Welcome to Lunox Island where the exciting new reality TV show is being filmed, Love Survival. Can love survive on this deserted island?
Years ago, a native of the island by the name of Lunox fell in love with a beautiful woman. However, this woman was blind by birth. She could not see Lunox and the wind never carried his voice over the rocky barrier to her so she never heard him either.
One afternoon, Lunox heard rumor of a wishing waterfall near the center of the island where he could wish for her sight back.
When he did, nothing happened. But after weeks of coming to the water and wishing, the spirit had finally had enough of him. She came to the surface and told him. She could return the woman's sight, but she would have to take his in exchange. Lunox happily agreed, anything to give his love sight, never thinking there could be other ways of accomplishing his goal.
The next morning, Lunox woke without his sight and could not have been happier. He stumbled his way to where he knew she could see him and began waving frantically. However, she never came.
Lunal, as her people called her, was finally able to see her friends and family as well as the man whose voice guided her through her troubles, her childhood friend, Zaln. When his love never came, Lunox went back to the spirit in the waterfall and asked for an explanation. When she did, he fell to his knees and began sobbing.
"Not all love can prevail on an island such as this, Lunox." She told him, her expression somber. Still Lunox was happy for the woman he had no name for and he never asked for his sight to return.
Years after Lunox's death, Lunal visited the other side of the island with her children. Ty, the smallest of the children, found a small grave with the words,
"For he so loved her, that he gave his sight so that she could see him."
written on it. For whatever reason, Lunal began to cry. She could never explain it but it was as if her eyes were sad.
The scene ends and the host, Ryan Barnes, appears out of the brush. "They say years later that Lunox's spirit inhabits this island to this day and that if you see him, your love is cursed." He explains with a smirk on his lips. "Will these newly formed couples stand up to Lunox's challenge?"

1) GM's word is final.
2) Guild Rules apply.
3) Max of 2 character per person.
4) Drama stays in IC. Bring it to OOC and you'll find the GM won't be so nice.
5) Try to let the group know before long absences. In the event that someone delays a post, they may get 'skipped' over and need to come back in some time later.
6) These rules may be updated as seen fit by the GM.
7) Have fun, losers.
I'll try and have more up later but I'm simply too tired. If anyone wants to write up a section about the RP in a hider, feel free. I'll try to include it in the OP if we need it.