Name: Alexandra Simonides
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Manager and Receptionist
(Lower body as a snake with green and black green scales.)
(Green hair and eyes blue just like in the gorgon form,)
Race: Gorgon
Abilities: Alexandria is a girl genius and a book worm, and to help with her studies, she developed the ability to create an holographic display of a search engine that is directly connected to her brain. Anything she hears, sees, tastes, smells and feels goes straight in to that database in her brain and she can access it whenever she wants it. She is also an amazing archer and with the help of the holographic display and math, she is able to shoot perfect arrows. Her other ability is her petrifying look which petrifies those that look directly in to her eyes. The serpents on her head have a poisonous bite.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Even though she can shoot that perfect arrow, it takes time to do all the math and it's hard to do math when one of the variables (her target for example) is constantly changing (aka moving). Other than shooting arrows, she has no other fighting or athletic skill. Since she is still young, for a Gorgon, her petrifying look only lasts for about ten minutes, but her blood can serve as a quick antidote. The same happens with the poisonous snakes on her head. The poison is not strong enough to kill and will only cause mild nausea. Gorgons are also beings of cold blood, so they need to be warm to function properly. Cold is extremely useful against them for it causes them to be exhausted.
Bio: Alexandra was born in Thessaly, Greece. Her father was an archaeologist that managed to find, in one of the ruins he was exploring, one of the pure-blooded descendants of the gorgon Medusa. That wonderful relationship lasted no longer than one hour and it ended up with Shaelva, her mother, breaking up her father's stone heart... Literally. It was a tradition of the gorgons to kill whoever they mated with that were not pure blooded gorgons. About nine months after, Alexandria was born in to the world and Shaelva was about to fulfill the second tradition of the gorgons. Kill the half-bloods. However, something clicked inside Shaelva and she quickly removed that idea from her head. She swore that she would take care of Alexandria until she was old enough to do whatever she wanted... And so she did.
With the help of Shaelva and a friend of her, they managed to hide from the other pure-bloods and Alexandria became a loving and intelligent girl, but it was clear that, from a young age, she had vision issues. Luckily, Shaelva had saved all the items that the archaeologist had with him, and among them, were a pair of glasses. She gave them to Alexandria and her vision improved. A little after, Shaelva, using a clever disguise, managed to have a doctor look at Alexandria's eyes. She still didn't had her petrifying look, so it was the best time to do so.
When she turned 18, she decided that it was time to leave her nest and explore the world. Shaelya had taught her how to read and write in 2 human languages, Greek and English, and she had read through the many books of archaeology that her father had with him at the time of his death. She had also discovered that she had a strange ability. To create holographic displays of whatever she was thinking of or of her memories. The friend of her mother also gave her a magic necklace that would, temporarily, give her a more human look and made sure that she would know how to walk using those legs before she left.
Other: While her glasses are a way to stop the effects of her gorgon stare, she actually needs them. Her vision is extremely poor and, without her glasses, anything she sees becomes blurred. She is often seen carrying a strange necklace with the image of a snake.

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Manager and Receptionist

Race: Gorgon
Abilities: Alexandria is a girl genius and a book worm, and to help with her studies, she developed the ability to create an holographic display of a search engine that is directly connected to her brain. Anything she hears, sees, tastes, smells and feels goes straight in to that database in her brain and she can access it whenever she wants it. She is also an amazing archer and with the help of the holographic display and math, she is able to shoot perfect arrows. Her other ability is her petrifying look which petrifies those that look directly in to her eyes. The serpents on her head have a poisonous bite.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Even though she can shoot that perfect arrow, it takes time to do all the math and it's hard to do math when one of the variables (her target for example) is constantly changing (aka moving). Other than shooting arrows, she has no other fighting or athletic skill. Since she is still young, for a Gorgon, her petrifying look only lasts for about ten minutes, but her blood can serve as a quick antidote. The same happens with the poisonous snakes on her head. The poison is not strong enough to kill and will only cause mild nausea. Gorgons are also beings of cold blood, so they need to be warm to function properly. Cold is extremely useful against them for it causes them to be exhausted.
Bio: Alexandra was born in Thessaly, Greece. Her father was an archaeologist that managed to find, in one of the ruins he was exploring, one of the pure-blooded descendants of the gorgon Medusa. That wonderful relationship lasted no longer than one hour and it ended up with Shaelva, her mother, breaking up her father's stone heart... Literally. It was a tradition of the gorgons to kill whoever they mated with that were not pure blooded gorgons. About nine months after, Alexandria was born in to the world and Shaelva was about to fulfill the second tradition of the gorgons. Kill the half-bloods. However, something clicked inside Shaelva and she quickly removed that idea from her head. She swore that she would take care of Alexandria until she was old enough to do whatever she wanted... And so she did.
With the help of Shaelva and a friend of her, they managed to hide from the other pure-bloods and Alexandria became a loving and intelligent girl, but it was clear that, from a young age, she had vision issues. Luckily, Shaelva had saved all the items that the archaeologist had with him, and among them, were a pair of glasses. She gave them to Alexandria and her vision improved. A little after, Shaelva, using a clever disguise, managed to have a doctor look at Alexandria's eyes. She still didn't had her petrifying look, so it was the best time to do so.
When she turned 18, she decided that it was time to leave her nest and explore the world. Shaelya had taught her how to read and write in 2 human languages, Greek and English, and she had read through the many books of archaeology that her father had with him at the time of his death. She had also discovered that she had a strange ability. To create holographic displays of whatever she was thinking of or of her memories. The friend of her mother also gave her a magic necklace that would, temporarily, give her a more human look and made sure that she would know how to walk using those legs before she left.
Other: While her glasses are a way to stop the effects of her gorgon stare, she actually needs them. Her vision is extremely poor and, without her glasses, anything she sees becomes blurred. She is often seen carrying a strange necklace with the image of a snake.

Name: The Boogieman
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male (duh)
Role: Janitor
Appearance: The boogieman is invisible to anyone without the eyes of a child. The more mature their perspective on the world, the less visible he becomes. To a child he appears as a black form, somewhat spindly. His core is blurred. Then, there are his eyes, which seem like a hole punched through the darkness. He is roughly human, but most noticeable of all is his Cheshire cat smile of deviousness and mischievousness.
At will, he can force himself to become more visible to those with more mature perspectives, but this is temporary and tiring.
Race: The Boogieman
Abilities: Oh, the usual, he can be intangible, has the power of telekinesis, can fly, can smell fear, simple mind reading (of the imagination more than anything), and can walk through other’s dreams and (in fact) can control them into becoming nightmares.
Strengths/Weaknesses: The boogieman feeds off of fear. The darker the hour, the stronger he is. However, even in the light of happiness, joy, and hope, he is not entirely powerless.
The Boogieman is a cleaning commando. He hates disorganization, messy, dirty, and broken. This causes him to tidy up just a little, then a little more until the place is spotless. This is like one of those elite training phases where he blanks out and comes to his senses later on, only instead of killing a room of ninjas, he has cleaned a wing of the apartment complex to exquisit order.
Bio: As the years went on, and his associates dwindled, The Boogieman found that while humans were a threat to him, they were no match. Many monsters before him had boasted invincibility only to have some hero rise up and slay them. But The Boogieman was a cool character, not making himself a public figure, not boasting, not getting greedy, and most importantly, not revealing himself ever.
He is elusive and evasive, and it has paid off. That is not to say that he is a recluse, quite the contrary, however, even those who know him don’t actually have any certainty. He jokes so frequently slathers everything in metaphor and is incredibly unpredictable that even when he does share the truth, there is no way for anybody to know. Likewise, he strikes from the shadows without anybody ever knowing where he came from (and in many cases, that he was even there after the fact.)
Name: Rashid Murtada Darzi
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Role: Tailor/Seamster
1. Monster Form: Rashid's true form is a a being of smokeless flame, constrained in the shape of a human. The flames resemble the general outline of his human form, though is feature less save for a pair of glowing orbs where his eyes are.. The red flames flicker in the wind, and only burn when Rashid wishes it, and the strength and color is dictated is dictated by Rashid's health and emotions. On his back are a pair of large wings, also made of fire, whose wings are twice the length of his arms, though he can retract them into his body if he wants. He stands at 6'7" and has a thin and lanky build.
2. Human Form:As a Jinn, Rashid has the ability to shapeshift, but his preferred form is that of a middle aged man of Middle-Eastern descent. This form is just as tall and lanky as his true form, and wears the same clothes as him, but always seems to smell of incense and smoke.
Race: Jinn (Ifrit)
Abilities: Fire manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Flight, Shapeshifting, magic, imperviousnss to man made weapons
+ Rashid is unnaturally string, in whatever form he's in. His strength is such that there is he can lift cars with some effort.
+ His shapeshifting is limited to only his imagination. He can take any form he wishes, though he is unable to change genders
+ He cannot be harmed by man made weapons.
+ Magic, in any form has a greater effect on him than it would a human.
+ Rashid is quite proud of being a Jinn, and as such often underestimates others and limits himself on some of his abilities.
Bio: Rashid Murtada Darzi, like most other Jinn, was raised a devout servant of Allah. He was taught the teachings of Muhammed by his tribe elders, and was trained in the art of sewing by his parents. He was soon making wonderful robes of beautiful designs for his sisters, and handsome vests for his brothers. For a time, life was good.
Shortly after his (Lunar) fifteenth birthday, he was forced to flee his tribe after being found by a group of Taliban. The tribe, who had been cutoff from human contact for generations, had welcomed the insurgents in with welcome arms, only to be slaughtered by the bullets that had been blessed.
Fleeing for his life, Rashid made his way through Afghanistan where he traveled alone for years. He eventually made his way to America. It took even more time for him to make his way to Bright Times Apartment. He still gives daily prayer to Allah for guiding him to the apartment and giving him a new home.
Sloane Shields | 35 | ♀ | Witch
APPEARANCEAppearing to be in her early-mid twenties, her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a dull green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well.
Height/Weight: 6'1" / 150 lbs
Notable Tattoos (aka magic imbued tattoos): Water color compass on her wrist that she can use to locate items or people via magic. A tree of life on the back of her neck that has roots that extend down to her back tattoos. This tattoo is what gives her extended life. On the inside of her arm, she has “seize the night” scripted in Latin: carpe noctem. It allows her to read and speak Latin fluently and was one of her first tattoos.
ABILITIESHer magic isn’t terribly strong and she needs to research a lot to do large spells–such as the ones she links to tattoos. However, little things such as telekinesis are doable without the extra effort. Magic also works like a muscle–the more she uses it, the stronger and easier it gets.
STRENGTHS+ The more she practices, the stronger her magic gets. Through research, she’s capable of–but not limited to–things like brewing potions and charming jewelry limited mostly by the imagination.
+ She’s conscious of what she eats and frequently works out; while she doesn’t focus on strength, she is fit and excels in endurance. Being in good shape allows her magic to grow stronger, too.
WEAKNESSES- She might be a witch, but her body is fundamentally human and she bleeds just like everyone else. Her magic is affected by her state of mind and body, as well, so being sick or severely injured will weaken her.
- In regards to the magic tattoos, if they’re badly damaged or removed the magic will stop working as well.
BIOMagic has run in her family for a long time, though the farthest back she remembers is her grandfather who was particularly powerful. He taught her the magic she knows now growing up since his next in line–her father–wasn’t around to do so. While he raised her in magic, her mother raised her in a normal life. In high school, she attempted her first original spell to help her through Latin class: her “carpe noctem” tattoo–and it got her addicted to both tattoos and magic.
- A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. She had planned to raise it with him, but when he died she put the baby up for adoption instead (1996). Then she dropped out of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss.
- Grandfather passed soon after, leaving her alone to continue her studies in magic. He left her the ring bonded to Nox and a leather bound journal filled with his personal research.
- She met an immortal woman named Candy in her early twenties when she was just finishing up her apprenticeship and parted ways just as she started her own tattoo parlor. Meeting Candy inspired her to look into achieving immortality after her mother passed away.
- She created a tattoo–the tree of life–that leeches off the life of others who she gives tattoos to and it has slowed down her aging (she ages about ¼-1/3 slower than a normal human). The more people she tattoos, the longer she’ll live. However, she still can’t live forever and she’s still trying to find a solution.
- She owns Ink Shields, a tattoo shop located on the same block as the apartment complex. Due to a witch's ability to easily blend into human life, she has taken on role of a sort of guardian of the comedian. She offers her magic in spellweaving the illusions and the like that help keep humans away from the apartment and its inhabitants, for example.
OTHERHas a magical cat named Nox: his fur is made up of various shades of grey and black and his eyes are a bright yellow. He’s a demon bound to her family line via a yellow spinel ring she wears, and he can transform into a large panther-like feline in order to protect the ring’s wearer. The ring allows her to communicate telepathically with Nox and summon him no matter where she is, though it does take some effort.