Female | 5'2" | 106 lbs | Red Curly Hair | Blue Grey Eyes
Name: Magnolia Eloise Delamere "Maggie"
Age: 19
Bio: Maggie grew up in a three bedroom farm house on the outskirts of a small town called Keshbridge, in Connecticut. She grew up rather sheltered, but overall in a happy caring environment. As a child she spent most of her free time reading, writing, painting and playing chess with her dad. The rest of her time was usually spent helping her mother with chores, and being homeschooled alongside her sisters, Tallulah, and Shiloh. She and her sisters loved to play fairies in the garden, and mermaids in the river near their house. Much time was spent together as, they had no one else to play with for miles. Weekends where spent at their grandmother B&B in town, riding horses, learning to play the piano, and knit from their grandmother. They also would ride bikes with the neighborhood children to the park, and play until the sunset.
Her father, Harvey, was an art history professor at the college four hours away, so he was not home very often. When he was home he was usually found in his study, lost in his little world of pirates, and sailing ships. Much of his time was spent building intricately detailed model ships, and collecting 16th century artifacts, like coins, swords, and jewelry. He was eccentric, and quite passionate about specific things. Other then his love of art history, pirates, and sailing, he was a amateur astronomer and knew the names and story of every constellation and planet. He was also in his youth a chess champion, and sometimes would play the guitar for his girls. You could always tell when he was home, because he would have one of his old records playing music through the house. The Beatles were always a family favorite.
Maggie's mother, Tessa, was a hippy through and through. She believed in astrology, karma, and the benefits of hot yoga. When she was not homeschooling her daughters, Tessa liked to garden. Before Maggie was born, she had renovated the old barn into a flower shop. Her mother also loved to sew, and wanted everything to be homemade, and as natural and organic as it could be. By the time Maggie was five their whole nine acre property had basically been converted into her mother's dream homestead, complete with composting bins, over a dozen hens, three goats, and an small orchard. Her mother was also a bit of a health nut, and loved the holistic natural approach to medicine. Needless to say her idea of cold medicine, was hot tea, with honey, and ginger. Homeopathic remedies, and essential oils were her goto anytime someone in the family was sick or injured.
Maggie was the perfect mix of her parents. With her mothers red curls, and her fathers light blue eyes. In her own opinion her life was practically perfect in every way. Unfortunately good things always come to an end, and her mother died of meningitis when Maggie was Thirteen. The farm was sold a few months later, and the family moved into an apartment in the city, so her dad could be closer to work. She and her sisters started online school shortly after. Spending most of there time in the college library while their father worked. With her grandmother prodding, Harvey sent Maggie to boarding school in upstate New York for high school. And thus Magnolia entered a new world of high school drama, pop culture, processed food, college prep courses, and living far from home.
Ninth grade was hell, as adjusting the real world, in an all girl boarding school over 400 miles away from any family was not something a sheltered girl like Maggie was made for. She excelled in the actual schooling part, taking mainly AP classes, and self study. But socially she had no idea what she was doing, or even where to start. The school was made up of mainly snobbish brats, spoiled rich girls, and genius IQ scholarship student from overseas. Thankfully she had made two friends by tenth grade. Martha was a fellow AP nerd, and Josie was an outspoken vegan, animal right activist wanna be. The trio got along perfectly, and they were able to bring small town Maggie out of her shell.
She graduated salutatorian, and was off to Brown the next fall, after spending the summer in the UK with her older sister Tallulah, who worked as a archivist at the Fitzwilliam Museum. College was interesting, and she rather enjoyed her classes. She lived in the basement of her sister Shiloh house, so she could save money by not staying in the dorms. Magnolia and her fellow classmate Julia where on their way to class when they saw the bright, yellow flyer tacked to the students center announcement board. She and Julia had decided to go, since the payout was to much to pass up. Unfortunately Julia ended up backing out at the last minute due to a cold, and Maggie was on her own, going to the address on the flyer.
Personality: Maggie isn’t concerned with what others think about her, so long as she follows her heart. The endless possibilities of the future excite her. She also sees through the facade of others; she understands them in ways they can’t expect. Her quiet observances, over time, lead her to grand conclusions, and strong opinions. Once she decides what she wants, Magnolia pursues it. She isn’t afraid to take action. Her emotions run deep, though she doesn’t usually like to talk about them. She shows them through actions, loyalties, and decisions. Maggie lives in a world of day dreams, random ideas, and fairy tales. She stays grounded by keeping busy whether it be with school work, art, or reading. Maggie doesn’t let morality stop her, if killing someone saves the people she cares about, she does it. She waffles between idealism and realism. Loyal to a fault some might say.
Skills: -Sewing.
-Horseback Riding.
-Knows a lot about art history, and astronomy from her father.
-Knows a lot about homesteading, and the flower language from her mother.
-Fluent in French & Latin.
-She is a bit of a European history buff, do to most of her favorite book and tv shows being based in those time periods. She also knows quite a bit about Greek mythology.
-Can resit quite a bit of Shakespeare by heart.
-She is very good at memorizing things, and studying.