Name"Vash" Crowbow
Not being one of the Qun, he removed his horns to better fit in as a large human. The frightening factor to other Qun was merely a bonus.
AbilitiesPrecise striking:He tries to make each attack count, sacrificing attack speed for a bonus to attack as well as an increased chance to score critical hits.
TauntA mocking bellow catches the attention of nearby foes, increasing their hostility toward him. A tactic he often uses to give overwhelmed allies a moments breath as enemies have to come all the way over to him.
Melee ArcherExperience fighting in tight quarters has taught him to fire without interruption, even when being attacked.
AimHe carefully places each shot for maximum effect while holding this stance from his training. This decreases his rate of fire, but grants bonuses to attack, damage, armor penetration, and critical chance.
Pinning shotA shot to the target's legs disables the foe, pinning the target in place and slowing movement speed otherwise.
Long shotHe fires a powerful single shot that deals more damage the farther he is from the target.
PersonalityPonderous. He has not only the hunter's patience, but the detachment of looking at everyone around him like meat waiting to be butchered. Chess with him is usually a bad idea as he will continue to press even a priest's calm for him to make a move.
Distant. Aside from a thousand pieces of glass in his mind that don't come together, the only person he knew for nearly 2 years was a hermit in a lighthouse, Suffice to say, he's a bot aloof.
Confused. An oddity to claim as a personality trait and not ti ride the one trick pony, he's a strange man in a strange land, leading him to be easily conned or duped in an effort to not stand out that makes him seem simple and agreeable.
OriginHe woke up on the beach with lungful of water and no memories of how he got on the beach. He knew that he
was Qunari, Qun, and that he came from Pal Vollen. He knows there was someone of importance to him back then, but if it is wife and child or younger siblings, he cannot remember. As he could not remember who he was or any family names, so he took to calling himself 'Vashoth' For a member of the race, but not the philosophy.
He was raised back to health from washing ashore in a lighthouse by the watchkeeper, a noble called called "Ser Blackfletch". A former knight known for his skill with the longbow who lost an arm and leg to darkspawn. Anyone who lived under Blackfletch's roof had to earn their keep, Vashoth had two arms and legs so he could do everything the former knight could no longer do. This started as mostly bitch-work and bringing the home back up to code before he was handed a bow and arrow.
Blackfletch was getting on in years and certain no-one was coming to kill him anymore so he confessed to Vashoth that he was a former Antivan Crow who did indeed loose his limbs to darkspawn while returning from a successful mission, Killing the knight who was positioned at the lighthouse. Acting as a retired knight while claiming the titles and honorifics was the larger lie he adopted to now use the lighthouse for sneaking contraband across the waters.
When he was an assassin, he was the sniper of his people, setting down impossible shots on a daily basis. He could not teach an eight foot amnesiac how to hide or sneak, but he could teach him to thread a barrel's bunghole.
They started with hitting the broadside of a barn, a ten feet by ten feet bullseye, every day for the first month he put a hundred arrows into the side of the building from thirty yards. 3000 arrows later, they removed one foot off the edge and he was tasked with putting 120 arrows into the bullseye from forty yards away. Each month they took away another foot from the bullseye while adding more arrows to the minimum from another ten yards away. By the end of the year, Vashoth could plant 300 arrows into a 1 foot wide target from 130 yards away. The next year was spent working on the trickshots such as from horseback, moving targets and firing from the deck of a boat by putting him in a dingy out on the water and making him fire at targets on a seperate rowboat. Staring with the 10X10's and working his way down again.
During this time, he crafted a
bow bordering on ballista made for someone of his towering height with two sets of limbs sharing a single grip to make the full use of his incredible qun strength that launched fletched javelins rather than arrowshafts. Blackfletch died in his sleep, a bout of pneumonia from living in a lighthouse he couldn't shake. The Qun took up the name 'crowbow' to honor his teacher and traveled to the nearest port town to try his hand at learning how to earn a living.
OtherHe REALLY doesn't like fish.