Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Superman
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Superman The Man of Steel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name: Cedran Sterban

Age: Appears 23

Race: Demon

Inherent Ability: Demonic Rage

Acquired Abilities: Undead Army: Cedran has the power to communicate with the dead, and therefore can call on the spirits to aid him to battle, assuring them that their souls will be brought to the other side afterwards. Whether he calls forth skeletons, spirits, or the recently dead, Cedran can call forth whatever is in the surrounding area (within about 100 ft give or take). These last until destroyed or when he sends them back, once the battle is over.

Soul Harvest: When an enemy is close to death, or dies, can consume the dying soul and absorb it. This stimulates his healing factor, regains energy, and gives a slight temporary boost to his power.

Cheating death: Cedran has a healing factor, able to shrug off minor wounds shortly. The more Major the wounds, the longer it takes, and he can still be killed. It's just slightly harder, although he's not going to shrug off a hole in the stomach or a lost limb very easily.


Personality: Arrogant, cocky, an asshole. Cedran is all these things, and he's a bit headstrong as well. He's full of pride, always has to be the best, and won't back down from a fight. Being the under dog for the good part of his life, he has taking his losses and refuses to lose at anything else. He likes to work alone if he can, as he is independent and reluctant to rely on others. However, if he has to, he would choose to either lead them or act as equals. Nobody tells him what to do.

History: Cedran doesn't like to talk about his childhood, so that part we can skip for now. For the past few years, Cedran has been simply roaming around, being a vigilante of sorts as he kills wanted individuals from town to town. With his skill in fighting and abilities, he has killed numerous murderers, putting the souls of those slaughtered by the individual to rest. Between the bounty he makes, the souls he helps, and the pure joy of the hunt, it's a pretty sweet deal. He can be seen as a chaotic neutral at best, although he tends to do good things he's out for himself most of the time and will do things any way they have to be (even if it's morally questionable).

Cedran was on his way to another town when a large group of damned souls called out to him, in a place known as Blackwood. Something seemed strange about the place, although he heard it was no more than a dangerous forest. Curious, and since it was on his way, he decided to venture out to Blackwood and investigate a bit. Who knows, maybe it'd be worth the short trip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grnmachine
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Grnmachine That guy who takes things a bit too seriously

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Denryr Cyr (Pronunciation: Den-rear Kur ("Kur" like the "cr" in crystal))

Gender: (You should probably add this) Male

Age: 24

Race: Centaur

Equipment: (You should probably add this too) Clothes, a sack filled with a few days' worth of food, a waterskin, a spear roughly as tall as himself, and a round shield.

Inherent Ability: Swiftness

Acquired Abilities:

Nexus: Being a link between man and beast, Denryr has taught himself to learn from various animals, as well as communicate with them. However, communicating is usually very basic words and terms, and Denryr cannot force the animals to share their knowledge. Currently, he has learned from a hummingbird how to stop on a dime, even while sprinting, and from a group of frogs, how to leap into the air the height of a small tree.

Reserved: To be determined later

Reserved: To be determined later


Personality: Denryr is cautious, suspicious, and is slow to trust. He doesnt easily get along with others, so he's usually alone, which is fine by him. He always doubles and triple checks his plans, being sure to examine every exploitable point in his plan and minimize the risk.

History: Denryr lived in Blackwood most of his life, avoiding the three kingdoms. He served as a messenger for the few remaining elves and druids in the forests. His parents died of an illness when he was young, and Denryr was forced to work by himself. Paranoid of everything, he began taking extra, almost unnecessary precautions with his messages. Thankfully, while his paranoia subsided, his caution became a prominent personality trait with almost everything he does.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Amelise Tharem (Unamia ‘The Death Bringer’)
Age: In her mortal form, she appears to be in her mid to-late 20s.
Race: Elf/Dragon (Guardian)

Inherited Abilities:

Elf Form: Shadow Jumping

Dragon Form:
-Death Fog:Like all dragons, Unamia has a special breath ability. Unlike most dragons, however, who typically breathe fire, Unamia's breath is different. Death Fog is an ability given to Unamia by the God of the Abyss himself. A noxious fume flows from Unamia's jaws, coating yards of enemies in a sheen of fumes toxic enough to kill.

-Banshee Cry: The Banshee Cry is a sound no one wants to hear. Although Unamia can direct it toward an enemy, the cry itself causes one's blood to run cold, and those in its path soon find themselves lost in madness.

Acquired Abilities:
-Shadow Warrior: Not quite foolish enough to go completely un-armed in mortal form, she does much prefer hand to hand close-quarters combat. While she cannot always overpower her opponent with brute force, she can typically use her speed and agility to out-maneuver them. Her weapons of choice, when armed, are a flexible enchanted staff and short dagger.

-Spirit Perception: All of Unamia senses are heighted compared to those of normal mortals. She can see as clearly in the dark as on the brightest day, and hear the sound of a falling stone in the midst of a crowded market.
-Spirit Consumption: Wandering spirits cover the earth now, and Unamia is able to tap in, or consume their essence. With every nearby death friend of enemy, she grows stronger, faster, and even heals rapidly in the midst of a battlefield.


Personality: Unlike most of her elders, Unamia does not have the patience or wisdom one would associate with living for millennia. She retains a rather youthful demeanor; good humor offset by her own pride, vanity, and quick temper. The resentment she once held for mortals has mostly faded, to be replaced with a sort of amusement; a similar regard most would have towards kittens or small children. Despite the restrictions to using her dragon form she enjoys her time on the mortal plane for its newness and constant change: She adores excitement in all forms and can even be optimistic when things don’t go according to plan; granted something hasn’t come about to raise her temper.

History: Unamia is the second the carry the name ‘Death Bringer’. The first was her own mother, Desrem who had the title for a very different reason. Desrem did Ral’s purpose; she led the dead to the afterlife, but was killed in the early days of the great purge. Despite orders and many advising against it, the mere centuries old Unamia went on a rampage of vengeance in Darrodell. The destruction and havoc she caused play its own role in helping old king persuade the other kingdoms to join him in the purge, thus leading to more deaths of her kind; a great many of which where Ral’s remaining guardians. An injury severe enough to force Unamia to sleep for several years saved her from the final purges. Upon wakening, Ral bestowed her mother’s title on her and she became his chosen guardian until there came a time the dragon lords could return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 12 days ago

Name: Mikael (Dragneel, the Life Bringer)

Age: Has multiple forms, most common is a 12 year old boy or a 16 year old boy.

Race: Human

Inherent Ability: Strength of Will

Acquired Abilities: The Angel of Light: Mikael has a unique ability to take on many different forms instead of one and appear to people as an 'Angel' who escorts them into the God of the Heaven's domain. Mikael must keep physical contact with the person or persons being guided and no Evil or Darkness can come near. With this ability he is also able to cast out dark emotions from individuals. In battle when soldiers die around him Mikael can call upon those dead spirits to protect him from harm, the sprits appearing as Golden versions of their old form. The Spirits only attack those that attack first, and will never kill purposefully, this ability also consecrates the bodies of the slain and prevents the dead from being raised by a Demon or Necromancer as the bodies are Holy and claimed by Arvas. Mikael must physically touch each body in order to properly Consecrate them and send them on their Heavenly journey.

Song of the Heavens: Mikael's singing voice is something marveled at for it is so pure and magical. All those that fight with Mikael will feel empowered by the Heavens and will heal minor wounds, rejuvenate exhaustion, and boost morale greatly. Mikael must continue singing in order for it to continue working and must stay in human form, which in a battle could be dangerous.

Bastion of Arvas: Mikael is able to craft, and project powerful Holy Shields with his mind around allies, while if placed on an enemy will assail them with guilt over their actions and force them to begin repenting to Mikael and Arvas himself. The shield is directly linked to Mikael's strength and will last until Mikael loses his energy or e places it on someone else. He can also split the shield any number of different ways though additional Shield cost more to use. When Shielding Mikael -MUST- be in Dragon Form.


Personality: Mikael had two different personality modes, when he's around those he counts as friends he's very relaxed and down to earth with a 'wise, but really cool' type of attitude. He can't stand anything having to do with the Darker Arts and also tries his best to eradicate human suffering, having a soft spot for the hardy race. When he's on a mission he becomes a robot almost, his personality hidden under a sense of duty and chivalry. He is a literal White Knight and as a small boy walks from town to town rewarding those who are kind and forcing redemption upon the evildoers. He has a deep love of the innocent and will do absolutely anything to protect them. In battle there is no one else one wants by your side as Mikael is a master of protective charms, and auras that bolster his allies and hinder his enemies.

History: Not much is known except that when he was sent to the mortal plane before the Purge, a sudden influx of 'good' deeds became a little more popular, Mikael real name is a closely guarded secret and he instead focused on using many different human forms to spread Arvas's love and grace. He appears most often to the dying and sick, his comforting presence making their journey to the heavens easy and relaxing. He also has been reported of healing terrible sicknesses and diseases, once even eliminating an entire plague from a town, and saving thousands...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Denrig of the Clan Durdar, The common tongue translate of his clan name is Battle-bolt

Age: 48

Race: Dwarf

Inherent Ability: Mettle and Stone

Acquired Abilities:
Strength of the Ancestors- The dwarves are an ancient people who value adherence to tradition and paying homage to great deeds and heroes as a cornerstone of leading an honourable life. All dwarves also aspire to live up to and surpass these great deeds. To earn the respect of their forefathers so that when they fade from this world and their bodies return to the foundation of their mountain homes, they can take their place in the honoured halls of the gods. And their families will vouch for them before the Gates of the next world and be the first to raise a toast in their name when they are ushered inside and offered a place at one of the great tables.

These ancestors are always watching over their descendent. Sometimes giving them subtle guidance and aid in moments of indecision and distress. But when the time calls for truly heroic action, sometimes a truly inspired battle roar can catch the ear and rekindle the flame in a departed warrior's heart even from beyond the mortal world. Or an ancestor is unwilling to see one of his family die an unnecessary death when there is still so much left they need to complete. These Roused souls will lend their abilities to their kin. Granting him the fortitude and strength of that long dead hero of old, for a short time.

But these favours cannot be invoked often. For the Dwarven gods insist that all dwarves must face their trails to the best of 'their' ability. And face hardship with stoicism and courage. Even if that hardship is overwhelming in scale and could lead to that dwarf's death if he fails.

To say nothing of the draining effect it has on the recipient's strength once the ordeal is over. It is not a request that can be made, or given lightly. It is rare that the gods give their blessing for such a boon unless the situation is truly one of grave importance.

Heart of the Mountain- Few things in this world are as tough or stubborn as a dwarf. They have a natural constitution and level of endurance that keeps them remarkably healthy and resistant to all manner of disease and toxins. While allowing them to undertake physical labour or hours on end at a steady, unyielding pace that would have most other races gasping on their knees and groaning at the soreness of their abused joints.

dwarves have also been known to take blows that would wind or completely knock out more frail creatures with not but an angry grunt and buckled knee and a red glob of blood spit back onto the offenders feet.

Runic Lore- Runes are more than just a script for the dwarves. More than just a written language. Certain Runes can have ancient and mystical meanings. Back in the days of magic there were dwarves known as rune-smiths Often venerable people who spent centuries perfecting their craft and were considered paragon's of Dwarven society for being able to understand, impart and carve the flawless symbols of power and protection that can be seen throughout a Dwarven hold. From the impregnable entrance gates of their mountains or lining the edges of their weapons and armour.

Even though the runesmithing of such ancient and powerful magnitude is a nearly lost art to the world. The runes themselves still carry great sentimental meaning to the Dwarven people. And they still often adorn their persons and possessions with such symbols. And while the magic is thought to have been long faded and unable to grant the boons they were once famous for, Some dwarves still swear that imparting runes on their possessions still works. That an axe marked with runes of war is sharper and less likely to brake than one marked without, that marked armour will not buckle as easily or will those with unmarked flesh be as wise or lucky as those who show their honour and support for the heritage of their forbears.

Denrig has several such runes adorning his person. Mostly carved into the leather of his armour but a choice tattoo on his chest, to those very few who might be passingly familiar with the secretive symbols. Would see a small intertwined


Personality: Amongst his own kin, Denrig is as loud and gregarious a character as any good dwarf. Amongst the humans and other races he is far more guarded. He is more than willing to have a good drink or a hearty meal and launch himself into a song or tale. But there isn't enough ale in all the kingdoms that would loosen his lips when it comes to details about the Dwarven strongholds. Where they are, their levels of wealth, etc. The human's unpredictable and often violent tendencies have made the dwarves quite distrustful of them since the days of the purge. And Denrig is loathe to reveal anything that may spur the humans greed and lust for war further.

All in all he is a kind dwarf. He holds himself to high standards of honour as he believes would make his ancestors proud. And his smiles and laughter can easily turn into growls of barely restrained rage towards those that would carelessly lob insults towards those same ancestors or the Dwarven people in general.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LPFan
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LPFan Linkin Park Soldier

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Fredrick Stonehorn

Age: 31

Race: Human

Inherent Ability: Toughness

Acquired Abilities:
Weapons Training: Fredrick has been training with weapons ever since he was a child. The years of training with the sword, axe and mace allow him to react quickly to enemy attacks as well as perform all kinds of moves with his weapons. He mostly prefers swords and he is usually seen carrying two of them.

Adrenaline Rush: When in combat, Fredrick's adrenaline levels can go up. The more he will fight the higher will his adrenaline level rise, basically giving him the ability to ignore pain, strike faster and with more force. The downside of this however is that the end of the fight will leave him very exhausted.

Survivalist: All the years Fredrick spent with his father in the mountains and in the wild have forced him to develop resistances to elements like cold and heat, to hunt in order to survive, or what plants to eat when animals are scarce and even to extract poisons or toxins from animals and plants and use them on his weapons.


Personality: Despite appearances, Fredrick is a kind, loyal, helpful and generous man. He only gives respect to those that deserve it and hates those who demand it. He is stubborn, has problems trusting strangers and rarely forgives someone that did him wrong. He lives and breaths for combat and he never hesitates to fight even if the chances are against him. For him walking away from a battle is never an option. His biggest desire is to make sure he dies a warrior's death, which means fighting with a sword in his hands. Other then that he's satisfied with whatever life offers him. He has a strong dislike for bows as well as for those that use them and although he recognizes their utility and only uses them when hunting, he believes that only cowards stay away and fight from a distance.

History: Fredrick is the son of a retired soldier. After his mother died in misterious circumstances his father left the farm he owned to someone else and moved in the mountains where he constructed a house for him and his son and together they lived off the land. Fredrick learned from his father how to use various weapons that was provided to him. One day his father came from a hunt, badly wounded, saying that he was attacked by a wild animal while he was aiming at his target. One hour later he succumbed to his wounds. Sad and disheartened, Fredrick buried his father, took two swords and a dagger, as well as a waterskin and a side bag with food, gold and a sharpening stone for his weapons and decided to hit the road, becoming a wonderer and traveler. That was 6 years ago and to this day he is still wondering through the land.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerith of Brae

Aerith of Brae Writer and mother

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kynna of the Heavens

Name: Kynna Brilene

Age: She appears around the age of 18, though she doesn't know for sure.

Race: Human

Inherent Ability: Toughness.

Acquired Abilities:

Healing: Kynna is able to heal with just a touch of her hand and pure will. Though this leaves her weakened when healing a large or otherwise deadly wound, and she is unable to heal anyone too close to death.

Intuitioni] Kynna has very strong intuition. These will eventually lead up to occasional visions, but the intuition on things is still stronger. This intuition is her driving force, and she's always pulled to where she needs to go. Unfortunately for Kynna, she doesn't yet realize this is an actual gift.

Heaven Song: Arvas has bestowed upon his daughter a very unique gift. Because of her hatred for taking life, Kynna is able to change the mood of those around her. (She will be unaware of this for a while). By playing a flute, she is able to calm the very souls of people and spirits. Although, if a sad tune is played, they become saddened, just as a shrill sound might cause severe pain.


Personality: Kynna is a quiet young woman with a gentle nature about her. Soft-hearted, she cares deeply for those she considers her friends and is willing to risk her life to help them. She can't bare the thought of taking life, and for this reason, she does not kill for her food.

History: Not much is known about Kynna, even to herself. All she knows is that she woke one day in the middle of a field when she was very young. At the age of sixteen, her adoptive father was badly injured by bandits. She healed him. She has been on the run since the discovery of her magic, and has finally entered the Blackwood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Halen Vayne-Claymore
Age: 79 (around 26 in his half elven life span years)
Race: Half-Elf

Inherent Ability: Toughness.

Acquired Abilities:

Cryomancy- One one of Halen's more dangerous bounties, he found himself on the trail of a Frost Drake. The long trek through the icy mountains and the eventual battle with the fearsome creature left Halen injured and half-dead. He was only able to survive the night by eating the meat of the drake (inlcuding its heart) this granted him the magical ability to comprehend and wield ice magic on an intermediate level. He could easily have been a master in his long life but doesn't often practice magic as he prefers to rely on his martial skills.

Master Hunter- Halen is still a hunter and carries many tools and traps to catch any animal and most beasts, this includes nets, poisons, rope, snares, and bait. Halen has been hunting beasts for nearly 60 years and has basically killed or captured every mythological, rare or dangerous creature you can think of which has given him an encyclopedia style knowledge on all living things and how to handle them.

World Weary-
Because of his mixed blood and exile, Halen has never really fit into any particular community for very long, and his hunting career forces him to travel the world and interact with all sorts of people. This has given him a very good understanding of politics, current events and world history. He is able to communicate in many different foreign tounges because of his knowledge. He can speak, Human, Elven, Demontongue, and Orcish fluently, and can speak a little Dwarven too. (but his accent is terrible)

Personality: Halen's viciously tough life has shaped him many times. Born with resentment in his heart and always touted as an outcast he learned very early that he would have to look out for himself. Also in his storied career as a beast hunter has made him somewhat animal like in nature, being very in-tune with his natural surrounding and having to think like a beast to track them. Recently though he has found relative peace in his heart since getting married to his new wife
whose name he took proudly. So as a husband who is now thinking of starting a family he carries himself in a more respectful and humble manner although the nasiter sides of his personality will rear their head occasionally.

History: Halen was born in land (or realm) much different to the one he currently finds himself in. He is the illegitimate offspring of an Elven Queen mother and a Beserker Human Father. The circumstances of his conception are widely known to be rape (when the beserker came and attacked the kingdom). The Queen decided to keep the child and give birth to half elf boy who the kingdom hated, not just for his human blood (humans were forbidden from the realm) but for the horrible event which his very existence represented. Because of this his mother was forced to exile him and her first son and Halen's older brother Redswift (who was meant to be king) Decided to leave in disgust of the elven kingdom's politics and find his own way and maybe also reunite with his brother. Halen had a long and storied career after being outcasted that cant be covered here but he became a very famous and powerful beast hunter and occasional mercenary and was able to come to terms with his half elven heritage and once meeting his also Half Elven wife Malorie he decided to carry his heritage with pride.

Now he wants to find his brother Redswift who is on a personal journey to learn more about the elven people from other lands other than the closed off community he was born in. Redswift had traveled to Talmaria as a royal envoy to speak with the politicians at the Relastmina din Unadine for more information and the possibility of forming a relationship with his own secret elven kingdom which he left to build bridges with other elfs for a brighter future.

Theme Song:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Avelle ‘Feles’ Laurdrel



Inherent Ability

Acquired Abilities
Earth Calling: Avelle has the ability to call forth the wildlife around her to aid in battle. Thorns, vines, and trees. They all fall to her as thralls, working to fulfill her whims. When Avelle calls upon the flora, they act as if sentient. This is because she is putting a drop of her own essence into each of them. While she seems almost limitless in the heat of a fight, she will usually end up on the verge of collapse when it is all over.

In Igne Furoris Mei: Although her father was the keeper of flames, he also bestowed them onto the earth in while in fits of rage. They came in the form of volcanoes, a sure sign of Djan’s discontent. He has passed on a similar ability to his daughter. When Avelle is very angry, the ground around her will heat to uncomfortably high levels. Those who stand on it too long will find their shoes burning, or their pants caught aflame. This effect only comes in intense bouts of rage, and lasts until her mood is soothed.

Children of The Earth: Avelle is able to create Earth Golems. They are about three feet tall, and can fight fairly well. Depending on the material they are made of, they can be hearty little creatures. By implanting a drop of her essence into the creature, they become fighters of sentient capability. They talk in garbled voices, that only some can understand.


Avelle, like the others of her species, is a mystery. She hardly ever lets people see into her true personality, masking her wants and needs with calm. When people break through her solid shell, they will find that she is full of curiosity. They will also see that she is a carefree young woman, expressing herself wildly in the wilderness she calls home.

A Brief History
Although Avelle knows little about her heritage, she has grown up mostly normal with a loving guide who acted as her mother. Given to a druid clan of wolves, Avelle wasn't able to blend in with her people as easily as she wanted, because she was the only Tiger there. When she turned eighteen, she left her pack, moving on to truly experience the forest she called home. She was caught shifting, and after making an escape, she fled to the Blackwoods. (More to be revealed through flashbacks in the RP)
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