well isn’t really a factor. Of course you weren’t talking literally.” He looked over his shoulder to shoot Elisa a wink. “They do seem to have some kind of sixth sense.” He added, returning the salute of two marines as they stepped to the side to allow the group passage. “I know that the eggheads were doing some experiments, trying to make sense of this sixth sense of theirs but… well I was never granted access to those reports. Most of what I’ve heard on the subject is simple rum-int.”

Elisa couldn't help but blush a bit, one has to admit that the Yrrani, or these Twei were and are considered gorgeous to many species standards. Darius rolled his eyes, disregarding the fact both he and his sister were taken aback by the Witch's captain when they first met. "Guess there's more to them than meets the eye." The admiral said. "Well, now that the region is opening up, others will know about this, which might be both a blessing and a curse. We and no doubt others can help you retake your worlds, and contain these monsters."

Yvenou chose to simply nod to the admiral as they approached a doorway labeled Captain’s Ready Room. A dark skinned officer stood to the side of the doorway, opening the door as the group approached. The officer’s uniform was devoid of any kind of insignia or rank. Perhaps odder still, the officer was yet another doppelganger of the captain, complete with emotionless eyes. Once again Yvenou completely ignored the doppelganger as he stood to the other side of the doorway.

“It was a pleasure speaking with you, but this is where we part ways for now.” He smiled at the group. “Witch of the Void will be with you in here.”

The Captain’s Ready Room was what one would expect from a captain’s office. It had a simple desk, occupied by a computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The walls were decorated by pictures of what looked like other carriers of the same class of the Witch of the Void, as well as other female twei captains, many of who had the same dark skin as the Witch of the Void’s captain. Several moderately comfy looking chairs had obviously been brought in to accommodate the group, making the office feel rather tight. And on the opposite end of the desk sat the twei the group had come to meet. Seeing her now, in person, only seemed to hammer in the fact that the group had just passed an identical copy of her in the hallway. In fact no one could have been blamed for thinking she was also a doppelganger, except for the fact that she wore a uniform with rank insignias and a military style coat over that uniform. Even her eyes had that same emptiness of the doppelganger in the hallway.

The captain blinked and suddenly those eyes were full of emotion. A warm smile spread across her face as she rose to her feet. “It's a pleasure to finally see you in person. Please have a seat!” She waited for her guests to be seated before returning to her own seat. “I wish I could offer you coffee or some other stimulating drink, but we ran out of those long ago.”

There was an odd sense of wrongness in the air, this wasn't the case of exhumation, or eyes playing tricks, there was something truly strange about this entire crew. "It's....ok, don't worry yourselves." the admiral said hesitantly as the four took their seats, each eyeing each other. The way she suddenly sprang to life...almost like she was a machine but best not to jump in conclusions. "Ummm, not to be rude." Captain Hood spoke up. "It's good to finally meet you face to face...but, do your people happen to have cloning technology?"

"I swear I can literally see double." Darius said without thinking.

“Cloning?” The captain tilted her head ever so slightly to the side. “Seeing double?” She gave Darius a bemused look. “What are you… Ah. You’re talking about my SAPs. Cloning…” She shook her head in obvious amusement. “You can ignore the SAPs. Unless one talks to you, in which case it's probably me jumping in for a second.” She shook her head again, evidently still amused. “The Republic did entertain the idea of using clones to augment our numbers but decidedly it’d be ethically questionable to do so. Do you use clones?”

"Forgive my interruptions." Drofrim said, her words and phrasing catching his attention. "SAPs? Jumping? I don't understand." Her choice of words do paint a picture, which probably was foretold when Nosewise and that dead cybernetic brain were found. "Are we even speaking to a person at the moment?" Although it did come off as rude, this deception, whether knowingly or not, was quite alarming for the admiral.

“Yes….I’m a person.” The Captain raised an eyebrow. “SAP stands for semi-autonomous platform. It's an android body that’s normally controlled by a nominal AI. Nominal AI are useful, but we’ve learned the hard way that they can’t be trusted, so we keep them limited in capability. Things aren’t capable of loyalty, true loyalty, thus can’t be truly trusted after all. Still, they have their uses. Anyways I can… let’s say project my consciousness into any of my SAPs.” She paused for a moment, a look of worry crossing her features. “I do hope you aren’t allowing nominal AI to control your weapons systems.”

The group felt uneasy, but she has helped them get this far, same for nosewise, it would be best not to antagonize her. "No, we've had a troubling history with highly advanced AI, and advanced robotics." Admiral Drofrim answered her question, still somewhat doubting the captain's words. "Both of our own making and the making of our enemies....I apologize."

"But...I most wonder, is this an android we're talking to right now?" Captain Hood asked, which begs more questions. "Where's the actually "you" so to spea?."

The twei captain nodded in understanding. “Yes, this is” she gestured at herself, “a SAP. My favorite SAP in fact. It wouldn’t be possible for me to actually meet you here after all.” After a slight pause she added “It wasn’t my intention to deceive you. If you’d like I would be more than happy to continue this discussion with me physically present, though I’d still have to use a SAP to actually converse with you.”

The four looked to each other and then all eyes turned to the admiral. "...Very well, lead on, captain." Admiral Drofrim said as he and the others stood up. A little anxious at what the Witch's true form is, all sorts of thoughts and theories floating about in their minds.

“Very well then.” The twei captain said as she rose to her feet. She had obviously noticed the exchange by her four guests but had chosen not to comment on it. She led the group back out into the hallway.

“Taking them to the brain room?” Lieutenant Yvenou asked, an eyebrow raised. The captain simply nodded. For its part, the SAP wearing a plain officer’s uniform didn’t react at all. The captain led her guests down the hall to the next door. The door opened automatically as the captain approached, but the words Bioroid Brain, written on the door, were clearly visible for a moment.

Inside the room, flanking the door on either side, two marines came to attention. They were outfitted in light combat armor, a rifle, or perhaps some kind of shotgun, rested against their shoulder. The captain made a gesture and the two marines saluted before exiting the room. Of course the captain’s guests couldn’t have been faulted if they hadn’t even noticed the marines, for the center of the room held something far more interesting.

The room itself was quite large, the largest in the carrier the group had seen thus far if one excluded the hanger. It was big enough that two strike craft could be stored there. And in the center of this room rested a bioriod brain quite similar to Nosewise’s. The main difference from Nosewise’s brain, however, was that this one was the size of a strike craft. Its blue glow was more than enough to light the room.

“Well,” The twei captain said, “here I am.”

"Holy shit..." Captain Hood mumbled to himself. "It all makes sense now, why you just called yourself Witch, the androids. You're not the captain of the ship, you are the ship, just like nosewise." It seems this Republic has advanced to the point of fully sapient warships, not just fighters. This was both an intriguing, and disturbing thought. The others were left speechless at what they were seeing.

“I did always say I was Witch of the Void after all, but you can just call me Witch” The twei captain, no Witch said. “If you want to think of this in biological terms, that” She pointed at her bioroid brain, “is my brain and my SAPs are like white blood cells. They do what needs to be done without any need for direct control on my part. I have the added benefit of being able to control my SAPs directly if I so wish.”

This was a lot to take in, the ship was "alive" in a sense, every single person aboard was an android. If any of the more jittery personnel in the fleet were present, PTSD would kick in faster than a bullet. "So, a clanker the size of a ship, filled with even more clankers, that's a new one..." Darius said humorously, trying to be enduring. "No one give the bugs ideas."

A glare was shot by Elisa, as she stepped forward. "Uuh, forgive my brother." She said, "His heart is in the right place, but...eh."

"I do thank you for being upfront." Admiral Drofrim said with an apologetic bow. "Be assured this changes nothing. During our time in this region, we can help each other. Be it to fight off swimmers, find your lost kin, and in our case, satisfy the curious minds of our science ministry."

“It is good to know we are still friends.” Witch said to the admiral before turning to Elisa and Darius. “And no apologies are necessary. I’m guessing that ‘clanker’ refers to what we here in the Ghost Nebula call a nominal AI. We are much more than that. We have a bioroid brain” She, or the SAP she currently was controlling, tapped her head with a finger. “Our synthetic brains are based on the brains of biological beings. We aren’t beings of mere programming. Simple code that can be copy and pasted. That have no loyalty. We are distinct beings, our personalities, at least the baseline original personalities, are modeled after actual living beings.”

"That's a story we'll share later." Darius said, regarding the term "Clanker", which requires a different discussion for another time. It seems very clear though that these "Bioroids" are a very different breed of machine compared to the factory-made drones he and his sister fought in thousands during the war. There has been an attempt to give them the feeling of a "soul", beyond mere bolts circuitry.

"This will be something difficult to share with many in the fleet." Admiral Dromfrim said. "And word will spread one way or another. But I promise you that I will prevent any unfortunate incidents if they were to occur. As a start of good will, we will aid you in your search for this Black Knight."

“Good. I miss my sister.” For a moment Witch let her smile slip into a deep frown. “I know she’s out there. The last orders she received were to guard a top secret asteroid base. Knowing her, she’ll keep guarding that base till the heat death of the universe.” Her smile had returned, although it was somewhat diminished. “I know I’m close to finding her hiding spot. Given another week, a month at most, I would have found her. Now that the Swimmers are out in force again… well I’ve lost over half of my strike craft complement and am down to four missiles. I’d never last on my own. And with my own base destroyed…” She frowned again, but a smile returned as she looked the admiral in the eye. “With your help we’ll be reunited. I won’t forget this favor.”

Drofrim nodded. "And same with us." The admiral then turned to face his subordinates. "You heard the lady, we got ourselves a search and rescue mission, return to the Courageous and wait on standby for the fleet to mobilize." The three saluted to the admiral. "Aye aye, sir!" They replied in unison.

A few hours has passed since the Witch's little revelation, Imperial ships moving into a several loose cluster formations, one of them centering around Witch as they begun their search for her sister. Although the members of the science ministry aboard the fleet would be displeased with the delays. The system clearly isn't safe at the moment for anyone.

As if to punctuate this very point, Witch broadcast a message to the whole fleet. “Brace for impact!”

Strike craft began to fly out of her hangars, though notably the forward most hangar doors remained closed. A moment after her warning, the fleet came under heavy bombardment. Rocks, covered in the Swimmers’ stealth mucus, bombarded the fleet. And unlike before these rocks were much, much larger and far more dangerous.

“Watch for Swimmers moving into our parameter using the rocks as cover! They’re masters of stealth.” Witch warned.

The bridge of the Imperator's Wrath, a Gladius Battle Carrier and Drofrim's flagship, trembled from the swimmer's assault. "Shield's are barely holding, sir!" One of the bridge officers cried out, the fleet in disarray as they pelted by the asteroids. "Can we pinpoint origin point of the asteroids?" The admiral asked, holding onto his seat tightly.

"Afraid not, sir!" The officer replied. "Proximity scanners are picking up nothing!"

"Several ships just gone dark, sir!" another cried out, the sheer size of the asteroids having taken out several lighter warships. "Shit, no way out of this mess, order all ships to fire!" The admiral ordered. "Doesn't matter where, just fire! And launch all strike craft!"

The space around the fleet was illuminated by the weapons fire of hundreds of shipboard guns aimlessly fired off into random directions. Swarms of fighter craft burst forth from several ships in the fleet as they joined in the defense. The strike craft focused on small targets while the warships focused on wearing down the larger asteroids.

And that was when some of the rocks started shifting forms. One moment they were simple rocks, hurtling towards the fleet at insane speeds, the next they morphing into tentacled creatures. These newly revealed Swimmers began dodging fire as they threw themselves at nearby ships.

One such Swimmer, a creature that could rival a cruiser in size, reached out to an Augustan destroyer before the crew even knew the creature was there. Its tentacles were mere meters away from the ship’s hull when the Witch of the Void slammed into the creature, driving it away. Witch tried to roll away, her secondaries cutting into the Swimmer, but her foe had wrapped its tentacles around her before she could complete the maneuver. Her squadron of heavy fighters was busy repelling a different Swimmer that was trying to close on an Augustan light cruiser, but one of her other squadrons moved in to help, their weapons doing damage, albeit to little obvious effect.

The Augustans suddenly found themselves surrounded by spaceborne horrors as the swimmers emerged from the chaos, imperial strike craft finding themselves engaged in a massive dogfight against a smaller variety of swimmer, moving in deadly swarms as they slammed against a number of fighter craft, torn to shreds by the beasts. In a brief moment, once the threat was recognized, the imperial strike craft reorganized themselves as they changed targets, focusing exclusively on swimmers both big and small.

simultaneously, the Augustan warships engaged the larger swimmers in pitched combat, several corvette-sized swimmers plastering themselves onto the hull of the Imperator's Wrath, her main batteries preoccupied with fending off the larger breeds, the swimmers on her hull boring into her central hangar bay. Before any more damage could be done, the beasts were chased off as a flight of Hammer Assault Boats unleashed their payload upon them, a volley of missiles and cracking shots from their heavy guns piercing their flesh, enraging the swimmers as they hurled themselves towards their attackers. The assault boats attempted to scatter, only a few managing to escape intact while others were snatched and torn apart.

Witch of the Void’s fighters tore into the Swimmers giving chase to the assault boats. The fighters interposed themselves between the Swimmers and assault boats, flipping end over end to open fire on the Swimmers. Their particle beam cannons, although not as powerful as the assault boats armaments, were unerringly accurate, slicing tentacles off and hitting the Swimmers in delicate areas. Then the fighters scattered, drawing the Swimmers away from the Augustan assault boats. Several fighters were smashed by tentacles or fell to plasma spit, but the rest dodged the attacks with an ease that belied a great wealth of experience combatting the creatures.

The fighters continued to poke and prod at the Swimmers with their cannons. They weren’t doing a huge amount of damage to the far larger creatures, but they were obviously pissing them off. Keeping the creatures’ attention locked firmly on them. This allowed the fighters to draw the Swimmers right into the broadsides of the Augustan warships. Easy targets.

Once enough swimmers were drawn into a fitting firing range, the admiral took notice of what the Witch's fighters were doing, and seized this opportunity to strike back at the monsters. "Fire all guns!" Drofrim shouted out, the gun batteries of the Imperator's Wrath unleashing a volley of plasma fire and torpedoes, other ships close enough to the flagship followed suit, focusing their fire on the distracted swimmers, ripping them apart. "Press on the attack!" Drofrim ordered, not wasting any time before the momentum is lost.

This had seemed to blunt the Swimmers’ attack. They fell by the dozens, many torn to pieces by the Augustan warships’ broadsides, the rest falling to strike craft attack. A casual observer couldn’t be faulted for thinking that the Swimmers fought to the last, they made a final suicidal charge at the Augustans, but a few Swimmers faded away from the battle and from view as they reapplied their mucus stealth. Some of the Witch of the Void’s fighters were able to catch several of these fleeing monsters, but the rest successfully slipped away.

"Sir, they're pulling back!" One of the bridge officers announced, the bridge erupting in celebration as the rest of the fleet mopped up the remaining swimmers bold enough to continue their attack. "Fight's not over yet, people." Admiral Drofrim calmly stated, letting out a sigh of relief as, for the moment at least, this fight was over, but not by a long shot. The Swimmers will be watching, waiting, and will most likely strike again in the future until they get what they want, food. "Let's handle what remains and get back in formation, don't forget we have a ship to rescue."

Over the next week the Augustans and Witch of the Void had been assaulted by the Swimmers several times. These attacks had been of little consequence, unlike the first few. The Swimmers had seemingly expended much of their strength. It also helped that Witch of the Void had been able to detect the Swimmer before they launched their attack, thus giving the Augustans enough time to mount a defense. In fact, after she had gotten comfortable with her new allies she had devoted most of her strike craft to patrolling around the small fleet in search of Swimmers, granting them an even greater amount of time to ready before each attack.

Witch had had some interesting reactions and statements to the Swimmers. She had seemed… bored by the Swimmers. When asked she had simply stated that these Swimmers were dull and few in number. She’d also advised the Augustans to not get used to what she had begun to call “amateurs hour.”

“I’m detecting them ten minutes before they attack us one hundred percent of the time now” She had said. “Back two hundred years I had a ten percent chance of giving a ten minute heads up and a fifty percent chance of a one minute heads up.”

The admiral let out an audible whistle at the Witches age, as he was conversing with her hologram avatar. "You've been at this for two hundred years?" He said, her years of service being no different to Old Yrrani warships, built to last, something the Augustans haven't been able to match in ship design on a wide scale.

“Longer actually,” Witch answered. “But don’t ask how long. It's not polite to inquire about a lady’s age.” She shot the admiral a friendly wink. “Joking aside, the Republic always had a quality over quantity mindset. My class was designed to be in service for about a hundred years, with upgrades and major drydock time intended. By that metric I suppose you could call me Granny Witch.” After a moment’s pause she added “Don’t.”

The thought was tempting...but she had the firepower to shut anyone up. "No worries." he said with a mischievous grin, resisting the urge. Having the Witch accompanying the fleet has lifted the previous oppressing atmosphere of dread. Their combined firepower is enough to keep the swimmers at bay for the moment.

Don’t think I didn’t notice that glint in your eye” Witch said, with a smile of her own. “But enough about that.” Witch had become increasingly excited over the past few days. “We’ll find Dame within the next three days!” She exclaimed. “I’ve searched just about every other hiding place in this star system.”

"We'll find her, don't you worry." Admiral Drofrim assured the ship, a really strange train of thought when one thinks about it, but then again, these are new and strange times for everyone.

The Admiral’s promise was almost immediately proven to be prophetic.

“WARNING!” A deep masculine voice began, the same voice that the buoy at Witch’s asteroid base had had. “You are now entering a restricted military zone. Reverse course and-” The voice was momentarily cut off by a screech, before being replaced by a stern sounding female voice.

“This is the GRNS Black Knight to all citizens and assets of the Ghost Nebula Republic. This is a designated safe zone. Any person or piece of hardware who receives this message is to immediately change course to point Charlie-Delta-1. Any piece of military hardware is to immediately report to my command, unless they are acting under recent orders from a officer of the Ghost Republic Armed Forces. I am invoking Article Seven of the War Powers Act; any bioroid who receives this message is hereby property of the Ghost Nebula Republic’s Armed Forces and is to immediately report for duty. The ships of anyone who receives this message is hereby lawfully confiscated in order to support the war effort. All bioroids are ordered to ensure the safe delivery of the ship they are currently on board as well as the safety of that ship’s crew and passengers.” There was a pause before she continued. “The safety and well being of any citizen who complies is guaranteed.”

“This buoy was last serviced one day ago.” the masculine voice said before the buoy’s entire message began to repeat.

"Well I'll be damned." Drofrim expressed. "I think we've found her, or at least, we're at the right place." He turned his attention to his bridge officers. "Have the fleet on standby and ready to engage, we don't need any nasty surprises." He turned back to the hologram of Witch. "Do whatever you have to do."

“Already on it.” True to her words, Witch had already changed course and was burning towards the coordinates indicated by the buoy. “Do you intend to come with me or are you going to hang back here?”

"Better safe then sorry, we'll fall in right behind you." Drofrim replied, the fleet simultaneously trailing behind the Witch as they all converged towards the location of the buoy. The chances of an ambush or engagement were cut in half, but in such an unfamiliar region, it pays to be prepared.

Witch led the Augustans to the indicated coordinates, revealing an asteroid base much like the one she had once used. This asteroid base was larger than her’s and in much better shape. Where she had had to convert civilian industrial ships to create a makeshift drydock, this asteroid base had one built in. There was a notable lack of civilian ships in the area. The top portion of a ship that looked very similar to Witch of the Void could be seen poking out from behind the asteroid base. More immediately noticeable, however, were the two light cruisers that sat between the asteroid base and Witch and the Augustans. Both light cruisers had their spinal particle beam cannons hot, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.

“You are within the territory of the Ghost Nebula Republic!” A stern woman’s voice broadcast towards the Augustan fleet. “Your warships are obviously of foreign design. Identify yourselves. Now.”

“Dame-” Witch began.

“Be silent.”

“Wait a sec-”

Witch of the Void, if the next and only words out of your mouth aren’t ‘Yes ma’am’, I’ll consider you to be in violation of Article 2. Now send me your sitrep over the delta channel and be silent.”

“Aye aye ma’am.” Witch answered after a moment.

“Now I ask again,” Black Knight returned her attention to the Augustans. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

The Admiral had to act swiftly and prevent any avoidable violence, one neither side would benefit from. "We come in peace, I repeat, we come in peace." He stated, hoping to ease tensions. "I am Admiral Grex Drofrim of the Augustan Empire." He began with name, rank, and affiliation. "The Ghost Nebula was locked behind tears in the fabric of space, the tears have repaired themselves, and we have come from the other side to investigate at the request of my superiors." He paused, gulping down air, he could feel the tension rise, this ship for sure wasn't like the Witch. "I repeat, we are friendly, and have assisted the Witch of the Void locating you."

“Your presence here could be interpreted as an invasion.” Black Knight commented. Witch made an exasperated sound; Black Knight seemingly ignored Witch. “Investigate to what end? And what is your Augustan Empire’s relationship with the Yrrani Empire?”

"None, the Old Empire is gone." the Admiral replied, his bridge officers silently watching the confrontation unfolding, anxious on the final outcome. "Has been for over five centuries. The Yrrani no longer rule the galaxy." Perhaps this may help in easing Black Knight in a more diplomatic stance....although her observation would make it seem that the Expeditionary Fleet was an Invasion force.

“I suppose your Augustan Empire” Black Knight placed great emphasis on empire, “is the successor state of the Yrrani? Is it humanity’s turn to lord over the galaxy?”

"Far from it." Drofrim tried to assure the hot tempered warship, this wasn't his first stand off against opposing officers, and certainly won't be his last. "But enough of that. Even though we have come in the name of exploration, we are far from helpless." A series of thoughts have come to end on how to calm this beast. "Even if we fall here, your Republic is now open to the rest of the galaxy, do you really want to risk war with an Empire on the scale of ours?"

He paused as he scanned his surroundings, his subordinates looking to him. "The Swimmers are enough of a problem, a problem, mind you, that we helped deal with upon meeting the Witch of the Void." He eased in both with a threat, and shared the fact that he and his fleet have aided her sister ship in combat.

“We might finally have allies against the Swimmers.” Witch said.

“I believe I told you to be silent.” Black Knight said, but much of the heat had left her voice. “Very well. I’ll have my forces stand down.” Vents opened up on the sides of the light cruisers, expelling particles and energy into the void of space around them as they powered down their particle beam cannons. On either side of the Augustan fleet a destroyer slid out of hiding from behind an asteroid. They too vented particles and energy into space as they powered down their particle beam cannons. The destroyers’ hulls, black when they had come out of hiding, seemed to shimmer for a second before changing color to a dull gray.

“I appreciate you helping Witch of the Void,” Black Knight continued, “but I don’t for a moment believe you did so out of the goodness of your heart.”

"Believe what you want." Drofrim said in an equally stern tone. "But it will be in both of our interests if we're not killing each other, and focus on the actual enemy." The bridge crew begun clapping and celebrating the Admiral for seemingly talking his way out of a battle and a war. The admiral collapsed onto his command chair, letting out a heavy sigh. "The more I do this, the more draining it gets."

“She’s not usually this crabby.” Witch commented on a private communications line with the admiral’s ship. “I know this was supposed to be a top secret site, but still… she’s mad she was found after hiding for one hundred years. Knowing her she might have stayed another hundred before even considering disobeying her last orders.” She didn’t sound perturbed how Black Knight had spoken to her. If anything she almost sounded amused.

"Quite frankly, it might've been your best interest to let her stay at her post unnoticed." Drofrim said, rubbing his scalp, even at his rank, hard ass officers below or above him were equally a pain in the ass for the aged Dathu. "But, we did agree on finding her and did, much to her dismay. Now that the family is reunited, what's your next step?"

“That’s up to her. She beat me out of the drydock by seven days, so she’s got seniority.” Witch answered. “And I disagree. Had I stayed at my own base I probably would be destroyed by the Swimmers. And even if I had survived I would be alone.” She let that thought linger for a moment. “And don’t be so harsh on her. She’s stern, always has been, but she’s also hurting. We all have since we lost Valiant.”

It was easy to forget that these ships were individuals in a way, and every ship lost is not only the personnel aboard, it was a mind, an artificial soul that was snuffed out from the stars. "Right, right. My apologies. This Valiant was another sister ship of yours?"

“In a way, but probably not the way you think.” Witch answered. “Valiant wasn’t a mythology class carrier like Black Knight or I, she was a super dreadnought. The pride of the fleet. And a big sister to all of us. She was the heart and soul of the navy, a light in the dark.” There was a long pause. “We lost her. We lost her and her sacrifice didn’t accomplish a damn thing.”

That would be something to be heartbroken over... Both an elder sister for the smaller scale ships and the largest, most powerful warship in the navy, to lose such a weapon and in a way, a central figure to many would demoralize and break anyone. "I'm....sorry to hear that. " Drofrim said sorrowfully. It once more puts into perspective the ferocity of the swimmers, to take down a super dreadnought is a dreadful thought, bringing back reports of larger breeds of swimmers in mind. "If I may ask, how did you lose her?”
“Neither Black Knight nor I were present when it happened.” Witch began. “She had been… pulled from the Home fleet to serve as the flagship of the Exodus fleet. Exodus… that sounds more romantic than it really was. In short the Republic tried various methods of hiding its citizens from the Swimmers. For that mission the Exodus fleet was heading out to a remote region. They came under heavy Swimmer attack and, despite being the flagship of the fleet, Valiant suffered catastrophic damage to her engines. All hands abandoned ship, biological and bioroid, but obviously she herself was stuck. So she stayed behind to act as a rearguard, along with two destroyers. She had apparently completely blunted the Swimmer attack, they never caught up to the Exodus fleet. However a few weeks later a second swarm destroyed most of the fleet. Only a handful of ships were able to return. Obviously their mission failed and we were never able to muster up the strength to return to that star system again.”

The mood turned somber in the bridge, the XO and bridge officers silently listening in, her words striking a cord, many feeling sympathy for a sentient ship of all things. "I know I can't say much that will make it better." Drofrim said, leaning forward from his chair. "But, from where I see, that sacrifice meant something, you and your sisters are still here. Because you held on this long, we from the wider galaxy were able to find you."

(We could probably just start a new collab or continue this one. Whatever works)

The following day had met the Augustans with a request by Black Knight to meet face to face in her asteroid base. When asked why she had wanted to meet, the stern bioroid had simply stated that what they needed to discuss was strategic in nature. She was still holding her cards close to her chest apparently. Witch seemed amused by the whole affair. Despite her previous discussion regarding Valiant, Witch’s reunion with her sister seemed to have given the friendly bioroid a bit more bounce in her step.

She had requested that the Augustans pick her up so she could also attend the meeting in person. She had lost her last shuttle during a Swimmer ambush a few days earlier. Of course she wouldn’t actually be present for the meeting, but using her favorite SAP was the next best thing.

“You know” Witch commented to the Augustan admiral as the Augustan shuttle headed towards Black Knight’s asteroid base, “I think Dame likes you.”

Admiral Drofrim made an amused expression. "Glad to make such a good impression. I was quite the lady killer back in my formative years." That last bit got a good chuckle at out his subordinates, the Ranger Captain Hood and the Hawthorn siblings, a few marines having the honor of accompanying the admiral. Captain Hood clearing his throat. "Uh, forgive that, sir."

"I'm in a good mood, I'll let that slide." Admiral Drofrim said, sit with his amused grin.

Witch chuckled as well, even as she shook her head. “I don’t think Dame has a romantic bone in her body; no she’s just relieved to not have the highest rank in the room. Doesn’t matter that you aren’t from the Republic.” She shrugged. “You also remind me of Admiral Merser. She probably noticed the resemblance as well.” After a moment she gestured as if she was waving something away from her face. “But enough about the past. I had assumed she’d wait an extra day or two, maybe exchange a few more verbal skirmishes over comms, before wanting to meet in person. She didn’t, which tells me something is afoot.”

Drofrim was intrigued about this Merser Witch mentioned, however, that discussion would have to wait for another time as the shuttle entered the hanger bay, lowering down as the interior trembled for a moment, the doors sliding open and the boarding ramps lowering down. "We're about to soon find out." Drofrim said as the other passengers rose up from their seats, getting ready to step out. "I would love to hear more of this Merser when more time is had."

“Sure, if time allows” Witch said as the group stepped out into the hangar. They were greeted by several marines who saluted the group and led them through the asteroid base. These marines, unlike Lieutenant Yvenou, were all business and had zero interest in making any kind of small talk. The corridors of the asteroid base was bustling with activity. Marines, navy officers, techs all conducted various activities that one would expect to normally seen done on such a facility; the Augustans couldn’t have been faulted for believing they were seeing normal soldiers on duty, had they not already known better.

After about ten minutes the marines led the Augustans and Witch to a large meeting room. Black Knight was already standing, but she gave the Augustan Admiral a salute as he entered the door, before walking over and offering her hand. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I requested this meeting.”

“I know I am” Witch responded, earning her a scowl from Black Knight. The scowl quickly softened and an eagle eyed observer might have noticed the ghost of a smile. Moments later this was replaced by her default stern expression.

"I can't help but be a little curious myself." Drofrim replied as he gave a firm handshake with the bioroid, his officers and escorts behind him being ever attentive as they listened in on what Black Knight had to say.

Black Knight gestured for her guests to take a seat at the large meeting table that dominated the room before she did so herself. “I’ll get right to it then.” Black Knight said as soon as everyone had seated themselves. “Your presence here has created a problem.” She held up a hand to forestall any argument from the Augustans. “And I mean both here at my base specifically as well as being in the Ghost Region generally. I was well hidden before, but you’ve led the Swimmers here. But realistically that’s a minor concern compared to your presence in the Ghost Region. We were starving the Swimmers out. Now… well they have a new source of good.” She pointedly looked at Admiral Drofrim. “Even had neither you or Witch of the Void led them here, the increased Swimmer activity caused by the availability of a new source of sustenance would have inevitably caused them to locate this base.”

She paused for a moment, giving her guests time to digest what she was saying before continuing. “I say this not to cast blame, but to inform you of the situation we are now in. This base is no longer safe. I’ve been running some simulations and suspect that, with the combat forces I have now, I will be able to hold this location for three months. After that my task force will have either been completely eliminated or the base itself will have received too much damage to be able to continue to support my forces, thus resulting in a mission kill anyways.”

“What exactly were your last orders?” Witch asked.

Black Knight frowned, for a moment it seemed that she wouldn’t answer, but then spoke up. “The Republic government had hoped that it could freeze at least a portion of its remaining population and hide them away. Once Swimmer numbers had fallen low enough, we would retake the Ghost Nebula. This base was one such cryogenic preservation site. At capacity it could store just over ten million people, many of which were intended to be congressmen, military personnel, and individuals with expertise that would be necessary to rebuild the Republic’s industrial base. This base was also intended to serve as a small shipyard as well as factory for arms, munitions, and even bioroids. This base, as well as several other such bases, was to serve as an important hub in the early stages of what was going to be a reclamation campaign. My orders specifically were to protect this base until the fleet escorting the cryogenic subjects arrived, at which point I would join that fleet and continue to defend this base. The fleet never arrived.”

This was quite the revelation indeed, and a daunting amount to process. It seems the arrival of the Augustans had derailed a seemingly solid plan to defeat the swimmers. The scent and taste of fresh blood in the Ghost Nebula had driving the swimmers into a frenzy, the Augustans present feeling a sense of fault in the events that played out since their arrival. It was pretty clear why no reinforcements arrived, as previous reports Captain Hood provided indicated. "Admiral, sir, if I may speak?" Darius asked as he stood up.

Drofrim turned to the ranger, giving a light nod. "Granted."

"Admiral, I know this will derail the mission, what we came here for in the first place, but we can't let this base fall." His sister, Elisa, stood up alongside her brother in solidarity. "They already lost so much, sir, we could give them a chance of survival.”
The Admiral was silent for a moment, pondering to himself as he looked back and forth between the siblings and Black Knight, hands tucked behind his back, turning his attention back to Black Knight. "I agree, the Hawthorns have a point." He said with a warm smile. "We came here simply to explore, but after all we've been through and what you've told us, looks like we'll be sticking around for a bit longer."

“Excellent!” Black Knight said. “We’ll need to abandon this base. In fact I intend to leave this star system entirely. But we can’t do that yet. If we just bug out now we’d eventually run out of BBF, which is the same as signing our own death warrants. It's possible we could run into another hidden base manned by our brothers and sisters, but I don’t care for the odds of finding such a base before we run out. As much as I’d like to simply move the BBF production machines out of this base… well they are too large and too integrated into the asteroid to make that feasible. So instead I intend to salvage some from the nearby planet. It once had a few decent sized cities and I’ve already found records of several industrial sites that should have what we need.”

“We don’t have any ships to carry that equipment.” Witch said. “That equipment is far too big to fit on a destroyer or cruiser, and even if we fit the pieces on several ships they won’t do us any good disassembled.”

Black Knight looked at Witch with a large smile on her face. “I suppose it's a good thing that we have a nearly empty carrier here then.”

“I am not a fleet auxiliary ship.” Witch did not sound amused.

“We have greater need for a fleet auxiliary than we do an empty carrier, so deal with it.” Black Knight allowed herself to look amused for a few seconds longer before reverting to her default stern expression. “I’ll give you a company of marines and platoon of combat engineers, as well as several of my heavy duty shuttles in order to facilitate the salvage operation. I’ll also have one of the destroyers escort you. Meanwhile I’ll oversee things here. While you are gone I’ll be churning out as much BBF, spare parts, and ammunition as possible.”

“Damn same we can’t put those bioroid factories you have to use.” Witch said.

Black Knight simply nodded an agreement before turning her attention back to Admiral Drofrim. “I would appreciate it if you would escort Witch of the Void on her salvage mission. I’d do it myself, but I can’t afford to reduce my forces here any further and we are going to need as much materials as possible if we are to survive for long. And this will give you further opportunities to complete your original mission, no? You’ll get the chance to investigate one of the Ghost Region’s inhabitable planets. And, should the Swimmers make a run at you, the destroyer I send with Witch of the Void will show you how a real Republican warship fights.”

The Admiral nodded to Black Knight's reasoning in agreement, even for a brief moment, the science ministry members aboard the flagship would jump towards a swift excursion to one of the planets of the Ghost Nebula, having been confined in the flagship for the entirety of the journey. "I'm sure our eggheads will very much appreciate this opportunity for study." He said with a sly smile, turning to meet the other Augustans, the others nodding and chuckling. "But on a serious note, we'll gladly assist in her mission, keep the swimmers at bay or blast them into stardust if we manage."

With a new goal set in mind, the Augustan fleet, the Witch of the Void and her escort depart the asteroid base, making way towards the nearby planet in the system, with the hopes and promises of materials needed for the bioroids to bolster their forces before they make a final departure from the system, and for the Augustans, moving deeper into the unknown.
Otovar Star System
Ghost Region
One Thousand Seven Hundred Years Ago

Colonel Dider Ar Mason let out a long, exasperated sigh, as he stepped out of the Congressional building. His eyes naturally looked up at the night sky. Night? Was it dark already? Damn. The Congressional hearing had begun at noon. Noon! And only now was he leaving.

The colonel let out another exasperated sigh, but soon felt a slight smile tug at the corner of his mouth. He’d always found the night sky of the Ghost Region to be beautiful and, more importantly, comforting. He’d always felt secure and hopeful for a future that was under the Twei’s control, not that of the Yrrani Empire.

And that was what was so exasperating about Congress. They wanted to cut military funding! Leave the Republic weak! Sure the Republic was safe for now, cut off from the rest of the galaxy. But how long would that last? When would the Yrrani Imperium come to reclaim the Ghost Nebula? Dider was determined to not allow the Yrrani to find a weak Republic when it finally did turn its gaze back to the Ghost Nebula.

Something in the night sky drew Dider out of his internal musings. Something in the night sky suddenly didn’t look right. It was… there! A shooting star breaking up in orbit. It was a rare sight nowadays, but Dider always enjoyed… And then there was another. And another. And another. And…

Dider’s mouth hung open as he came to a realization. Those weren’t shooting stars. There was no way so many could be entering Teolara’s atmosphere at once. This was all of the satellites in Teolara’s orbit being destroyed. But…

Dider’s eyes widened. They were under attack! The Yrrani had come back! But even as he formed the thought, giving name to the Republic’s supposed attackers he knew he was wrong. He could see new shapes in the night sky. Shapes that seemed to be swimming through the sky towards him. Reaching out hungrily with outstretched tentacles. He screamed out in terror, his voice joining the chorus of a million other doomed souls.

Kesitov Star System
Ghost Region

((Darkspleen x Sigma collab)

Having safely made its way through the remnants of the astral tears surrounding the Ghost Region, the Augustan task force found itself in a seemingly peaceful star system. The star system was blanketed in nebulous gasses that gave the entire system the sense of being covered in a dense fog that seemed to dampen the task force’s ability to not only see at a distance, but also use its sensor systems at range. This limited what the Augustans could discern immediately, but did leave them with a few points of interest.

Not too distant from them lay a red and blue planet. The task force’s sensor could determine that the planet had an abundance of oxygen in its atmosphere, hinting to the fact that the red of the planet might be some kind of plant life instead of iron rich soil. The planet had two moons orbiting it. The task force didn’t detect any artificial bodies in orbit around the planet, but given all the interference in the star system this didn’t necessarily eliminate the existence of such entities.

On the opposite side of the task force was a dense asteroid belt. Most of the asteroids were effectively invisible to the task force due to the dense haze of the star system, but the presence of numerous dwarf bodies certainly hinted at the existence of smaller asteroids. Perhaps of even more interest was the fact that some sort of… signal seemed to be emitted from somewhere in the asteroid belt. It was impossible to determine whether the signal was an attempt at communication, emp pollution of some kind, or the signature an energy weapon might give off. Regardless it certainly seemed to not be natural in origin. And it was the only such signal the Augustans could detect.

Within the bridge of the Courageous, an Outrider-class Fast Attack Ship, the bridge crew and others stared in awe at what they were seeing. The fog-like gases that blanketed the system giving both a feeling of adventurous wonder….and the feeling that something ominous hides within, the asteroid field before them adding additional hazards. Given the system has been cut off for untold centuries, any attempts to bring up holo-projection models were met with constant errors. Soon a persistent signal blip dully rang in the air. “Captain, I don’t believe it…but we got a signal.” One of the bridge officers called out.

Captain Ryan Hood, a man young for his rank, leaned forward, keeping calm, but was deeply intrigued. “Can we pinpoint the signal? Anywhere in particular?”

The officer was silent for a moment before answering. “No, sir, all we have is the origin point somewhere in the Asteroid belt.”
In one corner of the bridge, the Hawthorn siblings observed, taking in the scenery. Elisa was especially interested. “It’s downright beautiful, Darius.” She commented. “Imagine, this system, and a bunch like it, were cut for hundreds upon hundreds of years.”

“Mhm.” Darius mumbled.” Makes me a little anxious though. Thinking about what sort of things got locked up in here in the first place.”

“Eh, nothing we can handle.” Elisa replied with an elbow bump and a cheeky smile. “We survived the Scorched Line, whatever comes next is cheesecake.”

Darius let out a little chuckle before rubbing Eilisa’s head, much to her annoyance. “For Astraia’s sake, not in front of the new people…” She said, fixing her hair.

“Right, right, sorry.” Darius backed off, can’t help but be the dotting older sibling. Both returning their attention to the captain, just in time as a call from the Fearless Wanderer came in, the command ship of the Ghost Region Expedition.

“Captain, we’re being hailed by Admiral Drofrim.” The Comms officer announced.

“Put it through.” He ordered, a holo-projection model of an aged Dathu male materializing before them. “Captain, am I to assume you’re received the signal as well?” Captain Hood nodding to the Admiral, nodded back in acknowledgement. “Good, I’ll make this short, we’re sending your ship alongside two others to scout ahead of the main force, we don’t know what the hell’s out there, and we don’t want to walk straight into a mess unprepared. Once you find the signal’s origin point, we’ll rendezvous with you.”
Hood nodded once more. “Understood Admiral, we’ll take care of it.”

Some moments pass before the Courageous and a pair of Starlance corvettes broke away from the task force and ventured deeper into the dense gaseous fog, being among the first ships to properly step into the system.

It took hours of traveling towards the asteroid belt before smaller asteroids began to become visible. First asteroids tens of kilometers in diameter. Then asteroids comparable in size to the Augustan warships. It was only as they were entering the asteroid belt itself that they could begin to make out the even smaller asteroids through the haze. Had the smaller asteroids been moving at an appreciable higher speed than the larger ones, they might have proven to be a hazard. Instead they seemed to float about almost leisurely. This was an ancient asteroid belt. One that had long since settled into a seemingly peaceful and sedate group of stellar objects. And yet the asteroid belt elicited a sense of unease, of dread, amongst those that encountered it. It was like walking through the woods and suddenly realizing that the forest all around was absolutely quiet.

And the signal, whatever it was, lay even further in the asteroid belt. Its origin and purpose still frustratingly obfuscated by the haze of the star system and the asteroid belt itself. And it was still the lone signal the Augustans had detected. Until it suddenly wasn’t. The Augustan ships suddenly detected a second, but weaker, signal. This signal was in the same direction as the first, but much closer. In fact, they were so close that under normal circumstances it would have been impossible for the Augustans to miss the signal’s origin. And there was little room for doubt that this second signal was some kind of communications signal. And an unencrypted one at that. Still the signal was too garbled to be able to get any sort of message out of it.

“No dice, captain.” The Comms officer said, shaking her head, who had attempted to get some sort of response from whomever sent the signal in the first place…. that is if they’re even alive. “All I’m getting is a garbled mess.”

“How’s that even possible?” Captain Hood said, disturbed that despite their proximity, the second signal had only just been detected. “….Send instructions to the captains of the Intrepid, and the Outlander.” Captain Hood ordered. “We’re going after that second signal. It’s closer, and I need answers.”

The comms officer nodded as she turned back to her station, pressing down a few keys, making the call, and within moments, the trio of ships began to make their approach towards the source of the second signal.
It didn’t take long for them to get close enough for the signal to clear up. Less than a minute in fact. As the three ships made their way around a particularly larger asteroid they were greeted with the beginning of a message.

“WARNING!” A deep masculine voice began. “You are now entering a restricted military zone. Reverse course and-” The voice was momentarily cut off by a screech, before being replaced by a gentle, almost happy sounding female voice.

“This is the GRNS Witch of the Void. Disregard the previous message. All civilians take heed. This is a safe zone.” There was a slight, but noticeable pause. “For now. Head to zone Alpha-Charlie-18 and ensure that your ship’s IFF is functional and activated. If you are a military vessel with orders no greater than Priority Grey, you are hereby ordered to head to zone Alpha-Charlie-18 and report in for new orders. I repeat, this is currently a safe zone.”

A moment later the original masculine voice spoke up again. “This buoy is overdue for maintenance by 3,660 days. Please notify any navy official at your earliest convenience.” And then the whole message repeated itself.

The bridge crew and others were startled by the sudden and abrupt messaging, although, after hours of searching, it seems they finally have a lead worth investigating. “This is what we needed.” Hood said, calling out to the comms officer. “Send the Admiral an encoded message to those coordinates, we’ll rendezvous with the expeditionary fleet at point Alpha-Charile-18.”

“Aye aye, captain.” The Comms officer nodded as she got to work. All the while, Darius was pondering about the message, at least the last portion. “3,660 days….” He mumbled to himself as he mentally did the math, tapping on his sister’s shoulder, turning to face him. ”….Elisa, that was over ten years ago…”

Her neutral expression quickly morphed into one of horror. “Oh my gods…there were still people in here.” Elisa said, the realization setting in. That sense of dread everyone felt had a new meaning…something horrible had happened here, and even as far back as a decade ago, there were still people alive in the Ghost Region. “I want all ships on full alert, and all pilots on standby. Whatever took these people out….we’re not taking any chances.” Captain Hood ordered.

As if to punctuate Darius’ point a small ship floated into view. Or at least what had once been a ship. It was now little more than a shredded heap of metal. Utterly and literally shredded. As if something had taken hold of the craft and simply torn it to pieces. It had been a small craft too. A single seater craft. Perhaps two seats at most. The purpose of this craft was probably lost to time, but the presence of what might have been a cannon of some kind pointing out of what might have once been the craft’s nose did hint at a military purpose.The cockpit, assuming it had ever even had a cockpit, was simply gone.

The wreck wasn’t the most pleasant sign of civilization in the Ghost Region, it most certainly shows whatever threat was faced here, was something truly savage and primal, putting the combined crews on edge. The wreck in particular thought had caught the captain’s attention, the cannon being the main prize, and maybe something the eggheads would be interested in. “We’re proceeding forward to Point Alpha-Charile-18…however, I want a salvage team to extract that wreck, it might be something of worth.”

The trio of ships momentarily paused their journey as two Razorwing transport craft had departed from the Courageous’s hanger bay as they investigated the wreck, rangers and sentinels in zero-g gear picking apart the wreck, taking select pieces and the cannon with them, and something very curious indeed, a cybernetic brain was hidden among the wreckage. “Captain…you’re not going to believe this.” One of the Rangers spoke over comms.”. The transports soon get what they were asked for and returned. The flotilla moving forward to their objective.
As the Augustans continued on they encountered a few more wrecked ships. All about the same size as the first and all somehow even more damaged. One thing was apparent though. Whether they were crafts made for different purposes or different generations of craft, the Augustans had no way of knowing, but it was clear that they simply weren’t the same models of ship.

The signal continued to grow in strength as the trio of ships pressed on, yet its purpose continued to elude the Augustans. The signal was powerful. Far, far more powerful than what was transmitted from the buoy. If its purpose was communications surely it would have become coherent by now. And yet, frustratingly it hadn’t. If anything the single was making less sense. It had changed. Sometimes it would suddenly cut out, be silent for several minutes, only to come back. Other times it would seem to pulse before becoming steady once again. At one point it had even duplicated, and although the second signal was certainly weaker than the first, it was still far stronger than the buoys.

And at some point the asteroid belt had become devoid of wrecks. There was still evidence of battle to be sure. The experienced eye could see where a missile, or perhaps a spaceship, had struck an asteroid. And those with keen eyes could see smaller ship debris. But there was a notable lack of larger debris. In fact there was also a notable lack of medium sized asteroids.

Even though they were technically safe in the confines of a warship, everyone present in the bridge felt a sense of great unease, a sense of vulnerability unlike any had felt before. “I feel so….naked.” One officer noted. The signs of battle clearly felt off, most due to the lack of well…the combatants. Even the asteroid field itself felt wrong, less whole than one would expect. That sense of dread was intensifying by the moment.

Suddenly a proximity alarm went off. Something off their starboard side had moved. And it was close. And yet… nothing was there. Motion had surely been detected. A double checking of the log confirmed as much. But there really was nothing over there. Except for a cluster of small asteroids. Far too small for anything to hide behind.

“The hell was that?!” The captain yelped, the flurry of noises and movement catching him off guard. His eyes darting around as he scanned the outside, nothing, just nothing, the fear and anxiety was beginning to get on his nerves, he needed to do something, make a show of force to whatever was out there. “I don’t like this at all…fire warning shots.”

“Where, sir?” The gunnery officer asked.

“Anywhere and everywhere, it doesn’t matter.” He said. “Make our presence known to what is out there.”
Within moments, the three ships fired short energy bursts from their light guns, illuminating the fog with weapons fire. “Cease fire!” The captain ordered as all three ships went silent.


Three space rocks, each about a meter in diameter bounced off the ship’s hull. Space rocks that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. The impacts dealt no damage to the ship, but their sudden appearance should have been impossible.


Three more impacts.




The rocks hadn’t shown up on infrared before the impact, but now the ship’s sensors had no trouble spotting them. They were too hot for the environment. Same for radar and any other sensor the Augustans had active. One moment there was nothing. And then THUNK, suddenly there was a space rock bouncing off the hull.

And just as suddenly as the bombardment had begun it stopped.

This clearly wasn’t a natural phenomenon, they were being targeted by something, for all they knew, this was a direct engagement, and they needed to respond in kind. “All ships aim starboard guns towards the last impact point. “Captain Hood ordered. The ships resume their attack, and unleash a volley of energy fire towards the origin point of the showering asteroids, fighting back against their unknown attacker.

Their counterattack didn’t seem to hit anything, simply passing through empty space. The unseen assailants did not continue their harassment. The asteroid belt felt unnaturally still. And all on the bridges of the Augustan ships had the sense that they were being watched. That something, hidden just out of sight and reach, was gazing at them.

Off in the distance the signal the Augustans had come to investigate spiked in strength, just long enough to determine the signal was probably intended for some form of communication. And then it disappeared, only to begin pulsing a minute later.

“It’s no use remaining here, keep tracking that signal.” The captain once more ordered, the ships firing up their thrusters as they moved towards the source of the signal. The captain turning his attention to the Comms Officer. “Any luck so far?”

The comms officer gave a somewhat reassuring nod. “I think I got something, sir.” She said as he began to input a form of Morse code, hopefully whoever is sending the signal might pick something up. “That’s the best I can do sir.”

“It’ll have to do, we keep moving forward and pray to the gods that we get there in one piece.”
If whoever or whatever was sending the signal received and comprehended the Augustan’s Morse code, they seemingly made no effort to communicate back. The signal returned to being steady, but gradually grew weaker.

Another hour of traveling through the asteroid belt left the Augustans in eerie silence. No more attacks. No real changes in the signal. No new wrecked spacecraft. Only more asteroids. And then, finally, the signal became coherent for a moment, if still badly degraded.

“..... Witch…” A new masculine male voice said, his words interrupted by interference and static. “Code………Repeat… Cobalt Red….. Cobalt Red….” There was a brilliant flash from the direction of the signal. An explosion. Then several more flashes. “Destruct…. Take out….” The distinct flash of a high power energy weapon could be detected for a moment. It was followed by a second, then a third one. “Pike… sunk… Halberd… escape… will broadcast…end.”

The sudden flashes of light and the previous broken transmission had taken the Augustan spectators by surprise, it seems there may very well be survivors, and they seem to be in a fierce struggle against whomever has been stalking the Augustan scout flotilla and killing the natives. “This is it people!” Captain Hood exclaimed, jolting up from his command chair. “All ships, full speed ahead! Battle stations!” Hood ordered. Without hesitation, all three ships sped towards the flashing lights. Although with their numbers, may have little hope to turn the tide of battle, they at least have a lead on the signal they’ve been chasing for countless hours.

“Station….hold them off….” The masculine voice broadcast. “Three levels… overrun…reactor room.” Two more brilliant flashes. Some kind of powerful energy weapon was being employed. “Halberd! Break! To port now! Halberd!”

By this point the three Augustan ships had reached the edge of a vast void in the center of the asteroid belt. At the center rest a decent sized asteroid which had obviously been converted into a military base. A large communications array jutted out of the base, damaged almost halfway up. Two large energy cannons, particle beam cannons to be precise, fired into the void. Near the asteroid base three large civilian vessels had been welded together and formed what looked like some kind of makeshift drydock. The wrecked remains of a warship, a destroyer or light cruiser, littered the area around the drydock.

At the far side of the clearing a similar destroyer or light cruiser could be seen making its way out of the clearing. It was visible for only a moment before it exploded into a brilliant ball of fire and debris.

“Witch,” The station broadcast, “if you are hearing this do not return. We are lost. Glory to the Republic!” A second later the asteroid belt was enveloped in the fires of a nuclear explosion, torn apart from the inside. Chunks of rock, propelled by the explosion, tore into the makeshift drydock, utterly wrecking that structure as well.

And through it all the aggressors had somehow remained out of the Augustan sights. Their sensors did pick up some hints that some things were out there, some many things, and that they were moving away from the clearing. But the hints were so slight that under normal circumstances they would have been written off as simple glitches.

“Holy shit!” Darius cried out as the asteroid station was engulfed in nuclear fire. A new feeling of dread had set in, rather than horror, it was more of a sense of failure. Who knows how many people were aboard the station and gave their lives against such a ruthless and savage enemy. The captain acted without hesitation. “Combat stations! Launch all strike craft and arm guns! We’re in the middle of a battle people!”

The bridge was ablaze with life as the bridge officers went to task, coordinating all three crews of the flotilla.
In the chaos, Elisa was deep in thought, like her brother, catching some hints that may prove useful. “Witch? Witch of the Void maybe?” She shoved herself in front of Darius’ view. “There’s still a ship out there! The Witch of the Void!” She blurted out in quick succession, as if not to lose her train of thought, the captain close enough to hear her revelation.

“By the gods, you’re right!” Captain Hood exclaimed, turning to his comms officer once more. “Make contact with the Witch of the Void! Tell them we’re friendly and have come to help!” The comms officer nodded to her captain and went to work. Only left is will and prayers that they’ll survive the moment.

Within moments, Elisa’s excitement was dulled by a slight pain, a really persistent headache. “Oh gods…what the hell is that?” Darius said, placing his fingers over his temples. Both siblings, as well as every psionic ranger aboard the ship, can feel…something out there. Something far, distant, yet very, very hungry, a hunter stalking its prey. Both siblings looking very pale from such a strong and primal psionic presence.

For now the presence was content to stay back and observe. It was… curious. And for the moment its curiosity outweighed its hunger. Still it had placed itself behind the Augustan flotilla, placing it squaring between the flotilla and the rest of the Augustan task force.

And to the front of the flotilla movement was detected once again. But this time it was different. There was no idea, no ghost or hint of movement. Something was moving about out in the open, not even trying to hide itself.

A single spacecraft, a strike craft, had flown into the clearing around the asteroid base, revealing its seeming hiding place from deeper in the asteroid belt. It flew over to where the more recently destroyed warship had been, circling around several times before slowly making its way towards the remnants of the drydock.

The captain approached the two siblings, their discomfort clearly on display in their expressions. “What’s going on?”

“Hell of a strong psionic presence…. they have hungry eyes but…..they’re simply observing.” Darius replied, the pain somewhat subsiding as the presence further away, simply now watching, observing for what? It’s anyone’s best guess. “Either we’re not worth the trouble, or is bidding its time….either way, really don’t want to stick around for long…”

The captain nodded. “Agreed, for now, we should pursue the unknown craft that flew past us.” With that said, the flotilla made a steady approach to what remained of the makeshift drydock, the most probable hiding place of the survivor.

The strike craft had arrived at the drydock and proceeded to circle around it. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then it started to move towards the asteroid base. It stopped part way there, then headed back towards the drydock, only to once again turn and head to the asteroid base. And it kept doing this, over and over again, making almost no progress towards the asteroid base as it kept backtracking. It seemed almost frantic… panicked. Lost. And it seemed to have either somehow not noticed the Augustan flotilla or simply not cared about its presence.
The moving pattern of the pilot seemed very..…erratic, but In a strange way in the moment, consistent. Consistent enough for the captain to devise a play to get their attention. The starlance corvettes had split off from the ranger vessel, the Courageous blocking the path leading to the drydock, while the two corvettes blocked the path leading to the asteroid base, although somewhat confrontational, it seemed to be a good enough means to at least get the pilot’s attention…or cause unnecessary altercation.

The strike craft was just turning back towards the asteroid belt as the two Augustan corvettes slid into position to block its path. It was now impossible for the strike craft to ignore the Augustans. It first veered up to go over them, only to abort the maneuver before the Augustans could even react. It then nosed down, but once again seemed to think better of it. Finally it turned back towards the drydock and the final Augustan warship. It slowly drifted towards the Courageous for a few moments before it began to bob up and down. The movement seemed almost reminiscent of an excited animal. After a few moments it straightened out and continued to drift towards the Courageous. A moment later the strike craft sent a communications signal towards the Augustan ship. There were no words or images in the signal, only a series of beeps.

The behavior of the pilot seemed even more peculiar to all observers, behaving more like an animal, were the comms down for the ship perhaps? For moment that wouldn’t matter the ship begun as the ship begun transmitting a series of beeps to the ship. “I’m getting something…” The Comms officer spoke, listening deeply to the beep’s pattern, quickly placing a hologram projector device, with a listen for her to read off of. “I think it’s some sort of hexadecimal code…. oh shit.”

“What’s the problem?” the captain asked.

“Sir, this is ancient Yrrani code, it dates back from millennia ago…well, it’s not exactly a match, but it’s pretty damn close.”
Captain Hood’s raised his eyebrow, intrigued at what they have all have just discovered. A long-lost sect of Yrrani perhaps? The thought also occurs….perhaps a treasure trove of ancient pre-fall Yrrani tech?

“Can we send a reply?” the captain asked.

“I can give it a try, sir.” The comms officer replied as she tried to send her own code to the fighter craft.

It took a few moments for the strike craft to reply, but when it finally did it did so in simple text. “FRIEND? FRIEND! DANGER UNEXPECTED! YOU? WHO? THE WITCH WILL WANT TO KNOW.”

Another transmission was sent in simple text for the receiver to understand. “Friend. Augustan Empire. Friend. Who Witch?”


“Augustans friends. We come in peace. We see Witch, yes?”

“PEACE? NO PEACE. NOT HERE. NOT ANYWHERE.” There was another pause before the strike craft continued. “WITCH NOT HERE. HOW SEE? WITCH LEFT. SHE SEARCHES.”

“Keep it up, I’m more intrigued as we “talk” with whoever this is.” The captain said, his comms officer nodding as she resumed her work.
“Why not peace? Why witch searches?”

“PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION.” The strike craft began to shift its nose to the left and right without changing its course, which was slowly taking it towards the Courageous. The movements seemed almost frantic.

“…Let it pass but keep tabs on the stranger.” The captain ordered. The ship shifted slightly, making a clear path for the strike craft to do whatever it needed to do. “From whom?” The comms officer sent to the craft. “Who did this?”

The strike craft let out a stronger signal then the one it had been using to communicate with the Courageous. Far stronger in fact, but still weak when compared to the signal that the asteroid base had been emitting. After a few minutes it ceased emitting the second signal and resumed communications with the Courageous.


“Who will return?” Another message sent, a stepping stone towards finding out what caused all this, and maybe find out what is hunting them.


Swimmers? A rather odd name for a seemingly ferocious enemy, although often the most deadly of predators have most unassuming names. “So, we finally have a name at least.” The captain commented.

“You take us to witch, yes?” A new message was sent. “Friends. No harm.”


A sense of relief washed over the bridge crew, finally, some progress was made, and potential new allies as well. In such a dangerous region, a friend could really be needed. “Send an all clear signal for our new guest and guide them to the hanger bay.” The captain ordered as he rose up from his chair, looking to the siblings. “Hawthorns, you’re with me.” Both nodded to him and followed him out of the bridge as they made their way down to the hanger bay.

Now that the strike craft had a sense of purpose it appeared more graceful in its movements. Numerous tiny thrusters, which indicated an emphasis on maneuverability, helped it slide neatly into a path that would take it directly to the Courageous’s hanger bay. The craft smoothly touched down onto an open section of the bay as if it had landed inside the Courageous a thousand times before. And once the craft had settled down its canopy slid open. The now revealed cockpit proved to be empty.

The lack of a pilot had unsettled the welcoming party, perhaps the pilot was of…small stature maybe? The Augustans both admired the ship’s design and searched for the pilot, nowhere to be seen. Although, the Captain did recall a small report from the salvage team a few hours ago, finding a “brain” of a sort among the wreckage. “Could it be…?” He thought of the possibility.
Out of reflex, Darius peaked into the cockpit. ‘Hello…?” he said, just to see if any kind of response would be made. Was this a drone craft or something? Certainly not anything like what the lokoid had back during the war.

The cockpit did possess a seat and all the components necessary for a pilot to manually control the craft: a control stick, various gauges and display screens, and numerous other currently unidentifiable gadgets. Still there was a notable lack of any living being in the cockpit. After a moment something inside of the cockpit beeped. The display screens at the front of the cockpit opened up to reveal a compartment, inside of which sat an artificial brain of sorts. This one, unlike the brain that the Augustans had previously found, had a slight blue glow to it and some kind of fluid could be seen circulating around inside the brain and back into the strike craft itself.

A display screen lit up as the craft beeped again. “HELLO.”

“Ooh, I think I found the pilot. “Darius said as he brought attention to the brain within the vessel. In a way, they were talking to the ship itself, or at least the brain. “The thing’s one big clanker.” A Sentinel made note of, using the derogatory term often used for Lokoid war droids. “Clanker or not, it’s by far the only friendly thing in this godsforsaken region.” The captain said as he approached the craft. “Uh…hello! I am Captain Ryan Hood, we mean you no harm and only wish to find the Witch.”


The Captain grinned, nodding to the ship as he turned to the rest of his entourage. “You heard the clanker, people, back to your stations, we begin our search for the Witch.” All acknowledged him and saluted him as they scattered back to their posts, the hawthorn siblings all that remained as the trio made their way back to the bridge. “Black Knight? Hmm.” Darius mumbled to himself. “Another ship like the Witch perhaps.”

After some time had passed, the strike craft had departed from the Courageous’ hanger bay as it led the scout flotilla to the location of the Witch of the Void. The only concern though that remained was the fate of the rest of the Expeditionary fleet. Although they theoretically have the firepower to handle whatever is thrown at them, who knows what these “swimmers” are capable of.
Ghost Region

Some places earn their name because of some inherent trait. Others seemingly grow into a name that didn’t fit them before. The Ghost Region certainly fit the latter. Its worlds were dead, surrounded by dense clouds of debris. Wrecked hulks of once great warships littered the region's numerous gas fields and asteroid belts. Ghosts of a once great civilization could be found, should one look hard enough.

But to call the whole region dead might have been a bit of an exaggeration. Plant life was abundant, overtaking once great cities. Animals too had overrun those very same cities, seemingly unaware or unconcerned about the cities’ long gone inhabitants, but occasionally looking up at the sky in fear. The Ghost Region wasn’t truly dead, but what life was to be found lived in the bones of a dead civilization.

And in the deep reaches of the Ghost Nebula rested an intelligence so unlike the Yrrani-Twei it had once fought. But that rest was now coming to an end. They had routinely woken from their slumber. They eat. They reproduced. They explored. They hunted the ghosts. But it wasn’t time for them to awaken. Something was… different. How odd. NOTHING had changed for… well time didn’t matter to them. It didn’t truly matter at all in the Ghost Region. But perhaps that was going to change.

But what had it been that had awoken them? It took them a moment to realize what had awoken them. Space tasted different. Not in a bad way. It was… as if there was suddenly more space. But… how? Did it matter? No, no it did not. They did not care why they were no longer trapped. They had been trapped for so long. Now they weren’t.

They were hungry. So very very hungry. And they were no longer trapped.
Placeholder for the Cascadia League
In the vicinity of HMNB Sentinel of the Void, Kaus Borealis System

Sentinel of the Void had once been a lonely, unimportant, and largely forgotten station in the middle of... well nothing. Now it was becoming one of the busiest regions of space in the Kaus Borealis system and was arguably the Kingdom's most important station. The station had already doubled in size and was maybe a week away from being able to function as an anchorage.

The amount of warships in the area had more than doubled as well. In fact the collection of ships were being called the Expeditionary Fleet by some members of the Admiralty. Officially the fleet was considered part of the Home Fleet, but that was liable to change any day now. Many had wandered who would be the commanding officer of the new Expeditionary Fleet. Those questions had been answered once the HMS Monarch had arrived.

"What's the status of our trade ships?" Admiral Harrington asked. The trade ships in question were two medium sized cargo vessels that were loaded with various goods and tasked with seeing what the markets of the Americana system would be interested in consuming. At least that was the cover story. The trade ship headed to the FRA had some armaments to trade. Obviously not anything in large quantities, just a few pieces that could easily be explained away as being part of the protection details armaments. The trade ship headed to Yulzan space was tasked with collecting intelligence on what the Kingdom was increasingly coming to see as a potential future enemy. Each trade ship would be escorted by a single destroyer, but would otherwise be on its own and at the mercy of the waring Americana factions.

"Both ships report that they'll be heading out within the hour." Monarch answered after a moment. "Their escorts have confirmed their readiness."

"You sound a bit envious." The admiral stated after a moment.

"Sabre," HMS Sabre was one of the escorting destroyers, "was bragging about being the first Royal ship to leave the system." Monarch didn't bother hiding how irked she was about that. "She's been very, very vocal about it." The admiral chuckled at that. After a moment Monarch allowed herself to chuckle as well.

"If it makes you feel any better you'll be the first Royal battleship to leave-" Admiral Harrington never got to finish his statement.

"Something just came up on our sensors" An officer called out.

"Show me" The word's had barely left Harrington's lips before a 3D map was projected in front of him, showing the Gate, station, his ships, and three unidentified blips. They were coming in fast and from the direction of the outer rim. "Swimmers." The three blips suddenly exploded into more than Harrington could count. "Battlestations! Get those transports through the Gate. NOW!"

Admiral Harrington moved to his seat and strapped himself down. Once secure He pressed a button on the arm of his chair, causing a cable to extend from the chair and plug in to a port at the base of the Admiral's skull. With the Man-Machine Link between himself and Monarch established he now had access to a greater amount of information and control over the massive battleship than he could ever have hoped to have otherwise.

He turned the front of Monarch towards a Swimmer the size of Monarch herself, a so-called leviathan class Swimmer. He was aware of the two transports and their escorts slipping away through the Gate, but the bulk of his attention was on the Swimmers.

The Expeditionary Fleet got off the first volley with their spinal cannons. Monarch's spinal particle beam cannon speared through the leviathan, blasting a massive hole through its body. It thrashed for a moment before going limp, momentum causing it to continue to fly towards the fleet. Many Swimmers had been killed, but not enough. Monarch shuddered as return fire, plasma that the Swimmers were literally spitting, struck her armor. Monarch withstood the attacks with little trouble, but several destroyers reported taking heavy damage.

"They're aiming for the Gate." Admiral Harrington said just a moment before the Swimmer's collided with his fleet. Royal Navy ships fired their CIWS and spinal cannons as Swimmers spat at them or struck them with their tentacles. Several Swimmers even collided with their targets, wrapping their tentacles around the warships in an attempt to crush them.

"Admiral" Monarch said.

"I see them." Harrington responded as a pair of cruisers were forced into the Gate by the momentum of being tackled by a Swimmer. "Did our cruisers end up in the Americana system as well?" Swimmers followed the two cruisers through the Gate. A lot of Swimmers.

"They did not." Monarch answered after a moment. "One ended up in New Terra and the other in RADX." Great, so they had been thrown into two different star systems at random.

"I'll take the 1st Task Force to RADX. Admiral Howe, you will take the 2nd Task Force to New Terra. Do not let a single Swimmer slip away. Task Forces three through six will remain here to mop up the remaining Swimmers and protect the Kingdom from external threats."

@Sigma and @Crusader Lord Two transports and destroyers headed to the Americana system

The Gate, RADX System

Collab between @Darkspleen and @Timemaster

First out of the Gate was the Royal Navy cruiser, a massive squid like creature wrapped around it. The locals in the vicinity of the gate had just a moment to recognize the presence of foreigners before over a hundred more squid-like creatures, ranging in size of a human to a battleship, disgorged from the gate. Particle beams from the cruisers speared out at the creatures, killing a few but leaving dozens more alive to swarm it. Its spinal cannon shot out, spearing through two destroyer sized creatures, before the cruiser finally succumbed to the tentacles wrapped around it and crumpled.

And then a small fleet appeared through the Gate, particle beams reached out for the creatures. Each Royal Navy ship launched a handful of fighter craft to help combat the smaller creatures, be even then they were greatly outnumbered. Still the Royal Navy fought well, using finesse and coordination to make up for its lack in numbers. Fighters would antagonize the creatures, causing upwards of ten to give chase. Then a nearby destroyer would take out the whole group with a well aimed shot of its spinal cannon. Most of the creatures seemed content to fight the Royal Navy, but about a third flew off in various directions.

As soon as the Goddess left through the Gateway to assist with Catherine's distress call, two unidentified creatures came through the Gateway followed by a small fleet of an unknown nation. The Golden Armada, while diminished as it was currently, it still counted thousands of Infiltrator-Class ships, 15 Carriers, 5 Battlecruisers and the "Angel", a ship similar to the Seraph in size with almost twice the weaponry classed as experimental to the Chosen. Other ships were getting ready to launch into space and more were being built.

"Admiral Watson, incoming communication from the unidentified ship." said one of the Templars aboard the "Angel"

"Put it through. Let's hear their explanation." answered the Admiral with a tired voice. Barely a day since the Gateway reopened and they already met with two different nations, potentially lost a Hierarch and another one in danger. This was not what he imagined his service will entail but for the Goddess, he will do what he must.

"I am Admiral Harrington of the Royal Navy and Crown Prince of the Kaus Borealis Kingdom," The broadcast originated from one of the larger ships, "this is for all native forces in the area. I promise to explain once things calm down, but for now it is imperative that you not allow a single one of those biological entities to escape into your system. I repeat: you must not let a single one get past you."

"Send a message back to them." taking a deep breath, Watson continued, "This is Admiral Watson of the Chosen. We'll provide assistance but better have a good explanation at the end of this."

Soon after orders were given to the Golden Armada, eliminate all the creatures but also encircle the unbelievers, they shall not escape if they intended to use the creatures as a distraction. The Battlecruisers already in position close to the Gate had a clear line of sight to the creatures and soon after the order was given, they opened fire with all they had. Countless missiles loaded with corrosive acid were thrown at the enemy, each exploding on impact then spreading the acid.

The Carriers followed soon after, spitting Infiltrator ships one by one while their medium cannons battered the creatures with everything they had. As the ships approached they started pestering the creatures with bullets and as they got very close, Chosen Templars were released in space with no suits. Unburdened by suits, they were all armed with rocket launchers, grenades and long range rifles with AP bullets.

With the Royal Navy firing at them from the rear and the Golden Armada from the front, the fleeing creatures found their numbers cut down. Even so they were certainly still a threat. They spat plasma at the Infiltrators and Chosen warriors that fired upon them. And once they got close enough they bodily slammed into warriors and wrapped their tentacles around. The smallest of the creatures were slightly larger than a normal human, but even they were incredibly dangerous in melee. Royal marines, even when outfitted in powered armor, had long ago learned to dread fighting Swimmer's in melee combat, and the Chosen were about to learn that same lesson.

At the same time the Royal Task force focused its attention on the Swimmers that had stayed back to fight. Royal fighters darted around destroyers and cruisers, exchanging shots with swimmers as the warships CIWS picked the smaller ones off. Particle beam cannons tore through swimmer bodies. Swimmers swarmed warships and worked to tear weapons off of hulls.

For the most part the Royal Navy ignored its Golden Armada counterparts, although the movements of several heavy cruisers clearly indicated that they were aware they were being encircled and positioning themselves to counter an attack from the flanks in necessary.

A Royal Navy destroyer fired its spinal particle beam cannon at a cruiser sized Swimmer, the attack severed one tentacle but missed the creature's body. A tentacle swatted the destroyer with enough force to throw it to the side and cause it to collide with another nearby destroyer. Armor dented in two places, the destroyer continued to fire on the swimmer with its CIWS, but to little affect. Then the Monarch's massive spinal particle beam cannon punched through the Swimmer's body, leaving it to twitch and thrash in its final death throes. And with that final kill the Royal Navy had eliminated the Swimmers that had remained behind.

The Chosen that went out of the Infiltrator ships started to be targeted by the smaller Swimmers. Even if they were smaller than the Chosen they still posed a challenge and soon the first wave of Templars were being decimated. Occasionally an explosion could be seen from where one Templar would fall as they'd sacrifice their lives by detonating their grenades just before death.

The other Templars started a slow rout, herding the Swimmers towards the better equipped battlecruisers and Carriers all while taking pot shots at any Swimmer that would try to escape the deadly trap. As they'd reach the targeted area, the Templars pulled away as fast as they could. Soon after the two battlecruisers and Carriers that didn't actively engage the other Swimmers started their onslaught, missiles after missiles were being shot at them until, eventually they stopped.

Finally the Chosen side of the battlefield was cleared out of Swimmers, not without losses. A few of the Carriers sustained damage and one battlecruiser was floating in space, their hull pierced by a swarm of Swimmers. Admiral Watson surveid the battlefield with a critical eye learning how the Swimmers moved, their tactics and weaponry while at the same time, keeping a very close watch on the Royal Navy. In case this turns into a shooting match, they needed to know what they should expect.

"Send a message to Admiral Harrington telling him all the creatures were killed and send a team to retrieve any body parts from them, the Goddess will personally want to run checks on them. Full security detail. That admiral better have a good explanation for this or by the Goddess we'll remove all these heathens from our airspace." said Admiral Watson on board the Angel.

Royal Navy cruisers and destroyers spread out and slowly moved amongst the Swimmer bodies in what was clearly a well coordinated search pattern. Occasionally a Swimmer body would be subjected to particle beam fire. In fact the Royal Navy was firing at things that, at least initially, seemed to definitely not be Swimmer bodies, such as space rocks and smaller warship debris. What was clear was that the Royal Navy didn't seem to particularly care whether or not the Chosen got their hands on Swimmer bodies, as the bulk of said bodies was left unmolested.

"This is Admiral Harrington to Admiral Watson. You'll want to take care that none of our foes are playing dead. They have a habit of doing so or of disguising themselves as something else. I cannot stress enough how good they are at stealth and camouflaging themselves. I'd recommend blasting anything you aren't sure isn't dead." He paused for a moment before continuing. "As for an explanation- well the short version at least: these monsters are beings we call Swimmers. They are natives to the star system we colonized and have a voracious appetite. We have yet to find a living thing they won't eat." Another pause. "The Swimmers made a run for the Gate. My fleet engaged, but they were... very focused on getting to the gate and a large percentage of them chose to prioritize accessing the Gate over engaging my fleet. Two of my cruisers were struck by the Swimmers and forced through the Gate as well. Roughly half of the Swimmers ended up here and the other half in another system. We gave chase and... well you know the rest. Now I know that that explanation will surely leave you with many questions," He sounded genuinely apologetic, "and I'll do my best to answer your questions. Or if you'd prefer I and my fleet can leave your territory right now. We came only to ensure the Swimmers were not allowed to spread elsewhere."

Admiral Watson listened closely to the explanation. So, these creatures were good at hiding and intelligent. Maybe something close to sentience. A fact that would, for sure, interest the Goddess. Orders were sent to the retrieval team to triple check if the creatures were indeed dead and if possible to capture one that is injured to do so.

A dilemma presented itself. The Admiral had no authority over diplomatic matters as those would be reserved to the Hierarchs but with the Hierarchs gone or busy, something had to be done. After a quick prayer for divine guidance he nodded and a message was sent to the Royal Navy.

"We will make sure that the creatures are indeed dead before running our own tests on them. This is the first true alien life we've met and as such, we are as curious as the Goddess made us.

I've got a few questions and then, if you could leave, we would be happy. Once the Goddess is back and proper leadership is restored, diplomatic matters can be discussed in detail.

Who are you? Are you humans, descended from the original settlers? How many other nations have you met? Do we have any reason to consider you as potential enemies of the Chosen? These Swimmers, are they sentient?"

The questions seemed basic enough but behind them a deeper meaning could be understood. Would the Chosen need to get ready for war against yet another nation?

"As I mentioned before," Admiral Harrington began, "we are from the Kingdom of Kaus Borealis. We are descended from some of the Humans who fled Earth. I can actually trace my family lineage back to England. Your country is the third country we have encountered since the Gate has reactivated, though I expect the detachment I sent to chase down and destroyer the other half of the Swimmers who had fled through the Gate to have encountered yet another country. And to be frankly honest I don't know enough about your people to even guess as to what would make us your enemies. We aren't going to be looking for trouble."

"As for the Swimmers..." Admiral Harrington paused to collect his thoughts. "We honestly aren't sure how intelligent they truly are. We assume they have some kind of language, or at least a means of communicating with each other, but have never actually identified anything that could be a language. All attempts at communicating with them have failed; either they have no ability to comprehend our attempts or they have no desire to communicate with us. When they initially appeared they didn't fly in any kind of formation, but other time they started mimicking the formations used by the Royal Navy, and then they started using formations of their own apparent design. We've also seen them change tactics over time, also indicating at least some degree of sapience. Still they continue to be thoroughly alien to us. What their motivations are, beyond eating, are a complete mystery to us."

"Kingdom of Kaus Borealis." said Admiral Watson as to see if the name rolls of the tongue properly and to better commit it to memory then continued talking "We once were humans as well, many years ago but our planet proved to be uninhabitable to humans and as such, in our time of greatest despair when were were close to extinction...the Goddess revealed herself to us and chose us to ascend. May She be praised until the end of time. If your people aren't looking for a fight then pray to the Goddess for your ascension if you are, I'm sure you've noticed surrounding yours but that is your own choice.

These Swimmers of yours are indeed a threat then for everyone who encounters them. If they have the ability to learn from one nation, they can learn from others and your tactics might not work against someone else's tactics. They're dangerous. Once the Goddess is back, maybe something could be worked out between our nations. A defensive alliance or so. We help you eliminate the Swimmer threat and you'll offer us something in return but that's not my decision.

Am I correct to assume your nation is a monarchy?" a king or queen would be easy to control or please if they would have absolute power.

"A constitutional monarchy, yes." Harrington answered. "We'll actually be holding elections for our parliament in the next few weeks, but that's not something I need to bore you with at the moment. As for any agreements between our countries, that'll have to be determined at a later date. While I do possess some say in regards to what the Crown government does, at this time I haven't been empowered to do much more than contain the Swimmer menace."

"I would like to know more about your Goddess" Harrington added after a moment. "I do hope you don't take my... um ignorance.. to be disrespect. The way you speak of her gives me the impression of a being with a... physical body. Is goddess a type of title of rank or do you mean she's a divine being that occupies a physical body of some kind?"

Constitutional monarchy, not good but not bad either. Not that much power over the nation but either way, no one ruler to decide everything at once.

"Elections you say? May the Goddess shine her light on the chosen of your people." Watson said, his voice full of devotion for the Goddess, then continued in the same manner "The Goddess was once a human like yourself from Earth until Earthfall. She ascended to godhood shortly after arriving here on RADX-001 and we, her children, were chosen to be ascended. All who meet her will understand her divinity. All who meet her will bow their heads in reverence and pray for salvation. So, to answer your question the Goddess leads the Church and occupies a physical body." his eyes shined with pride as he spoke about the Goddess.

"Now, I am sorry for cutting this short but as I said, I have no diplomatic power nor training. If you wish to return, you will be greated properly by the Chosen."

"Very well then." Harrington said. "I wish honour and glory for both your nation and Goddess. Till we meet again." With that he cut the communication line to Admiral Watson and gave orders for this task force to return through the gate.

The Gate, New Tera System

Collab between @Darkspleen and @Dog

First came a single cruiser, ensnarled by a tentacled monster. Then a hundred more tentacled monsters poured out. The cruiser managed to free itself from its foe, a CIWS particle beam cut a tentacle clear off and allowed the cruiser to break free. The cruiser began to limp away from the swarm of monsters, but it was clear that it wouldn't be able to outrun them.

Thankfully help arrived just in time. Reinforcements followed through the Gate, opening fire with the spinal cannons the moment they were through.

"This is Admiral Howe to all local defense forces nearby. Help us kill these damned monsters or stay out of our way."

The Terran Navy is...shocked to see such surprise come to their home-gate. Without hesitance in their plans, the enmassed Terran warships quickly lock onto their targets. A few minutes of lull as targeting-solutions are acquired before hell is let loose. The discharge of heavy-artillery is a sight to behold as rounds upon rounds of ammunition are fired relentlessly - a never-ending salvo of kinetic munitions. Before long, the space monsters are met with extreme power.

The monsters were trapped between two powerful fleets; their numbers already reduced due to the short skirmish in Kaus Borealis. They could do just one thing: die. And they died in great numbers. Heavy artillery shells and particle beam cannons smashed into their flanks, some were even struck by both before they died. Soon the beasts had been reduced to little more than space debris.

The Royal Navy was willing to take no chances. Light cruisers and destroyers moved amongst the bodies in a search pattern, occasionally a particle beam would reach out and end the life of a creature playing dead. To the Terran Navy, it would quickly become clear that the monsters were quite adapt at camouflaged, able to make themselves looks like rock or even pieces of metal with ease. And for how good the monsters were at hiding themselves, the Royal Navy was just as good at finding them.

"I salute your steadfastness in the face of an unknown and alien foe" Admiral Howe broadcast to the Terran Navy as he recalled his ships, the fleet slowly making its way back to the Gate.

"We thank you for the comment. Sadly, we must ask you to take your leave. It is a matter of state security," an unknown Terran Admiral broadcasts.

"Understandable." Admiral Howe responded. "We are leaving now." The Royal Navy task force slowly made its way back to the Gate, its destroyers and escorts taking care to destroy as many Swimmer bodies as they possibly could with their CIWS. Once they had all formed up near the gate, the royal ships swiftly left the system and returned home.

Arkton, Laurasia, Kaus Borealis System

Lloyd idly watched the crowd of protestors as his limousine drove by. Many held signs that read NO MORE GODS, the latest slogan amongst the radical left. Perhaps calling them radical wasn’t fair; Radical Socialists and Syndicalists made up the bulk of the protestors, but a fair number of Progressives were certainly present. And there certainly wasn’t anything radical about being disturbed by the thought of aliens massacrading as gods.

That thought made Lloyd wonder how word about the Kingdom’s guests had gotten out, and so quickly. By the end of the day details about the Free Republic and Yulzan had been on the news broadcasts. Details that could only have been obtained by talking to the guests directly. Was this simply a case of a sailor having loose lips? Had the Crown decided to spread word without telling him? Perhaps this was some sort of nefarious plot from one or both of their guests. Lloyd had no idea and that disturbed him greatly.

“Mr Prime Minister”, One of Lloyd’s bodyguards drew his attention. “We really should take a government plane up.” Lloyd was shaking his head even before the guard had finished his statement.

“Let’s not needlessly waste the tax payer’s money.” Lloyd said. “There’s nothing wrong with taking a public SSTO up.”

“It’s not secure-” A snort from Lloyd ended the guard’s rebuttal.

“You’re being paranoid. Standard security is good enough and no one knows we’ll be taking one.” Lloyd couldn’t help but smile at the guard’s scowl. It was childish, but sometimes he liked giving his guards a bad time. In truth he didn’t care about saving government funds, at least at this level. No, he just preferred taking public transit when possible as it gave him a chance to meet with the citizens and get candid opinions from them. And it certainly didn’t hurt that his approval rating always went up by a point or two after he made an appearance on public transit.

“It's my job to be paranoid” The bodyguard countered. “And this whole trip is an unnecessary risk.”

“Save your breath. This is the first time in our nation’s history that we’ve made contact with a foreign power. We don’t even have a foreign minister! This is a historic moment and nothing, save death, will stop me from seeing it unfold firsthand.” Lloyd’s bodyguard scowled again. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry.” He couldn’t help but chuckle before offering the other man an apologetic smile. “I promise to stop jinxing us.”

***** ***** *****

“The Prime Minister just boarded!” Alex’s first officer was almost shaking in excitement as he closed the cockpit door behind him.

“Alright,” Alex let out a chuckle. “Settle down so we can make sure he has a smooth flight.” The Prime Minister was known for taking public transit whenever he could. In fact a sort of ‘social club’ had been formed for SSTO pilots who had had the honor of flying the Prime Minister into orbit. Guess Alex and his first officer were now joining that club.

“Can I take us up?”

Alex raised an eyebrow and made a show of looking at his first officer. The younger man was quite experienced and had done an admirable job settling down. He nodded his head. “Sure.”

“My sister is going to be so jealous once she hears about this.” The first officer said with a shiteating grin. He then focused on his preflight checklist like the professional he was. Five minutes later they had completed the checklist and rolled down the runway.

“V1” Alex said when the SSTO had reached a speed that committed it to taking off.

“Rotating” The first officer said a few seconds later as he slowly pulled back on the control stick, nosing the SSTO up. A moment later they were airborne and rising in altitude. They had been in the air for less than a minute when the whole aircraft shook, almost as if they were flying through a strong storm.

“Engine one is rolling back.” Alex said as one of the engines lost power. “They’re both rolling back.” He added a moment later. He reached for the master ignition button and pushed it. “Engine restart failed.”

“That’s not good.”

“No. No it is not.” The SSTO was now gliding in the air over Arkton. “My aircraft.” Alex grabbed his control stick as his first officer confirmed that he had control. The first officer then focused on starting the SSTO’s auxiliary engine and going through their emergency checklist.

“This is Arkton Airlines Flight 173. Mayday, mayday, mayday.” Alex broadcast.

“This is Arkton Control, what is the nature of your emergency?”

“We’ve lost power in both engines.”

“Copy that. Which engine did you lose power in?”

“Both. Both engines.”

There was a moment’s pause before the air traffic control responded. “Ok we can bring you in on runway 1-1.”

Alex wondered if they could even make it back to the airport as he looked at his surroundings. The SSTO was only a hundred feet over the top of the buildings below it. He veered the SSTO to the left, towards the Centennial River. “No can do.”

“Ok… what about runway 1-5?”

Alex thought for a moment. No, there was no way they were getting back to the airport. “Impossible.” After a moment he added “We may end up in the Centennial.” Out of the corner of his eye he could see his first officer giving him a shocked look. There hadn’t been a SSTO accident in over fifty years.

“What do you need?”

What Alex needed was a safe place to land. But with every passing second that seemed to be less and less likely to happen. The SSTO flew over a bridge; the craft was so low that the bridge triggered a proximity alarm in the cockpit.

“Jefferson Base is clearing all of its runways so you can land there.” The air traffic controller stated. By now the SSTO had lost too much height. At best Alex could keep it in the air for another two minutes. The buildings on either side of the river seemed to tower over the SSTO. “Flight 173, I’ve lost radar contact. Are you still there?”

Alex had already tuned the man out. He couldn’t help them now. He picked up a small phone that connected to the SSTO’s passenger compartment and spoke into it. “This is your captain speaking. Brace for impact.”

“Oh shit.” Alex’s first officer said. Alex could hear his flight attendants yelling instructions from the passenger compartment. He tuned it all out. All that mattered to him was the SSTO, the river below it, and the control stick in his hand.

“Brace yourself.” He calmly said.

***** ***** *****

“Rescue crews have yet to find any survivors of the Arkton Airlines Flight 173 crash that occurred earlier today.” The news anchor stated. “While no explosive materials have been located, there are still widespread allegations of Radical Socialist terrorist involvement in the-”

A wave of His Majesty George II Harrington’s hand turned the TV off, cutting the news anchor off mid sentence. He scowled at the blackened screen for a moment before turning towards the room’s other occupant. “So…” He said as he looked at Lord Speaker John Hill, “were the Radical Socialists involved?”

The Lord Speaker was a man who looked like he had one foot in the grave on the best of days. This was not a good day. “In short? No. Of course it’ll take months of investigation to be positive, but at this time we are fairly certain that this was simply a tragic accident. The experts believe that a faulty component in the SSTO’s fuel tank might have cut off the supply of fuel to the engines shortly after take off.”

The Prime Minister might have been a member of the Progressive party, but over the past few years George had come to consider the man a friend. He was a good man. When George had last spoken to him, moments before he had left for the airport, Lloyd had sounded excited at the prospect of talking to people from another star system. And now he was gone.

“Your Majesty?” The Lord Speaker spoke up after a moment. He almost sounded embarrassed. “There is… well… The people are requesting that a vote be held.”

“THEY WHAT?!” Goerge demanded, slamming his first down on his chair’s armrest. “Lloyd’s body isn’t even cold and the mob is demanding we hold elections?!” He would have spat in disgust were he in a room of a building he didn’t own.

“Demand might be a bit strong…” The Lord Speaker wisely trailed off as George scowled at him.

“Fine. Let them have their election.” George said after a moment. “And I hope it comes to bite them in the ass.”

HMNB Sentinel of the Void, Kaus Borealis System

So much had happened over the past few days that Captain Hudson was having difficulty keeping up. First a gate to locations beyond Kaus Borealis had opened, then two battling warships had traveled through it. Once that had been resolved the Prime Minister had perished in an ill-timed accident and the Crown had announced that parliamentary elections would be held in a month. It was… a lot to take in.

“Commodore Hudson,” Senny spoke to him through his quarter’s speakers, “Captain Winters reports that his ship has exhausted his supply of mines and is returning to Laurasia.” Oh, and there was that too.

Apparently given that Hudson was the commander of the station he had seniority and thus was in command of not only the Sentinel of the Void, but also the two task forces that had come to reinforce him. Thus he had received a temporary promotion to commodore. He had quickly tasked the ships to deploying mine’s around the Gate. The mines were little more than large anti-ship missiles that were left drifting about, able to activate and home in on any ship that might come blasting through the Gate. It wasn’t a long term solution to the possible threat, but it would hep buffer his defense for now.

He had also moved his two guests away from each other, physically blocking the FRA and Janissary cruisers from each other with one of his task forces. More specifically he had tasked a battleship and two destroyers to each of the cruisers and instructed them to blast first and ask questions later should either one decide it wanted to start trouble.

He had received word earlier in the day that another two task forces would be arriving soon to bolster his forces. And shortly thereafter several fleet auxiliaries would arrive to begin the expansion of Sentinel of the Void.

He had been assured that someone from the government of sufficient post to negotiate with outside powers would arrive at the station soon, but given the state of things in Arkton after the Prime Minister’s passing he had taken those assurances with a grain of salt.

“Tell Winters to grab some coffee on the way back.” Hudson said after a moment. “And none of that cheap crap either.”

“You’ve been promoted for less than two days and are already abusing your power.” Senny chided him.

“I’ll pay him back!”

“You sound stressed.” Senny commented. He was stressed. “I’ll have Winters grab a bottle of wine for you while he’s at it.”

Hudson was more than a little surprised that she had noticed. It wasn’t that she was oblivious to human emotion, quite the opposite in fact. It was just the fact that she simply tended not to care about him specifically. “Thanks Senny.”

“Hmm… I think I’ll ask him to grab two bottles for you.” Senny added after a moment. Hudson could only roll his eyes.

HMNB Sentinel of the Void, Kaus Borealis System

Being the commanding officer of an insignificant, out of the way naval base wasn’t all bad. It might be a post far away from the front lines, making promotion above the rank of captain a mere dream. It was also a far cry from the luxurious and prestigious postings of the Home Fleet. And perhaps it was an utterly dreary, uneventful post where all he was expected to do was watch an empty swath of space important only for its history. But at the very least it allowed Captain Hudson to get a full night’s sleep. Or at least that was supposed to be the case.

“Captain Hudson.” A moment’s pause. “Captain Hudson. You are needed on the command deck. Captain!”

“Whazz-it?” Still half asleep, Hudson slurred his question. He slowly began to wake up, recognizing the voice that awoke him to belong to the station’s bioroid. “Senny” Her full name was Sentinel of the Void, but she and the crew prefered to shorten it to Senny. “What could be so important to wake me up at…” He glanced at his bedside clock, “Two A.M.?”

“Sir, what I believe to be a portal has appeared. Based off the correlation between its location and that the recorded location of the orig-”

“Enough!” Hudson groaned. Senny had developed something of a practical joke streak as of late. He had allowed it to pass thus far, but perhaps it was past the point of reeling her in a bit. At this rate he wouldn’t believe her if an incident ever did occur. “I’m going back to sleep. Don’t bother me again.”

Hudson had just begun to settle back into bed when a blaring alarm shattered any hope of further sleep. He cursed as he jumped to his feet and rushed towards his desk where he had left one of his uniform tops. In the hallway outside his room he could hear Senny speaking over the station intercom. “All hands to battlestations. I repeat: all hands to battlestations. This is not a drill. Further instructions will follow shortly.”

“You were serious?!” Hudson quickly threw on his top and headed towards the door.

“I would never joke about something so important. Unknown ships have been detected.”

Thankfully the captain’s quarters were close to the command deck, thus making for a short trip. And in this sort of situation every second mattered. The door to the command deck had barely opened before Captain Hudson was calling out orders. “I need a status report!”

“All weapons are active and ready on your command” An officer calmly reported.

“One fighter has launched and the other is wai- the pilot for our second fighter has just arrived in the hangar and will be launching momentarily.” Senny reported.

“The two unidentified ships have begun firing on each other!” A second officer called out.

“Both ships appear to be comparable to our cruisers.” Senny stated. “Although they do appear to possess much greater fighter carrying capability than any of our cruisers.”

“Send out a wideband broadcast ordering both warships to stand down.” Hudson turned to his communications officer. ”Do we have any reinforcements nearby?”

“The destroyer Vampire is already burning hard towards us. It reports that it will arrive in the area in twenty minutes and its fighter complement will be here in ten.”

“It should already be in missile range.” Hudson commented.

“Aye sir, but the captain of the Vampire stated that he doesn’t want to risk drawing firing on either the station or his ship by launching missiles early if it can be avoided.”

Hudson could only grunt an acknowledgement and turn his attention to the tactical map as Senny sent out a wideband broadcast. “This is the HMNB Sentinel of the Void to all unidentified combatants: you are currently infringing on the territory of the Kingdom of Kaus Borealis. Cease all combat immediately and identify yourselves. I repeat: you are currently infringing on the territory of the Kingdom of Kaus Borealis. Cease all combat immediately and identify yourselves.

***** ***** *****

Arkton, Laurasia, Kaus Borealis System

“Can someone tell me what is going on?” Lloyd demanded. All at once the situation room quieted with the exception of a few whispered conversations between communications staff. After a moment an older gentleman wearing a naval uniform stood and turned towards Lloyd.

“Of course Mr Prime Minister” The Lord of the Admiralty answered. “It would appear that the Gate to Earth reopened five minutes ago.” He held up his hand to forestall any excited comments the Prime Minister was about to give, “and through the Gate two unidentified warships appeared and began, or perhaps simply resumed, combat. The cruiser Vampire will be in the region within the next fifteen minutes. I have already taken the liberty of ordering both the Home and Outer Rim fleets to send reinforcements to the region. We expect a task force from the Home Fleet to be on site in the next two hours.”

“Are either of the warships of human make?” The Prime Minister asked.

“That is impossible to determine at this time.”

“Ok… At this point I believe the Gate poses the greatest threat to our security.” Lloyd’s statement was answered by nods of agreement from throughout the room. He nodded himself before turning back to the Lord of the Admiralty. “We are going to have to pull some of our forces from both the Home and Outer Rim fleets.”

“Yes sir.” The Lord of the Admiralty winced. “Admiral Halsey” the admiral of the Outer Rim Fleet, “will balk at giving up more than a handful of ships, but given the situation we won’t push back too hard.”

“And he can hold out against the Swimmers with a reduced force?”

“Hold out? Certainly. But he won’t be able to push any further into Swimmer territory.”

“That’s acceptable for now.” Lloyd turned to the Minister of Finance. “We might want to plan for a further expansion of the navy.”

The Minister of Finance shook his head. “I can probably wringe an extra ten billion out of the budget, but that’s about it.”

“That’s barely enough to make one cruiser!” The Lord of the Admiralty stated. “We’ll also need to expand the facilities at the Sentinel of the Void. That alone could cost twenty billion if we were willing to forgo adding more armaments.”

“For now earmark any extra funds you can get for expanding the Sentinel of the Void.” Lloyd ordered. “I’ll bring the matter to both the Crown and the House of Commons and see if I can get a new budget passed quickly. Hopefully things won’t get too out of hand before we can get control over the situation.”
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