Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Arkheus Criminal Rehabilitiation Center
The room is dark, the figure within can see nothing but a screen before him filled with white static, the noise buzzes and washes through his ears endlessly. A metal device is clamped over his head, his arms are strapped into a chair. How long has it been? He don't know. 'So tired', he thinks to himself. His head nods down towards his chest, exhaustion sweeps through him. An electric jolt snaps his head back up, keeping him awake, how long has it been? A green light just below the screen flicks on. "Please, no, not again," he pleads.

The year is 3198 and the Ark is all anybody has ever known. Ten generations of families have lived within its steel walls. Arkheus is a perfectly oiled machine. Everybody does their part to provide for the whole, even the criminals, the mentally ill, and the destitute. You are here because you've forgotten our core value; Unity. Together we must survive, or perish. There is no escape, no second chances, no record of our previous existence. The Ark is our home, we are the Ark, the Ark is us. There are no seconds chances. We must operate together, the farms, the machines, we must provide for each other. We must exist. So much has been lost, do you not want to rebuild? Do you not want to live? There is no outside world, exploration through the Exodus hatch has reaped no benefits. Nobody ever survives, nobody comes back, nothing penetrates the blackness outside. We are all that's left. We are the last to stand testament to the survival of mankind.

"Are you ready to tell us where he is Phret?" A voice asked. The man in the chair whimpered as a cloud of acrid blue smoke filled his nostrils. It stung. A figure moved before him, silhouetted by the screen behind him that was flipping through hundreds of images, rapidly. The orange glow of a cigar floated through the air as another cloud washed over him. This time, the imprisoned man coughed as he breathed it in. A second later his screams split the air, drowning out the drowning out the voice on the screen as the video looped back to the beginning. Tears streamed down the prisoner's dirty face as another wound was inflicted to his body, the smell of burned flesh filled his senses. The shadowed figure before him stood up, "Turn the chair on," The tall shadow called out as he walked back towards the door, "Maybe his daughter has something to say." The man laughed, "If her mouth's not full."

"NO! PLEASE!" Phret cried. The other man paused only briefly, waiting for his victim to speak. He didn't, instead he just sobbed. The door closed with a hollow bang.

The year is 3198 and the Ark is all anybody has ever known. Ten generations of...

Phret tensed, waiting for the electricity to come back, to keep him awake. To keep him aware, and in pain. But it didn't come. Beneath the droning of the video he thought he could hear a hollow boom, or was he hallucinating again? Was he even alive? The room shook violently, throwing the screen across the room where it shattered into hundreds of glowing little shards of light. The man blinked, staring at the wreckage as the ground shook again. Was he hallucinating? Something metallic echoed down the hall, it was loud. It sounded as if it were pummeling a pattern into the floor, and it was drawing closer. This time the explosion felt as if it were directly ontop of him. The screech of twisting metal was deafened by the shock of the blast. Heat washed over him as his chair shook violently, before launching across the room. He smashed into the wall, head first, and went sprawling to the floor. Bits and pieces of the chair rained down on his back, which was barely covered by the singed tatters of clothes.

He stood on shakey legs, blackened and burned rags hung loosely from his limbs as he stumbled towards the light spilling through the twisted doorway. His foot hit something, causing him to cry out in pain as the object skittered across the floor. It stopped in the light. He took a closer look, it was a hand. A metal hand.

The hallway was a mess. It looked as if it had once been the typical white, sterilized corridor you saw in medical facilities. Now it was littered with blackened burn marks, pieces of bodies both flesh and metallic, and large swathes of blood. He stumbled further down as the chaos raged around him. Her could hear it clearly now. The screams, the explosions, the gunfire. But his exhausted body trudged on. He came across an intersecting hallway, but that's not why he stopped.

A writhing, pulsing mass wrapped around a corner before him. A multitude of lights blinked in and out, something within it whirred to life. There was a body embedded in the mess of technology. Hoses seemed to run from his body, up the wall, and into the light fixture. He could see the power running down the appendages and into the main assembly below. The man inside the machinery let out a ragged sob, "Please.. it.. won't.. let.. me.. die.."

Phret cried out, turning down a hall and running from the horror, well, he shambled at a good pace. "Ema?!" He called out, the name of his daughter. They were both part of a rebel coalition, devoted to spreading the truth. To seeing through the lies of their government, but things had gone wrong. He cringed, imaging all the horrible, perverse things that could have happened to her. He was lost in thought when pain exploded in his face and he quite literally flew into a wall. The world went black for a second, before coming back. He tried to find his attacked but his vision was blurred. He shook his head slightly, attempting to stand, but there was a pressure on his chest.

He gasped and let out a pitiful cry as the pressure became a pain that pierced his body. Blood gushed out of his wound, coating a metal spike attatched to.. He looked up. A metal.. thing was crouched on the ceiling, a long flexible arm curved from its body and into his chest. What must have been it's face let out a metallic screech. Tiny little metal mandibles snapped at him, inches from his face. As he looked closer he noticed bits of.. human, mixed with the machine. It had half a face, the other was all lights and eletronics, and had arms with hands of flesh and bone. "What.. the.." his words cut off as the pain in his chest erupted into an acidic fire that spread through his body. He shook violently as a seizure gripped him. He blacked out.

It was hours later when he awoke again. The pain in his chest was still there, but it was hollow, distant, buried beneath a mountain of pressure pressing down on most of his body. He blinked and tried to rub his eyes, but his arms wouldn't move, and he could just barely inch his leg around. "Oh god," he breathed, looking down at himself. A haphazard pile of machinery was piled over him, he could actually see the tube running into his lungs, forcing him to breath. He gasped as something writhed against him, snaking deeper into his body. The tube wriggled and churned as lights lit up along it's length. It pumped him full of.. something, briefly, before stopping. It wasn't uncomfortable, he felt... full. Oh god, it was keeping him alive.


Arkheus is a world with modern themes, and generous dashes of futuristic tech. The city itself is like the largest nuclear bunker in existence. It houses billions of people, and has only one exit. The Exodus Hatch, but nobody has ever returned after leaving. The whole ordeal of the exodus hatch is kind of a cultural celebration, expeditions only happen every so often, but with increasing frequency within the last few years. Arkheus is divided up into sectors, which special in manufacturing, agricultural, resource acquisition, and so forth. Detailed descriptions of the sectors, along with brief city stats will be availiable later on. Everybody will start in the Core, the slums of Arkheus. Packed shoulder to shoulder, wall to wall, ass to mouth. Anyways, it's crowed, dirty, and cramped. Explanations of the different parts of the slums will be among the first things you'll need to know, so I'll get on that later.

This is an objective survival experience, but with free roleplay and decision capability. You can be, and do, whatever you want, basically. Within reasonable possibilities of course. The ultimate goal is to survive, and defeat your enemies. Establish dominance. How you do this, is up to you. I will list the known objectives below.

Now, Magic. At this point you might be thinking something like, "Oh, tiny nanites that convert the body's natural bioelectric energy into awesome powers like fire and lightning!" Nah. It's innate. Some people have it, some people don't, not everybody can learn it. But with laser rifles and plasma flame throwers, motion trackers, infrared, railguns, etc the playing field is hardly uneven. Now, magic is tied to life force so over exertion = death. Pretty cut and dry there. The more magic used the more strain put on the body. Now, magic is a fairly new and recent discovering, from years of Genome research, the ability has been dug up from the smallest fragments of genetic code. Meaning knowledge and skill with magic are going to start low and build up over time.

This is a survival experience. Your enemies are vast, and numerable, ever changing, ever adapting.

Victory Conditions
  • The systematic destruction of your enemies.

Defeat Conditions
  • Total unsettled population is less than 10,000
  • Total settled population is less than 1,000

There are several victory and defeat conditions that remain to be discovered.

Also if you join everybody gets a free hug, but if you touch my butt I'll have to cut you.

  • Applicants understand that because of violence, gore, suggestive themes, drugs, alcohol, taboo, and etc. you must be 18+.
  • Otherwise you should really know how to act. If these rules are unclear please ask and I will get you a more detailed outline.

Not exactly a rule but player input is always appreciated. Ideas are always considered, but please be understanding if I can't give you something you want, I typically have a reasonable explanation as to why.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


It's back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So, we all must start as dirty weakling no-names in the slums, or can i be the rector of the Arkheus University and Research Facilities blessed with magical talent, great ambitions, a congregation of pupils fanatically devout to the cause of Science and strong faith in that systematic research unhindered by ethics and morals and combined efforts of all people can help the inhabitants of the ark to achieve greatness beyond it's walls?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Keksalot You absolutely can be the narcissistic loose cannon director with grandiose delusions about his magical talent and who constantly reaches above his station.

All trolling aside, you can be whatever you want. But as I stated above magic is relatively new, so it won't exactly be the most awesome thing ever (but still pretty damn good!)
Students don't have a choice, so yes, you can have "fervent" and "devote" pupils who devote their lives to science and your teachings because they totally want to. Good luck keeping them all alive :D
Achieve greatness beyond it's walls you say? Hmmm... it won't be easy. It will be a long an arduous journey. Filled with human sacrifice and danger. You want to know what's outside the walls? YOU CAN'T HANDLE WHAT'S OUTSIDE THE WALLS.

Hell from the looks of things, nobody can handle what's inside the walls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is sweet as fuck. We've just met but i already love you and think you're the best GM and i will try not to dissapoint and constantly stick my fingers into questions and secrets that were best left unknown and uncovered by men. Science will cleanse me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Keksalot Stick your fingers into whateve- I MEAN. Ask all the questions you want. TOGETHER WE WILL CHANGE THIS WORLD.

As I do my best to brutally murder all of you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Actually i do have some questions.
What is the game's tech level? How widespread are such things as genengineering, prostethic technologies, science of cybernetics and nanotech? What are Ark's military assets and weapons? Are there local wars within the ark itself and what is the governmental system?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Here is a listing from when I tried to start this the last time. I'll probably keep all of these but there's an exepectation

Ballistic weapons are obsolete. Bolter weapons are the new rage and use core crystals to fire hardened plasma shots. These disintegrate after impact, leaving no metal in the victim, but have all the ability to punch a hole in somebody like a bullet. Lasers also exist, as utility too (ie: laser pen). Plasma has replaced old-age flame weapons. Plasma fire sticks to its target.

The "roads" on the map you see are Industrial Mag-rails, which is basically a system of pylons that basically create a magnetic light bridge. The big Mag-rails are called Highways, just like a road would be, there are no government maintained ground rounds between sectors. Though ground level roads do exist, they are mostly trails beaten into the landscape. Smaller rails are not mapped and are as commonplace as a sidewalk. The "Rail Riders" tech allows a person on foot to traverse the rails, there are no ladders to climb no stairs or ramps to ascend. Simply turning on the magnetic catapult lifts the vehicle, or the person with the rail riders, up towards the rail. Once locked on they'll accelerate forward. If the magnets are active you cannot fall off the rail, but you can ride on top, or upside down on the underbelly of the railways. (Just don't hit a pylon). Trains always travel on top of the rails, they will decimate anything they hit and barely tremble.

Each wall has an upper gate, for rail riders, and a small gate, for those of you who are walking or have shitty non-rail vehicles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Firecracker_
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Member Seen 4 days ago

o shit. Of course, you have my interest
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interest registered, that prelude was really well written. Been a while since I've done much writing, but this seems like a good place to come back to. ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Appreciate the interest guys ^_^ I'm so looking forward to this. I'll get around to the character sheets soon, but until then feel free to shoot some ideas my way or discuss whatever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esoteric
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Esoteric Coquette

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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