@Gowi look, they're doing a reboot! If you're not too busy and wanna be my Richard Davis again here's your chance lol. 

tfw u wake up to find the gays have invaded
@NarcissisticPotato Don't you dare mention Bellarke! Clarke deserves so much better than that, so so much better XD
-Sincerely, someone who totally shipped Bellarke as a backup to Clexa, before Bellamy was a total piece of trash
You're too late, @smarty0114's our good ol' resident straight neighbor. He's keeping us gays in check.
I'll figure you guys out one day!
Also I know! X_x Clarke and Lexa were adorable together! Now the dirty heathens will probably force Bellarke on us! >.>
why do we always attract the gays? I swear, our roleplays attracts more gays than the roleplays where LGBT is advertised. @McHaggis @Liriia i think we're all gay lords. We have achieved royalty status.
Also I know! X_x Clarke and Lexa were adorable together! Now the dirty heathens will probably force Bellarke on us! >.>
<Snipped quote by NarcissisticPotato>
I will go maniac on them if they do!! Eliza herself does NOT WANT THAT. She keeps saying that no one ever loved her like Lexa and she loved Lexa more than anything and that Clarke won't have another love like that and she also said she doesn't see her falling in love again any time soon. SHE WANTS CLEXA TOO! Anytime Alycia appears she is all cutsie and stuff. She wants Clexa just as much as we do. She will be disappointed too if they now go with Bellarke, because she knows how much Clexa means to a lot of people. She's our captain.
I really don't wanna see this turn into a Bellarke is better than Clexa thing because it really upsets me. Lexa meant a lot to me.
Anyone wanna play an Eliza and be the lover of my badass detective child-of-family Alycia? ;) muhahaha
But hit me up if you're interested in playing my significant other but not bad if no one wants.
If someone is interested in having a significant other in this RP hmu and we can hash it out one love peace