Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Gohan's Training Grounds

Status: extremely irritated....

Silence overtakes the scene as Shadrok waits, nobody would know but himself why he took this brief time of silence. Maybe one could conclude Shadrok was attempting to 'hold composure'. Laughter would soon echo from Shadrok's frame, a smile was possibly visible on his face.

"This is a treat, how about this....."

The laughter stopped, could of been perceived as eerie to onlookers as Shadrok seemed to have a monotonous look now.

"If you wish to know my answer. You will have to answer my question first. Despite how 'low' i may be by your standard...."

A weak smirk etched into the monotonous look. Shadrok wondered why Wolf was so curious over himself. Questioning why Wolf would approach three people and what true goals were in Wolf's agenda.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Location: Has arrived in the mountainous area surrounding shootout with Vageta\Gohan's training grounds.

Kyla had no idea how, but she had managed to get herself lost in some mountainous looking area, and still no signs of civilization. If only she had keep riding southwest, she would have come across the west capitol, but now she was more lost than she was before. Kyla was never one to panic, so she kept her cool, and figured that if she kept riding around, she will come across something eventually.
She felt like she had been riding for half the day though, and she was getting hungry, with only some snacks she kept with her, and a couple of odd looking fruit she found a while before, it simply wasn't enough.

After a while Kyla decided to get off her ride, and climb up one of the larger hills, to see if she could get an idea of where she was. So finding something that looked easy to climb, and wasn't a cliff face, she began her ascent, which took a good few minutes. By the time she got to the top, she had to lay down panting for a long moment, carrying a heavy guitar and a hoverboard made climbing rather slow and difficult.
Once Kyla caught her breath, she pushed herself back to her feet, and peered out to the land below. All she could see however, were great open, grassy plains on one side or cliffs, hills and mountains on the other.

"Well now what am I to do? She huffed, folding her arms over her chest "Just continue with my plan? Running round till I find something sounds awfully tiresome though."

Kyla stopped suddenly and turned her attention towards the south, she felt something a little off coming from that direction. Though after thinking about it for a moment, Kyla shrugged this feeling as her being hungry and tired from climbing a large hill. She resumed her crossing of arms, and huffing, as she tried to figure out a way out of this situation. Maybe there was no civilization nearby, and she would have to learn how to become a hermit living in this great wilderness, her last letter, never being delivered.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 18 days ago

Vegeta & Nappa
Gohan's Training Grounds


Vegeta raised a brow as he looked over his shoulder to Sythis, then his eyes widened slightly in surprise.

'that hair... there's no way, is he a saiyan?'

Nappa had turned to face Sythis with a sinister grin as he chuckled, having heard what Sythis asked, though not taking into notice of the strangers hair.

"I did, what does it matter? you gonna cry? or try to bring me to justice?"

Nappa taunted the local with a grin, a chuckle following the end of his taunt. Vegeta was going to tell Nappa to shut his mouth because it was annoying to hear him gloat, but was stopped by Kental who informed him of Wolf finding saiyans. Vegeta quickly looked down to Wolf and the others, his eye's locking onto Shadrok and Gohan, immediately spotting their tails.

'other survivors from Vegeta? but how, how and why did they end up on a backwater planet like this?!'

Vegeta thought as he looked to Sythis.

'just how many saiyans are on this planet... that doesn't matter, we'll deal with that after we find and use the dragon balls, when that's done, we'll find Kakarot and give him the proper punishment for what he's done...'

"it's possible... but we won't find out for sure unless we... question them..."

Vegeta said with a somewhat malicious smile, then his scouter pinged which prompted him to look at him.

"but lets wait to do that, it seems some of those lower power levels are heading this way"

The Saiyan Prince said as he smiled with amusement. Before he overheard Kaddish complaining, which only made him smirk a little before he focused on the three on ground.

Piccolo, Gohan & Krillin
Gohan's Training Grounds

@Jin Of Mana @Stryder

Piccolo furrowed his brow as he stared at Wolf.

"no doubt, he's one of the invading Saiyans, his armor looks just like Raditz's..."

He observed quietly, which Gohan managed to hear, though Gohan became distracted as he sensed someone approaching from behind them, Gohan quickly turned around with a startled cry, Piccolo turned his head expecting to be attacked but calmed down with a smile.

"it's Krillin!"

Gohan exclaimed with a smile, Krillin let out a small chuckle as he walked up to Gohan and Piccolo, keeping an eye on Wolf and Shadrok.

"right, how about some help..."

Piccolo grinned as he calmed down only little, there was a saiyan invader near them after all.

"yeah sure, why not? heheheh... but things are goingto get intense, you might just slow us down Krillin..."

The Namekain said with a smile as he watched the short bald guy walk over to them.

"I doubt that, I've been doing a little training of my own"

"heh, so you have... I can feel a significant increase in your power..."

Krillin nodded in response as he looked to Shadrok.

"so who's he? another saiyan by the looks of his tail... but why is he in that getup when his buddy over there's wearing armor?"

"apparently he doesn't know how he got here and isn't with the saiyans... he's one of the many powers that just popped up out of nowhere... whoever they are, there's a small chance that they could help us..."

Krillin smiled grimly as he looked back to Wolf.

"well, it'd be a welcomed thought that's for sure... man Goku's running late... I guess we'll have to hold out without him somehow..."

"I think we'll be able to, it's what we've been training for all year... hey you grew up with my dad didn't you? he said guys thought you couldn't fight because you were short!"

Gohan exclaimed with a smile, which made Krillin give have a slightly deadpan stare and he put his fists on his hips.

"short huh?... actually we were the same size... then he kept growing and I stopped..."

Krillin then leaned toward Gohan and whispered to him.

"by the way are you alright? no one's ever trained with piccolo before..."

Gohan tilted his head slightly before he smiled.

"it wasn't that bad, once you get used to him he's great"

Krillin chuckled in a slightly disbelieving manner as he focused back on Wolf.

Korin's Tower

[@Weird Tale]@Holy Soldier

Korin scratched his chin as he walked over the to the railing that faced the direction of the saiyans.

"To be honest, I would normally be able to sense them... but the power from the saiyans is so immense it's throwing me off... my friends are sure to be heading towards them to take the saiyans on... as much as I'd like to say they stand a chance... I'm worried that they might not..."

The cat said as he ears drooped.

"if you two are going to help, then go before it's too late..."

Korin instructed as he kept his eyes on the horizon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Following the guy with the tail towards the two who blew up the city Light was having a fun time exploring lead her to, besides the rude people who blew her up, another group of people with a green alien person! Considering this second group of people was far more interesting than telling off the people with tails that were talking to the person Light was following, Light decided to use her time to go down and say hello to that group.

Descending from the sky while the other group was chatting with one of their own, Light made her entrance to Piccolo and them with a cheery "Hello!". After introducing herself, Light pointed to the guys in the sky who were chatting. "Those guys are rude. Blew up myself and a nice city. Do you know them?" she said. Light, while showing an outwards cheery appearance, was a bit weary. She really wasn't keen on getting blown up again.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Silver Fang
Korin's Tower

Fang understood Fenrir's wisdom and he would have agreed with it, but all of the craziness happening had him on edge and he felt afraid and unsure of what the future held.

"I get your reasoning and I will agree with it, but just remember that time is not a luxury we have right now" he replied to Fenrir-O. Fang then listened to Korin's response to Fenrir's question and Fang thought of the others who were strong like them. With enough of them working together they might have a chance a defeating these saiyans.

"We should probably get going, the battle is far away from here and it will take time to get there" Fang said to his beast man ally.

@NacNak@Holy Soldier
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Approaching where Roshi fought the Demon King Piccolo


The longer he continued to fly west the more uneasy he felt. Quince couldn't tell what, but he didn't have a good feeling. Ever since he noticed those 5 shooting star like objects power levels he began to worry about where he is. Hopefully the first power level he sensed before wasn't has grim as the 5 from the stars.

"I'm getting closer... W-what...the hell...."

Quince turned around looking in the direction of where the 5 beings descended and felt an evil presences like none other before. He was definitely not on his planet anymore. He continued to fly west motivated to get more answers, though his attempt to do so was interrupted by a surprisingly bright light followed by a seriously painful wave of energy that forcefully jolted him forward causing him to flail to the ground. He wasn't able to catch him self fast enough and collided with a tree breaking it possible a bone somewhere in his body.


He stood to his feet slowly using the stomp of the broken tree as a support. Quince took to the sky at a steady pace searching for the origin of the power level that is now closer than before. As he flew he rubbed his chest and didn't find anything that was broken.

"Hello...c-can someone here me!?"

He questioned as he sensed the power level closer than before and could possible be close enough to hear him.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Fenrir-O (quadruped form)
Location: Korin's Tower --> Pit Stop --> Gohan's Training Grounds
Mentions: Korin @Weird Tales@NacNak

Fenrir-O regarded the cat as he turned toward the rail in a manner that felt like hopelessness. That was when he realized that he and Silver Fang weren’t going to get any further help from the creature.

We should probably get going, the battle is far away from here and it will take time to get there.

The gray wolf finally turned away from the cat to face Silver Fang. “You are right.”

Fenrir-O had kept his thoughts to himself for he was disappointed that the cat had given up so easily. If his strong friends were headed there, then he hoped that they could intertwine their strength into a powerful alliance.

“Let’s go,” he said to Silver Fang before racing over to the rail. The gray wolf was quick to snatch the wooden staff from Korin’s paw before he leapt into the open air. His paws splayed beneath him until his body flickered with a white light, and then became engulfed in a moon-like glow. Like a comet, he rocketed in the direction of the Saiyan invaders but had to make one pit stop along the way.

Pit Stop

If Silver Fang actually stopped to watch, he would find Fenrir-O having landed in a random spot in the forests about Parsley City. He was waist deep in a hole, his forepaws clawing chunks of dirt out of it between his legs. Climbing out of the hole, he snagged Korin’s staff between his teeth and dropped it inside the hole before proceeding to claw and kick the piles of dirt back into the hole. After burying the staff, Fenrir-O stood on top of the dirt plot and raised his leg to mark the area. Upon lowering his leg, he wet nose wiggled as he sniffed at the air, his expression seeming wild and unintelligible.

Then randomly, Fenrir-O glanced over at Silver Fang and the rest of the forest.

“Why did we stop?” he asked irritably. “We must continue!”

Leaping back into the air, the wolf continued his flight to Gohan’s Training Grounds.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"What is it with you?! Stop looking at me like that!"

Sythis quickly turned away from Kaddish though not without effort, his face was beet red as he tried to get his composure back. "I...uh...Sorry." He said in a low tone as he turned to face the larger of the group of Saiyans.

"I did, what does it matter? you gonna cry? or try to bring me to justice?"

Sythis narrowed his eyes as he stared at the large Saiyan.

"No. I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life and then let the ones who protect this planet deal with you. I don't kill, but I'm not afraid to fight to take down a threat like you." He smirked at Nappa. "I don't know how I got here, but I have a feeling I'm meant to be here, if only to protect this planet and it's people from a monster like you."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Gohan's Training Grounds

Elarinya followed the pair to what seemed to be a gathering of rather strong individuals though it was clear there were at least two different sides. Unfortunately if she wanted to actually ascertain the treat the beings could provide it appeared she needed to actually needed to get close enough to be noticable; thankfully there were quite a few individuals already present so she should be able to retreat if needed.

There were quite a few of the tailed aliens in the area, they seemed to be the most powerful of the lot. There was the tentacled being she had saw before who seemed quite oblivious to the mood, the tailed being she followed who appeared to not be with the others, another one who also appeared to not be part of that group, a green alien, a short human, and a child who appeared to also belong to the tailed race. They all had various levels of power but the majority was concentrated with the other tailed aliens. Elarinya decided to hover away from any of the groups as she needed to observe them first before she could decide what needed to be done, all the while she made sure to keep her power level hidden so she did not appear as a threat.

She managed to remain quiet despite the want to ask questions as she was curious as to who everyone was and just what was about to happen. Thankfully in a situation where combat was a very likely probability her warrior instincts suppressed her normal nature. There was also the question as to who she would ask her questions to anyway so for now it was time to gather information.

@Chev@Archmage MC@NacNak@Jin Of Mana@Stryder
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf's smirked died out as Shadrok began to laugh, the level of disrespect this within this insolent saiyan was likely immeasurable. The saiyan elite clenched his fist, a nasty looking glare on his face as he eyed the opposing saiyan 'warrior'. "No..." He wasn't going to answer some pathetic backwater saiyan's question. His eyes fixed on the many others who soon would arrive, how interesting, there were more warriors on this planet than he'd originally though. Wolf focused on Piccolo as he spoke, commenting about his armor's resemblance to Raditz'. "Hm, that weakling, I was sure he wouldn't last more than a day, even on this planet. Saiyan that weak are considered trash." He spoke, his smirk reforming some as he eyed the green man. "It seems the time for reasoning has passed, hasn't it?" he spoke toward the namekian.

Kental's annoyance matched Vegeta's as Nappa began to taunt the saiyan who seemed native to earth. It always bothered him when Nappa did this, like he was the strongest there was, though when Kental was about to speak to the saiyan, Sythis' words drew a smirk from him. From the smirk came a small fit of laughter. "A saiyan who doesn't kill? It seems all of the saiyans who reside on this planet are spineless." He spoke, glancing at Nappa some, he seemed to be itching to fight and so did this other saiyan. His eyes focused down, seeing all of the opposing forces congregating with one another, so many fighters anxious to die. "Nappa, it seems your saibamen could use a warm up." He spoke, beginning to descend, landing to the left of Wolf, his piercing locking onto Krillin for a moment.

Kaddish's eyes still held somewhat of a glare but it softened some at his apology, he was sorry? In all her time no saiyan had ever apologized, but him, he was different, native to this backwater planet called earth. "Hmm?" She tilted her head some, he even was cnfident enough to take on Nappa by the looks of it, exactly how strong was this one? The fact that he said he didn't kill aroused even more of her curiosity, just what kind of belief did he stand beside.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Gohan's Training Grounds

Status:Solemn and ready to fight...

Shadrok still possessed a monotonous or solemn look. Fists clenched and eagerly awaiting what could unfold. Something about Wolf's armor, didn't sit right with Shadrok. Memory loss or 'amnesia was preventing ability to recall where, how or why he knows that armor. Once in a while, eyes would examine the surroundings, looking for any possible newcomers.

"If we are going past the point of reasoning, I merely have one last statement to say."

Fists raised, body shifted into a more 'fighting pose'. A wicked expression bled into his tone, a smile to match it.

"Gohan, or Piccolo. Say the word and you have my strength to aid you in this battle...."

On that note, Shadrok simply awaited for the right signal to either fight or flee.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Fenrir-O (quadruped form)
Location: Gohan's Training Grounds
Mentions: Those Gathered @Stryder@NacNak

The dust cleared in a ring around the grey wolf’s paws when he landed behind the group that had gathered before the alien invaders. Calmly, the wolf approached, studying those who stood on one side of the drawn line and then the others whose threatening presence he could smell. Saiyans…there were humans with tails on either side, but one group wore a distinct unearthly armor. They must have been the Saiyans, and it seemed by their smell that the race was also present on earth.

There were many strong power levels present and the strongest ones wore the armor.

Even ants can topple the greatest of enemies in mass, Fenrir-O mused.

With their combined power levels, they could possibly wear the invaders down and force them to retreat from whence they came.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"A saiyan who doesn't kill? It seems all of the saiyans who reside on this planet are spineless." He spoke, glancing at Nappa some, he seemed to be itching to fight and so did this other saiyan. His eyes focused down, seeing all of the opposing forces congregating with one another, so many fighters anxious to die. "Nappa, it seems your saibamen could use a warm up."

Sythis's eyes flashed at Kentai's words. "There is no reason to kill someone without cause nor is there reason to be cruel. Before my family was killed, I was taught this belief and I will continue to follow that belief until the end of my days." He looked at Kaddish as her glare softened before turning to look back at Kentai. "For all you and I know, other Saiyans could believe the same thing."

A smirk appeared on his face at the mention of Saibamen. "I've fought against creatures that make Saibamen look like children's toys. If you really think you can hurt me with those, you've got another thing coming."

He looked at Nappa and smiled grimly.

"And for the record, I'm not native to this planet you overgrown idiot, I just arrived a few hours ago."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 18 days ago

Piccolo, Gohan & Krillin

@Archmage MC@Stryder@Jin Of Mana

While Wolf spoke with Shadrok Piccolo's attention was drawn by the sight of a white skinned, tentacle haired girl flying down to them. Gohan and Krillin's attention were drawn by the girls voice as she pointed out the Saiyans up above. Gohan and Krillin recoiled at the sight, having not known the Saiyans were there while Piccolo hardened his glare towards them before looking to Light.

"yeah, we have a pretty good idea who they are... and if I had to guess, I'd say you just appeared here without explanation"

Piccolo said, putting two and two together as Wolf stated the time for reasoning was over, making him visibly tense up. Gohan and Krillin did the same, though Gohan looked a little nervous. When Shadrok offered his help, Piccolo smiled if only a little.

"heh, sure, any help with these guys is more than welcome..."

Gohan seemed a little reassured knowing that they wouldn't be the only ones to combat the Saiyans, Krillin just chuckled.

"hey, maybe if we're lucky all of those powers that just showed up out of nowhere will end up here to help us"

Vegeta & Nappa


Nappa only grinned harder when he heard Sythis speak.

"oh, you've got spirit, I like it!, it'll only make it that much better when I beat it out of you!"

Vegeta grinned a little while his arms remained crossed.

"easy there Nappa, wouldn't want to ruin the fun would you?"

The prince said before looking to Kental as he spoke to Nappa before going to join Wolf, not hearing what Sythis much else of what Sythis had to say.

"well, what do you say you two? shall we go say hello?"

Vegeta asked Nappa and Kaddish, cutting off Sythis and grabbing Nappa's attention, before he followed Kental down, landing a few meters away from those who already gathered. Nappa nodded to Vegeta as he followed him.

"hey Vegeta, it looks like they were waiting for us"

"yes I'm sure"

Vegeta took a moment to look at his scouter, which showed him more were on their way.

"and it seems we should be expecting company"

Krillin, Gohan & Piccolo / Vegeta & Nappa

Krillin Shook a little as he watched the Saiyans descend, more so when Kental looked at him.

"whoa... this is it, it's really happening, so these are the Saiyans, can you feel those power levels?!"

Gohan seemed to freeze as he sensed the energy coming from Vegeta and Kental while Piccolo remained glaring at them.

"they're even stronger than I imagined!, what are we gonna do guys?!"

Krillin exclaimed nervously as the Saiyan finally touched down. A silence filled the air for a moment before Piccolo spoke to all the Saiyans.

"I'm only going to say this once, Leave This Planet! this is your first and last chance to get out of this alive..."

Veget'a eye's narrowed slightly before he spoke.

"that voice... I see... you're the one who defeated Raditz one year ago"

"my voice?"

Piccolo asked in slight confusion.

"right, didn't Raditz tell you?"

Vegeta asked as he tapped his scouter twice.

"our scouters also work as communicators"

Nappa who'd be silent up to this point recognised Piccolo.

"the green one's from Namik isn't he?"

A collective 'Huh?' came from Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin as Vegeta answered Nappa.

"yes he's from Namik alright, no wonder why Raditz had such a hard time with him and Kakarot"

Piccolo seemed to zone out a little as this revelation hit him.

"I'm from Namik?"

The green man grit his teeth as he clenched his hands.

"eh, Piccolo, I didn't know you were from outer space... course it makes sense..."

"is that true Piccolo?"

Gohan questioned curiously. Vegeta grinned as he came to a conclusion.

"you didn't know?, well what a surprise, surely you must have suspected something before now, the green skin and pointy ears are a dead giveaway don't you think?"

Piccolo remained awestruck as he though to himself.

'so, I'm from the planet Namik, I can't believe it! but... but at the same time... I know it's true, yes, it's True!'

"it was you who told Raditz about the dragon balls"

Vegeta pointed at Piccolo with a grin as he tilted his head a little.

"now tell us, where are they?"

Krillin felt the need to speak up when neither Gohan or Piccolo spoke.

"but no one knows where they are, not for a whole year!"

Nappa, upon hearing this grinned as he glared lightly at the short bald earthling.

"That's enough, we know the balls are down here, make no mistake we will find them, with you alive or with you dead, it's you decision, tell us where they are or you will all be killed"

Nappa declared sinisterly as he held a clenched fist in front of him. In response Krillin and Gohan tensed as they took a small step back, while Piccolo smiled.

"huh, I wanna thank you, because of you I now know that I come from the planet Namik, but this is my planet now, And no one is going to tell Me what to do with it!"

Piccolo grinned as he narrowed be brows.

"So Back Off!, We're not here to bow down to your demands! We're Here, To Fight!"

The Nakekian exclaimed as he positioned himself for combat.

"so go ahead and do whatever it is you came here to do!"

Having heard this, Vegeta could only smiled with amusement, soon the sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air echoed over the area as hover vans and helicopters took position in the air above, with cameras on the Saiyans and those gathered. Krillin raised a confused brow, as did Gohan to the arrival of the reporters. With little to no warning, Nappa turned around and faced the gathering of bystanders.


A near invisible blast of energy sped towards one of the hover vans and caused it to explode violently as pieces of it rained down from the air. Gohan, not being used to seeing such an act of unprovoked violence gasped at the sight, the remaining news vehicles left as fast as they could to get to safety. Both Krillin and Gohan then took after Piccolo's example and got into battle ready stances.

"I guess they're not going to tell us were the dragon balls are you guys..."

Vegeta said to his companions.

"you wanna bet?... Alright, lets see how strong you really are..."

Nappa said as he activated his scouter, it made bleeping sounds at it scanned everyone standing before them, with the exception of the Saiyan soldiers.

"huh, kid's at a thousand... Namik is at fourteen hundred... and the midget is at eleven hundred"

Nappa then turned his scouter to Shadrok and then Light, yet he failed to notice the Wolf standing not to far away from the group.

"lets see... twenty two hundred and... twenty eight hundred and forty two, heh-heh, you fools, do you really think you can beat us with such puny power levels?!"

Nappa exclaimed with a smile as if the battle was already won. Vegeta then took off his scouter with a smile, which cause Nappa to raised a curious brow.

"hmp, take your scouters off"


"it seems they know how to concentrate energy and raise their fighting powers, these figures are most unreliable..."

Vegeta said as he dropped his scouter to the ground.

"hey right, good call, now I remember that pathetic loser Raditz let himself be fooled by all of their power readings"

Nappa said before he too took of his scouter and let it fall to the ground. Piccolo's eyes widen slightly as he tensed up a little.

"be ready for them, it looks like the fights going to start soon"

Piccolo warned before Krillin look to Piccolo.

"wait, Piccolo, if they're stronger than Raditz and Goku isn't here, how do you expect to defeat them with just us?"

Krillin asked as he gestured to Gohan and Shadrok, when all Krillin got in reply was a grunt from Piccolo he smiled nervously as he looked back at the Saiyans.

"oh well guys, lets just do it..."

Nappa looked over the gather fighters before his eye was caught by a familiar sight as he looked to Light a little more observantly.

"... wait a minute... hey, doesn't that girl look familiar?"

Vegeta then looked to Light and raised a brow.

'how strange... it's that girl that approached us in the city Nappa destroyed... and yet she's here and looks completely unharmed... hmm...'

Vegeta thought silently to himself for a moment before he shrugged the thought off.

"I believe it's time we had a little fun with them"

The Prince said to his companions as he looked to Nappa

"better yet, get those saibamen out, there should be a dozen or so left, they'll do"

Nappa chuckled at this as he looked towards the fighters.

"you're too much, you really know how to have fun"

Krillin and Piccolo's eyes widened slightly as they listened to the Saiyan

"eh?, Saibamen?"

"I don't see any men"

Nappa reached back into his pocket before pulling out a small glass vile, inside were twelve little green spheres.

"huh, you're right, there are a dozen"

"Maybe the Saibamen can persuaded them to tell us where the dragon balls are, what do you think?"

Vegeta asked his companions with his ever present smirk.

"heheheheh, oh I think they can arrange that..."

Nappa stated as be kneeled down and began poking holes in the ground until there was twelve in total, which he then proceeded to put the little green pods into before covering the holes up. He then pulled out a small container and from it poured a green liquid onto the buried pods which was quickly swallowed up by the ground.

"oookay, what are they doing?"

"I think we're about to find out!"

Nappa grinned before he tossed the empty glass vile away, the ground were he planted the 'seeds' began to deform as something quickly grew beneath the ground.


Both Gohan and Krillin recoiled at the sight before them as little green men sprouted from the ground, Vegeta and Nappa snickered slightly. The Saibamen stood up and looked towards the fighters with their pink menacing eyes and creepy smiles. Krillin chuckled nervously as his stance faintly faltered.

"well... at least they're shorter than I am..."

With no reason the Saibamen began to run around, crashing into large rocks and stone pillars, causing them to crumble and shatter before they calmed down.

"there brainless, crazy monsters!"

"they're strong too..."

Piccolo finished as he sized up the new enemies.

"this should be a pretty good match up... these Saibamen seem spunky"

Vegeta said calmly with a faintly sadistic smile.

"it... it looks like we'll each have to take on four at once..."

Piccolo said with a glare before he looked to light.

"I don't suppose you be willing to help us would you?..."

The Namekian asked before looking back to the fight that was soon going to be.

Majin Eve
Between Parsely City and where Roshi fought the Demon King Piccolo

After the explosion that had sent her for quite the ride, she looked around, she was nowhere near where she was before.

"what was that... it felt like... like something horrible just happened..."

She asked before she slowly began flying south, not knowing where to go.

East from where Roshi fought the Demon King Piccolo


When the blast was over and the wind died down, Amber came out from behind the rock she was taking cover behind before she jumped into the air, stopped just a few meters above tree level, her eye's widening at the sight of the smoke cloud that was made from the blast, though it did seem to fade away quickly.

"that was insane..."

She uttered quietly before she looked a little off rom the direction of the blast a she felt a presence approaching, she narrowed her eyes as she closed her hands into fists. That's when she heard the faint voice of someone calling out. Amber knew better than to just blindly trust this and approached the voice cautiously. Upon doing so she spotted Quince, a rather odd sight for her to be honest, but she didn't care, she believe this man might have answers for what the hell might have caused the massive explosion.


Amber called down to Quince from above, a mean look on her features.

"you know anything about that explosion just now?"

She asked in a serious tone, she looked as if she was ready to fight at a moments notice.

Korin's Tower

@Holy Soldier@Weird Tales

Korin was stunned to say the least when he watched as he staff was stolen from him by Fenrir. As both Fenrir and Silver Fang left the tower, Korin ran to the railing and waved his fist in the air threateningly.

"Hey! You Damn Dirty Dog! I Swear If You Come Back To My Tower Without My Staff I'll Claw Your Eyes Out! And It Better Not Have Any Bite Marks On It!"

Korin yelled as he watched the two fade from his sight, he stayed the for a moment fuming before he smiled softly with a light chuckle.

"go get em you two..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


The green guy, Piccolo they called him, seemed to be the leader of the small group. Well, the people who seemed to flock around him though. One being a short bald dwarf, and the other was a kid from the looks of him. There were also a couple other people, both of them sayans!. With her included they could start a circus! But now wasn't the time for that as she was going to explain why she was there to Piccolo to put him at ease, the sayans who blew her up and that city descended.

They all chatted, Light listening to them but not giving them much concern. It took them awhile to comment about her and how they blew her up, but seemed to give it no mind, the strongest of the group actually looking concerned for a moment.

After more talking, one of the sayans revealing the origins of piccolo which Light wasn't too concerned about, after all, you are who you are, not what your told you are. They started to talk about Cybermen. The big bald one who had blown up the city then started to plant some goop, which turned into green things that started to scuttle around like bugs.

Piccolo commenting that everyone would have to take 4 of them and asking Light if she would help, Light said. "Of course! those guys blew me and a good city up. Gotta make them pay a little." and with that said, she got into a ready stance to take on her cybermen. She wouldn't turn any of them into candy or anything, best to save that move for the big guys.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Location: Gohan's Training Grounds

Things were starting to turn rather serious as Elarinya was starting to feel the more she learned about the invaders, the less curious she was about them. The saiyans, as they were called, were obviously a warrior breed but it seemed they cared nothing about civilian casualties. Elarinya watched with horror as the one called Nappa casually wiped out the innocent reporters and onlookers who were trying to see what was going on. Elarinya's senses were completely on edge now, it was clear that these invaders would not hesitate to kill any in the way and potentially not a single thing on the planet would survive.

Elarinya felt her protective instincts skyrocket as she noticed Gohan getting ready for battle. She was not particularly knowledgeable about the species but it was clear from his height and physic that he was just a child. Certainly a brave child but she had no doubt the saiyans would not hesitate to kill him along with the others.

"Absolutely despicable, they're more like monsters than warriors." Elarinya glared at the enemy and noticed they had given up their scouters, "but they certainly aren't stupid." She mused as she realized hiding her power level was no longer a valid strategy as the enemy was more than prepared to slaughter them all and not rely on the machines anymore. Soon they brought out the Saibamen and things were really starting to take a turn for the worse, thankfully there were quite a few fighters in the area who were opposed to the invaders, but she needed to prepare herself for combat.

Elarinya quickly spiked up her ki and her body naturally reacted. Ki briefly covered her entire body and then hardened around her, combining with her racial trait to become a hardened exoskeleton that looked like chitinous plate-like armor. There was a clear section on her face, like a visor so she could see and her wings were free but aside from that her body was encased in the light, flexible, but quite sturdy exoskeleton of her insect heritage.

Ready for combat she hovered over toward where Gohan and quite a few others were, her protective instincts deciding she needed to be as close to the child as possible in order to protect him if needed.

"Pardon me, but I feel obligated to provide assistance," her voice was a bit muffled by the exoskeleton giving it a bit of an dark vibe, "it is quite clear that no life on this planet is safe so I will give you support."

Elarinya saw the saiyans at the moment seemed content to let these, Saibamen fight. They were small, green, and strong, but compared to some of the monsters she had to face back home, she doubted they were prove much of a threat to her; however, it was never wise to leave such monsters alone as they could potentially catch someone off guard.

"I would love to understand the situation better, but I've seen enough to know what must be done. A little monster extermination is in order." First order of business would be to stop the Saibamen, then the saiyans afterward, if that was possible...
@Archmage MC@NacNak@Jin Of Mana@Stryder
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Silver Fang
Korin's Tower

Fang jumped into the air and took off after Fenrir-O, flying after the wolf man. He was really confused when he saw his comrade stop for some odd reason and bury the cat creature's cane. This sudden stop in their journey caused Fang to roll his eyes and he wondered if they were really capable of stopping the threat to the planet.

Soon they came upon the area with the invaders and Fang quickly landed on the ground. He had his spear at the ready and sensed the saiyans' power levels and he found them shocking. There was a sensation of fear that went through and for a split moment he felt a need to back away from the invaders, but his will refused to have him move a single step backwards and he hold his ground.

"We will not stand for your evil use of such powers to terrorize innocents. There is no honor in needlessly destroying cities" he said to the saiyans with a firm voice and clenched his spear as he prepared himself for combat.

@Holy Soldier@NacNak
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Gohan's Training Grounds

Status:Inquisitive and on guard...

Upon hearing the word Saibamen, Shadrok couldn't help from having his focus weaken, Shadrok felt familiarity behind the word. Seeing the little monsters triggered memories. Combat has occurred before between these creatures and himself. No relation to situation, no reasoning or purpose is remembered, only that Shadrok has engaged combat with these creatures before. Other than that, memories were blocked by blurs and a faint ringing within his mind.

Stopping thoughts Shadrok focuses onto the events at hand, right as Elarinya entered the scenario. Eyes darted back and forth between foe and 'supposed ally'. A little bit after Elarinya speaks, Shadrok finally speaks again. Slowly Shadrok examines each newcomer, boy did he find this planet an oddball. Oddly enough, Shadrok couldn't recall any planets with such a diversity of sentient life. When he spoke, Shadrok made sure he was clear and able to be heard by one and all around him.

"Due to enemy numbers, don't let them make sneak attacks upon allies not paying attention or preoccupied with battle."

Hovering faintly, Shadrok fully enters a combat stance. Faint flight or levitation, could enable unpredictable movements on his part. Or enable a swift dodge to an unpredictable direction, or lastly, enable closing distance between himself and another flying enemy. If any energy was being held back before, it no longer is now. As eagerness to fight settled in, one may be able to see a faint aura, with an even fainter tint of purple to the energy.

'First movement of battle occurs, and i'm not holding back....'

'Any danger comes to that boy, that individual will meet an untimely fate, or I will enable chance for him to flee.'

Those were the only thoughts etching Shadrok's mind, as he anticipated the upcoming battle.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"oh, you've got spirit, I like it!, it'll only make it that much better when I beat it out of you!"

Sythis smirked at Nappa and the others as they turned away from him. Big mistake on their part...He thought with the same savage smirk on his face as he concentrated as he raised his power level to it's max. For a brief moment, he looked at Kaddish and a brief sad look filled his eyes. I hope she doesn't have to die. She seems...different. I don't know, maybe she's not a monster like the others. before turning back to look at the others.

"You know, I'm thinking the same thing." Sythis growled as the Saibamen sprouted from the ground. "First your little plant-men, then you." he muttered as he landed near the others with a smile. "So...I'm going to assume that the rest of you want to stop them as well. Any chance I can help out?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf smirked some as he entered a fighting stance against Shadrok, nothing would make him happier than to out this so called Saiyan's face in the dirt they stood on. But his eyes would soon shift as he turned his head, saibamen of course, twelve to be precise. That seemed fair enough, he was sure some of these weaklings wouldn't even be able to hold off that many, it'd be a show indeed. Though as he saw even more combatants enter the area, their odds were tipping, no matter how subtle the change, he knew a chance of them defeating some of them were firm realities. "Saibamen? It seems you're giving them too much credit Vegeta." Wolf chuckled some, taking some steps back, pulling himself from the possibility of combat.

Kental's attention focused on Nappa as he asked aloud, if that girl was familiar, his confusion soon changed into understanding as he looked toward Light. A surprised gasp escaped the saiyan, she survived Nappa's attack? She wasn't just some pushover warrior, hopefully there weren't anymore like this one. If she could take the full brunt of an attack like that, they'd exhaust their power with ease. At least that was what Kental deducted from it. "You're right Nappa, that is the girl from before, you must have been holding back didn't you?" He asked the gargantuan saiyan.

No true part of Kaddish wanted to fight, even with the purest of her saiyan blood, she didn't want this, to end the life of these warriors. A part of her knew, none of this was right, they were trying to defend their home and they were attacked for what? To find the dragon balls for Prince Vegeta, as true as he sounded with his promises that they'd all have immortality, she didn't believe one bit of it. And even if, she didn't want any of it, after all, what good was immortality if there wasn't a soul she could share it with? Her attention went over each Z-warrior individually, trying to read them by sight in a way, she then focused on Gohan and her heart sank. A child, something she could never have but would always want, what kind of sick monster could she be to so willingly do away with such a innocent life? 'I can't do this...' She mentally admitted as her eyes shifted away from Gohan, had Gohan been looking at her, he be able to see the amount of regret and sadness she had in her eyes.
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