Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The Justice League. The Big Seven. The Brave and the Bold. Earth's Greatest Heroes.

THE Super Team.

Formed five years ago in the wake of a threat too severe for any one of it's member to handle alone, the League has served as earth's first, foremost and greatest defense against all those that would threaten her. They have proved not only their worth, but their very necessity time and time again, giving hope to a world that would have long since lost it without them. They are a constant and reassuring presence that humanity can, and will survive any threat.

Or at least they were. . .

Not a single member of the League has been seen in over a month. Superman hasn't been glimpsed soaring the skies of Metropolis, nor have Gotham criminals been suffering broken bones and humiliating beatings at the hand of the Batman. The Magnificent Seven have vanished, and left not a trace as to their whereabouts. It has been peaceful in their absence thus far, but a frightened world holds it's breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it will drop, have no doubts about that.

It's only a matter of time for someone - or something - to take advantage of an earth that lacks it's greatest champions. . .

[indent]Your character's given name.[/indent]

[indent]The name those who are close to your character refer to them as.[/indent]

[indent]Your characters alter-ego.[/indent]

[indent]Your characters age[/indent]

[indent]Your characters gender[/indent]

[indent]A short written description of your characters appearance.
You may also use a picture, I'd prefer it to be written.[/indent]

[indent]What special abilities and skills does your character possess.[/indent]

[indent]Your characters personal history.
This section is very important for canon characters. Aim for at least three paragraphs.[/indent]

[b][u]Motivation for joining the League?:[/u][/b]
[indent]Why your character wishes to join the League.[/indent]

[b][u]What do you bring to the League?:[/u][/b]
[indent]What does your character bring to the table.[/indent]

[indent]Any miscellaneous notes you may wish to add.
Examples are characters sexuality, their city of operations,
relationships with other characters or supporting casts.[/indent]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


B'wana Beast - Played by The Kid Lantern

Devil Ray - Played by Nightrunner

Etrigan - Played by Mr_pink

Jon-El - Played by GreenGrenade

The Imp - Played by LadyRunic

Mark Moonrider - Played by Weird Tales

The Marvelous Miss Appear - Played by FantasyChic

Nightwing - Played by Lord Wraith

The Question - Played by Polyphemus

Red Arrow - Played by FacePunch

Seraph - Played by King Kindred

Shining Knight - Played by Rin

Star Girl - Played by Blue Demon

Starling - Played by Konica

Static - Played by Gowi

S.T.R.I.P.E - Played by Nightwing95

Superman - Played by Hillan

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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| | N I G H T W I N G | |

"You'll never know if you can fly unless you take the risk of falling."

|_N A M E:_|

Richard John Grayson

|_N I C K N A M E ( S ):_|

The Boy Wonder

|_A L I A S ( E S ):_|

Formerly - Robin
Eventually - The Batman (II)

|_A G E:_|

Mid to Late Twenties

|_S E X:_|


|_A P P E A R A N C E:_|

"I know it's hard, but try to stay whelmed."

HEIGHT | 5'-10"
WEIGHT | 175 lbs

Richard is a classically handsome man standing at five foot, ten inches. Matching the age old 'tall, dark and handsome', Dick possesses dark black hair and deep blue eyes. He has a highly athletic figure, having rigorously trained both with Bruce and on his own for decades. Due to this, he has a very chiseled and toned body, although much leaner than his mentor. Notably, Dick's buttocks is incredibly well toned having been noticed and complimented by many of his peers and foes over the years.

|_A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:_|

"The Batman taught me, guided me, trained me. What I am, I owe to him."

■ PEAK HUMAN CONDITIONING | Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. As such Grayson possesses the normal human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5"10 175 lb. While he relies more on speed and agility than strength, Grayson has shown incredible strength throughout the years. On a peak day, Grayson can press lift 350lbs, basically meaning he can lift twice his own weight above his head. Grayson's human conditioning also grants him something in the way of durability, though more specifically it's through the fact he's used to enduring pain and can ignore and work through it. This can give the impression to lesser minds that he's superhuman.

■ CHARISMATIC | Probably one of the most charistmatic people you will ever meet, despite living with Batman for five years, Dick still retains his bright and sunny disposition and as such is very easy to get along with. The former circus boy is very much still a charming performer and is a huge flirt, something that is generally returned from members of the opposite sex and even those who aren't. Grayson makes the clothes fall off faster than Tequila.

■ STEALTH | Grayson is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He can even sneak up on Batman himself on occasion. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters such as Jesse Quick or others with abilities that allow them to survey environments precisely and quickly.

■ WEAPON PROFICIENCY | Due to his training with Batman, Grayson has been taught and displayed skills and proficiency in various weaponry ranging from shurikens (which the Batfamily uses in the forms of Wing-Dings and Batarangs), to eskrima sticks and staves to swords and even bows to various modern firearms.

■ BEST BUTT IN THE DCU | Dick Grayson has the finest ass in the entire world. It's a fact, deal with it.

■ MASTER ACROBAT | Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is generally regarded as the greatest human acrobat in the world. Batman himself is an incredible athlete in agility, but even he can admit that Grayson's skill surpasses his own. Grayson is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents).

■ MASTER MARTIAL ARTIST | He is a master of many martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Jiu-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Savate, Kendo, Ninjitsu, Boxing and Tang Soo Do . He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique style that suits his strengths. This makes him a challenging opponent for even the world's best martial artists.

■ MASTER OF DISGUISE | Taught by the Batman in the art of disguise, like his mentor, Grayson had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 21. Grayson has used many aliases to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. However unlike Batman, Grayson doesn't keep a standing collection of identities and instead invents them on an as needed basis.

■ EXPERT DRIVER | Grayson is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.

■ EXPERT ESCAPOLOGIST | Due to his training with Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology. Grayson has shown such proficiency as escaping a straightjacket in 4.5 seconds and was able to use a Tibetan Mind Technique to escape virtual reality. Grayson has even been able to escape a maze faster than Wally West due to his training under Batman.

■ EXPERT MARKSMAN | Grayson is skilled enough to use modified Shuriken (Wing-Dings) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed, despite even giving him a head-start and disarm others with his wingdings. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained by Batman to do in order to gain a better understanding to disarm those who use them.

■ SKILLED DETECTIVE | Grayson is a world class detective, though not quite as proficient as Batman. In light of that, Grayson has been said to be third to Batman who is widely regarded as the 'World's Greatest Detective'. Grayson was able to solve a riddle by the Riddler before Batman himself even figured it out and this was before Grayson had become Robin. Furthermore, he has been known to solve mysteries and cases in a speed that even impresses his mentor. Barbara Gordon even commented that he was able to solve 4 cases in "America's Most Wanted" in a single morning and solved a homicidal case that went unsolved for 14 years.

■ SKILLED HACKER | He is skilled enough to hack into the Batcomputer emergency override codes during a time when he and Bruce had a falling out following his evolution from Robin to Nightwing. During his travels with Kori, Grayson also hacked a Alien Terminal with the use of the Tameranian Language he had learned from former teammate and romantic interest Starfire.

■ SKILLED MULTI-LINGUIST | Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany and the alien language of Tamaran.

■ SKILLED TRACKER | Gryason has been trained in hunting techniques by Batman who learned by the way of the African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others). As such Grayson's skills are quite considerable both in natural and urban environments.

|_B I O G R A P H Y:_|

"The criminals, the monster, the ones who dedicate themselves doing wrong need to think he can't die. They need to think he's still out there. Batman lives, always."

| | T H E F L Y I N G G R A Y S O N S | |

Born on the first day of spring during one of Gotham's rare sunny days, Richard John Grayson was handed into the hands of his loving parents who looked down on their son overwhelmed with pride. Upon first looking at her newborn baby boy, Mary called the boy her 'Little Robin', relating to his birth on the Spring Solstice. This term of endearment would imprint on the young Grayson for his entire life.

Like his father, Richard comes from a line of Romani descent. The Graysons were the ancestors of a roaming gypsy family who had been part of the circus for longer than any written record could tell. However unbeknownst to them, the Graysons were also the descendant of one of Gotham's most deadly legends, a man by the name of William Cobb. Cobb lived most of his life as a Talon, a highly feared enforcer for a group that has been all but long forgotten save for the haunting rhymes told to children who disobey their parents. As such the history of William Cobb fell into obscurity, lost in a history of circus performers and Romanies.

As his parents had, Richard or as he preferred to go by, Dick lived his whole life travelling from city to city in Haly's Circus. Trained by his parents, Mary and John Grayson, Dick was taught to be an acrobat and began performing at an early age, wowing crowds with his natural prowess on the trapeze. Together with his parents who were both world renowned acrobats, Dick would begin his introduction to performing at a young age and essentially from birth was trained to be a performer in the circus. His mother's nickname for him only became further enforced as Dick learned to perform on the trapeze, as Mary would constantly comment how he reminded her of a Robin while flying through the air in his red leotard. Together they were collectively known as the 'Flying Graysons' and were recognized as being one of the biggest shows in the circus business. In fact the circus' owner Jack Haley often remarked that the Grayson's were the biggest asset to the circus' business. Known for performing without a net, the 'Flying Graysons' true trade mark was their signature quadruple somersault, a move that only the three Graysons were known to be capable of performing. Growing up in the circus, Dick made several friends with the children of the other performers such as Jimmy, Zane and his childhood crush Raya Vestri.

Travelling the world with the circus, Dick became very cultured and outgoing though his education did suffer as he was only taught what those around him knew. None the less, his quick mind grasped onto most concepts quickly and Dick was recognized among the other performers as being a very sharp kid. At the age of fifteen, Dick found himself in Gotham City as the circus rolled into town for its annual performance. Dick had only ever performed in Gotham a few times previously, but that said having heard of Gotham's reputation for crime he had always been understandably nervous about leaving the circus grounds to explore the city like he had in Paris, New York, and numerous other locations. However, staying at the circus gave the boy a unique opportunity as he was able to meet a young fan of his by the name of Timothy Drake. At the time, Timothy was only about four years old, but none the less he remembered seeing Grayson's performances in previous years, wanting nothing more than to soar through the air like the older boy did. Having his picture taken with Tim and his parents, Dick wandered off through the circus to kill time before his family's show that evening.

Dick's world suddenly changed that fateful night. It was one of the biggest shows of the year as Haly's Circus had once again returned to Gotham City to help ring in the New Year. But Gotham wasn't the same place it was twelve years ago, not that it was some shiny metropolis then either, yet the city had managed to become worse. Stumbling across an argument between the circus' owner Mr. Haly and a well-known and feared crime lord by the name of "Boss" Tony Zucco. Dick hide in the shadows as he heard Zucco threaten Mr. Haly unless the circus's owner paid protection money. Being an honest and moral man, Haly refused not knowing the horrors he had released. That night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. A burden of guilt came over Dick as he stood there, the realization that he could have warned his parents washing over him, downing him in anguish as he collapsed into bitter sobs.

| | R O B I N: T H E B O Y W O N D E R | |

Shortly after the tragedy of his parent's death, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, reportedly on the grounds that social services was full. While in the juvenile systems, Dick found himself dragged into numerous brawls where he was beaten up by a number of the inmates. He was eventually passed onto a Catholic orphanage where he stayed for a couple miserable months. Though life seemed to have taken a permanent turn for the worse for the young boy, seemingly out of nowhere, infamous billionaire Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him.

Dick insisted on only being adopted as his ward, because he did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire who he only knew from the tabloids. In fact, Dick originally believed that Bruce only adopted him for the good press and this was further supported by the amount of time that Dick found himself spending alone in the near empty mansion. Living with the billionaire at first felt like Dick had won the lottery, but after several weeks of growing loneliness, Dick's bitterness began to resurface. Growing frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble upon Gotham's mysterious Batman, who was also investigating the murder. Feeling it would be cathartic for Dick to apprehend Zucco, the Batman allowed Dick to work with him, acknowledging their similar parallels in life.

While working with Batman, Dick began to get a familiar sense about the mysterious man. An expert in reading body language, a skill inherited from the circus and playing up to crowds it didn't take Dick long to deduce that Bruce Wayne and Batman were actually the same individual. Exploring the mansion for further clues, Dick eventually found himself stumbling upon the Batcave where Batman himself was awaiting his arrival. Bruce offered to train Dick, turn Dick into a crime fighter in his own right and pass along each and every skill he himself possessed. Wanting to honor his parents, Dick wholeheartedly agreed and was put through a rigorous training regime. Exercise after grueling exercise nearly brought Dick to his knees, but the young acrobat managed to excel through all combat and physical based training. Where Dick struggled however was the more academic departments although he eventually overcame these obstacles once he was able to put his own perspective on them.

Continuing their hunt, the pair succeeded in tracking down Zucco, and confronted John and Mary's murderer. However, Batman and Dick were unable to apprehend Zucco as the mobster died of a heart attack seconds before his arrest. But the night was hardly over as the nature of its events had allowed Batman to see a reflection of himself in Dick. A thirst for justice he could temper into an unstoppable force, Batman made the young boy the offer of a lifetime; the chance to stay on as his crime-fighting partner. Accepting wholeheartedly, Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and his training began.

Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling six months. Despite the intensive training, Dick had still not been allowed in the field since the night the death of Boss Zucco. But fate had a different idea as Batman's found himself caught in the trap set by one of his many rogues. Stubborn still, Bruce refused Alfred's suggestion to send Dick into the field, but fearing for Bruce's safety and having complete confidence in Dick, Alfred made the decision to disobey Bruce and presented Dick with his first costume. Leaping into action, Robin managed to rescue Batman proving his competence once and for all.

With the rescue of Batman, Dick was finally deemed worthy to hit the streets. However Bruce had one final test for Dick to pass - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sundown to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded while simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. From that point on the two would patrol Gotham together and the name Robin became simultaneous to that of Batman. Just as the dynamic duo were becoming well known, rumors of a female Batman began to circulate Gotham however neither paid them much attention at the time despite the rumors becoming more persistent as time went on.

Enjoying his first few years as Robin, Dick regarded the role as much as a job as he did it an adventure until a confrontation with Two-Face served as a rude awakening for the young hero. The former District Attory Harvey Dent turned supervillain had captured the new District Attorney along with Batman. Suspending both from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap', the rescue of the pair fell squarely on Robin's shoulders. However in trying to save the D.A., Robin used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose failing to account for Dent's obsession with the number two. To Robin's dismay it was a two-fold trap as he watched the floor give way, dropping the D.A. to his death. Devastated at his own failure, Robin was taken by surprise by Two-Face. Savagely beaten while Batman was forced to watch, Robin was left defenseless while Two-Face took no mercy on the young boy. Freeing himself, Batman jumped to Dick's aid, quickly putting an end to Two-Face's assualt.. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, haunting him for years to come. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman chose to "fire" his partner and sidelined the Boy Wonder.

| | T E E N T I T A N S: A L E A G U E O F T H E I R O W N | |

Feeling disgruntled and disrespected by Batman, Dick decided to seek out other young heroes he had encountered during his time as Robin and realized they too felt under appreciated and ignored. Wanting independence and freedom from their mentors, the young heroes banded together in much the same way as the Justice Society and Justice League of America had before them. Branding themselves 'Titans', the team operated out of the eye of the League taking missions that Dick knew first hand Batman would never allow the League to touch. Hand picking his team, Dick sought out Wally West (Kid Flash) and Garth of Atlantis (Aqualad). This team was later expanded when the trio found themselves overwhelmed on the sands of Kahndaq. Joined by the Amazon Donna Troy (Wondergirl) and the recently rogue Roy Harper (Speedy). Making it out of Kahndaq as a team, the Titans finally caught the attention of the Justice League.

While Batman and Dick nearly came to blows, Superman stepped in and negotiated a deal between the Titans and the League. Superman's own protege would act a liason between the Titans and the League. With reluctant agreement from both Batman and Dick, the Kryptonian Kieran Kent (Seraph) was added to the team. Still the Titans were hard fought to meet acceptence from the world around them. However their acceptance finally came after an event with an alien organism left the Justice League under the control of a creature that wished to conquer and enslave the Earth. Working together fluidly as a team, the Titans managed to free their mentors and alongside them repel the potential alien invasion. After these events, Superman, Batman, Flash Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league placed their support towards the idea of the young men and women becoming a heroic group, and the Titans were officially sanctioned by the Justice League. Dick himself would became continue to lead the team with Batman returning Dick's former identity as Robin to him. Despite a series of successful adventures and missions the team would eventually disband after only a few years together.

Returning to Gotham, Dick continued his adventures with Batman, as his former mentor welcomed him back. It was at this time that the rumors of a female Batman came to a head and Bruce and Dick sprung into action to investigate. Coming upon the female apprehending a pair of criminals, the Dynamic Duo confronted the Batgirl. While Bruce reluctantly agreed to train her, Dick became immediately smitten with the redhead and much to Bruce's chargin would go out of his way to both flirt and attempt to impress the older girl. However Batgirl took no interest in the much younger Robin and repeatedly pushed him away.

Batgirl wasn't the only thing new in Dick's life upon his return to Gotham. Having received a private and very privileged education from the finest teachers, paid for and provided by Bruce, Dick had completed a high school level education and upon his return to Gotham began attending college at Hudson University despite the commute to New York. Dick had chosen Hudson in an effort to assert his independence from Bruce. Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right.

Before Bruce could realize it, Dick was also becoming a man. His failure with Batgirl eventually lead Dick to dating other girls. In particular Dick found himself attracted to one of the daughters of Gotham's socialites. While Dick Grayson enticed her, Dick soon found out that the young Bette Kane was heavily infatuated with Gotham's Boy Wonder. Meeting her as Robin, Dick used his secret identity to score with Bette only for Batman to confront him. Yelling at Dick, words were exchanged between the two with Bruce accusing Dick of manipulating the girl, being irresponsible and compromising their identities while Dick reminded Bruce that he does the same thing with Catwoman on a regular basis. In addition to this confrontation, their idealisms began to differ as Dick looked towards moving forward while Bruce was still firmly tethered in the past.

The widening gyre between Batman and Robin only became worse as Dick was shot and injured during a confrontation with the Scarecrow. Subjected to a near lethal dose of fear gas, Batman put Dick on 'Cave Arrest' out of fear of seeing him further injured. However left alone in the cave, Dick discovered that Bruce had been training a boy by the name of Jason Todd in secret which he assumed was meant to replace him. Bruce tried to explain that they were at war and Jason was a soldier for their crusade, some much needed back but Dick refused to hear any of it. The conversation got heated as Dick began to run down Bruce's crusade calling him a 'Scared Boy hiding up a blanket' and saying that 'Bruce Wayne could do ten times more for Gotham than Batman ever could.' After a final sucker punch and a dramatic exit, Dick Grayson left the Batcave.

Dick realized at that point he had grown up: He no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He had also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester. Without Bruce, Dick was out on his own but was more than capable of taking care of himself. Alfred had been kind enough over the years to teach Dick the domestic side of life and revealed to the young man that Bruce had been given control of a trust fund that Dick's parents had created for him. This trust fund had been left in the hands of financial expert Lucius Fox who had grown it into a modest fortune for Dick. Thanking Alfred for everything, Dick embarked away from Gotham.

| | N I G H T W I N G: O U T O F T H E S H A D O W | |

Spending nearly a year backpacking through Europe, Dick took it upon himself to return to his Romani roots and explore the world as they had, living as a nomad and travelling from town to town. The experience was wholly enriching and exactly what Dick had needed on his trip of self discovery. Returning to North America, Dick avoided Gotham and instead went to New York. It was here that Dick met and enjoyed a whirlwind romance with fashionista Cheyenne Fremont. Though their romance came to an end, the two parted on friendly terms and Dick continued his journey eventually coming into contact with a Tamaranian named Koriand'r. Kori, as she preferred to be called opened Dick's eyes to the further wonders of the world as he was able to live vicariously through her optimistic and naive point of view about Earth. The two became rather passionately involved and were almost married at a Vegas Chapel until the ceremony was disturbed by the interruption of a localized zombie apocalypse. However despite intending to continue their romance, Dick returned to Gotham when Alfred contacted him regarding Barbara, the former Batgirl and his first love.

In his quest to break the Batman, The Joker had crippled Barbara Gordon but it was Dick who was out for revenge. A burning fire inside his chest once again united Batman and the former Robin on the same path. There wasn't a waking hour that Dick didn't stop by the hospital sitting at Barbara's beside. It was during this time the two became quite close, Barbara beginning to see Dick as more than the annoying kid who had a crush on her. As Barbara regained her independence, Dick continued on his trip, summoned to the aid of a mysterious young girl by the name of Raven.

The daughter of a Demon named Trigon, Raven had escaped her father's clutches and sought out the Titans believing the former teen heroes were her only hope. Reuniting with Kieran, Wally and Donna, they were joined by newcomers Raven, Terra and Beast Boy. Repelling the demon, Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the New Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this falling out. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, as well as Barbara who urged Dick to not allow Brucer to define him. Realizing his journey was far from over, Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Kieran and departed.

Uncertain what to do, he turned to someone he knew would understand: Superman. Travelling to Metropolis, Dick sought out Superman who much to Dick's surprise recognized the former Boy Wonder. Showing Dick the city, Clark and Dick eventually sat down for a meal where the two heroes had a heart to heart, sharing their frustrations about Bruce and ended the night with Superman sharing a story he heard about a Kandorian hero who not unlike Dickwas cast out by his family. The man had dreamed of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless of Krypton. His true identity was never revealed. He was known only as Nightwing.

The story stuck with Dick and he took up the mantle of Nightwing stopping crime on the road before returning to Gotham upon learning of the death of his successor, Jason Todd. Joining Batman in the manhunt for the Joker, it was Dick was reminded Bruce of his one rule, his vow to never take a life. The line they swore not to cross. Turning the Joker over to the proper authorities, Dick returned with Batman to the cave. Though the visit was short, as Dick turned to leave, Alfred stopped him, presenting him with a gift as he had so many nights ago. With a small peek and a smile, Dick thanked his surrogate grandfather and headed back out on the road.

Rejoining the Titans, Nightwing had moved out of the shadow of the Bat and resumed leadership of the team. Battling against new foes and former friends, Dick lead the Titans through several hard times before once again taking a leave from the team upon hearing that Tony Zucco had returned from the dead. Learning that Zucco had not actually died but rather passed into a coma. Batman had feared Dick would want the gangster dead, so he "protected" the boy by telling him that Zucco had died. After spending nearly seven years in prison with good behavior, Zucco applied for parole, in exchange for becoming a state informant of mob activity. His real intentions, however, were to retrieve a ledger containing his secrets. Just as Dick arrived to see him step out of the prison, he was gunned down by an enemy mobster from a helicopter. Despite catching the assassin and getting some closure to his parents' deaths, Dick was upset with Bruce for lying to him and keeping him away. Bruce explained that this was not his intent.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other, never fully sorting out their strained relationship. While serving with the Titans, Dick was sought out by an older Tim Drake who had only one goal on his mind, for Dick to return to Robin. It was Dick's refusal to return that Tim started down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Dick then returned to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred Pennyworth. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder.

Soon after, various members of the Titans were abducted by the Wildebeest Society. This event shook up the team in a big way. The group entered into tumultuous times, where members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, although Dick persevered through it all, and remained the heart and center of the team. But Dick's relationship with the Titans became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Growing apart from the team, it was ultimately decided that it would be best if Dick handed leadership off to someone else until a time he could fully dedicate to them.

Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was nearly killed by the villain Bane who had crippled him by breaking his back. Unwilling to force Dick to come back and believing that Dick deserved to be his own man, Bruce opted to give the mantle of Batman to the unstable Jean Paul Valley, with Tim Drake, the new Robin to guide him. Unfortunately Jean Paul proved too much for Tim to handle, and Dick returned to help. Dick intervened with Tim Drake, and when Bruce returned to Gotham healed and ready to become Batman again, the three of them along with Catwoman brought Valley down and Bruce re-assumed the mantle of Batman.

Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asked Dick to substitute for him as Batman for a time, a request which Dick accepted. During this time, Dick was able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also established a wonderful partnership with Tim which allowed for their brotherly bond to flourish. Bruce eventually returned to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. Before taking back the mantle however, Bruce admitted to Dick the reason he had not selected him for the role of Batman originally and for the first time in a long time, Bruce and Dick began to heal their strained relationship. Bruce's respect for Dick was at last obvious.

| | T H E B A T T L E F O R B L Ü D H A V E N | |

Investigating a crime in nearby Blüdhaven, Nightwing saw that the city was just as bad, if not worse as Gotham. After discovering twenty-two dead men had floated into Gotham's south harbor, Dickdecided that he should leave Gotham and move to Blüdhaven. It didn't take long after the move for Nightwing to realize that Blüdhaven was what Gotham was before Batman arrived. Brimming with corruption to the highest levels of power, it seemed to be that whatever was too coarse or too awful for Gotham, would end up in the 'Haven. Due to his investigative training with Bruce, Dick was able to quickly discover that all the corruption in the city leads directly to the crime lord Blockbuster.

Living in Bludhaven, Dick found an apartment to rent as his base of operations, as well as taking a job as a bartender in order to better keep track of both the crime and corruption in the city. Finding himself frequently battling Blockbuster's minions, Nightwing discovered the crimelord had place a large bounty on his head. Unfortunately for Dick this attracted the wrong kind of attention leading to his own personal group of recurring enemies such as Stallion, Lady Vic, Brutale, and Shrike, all of who attempt to claim the bounty for their own. After several months of being alone in Bludhaven, he begins training another enthusiastic young man named Tad who was determined to follow Nightwing's lead and make a difference. But Tad's brutal methods soon lead him to unknowingly murder an undercover FBI agent, only for Nightwing to defeat him and send him to jail shortly afterwards. Contacting Barbara Gordon for information, Dick soon finds his childhood crush on her re-ignited, which she finally reciprocates leading to the two vigilantes to begin a relationship.

Blüdhaven was a long, uphill battle for Dick Grayson. He fought many victorious battles in Blüdhaven as its protector, and certainly made it a safer place, but he never won the war. The city, and his losses, took their toll on Nightwing, leading him to eventually adopt a grimmer outlook on being a hero. Deciding to join Blüdhaven Police Department in an attempt to get rid of the corruption of the city from within, Dick aimed to work on both sides of the law as Nightwing and an officer. As Grayson and Barbara's relationship continued to grow, Barbara slowly became annoyed with Dick who had become increasingly overprotective due to Blockbusters actions. This culminated in a fight about a female vigilante known as Tarantula, leading to their break up.

After his mother's heart fails during a rescue from Nightwing, Blockbuster comes to blame the vigilante for her deatH. Closely following Nightwing, Blockbuster eventually learned Dick's true identity and has Dick's apartment building blown up in order to kill everyone close to Grayson. Following the death of everyone in his apartment building except for Amygdala, Dick goes after Blockbuster dispatching his hired muscle and beating the villain. The vigilante Tarantula who arrives shortly after this, promptly aims her gun at Blockbuster intent on killing the crimelord. Despite having the choice to stop her, Dick decides to no such thing and Blockbuster is killed before his eyes. Suddenly awash with guilt for voilating the no kill policy, Nightwing, retreats to the roof where he begins having an emotional breakdown. Following him, Tarantula sexually forces herself on the nearly catatonic Grayson.

Due to the emotional trauma caused by the death of Blockbuster and the rape at the hands of Tarantula, Dick Grayson takes on a new suit and codename of Renegade and allies himself with his long time enemy Deathstroke. During his period as Renegade, Dick manages to keep tabs on the Society's activities in both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Deathstroke asks Nightwing to teach his daughter, Ravager, all the skills he knows. Nightwing takes Ravager out on many missions, but eventually Ravager grows suspicious and accuses him of being a hero. Under his instruction however, Nightwing begins to teach and instill the values of being a hero into the Ravager, which brought him into direct conflict with Deathstroke. Brokering a deal with Deathstroke, Nightwing agrees leave Ravager alone and stop teaching her to be a hero if Deathstroke leaves Blüdhaven alone. Deathstroke initially agrees, but eventually breaks the deal by releasing his mercenaries on Blüdhaven, just forty eight hours later while Nightwing was out of the city in Gotham. While in Gotham, Nightwing confides that he let the villain Blockbuster die and asks Batman to forgive him. Batman tells him that his forgiveness doesn't matter; Dick has to move beyond Blockbuster's death. Inspired by his mentor, he proposes to Barbara Gordon, who tearfully accepts his proposal with a kiss.

Returning to Blüdhaven, Nightwing is horrified as Deathstroke and his mercenaries have taken control of the city, unleashing martial law upon it and ordering anyone who knows the whereabouts or identity of Nightwing to turn the information over to the mercs or face punishment culminating in death. Calling in favours from the Titans, Nightwing brought them in, assisting him in freeing the city from the Deathstroke's grip. As the dust settled, Blüdhaven had been freed from mercenary control.

| | A L E A G U E L O S T | |

Continuing his roles as loyal protector to Blüdhaven and loving fiancé to Barbara Gordon, Dick has kept busy with helping rebuild his city in the wake of Deathstroke's assault. However with the disappearance of the League, Dick has found himself strained as he juggles his time between the 'Haven and helping Tim protect Gotham. Believing the Bat to be gone, crime has steadily been rising on both sides of the Bay. Believing that not only Gotham but the world needs a Batman, Dick is haunted each day by the rising need to don the cowl. Supported by Barbara, Tim and Alfred, Dick has decided to find his place among Bruce's peers to test the waters.

|_M O T I V A T I O N:_|

Dick is looking to join and possibly lead the League in order to honor both the memories and legacies of Bruce and Clark. As the heir to the cowl, Dick believes the world needs a Batman and by extensive so does the Justice League. While not quite ready to don the pointy ears, Dick is trying to find his place among the next group of world saviors.

|_L E A G U E A S S E T S:_|

As the first Robin, Bruce's favourite son and Batman's longest protege, Dick Grayson has numerous skills and talents that outshine even seasoned Leaguers before him. A skilled and versatile leader, Dick has founded numerous teams consisting of his peers over the years, learning from both friends and foes alike. While he lacks superhuman abilities, Dick more than makes up with it through his numerous learned skills and talents.

|_N O T E S:_|

■ TBD | Test
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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| NAME: |
Jonathan Samuel Kent // Jon-El

Jon, Jonno.

| ALIAS: |
None at the moment. Just a guy trying to fill his father's shoes.

| AGE: |

| SEX: |

Jon has inherited all of his father's best features; the chiseled jawline, those determined blue eyes, and his muscular physique. Jon is a handsome young man, as Nanna Martha so frequently tells him, and he seems to look his best when wearing his very own Superman suit, tailor made for him in the Fortress of Solitude.

Jon has all the abilities granted to a Kryptonian under a yellow sun; he has the strength, the speed, the flight, the visions and the hearing that his father and Aunt Kara have. However, being a part human does have its downsides - absent is his outright invulnerability. While he can still take an extraordinary amount of punishment, Jon can bleed. His bones can break, and a powerful enough weapon will hurt him. Lois and Clark have tried their best to counter this by asking the Batman himself, Bruce Wayne, to train Jon in the past; what we have now is a human-kryptonian hybrid with training from arguably one of the best martial artists - and detectives - in the world.

Jonathan Samuel Kent was born to Clark and Lois Lane-Kent in the shining city of Metropolis, Delaware. A human-kryptonian hybrid with a natural birth, his parents - and many of the scientists they consulted - were unsure whether he was even possible. But as his birth drew nearer, Clark could hear his steady heartbeat, and he and Lois were assured that Jon was not only a possibility, but that he was happening. He existed. Their very own little miracle.

Jon grew up knowing that his father was Superman, that his "Aunt" Kara was Supergirl, and that his big brother Conner was Superboy. When his powers first manifested at the tender age of five, it was Clark that promised him that one day, it would be him wearing the big "S" on his chest. However, getting used to his powers wasn't as easy as he thought it would be; not even his family was prepared for the challenges ahead. In the struggle to help Jon learn to control his abilities, Clark eventually called on the help of Bruce Wayne, the man who Jon knew to be Batman. With Bruce's training and his family's motivation, Jon came to use his powers masterfully. A little knowledge of martial arts and tactical strategies were bound to be helpful, too.

Now, at the age of twenty-one, Jon is pursuing a career as a novelist and journalist, just like his mother was before him. With Lois and Clark's full support, he was just about to begin his third year of college when his father disappeared. Unable to wait for his return any longer, Jon donned his very own suit, and with great apprehension and self doubt... he took flight.

Superman, Jon's father, is missing. One can only go so long without wanting some answers. And anyway, Clark and Lois have always told Jon that one day, the time will come for him to be the one protecting the Earth and its people. There's an itch in the back of his head telling him that that time is now.

Jon brings whatever it is the son of Superman should bring - a heavy-hitting set of powers with the morals and discipline you would expect from being raised in the Kent-Lane household.

| NOTES: |
  • I took some liberties regarding the game's canon. If Jon is accepted, that would mean that Clark is now in his forties, and has had a good twenty-something year run as Superman, which could potentially mean that he is quite a bit older than some of the other original Leaguers. It would also mean that Clark and Bruce were friends long before the League's formation, which I don't think is too much of a stretch, but then again that's up to you, Sam.
  • In case it wasn't obvious already, Clark is Christopher Reeve, whereas Jon is Henry Cavill. I think it's fitting. Shoot me.
  • Jon's powers work much in the same way as Clark's do in Max Landis' fantastic series, Superman: American Alien. He gets hurt. (Also, read American Alien. Great read.)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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Kor-El/Kieran Kent

Kor, Junior Boy Scout, Starboy

Potentially: Superman



Kieran may not be a biological Kent but that doesn't he mean he doesn't look good like one. Some even say that he's the more attractive brother. But it really depends on who you ask. He has an impressive athletic build and stands at exactly 6'0 while weighing approximately 210 lbs. He has the trademark Kryptonian blue eyes. He doesn't have a distinct look when it comes to his civilian clothes. He just wears what he wants to wear but he has a sense of fashion thanks to his adoptive mother, Lois.

Ever since joining the Teen Titans with he's worn this but he feels it might be time for a costume change.

Kieran has all the abilities granted to a Kryptonian his age by the yellow solar energy of the Earth's sun. He hasn't the same amount of exposure to it as Clark or even Jon, but he's had around the same amount absorbed as Kara. His suit as Seraph was made to make up for the years without the sun.

Kieran is considered a genius by Earth standards but would be just above average by Kryptonian standards. He can learn and retain information quickly and put it to use just as fast. He has a great tactical mind but not nearly on the same level as someone in the Batfamily.

He didn't train personally with Batman like his brother but he did receive combat training while he was with the Teen Titans. He learned to work well with others and learned how to be someone that could lead others. He carried the "S" on his chest and it came with a lot of responsibilities.

He also has muscle memory of military style techniques that he doesn't recall ever learning.

Up until twelve years old Kor lived in the a section of the Phantom Zone where time still flowed. He was wandering around the Zone when he was rescued from Superman after he was sucked into the zone. He doesn't recall anything before that moment. He doesn't even know who his actual parents are. All that he remembered was his first name, Kor. He learned that life on Earth would be great for him. He was raised in Metropolis with his new family. The world's greatest superhero, his wife, and his son. He became one of them. An El and a Kent.

He immediately decided to give back to this world that gave him so much. Whereas Jon didn't immediately step into the role of hero, Kieran was different. He knew that's what he wanted to do. He was young and his powers were still new to him so of course Clark was against him doing so. With some convincing from Kara he was able to go off and train with her for a year in how to use his powers. Halfway through his training he was given his suit that helped him control his power output while also allowing him to absorb more solar energy to makeup for the twelve years of lost time.

After the year was up Kieran returned with some pretty good control over his powers. This time his father couldn't tell him no. Well, he could, but he didn't. Kieran took on the name Seraph while helping Superman in a supportive role. Meanwhile a group of sidekicks were in a way stepping out of their mentors' shadows by forming their own team taking inspiration from the Justice League. The team was revealed to both him and the League when they succeeded in a mission that proved difficult and threatening for them. He was disappointed and almost offended that he wasn't originally asked to join the team, but he also understood why. Robin, who led the team, didn't really know him like he knew his older brother Jon. That and he most likely didn't want to bring attention of the team to the League. That didn't work out so well for him.

While Batman was ready to shut down the whole operation Superman sought out compromise. He decided that Kieran should join the team as a liaison between the two teams. After reluctance Seraph joined the Teen Titans, but he found it hard to find acceptance among the team. For the most part they saw him as the younger babysitter who was ready to run to the League whenever they did something wrong. Kieran wasn't like that and they soon realized he was one of them. He even found that he and Robin were more similar than they initially realized. They were both adopted sons that had two giant shadows over them. The team was finally truly accepted by the Justice League when they saved them and helped save the world from alien invasion.

While with the Titans Seraph found a place of his own and he was happy until they disbanded a few years later. The team over the years had good and interesting members including the son of Lex Luthor. He was sad to see it all go. The disbandment of the team didn't last too long. They were called to action once again when another teen with daddy issues needed their help. He didn't hesitate in rejoining. While working with Superman he felt part of him was missing. He found that missing piece whenever he was with the team. The new team that consisted of Robin, Seraph, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Raven, Terra, and Beast Boy fought off Raven's father and solidified themselves as heroes; New Titans. One day it seemed that batman had, had it and told Dick that he couldn't call himself Robin if he didn't want to be his partner. The team helped him through this time and then Dick took a leave of absence after handing the position of leader over to Kieran.

Kieran's time as leader was a hard one. In the field his leadership was great. He had the right tactics and knew how to utilize everyone's abilities efficiently. The problem was that he wasn't as personal with the members of the team. Despite his time on Earth and interacting with others he still had problems truly connecting with some people because of the twelve years he lost. He felt that was his biggest problem and hoped that he could one day fix it. Dick later returned to the team as Nightwing and became leader once again. Kieran recalled the stories of the original Nightwing that really pushed him to decide that he wanted to be a hero. It was one of the first stories that Clark told him when he arrived on Earth. Kieran knew the name was never something he wanted. It didn't even fit with the "S".

The Wildebeest Society incident was the hardest time for the Titans. They lost members and gained some as well. After it was all said and done it was about time for Kieran to leave the team.

After graduating from High School, he left the team and became more of a reserve member so that he could attend College with his older brother. He didn't intend to follow the path of journalism like Jon but he figured that college would be the best place to figure out what he wanted to do as a civilian while still also being a hero. One day during his time in College he answered the call and helped out Nightwing along with other Titans in freeing Blüdhaven from Deathstroke's control.

ieran would have been going into his second year when the Big Seven disappeared. He was wary of this day and it's been a month since then. The world needs a Superman and although he is arguably the most qualified would he be ready to take on that responsibility? He just might have to be. And so along with some others he answered the call to become a member of the Justice League.

Motivation for joining the League?:
He owes it to his father and to this world. Even though he wasn't Superman's actual son he brought him in and treated him like his own. The same for this planet. He loves it and would do anything to protect it.

What do you bring to the League?:
Full Kryptonian badassery and a potential leader.

Suffers from amnesia before coming to Earth
He personally believes that he should be the one that becomes Superman but despite his confidence is unsure of himself
Named himself Seraph for two reasons. All the good Super names were taken and he didn't want to have a god or Messiah complex so anything like Savior or anything like that was out of the question. He was fine with being an angel that looks over his home.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Mike Maxwell


Mikey, M, M&M


the Beast from B'wana






Max is a six feet tall Caucasian man with brown hair and bright eyes. Runs around with his shirt off a lot, has a nice tan. As the Beast he wears a red and gold helmet, and leggings usually worn by wrestlers, a necklace, and a wrist bracer.


Strength and speed of the strongest and fastest animals in Africa [ 10 tons, 75 mph]. Possesses the ability to summon and control wildlife telepathically, as well as the ability to fuse two to four animals together to form a chimera. This can include humans as well as himself with great concentration. All fused beasts have a limited duration and separate unharmed in time.


Mike Maxwell traveled to Africa to do volunteer work at a new animal preserve. However, the plane crashed killing everyone but Maxwell. Finding shelter in a cave somewhere near mount Kilimanjaro, Mike drank rainwater that had been filtered through the cavern's walls. The water changed him, making him larger and more ferocious. When a mutated red ape who had also drank the water attacked, Mike defeated the ape and discovered his power to summon other wildlife. Accidentally fusing the red ape with a centipede, Mike made his way to the preserve.

After several months of training in the jungle and working with animals, fusing them when nobody was around, Mike created an identity. The Beast from B'Wana was born and protected endangered animals from poachers as well as protecting the nearby villages. Eventually he came back stateside and worked mostly in areas with plenty of wildlife. Maxwell spent time on the coast of Florida, as well as Coast City California. Out west the Beast helped Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] defeat the telepathic juggernaut Grodd and an army of brainwashed gorillas.

Maxwell assisted the Justice League from time to time whenever wildlife was involved. The Beast also had several team ups with the more celebrity superhero Animal Man. Aquaman also recruited Mike to help defend Atlantis from fused sea creatures created by the twisted dark magics of Ocean Master. Lately, the Beast has been touring across the 'States visiting zoo's and helping to promote animal rights and preservations.

Motivation for joining the League?:

To show he's every bit as A list as Aquaman or Animal Man [suppose with the name he's still B list though, lol!].

What do you bring to the League?:

He's got a lot of courage and can help out in the strangest of ways with his chimeras and animal control.


Yeah, my guy's usually doing his own thing but when he heard there was a League that needed to be replaced he was front and center trying to grab the right person's attention.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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20s Virgil Hawkins Chaotic Good

“Were you expecting Black Lightning?”

[ ߜ ] O R I G I N
Virgil Hawkins has been fighting crime since he was thirteen years old.

Born in Dakota City, Virgil has always seen the worst side of the Midwestern urban metropolis. Growing up in a single-parent household following the death of his mother, Virgil only had his sister and father to lean on for the majority of his life— and with the latter’s overworked schedule and their neighborhood’s decline due to escalation of urban crime it was hard for Virgil to grow up as a well-adjusted kid. Whilst his older sister attempted to make sure his head on straight, Virgil couldn’t outpace the criminal elements that surrounded him and by the time he was in middle school he was taken in by one of the neighborhood gangs. However, it would not be long before Virgil would be released from the ruthless lifestyle within the gang following an incident that has since become known as The Big Bang— and no, not the one that created the universe, don’t be ridiculous.

After suffering overwhelming losses on the war against crime the Mayor of Dakota City (Thomasina Jefferson) committed herself to a collaboration with Alva Technologies, a scientific firm that specialized in meta-biology and mechanical engineering, to solve the problem efficiently and with a ruthless approach. The collaboration of course was kept secret due to the “sketchy” territory they were about to embark on— they were going to attack the roots of Dakota’s problem at the source. After weeks of methodically planning the police received word that a massive meeting on neutral grounds between the gangs was to take place on Paris Island. Mayor Jefferson made sure she wouldn’t miss and the police were armed with gas that they were told would subdue the gangs. However the police’s assault would create mixed results and journalist Frieda Goren would criticize the police and government for their actions.

The casualties were high on Paris Island due to a reaction to the gas that was not estimated— one third of those affected would mutate into metahumans and abominations whilst the rest would die from the gas. Mayor Jefferson denied all involvement and pinned it on the Police Department— several people lost their jobs and the real culprits took no responsibilities. Virgil, affected by the gas would eventually realize he now had “superpowers” though as a cost he also noticed that the gang members who survived like he had decided to bond together before viciously attacking as a new criminal organization that became known as The Blood Syndicate. Taking up the superhero alias of Static, Virgil works to stop The Blood Syndicate's plot as well as uncover the truth of the Big Bang.

In the years following, Static has garnered quite an impressive reputation as a independent hero as well as an occasional ally to other heroes. Currently Static is “independently employed”, though he did spend most of college interning for Alva Technologies— however such internship he had his own intentions for. For the last three years he has been dating Daisy Watkins, a fellow student he met in college and pretty much the only thing outside his family that is normal in his life.

[ ߜ ] A P P E A R A N C E
Life in the inner city of his hometown in combination with Virgil’s own personal sense of choice in clothing gives off the impression of a kid with a sense of style that is all his own and probably dirt cheap— you’d probably find any of the assortments of jackets he likes in a pawn shop, thrift store, or bargain bin. Due to his fascination with the element that has sort of embodied him, Virgil likes blues and purples accompanied by dark colors such as black and gray; a joke about being “black and blue all over” has been quipped many times in the past and probably will continue to be uttered. Also due to the electrical currents, a pair of goggles are often on hand; though that very could be explained by the energy he deals with or perhaps the fact he likes anime a bit too much.

[ ߜ ] A T T R I B U T E S
Static has been described as a metahuman who has the ability to control and perhaps create electromagnetic energy. Said electromagnetism can allow him to wield a variety of innate abilities such as storing electromagnetic energy, generating bolts of “lightning”, magnetizing objects, levitation through magnetic fields, a minor healing factor, hear radio-waves, and various other utilities. Static’s vast attributes makes him one of the most formidable metahumans on the planet, though it is clear that his personality has gotten in the way of utilizing his talents to the fullest.

Additionally, Virgil is said to be scientifically brilliant and his peers have suggested that his understanding of engineering, meta-biology, and theoretical energy to be on par with some of the most brilliant experts in the field.

[ ߜ ] M O T I V E S & A S S E T S
Honestly, if you asked Virgil why he was looking to join the Justice League he would probably tell you he hasn’t the faintest clue because it is most definitely the biggest responsibility in the world and generally him and responsibility have a toxic relationship. There could be a variety of reasons from being recruited, his loyalty to his hero Green Lantern (John Stewart), or simply because it is the right thing to do.

In terms of what Virgil brings to The Justice League the answer is probably little beyond having a powerset that allows him multiple utilities as a hero. Not discounting his intelligence, Virgil is also inventive, smart, and crafty though most often he comes off as a loud-mouthed sarcastic kid with a chip on his shoulder. Overall, he’s a metahuman who can sling electricity and metal, maintain and create inventive gadgets, comprehend scientific issues at a genius level, and bring a friendly face to the group of superheroes and vigilantes. Ideally, Virgil is a solid replacement for the Justice League's Ray Palmer (aka The Atom) due to his scientific lean.

[ ߜ ] N O T E S
Dakota City was ranked fourth in worst cities to live in the United States on a poll from 2007— Gotham, Bludhaven, and Hub ranking higher on the list respectively.
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FacePunch Death Comes

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Roy Harper

Red (His friends aren't very creative people)

Red Arrow

Early Twenties


Does 'sexy' count as a short written description of his appearance? No? Okay.

Roy Harper stands at five feet eleven inches tall and weighs approximately one hundred and eighty five pounds. His hair is bright copper red, creating a striking contrast with his sharp emerald eyes. Roy has spent almost his entire life honing his body to the peak of human conditioning. Because of this, Harper possesses a lean, muscular figure, tainted only by the occasional beer and that one time he tried weed in high school.

Expert Marksman: Red Arrow is one of the best archers in the world. He's trained with a bow since the age of seven, traveling the world to learn from the greatest marksmen alive. He's studied every piece of ancient literature on the craft, and spent countless hours at the range. He considers himself second only to Oliver Queen, though there are some who would dispute Roy's claim. He can consistently hit a moving target at 200 yards. He is able to hit human targets based solely on the sound of their breathing. He's also practiced a number of different firing techniques, such as holding a certain number of arrows in his draw hand to allow for quicker reloading, instead of reaching around to pull from his quiver. Roy is able to fire with the bow in either hand, and can fire off three arrows in less than .5 seconds, hitting all of his targets with ease.

Skilled Martial Artist: While Roy is no Nightwing, Green Arrow made sure his sidekick could handle himself if he ever lost his bow. To that end, Harper trained with legends such as Ted Grant and Black Canary for a number of years. Red tends to rely a little too heavily on boxing when he's unarmed but is well versed in the arts of Judo and Tae Kwon Do. He's also a verifiable master of Moo Gi Gong, a fighting style based entirely upon the use of conventional and improvised melee weapons.

Other Notable Skills: Roy can speak English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Mandarin. He's a proficient hacker, a skilled driver and a novice pilot. He knows how to traverse an urban environment thanks to a handful of acrobatic lessons from Nightwing while they were on the Titans team together. Roy studied Guerrilla Warfare in Indochina, learning the arts of stealth, sabotage, interrogation, subterfuge, intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence and many other tactics fighting alongside rebels against hostile governments.

Roy Harper was born on a Navajo reservation to two loving and very wealthy parents. They had been visiting a business partner on the reservation when Mrs. Harper unexpectedly went into labor two and a half months ahead of schedule. The family returned to that same reservation for their honeymoon a year later, where they were caught in the midst of a forest fire and lost their lives. Roy was then raised by medicine man known only as Brave Bow, who was listed to be Roy's legal guardian in his father's will. Despite Roy's young age, Brave Bow put Roy through the wringer. He trained Harper to be sharp in both body and mind. The Navajo man tutored the Harper child in conventional classes such as mathematics, various sciences and history, as well as in less traditional disciplines such as archery, tracking, hunting and even knife fighting. At first, Roy loved the lessons. Brave Bow was an excellent teacher and an even better man. But as Roy's twelfth birthday approached, he began to wonder why his life was so different from other children his age. He presented the question to Brave Bow, who, at first, refused to tell him. But after a number of argument, Brave Bow relented.

Roy Harper's father, Jim Harper, was the superhero known as Guardian. Brave Bow was meant to be the first of many teachers Roy would live with to learn all of the skills (and more) that Jim had used to fight crime. At first, it sounded preposterous. But all of Roy's investigating and digging only proved to confirm his mentor's story. In the dead of night, Roy left the reservation and headed for his family's private residence in Star City. There, he uncovered a secret safehouse containing all of his father's old equipment from his time as Guardian. Roy took up residence there for a time, spending every waking hour training himself to be the very best he could be. It was on Harper's first night on patrol that he encountered the Emerald Archer. Roy had gotten a little in over his head, trying to fight an entire gang on his own. If it weren't for the Green Arrow's timely arrival, Harper's story would've ended there. The two fought side by side to finish off the gangsters. Oliver was impressed by Roy's skill with a bow, while Roy was completely enthralled by the older hero. It didn't take long for Oliver to offer to further Roy's training. He accepted, and thus, Speedy was born. It was also during this time that Brave Bow died, leaving Roy's guardianship up to the court. Oliver was quick to adopt his sidekick's alter ego, allowing them to live together without anyone getting suspicious of their nightly activities. That sounds so very wrong.

The next few years were a bit of a blur for the boy. He assisted Queen in taking down any number of villains who reared their ugly heads in Star City and beyond. He fought everything from ninjas, to cyborgs, to even zombies on one occasion. The battles he recalled most vividly, however, were the ones alongside the Justice League. Seeing Superman on TV was one thing. Talking to him, fighting aliens alongside him, that was a whole different ballgame. It was during one such team-up that Speedy became acquainted with Batman's sidekick, Robin. The two exchanged contact information in case an emergency ever arose where the other would need assistance. Training was temporarily replaced by field experience. Oliver didn't have enough hours in the day to keep up the extensive regime he was putting Harper through while simultaneously protecting Star City from the League of Assassins.

Life took an ugly turn for Roy when Oliver started dating Dinah Lance, the Black Canary. The two ran off to Seattle together, dragging Harper around for months as their third wheel. Speedy hated the way Green Arrow was treating him. He practically forgot Roy existed whenever Dinah was around; and whenever the two of them were alone, Oliver showed little interest in the boy who looked up to Ollie as his adopted father. Filled with anger and contempt, Roy abandoned Arrow and struck out on his own. He spent a few weeks running around Chicago, fighting small-timers and cleaning up the streets the old fashioned way. One day he got a call from Robin. He and a handful of other young heroes were stuck in Kahndaq, Roy pulled out all the stops to stage a rescue mission. Of course the plan went awry and the 'team' barely made it out of there in one piece. Robin asked Harper to stick around, pointing out that he could put his abilities to better use helping the Titans than beating up street thugs in Chicago. Roy reluctantly agreed. The team had a hard go of it, especially in the beginning. Nobody took them seriously. The league had even left them with a Kryptonian babysitter. The Teen Titans had to quite literally move heaven and earth by stopping an alien invasion to get the world to recognize them for what they were.

Good things never last forever. The team disbanded after a couple of years and everyone went their separate ways. Roy returned to Green Arrow, who had since apologized a thousand times and made a thousand promises to be better. And to Queen's credit, he really was better. But Roy had outgrown his mentor. The two didn't see eye to eye on anything any longer. Speedy stuck around with Oliver until he was eighteen years old and no longer under his adopted father's legal guardianship. Roy took up the identity of Red Arrow and moved to the neighboring Gem Cities, the home of the Flash families. Red Arrow made a name for himself. He worked out of the darkest, crime-infested parts of Central City and Keystone City, slowly but surely wiping out various mob families and widespread gangs with the help of Wally West, his former Titan partner and close friend. Roy made similar moves across the United States. He would settle in the worst part of a city and spend six months to a year fighting its organized crime. Once he deemed a city cleaned, Roy would move on. This led to a disproportionate number of team-ups, which in turn led to the name 'Red Arrow' getting around the superhero community. During this time, Roy also continued his training by travelling the world and working with various martial masters, assassins, rogues and rebel leaders to improve his already diverse array of skills and abilities.

Motivation for joining the League?:
Roy Harper knows that the world needs heroes; the League especially. Without the likes of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to wage war against the forces of darkness, villains would grow more bold. Crime would systematically rise everywhere. It was likely that Justice League's disappearance would inevitably lead to wide spread panic and rioting. People don't know just how much they rely on figure heads like the Justice League until that image of hope and good is torn away from them. Red Arrow knows that the League needs to exist for the world to continue to spin, so he's volunteered his talents to hopefully fill the void.

What do you bring to the League?:
Roy can't lift a mountain. He can't evaporate a building with his eyes. He can't even breathe under water and talk to fish. But just because Red Arrow is a man doesn't mean he doesn't have something to offer to the new Justice League. Aside from his extensive combat expertise, Red Arrow is a master strategist (having literally lead soldiers into battle during his time in Indochina) and excellent field commander (he assisted Robin as a bravo team lead while he was a Titan-Even if his lone wolf tendencies disqualify him for a more serious leadership role). He sees his more grey morality as a strength to be used by the League. He's willing to do things others might not be. Every squeaky clean army has its black ops unit, and the JLA is no exception.

Red Arrow has numerous safe houses scattered throughout the United States and beyond.
He thinks Luthor Jr.'s robo-arm is cool.
Doesn't like stupid Trucker Hats.
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