Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Her Home, then the beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice slowly opened her eyes letting out a low groan as she heard her alarm going off, she turned to look over at her phone even though it was summer vacation Alice always woke up early in the morning to get some time out on the beach by herself. Alice quickly reached for her bathing suit and quickly slipped it on before putting on a tshirt and a pair of shorts. Alice headed out of her bedroom she closed her eyes as she could smell her mother's cooking and smiled she always loved her mother's cooking, as she headed down the stairs Alice quickly walked over and approached her mother and gave her a hug and kiss. "Good morning mom." Alice said with a smile as her mother returned the same gesture. "Morning Ali, sleep well hun?" Alice's mother asked, she smiled and nodded. "Yep I did thanks." Alice smiled brightly as she went over and grabbed herself a plate as well as a fork.

Then she heard her brother Anthony coming down the stairs as he went over and just to be annoying he flicked Alice on the forehead, causing Alice to groan and give her younger brother the death glare just as her mother finished making breakfast for the two of them and then scooped their food into their plates. Their dad she already knew that he was already out on a fishing trip and he wouldn't be home for a few days. "I'll be at the lab till late tonight you two, so just make sure you two are safe okay?" Alice's mother said, as Alice started to dig into her breakfast and looked up at her mother and nodded. "Sure thing mom." Alice said as she continued eating the scrambled eggs she always enjoyed her mother's cooking.

"Alright thank you, i'll see you two late tonight. I have to get going now." Alice's mother said as she hugged both her and her brother, and grabbed her things before leaving the house. Alice turned to look at her brother who was eating as well, shortly after her mother left Alice had finished. "Right so i'll be at the beach, i'll be back later this afternoon." Alice said as she quickly got up and grabbed her sandals before leaving the house. Alice then decided to text her friend Millicent they had been friends for a few weeks now and they both got along really well with one another.

"Hey Milly! Was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the beach or something soon, if you aren't asleep that is. If not I can swing by later."

Alice hit send as she grabbed her bike and quickly started to peddle herself across town on her bike finally making it she always enjoyed the beach early in the morning when there weren't that many people there. Alice walked down the beach and went over to rent herself a towel and paid for it she walked over to find a spot and sat down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Home --> The Beach
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent's cell phone buzzed incessantly, robbing her of further sweet dreams. She groaned, not yet acclimated to the Australian timezone. Back in Scotland, things had been much simpler. Her mother often spoke of her own childhood in America, but even then, Millicent couldn't imagine anything better than the rolling Scottish hills.

Sliding her thumb, Millicent accepted the call. "Hello? Who is this?"

"An inmate at Cornton Vale Prison is attempting to contact you. To accept the call, please press one."

Millicent pressed one, grinning. It must have been Neil. She always was his favorite in the family--or at least, she imagined it to be so. He would call her about once a month, giving her an update on prison life.

"Neil!" Millicent exclaimed. "How are you? How's jail?"

The line crackled, though Millicent supposed it could have just been Neil chuckling. His voice was scratchy and hoarse, worse than the last time she had heard from him. It was as if he was a balloon, the helium gone, and replaced with a rock paste. "Missed you, kiddo. Listen I need a favor..."

"Neil, what is it?" Millicent asked, trying her hardest to believe in her brother. While her parents and siblings insisted on not sending too much money, fearing he'd spend it on drugs, Millicent tried to look on the positive side of things. Neil still talked to her, and he was alive. And hopefully, hopefully he might be sober as well.

"I need some extra cash," Neil said awkwardly.

"What for?" Millicent asked. "Food?"

"Yeah, yeah," Neil replied. "Look, if you could send it by Friday, that'd be great. Love you Milly girl!"

The line went dead, and Millicent groaned. Try as she may, she knew that Neil wouldn't be using the money for food. But yet, she couldn't refuse him. He was her brother, her big brother, the one that had taught her to ride a bike and tie her shoes. She owed him, and of course, she wasn't certain he was using the money on drugs. She'd do the best she could to allow her brother to do the best he could.

Hey Milly! Was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the beach or something soon, if you aren't asleep that is. If not I can swing by later.

Millicent glanced down at the phone, and smiled. She had met Alice not too long after she arrived in Australia, and had been welcomed with open arms. Resolving to go to the beach, Millicent gathered up a towel and sunscreen, changing into a swimsuit and shorts. Fortunate to live nearby, it was just a short walk, but thoughts of her brother continued to plague her.

Was he still the brother she knew and loved? She hesitated, before reprimanding herself. Of course Neil was her brother. Drugs couldn't change that much. She would just have to continue onwards, and eventually, Neil would be able to stop. She couldn't force him to change. He had to want to change.

Glancing up, she squinted as the sun got in her eyes. In a few moments, she saw Alice, spread out on a towel.

"Hey Alice!" Millicent shouted, dashing over. "Sorry I forgot to let you know I was coming, had a call from my brother this morning."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Her Home, then the beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice sat on the towel as she leaned forward looking out at the ocean as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she enjoyed the smell of the ocean in front of her, she always enjoyed the time out here by herself. Alice slowly stood up and stretched out letting out a slight yawn Alice took off her shirt and pants revealing her bathing suit that she wore underneath. A nice little dip wouldn't hurt while she waited to see if her friend Millicent to come over, she started to walk over to the water until she could feel the water lapping at her feet and then going up her legs as she walked deeper into the water.

As Alice was deep enough to swim Alice quickly dunked her head under the water, she then raised her head out of the water taking a deep breath as she looked out back at the shore as she watched some people starting to make their way to the beach to start their day to enjoy it. Alice then decided to head back to her towel and lay out under the sun for a bit, about five or ten minutes later she quickly perked her head up hearing the familiar voice of her best friend Millicent as she dashed over towards her.

"Milly there you are!" Alice said happily as she got up from where she was laying and went over and pulled her into a loving friendly hug, then she broke away brushing a few strands of her wet hair out from her face. "How are you doing today, and did you have anything you'd like to do today?" Alice asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: The Beach
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent found herself being practically squeezed to death by the soaked figure of her friend. She squealed a bit as the cold bit at her, the wind rustling up against her skin, giving her goosebumps.

"You're completely wet!" Millicent groaned, taking off the pair of shorts she had put on top of her swimsuit. Her skin. as far as she was aware, had already started to burn. Being from Scotland, she still hadn't adjusted to the outrageous amount of sun in Australia. Rubbing her shoulder a bit, Millicent glanced around, chuckling a bit at how Alice was sopping wet.

"We could go exploring," Millicent offered. "Any cool local myths and legends we could check out?"

She wanted, more than anything, to escape her reality for a little while. She didn't want to think about her brother, relapsing constantly in prison. She didn't want to think about the rays of the sun as they probably increased her odds for skin cancer. She wanted to explore, to have fun, to escape, and find something with more meaning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: The Beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice couldn't help but laugh at Millicent's reaction to her wet hug before letting go she could see Millicent's clothes had gotten slightly wet. "Well I did just get out from the water to swim for a little bit to wait for you." Alice said jokingly as she thought about what they could do and exploring was always fun, and then she thought of a great idea. "Well there is Mako Island that's just off the coast from here. It is like the most beautiful place there, and the extinct volcano is an awesome and beautiful sight." Alice suggested as she started to gather up her things once more.

"Lets go there, I can rent us a boat and we can go over there, it's only about a thirty or so minute boat ride from the mainland." Alice smiled as she started to put her clothes back on, she didn't really mind or care that she was still wet. Alice grabbed her purse and pulled out some money. "C'mon lets head towards the docks." Alice started to make her way towards the docks where they could rent a small boat for a few hours. Once they were there Alice put out her money to one of the boat renters and then they were told where to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Boat to Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent nodded, the plan seeming sensible enough. As far as she was aware, everyone in Australia was just born knowing how to operate a boat, and there couldn't be any danger to it. Besides, she remembered seeing something on the walls at school about old science projects being conducted on the island. There couldn't be any harm to it.

"Oh, Al, I could help you pay," Millicent offered, handing some of her money over to Alice. "Tis only fair, right?"

She grinned, climbing into the boat with her friend. It was a tiny thing, but they didn't need anything big. The island was hardly far at all, and she had faith in Alice to be able to keep them from capsizing. And even if they did, it wasn't like they didn't know how to swim. The boat roared to life, and Millicent couldn't help but enjoy the slight breeze from it.

"Have you been here before, Al? I'm guessing you have," Millicent laughed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: The Beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice would smile softly when Millicent offered to help pay for the boat. "Thanks, i'll pay you back." She said as they got into the boat, and started it up. Alice grew up on boats a lot and knew how to use one, she started to move the boat further out of the bay area and slowly out into the ocean. "I haven't been there actually, but my mother and father have a few times." She answered her friend, Alice closed her eyes for a moment as she enjoyed the nice cool ocean breeze over her face.

"So yeah the island is beautiful." Alice said as she took her phone and then pulled out a picture that her mother had taken awhile back and handed it over towards Millicent. A few minutes have passed by and the both of them could see the island on the horizon as Alice pointed it out. "There it is, once we are there we can push the boat onto land that way it wont get taken out by the tide." Alice then moved the boat until they were in shallow water, and then climbed out. The water was so clear Alice looked down and smiled seeing the various kinds of fish swimming below them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Boat to Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent chuckled again. "You don't need to pay me back, silly. We're both paying for the boat this way, see?"

She shook her head slightly, letting the wind tease her hair. It felt so nice, like a gentle tickle against her face. When Alice handed back the phone, Millicent gripped it carefully, squinting at the screen. The brightness of the sun made a wicked glare, and she brushed her hair out of her eyes, finally able to focus on the picture.

"Woah....This is beautiful, Al," Millicent murmured, handing the phone back. "It's just breathtaking."

Eventually, they'd been on the boat for about half an hour--the length of the journey, Alice had informed her earlier. She squinted, holding her hand up to block the light, and she could make out its form. She nodded at Alice's instructions, and once they bumped up against the island, she carefully disembarked the vessel. Cracking her wrists a bit, Millicent grabbed onto the boat and began to tug it out of the water, attempting not to step on any of the fish in the process.

"I think we've found Dory...or Nemo...or someone," Millicent joked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: The Mako Island Beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice smiled looking over at Millicent and giggled softly. "I'm sure there will be thousands of Dori's and Nemo's there searching for one another." She said with a soft laugh as she pushed the boat a bit further until it was well enough to know that the tide wouldn't come over and pull it back out into sea. "My mom said it's like the most romantic place ever. I think she said that both her and my dad had a few dates here or something like that." Alice said as she walked further up the beach and could hear the native wild life. "Also another thing is that the island is protected by the government so there is no fishing allowed here."

Alice turned around to look at Milly. "Lets go and do some exploring." She waved for Millicent to follow her, and started to walk further in land as the sand slowly started to turn into dirt, Alice looked around as she saw a small waterfall and creek nearby and enjoyed the sights and sounds of it all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Boat to Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

"I'm sure Nemo saw some things he could never un-see, then," Millicent teased, hearing the comment about Alice's parents. She followed her up the beach, the sun beating down on them both. The gentle waves of the ocean created a glorious backdrop, a calming noise from which all others followed. Something croaked, something buzzed, something sang.

Nothing, however, sounded like Siri on the iPhone. Millicent's grin grew wider, amazed by this tiny, hidden piece of paradise. Most tourists, she'd noticed, tended to be glued to their phones no matter where they were, ruining the atmosphere of beaches and monuments. It never seemed to stop, always constant, even if Millicent abandoned her own phone.

But here, here it came true. Here was a world away from technology.

"Lets go and do some exploring."

"Isn't that what we were already doing?" Millicent giggled. "Or are we only now officially starting?"

She followed her friend into the brush, entering a small clearing. A waterfall cascaded down into the tiniest brook, and true to all the tales, it did indeed babble. Millicent picked up a stone and tossed it into the creek, and another through the waterfall, enjoying the splashes and patterns that would appear briefly, before vanishing altogether.

"Where's the volcano you were mentioning, Al?" Millicent asked, tossing another rock.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

"Ha ha, your funny." Alice said sarcastically towards Millicent as she took out her phone and took some photos of the waterfall in front of her, the island was so beautiful she would look over her shoulder as she watched Millicent throwing rocks into the flowing creek and smiled softly as she asked where the volcano was. Alice covered her eyes for a moment and squinted for a moment and then gently tapped Millicent's shoulder. "It's up there." Alice said as she pointed just west of the waterfall.

It was a very beautiful sight and glad that the volcano wasn't actually active, she turned around and grabbed a flat rock and skipped it across the water, watching it doing five skips before it went into the water. "C'mon lets get a closer look, race you there!" Alice said with a loud laugh as she suddenly got a head start over her friend Millicent as she ran through the foliage until she was at the base of the volcano.

What she wasn't expecting next was loosing her footing and suddenly screamed loudly as she fell down a small hole in the side, as she slid down the wet rock until she landed in the base of the cave. Alice started to groan loudly as she tried to look around for a way up and tried to climb the way she had fallen but it wasn't any use. "Milly you there?!" Alice yelled loudly to try and get her friend's attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent rolled her eyes as her friend dashed ahead. She didn't exactly look forward to rushing forward in an unfamiliar environment--it was practically begging the universe to cause her to trip and fall. Snorting a bit, she watched as Alice did just that, stumbling and sliding down a tiny hole.

"I suppose I win by default then, hmm?" Millicent smirked, carefully peering down the hole. "There doesn't seem to be any sign of intelligent life..."

She giggled, offering a hand down to Alice. As much as she teased her, she meant well. The two of them had become great friends since Millicent moved from Scotland, with Alice being kinder to her than anyone else in the school. Millicent smiled, waiting for Alice to grab onto her hand. However, the moment Alice grabbed on, Millicent's feet would slip, causing her to tumble down the hole as well.

She laughed, lying down, her hair splayed out behind her. "I...I meant for that to happen."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice would awkwardly look up at Millicent and rolled her eyes slightly. "Yeah would you mind helping me up?" Alice asked as she would reach for Milly's hand before hearing some rocks sliding and quickly backed away from the entrance to the hole only to see Millicent to come down and couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah i'm sure you totally meant for that to happen." Alice said smiling playfully as she leaned down and offered a hand to pull Millicent back up to her feet.

Alice was glad that she had met Millicent they always got a long really well with one another and hit it off pretty quickly. Alice would look around the cave that they had stumbled into, her eyes then looked up seeing the sunlight shining down through the mouth of the extinct volcano. "Well it looks like we are inside of the volcano." Alice said softly as she looked over to see a round pool of water nearby. "Well, looks like we maybe stuck here for awhile." Alice said with a slight sigh.

She slumped down back onto the floor her eyes scanning the cave and leaned back groaning slightly as she wasn't sure what to do or how long they will be waiting here for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent paused for a moment, attempting to come up with some awful pun about volcanos. However, in her time of need, they all escaped her. She instead ventured forward, staring into a large pool of water, and glanced at her own reflection. The inside of the volcano -- or wherever they were -- was gorgeous, she had to admit.

"Are we supposed to just stay here, then?" Millicent asked.

Sure, she didn't imagine that they had given classes called How To Escape Mako Island's Volcano, but she found it hard to believe that Alice wouldn't know of some sort of procedure. They shouldn't just wait around inside of a volcano, she was fairly certain. Dormant or not, it just spelled disaster, as if they were inviting death to strike them down. Sighing a bit, Millicent felt as trapped as her brother.

And he was in prison.

"Maybe there's service here," Millicent suggested, pulling out her phone. She hit the side of it, attempting to get it to wake up, and interact with some sort of network. Almost as if angered at her, the phone shut off, abandoning her due to a low battery. Millicent groaned, cursing under her breath. That was the last time she'd let herself fall asleep without plugging it in properly, she decided.

"Tell me yours isn't dead..." Millicent sighed. "Or that you told your mom we were going to Mako...."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice looked around there weren't any other escape tunnels that the lava could have gone through while the volcano was still active, she pulled out her phone just as her friend had done. "No, reception even I charged my phone today." Alice said with a soft sigh as she looked towards the pool of water and knelt down before looking over her shoulder at Millicent and shook her head slightly. "None of my family members I told we were going here today." Alice groaned loudly she regretted telling her family where she would actually be going today. "My dad is one a fishing trip, and my mom is working until late tonight.."

Alice then looked closer trying to find a way out through the underwater cavern, she could see a small bit of sunlight coming from under the water. "Hey how long can you hold your breath underwater for?" Alice asked looking over at Millicent she felt bad for trapping her friend under the water, she should have stopped herself. "And sorry for dragging you here, I didn't think we would end up falling under a cave here under the volcano."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent nodded her head. Pulling up a bit of dirt with her left hand, she sifted through it, watching as it fell and once again became a bit of the ground. She giggled a bit, for no reason at all. "Know any jokes?" she inquired, laughing ever more. Someone would probably be irritated when the boat didn't come back on time, and they'd go looking for it. Perhaps then they'd realize the two of them were missing and go looking.

"No idea," Millicent admitted. "Never really tried...But if it'll get us out of here, I'm sure I can manage."

She shook her head at Alice's apology, waving it off with her hand. "Don't be. This place is cool, you know. How many people do you know who've been trapped under a bloody volcano?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice turned around and smiled at Millicent and thought about one. "Hmm, According to Apple what is the leading cause of iphones overheating? Downloading images of Katy Perry." Alice said with a soft laugh as she walked over and sat down on the floor her feet lightly kicking the water that was below them. "Well, maybe we can make this place our secret base and we can come here just to hang out?" Alice said with a smile.

She then look out her phone and laid it on the floor and quickly stripped down to her bathing suit once more. "I'm going to check quickly see how far it goes." Alice then quickly dived under the water and started to swim further under water and opened her eyes slightly she could see sunlight on the other end, and then quickly surfaced again. "Theres a way out just have to hold your breath but it should get us out of there."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent chuckled a bit. Katy Perry certainly was popular in Scotland, perhaps not as much in the United States, but enough for her to be familiar with her. "I thought she made things hot and cold, though?" Millicent snickered, practically patting herself on the back for her lame attempt at humor. As much as she religiously watched Saturday Night Live, she never seemed to be able to mature in her humor beyond terrible and awkwardly timed puns.

She nodded, watching Alice as she dived into the water. "Don't die! And if you do, do I get your phone?!" Millicent shouted, her friend going into the pool of water. For a moment, Alice appeared to disappear, and Millicent wondered if she'd really inherit her phone.

However, Alice's head then broke the surface of the water, grinning up at her. "That's what a murderer would say," Millicent teased, before jumping into the water. "Lead the way, captain!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice smirked slightly and shook her head at Millicent's comment. "If you are willing to pay this dead woman's phone bills then sure why not?" Alice said with a soft laugh as Millicent jumped into the water, she then playfully splashed some water into Milly's face. "Well, we could hang out here for a little bit if you want, but that's totally up to you since we have our exit now." Alice said as she swam over and rested her back up against the stone wall.

She closed her eyes for a moment as she relaxed, it was actually pretty relaxing and looking up at the opening of the volcano which was pretty beautiful then she turned to look at Millicent. "So, did you like living in Scotland?" Alice then asked slightly facing her, she always wanted to go to another country and see what it was like there. She did love living where she did now and had a lot of friends most of her family however lived on the mainland though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Millicent Blair

Location: Mako Island
Interacting With: Alice Kennedy @Nallore

Millicent paused for a bit, pondering. Sure, Scotland had been rather fun--it was her home. But with all the political chaos, it hadn't been that great anymore. One year, it was whether or not to remain in the UK. The next, whether or not to remain in the EU. She'd gotten a bit sick of the constant division, to be frank.

"It was nice," Millicent responded with a smile. "I do miss some of the lads I was friends with, and being able to say mony a mickle maks a muckle without confused faces."

She chuckled a bit, leaning up against the edge of the small pool. Truthfully, she didn't feel like leaving just yet. It perhaps was the most beautiful spot on the island--why rush to leave it? The entire point of them taking the boat out there had been for adventure.

Here it was.

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