So... What kind of purpose would a Human play in an X-men RP? I mean, isn't the whole point of the X-Men being a team of mutants that fight for both humanity and mutant kind?
And I can appreciate the whole school aspect of this, but surely saying "Only accepting humans at the moment" is essentially saying "Sure you can join. You'll be at an extreme disadvantage, but go ahead." I would like to join this, but the fact that my character will be one of the only ones without powers can't help but make me feel completely redundant. I mean, if a fight breaks out, I have to go hide in the corner, rather than getting the chance to develop my character. If everyone goes on an X-Man mission, I have to stay behind and twiddle my thumbs, again, missing out on character development.
Before I join, I need to know that I am not just going to serve as a 5th wheel, because all I would accomplish is taking valuable time away from other characters in order to develop a character that serves no purpose in the first place. Which is not fair on me, and not fair on the people who's time I wasted developing said superfluous character.
I hate to bring this up, but this exact thing has happened to me before in a Pokemon RP, where the whole thing devolved into: "Show up to town, everyone goes off talking and developing their character. I try to develop my character, but nobody seems to give a shit. PVP action breaks out, everyone has a team of legendaries, whereas I am left with 4 low leveled pokemon and so am not allowed to stand a chance. Every time I ask if there is a chance I can get a legendary and allowed to be relevant to the plot, I am met with "I'm afraid that every legendary in this province has been dibs'd by different members of the team. You'll have to wait until we go to the next one."
Right, rant over. Sorry to sound like a dick, but I just don't want to go through the effort of making a character, only to find out that I am not allowed to be relevant to any plot, due to my extreme underpoweredness.