Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Prof! This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study pokémon as a profession."
-Professor Oak.

Pokémon: A Pure White Beginning

As springtime rolls around in Pallet Town, a new batch of bright-eyed young pokémon trainers-to be are lining up outside of professor Oak's laboratory, waiting eagerly to set out on their very own pokémon adventures. The success of the latest pokémon champion, Red, has put Pallet Town on the map, and people all over Kanto are scrambling to get one of the famous professor Oak's pokédexes. Children flock to Kanto from near and far to walk in Red's footsteps, up Route 1 to Viridian city and onward into legend.

Today, you and your friends are among those waiting for the Oak lab's fabled doors to open. Whether you go back a long way or made fast friends today, you've resolved to take on the perils of the road together, as soon as you get yourselves registered in the Indigo League.

Shades of your journey awaits!

You'll get a bigger intro in the IC thread. Hello, and welcome to my little game!

This is going to be a classic, first generation pokémon journey, with each of you portraying a thirteen year-old child about to receive their pokédex and Indigo League registration. You don't need to have a character who aims to be pokémon champion; you could set out to be a great pokémon breeder, or a cook, or a ninja for all I care, but your characters will all travel Kanto as a group while taking on the gym challenge. Along the way you'll have adventures, make friends and enemies, and hopefully capture some rare pokémon. This game will take place in the Kanto region only, and all pokémon beyond the first 151 will be completely absent. You can consider this game to be set between Pokémon Red/Blue and Pokémon Gold/Silver, so very few later inventions will be available.

I will take on the heaviest burden as game master, although players are welcome to take control of NPCs and aspects of the game world as it suits their needs. Everyone should be working together toward a steady pace and an interesting adventure, so I'm trusting all players to behave. If anyone happens to end up significantly ahead of everyone else, we'll work to make sure everyone catches up. While it's great if you want to have a rivalry going on in-character, this is not supposed to be a competition between players.

As this is a role play, we'll do away with many of the more game-like elements from the games and series. There is no artificial limit to how many pokémon you can carry at once (although trainers often agree to use a limited number of pokémon in a fight) or how many moves your pokémon can learn, and your inventory size is just however much you think your character could realistically carry. Likewise, if you're in a life and death fight against Team Rocket or similar types, there's nothing preventing you throwing your entire team at them at once.

On the other hand, to keep a light-hearted feel to the game, we are going to play up the more cartoony aspects of the setting. Serious injury and death should be quite rare - getting hit by a Thunderbolt or Flamethrower isn't going to kill anyone, although it may incapacitate.

Combat is going to be handled narratively. You'll win a few, lose a few, depending on your approach and whatever's dramatically appropriate - in order to ensure that there's some risk, I'll be the ultimate arbiter of who wins what. The important part is that the fights are tense and interesting to read.

If there's ever an argument that can't be solved through in character discussion, such as who gets to capture a certain pokémon, or who gets to keep a cool item, we'll solve it in true Japanese fashion - rock, paper, scissors. You'll simply each send me a PM with a series of plays - say, ten - which will be compared to one another, in order, with the winner being the first play that isn't a tie.

Last but not least, I too will be playing a character in this game, although I will wait to make it until the rest of the party is finished, so I can be sure he won't step on anyone else's toes. I'm looking for three to four other players for this game.

You're welcome to ask questions and post interest with or without a filled out character sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Peter Aleny

Age: 13

Trainer Class: Youngster

Physical Description:
Peter is a tall and lanky young boy, standing at 5'9" and weighing around 150 pounds. He has a shock of brown hair that hangs over his face almost totally unkempt and muddy brown eyes that flit from object to object rapidly. He is rarely ever still, always turning or twitching or scratching his head. His skin is tanned and rough from many hours running around outside, and his wardrobe is confined almost entirely to ratty t-shirts, worn down jeans with holes in the knees, and sneakers that are halfway to falling apart.

Peter is energetic, friendly, and excitable. He's very easygoing and rarely hard to get along with, though he does get bored quite easily and is prone to occasionally stupid behavior in the name of excitement. Beneath all that, however, is a young man with a deep sense of responsibility and an enormous amount of loyalty to his friends and family, who'll almost never hesitate to help a friend or a stranger who needs it. On his pokemon journey, he's mainly looking for adventure and new experiences, though there's a not insignificant part of him that feels pressured to be seeking his fortune as well, as he knows that one of the main reasons his father sent him on this journey was so that he could have a better life than his family did.

Peter was born in Cerulean city, raised by a single father who made a living as a fisherman. The boy spent most of his days helping his father with his work or running around having misadventures around town. Peter's father was a kind man, but very poor, and the family spent their life in humble circumstances; however, the father always dreamed of a better life for his son. Therefore, after saving for a full year, Peter's father was able to afford to purchase a Pokemon for the boy from a passing ship, which he presented to Peter on his thirteenth birthday. In addition, he had exchanged a few letters with the famous Professor Oak of Pallet Town, who had agreed to provide the young man with a Pokedex. So it was that Peter set out from his home with only his few possessions and his new Nidoran to keep him company, hoping to make his mark on the world.

Pokémon: A Nidoran (male) that he's named Darius, which knows Leer and Peck.

Inventory: 400 Pokebucks, a potion, and a slightly melty candy bar.

PC Stash: His entire life savings - 1200 Pokebucks. Woooo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wooooo, let's do this
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Name: Lily

Age: 13

Trainer Class: Aroma Lady

Physical Description:
Lily is a fresh faced young girl with a petite frame. She is 5'0'' and weighs around 97 pounds. She has dewy skin, rosy cheeks and large deep green eyes. Above her lips she has a tiny mole. Her hair is a dark brown color and she wears it long, it falls in waves down her shoulders and back. Usually she tucks a strand behind her ear, to keep it away from her face. She often has a dreamy look on her face accompanied by a peaceful smile.

As far as clothes are concerned she favors girly things, mostly in pastel colors. It depends if she's working in the garden or at her mother's flower stall. When working in the garden she wears a pair of denim dungarees and a simple t-shirt with comfortable shoes. Going about her normal day she can usually be seen in an off the shoulder top and a long flowy skirt with a pair of sandals. A few fresh flower are woven into her hair as an accessory.

Lily is a sweet and kind girl with a very caring nature. She likes to get along with everyone and can’t stand arguing or fighting which makes her feel sick to the stomach. The young girl struggles a great deal with feelings of insecurity and a lack of faith in her own capabilities. Her two older brothers have always been very protective of her, sticking up for her whenever they needed to. Lily wants to show her brothers as well as herself that she can accomplish something on her own, without anyone’s help. She dreams of becoming a pokemon nurse, using herbal medicine and aromatherapy to help traumatized pokemon. On her pokemon journey she wants to see the other cities, make new friends and capture more grass pokemon as they are her favorite type.

Lily grew up in Viridian City, raised by loving parents who both had busy jobs in the bustling metropolis of Saffron City. The young girl spent most of her days going with her mother to her work or in the backyard of their house. Lily always loved the forest that sat next to their city but she was never allowed to go alone, so whenever she wanted to go her brothers would always go with her. They would spend hours in the forest, watching the pokemon in their natural environment. The weaker pokemon often got attacked by the larger ones, sometimes she would take a sick pokemon home with her to nurse it back to health.

When she became thirteen she asked her parents if she could go on her first pokemon journey. Her brothers were very much against the idea but ultimately it was her mother who convinced them their little sister was not so little anymore. There was much more to her than they knew, more than even Lily herself knew. Lily’s mother knew her daughter had the talent, she just needed to believe in herself. This journey would be the right thing for her. After a couple of back and forth letters Lily’s father managed to make an appointment with Professor Oak. The next day Lily was on her way to Pallet town with her trusty Tangela right by her side.


  • Heal Powder 1x
  • Energy Powder 1x
  • Revival herb 1x
  • ₽ 1000

PC Stash:
  • ₽ 2000
  • Leaf stone

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Here's mine. Tell me if I have to change anything. Currently working on reworking.

Name: Stephen Nevet

Age: 13

Trainer Class: Bird keeper

Physical Description: Stephen is a reasonably short (150 cm) and rather light mischievous looking young boy with an almost literal bird’s nest of brown hair and bright green eyes. His face is somewhat average, neither round nor thin, and his facial features are somewhat small. He can sport an assortment of shirts and pants, and sometimes jackets, though he normally goes without the jacket as he dislikes sleeves. What really sets him apart from others is his thick bird keeping glove and his Spearow which often sits on his head. He is pretty much never seen without one of the 2, if not both. He normally has a neutral expression and is often lost in thought. But sometimes he breaks out in a mischievous grin, often when he’s about to do something someone told him not to do.

Personality: Outwardly, Stephen seems to be quiet and docile child. He's certainly quiet but he's by no means docile. He talks little but when he does, he is quite blunt. He's also very curious, often to a fault. He's the kind of person who touches things to see what happens. Those close to him see him as quite reckless as he often explores his curiosity without regard for others, but this isn't the case. Stephen has never been alone since the day he was born and he was always surrounded and taken care of by strong pokemon. In the presence of those he trusts he acts recklessly because he feels that they will be able to take care of him should something go wrong. His faith in those he trusts is unshakable but he has trouble trusting those who don't open up to him, those he doesn't know, and is withdrawn around people he doesn't like. He does trust rather easily but isn't exactly stupid and only truly trusts people he really likes. Should he be found anywhere without someone like that around, one would find that he would almost be a different person. To Stephen, friends are like siblings and he easily gets along with people he likes, everyone else is viewed neutrally. As a general rule of thumb, if he's talking to you he's taken a liking to you.

Background: Stephen is the child of a free-flying bird keeper and a quiet pokemon breeder who sought to leave the hustle of Saffron city. They married and moved to the much quieter Pallet town so they could “spread their wings”, so to speak. Because of their love of pokemon, Stephen was raised with pokemon as his siblings. He had a plethora of smaller siblings, a direct result his mother’s zeal in breeding pokemon. He didn’t have many older siblings, however, because they were his father’s pokemon from his own trainer journey. As a young child, Stephen was naturally inquisitive but quiet, a fairly dangerous mix. But Stephen had a minder by his side, his trusty spearow Jim. They were quite a dynamic duo getting into trouble neither could get into without the other. This changed a little bit when Stephen met Wynne. One day, while he was playing with Jim on the outskirts of Pallet town he met a young(er) Wynne who had become lost. After guiding her back home they found that they were neighbors, even if Wynne was only there every summer. They became friends and got into shenanigans together, though it was usually Stephen getting them into shenanigans and Wynne usually scolded him for it. Those were the best times of Stephen's childhood as he had few human friends on account of making little effort to reach out. This situation changed in Stephen's 12th Summer. Wynne had become much colder and had put some distance between them. She obsessed over being more mature, and Stephen wasn't entirely sure why. He still considered her his best human friend, as close to him as an older sister. Her actions confused him but he knew that the Wynne he knew was still present. With Stephen turning 13 he was prompted by his parents to start his pokemon journey. He agreed. However, he wanted to go with Wynne so he opted to get a pokedex from professor oak first and follow her so that they could get into shenanigans like they used to.

Pokémon: Jim the spearow. The result of his parent’s spearow warming up to each other, Jim was born at the same time Stephen was born. They grew up together and Jim likes to think of himself as Stephen’s big brother, even though he’s prone to the same tendencies as Stephen is.

Inventory: 2 Oran berries and a packed lunch. 1 normal pokeball he got for his birthday which he considers lucky. 1000 pokedollars and a bag of basic camping gear, and clothes.

PC Stash: None
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RenegadeRunaway
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here's my character! I imagine if/when our sheets are approved, we'll post them in the character sheet section?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

We've got some pretty great characters so far. Good balance of personalities and concepts, none too outlandish and all of them distinct. Exactly what I was hoping for.

Now, I have a million things to do and probably won't have time to kick this game off today, but with any luck I'll at least be able to add my own character sheet to the mix. If there are more prospective players who want to apply, I won't stop you, although we already have more than enough good characters to get started. If your sheets are anything like those we already have, it'll be a tough decision.

Everyone's inventory so far is approved, although you may want to give yourselves a little more cash. Red starts the game with ₽2000 and a potion, if I recall correctly. We'll be using the in-game prices for items (as well as having pokéballs be one-use), so you may need the money. As for items that don't have prices in the game, well... we'll work it out.

EDIT: Found my old game and checked. You start with 3000 and a potion.

EDIT 2: I am somewhat worried about the party chemistry the way things are turning out, though. We've got one character who'll inevitably look down on everyone else, one who'll run off and do obviously self-destructive things without considering others, and one who hates conflict. It seems like you're set up to hate one another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xeron
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Xeron Your Local Edge Lord.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Is it too late to apply yet? If not I am interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Xeron I'm guessing not, though it'll be tough to get in, I think.
I'm currently drawing the character I have in mind. Hoping I get in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's not too late. I'll announce the final party when recruitment closes - I don't quite have time to start the game proper at the moment, and I want some time to discuss people's characters before then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Maxwell Alrighty!

PS - Did you see my post in the int. check?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just saw it. I'll post my answer here instead, so everyone can see it:

The exact types and moves of your pokémon don't matter all that much. Fights will be handled narratively, and we'll simply assume that type advantages play a part in fights regardless. The point of this game is the adventure itself, and the only thing that's important about the battles is that they're interesting to read. Thanks for bringing it up, though - it's always good to have as much clarification done as possible before the game.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Maxwell Thanks for clearing that up! And yeah, of course the adventure before all else, but I wanted to make sure. O v O b
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Oh this is so exciting ^.^

Edit: I didn't see your edit there, sorry. I think you're referring to Lily in that. She just has a hard time seeing people argue, she won't really hate them for it. She's too sweet to hold a grudge. But it's good to discuss these kinds of things. Obviously I can make some changes if I need to, the chemistry between the characters is pretty important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xeron
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Xeron Your Local Edge Lord.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Blais (Blaze) Hornfild

Age: 13

Trainer Class: Psychic (Novice)

Physical Description: Blais is a short boy standing at 5’4 and thin weighing at a slightly below average 112 pounds. Hair is black with a strip of blonde running through the bangs; the length being long and shaggy always dangling in his face. He has one ear pierced and often wears a necklace with a purplish-pink gem (Looks like the one on an Espeons forehead.). His clothes consists of an oversized, plain, black long sleeve shirt that falls over his hands so he usually keeps the sleeves rolled up, and light lavender cargo shorts that fall over his knees. Along with his attire he wears a belt to hold the pokeballs as well as a bag that is strung over his left shoulder and down to his right hip that is the colour of an off white with the buttons and stitching being the same shade of lavender as his bottoms. Sporting black shoes with purple laces to finish off his quirky look.

Personality: Blais often tries to appear much tougher than he actually is. He walks around with his head held high and a smirk on his face trying to be mysterious but in actuality he is a total klutz tripping over his own feet and words. Thinking ahead when in battle is is forte, keeping his mind clear and keeping his own moves three steps forward, though this causes him to have his head in his clouds of thought and not really focused on the present. Though his intentions are good, he is also has a round about way of addressing situations and people merely droning on and on but not really getting to the point of what he is trying to say. He claims it will add to mysterious facade he is trying to uphold but in the end it makes him a little awkward to be around. Despite his quirks he is genuinely nice and attempts to befriend those he meets in hopes that they do not look at him any differently because of him being a psychic. Setting out on the journey he hopes that as time goes on he can hone in on these weak telekinetic powers he has. He does not show them off as they more happen on accident depending on his emotional state nor does he hide them. Just merely he is more so embarrassed that at his age he cannot control them yet. With hopes that this will help him, he keeps a positive attitude all while trying to be level headed and not let his optimism take off.

Background: A family who resides in Lavender town, Blais did not have many friends because the town was always so desolate beyond the adults and older people who resided there. His father is also a psychic along with his older brother. He was close to his family until his brother progression of channeling was rapid and set expectations that Blais could not meet. This caused his relationship with them to be strained. His brother left for his journey when Blais was eight mending the relationship he had with his father slowly but surely. Even though his father expected Blais to be just as quick as his brother, his mother was always there to support him and told him to grow at his own pace. Talking to both his parents about leaving, his father tried to talk Blais from doing such a thing as his powers were still unpredictable, but his mother convinced them both otherwise and Blais set out for Pallet town.

Pokémon: Ghastly: Celtic (Kel-tick) - Celtic is a playful prankster like pokemon who brings out Blais’s true colours. Though Celtic is also looking out for Blais who is, by nature, very klutzy. They became friends in the Pokemon Tower and Celtic was the only thing Blais considered to be his friend when living there.

Inventory: -Lucky Charm
-200 Pokedollars
-Water bottle
-Old rod (Inherited from his older brother.)
-Camping bag

PC Stash: -500 Pokedollars.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amy
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Amy Twelve years and four psychiatrists

Member Seen 6 days ago

I hope it's alright that I'm making a CS as well! I'll be out for a bit, but I should have it done by today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I've edited my characters inventory to be a little more extensive, but he's still on the poor side. As far as Peter's personality, 'doing stupid stuff with no regard for anyone else' isn't really the vibe I meant to set out - he cares a lot about other people, he's just not the brightest and prone to impulsive decisions (my hope is that since this is a cartoony setting, we're in a world where being impulsive is a trait of a likeable rascal, not something likely to get everyone killed :P ).

Of course, the choice is up to you, so I can fix it if you really don't see it working. As it stands, I don't see these characters as being unable to get along; there might be some friction, but nothing that would make cooperation or adventure impossible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No complaints from me! The only people who suffer are the ones who don't make it in.

Well, I might feel a little bad about having to discard a perfectly good character, which it looks like I'll have to do regardless.

EDIT: Actually, that edit was so big I want to alert people to it. I'll make it a new post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maxwell
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Maxwell Dumber than Advertised

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Made it a new post. This is my thread, I can double-post if I want to.

@TheWizardLizard Actually, I was talking about The Evil One's character. His sheet specifically says he might poke a beedrill nest just because, especially if someone tells him not to.

@dreamingflowers Ultimately, I don't think your character is the problem here. I'm worried that Lord of Evil and RenegadeRunaway's characters will risk alienating others through antisocial behaviour. BUT that's just a suspicion on my part. I'm mentioning it here because I'm hoping the two of them will explain to me either how I'm misinterpreting their sheets, or how they plan to develop their characters to avoid these problems.

It's fine to have tensions in a group, but when characters don't want to interact with each other, role plays die. If you are hoping to, for example, play the brooding loner type who slowly opens up to the people around her, that usually only works if the other characters constantly take the initiative and approach her, no matter if she turns them away. In my experience, what usually happens is that characters start ignoring the loner and interact with characters who are more fun to be around.

I'm sure you've seen this sort of thing happen in real life.

Now, this sort of thing could still work if the loner quickly realizes she doesn't want to be ignored and alone and essentially comes crawling back to the rest of the group, or if you get together OOC and plan out how the character will be integrated into the party - but it gets very, very difficult if you just do it and hope the other players will catch on to your idea on their own.

@RenegadeRunaway I especially want to know what you're planning. I actually really like the thought of having an aggressive and driven character in the game. I just want to make sure she doesn't scare everyone else off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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@TheWizardLizard Actually, I was talking about The Evil One's character. His sheet specifically says he might poke a beedrill nest just because, especially if someone tells him not to.

Oh, oops. Missed that.

Well... nevermind, then. :P
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