@Rithy Worry not! For here you are among fellow Trumpees and Trumpets. No need to hide your allegiance to our glorious cause here! Speak plainly, and with truth, fellow Trumpee/Trumpet! [put a
line through
Trumpet as appropriate]
But regarding plot:
Everyone has just arrived at the capital city, all 'em new advisers to our new Boy-King
A confrontation took place between Chugo Bey and Ser Bastien over the fact that Chugo had not been invited, but the king calmed things down swiftly and met with Chugo later
Various behind-the-scenes scheming apparantly took place, though between who I really couldn't tell. Laxion doesn't do behind-the-scenes plotting you see, nay! No Machiavillian soul is his!
Now they all sit in the Chambers of Council, and it is announced that a rebellion is taking place in some western provinces, and since the Bastien player abandoned ship, Bastien was sent to
die in the battle deal with the rebellion.
Laxion takes this chance to give his notMachiavillian solution to the rebellion