Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sniper Princess
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Sniper Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Photo Credit: LiquidSky64/DeviantArt

Imagine waking up in a world unlike anything you've ever seen before...
You don't remember how you got here, but seconds later, you realize that you're not the only one here...
There are others nearby, their faces laced with confusion as they look around, trying to make sense of this all...

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, hoping to remember any bit of information....
All you can remember is seeing a bright, yellow flyer in your hand...
Before you can even process that thought, a loud roar erupts that breaks through the small hum of whispers that had begun moments earlier...


So enough of the cheesy dialogue, the idea behind this roleplay is based on a group of people who find themselves in quite a conundrum when they discover that they have been sent back in time...medieval times to be exact. They're not sure how they got there, but the memory of a bright, yellow flyer remains in their minds. So exactly what is this flyer about? Well, let's say that a secret entity has a need for some "lab rats" with an experiment that involves a high payout, I mean, ridiculously high. Regardless of why your character(s) showed interest in this experiment, upon inquiry, they were not informed about the factor of time travel, merely told that they were lucky enough to be a part of history in the making.

But now what? Will our characters eventually remember how they arrived? Will they figure out a way back to the present time? Will they simply adjust and make the best of their current situation? Ahh, but the medieval times weren't exactly a walk in the park....what will they be faced with? What sorts of monsters and creatures will they encounter? Will they even be welcomed by the natives of the land? Or labeled as witches and hunted down? Or worse, captured for their "powers" to be used as lab rats yet again? The possibilities are endless!

Character Sheet Template:
Short Bio:

1. If it comes to two or more characters ensuing in a fight or battle of some sorts, no god-modding please!
2. Keep it PG-13. Anything past that, you know what to do. Take it elsewhere please!
3. This is a casual thread, so please, please, please, no one liners! Those are the worst!
4. Do not join this if you can't post consistently. I know we all have lives, but please be consistent. If something comes up to where you can longer do this, whether it's a permanent thing, or a temporary thing, just let me know. I'm super understanding!
5. Have fun! c:

**Once characters are approved, I will post them under the Character tab. Please submit them below.**

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'll get to work on a character soon!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Female | 5'2" | 106 lbs | Red Curly Hair | Blue Grey Eyes

Name: Magnolia Eloise Delamere "Maggie"

Age: 19

Bio: Maggie grew up in a three bedroom farm house on the outskirts of a small town called Keshbridge, in Connecticut. She grew up rather sheltered, but overall in a happy caring environment. As a child she spent most of her free time reading, writing, painting and playing chess with her dad. The rest of her time was usually spent helping her mother with chores, and being homeschooled alongside her sisters, Tallulah, and Shiloh. She and her sisters loved to play fairies in the garden, and mermaids in the river near their house. Much time was spent together as, they had no one else to play with for miles. Weekends where spent at their grandmother B&B in town, riding horses, learning to play the piano, and knit from their grandmother. They also would ride bikes with the neighborhood children to the park, and play until the sunset.

Her father, Harvey, was an art history professor at the college four hours away, so he was not home very often. When he was home he was usually found in his study, lost in his little world of pirates, and sailing ships. Much of his time was spent building intricately detailed model ships, and collecting 16th century artifacts, like coins, swords, and jewelry. He was eccentric, and quite passionate about specific things. Other then his love of art history, pirates, and sailing, he was a amateur astronomer and knew the names and story of every constellation and planet. He was also in his youth a chess champion, and sometimes would play the guitar for his girls. You could always tell when he was home, because he would have one of his old records playing music through the house. The Beatles were always a family favorite.

Maggie's mother, Tessa, was a hippy through and through. She believed in astrology, karma, and the benefits of hot yoga. When she was not homeschooling her daughters, Tessa liked to garden. Before Maggie was born, she had renovated the old barn into a flower shop. Her mother also loved to sew, and wanted everything to be homemade, and as natural and organic as it could be. By the time Maggie was five their whole nine acre property had basically been converted into her mother's dream homestead, complete with composting bins, over a dozen hens, three goats, and an small orchard. Her mother was also a bit of a health nut, and loved the holistic natural approach to medicine. Needless to say her idea of cold medicine, was hot tea, with honey, and ginger. Homeopathic remedies, and essential oils were her goto anytime someone in the family was sick or injured.

Maggie was the perfect mix of her parents. With her mothers red curls, and her fathers light blue eyes. In her own opinion her life was practically perfect in every way. Unfortunately good things always come to an end, and her mother died of meningitis when Maggie was Thirteen. The farm was sold a few months later, and the family moved into an apartment in the city, so her dad could be closer to work. She and her sisters started online school shortly after. Spending most of there time in the college library while their father worked. With her grandmother prodding, Harvey sent Maggie to boarding school in upstate New York for high school. And thus Magnolia entered a new world of high school drama, pop culture, processed food, college prep courses, and living far from home.

Ninth grade was hell, as adjusting the real world, in an all girl boarding school over 400 miles away from any family was not something a sheltered girl like Maggie was made for. She excelled in the actual schooling part, taking mainly AP classes, and self study. But socially she had no idea what she was doing, or even where to start. The school was made up of mainly snobbish brats, spoiled rich girls, and genius IQ scholarship student from overseas. Thankfully she had made two friends by tenth grade. Martha was a fellow AP nerd, and Josie was an outspoken vegan, animal right activist wanna be. The trio got along perfectly, and they were able to bring small town Maggie out of her shell.

She graduated salutatorian, and was off to Brown the next fall, after spending the summer in the UK with her older sister Tallulah, who worked as a archivist at the Fitzwilliam Museum. College was interesting, and she rather enjoyed her classes. She lived in the basement of her sister Shiloh house, so she could save money by not staying in the dorms. Magnolia and her fellow classmate Julia where on their way to class when they saw the bright, yellow flyer tacked to the students center announcement board. She and Julia had decided to go, since the payout was to much to pass up. Unfortunately Julia ended up backing out at the last minute due to a cold, and Maggie was on her own, going to the address on the flyer.

Personality: Maggie isn’t concerned with what others think about her, so long as she follows her heart. The endless possibilities of the future excite her. She also sees through the facade of others; she understands them in ways they can’t expect. Her quiet observances, over time, lead her to grand conclusions, and strong opinions. Once she decides what she wants, Magnolia pursues it. She isn’t afraid to take action. Her emotions run deep, though she doesn’t usually like to talk about them. She shows them through actions, loyalties, and decisions. Maggie lives in a world of day dreams, random ideas, and fairy tales. She stays grounded by keeping busy whether it be with school work, art, or reading. Maggie doesn’t let morality stop her, if killing someone saves the people she cares about, she does it. She waffles between idealism and realism. Loyal to a fault some might say.

-Horseback Riding.
-Knows a lot about art history, and astronomy from her father.
-Knows a lot about homesteading, and the flower language from her mother.
-Fluent in French & Latin.
-She is a bit of a European history buff, do to most of her favorite book and tv shows being based in those time periods. She also knows quite a bit about Greek mythology.
-Can resit quite a bit of Shakespeare by heart.
-She is very good at memorizing things, and studying.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Booba
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet Template:
Short Bio:

I will start making my cs soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DreadPirate


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Marcus Stephenson
Age: 22
Short Bio: Marcus was born into the wealthy Stephenson family and is/was heir to one of the biggest fortunes in the world. However after his father gave up on him and rewrote his will Marcus gave up on himself too. He quit the Lacrosse team at his college and began drinking heavily. Everyday turned into a party and he was just throwing away what little relation he had with his family. Finally Marcus financially bottomed out and times got desperate... Leading him to where he is now.
Personality: Marcus is what most would call an obnoxious A**hole. Truth be told he's just all about having a good time. He's quick with a joke whether the time is appropriate or not. He's essentially your stereotypical wanna-be frat boy, except he's too dorky to be one.
Skills: He's fun?, once watched the entire series of the office in one sitting, Courageous (Stupidity), Athletic
Extra: Has a skirt fetish.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sniper Princess
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Sniper Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll get to work on a character soon!

Character Sheet Template:
Short Bio:

I will start making my cs soon.

Take your time! No rush c:
I still have to do mines, lol >.<
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sniper Princess
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Sniper Princess

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Marcus Stephenson
Age: 22
Short Bio: Marcus was born into the wealthy Stephenson family and is/was heir to one of the biggest fortunes in the world. However after his father gave up on him and rewrote his will Marcus gave up on himself too. He quit the Lacrosse team at his college and began drinking heavily. Everyday turned into a party and he was just throwing away what little relation he had with his family. Finally Marcus financially bottomed out and times got desperate... Leading him to where he is now.
Personality: Marcus is what most would call an obnoxious A**hole. Truth be told he's just all about having a good time. He's quick with a joke whether the time is appropriate or not. He's essentially your stereotypical wanna-be frat boy, except he's too dorky to be one.
Skills: He's fun?, once watched the entire series of the office in one sitting, Courageous (Stupidity), Athletic
Extra: Has a skirt fetish.

Approved :3
Moving to the Character tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Squiggle
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Squiggle (>^.^)>~*

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Female ~|~ 5'5" ~|~ 120lbs ~|~ Slight Ombre Hair ~|~ Blue Eyes

Nora Williams.


Short Bio:
Nora has lived a rather unspectacular life. She was born and raised in a middle class home in a small town. She spent most of her life focusing on school to one day get into a good college and make something of herself. She has recently graduated highschool and started college as a theater major. She hopes to one day gain fame in some way.

Nora has that sweet, small town charm. Kind to a fault she will often go out of her way to be helpful. She tries her best to keep in a good mood and keep those around her in a good mood as well. She can be rather goofy at times and easily influenced by sugar and caffeine.

Nora is a rather good actress and seems to be rather convincing when she needs to. Being from a small town she has spent a lot of time camping and doing outdoor activities. Learning to fish and general wilderness survival taught to her by her father. It isn't perfect but it works.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Booba
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet :

Picture: She is about 5'8 and weighs about 130 lbs. Her eyes are brownish , and so is her hair

Name: Marian Heartfield

Age: 23

Short Bio: Mary, a girl who had earned the tag of a tomboy since her childhood. When she was quite young about 5, she used to cry a lot and she was the girliest of the girly thing one could find. Playing with dolls and painting etc etc If someone took anything from her, she would just cry. Looking at this, her mother would pat her and asked her never to cry. On one unfortunate night, her mother passed over to the other world in her sleep due to some sickness and she was just 6 , that was hard for the little girl but she promised she would never cry and be strong enough to protect all people she cared. She began her transformation by focusing on her grades, fitness and communication skills.

The following year her father married another woman with whom Mary never shared a bond with. Although she belonged to a well off family, she was treated as a step child when her father was not around. But her step mother and her vicious children were successful in making Mary an evil being in the eyes of her father. So, he called her a disgrace of his family and cut down the allowances she had. But thanks to her scholarships and her part time jobs, she was able to spend her life in a better way rather than relying on her dad's money. Wjen the time to choose career came, she was adamant to become a police officer and here she was, performing as the police officer in her divisions , even winning some medals. But her father didn't like that a bit and she was disowned by the property. But she didn't care for she was trying to make them proud.

Personality:Mary is a reserved kind of person at first but when she gets mixed, she is very friendly and lively person to interact with. She is courageous and motivational , that is, she never shies away from risky ventures like skydiving, rock climbing etc. She loves to spend time with other people and has a positive attitude towards life. But as a policewoman, she becomes someone completely different,a lady who could be rude and bold. Even she does not care what her seniors would say even if her style upsets them.

Skills: She learned the art of cooking from her mother side. Since none of her family members were expert in making food, she vowed to become a great chef. She underwent a lot of training by prominent chefs and good luck, she could mouth watering dishes, veg and non veg , one could name of.

Extra: She is a little perverted. She usually cracks some adult jokes. Also, she is little of an alcoholic.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Squiggle OMG I love Emily Rudd!! She is one of the best FC in my opinion.

<3 <3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Nico Malepeai

Age: 21

Short Bio: Born into a modest middle-class family, Nico grew up addicted to video games. As he grew older, he took to the internet, and found that he wasn't the only one who was a big fan of video games. Through online forums and interactions, Nico found himself walking into the world of Cosplaying, role-playing, anime, and conventions. If it wasn't for his family, he probably wouldn't have been able to drive his focus away from his hobbies to focus on other things.

Personality: When it comes to messing around and having fun, Nico can be a little awkward and excitable in his attempts to interact with others without making himself look like an idiot. Aside from that, he kinda just...seems like an idiot. He is dependable when someone needs him to fulfill a task, but tends to mumble to himself randomly when a task proves to be a bit more difficult or complicated than he likes.


  • Costume-making
  • LARPing
  • Novice Fencing
  • Sketching
  • Singing

Extra: Keeps a journal/diary, because he thought it was cool when he saw it in a game.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Finished Magnolia's CS! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Online

Here! Will work on a character soon!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Squiggle
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Squiggle (>^.^)>~*

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Squiggle OMG I love Emily Rudd!! She is one of the best FC in my opinion.

<3 <3

OH MY GOSH! I know right?? She is so freaking pretty!! <333
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Thinking of possibly making a second character. A person from the medieval time they end up in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by iHxzardx
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Picture: imgur.com/yAYV4L9 <----Just look at the face... imgur.com/Z2VoYoH <---- Usual clothing, Sweats and Grey T-shirt with NAVY in Navy blue across the chest imgur.com/yfoVj63 <---- He is usually wearing this unless he gets really hot
6'5" 287lbs very muscular

Name: Razvan Knox Tanzini

Age: 23

Short Bio: Razvan is a natural born leader, he is currently working towards his History major at The Annapolis Naval Academy, He is an orphan as far as he knows, He plays Varsity Lacrosse and Soccer at the Naval Academy and Wrestles for the Varsity Wrestling team, He is top of his class, however he scours for money anywhere he can find it which led to him joining in this project. Razvan also has a hard time making friends, He is extremely cunning and clever as well as intelligent and wise and takes time to formulate the best possible outcome in every situation.

Personality: Aggressive in a passive sense, when you are in his presence and dont know him well he seems intimidating and makes you feel uneasy. Once you get to know him he will do anything for his friends he loves helping out and protecting anyone who will do the same for him.

Skills: Very fast with his hands and can wield a spear with ease due to his lacrosse background of being a defensive player using a longer stick. His endurance is unbelievable due to his soccer and wrestling backgrounds. He is ridiculously strong because of his enrollment in the Naval academy and his extensive sports endevour.

Extra: He has never gotten drunk or high his entire life, he is one of those guys that you look at and say "holy shit dude, good for you." then you constantly wish you had the drive this kid had. He is a quiet guy but will carry out lengthy conversations if you get him to open up a bit. Fluent in italian and spanish

One of my favorite characters for one of my favorite topics! Sooooo ready to get this started.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by iHxzardx
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Are we starting when we all get to the address and meet in orientation? or are we all sent differently and we meet up dazed and confused?

I also want to point out how Princess sniper is borderline demanding us to be active and yet her herself has been absent for 3 days now~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@iHxzardx Probably just making the IC post, reviewing the characters, or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by iHxzardx
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

@OtomostheCrazy Look at her activity... she hasent been on the website in 3 days
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