Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Kyla shifted the bag higher on her shoulder, her heels clicking as she walked down the hallway. It was only seven but she like being early to set up, that and she had a new TA starting today as well. Finding the classroom that'd be hers for the year, Kyla opened the dot and stepped inside. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of the room, it smell of musty air and sweat. Reaching her desk, she sets her bag down and surveys the room as a whole.

It was a regular sized lecture room, with windows lining the right side. The seats were glistening slightly, as if someone had recently cleaned them. A twitch of her lips showed Kyla's silent comment on the job done. Pale fingers flexing against the cool wood of her desk, the black-haired English professor sat in the wooden chair and sighed tiredly. She missed the feeling of cool grass, the smell of fresh rain and the slightly frigid night air. This job paid well and it wasn't like she was adverse to teaching college students, it was the prospect of staying cooped up for so many hours. A soft huff escaped her painted lips as she reached for her bag and tugged it closer. The halls would be filling with students soon, better have the things she needed out and ready.

Hopefully she'd survive this without incident. Then again, knowing her luck, trouble would probably find her anyway. @Love Dove
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 20 days ago

Stephaine yawned softly stretching before she got in her car, checking the time on her radio before starting the short drive over to the college. She had spent her morning nervous about starting her new job, not having the chance to meet the teacher she was going to be assisting before hand. If she had had more time this morning she would have went for a run first to calm her nerves. With a soft sigh she checked herself in the mirror once more before getting out and going inside.

The halls were still rather empty aside from the three or four students that got there early and the teachers and our TA's. Though the parking lot was started to fill up and Stephen looked down at her watch as she walked, she was running a little later then she wanted to be. She was kind of hoping to get there early to make a good impression. The blonde stopped and peeked in the room through the glass in the door, only seeing the one woman whom she figured was the teacher she would be working with.

Entering the door with a small smile she looked at the other woman, adjusting the purse on her shoulder. "Hi, sorry I'm running a little late. I lost track of time, won't happen again." She said sitting her purse on a empty table by the door. "Anyway I'm Steph, your TA. What can I do to help." She added looking around the room for the first time taking it in.@Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Kyla didn't glance up from the screen of her computer at the words or new arrival. Long fingers danced along the keys with grace even if she herself wasn't paying attention to them. Her eyes blinked and momentarily left the lit screen to focus on the other female, a twitch of her lips signaling a small smile.

"It would be best to avoid tardiness in the future. My name is Kyla and if you wouldn't mind stapling those packets to hand out to the kids? That'd help." She offered softly, her head tilted slightly as she lifted a hand and pointer towards the pile. Kyla had printed them out the night before, remembering to pack ten in her bag before her run. She'd barely managed to get up and dressed before her alarm rang, she hated the slight stiffness left after a long run. Fingers beginning to fly once more across the keys, she finished the noted she'd made and turned her laptop off. Rising to her feet, Kyla ran a hand through her hair and stepped away from the desk. The bell would ring and soon the sounds and smells of others would fill the hall. @Love Dove
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 20 days ago

Stephanie nodded her head slightly at Kyla as she pointed towards the packets she wanted her to staple. "Right I'll try to not to be tardy tomorrow, promise." She answered back with a small smile, though she had always had issues with being late. She could always take her runs earlier in the morning. Stephanie frowned at the idea of that though, that would mean she would have to get up earlier in the morning. She would just have to figure something out, later tonight after classes were over. As she started stapling the packs together she could hear the hallway start to fill with the loud noises of the students heading to their classes.

As the doors opened and the students filled in, the musky smell was replaced with a heavy wave of human and multiple perfumes. It was enough to make Stephanie want to wrinkle her nose at the smell. It was something she would have to get used to again clearly. As Kyla started the class, Steph started making her way around the room handing out the packets that she had stapled to the students before taking a seat over to the side until Kyla needed her for somethinbv else.

Timothy already felt like he was dragging a little bit as he got to the school even though he had just woken up a little over an hour ago. Though between the working six hours until the restaurant closed so he could pay his walk through school and the late night run to try and relax his joints. He hadn't nearly gotten enough sleep last night, he'd be lucky if he didn't pass out in his car durning the hour break he had before classes later today. With a yawn he pulled his car into the almost full school parking lot before closing his eyes and leaning his head against his steering wheel letting out a sigh.

"Thank god they let us take coffee into class." He muttered to himself before getting out of his car and heading inside. Seeing that there was still a little bit of time left before class started, he had just enough time to stop in the school cafeteria and get himself a coffee loaded down with cream and sugar, along with another for Jack. Tim made his way to the class as it started filling in, the room filled with perfumes and hairspray which almost made his nose hurt as he made for the back of the class. Taking a seat before he even bothered to get a look at the professor and her aid. As Jack finally showed up Tim sat the second cup of coffee on his desk before taking another sip of his own. When was this class going to start? @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Fingers twitching against her sides as the halls filled with students, Kyla took a deep beath. When the door open and students pulled in, her brows furrowed in distaste as several different smells filled the air. Perfumes worn by the girls, cologne and the natural musk-smell that clung to the males. Shaking her head, she moves to stand against her desk, arms crossing over her chest.

"Welcome to your first class. You'll address me as Professor Estonia, any nickname or use of my first name will result in extra homework. Now since it's the first day, why don't we scan through the packets my aid helped me staple before you arrived, shall we?" Her tone was soft but firm, her blue-green eyes scanning the students before falling to rest on the packet at her side.flipping it open to the first page, she his a smirk as the resonating sound of papers turning filled the air.

Hopefully this class will be easier then her other ones.

He was late.

That thought alone propelled him to move faster down the sidewalk. Jack cursed his luck as the school came into view, glancing down at his watch, he snarled softky at the numbers. He'd woken up to the sound of his alarm blaring and neighbor slamming on his front door. Gritting his teeth and slamming into the front doors, he made his way towards the first class of the year, hopefully teacher wouldn't notice him.

Today wasn't his day. The moment the door opened and he stepped inside, he felt eyes on him. GLancing up, he paused when a pair of green-blue eyes met his own hazel ones.

"Your name?" Were the words that startled him into blinking. The woman seemed relaxed, her back against the desk and left hand on her hip, he knew that she was anything but relaxed. He swallowed and ducked his head, a few chuckles reaching his ear, his nose twitching at the smell of coffee.

"Jackson Golden, Professor." Were the words that escaped his lips. A soft hum had his head jerking up, the woman had relaxed and a smile was on his painted lips.

"Good response Mr. Golden. I'll let it past this once, if your tardy again, you will face the consequences. Are we clear?" Her tone hadn't changed, the firm undertone had Jack nodding his head almost vigorously in agreement. The smile had him relaxing and turning to head to his seat, his own lips twitching into a smile when he spots Tim.

He accepts the coffee with a nod, setting his vag down before sitting. He peeks at the packet Tim has open, silently turning his own to the correct page. He glances up when their professor begins to speak once more, his sleepiness mysteriously absent as he takes in her words. Something about this person has his attention, a nervous energy running thorough his body, a subtle need to obey. He doesn't question it but makes a mental note to ask Tim who this person is, as well as go for a run after his shifts. @Love Dove
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 20 days ago

Tim looked up at the professor as she started talking about her name and extra homework if they called her any nickname. Well that was just great seeing that it likely wouldn't take long for some idea to try and call her one. Because well this was collage after all, there was always that one jerk that broke the little rules and caused everyone to suffer. Granted, that was usually Tim.

Where the heck was Jack?! He better not have dropped this class after Tim agreed to take it with him! Frowning to himself he started to look through the packet he had been handed when he came in, sipping on his coffee the only sound filling the room was the sound of papers turning. At least until the classroom door opened.

Tim couldn't help but laugh slightly even though he felt bad for his friend being forced to be the center of attention because he was late. Though the way Jack reacted to the teacher made him raise an eyebrow, the way he was acting like a scolded puppy. Once Jack made his way towards the seat beside him, he couldn't help but give a confused look handing him the coffee. "What the heck was that about?" He whispered to Jack.

The teachers assistant made a quiet hushing sound as she sat a copy of the packet on Jackson's desk, making Tim frown up at her. Though he found himself quieting and looking back at his packet without even thinking about it. Still frowning he scribbling on his packet before kicking Jack's leg to get his attention. Run tonight after work?

Stephine couldn't help but frown a little bit at the way Kyla embarrassed the poor guy in front of everyone in the class instead of talking to him after class tlike the other professors did in the other classes. She felt bad for the poor guy. Still when he past by her without getting his packet, she was forced to follow him to his seat and giving it to him. A hursh hushing sound towards the other boy before she made her to the small desk by Kyla's desk.

"Are you really going to give them homework for calling you a nickname?" She whispered to Kyla low enough for no one but Kyla to hear her. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

Taking his coffee and sipping from it, Jack released a sigh as silence fllled the room once more. Tim's question had him re-playing the last few moments in his mind, his head tilting to one side. He'd never been late to class before, not even as a kid, a sharp shake of his head had Jack focusing on his packet. Reaching for his bag, he tugged out a pencil and began to make little notes. Content with himself as he read through the packet, Jack decided to answer Tim before his best friend kicked him again. It didn't hurt him, it'd just that he knew Tim wouldn't stop until he had and answer.

"Nothing really, something about our Professor...just says to obey." His voice is powered, his lips barely moving as he responds. He feels it even now, when she's looking down and no longer speaking to them. It's like somehow she's calling out to his wolf, Jack blinks and glances down at his packet.

He kicks Tim back, before settling in and actually absorbing the typed out words. Yeah, we'll talk at lunch.

At the hushed words from her assistant, Kyla glances up from her book. She allows a smile to curl her lips upwards, her answer a shake of her head. Rising to her feet and moving until she stood in the middle of the room, she spread her arms out and began to speak.

"This isn't homework but I'd like to have each student pair up with another and complete something." At those words, Kyla watched as her students perked up. The collective scents shifting into lighter tones that Kyla knew suggested they were excited, had her grinning. "It's an arts and crafts project, I want a name tag from each of you, with a uniquely designed informative 'packet' attached. What I mean by that is just a few tidbits about yourself that would help your classmates and by extension myself and Steph get to know you better. From here until the end of the term, we're a family and as such, we need to get to know one another. Both Steph and I will create one and share it next class deal? I want at least five facts about you." She turned and smiled at Stephanie as she moved back to her desk, she hadn't meant to say that part. "I hope that's okay? It means we're a team and we'll have to share facts and such. And no, it's more of a challenge. Will they defy what I said or stick with it?" She sat down and listened as chatter began to fill the room, Kyla smiling as she reopened her book.

Hopefully with this project, they'd relax and understand she wasn't the baday guy. Plus in her opinion, her idea was better then how one was to introduce themselves normally. She'd always hated moving to the front of the room and taking as everyone watched her. @Love Dove
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 20 days ago

Stephine couldn't help the face on her face as Kyla stood up and started talking to the class again. Their moods seemed to raise at the idea of a class project. She could smell the relief in the air and feel it as the tense from Kyla's earlier words seemed to ease up. Good. It was only the first day and Steph was glad she wasn't going to get stuck with one of those professors that Mae thing harder on propose. Still she WS a little surprised that she would have to do facts on herself as well. Ah but oh well.

Stephine gave a small smile to Kyla as she came back to her desk before noddinbv her head at Kyla's word. "Oh, no that's fine . I'll just have to think of some facts wroth sharing." She said with a small laugh. As Kyla explained the reason for the harsh warning at the beginning of class Steph nodded her head a little looking down at her paper. "You know that they probably will come up for nicknames for you though right? I mean I did for all my teachers." She said glancing up at her.

Stephine bit the eraser of her pencil as she looked at the first thing she wrote thinking. It was likely going to come out soon er or later. If Kyla couldn't tell already.

This is my first time working as a TA.

Tim looked back towards the front of the room at the professor tilting his head a little bit as Jack answered his question. Maybe it was because Estonia hadn’t actually talked to him personally but he just didn’t feel it. If anything she seemed like just another teacher to him, maybe a little prettier that the guy teaching his next class but still just a professor. He looked back at Jack and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t feel it.” He whispered back to him, before smirking. “Maybe you just have a crush on Estonia.” Tim teased him a little bit before looking back down at his packet.

Feeling Jack kick him this time, Tim looked over at Jack's and nodded his head quickly before looking up as the professor stood and started talking again. Well at least this assignment iwasnt to stupid or hard. Tim looked at the pretty girl sitting at his left when she said to pare up, before shaking his head and looking back at Jack. Naw, he would just stick with Jack this time. They had been friends for years and Jack knew most of the useless facts about him. Tim sighed to himself. What the heck type of facts did she even want? Where should he begin? He tapped his pen against his desk for a moment making a list.

I'm addicted to coffee.
I work at the Itian restaurant in town. As a waiter.
I'm a art major, and taking this class out of pocket. Blame Jack for having to deal with me.
I'm one of the best cooks, gauging from my reactions of course.
I have an annoying hobbit of interrupting people when talking.

Looking over his list of facts one more time before he showed it to Jack with a smirk. "Thoughts?"@Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 24 days ago

“It's fine if they do, most people find nicknames for me anyway.” She shrugged as she took her seat once more, her shoulders relaxing as she notices the flurry movements her class had adopted. Truth be told she hadn't been sure of the idea at first, her mind had latched onto it though and the a happy chatter and smiles were welcome. She didn't well with tension, it had a shiver running down her spine and an urge to run pulling at her limbs. Taking her own words at heart, she tugs out a colorful bundle of construction paper and sets it at the edge of her desk. Her lips twitch into a smile as she speaks once more, this time her voice wa pitched enough so everyone could hear her. “You can take some of these home with you, for the remainder of class we call all get started at least. “ She did them all a favor and separated the stack until there were six stacks, she tugged a blue sheer forward and glanced down at it.

What could she write? Her free hand began to twitch, she huffed softly and wrote down the first thing that came to mind.

I was scared of coming in today.


“It's not that and you know it. I just have a better grasp of things and my brain actually works when yours is just there to fill the empty space in your head.” Jack bit back half-heartedly, his attention on the female's up front. Something in his bones seemed to be feeling him that these two were like Tim and him, his wolf seemed pleased and yipped softly.

At the nudge, Jack blinked and shifted his gaze to his friend. He scanned the sheet and his nose wrinkled as a smile threatened to pull his lips upwards. “Sure, that should do nicely. Now let me concentrate.” He admonished with a playful snap of his teeth, the coffee seemed to have finally kicked in at least. Putting pen to paper he allowed his gaze to focus on the window opposite them, his free hand tapping on his thigh.

I love to jog.
I work at the Central Library.
I have an idiot of a best friend who might drag my grade down so don't blame me.
I draw/sketch when I'm bored so if doodles are on any homework assignment or test sorry for that.
I love coffee/a good book.

Finished and debating on if he should change anything, he nudged Tim’s shoulder and wiggled the paper for emphasis. “Good? Bad?” He loved English and wanted to do good, he also hated not giving his all so this was either a list he would keep or change later when he was at home.

Hopefully the rest of the day would be easier.

@Love Dove
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