Tenebris and the Void Acolytes

Lord Tenebris is the leader of the Anlite [an-lahyt] alien race that discovered immortality three million years ago. They use technology to permanently change their form from matter to a hybrid anti-matter that (rather than annihilate both sides into energy) converts matter to energy that the antimatter uses to sustain itself.

They need a continual supply of matter, and for millions of years, they have slowly devoured stars. Lord Tenebris sends its acolytes to scout out suitable stars. Depending on the size, stars take anywhere from 1000 to 10,000 years to disappear.

Sol, our sun, is next on their agenda.

(Rated PG-13.) This is a gritty, modern, magical realism & sci-fi story full of flawed characters and opposing views. Petty criminal behaviour is encouraged. Minor profanity is allowed. We will be split into three teams as the fate of our sun is decided. This focuses on character interaction and development, plot twists, and choices.

Chicago, US., Year 2016

In this alternate reality, all is the same save for the birth of metahumans — people gifted with strange and otherworldly powers. Science has determined that metahumans are, in fact, they’re own species (Homo Novus). The political powers have been slow in creating new legislation for superpowers. With no direction, there is a rise 'metacrimes' (criminal behaviour by those with superpowers). Media has pushed the general public to be fearful of metahumans. For the most part, the two groups are delicately tense with one another.

The Anlite view metahumans as the only intelligence on the planet, and will soon approach them with a proposal in regards to taking the sun.

There will be three ideologies amongst the metahumans:

  • Those who believe in the Gaia Legend
  • Those who believe in Power
  • Those who believe in the Anlite

The OOC is live. To apply, follow this link.