Disclaimer: This memento will actually come into play later, I believe. But instead of just making pretty images, I decided to write the whole thing down. Of course, for a goddess like Ilunabar you would expect epic poetry, not a cynical commentary on all that existed. But... well, that is what you get, too bad.
Turn 1:
-Ilunabar comes into being. Fate gives her a sweet name and a cool mission
-Toun asks her to help to write the parchment that will become the codex, she is not too happy to be asked things
-She thinks about what she will add to the blueprint. Pretty gems? Pretty flower? No. She decides to steal a bit of the thing instead.
-Then, with a twig of Slough's cocoon, she makes the Dreamweaver, basically creating dreams.
-Plays a song to Slough
-Creation becomes a mess, everyone is fighting. Jvan gets hurt and Ilunabar decides to protect her.
-Fate says enough, makes creation start and doesn't think the Codex is that great. Ilunabar disagrees, for her, it's at least a 7/10
Turn 2
-Ilunabar writes the first memento. But ends up getting dizzy for a long time.
-When back to normal flies to the Celestial Citadel, decides to move in.
-Along with Zephyrion and Jvan, she plans the landscape of Galbar.
Turn 3
-The Raka, the plane of dreams, is created, but as there are no Sentients in Galbar, dreams there are odd.
-Ilunabar gets salty, goes around making silly stuff, eventually creating the first boardgame.
-Eventually she finds a bird that is singing that one song she played for Slough, she follows him into the Deepwoods.
-In the woods, she finds a white rose. The first Diva, Meimu, is created from it.
-Reathos visits Ilunabar and makes her feel ill. As a sorry gift, he creates the Eenal Tree.
-Ilunabar creates the Holy Site Arpeggio, creating order in the Raka, and enabling a new age of dreams.
Turn 4
-Ilunabar finds the human dreams.
-Meimu creates a couple of flowers using the Ring of Blooming.
-Ilunabar creates the Aurora in order to find where the dreams are coming from.
-Notte is born.
-Mirrory, the connection between Galbar and Arcon is created and used to steal humans into Galbar.
-Notte is ordered to bait Alure into Arcon, she fails because Alure falls in love with her.
-Notte is ordered to beg Jvan for a garden, this time she succeeds. Thanks J-girl.
-Ilunabar delivers the second memento to Lifprasil.
-Ilunabar bless mortals with the sense of Tradition (and xenophobia). Fiberslay is created.
-Vowzra visits Ilunabar. His presence changes the Raka, people now have visions and time flows a bit differently
-They create a Lute together
-This creates a demigod in a very peculiar way
-The Demigod makes Ilunabar very uncomfortable
Turn 5
-Ilunabar adds colors to her portfolio. Starts to use beyond colors liberally.
-Changes the second planet from the sun (Galbar being the third) so that it shines in Burgundy. Also names the planet after her.
-In the citadel, she uses the beyond colors to make a Lifprasiian soldier mad.
-Decides to create language to make things harder. Sculptors are not affected by it
-Piena is born. The Phantasmagoria, a night of ephemeral lights and sudden bursts of creativity starts, in which...
-The garden Jvan made for Notte turns into Julia Island
-Shalanoir's Pass, a wondrous forest between the Ironhearts is created
-The Marionettes are created
-A species called Furls turn into the sentient species called Quara Korala
-The following is given to mortals trough a series of incidents: Trade, Bread Making, Pottery, Leather Making, Trapping, Herbalism, Eloquence, Poisoning, Fruit Lore, Sewing, Binging & Weaving, Wood Carving, Winemaking, Bead Making, Paintng.
-Some peculiar cases happen to mortal kind: Vascogne, Grinder, Susa.
-Fibeslay turns into a cultural hub
-Alefpriel starts to be projected
Turn 6
-Aimless Time happens. No dreams make Ilunabar a very annoyed girl.
-She spends most of the time meditating, resulting in +1 conceal
-Vestec calls her to see Slough, once arriving there she does nothing.
-She creates two heroes, the angel Makeda, and the change-eater Chroma
-Sends Lifprasil on a journey, meets Belvast, the cute.
-Keeps Makeda in dreams so she can train freely.
-Keeps Chroma in dreams so she can live a designed childhood
-Along with Teknall, designs Conata and Kinesis
-Alefpriel is finished, while building its palace Ilunabar adds Aesthetic to her portfolio
Turn 7
-She creates the Grande Parade, a cult formed by the Quara Korala who is under the control of the Divas.
-Chroma's project goes wrong, she has to bring the girl out of Raka and into Julia Island, Galbar. The heroine is far too delusional to do what she was intended to.
-Gets bothered by Xerxes, trolls it a bit with unruly children and odd Beyond Color fiberlings on their ports.
-Plays games with Belvast
-Decides to write the third memento, especially after her Harp makes an odd sound and she gets concerned
Turn 1:
-Ilunabar comes into being. Fate gives her a sweet name and a cool mission
-Toun asks her to help to write the parchment that will become the codex, she is not too happy to be asked things
-She thinks about what she will add to the blueprint. Pretty gems? Pretty flower? No. She decides to steal a bit of the thing instead.
-Then, with a twig of Slough's cocoon, she makes the Dreamweaver, basically creating dreams.
-Plays a song to Slough
-Creation becomes a mess, everyone is fighting. Jvan gets hurt and Ilunabar decides to protect her.
-Fate says enough, makes creation start and doesn't think the Codex is that great. Ilunabar disagrees, for her, it's at least a 7/10
Turn 2
-Ilunabar writes the first memento. But ends up getting dizzy for a long time.
-When back to normal flies to the Celestial Citadel, decides to move in.
-Along with Zephyrion and Jvan, she plans the landscape of Galbar.
Turn 3
-The Raka, the plane of dreams, is created, but as there are no Sentients in Galbar, dreams there are odd.
-Ilunabar gets salty, goes around making silly stuff, eventually creating the first boardgame.
-Eventually she finds a bird that is singing that one song she played for Slough, she follows him into the Deepwoods.
-In the woods, she finds a white rose. The first Diva, Meimu, is created from it.
-Reathos visits Ilunabar and makes her feel ill. As a sorry gift, he creates the Eenal Tree.
-Ilunabar creates the Holy Site Arpeggio, creating order in the Raka, and enabling a new age of dreams.
Turn 4
-Ilunabar finds the human dreams.
-Meimu creates a couple of flowers using the Ring of Blooming.
-Ilunabar creates the Aurora in order to find where the dreams are coming from.
-Notte is born.
-Mirrory, the connection between Galbar and Arcon is created and used to steal humans into Galbar.
-Notte is ordered to bait Alure into Arcon, she fails because Alure falls in love with her.
-Notte is ordered to beg Jvan for a garden, this time she succeeds. Thanks J-girl.
-Ilunabar delivers the second memento to Lifprasil.
-Ilunabar bless mortals with the sense of Tradition (and xenophobia). Fiberslay is created.
-Vowzra visits Ilunabar. His presence changes the Raka, people now have visions and time flows a bit differently
-They create a Lute together
-This creates a demigod in a very peculiar way
-The Demigod makes Ilunabar very uncomfortable
Turn 5
-Ilunabar adds colors to her portfolio. Starts to use beyond colors liberally.
-Changes the second planet from the sun (Galbar being the third) so that it shines in Burgundy. Also names the planet after her.
-In the citadel, she uses the beyond colors to make a Lifprasiian soldier mad.
-Decides to create language to make things harder. Sculptors are not affected by it
-Piena is born. The Phantasmagoria, a night of ephemeral lights and sudden bursts of creativity starts, in which...
-The garden Jvan made for Notte turns into Julia Island
-Shalanoir's Pass, a wondrous forest between the Ironhearts is created
-The Marionettes are created
-A species called Furls turn into the sentient species called Quara Korala
-The following is given to mortals trough a series of incidents: Trade, Bread Making, Pottery, Leather Making, Trapping, Herbalism, Eloquence, Poisoning, Fruit Lore, Sewing, Binging & Weaving, Wood Carving, Winemaking, Bead Making, Paintng.
-Some peculiar cases happen to mortal kind: Vascogne, Grinder, Susa.
-Fibeslay turns into a cultural hub
-Alefpriel starts to be projected
Turn 6
-Aimless Time happens. No dreams make Ilunabar a very annoyed girl.
-She spends most of the time meditating, resulting in +1 conceal
-Vestec calls her to see Slough, once arriving there she does nothing.
-She creates two heroes, the angel Makeda, and the change-eater Chroma
-Sends Lifprasil on a journey, meets Belvast, the cute.
-Keeps Makeda in dreams so she can train freely.
-Keeps Chroma in dreams so she can live a designed childhood
-Along with Teknall, designs Conata and Kinesis
-Alefpriel is finished, while building its palace Ilunabar adds Aesthetic to her portfolio
Turn 7
-She creates the Grande Parade, a cult formed by the Quara Korala who is under the control of the Divas.
-Chroma's project goes wrong, she has to bring the girl out of Raka and into Julia Island, Galbar. The heroine is far too delusional to do what she was intended to.
-Gets bothered by Xerxes, trolls it a bit with unruly children and odd Beyond Color fiberlings on their ports.
-Plays games with Belvast
-Decides to write the third memento, especially after her Harp makes an odd sound and she gets concerned
A brief memoir.

Stay one night among the Sentient species of Galbar or Arcon and you will surely hear tales of varied topics. Most of them are merely veiled morals, others are about the exploits of heroes and tricksters, but what inspired this report were the ones that deal with Cosmogony, the tales of the beginning of all, the deities and the mechanics of reality.
For example, across the land, you will find a lot of Elysium inspired images (B.02.3) but one will rarely hear about Logos (B.02), with his role as the God of Order often being relied on to interpretations of Teknall (B.05) or Toun (B.06). Hain stories from traditional regions near the sparkling sea often present Toun as the all creator, with interpretations varying a lot, some presenting him as a titanic, devilish, white giant (B.06-11.2), others as the vile husband (B.06-11.14) of the motherly figure of Niciel (B.03) others take him in a good light, justifying his acts by blaming the Hain (B.6-14.x tale types).
Note to self: I need to sit down with Piena and write that index of folktales and motifs one of these days.
As a goddess, my first impression of such tales was that it was laughable, but in a closer inspection, I found awe in these incomplete, incoherent tales, for they were uncannily able to explain everything, from the dawn of the universe to its end. The vision of time brought to us gods was a one of a branching tree, a solid trunk named past, a branching point called present and the ephemeral myriad of paths called future, some deities believe there is a correct path, but none deny the branching. The mythology of the mortals, however, was a branching past.
It would be easy to dismiss it as delusion, but there is more to it than that, a worldview is the direct of result of awareness, to live as a conscious being one must make assumptions about everything that surrounds him, even if the tools to fully understand reality are unavailable. This is not only a mortal problem, me and my siblings share the same lack of grasp on the things that are, even one who has the Codex, the supposed seed of all creation, will find many gaps (Not to be confused with The Gaps) caused by minor influences (Like the Dreamweaver) or major Outsider powers.
The flaw with such mentality, however, is to assume there is a main, solid branch, and all others are mere phantasms of the true past. However, I saw two things that make me doubt that such thing even exists.
First, was The Bard, with his mocking songs that brought me increasing discomfort. Reality itself bowed to him so he could exist, despite no clear indication of him ever existing in the established past.
Second, was Chroma, the princess of delusions, the uncanny mix of two non-codexical forces of Dreams and Others. I saw the "girl" being born from an egg into her fake reality. I swear I saw it. But Chroma believes firmly that her worldview is the truth that her fake "childhood" that her fake town of Iridia and fake world history are the reality. She is in fact, surer that those are real than I am sure that the world did not start earlier today when I decided to write this report.
Of course, such contemplations are problematic. To think I am delusional like Chroma, partially wrong like the Mortals or perhaps even a glorified puppet of another being, like my Divas, is an invitation to the madness of the unproductive kind. The safest action is to simply trust my own worldview and cement it through the construction of mementos.
To exemplify my objective, I remember how many siblings I have by memory alone, but should my memory ever become confused, there are still the flowers gifted to each one of them and a few other documents listing said deities, these are mementos. There is the possibility that an external force might be able to change both my mind and the many vestiges of the truth across reality, but in such an extreme case it feels futile to even react to such power.
This is the mentality behind this report of my own branch of the past. While ideally such a report would encompass all of history, I feel like such a task would need far too much time and effort, therefore I prefer to limit the scope of the summary only to myself and my immediate actions.
Thus, I begin the third memento, my own memories.
For example, across the land, you will find a lot of Elysium inspired images (B.02.3) but one will rarely hear about Logos (B.02), with his role as the God of Order often being relied on to interpretations of Teknall (B.05) or Toun (B.06). Hain stories from traditional regions near the sparkling sea often present Toun as the all creator, with interpretations varying a lot, some presenting him as a titanic, devilish, white giant (B.06-11.2), others as the vile husband (B.06-11.14) of the motherly figure of Niciel (B.03) others take him in a good light, justifying his acts by blaming the Hain (B.6-14.x tale types).
Note to self: I need to sit down with Piena and write that index of folktales and motifs one of these days.
As a goddess, my first impression of such tales was that it was laughable, but in a closer inspection, I found awe in these incomplete, incoherent tales, for they were uncannily able to explain everything, from the dawn of the universe to its end. The vision of time brought to us gods was a one of a branching tree, a solid trunk named past, a branching point called present and the ephemeral myriad of paths called future, some deities believe there is a correct path, but none deny the branching. The mythology of the mortals, however, was a branching past.
It would be easy to dismiss it as delusion, but there is more to it than that, a worldview is the direct of result of awareness, to live as a conscious being one must make assumptions about everything that surrounds him, even if the tools to fully understand reality are unavailable. This is not only a mortal problem, me and my siblings share the same lack of grasp on the things that are, even one who has the Codex, the supposed seed of all creation, will find many gaps (Not to be confused with The Gaps) caused by minor influences (Like the Dreamweaver) or major Outsider powers.
The flaw with such mentality, however, is to assume there is a main, solid branch, and all others are mere phantasms of the true past. However, I saw two things that make me doubt that such thing even exists.
First, was The Bard, with his mocking songs that brought me increasing discomfort. Reality itself bowed to him so he could exist, despite no clear indication of him ever existing in the established past.
Second, was Chroma, the princess of delusions, the uncanny mix of two non-codexical forces of Dreams and Others. I saw the "girl" being born from an egg into her fake reality. I swear I saw it. But Chroma believes firmly that her worldview is the truth that her fake "childhood" that her fake town of Iridia and fake world history are the reality. She is in fact, surer that those are real than I am sure that the world did not start earlier today when I decided to write this report.
Of course, such contemplations are problematic. To think I am delusional like Chroma, partially wrong like the Mortals or perhaps even a glorified puppet of another being, like my Divas, is an invitation to the madness of the unproductive kind. The safest action is to simply trust my own worldview and cement it through the construction of mementos.
To exemplify my objective, I remember how many siblings I have by memory alone, but should my memory ever become confused, there are still the flowers gifted to each one of them and a few other documents listing said deities, these are mementos. There is the possibility that an external force might be able to change both my mind and the many vestiges of the truth across reality, but in such an extreme case it feels futile to even react to such power.
This is the mentality behind this report of my own branch of the past. While ideally such a report would encompass all of history, I feel like such a task would need far too much time and effort, therefore I prefer to limit the scope of the summary only to myself and my immediate actions.
Thus, I begin the third memento, my own memories.
At the beginning there was nothing.
Well, actually, there were surely a few things already. From the moment of birth, all of my siblings already had concepts, dogmas, and personal views. Furthermore, to this day I have shards of memory stuck in my mind that does not seem to predate anything that ever existed, I do not know if my siblings share that, but I doubt I am the only one.
So, at the beginning, there was nothing, with a few exceptions called Gods.
We were called into the Before-Existence by two supreme beings, Fate, and Amul'Sharar, who promptly gave us a name and a purpose. From the moment I heard "Ilunabar", I knew my mission was "To become the inspiration of those who deserve it."
There were about 20 deities like me in that void, I am unsure of the exact amount. I did use the number of siblings I had as the example of a dubious memory for this exact reason, I have only talked face to "face" to only five of then. In fact, I am sure there was one god in the Before-Existence that disappeared before the universe even started.
Slowly, the movements to start the creation of the universe started as the siblings started to gather around a parchment were the blueprint of the universe would be written. Toun approached me and asked me to help with the project, however, his initiative of leading the siblings annoyed me, for some reason.
"Creativity. The key to the vault of our solutions" he said.
I do believe I was unreasonable at the time, but my doubt over the project lead me to something that would define my methods for the eons to come. I sneakily took a morsel of the parchment, of the Codex-To-Be, and with the addition of a twig of the Life Goddess Slough, I crafted the Dreamweaver.
Vulamera was praising Ull'Yang for doing the first sacrifice at the time, saying one day she would build a library where this act would be exalted forever. Well, meanwhile, I had just done the first theft and probably also the first wise decision, since soon after the situation in the void started to deteriorate, thus justifying my decision to create dreams and distance myself.
Now that I think about it that library was never made. Maybe that is for the best, the cold, logical hands of a scholar are unable to do justice to history. But I do wonder what Vulamera is even up to, it has been a long while. But I digress.
Twenty or so deities, all with unyielding wills and a clear vision of how the universe should be. The result was obvious, a clash of ideas that quickly turned into a physical comfort. Everything considered I believe conflict would have ensued even without the reactive Vestes and the draconian Logos.
Things happened very quickly from there onward, the gods started to hurt themselves and I remember flying to Jvan, who had been hurt. My younger self-found bitterness in the sight of the disunion of the gods, but truly, there was beauty in it. There are calm days and stormy days, and no storm ever matched the one surrounding the Codex-To-Be.
I just realized that when Fate said enough and took the blueprint of creation for itself. Anyone could sense the disdain it had for the Codex, but that was wrong, the fact so much struggle happened in its creation was what made it flow so mightily.
As the Universe exploded into existence, all I could think was about my role in this all. I understood back then that I was a creator, an authoress, a storyteller, even if I was merely an actress or stage prop playing that role that was still what I was. What I had yet to realize, was that this meant I was not the other type of creator, a mother.
Well, actually, there were surely a few things already. From the moment of birth, all of my siblings already had concepts, dogmas, and personal views. Furthermore, to this day I have shards of memory stuck in my mind that does not seem to predate anything that ever existed, I do not know if my siblings share that, but I doubt I am the only one.
So, at the beginning, there was nothing, with a few exceptions called Gods.
We were called into the Before-Existence by two supreme beings, Fate, and Amul'Sharar, who promptly gave us a name and a purpose. From the moment I heard "Ilunabar", I knew my mission was "To become the inspiration of those who deserve it."
There were about 20 deities like me in that void, I am unsure of the exact amount. I did use the number of siblings I had as the example of a dubious memory for this exact reason, I have only talked face to "face" to only five of then. In fact, I am sure there was one god in the Before-Existence that disappeared before the universe even started.
Slowly, the movements to start the creation of the universe started as the siblings started to gather around a parchment were the blueprint of the universe would be written. Toun approached me and asked me to help with the project, however, his initiative of leading the siblings annoyed me, for some reason.
"Creativity. The key to the vault of our solutions" he said.
I do believe I was unreasonable at the time, but my doubt over the project lead me to something that would define my methods for the eons to come. I sneakily took a morsel of the parchment, of the Codex-To-Be, and with the addition of a twig of the Life Goddess Slough, I crafted the Dreamweaver.
Vulamera was praising Ull'Yang for doing the first sacrifice at the time, saying one day she would build a library where this act would be exalted forever. Well, meanwhile, I had just done the first theft and probably also the first wise decision, since soon after the situation in the void started to deteriorate, thus justifying my decision to create dreams and distance myself.
Now that I think about it that library was never made. Maybe that is for the best, the cold, logical hands of a scholar are unable to do justice to history. But I do wonder what Vulamera is even up to, it has been a long while. But I digress.
Twenty or so deities, all with unyielding wills and a clear vision of how the universe should be. The result was obvious, a clash of ideas that quickly turned into a physical comfort. Everything considered I believe conflict would have ensued even without the reactive Vestes and the draconian Logos.
Things happened very quickly from there onward, the gods started to hurt themselves and I remember flying to Jvan, who had been hurt. My younger self-found bitterness in the sight of the disunion of the gods, but truly, there was beauty in it. There are calm days and stormy days, and no storm ever matched the one surrounding the Codex-To-Be.
I just realized that when Fate said enough and took the blueprint of creation for itself. Anyone could sense the disdain it had for the Codex, but that was wrong, the fact so much struggle happened in its creation was what made it flow so mightily.
As the Universe exploded into existence, all I could think was about my role in this all. I understood back then that I was a creator, an authoress, a storyteller, even if I was merely an actress or stage prop playing that role that was still what I was. What I had yet to realize, was that this meant I was not the other type of creator, a mother.
Staring at the epicenter of the birth of a universe and pondering about it took quite a toll on my mind. So for the most part of the earlier moments of Galbar, I had my senses blurred and confused.
When I found myself able again, most siblings had already filled the universe with their fingerprints. Galbar was already green, blue and gray, The Moons were already forming and Logos had already decided the recently born planet was hopeless, thus deciding to leave it.
One of the first things I noticed when observing the planet, was a place of immense beauty, the Celestial Citadel. Looking back, I cannot stop but to find this very nostalgic. Nowadays, there are things far more beautiful than the empty palace that the Celestial Citadel was, but back then, compared to the void of the Before-Existence and the rawness of the universe, it was a haven of civility.
Being the compulsive observer that I am, I quickly paid a visit to the palace. Meeting my good friend Teknall, Zephyrion, and once again, Jvan. My younger, awed self, decided to move in, and since then that is where I live.
Soon after, the three of us, (as Teknall had to leave), decided to initiate a collaborative project to sculpt the face of Galbar, turning what was mostly plain rock, into a collection of valleys, mesas, and a whole myriad of different geological formations.
During this meeting, I created a couple of crystals which surveyed the face of Galbar to me, as I had slept for too long and was not up to date with the latest creations. I noticed that many gods had been trying to eliminate Jvan, and I felt sorry for her. Thankfully, Jvan herself helped me to remember that such kindred was not fitting for my role.
Then, the moon fell.
When I found myself able again, most siblings had already filled the universe with their fingerprints. Galbar was already green, blue and gray, The Moons were already forming and Logos had already decided the recently born planet was hopeless, thus deciding to leave it.
One of the first things I noticed when observing the planet, was a place of immense beauty, the Celestial Citadel. Looking back, I cannot stop but to find this very nostalgic. Nowadays, there are things far more beautiful than the empty palace that the Celestial Citadel was, but back then, compared to the void of the Before-Existence and the rawness of the universe, it was a haven of civility.
Being the compulsive observer that I am, I quickly paid a visit to the palace. Meeting my good friend Teknall, Zephyrion, and once again, Jvan. My younger, awed self, decided to move in, and since then that is where I live.
Soon after, the three of us, (as Teknall had to leave), decided to initiate a collaborative project to sculpt the face of Galbar, turning what was mostly plain rock, into a collection of valleys, mesas, and a whole myriad of different geological formations.
During this meeting, I created a couple of crystals which surveyed the face of Galbar to me, as I had slept for too long and was not up to date with the latest creations. I noticed that many gods had been trying to eliminate Jvan, and I felt sorry for her. Thankfully, Jvan herself helped me to remember that such kindred was not fitting for my role.
Then, the moon fell.
And was quite quickly dealt with by Vowzra.
After that Zephyrion carried on our plan and Galbar was polished into a fine world. Nowadays half of that is ocean thanks to Toun and his ever present need to be seen. But I digress.
Now with my own quarters of the citadel, I was free to fully think about my project that started when the Dreamweaver was created and the concept of Dream sneakily attached to the Universe.
Eventually, I decided to awaken the dimension of dreams, Raka, with a song that echoed silently across the universe. Things did not work out as I expected. The Universe was new back then, there were no Hain, no Humans, no Sentients at all, only animals, and, so the Raka was a very malnourished dimension. I became quite angry at that, in a clear showcase of immaturity.
For a while, instead of sitting down and thinking about ways to make the Raka work, I instead decided to carry on a couple of minor projects based on nothing but my whim and the need for amusement.
In fact, I did create the very first board game during one such project, eons before a certain cat demi-god. One more fact for Vulamera's ever delayed library, I guess. If I ever figure out where I stored it, I should probably call Belvast for a rematch.
Those projects came to a sudden end when a bird found it’s way into the balcony of the Citadel. See, as soon as I crafted the Dreamweaver, I played a song for Slough, a way to repay her for what I took, and this little bird was actually chirping my song.
This made me see the wilderness of the world not as merely the potential-less period before Sentient life bloomed, but as an inspiration. For a long period, I explored the Deepwood. Finally, I found a very delicate bush of flowers, roses, and one in particular, a white rose, took my attention.
From this rose and my power, Meimu, the first Diva, was created. She is my link to nature, my eyes in the wilds. She is a shard of me, yet is nurturing and emotional, while I am usually unaffiliated to the mundane squabbles. Since the beginning, I knew a Diva would bring me a more colorful life experience without having to sacrifice my own dogmas, but it was not until the third, Piena, that I learned what the Divas actually meant, [...].
Soon after, Reathos visited me, and once again, those shards of memory, the things that were there before anything was anywhere, struck my mind. I do not know what could have triggered this reaction, one day I should probably meet Reathos and try to discover the truth.
This reminds me that Reathos gave a gift to me, the Eenal Tree, I have yet to visit it. Even after so much time went by, I still dislike the idea of revisiting a place that brought me so much discomfort.
After the creation of Meimu, my mind became much clearer, and from there onward I spent large amounts of time investigating the nature of Raka until I found my own key to the vault of this solution, and the key's name was Arpeggio.
After that Zephyrion carried on our plan and Galbar was polished into a fine world. Nowadays half of that is ocean thanks to Toun and his ever present need to be seen. But I digress.
Now with my own quarters of the citadel, I was free to fully think about my project that started when the Dreamweaver was created and the concept of Dream sneakily attached to the Universe.
Eventually, I decided to awaken the dimension of dreams, Raka, with a song that echoed silently across the universe. Things did not work out as I expected. The Universe was new back then, there were no Hain, no Humans, no Sentients at all, only animals, and, so the Raka was a very malnourished dimension. I became quite angry at that, in a clear showcase of immaturity.
For a while, instead of sitting down and thinking about ways to make the Raka work, I instead decided to carry on a couple of minor projects based on nothing but my whim and the need for amusement.
In fact, I did create the very first board game during one such project, eons before a certain cat demi-god. One more fact for Vulamera's ever delayed library, I guess. If I ever figure out where I stored it, I should probably call Belvast for a rematch.
Those projects came to a sudden end when a bird found it’s way into the balcony of the Citadel. See, as soon as I crafted the Dreamweaver, I played a song for Slough, a way to repay her for what I took, and this little bird was actually chirping my song.
This made me see the wilderness of the world not as merely the potential-less period before Sentient life bloomed, but as an inspiration. For a long period, I explored the Deepwood. Finally, I found a very delicate bush of flowers, roses, and one in particular, a white rose, took my attention.
From this rose and my power, Meimu, the first Diva, was created. She is my link to nature, my eyes in the wilds. She is a shard of me, yet is nurturing and emotional, while I am usually unaffiliated to the mundane squabbles. Since the beginning, I knew a Diva would bring me a more colorful life experience without having to sacrifice my own dogmas, but it was not until the third, Piena, that I learned what the Divas actually meant, [...].
Soon after, Reathos visited me, and once again, those shards of memory, the things that were there before anything was anywhere, struck my mind. I do not know what could have triggered this reaction, one day I should probably meet Reathos and try to discover the truth.
This reminds me that Reathos gave a gift to me, the Eenal Tree, I have yet to visit it. Even after so much time went by, I still dislike the idea of revisiting a place that brought me so much discomfort.
After the creation of Meimu, my mind became much clearer, and from there onward I spent large amounts of time investigating the nature of Raka until I found my own key to the vault of this solution, and the key's name was Arpeggio.
With the Arpeggio's lead, along with the rise of the Sentient species , brought a new age of dreaming, where Raka was previously malnourished, it was now strong. Of course, such amount of energy made me very busy. I still spend a lot of time in Raka, but back then, it was most, if not all, of my time. Not that I would complain, of all the deity work I have to do, traveling into dreams is by far the most satisfying of all.
During such incursions, I did find something odd, however. As previously mentioned, dreams were a universal value, so it made sense for beings out of Galbar to dream, but I never expected it to happen because sincerely, there were supposedly no beings out of Galbar. I was wrong.
Humans, as we call now, but back then I called them Radical Dreamers, for their dreams, were alien to most concepts that existed within Galbar. The thing about them is that their aesthetic concept is one of those things that existed before things, I believe any deity who gazes at a human for the first time will not feel any sense of novelty.
I was completely captivatedar by them. And I did not waste time in leaving the realm of theorization for the sake of actual actions to find the source of said beings. The Aurora was created for that reason, a small "leak" of dream energy that resonates as the flow of dreams of the mortals travel from Reality to Raka.
While I was studying humans, however, Meimu was traveling the world, spreading beauty across the wild. 15 flowers were created. Poppy for Niciel, Hogweed for Toun, an unnamed flying sort of Lily Pad for Zephyrion, the Red Sunflower for Ull'Yang, Snowbelle for Varkalon, Flytrap for Reathos, Thornapple for Mammon, Forget-me-Not for Belruarc, Guarana for Vulamera, Iron Roses for Vestec, Midnight Glory for Astarte, Thistle for Kyre, Earthsoul for Teknall and the Cherry Tree for Vowzra. She found some difficult in designing something for Logos or Jvan and creating a flower for Slough felt like a foolish ordeal.
Finally, I called her back, for I had already deduced where humans were. Arcon, Logos' personal planet, half a universe away from the madness of Galbar. Of course, I felt that keeping such amazing creatures like humans in the hand of only one good felt like a waste, so I started my second great theft.
A second diva was created for the sake of that mission. I had been enamored with the Ashlings' ability to transform and annex other beings, such versatility led me to take one of them and do a little test involving glass making. By the end of it, I had created Notte. If Meimu was the link to the Wilderness, Notte was [...].
With Notte's ability to travel across shadows and mirrors and with my ability of manipulating dreams, I was able to create a connection to Arcon, Mirrory. For the next few weeks, my two Divas worked incessantly to steal away groups of humans. Ultimately, however, the connection was closed.
I had the plan to send a being from Galbar, Alure, to try to seduce Elysium. I do not particularly have anything against Logos' daughter, but I could not simply leave her alone when she carries such beauty (probably the second prettiest being, losing to me and my divas) and inspires the mortals on such odd ways. The plan backfired, however when Alure fell in love with Notte instead. I cannot blame him, it was a predictable outcome.
Meanwhile, another great change happened to Galbar. Lifprasil was its name. The son of Vestec and Vulamera. This was the last time I ever sensed my sister, and I cannot help but think that her recently found Motherhood was at fault. It happened to Belruac too. And similar feelings clouds Niciel and Jvan's minds. But I digress.
From the moment I sensed Lifprasil, I knew he was problematic potential. And I knew I would need to work with him, to make sure his ambition was spent on the worthy quests. I quickly prepared a gift for him, the second memento, a quick guide to all existence, covering all that the Codex did not include, as in, most of the planet's history.
With all these developments, I knew it was time to work closer to mortals. I started to explore dreams more vehemently and Notte started to wander across villages. I discovered that mortals, especially hain, had already developed Music, Dance, and their own stories. My first encounter with the mortal myths.
It was also the time I noticed Teknall's influence on mortals. Again, cold hands, like Vulamera's, that cared not for the potential, but for the facts. I usually blame motherhood for the errs of my sisters, but I think Teknall is the good proof that such thing goes across to "male" gods too. A later event would highlight this issue more clearly, though.
The thing is, mortals were too open minded back then, everything new was amazing. I had to change that, so, with the help of a few omens and a stronger sense of Tradition, I created the mistrust of strangers, xenophobia. A harsh action, but necessary for the survival of Folklore.
Then, it happened. Vowzra visited me in the Raka, my own personal dimension, I should have expected that a god like him would be able to find me. It was a surprise, and it caused the whole plane to change, making time fluctuate like any other element of a dream.
He came in with his typical talk of Fate's will and asked me to carve a musical instrument from his own essence. I thought it was a mad quest, nobody would be able to play such thing. It was like trying to have the twigs and leaf of a tree before the trunk and roots, but I did it nevertheless, creation felt compulsory at the time.
And then it happened, the universe itself bent down for the tool, and a being able to play such instrument existed. Not created, he simply existed, as if he had always been there. This caused me great discomfort, the odd memories that were not mine filling my mind again.
But soon enough they were gone, back to wherever Vowzra goes when he sleeps. Leaving me confused in the endless dreams of Raka.
If the mortal myths had created in me a sense of amusement for the possibilities of a different past, The Bard created in me the full-time suspiciousness of Reality.
During such incursions, I did find something odd, however. As previously mentioned, dreams were a universal value, so it made sense for beings out of Galbar to dream, but I never expected it to happen because sincerely, there were supposedly no beings out of Galbar. I was wrong.
Humans, as we call now, but back then I called them Radical Dreamers, for their dreams, were alien to most concepts that existed within Galbar. The thing about them is that their aesthetic concept is one of those things that existed before things, I believe any deity who gazes at a human for the first time will not feel any sense of novelty.
I was completely captivatedar by them. And I did not waste time in leaving the realm of theorization for the sake of actual actions to find the source of said beings. The Aurora was created for that reason, a small "leak" of dream energy that resonates as the flow of dreams of the mortals travel from Reality to Raka.
While I was studying humans, however, Meimu was traveling the world, spreading beauty across the wild. 15 flowers were created. Poppy for Niciel, Hogweed for Toun, an unnamed flying sort of Lily Pad for Zephyrion, the Red Sunflower for Ull'Yang, Snowbelle for Varkalon, Flytrap for Reathos, Thornapple for Mammon, Forget-me-Not for Belruarc, Guarana for Vulamera, Iron Roses for Vestec, Midnight Glory for Astarte, Thistle for Kyre, Earthsoul for Teknall and the Cherry Tree for Vowzra. She found some difficult in designing something for Logos or Jvan and creating a flower for Slough felt like a foolish ordeal.
Finally, I called her back, for I had already deduced where humans were. Arcon, Logos' personal planet, half a universe away from the madness of Galbar. Of course, I felt that keeping such amazing creatures like humans in the hand of only one good felt like a waste, so I started my second great theft.
A second diva was created for the sake of that mission. I had been enamored with the Ashlings' ability to transform and annex other beings, such versatility led me to take one of them and do a little test involving glass making. By the end of it, I had created Notte. If Meimu was the link to the Wilderness, Notte was [...].
With Notte's ability to travel across shadows and mirrors and with my ability of manipulating dreams, I was able to create a connection to Arcon, Mirrory. For the next few weeks, my two Divas worked incessantly to steal away groups of humans. Ultimately, however, the connection was closed.
I had the plan to send a being from Galbar, Alure, to try to seduce Elysium. I do not particularly have anything against Logos' daughter, but I could not simply leave her alone when she carries such beauty (probably the second prettiest being, losing to me and my divas) and inspires the mortals on such odd ways. The plan backfired, however when Alure fell in love with Notte instead. I cannot blame him, it was a predictable outcome.
Meanwhile, another great change happened to Galbar. Lifprasil was its name. The son of Vestec and Vulamera. This was the last time I ever sensed my sister, and I cannot help but think that her recently found Motherhood was at fault. It happened to Belruac too. And similar feelings clouds Niciel and Jvan's minds. But I digress.
From the moment I sensed Lifprasil, I knew he was problematic potential. And I knew I would need to work with him, to make sure his ambition was spent on the worthy quests. I quickly prepared a gift for him, the second memento, a quick guide to all existence, covering all that the Codex did not include, as in, most of the planet's history.
With all these developments, I knew it was time to work closer to mortals. I started to explore dreams more vehemently and Notte started to wander across villages. I discovered that mortals, especially hain, had already developed Music, Dance, and their own stories. My first encounter with the mortal myths.
It was also the time I noticed Teknall's influence on mortals. Again, cold hands, like Vulamera's, that cared not for the potential, but for the facts. I usually blame motherhood for the errs of my sisters, but I think Teknall is the good proof that such thing goes across to "male" gods too. A later event would highlight this issue more clearly, though.
The thing is, mortals were too open minded back then, everything new was amazing. I had to change that, so, with the help of a few omens and a stronger sense of Tradition, I created the mistrust of strangers, xenophobia. A harsh action, but necessary for the survival of Folklore.
Then, it happened. Vowzra visited me in the Raka, my own personal dimension, I should have expected that a god like him would be able to find me. It was a surprise, and it caused the whole plane to change, making time fluctuate like any other element of a dream.
He came in with his typical talk of Fate's will and asked me to carve a musical instrument from his own essence. I thought it was a mad quest, nobody would be able to play such thing. It was like trying to have the twigs and leaf of a tree before the trunk and roots, but I did it nevertheless, creation felt compulsory at the time.
And then it happened, the universe itself bent down for the tool, and a being able to play such instrument existed. Not created, he simply existed, as if he had always been there. This caused me great discomfort, the odd memories that were not mine filling my mind again.
But soon enough they were gone, back to wherever Vowzra goes when he sleeps. Leaving me confused in the endless dreams of Raka.
If the mortal myths had created in me a sense of amusement for the possibilities of a different past, The Bard created in me the full-time suspiciousness of Reality.
It had been a while since I discovered the Beyond Colors, if I had to pinpoint a moment, it would be Notte's creation, and I did indeed start to produce them in small quantities. I wanted more, however, I could not be limited to the typical range of colors, so I pursued the mastery of colors.
Of course, such mastery permitted me much more than just an easier access to the odd colors of dreams and beyond. For example, I changed the color of the second planet from the sun to burgundy.
Perhaps a bit out of curiosity, I used my influence to make mortals refer to such planet as Ilunabar, and the fourth one Zephyrion. It was very easy and that was not good, after all, it showcased how close to the divine something as basic as language was. To solve that, I created language, as in, the mortal ones. It meant mortals now understood each other even less, but it was for the best.
Stopping there, however, would be a waste, I had to go beyond, mortal cultures needed to be fortified, especially considering the dangers that lurked in the corner, Grot being the simplest of them. It was with this mindset that I started to prepare for The Phantasmagoria.
There were long sessions of planning for that, it was a one time chance to deal with culture on Galbar as a whole. In fact, so many blueprints and sketches piled up that I decided to use those to create the third Diva, Piena. If Meimu was the link to nature and Notte [...], Piena was the result of society turning more complex, the shared aesthetic of a society.
With such an excellent planner, I was able to start the night of phantoms, where ephemeral lights swept Galbar, bringing waves of creativity with them.
Julia Island was created from a garden Jvan had gifted me a long time ago. A safe place where I could test the Jvanic without having to worry too much. My first successful test there were the Marionettes.
Toun had destroyed half of the world, but I would not respond to that with destructive behavior. Instead, I created the wondrous land of Shalanoir. Piena secretly used said land to help an almost extinct species, while I would appreciate sincerity, these beings, the Quara Korala, ended up becoming very dear to me too.
Meanwhile, especially on the land under the Darkened Spires and above Jvan, culture flourished like never before, from the human shore to the west to the hain shore to the east. Traps and Leather to make hunting easier. Herbalism flourished into a full knowledge of fruits, herbs, and poisons. Sewings, Binding, and Weaving turned textiles far more useful and beautiful. Bread Making and Pottery made life easier in the villages, in theory, as Eloquence also made tyranny easier. And culture as a whole flourished with Wood Carvings, Beads, Paintings and above all things, Trade.
Many mortals of great importance also found their destiny during this night. Susa, who now follows Lifprasil. The Vascogne family, who [...]. And the Fibeslay, who turned their little village in a true jewel of culture. There are many others, some have yet to fully bloom to their potential, some, sadly, were lost thanks to Vestec's villainy. Annoying, yes, but truly, it is hard to be bitter when so much was created.
Of course, such mastery permitted me much more than just an easier access to the odd colors of dreams and beyond. For example, I changed the color of the second planet from the sun to burgundy.
Perhaps a bit out of curiosity, I used my influence to make mortals refer to such planet as Ilunabar, and the fourth one Zephyrion. It was very easy and that was not good, after all, it showcased how close to the divine something as basic as language was. To solve that, I created language, as in, the mortal ones. It meant mortals now understood each other even less, but it was for the best.
Stopping there, however, would be a waste, I had to go beyond, mortal cultures needed to be fortified, especially considering the dangers that lurked in the corner, Grot being the simplest of them. It was with this mindset that I started to prepare for The Phantasmagoria.
There were long sessions of planning for that, it was a one time chance to deal with culture on Galbar as a whole. In fact, so many blueprints and sketches piled up that I decided to use those to create the third Diva, Piena. If Meimu was the link to nature and Notte [...], Piena was the result of society turning more complex, the shared aesthetic of a society.
With such an excellent planner, I was able to start the night of phantoms, where ephemeral lights swept Galbar, bringing waves of creativity with them.
Julia Island was created from a garden Jvan had gifted me a long time ago. A safe place where I could test the Jvanic without having to worry too much. My first successful test there were the Marionettes.
Toun had destroyed half of the world, but I would not respond to that with destructive behavior. Instead, I created the wondrous land of Shalanoir. Piena secretly used said land to help an almost extinct species, while I would appreciate sincerity, these beings, the Quara Korala, ended up becoming very dear to me too.
Meanwhile, especially on the land under the Darkened Spires and above Jvan, culture flourished like never before, from the human shore to the west to the hain shore to the east. Traps and Leather to make hunting easier. Herbalism flourished into a full knowledge of fruits, herbs, and poisons. Sewings, Binding, and Weaving turned textiles far more useful and beautiful. Bread Making and Pottery made life easier in the villages, in theory, as Eloquence also made tyranny easier. And culture as a whole flourished with Wood Carvings, Beads, Paintings and above all things, Trade.
Many mortals of great importance also found their destiny during this night. Susa, who now follows Lifprasil. The Vascogne family, who [...]. And the Fibeslay, who turned their little village in a true jewel of culture. There are many others, some have yet to fully bloom to their potential, some, sadly, were lost thanks to Vestec's villainy. Annoying, yes, but truly, it is hard to be bitter when so much was created.
The Phantasmagoria had many purposes, one of those was to bring the attention of my siblings and many of their kids to the need of beauty.
Lifprasil was the first response, obviously wanting something to further his odd ambition for a world united under his crown. Now, I do not really appreciate his desires, but they felt inevitable at that point, so I decided to make sure that his "empire" would be a cultured one that appreciated beauty and freedom of the mind.
To have a further control of the creative process behind the capital, I convinced Lifprasil to go on a journey across Galbar, to meet people and understand how sentients worked better. The actual planning of the construction was fully relegated to my three Divas, especially Piena, and Lakshmi, an exalted mortal and leader of Lifprasil's guard.
It was during this time I met Belvast, son of Vowzra and Belruarc, now, I already expressed my views on this earlier on the memento, but truly, you do not see her doing much anymore. Either way, the cat-like demi-god is not only cute but also very useful. I believe curious minds think alike.
Everything was cut short when the Aimless Time happened, from Lifprasil's journey to my patience. I do not know why it happened, I just know Slough died, and for a being that is already dead to die again, well, it takes a lot. Considering it was Vestec who called deities to the place of the corpse, well, I have my primary suspect right there.
Never had I met such boredom as during the Aimless Time, no new dreams, no new stories. It was like being back to the very beginning of Galbar, but not even the birds chirped. I did use the time to meditate and train my self-awareness, making my energy flow more elegantly without leaving traces everywhere. Even so, it does take away of my annoyment, that whole situation was bad.
And then it all came back to normal,, andas mentioned, Vestec called us all to where Slough was "resting". Now, maybe it is my "I am really bothered" lenses, but for some reason, all gods were acting far more unbright than normal. I got offended a few times on that sepulcher for no particular reason. And as I expected, Vowzra soon showed up to clean the mess.
After that, I was keen on clawing some more physical influence. Galbar needed heroes. Not only Exalted Mortals, with immense strength and wit but true heroes, whose acts are seen as a symbol. There were some among the angels, and one under Teknall, but neither of those was global, and none would be able to have as much promotion as I was able to provide.
So, I picked two heroines. Makeda, an outcast angel, who would serve as a higher-than-you heroine, champion of morals, protector of the good, punisher of the wicked. And then there was project Chroma, a more down to earth justice, a relatable vigilante. I decided to try my hand at some experimental ideas, and picked a change-eater, a highly volatile Jvanic entity, to take up the role. That was perhaps, not the wisest idea.
It was around this time that the battle with Grot finally happened and the capital, Alefpriel, was finally built. As Lifprasil left for the battle, I decided to let my Divas rest by taking full control of the project in order to build the final bit of the city, the royal palace. After everything was done, I noticed I was far closer to the concept of Aesthetic than ever before.
One day, as I was reflecting about the latest projects and the next steps I should take, Teknall visited me in my quarters of the Celestial Citadel. His proposal was simple, to create a Demi-God. Thankfully it was literally building, so I was able to help him on his quest.
The designing phase was troubled, between my need of glory and Teknall practice, but eventually, we agreed in creating two demi-goddesses. The problem was, there was not exactly a good communication during the whole project, we ended up with a few gaps, and things went downhill from there. It was a mistake, a gruesome, messy, mistake. The birth, that is, Kinesis herself is a lovely lass.
It was at that time that I notice how "parental" Teknall was. He embraced the girl, and spoke sweet words, and was so emotional over all of it. Sincerely, that is not for me, and I know a trap when I see one. So, with the excuse of giving the bloodied demi-goddess a bath, I excused myself and Meimu from the premise.
In the Citadel, I gave the girl a bath and crafted her a dress, and made myself sure to not be too distant. Meimu did her purpose and was able to be more "warm" to the girl. But eventually, we all continued with our lives, there was a lot to be done, and time was always fleeting.
Lifprasil was the first response, obviously wanting something to further his odd ambition for a world united under his crown. Now, I do not really appreciate his desires, but they felt inevitable at that point, so I decided to make sure that his "empire" would be a cultured one that appreciated beauty and freedom of the mind.
To have a further control of the creative process behind the capital, I convinced Lifprasil to go on a journey across Galbar, to meet people and understand how sentients worked better. The actual planning of the construction was fully relegated to my three Divas, especially Piena, and Lakshmi, an exalted mortal and leader of Lifprasil's guard.
It was during this time I met Belvast, son of Vowzra and Belruarc, now, I already expressed my views on this earlier on the memento, but truly, you do not see her doing much anymore. Either way, the cat-like demi-god is not only cute but also very useful. I believe curious minds think alike.
Everything was cut short when the Aimless Time happened, from Lifprasil's journey to my patience. I do not know why it happened, I just know Slough died, and for a being that is already dead to die again, well, it takes a lot. Considering it was Vestec who called deities to the place of the corpse, well, I have my primary suspect right there.
Never had I met such boredom as during the Aimless Time, no new dreams, no new stories. It was like being back to the very beginning of Galbar, but not even the birds chirped. I did use the time to meditate and train my self-awareness, making my energy flow more elegantly without leaving traces everywhere. Even so, it does take away of my annoyment, that whole situation was bad.
And then it all came back to normal,, andas mentioned, Vestec called us all to where Slough was "resting". Now, maybe it is my "I am really bothered" lenses, but for some reason, all gods were acting far more unbright than normal. I got offended a few times on that sepulcher for no particular reason. And as I expected, Vowzra soon showed up to clean the mess.
After that, I was keen on clawing some more physical influence. Galbar needed heroes. Not only Exalted Mortals, with immense strength and wit but true heroes, whose acts are seen as a symbol. There were some among the angels, and one under Teknall, but neither of those was global, and none would be able to have as much promotion as I was able to provide.
So, I picked two heroines. Makeda, an outcast angel, who would serve as a higher-than-you heroine, champion of morals, protector of the good, punisher of the wicked. And then there was project Chroma, a more down to earth justice, a relatable vigilante. I decided to try my hand at some experimental ideas, and picked a change-eater, a highly volatile Jvanic entity, to take up the role. That was perhaps, not the wisest idea.
It was around this time that the battle with Grot finally happened and the capital, Alefpriel, was finally built. As Lifprasil left for the battle, I decided to let my Divas rest by taking full control of the project in order to build the final bit of the city, the royal palace. After everything was done, I noticed I was far closer to the concept of Aesthetic than ever before.
One day, as I was reflecting about the latest projects and the next steps I should take, Teknall visited me in my quarters of the Celestial Citadel. His proposal was simple, to create a Demi-God. Thankfully it was literally building, so I was able to help him on his quest.
The designing phase was troubled, between my need of glory and Teknall practice, but eventually, we agreed in creating two demi-goddesses. The problem was, there was not exactly a good communication during the whole project, we ended up with a few gaps, and things went downhill from there. It was a mistake, a gruesome, messy, mistake. The birth, that is, Kinesis herself is a lovely lass.
It was at that time that I notice how "parental" Teknall was. He embraced the girl, and spoke sweet words, and was so emotional over all of it. Sincerely, that is not for me, and I know a trap when I see one. So, with the excuse of giving the bloodied demi-goddess a bath, I excused myself and Meimu from the premise.
In the Citadel, I gave the girl a bath and crafted her a dress, and made myself sure to not be too distant. Meimu did her purpose and was able to be more "warm" to the girl. But eventually, we all continued with our lives, there was a lot to be done, and time was always fleeting.
Ever since one last meaningful event happened before the time when I write this memento. I had created an enormous dream to house the change-eater egg that would eventually become Chroma. Perhaps it was too much, all I know is that Chroma's Other nature reacted with the crushing logic of Simulacrum, resulting in a mess.
The only option was to end the dream and take her out into Julia Island. She is far too much delusional, I do not even know if she will be relatable to the Sentients like that. Furthermore, she uses like, flying fingerbones, as one of her weapons, which is surely not fit for a heroine of justice, I think. She is a good girl, that is for sure, but I do not know, I feel like this is all just a mistake, and no solution ever shows up.
Xerxes showed up around this time, an empire like Lifprasil's, except without me to make sure the need to enslave all does not bloom. Though, I wonder if even I could have kept Amartia away from the path of laziness and tyranny, Lifprasil was far less of a manipulator when it all started.
The apparent failure of one of my two heroes, Xerxes, and the needs of the post-phantasmagoria world, eventually made me take the Quara Korala and found the Grand Parade. An organization whose objective is to safe keep and spread culture. Also, build up wonders, like tombs, and boulder rings.
I will use them to spread more mementos around the world. Just writing my memories down like this is not enough, I really need to spread these messages around.
And thus we arrive at today, a lazy day where I played a round of a game with Belvast. Soon after he left, my Dreamweaver played a note that I never heard before, it was legitimately concerning, but so far, the harp seems to be fine. This was what drove me to finally take the moment to write down this memento.
Writing what happened a few hours ago like this feels silly, but I feel like this whole endeavor is like that as a whole. However, I know, there will be a day in which this might come to be useful.
The only option was to end the dream and take her out into Julia Island. She is far too much delusional, I do not even know if she will be relatable to the Sentients like that. Furthermore, she uses like, flying fingerbones, as one of her weapons, which is surely not fit for a heroine of justice, I think. She is a good girl, that is for sure, but I do not know, I feel like this is all just a mistake, and no solution ever shows up.
Xerxes showed up around this time, an empire like Lifprasil's, except without me to make sure the need to enslave all does not bloom. Though, I wonder if even I could have kept Amartia away from the path of laziness and tyranny, Lifprasil was far less of a manipulator when it all started.
The apparent failure of one of my two heroes, Xerxes, and the needs of the post-phantasmagoria world, eventually made me take the Quara Korala and found the Grand Parade. An organization whose objective is to safe keep and spread culture. Also, build up wonders, like tombs, and boulder rings.
I will use them to spread more mementos around the world. Just writing my memories down like this is not enough, I really need to spread these messages around.
And thus we arrive at today, a lazy day where I played a round of a game with Belvast. Soon after he left, my Dreamweaver played a note that I never heard before, it was legitimately concerning, but so far, the harp seems to be fine. This was what drove me to finally take the moment to write down this memento.
Writing what happened a few hours ago like this feels silly, but I feel like this whole endeavor is like that as a whole. However, I know, there will be a day in which this might come to be useful.
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