"Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study pokémon as a profession."
-Professor Oak.
Pokémon: A Pure White Beginning
As springtime rolls around in Pallet Town, a new batch of bright-eyed young pokémon trainers-to be are lining up outside of professor Oak's laboratory, waiting eagerly to set out on their very own pokémon adventures. The success of the latest pokémon champion, Red, has put Pallet Town on the map, and people all over Kanto are scrambling to get one of the famous professor Oak's pokédexes. Children flock to Kanto from near and far to walk in Red's footsteps, up Route 1 to Viridian city and onward into legend.
Today, you and your friends are among those waiting for the Oak lab's fabled doors to open. Whether you go back a long way or made fast friends today, you've resolved to take on the perils of the road together, as soon as you get yourselves registered in the Indigo League.
Shades of your journey awaits!
You'll get a bigger intro in the IC thread. Hello, and welcome to my little game!
This is going to be a classic, first generation pokémon journey, with each of you portraying a thirteen year-old child about to receive their pokédex and Indigo League registration. You don't need to have a character who aims to be pokémon champion; you could set out to be a great pokémon breeder, or a cook, or a ninja for all I care, but your characters will all travel Kanto as a group while taking on the gym challenge. Along the way you'll have adventures, make friends and enemies, and hopefully capture some rare pokémon. This game will take place in the Kanto region only, and all pokémon beyond the first 151 will be completely absent. You can consider this game to be set between Pokémon Red/Blue and Pokémon Gold/Silver, so very few later inventions will be available.
I will take on the heaviest burden as game master, although players are welcome to take control of NPCs and aspects of the game world as it suits their needs. Everyone should be working together toward a steady pace and an interesting adventure, so I'm trusting all players to behave. If anyone happens to end up significantly ahead of everyone else, we'll work to make sure everyone catches up. While it's great if you want to have a rivalry going on in-character, this is not supposed to be a competition between players.
As this is a role play, we'll do away with many of the more game-like elements from the games and series. There is no artificial limit to how many pokémon you can carry at once (although trainers often agree to use a limited number of pokémon in a fight) or how many moves your pokémon can learn, and your inventory size is just however much you think your character could realistically carry. Likewise, if you're in a life and death fight against Team Rocket or similar types, there's nothing preventing you throwing your entire team at them at once.
On the other hand, to keep a light-hearted feel to the game, we are going to play up the more cartoony aspects of the setting. Serious injury and death should be quite rare - getting hit by a Thunderbolt or Flamethrower isn't going to kill anyone, although it may incapacitate.
Combat is going to be handled narratively. You'll win a few, lose a few, depending on your approach and whatever's dramatically appropriate - in order to ensure that there's some risk, I'll be the ultimate arbiter of who wins what. The important part is that the fights are tense and interesting to read.
If there's ever an argument that can't be solved through in character discussion, such as who gets to capture a certain pokémon, or who gets to keep a cool item, we'll solve it in true Japanese fashion - rock, paper, scissors. You'll simply each send me a PM with a series of plays - say, ten - which will be compared to one another, in order, with the winner being the first play that isn't a tie.
Last but not least, I too will be playing a character in this game, although I will wait to make it until the rest of the party is finished, so I can be sure he won't step on anyone else's toes. I'm looking for three to four other players for this game.
You're welcome to ask questions and post interest with or without a filled out character sheet.