I wondered what happened to this the first time, here's my (still) WIP sheet from previous
Name: Inquisitor Thaddeus Skane
Age: 114
Gender: M
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Hereticus
Personality: Skane is a highly religious man holding fast and true in the tennants set forth the Emperor and held by his Ecclesiarchy. He holds little love for any who deviate from the path that the Emperor has set forth and has a tendancy to see even the most minor slight as heresy in it's highest form. Skane repesects strength, both physical and will and tends to surround himself with those that are willing to do anything nessicary to ensure that the Imperium and the will of the Emperor are upheld.
History: If you spend enough time with Inquisitor Skane and he will regale you of the Emporer's will and how it has blessed him in his many years of service. Skane no longer remembers his life before the Schola Progenium but the day he was chosen to be taken to be among the Emperor's missionary's was the day he would say his life began. Life in the early years proved more difficult than he would have first thought but Skane dedicated the entierty of his life to exemplify everything that the Emperor embodied.
As his time in the Ecclesiarchy continued he found another muse for his life, combat training. It wasn't long that Skane found that his prowess with a powersword quickly outshined those that he trained with which caught the eye of the higher ups within the Ministorum, who quickly chose him to be a Cruasder to serve an inquisitor. It wasn't long until he found himself in the service of Inquistor Stown of the Ordo Hereticus. For for almost seventy five years Skane served faithfully and without fail to protect Stown with his very life.
During an investigation of suspected heretic activity on a distant Forge World it was discovered
Philosophy: Skane is of a Monodominant mindset and is prepared to above all else to purge anything that stands in the way of the God-Emporers way.
Skills & Abilities:
Retinue Members: [NPC servants for inquisitors, NPC members of a Chamber Militant's squad. Give a level of description for each that you feel appropriate. Let's keep the number of retinue members between 1 and 4.]
Age: 123 (Appears half this age thanks to rejuvenant treatments)
Gender: Male
Role: Inquisitor
Ordos: Ordo Malleus
Description: Terrence is of average height, standing at 5'10 and weighing an appropriate amount for a fit man of his height. His face could be called unremarkable, even forgettable making it one of his greatest tools. The only truly noticeable thing is that the top of his left ear has sizable chunk missing from it. His hair is thick and black, but grey at the sides. He has no facial hair and his face has begun to wrinkle with age, but he still appears no older than his early sixties. His green eyes are often considered jovial, inviting, and unassuming. He is white, but his skin has grown leathery with age, and has begun to show signs of very light tanning. His lips are thin and accusing, and his nose aquiline and sloping.
"Hit him with it again, full dose.", I watched as the servitor obeyed, the viscous black liquid seeped from the thick tubes connected to the servitor into its victim. The Governour screamed louder than I had heard yet, and then the pig started begging again. "P-p-p-pl-plea-ease Lord Inquisitor! I-I-'ve already told you e-everything! The-the-there is nnnnn-no-no cult! I s-s-swe-swear by the Emperor! You have been misinformed! Please Lord Inquis-",ugh, does this fool ever shutup? I mean, I suppose I did all this for the fact he has the fattest mouth in the whole sector. Well, that and the whole civil war on the brink of erupting. All he needs to say are a few choice sentences and the pain can stop! I'm begginning to think he's not that bright, well time to cut in, "Lord Governour, do you kmow why I'm here? Why this is all happening? Well let me tell you.", I got up from the chair, the servos in my power armour whirring as I approached his figure strapped to the cold table, running a hand down the thick clear tubes that were stuck into his right arm. He was securely strapped, not that the ponce had the strength to free himself, "I need to hear a few words come out of your greasy mouth. The second I hear the answers I'm looking for, we can stop! Does that not sound fan-", he cut in panicking, "I-I have told you the truth Inquisitor! Truly I have! I have always been a pious man and-and there has never been any sort of cult in the-AAAAAHHHHH!!!", I had silently motioned to the servitor to hit him with a quarter dose, just enough to get him to shut up. I ran my right hand through my hair with a sigh, "Lord Governour I know your telling the truth. I just don't care, seeing as I was never looking for the truth. And I think you know exactly what I want to hear, so; say. It", I hissed at the poor man, watching as his eyes grew wide with understanding. Well, understanding and fear. But, men were weak, and he gulped, before saying very loudly, in his most calm voice, "I, Lord Governour Hellrix Von Torrus, denounce the Emperor and the decaying Imperium... I-... I renounce them, and declare myself indeppendent of their rule.", he then began to cry... pathetic. "Thank you very much Governour. Your sacrifice will be remembered. Now, Servitor? Pump the rest in.", his eyes went wild, but he said nothing for he had not the time. As the rest of the black drug was pumped into his veins he writhed and spasmed, seizures overtaking him as he could no longer scream. In a mere five minutes he had stopped squirming, and I sighed happily, turning to the recording servitor in the corner of the room, "Broadcast that to every hive on the world, and have our proxy tell his astropaths to spread the message farther.", I turned and marched for the door to the torture chamber, a wide smirk on my face. You've done it again Terrence, you've set in motion the great machine to improve humanity. Now, I'm going to crack open a glass of my finest amasec and enjoy myself. Its always a nice addition when you sign such a massive death warrant.
Terrence Arakia is a quiet Inquisitor when it come to reputation, he has made sure of it. Few of his deeds are known widely despite his impressive track record, having banished many a Daemon and stop many an insidious cult. Only the greatest of his deeds are known by any substantial number of other Inquisitors as he prefers others to take the glory for him... especially when such glory leads to disaster. He has lifted up quite a few acolytes over the years, allowing them to take credit for accomplishments he has made only for them to be declared Heretics and be excommunicated following their farther reaching consequences. Those accomplishments he has achieved and have accredited to himself have been carefully wrought to insure there are no long reaching consequences... at least not to himself.
He began life simply enough, though few know of it. He was an acolyte to Lord Inquisitor Carafax for many years, dutifully serving the Puritanical man. It was not until he began to see a strange pattern in their work that his mindset was changed. He noticed that places where no wars, nor corruption or hardship had been seen people were more prone to weakness and destruction while sectors where such things were common were more stoic, tougher... better. So, he began his journey into Istvaanism, first by misleading his own inquisitor to his doom. He tricked Carafax into opening a rift to the warp, plunging an entire sub-sector into chaos. It was stopped only by his intervention, seemingly closing the gate just before reinforcements arrived, making the war that followed a possible victory rather than a fighting retreat. He was rewarded for his actions and raised up as an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, none any the wiser that he had caused it all.
He has helped to engineer similar plots across the Imperium, seemingly helping only for a worlds, or sub sector or sector to fall into disaster but always careful not to implicate himself. If the Imperium is to grow strong it must suffer, and he has accepted his fate as one who plants the seeds of great suffering, and cultivates the terrible fruit with which to strengthen the whole of humanity.
Philosophy: Terrence Arakia ascribes to the radical belief of Istvaanism, that humanity can only grow through incredible hardship and suffering. He does not espouse his philosophy however, believing it is easier to lead humanity into such disasters from the shadows.
Skills & Abilities: Terrence is a talented Interrogator and investigator. He is also extremely skilled at stealth, espionage, Sabotage, misdirectton, misinformation and Manipulation. He is only average in combat for an Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, but has fought and banished Daemons. He has dabbled in the arcane arts to an extent as a means to disrupt peace, and has tried his hand at Daemon summoning, but found he was more talented at Daemon binding. He uses these skills rarely though, and would still call himself a novice.
Retinue Members:Merris Larriet: The only constant member of Terrence's retinue, an acolyte of his. She has been with him for many years, and learned quite a bit. An Inquisitorial Stormtrooper, her face has a long scar over her nose but is otherwise moderately attractive. Normally in her stormtrooper carapace with Hellgun at her side. She is normally by his side, or on a mission for her Inquisitor. It is unsure of their exact relationship, but she appears unwaveringly loyal to Terrence.
Ignatus Pattern Power Armour: The I of the Inquisition is carved prominently into its chestplate, as well as similar symbols about his person.
Inquisitorial Lightning claw: A blessed and ancient pattern Lightning claw, his prized possession and favorite weapon.
Plasma Pistol: Ornate Plasma pistol, 'aquired' by the Inquisitor from a planetary governour.
Frag Grenades
Inquisitorial Rosette: His badge of office.
Miscellaneous: His left leg has been replaced by bionics.
Hello, friends! Glad to be a GM type person here. I'm just posting to say to those whom it matters - currently @Archangel89 and @agentmanatee, as well as anybody else thinking of making an Inquisitor or Chamber Militant character - that since slots for those roles are limited, they're liable to be based on merit rather than "first people to write them well enough" standards. In other words, what's likely to happen is this: 1. People will be allowed to sign up for slots as Inquisitors or Chamber Militants fairly freely up to a certain point in time, though they ought to have backup ideas in place just in case they're not accepted; 2. At said point in time, and assuming at least enough people to fill the corresponding positions have presented sheets, sign-ups for the positions will be closed off, and Flagg and I will discuss who has the best sheets for each position; 3. Once we've decided who has the best characters, we'll tell everybody who's gotten their roles as Inquisitors/Chamber Militants, and ask everyone else who signed up for those positions to come up with sheets for their alternative ideas if they haven't made them already. Aside from that, I'm going to be waiting for a bit before posting my character. The hint is that he's not an Inquisitor, so.
Appearance: Brown hair cropped short, with grey eyes and scarred face, Heironymus cuts an impressive and stately visage. He has broad shoulders and is finely cut in his physique, though his skin is now growing weathered from the years and battles. He dons the typical Inquisitor apparel, a holy symbol upon his chest and a harsh, observant look upon his iron eyes.
Personality: Justice, faith, and knowledge would be the three words to describe Heironymus. He has an unyielding sense of truth and punishment, undeterred by the vast array of forces he must face. Long years as an inquisitor have made him very calculating and well read, his wisdom growing with each successful (and sometimes unsuccessful) mission. He's not above finding cynical humor, and appreciate comradeship with his fellow inquisitors or any Imperial guard/Astartes he must work with.
History: Born as a native to Cadia, he was adopted into the military and took to it as a fish takes to water. He decided to make it his career, and saw his first campaign against rebels in a nearby system, shutting them down quickly and effortlessly. Or so it seemed, until from the blood of those he and his comrades had killed rose a Demon of Khorne. It took their psycker and all of their weapons combined to defeat it. It was a fight he'd never forget.
His next campaign saw him and his fellows taking on the Tau, vying over a planet that eventually needed to be given an exterminatus. Despite the obvious Xenos threat, Hieronymus was certain that the powers of chaos must have been the ones pulling the strings, convinced from his fight with the demon that they were the single greatest threat to the galaxy. Hieronymus began questioning captured Xenos on their motivations for trying to conquer the planet. The Inquisitor that ordered the exterminatus heard rumors of the soldier's zealous hatred to the Demon kind and observed him for a time, before being convinced that the Cadian would make a fine Inquisitor. 35 years, various campaigns, hundreds of books, and foiled Demonic plots later, Hieronymus is now an adept and dangerous member of the Inquisition.
Philosophy: Puritan
Skills & Abilities: Skilled at melee and ranged. Investigatory skills. Well read and knowledgeable.
Retinue Members: None at this time.
Bolt Pistol (with blessed rounds)
Blessed Power Sword
Frag Grenades
Krak Grenades
Psyk-out Grenades
Holy Book of the Imperium
The door burst open, smoke pouring forth into the cultist's hidden chamber. One man stood upon a dias in sacrilegious robes, and three zealouts stood naked as the day they were born, bleeding from a dozen wounds carefully etched upon their chests to make the mark of Tzeentch. Before the three, bubbling up from the blood of their wounds, was a lesser Daemon that was still forming before them. However, they all spun from their ritual to try and decipher who kicked in their door.
Two bolter rounds cut through the smoke and felled a zealot, and another made a blood spattered ruin out of the second one. The third screeched like a mad man and flailed about as the stately figure of Hieronymus strode into the room. "Unholy scum." he said, slicing the zealot in half before unloading his pistol's remaing blessed rounds into the maw of the growing daemon, destroying it before it could fully form. The cultist leader cowered against the back wall, holding his book of daemon lore.
Hieronymus Fletch suddenly turned his way, his gaze as sharp as a dagger. He knew the man, this Daemon summoner. He had been the lowly merchant Hieronymus had seen in the poor quarter not two days ago. "How did you find us!?" the man begged, shuddering as the Inquisitor calmly approached him. With his flowing robes and thrumming power sword, he cut a figure that sent a wave of despair over this defiler.
"Oh, all I needed to do was look at the data logs of the Compound, to see who was entering at odd times. I did some investigatory work and discovered you had bought many...questionable items recently. I simply had to place a tracker upon you as you slept. But I digress. It's time to finish this." He calmly reloaded his pistol as the man began to stammer. "Hieronymus please! I-I was onl-" The bolder round flew through the man's forehead, ending his life and his lies. The Inquisitor lowered his weapon, and closed his eyes, muttering a prayer for the Emperor to send this man to the hell where he belonged.
An additional reminder to players that Chamber Militants are required to include an IC scene in their character sheets, and that whilst it hasn't actually been stated, I think it's safe to assume that the same will apply to Inquisitor applications as well, if only to maximise the chances that any given Inquisitor will be accepted. Also don't forget that there are always other roles to be filled in in any given retinue, folks.
Reminder to @Archangel89@agentmanatee@POOHEAD189 to finish off their Inquisitor sheets, and to have some other possible character concepts ready to write up if their Inquisitors are not accepted.
Are we allowed to play characters with Terminator Armour? And are we sticking strictly with canon stuff? Because, I found a picture of a Sisters of Battle Terminator suit and would love to play it?
@mattmanganon Uh, I don't know about SoB Terminators, since I'm pretty sure Sisters of Battle don't even use Terminator Armour in canon; however, a Deathwatch Black Shield Chaplain sounds like a pretty good plan to me. It fills up a Chamber Militant slot that might not otherwise contain anything, at any rate, though you'd have to figure out which Inquisitor's retinue the character is part of by talking to the players who are vying for Inquisitor slots. Or he could be in Ravenstein's retinue, of course, but you'd want to take that up with @Flagg, not me. And remember, we have quality requirements for Chamber Militants and Inquisitors. Gotta follow those quality requirements.
@POOHEAD189 Tonight would be preferable, I think. Thank you for your co-operation.
@mattmanganon Uh, I don't know about SoB Terminators, since I'm pretty sure Sisters of Battle don't even use Terminator Armour in canon; however, a Deathwatch Black Shield Chaplain sounds like a pretty good plan to me. It fills up a Chamber Militant slot that might not otherwise contain anything, at any rate, though you'd have to figure out which Inquisitor's retinue the character is part of by talking to the players who are vying for Inquisitor slots. Or he could be in Ravenstein's retinue, of course, but you'd want to take that up with @Flagg, not me. And remember, we have quality requirements for Chamber Militants and Inquisitors. Gotta follow those quality requirements.
@POOHEAD189 Tonight would be preferable, I think. Thank you for your co-operation.
Ditto to all of the above.
I'll have approvals for folks this weekend, so get your CSes up if you can by then (though we won't nec close admission then) and we can start next week!
Gender: Male
Role: Chamber Militant
Ordos: Xenos
Appearance: Approximately 8 foot tall with a stern face, full of the scars of war. His entire body is covered in passages from the Lectitio Divinitatus tattooed directly onto his skin, even down his face.
Plasma Pulses flew overhead as the 3 Guard ducked and ran through the trenches. "Keep it together, lads. His Eminence is counting on us." one of them said to the others. He looked over the trench, but fell back immediately as his helmet flew away. The other two rushed to his aid, expecting to see their friend's skull with a hole burned in it. To their relief, they found that the force of the impact merely knocked his helmet off, carrying the plasma bolt with it. "See, he want's us alive for a reason." he laughed. The others began to laugh as well, before an explosion rang out near them. They grabbed their rifles and continued down the trench.
They were not 50 meters down the trench when they heard the familiar sound of the Xenos filth screaming their godless praise to the greater good. Before the maroon armoured beings, that followed Farsight, lunged over the trench. One of the fanatical Aliens was impaled on the bayonet of the Guardsman, before the Guardsman was felled by another of the xenos' hooves flying into his jaw, shattering it and sending him flying to the ground. The other two began to fall back along the trench, firing wildly. "GET BACK YOU XENOS SCUM!!!" One of them yelled, shortly before being killed in a hail of their plasma bolts. The last of them made his way along the trench, his breath heavy and daring not to look back. The Commissar would no doubt have him shot for falling back, but, at the very least, this way he would live longer.
Finally, getting towards where his platoon had been, he was horrified to see the sight of a Riptide Battlesuit now stood and firing its burst-cannon as the rest of his platoon fell to the mechanical monstrosity. He took a Frag grenade from his belt and took the pin out before throwing it behind him to deter his pursuers, then took a Krak Grenade and looked at it as the grenade went off behind him. He was about to charge it before he saw in the skyline behind it, black and white cylindars dropping from the skies. "The Steel Rain of his Holiness' Angels" he whispered before crossing his heart. Just behind him, a metal cylindar smashed into the ground, before a ramp dropped and a Dreadnought, wearing the heraldry of The Great Raven walked out of it, it's assault cannon firing wildly into the Alien horde, but it was soon in trouble as alien attack dogs began to swarm it. Several more looking at the lone guardsman as a quick, easy meal. It was then that a the air in front of him began to glow and flicker. Black, metal men appeared as if from no-where carrying weapons larger than the Guardsman could believe anyone could actually carry. One of them took up a book in his hand.
"LET NONE FIND US WANTING!" The men shouted as their guns roared, shattering the attack dogs. It was at this point that the Riptide turned its attention to the Terminators. The one with the book charged towards it, his armour deflecting the few plasma bolts that managed to hit him. The guardsman could hear something from him... Singing... ((WRITERS NOTE: Sang to the tune of All Creatures Great And Small)) "BLESS YE MIGHTY EMPEROR, YOUR GLORY BE OUR SHIELD!" He took the giant mace with both hands and swung it into the knee of the Riptide, the first strike buckled the armour, before he delivered a second strike, to the back of its knee. "THROUGH OUR DEVOTION AND YOUR MIGHT, HUMANITY WILL BE HEALED!" It completely collapsed to it's other knee. It was at this point that the guardsman decided to assist.
"FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" He roared before firing at the main head of the Riptide. The Riptide's shoulder mounted Smart-missiles locked onto the Guardsman, however and fired. The Astartes at its feet watched as the Guardsman was blasted to peaces in front of him. He gave an almighty bellow of rage before he smashed his mace into it's chest and buckling the door to the cockpit. 3 more swings and the Riptide was busted open. He reached his arm in and his Stormbolter turned the blue-skinned pilot into a mass of gore. He then walked over to the guardsman and looked at the remains of his body.
"Go with his majesty." he said, taking a knee at his corpse and muttering a short prayer "He will welcome you in his presence." he then heard the unmistakable sound of plasma hitting thick Ceramite plates and turned to see that the battle was far from over. "PRESS THE ADVANCE, FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" he roared to his Deathwatch brothers. As he trudged across the battlefield, over the sound of gunfire and death, the sound of the Blackshield's singing could be heard.
After being approved by the Watch Commander, he was forced to scrub the heraldry from his armour. Since then, he has served the Deathwatch with distinction. He served in the Damocles Gulf against the servants of the false good. He personally killed Tau Commander Jademoon in single combat. It was this that caught the eye of Inquisitor [TO BE DECIDED] who asked that he be transfered to his personal retinue.
Philosophy: Puritan. To turn from the Emperor's light, nae, to think of turning from the Emperor's light is unforgivable.
Skills & Abilities:
Astartes Physiology (Like all Astartes, he is able to lift a ton and survive wounds that would kill a normal human, 5 times over. He is also able to spit acid and gain short term memories from his fallen foes by consuming their flesh) Terminator Honours (has been implanted with the necessary implants to wear and perfectly operate Terminator Armour) Melee combatant (Has proven on many battlefields that he is an amazing melee combatant, able to go toe to toe with the champions of Chaos and the even the forces of Xenos Commander Farsight) Excessive knowledge of prayers and songs about the Emperor.
Equipment: Cataphractii-Pattern Terminator Armour Wrist Mounted Stormbolter (With Special Issue Ammunition, as with all members of the Deathwatch) Power Maul (Surrendered his Crozius to the Watch Commander, deeming himself unworthy of weilding such a relic) Copy of the Lectitio Divinitatus.
Miscellaneous: He likes to sing. He will sing loud and proud as he slaughters the enemies of mankind. He knows songs of praise from most chapters, as, when serving with members of the Deathwatch, he will usually ask his squadmates to teach him a song from their culture. One of his favourites is one taught to him by a Space Wolves Iron Priest that he served under.
Relationships with Other Characters: (To be decided)
This is the rough build of the character. I will, of course, finish it as soon as I can find an Inquisitor to serve under. I hate leaving the History blank, but nobody is truly to know his backstory and I can't write anything about the feats and events in the time that he has served his Inquisitor until I find one XD. A Blackshields past transgressions are known only by the Watch Commander that he told and was approved by.